The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, December 01, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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    X I II
AVailiaui'r lloh'l Kohl-nl 1v
Six Makcil .Men.
Two Mrn Killed by an t.iliou-- nil.
furnlft l.ilrod fciatloa IluMted--nherirt
FtllT M'uunilvil.
I'.AKKH Cit, Nov. L'T. One of the
most daring rohlwries over committed in
this section occurred in this city this
morning at 2 o'clock. A party of six
men, lifBVtly masked, and armed with
rifles, ahi'tguni and revolvers, entered
tiit' Hotel Warshauer. Tlie employes
and byta:i '"' were placed under cover
of arms, w:. two of the rollerie re
lieved the h .. Mm )ur till and furo gama
of the cash, amounting to about ll.ltX),
which they placed in a sack and depart
cl. A fire alarm waa turned in by an
officer a few moments after the robbery,
which drew out a large cumber of pto
pie, but the robbers had made good
their encape, and were not to lie seen.
There is no clew w hatever.
A Ktatluu A(iut Kubltod.
ia kamknto, C'al., Nov. '17. News
has jiiHt been received of a daring rob
liery committed at Wlieatlund. at au
eurly hour thin morning, and the rail
road is again the sufferer. An usual,
Manager Coons went to bed about 10
o'clock, leaving the office in charge of
bin assistant, i. II. Karnes, who, after
seeing that all the buck doom and win
dows were securely locked, nettled liiic
e!f to work at a desk in the front office.
To the right of his desk is the front door,
which is kept open all night. The
smith-bound Oregon express is due at
Wheutluud ut 4 1 ") B. in. It wax about
taeuty in in n teg of train time when
Hume, hearing some one enter, glanced
up to find himself confronted with two
men armed with revolvers. The men
were closely iuullled around the neck
and chin, and wore masks drawn over
their faces. Ilefore the startled agent
could speak, he was ordered by one of
the men to open the money drawer.
This he did, und while one of the rob
liers emptied its contents, $10. 3o, into
hit pocket, the other kept him covered
with a revolver. He was then told to
open the safe, and be uick about it.
He replied that lie did not know the
combination, us he was merely the as
sistant, und it had not been made
kuown to him. The robU-r nt first re
fused to believe this, but as Humes in
sisted in the face of numerous threats,
and the train was nearly due, the rob
bers U'ut a retreat. No sooner had they
disappeared than he armed himself,
awoke the agent und gave the alarm.
When the train arrived the two agenta
Ismrded it and rode about a mile down
the road. The train was then stoped
and immediately surrounded, in the
hope of catching the robbers, who, it
was thought, might hae been trying to
escape on the break beams. The plan
did not work ; and telegrams have been
sent to all surrounding towns to look
out for the two men. A number of
Wells-Fargo aud railroad detectives
have left for the scene of the crime.
I'rubalfl Hc.ararl to Ira1li.
llAiiTFoaii, Nov. ST. Lizzie Carey and
Carrie I aye, orphuns 11 and IS years
old respectively, who said they were
from l'oughkeepsie, arrived here venter
day and walked to New Ingleton, w here
they were going to work as milkmaids
on a farm owned by one Terry. They
played "hide and seek" all the w ay to
New Ingleton, and were Heen to enter a
piece of woods near New Briton which
in parts is very dense. Keveral farmers
knowing it to be a dangerous place, fol
lowed them, in order to save them from
getting lost. The little girls saw their
pursuers at distance and were afraid of
them, and ran screaming into the thicker
parts of the woods, They were too quick
for the farmers and disappeared entirely.
I-ast night the male residents iu the
vicinity banded themselves together and
instituted a search. Twelve men, each
carrying s lantern, divided themselves,
into groups of three, aud entering the
w oods at the four points of the cum pass,
yelled and whistled as they made their
way to the center. They found no signs
of the children. Today other parties
have searched for them. It is (eared
that if they are not lifeless w hen found,
exposure to the bitter cold w ill lead to
their deuth.
Klllfxl br !.! Wire.
Oakland, Nov. 27. A team belonging
to the Oakland crenui dejiot was in
stantly killed this morning by coming in
contact with old telephone wires blown
down diirii g the night on the troliey I
line .f the Alamedu l takijiid r ad. !
Lester M. linden. O r- driver, narrowly
escaped instant death, as the wire n:i
only afoot frum him when first seen, j
A similar accident occurred here two!
years ago, when the driver was severely
injured by trying to release his team.
Niorngua anil Knaland.
Tanama, Nov. 27. Advices from Ma- :
niiirua indicate a grave situation in the
Mosquito reservation, l'.rhish Minister
(Joshing has notified Nicaragua that
(ireat Britain refuses to recogniz-.; the I
Nicaraguan government. After an cx-
1 change of views, Minister (ioshing tele
graphed Port Liuion for a British war-
; Bhip to come at once to Bluetields. It is
rejsirted the Nicaraguan canul project is
at the bottom of the trouble.
lba Makrra' tilrlk In Amsterdam.
! Austekiiav, Nov. "7. Since yesterday
morning the journeyman bakers have
lieen out on a strike. Bread has been
I scarce, and the master-bakers have sold
; it today only under police protection.
: The strikers plundered several bakers'
carts, scattered the loaves, threw stones
Jul the police and smashed bakehouse
j windows. Forty master bakers yielded
last night, and resumed work, but the
rest refuse to treat with the men.
j The Ciar'a Manirestu.
St. I'KTaiisHi Bu, Nov. 27. The czar in
a manifesto to the liussinn people says:
"Solicitous for the destinies of our new
, regiaie, we deemed it well not to delay
! the fulfillment of our heart's with, the
; legacy sacredly left by our father now
resting w ith (od, nor to tinier the reali
zation of the joyful expectations of our
whole people that our marriage may be
hallowed by the benediction of our par
ents and blessed bv the sacrament of the
holy church."
J Thus SraiKtatauft Letters.
j BtUMN, Nov. 27. The prefatory ex-
amination of Von Koltz, ex-master of
i ceremonies, arrested upon suspicion of
1 being the author of a series of scandalous
I letters and postal cards tent anony
j mously to members of the highest aris
' tocracy, has been couclnded and a
formal court martial ordered, The court
martial is to be held at Von Koltz' re
quest as the sole means of establishing
his innocence.
The Haltaa Areve! It.
Chicago, Nov. 27. The Chicago Ar
menians are positive the recent atroci
ties in Sessen, Armenia, were committed
under flirect governmental authority au
thority. This belief is based upon pri
vate advices from Constantinople, as
serting the mafti of Moot-he, who has
control of religious matters iu the dis
trict of Mooshe, who covers Sessen, had
!een destroyed by the sultan.
! The Mrarasuan t anal.
I Baitimoue, Nov. 27. Commercial
i '
and financial organizations met at the
Com und flour exchange and authoiized
j the chairman to appoint a committee of
! five from the purpose of conferring with
: kindred associations throughout the
union, with u view to taking action in
j behalf of the early construction ot the
Nicaraguan canal.
Itoea Mi kur'l Aeal lieulea-
i A mi a. or, N. V., Nov. ST. The court of
j appeals has unanimously affirmed the
i conviction of John Y. McKane. The
appeal was from the judgment of convic
! tiou for felony.
' The crime of which McKane was con
1 victed was the procurement and con
cealment of the registry lists for the
general election of IH'.O in Grevesend.
i Earthquakes in Italy.
! Bowk, Nov. 27. A violent undulatory
I . , .. .. i . ..i i f..i.
anu vertical earmouaKe shock. m im
at Brescia, 00 miles from Milan, at 0:10
today. A similar, though less severe
shock, was experienced at Bologna, at
G:00 und at Verona at 6:10. At the
latter place the second shock was felt
at C:10.
LI Uuni ( hang Uepoaed.
Coi kNHAOEN, Nov, 27. A cable dis
patch dated Shanghai has been received
here, saysngan imperial decree has been
issued, depriving Li Hung Chang o( all
his honors, but allowing hio to retain
hit present (unctions.
Mexican Man-of-War.
Sa.s Fkascibco, Nov. ST. The Mexi
can man-of-war Zaragosa sailed shortly
before 10 o'clock this morning. She is
under orders to proceed to Guatemala to
protect Mexican intrests.
Kraill Ordering ( raisers.
BtKLi.v, Nov. 27. The Cologne Gazette
publishes, a dispatch from Kiel stating
the Brazilian government has ordered
the construction of four cruisers to 1
bailt in German dock yards.
"That Joshua story is true, I suppose,"
soliloquised Mr. Kigg, who hud to get
Tommy ready for school, "hut it was no
8-year-old son he tried the trick on.
Indianapolis Journal.
llt jil v of j lie Hova (iovcrn
inciit hililislicil.
St. I'l-ti- htturi; .lourlial lfcrltireM .laiian
Must .ki)aln t the Tiiwrrt for
l:rfiiftliiff hlua's 1'ftH-f..
I 'out .ui, l-'.:tndi.f Mauritius, Nov.
The reply of the Huva government
to the French ultimatum has been pub
lished. Madagascar agreed the French
resident-general shall act as an interme
diary between the llov.t government
and the foreign powers. France is to
curry out such public works us the
Mad.iL'incar judges deem necessary.
Tney propose that all disputes between
France no I themselves be sealed by a
mixed court. Lastly, the Hovas de
mand the delimitation o( French terri
tory around Diego Sayreus, and the
right to import munitions.
China t.n Jler Knee.
Washington, Nov. 2S. China has suc
cumbed to the inevitable and has sued
for peace. i Ier proposuis will be pre
sented to Japan through the United
States ministers at Peking and Tokio,
thus promising a termination of the war,
as the resuit, in pait at least, of the ex
ercise of the good offices of the United
State". It is not possible at this time to
leani the terms of China's proposition,
a hauded to Minister IVnby, but it is
probable it provides for but two conces
sions a monev indemnity and a relin
quishment of the suzerainty over Corea.
It is improbable that the first tender
will be accepted by Japan, as such over
tures are rarely accepted, but this prop
osition will ojen the way to a counter
offer of terms by Japan, through Min
ister Dun, aud the negotiations, if suc
cessful, and if they follow the usual
course, will lead to a truce, under proper
guurantee, or a preliminary agreement
to cease hostilities, and, finally, to the
signature to a definite treaty of peace.
Just how this proposition will be brought
about is not known yet. It is probable,
however, that as the matter is in the
hands of the American ministers in
China and Japan, the visit of Mr. Det
ring, commissioner of maritime affairs
at Tien-Tsin, to Japan, is to he directly
connected with the peace negotiations,
a has been supposed.
Would Not Hecelve iJetrlng.
London, Nov. 2S. A dispatch to the
Central New s from Tokio says that Com
missioner Detring and hi? suite sailed
for Tien-Tsin today. Count Ito, the
Japanese prime minister, declined to re
ceive the commissioner, stating that he
would only receive un envoy who had
lieen directly appointed by the Chinese
government at Peking, and would bold
no communication with the viceroy's
Nkw Yohk, Nov. '25. The Herald's
pcial from Shanghai this morning says :
"The overtures for jieace made by Mr.
Detring, en behalf of China, to Japan,
have been totally rejected, as Mr. Det
ring had no credential from Peking.
This fact confirms the belief that lie only
went to Japan in order to pave the way
for Viceroy Li Hung Chang, who is now
execrated everywhere in China. Det
ring bore a letter from Li Hung Chang
to the mikado. The failure of Mr. Det
ring's mission confirms the belief in the
downfall of Li HuugChang. The Japan
ese w ill most likely refuse to desist from
the war until Peking is reached.
The Ueslrurtluu of Derelicts.
Lonhon, Nov. Si The admiralty and
board of trade committee, which has
been considering the subject of the des
truction of derelict vessels, has made its
report. The com mi ttoe does not advise
the adoption by the government of any
Scheme for the destruction of abandoned
vessels or the holding-of an international
conference on the subject. It recom
mends a. better reporting of derelicts as
a character, location, etc., and a period
ical publication of such reports. The
report further says that the dangers of
disaster resulting (roin collision with
the derelicts is probably greatly exag
gerated, aa the number afloat at one
time in the entire North Atlantic had
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
II w
, not exceeded 10. The publication of in- 1
formation in regard to derelict vessels'
given in charts issued by the United ;
' Matt i would lie impracticable, and its j
use would bo likely to mislead mariners i
and needlessly alarm them. !
Itotlt Nldea are to Itlame. j
London. Nov. S'l. The reortcd Jap- i
; anese atrocities at Port Arthur are con
firmed from various sources, but it is
, lielieved they were dms to continued at
j rocitiea upon the part of the Chinese.
! A letter to the Times from Tokio, dated
! October 14, s.vs the Chlneso do not take
1 prisoners. From the dead and wounded
; vanquished they shear off the heads and
i string them together with a rope passed
; through the mouth and the gullet. The
i Japanese have seen these ghastly rem
nants of their comrades. A barrel full
of mutilated remains were found by the
Japanese after the battle of Ping Yang.
i One Hays lie Will he Summoned to
Sava Ilia Country.
Losnox, Nov. 28. From Tein-Tsin
the Central News hears: Li Hung
Char. lias gone to Pao Lin Foo, his
usual w inter residence, and the eeat of
the provincial government. His de
parture lias given rise to many false ru
mors to the effect that he has been de-
graded. The viceroy's friends say that
j the time is near when lie will be gum
i moneu to Peking to save the country by
J his statesmanship.
An Organisation of Thieves
Chicago, Nov. 29. The Thieves' Pro
tective and Mutual Benefit Club waa
; raided last night and 12 of its members
I arrested. The club has a president,
secretary, treasurer and sergeant-at-imi!
Only men who hava been con
victed of crime were eligible to member
ship. All the officers were weil-known
thieves. The meetings were carried on
under a semblance of parliamentary
Ula Lawsuit 14 frnded.
Fdinbvkg, Nov. 29. The body of J.
T. Stewart, of Dumfriesshire, was found
this njorning in a quarry near his resi
dence. It is believed that while on his
way home he missed his way and fell
over the edge of the quarry and was in
stantly killed. Stewart was a claimant
to the estate of Millionaire Merchant A.
T. Stewart, and a suit instituted by hiin
is still pending.
Whipped by Female Whltecapa.
Cooi'Eusrow x, Vt., Nov. 29. Mrs.
Jane Gray, a woman who has been living
alone in a small house on the outskirts
1 of town, was taken out of bed by a party
j of masked women last night. She was
' stripped aud taken to the field, whre
! the i severely beaten with whips and
! ordered to leave town under penalty of
worse treatment the next time.
Another .lapaneve Victory.
Hiroshima, Nov. 2S. There was an
engagement near Molien Ling Novem
ber Soth. The Kirin troops tried to
break the Japanese right flank, btit were
repulsed. The Japanese loss was forty
eight killed and wounded. The loss of
the Chinese is eaid to have been im
mense. Funeral of frlucess UUmarck.
i-sein, Nov. 29. The funeral of
Princess Bismarck was conducted today
by a local preacher. The bodv w as tem
porarily deposited in a pavilion in the
park, w here a specially arranged service
was held, only members of tiie family
being present.
Kugiund Admit Kelug Wrong.
London, Nov. 29. It is reported the
Bluelields matter has been settled, (ireat
Britain having, upon the representa
tions of the United States, admitted that
Mr. Gouling, British minister, exceeded
hi9 authority. The affair may lead to
his recall.
Long Ilntance Telephoning.
Berlin, Nov. 29. A number of jour
nalists in Berlin and Vienna today made
a trial of a telephone between the two
cities, and conversation was successfully
maintained. The line w ill )e formally
opened for use December 2.
I'owere Waut an Fxplanutlon.
St. Pktkksutku, Nov. 29. Novoe
V.-emya declares the irrcconciliable at
titude of Japan in refusing China's peace
proposals renders it incumbent ujioii the
powers to demand explanations regard
ing Japan's ultimate objects
Gain sacks for sale st the Wasco
warehouse. tf
Subser'be (orTiiK Chiionici.k.
Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Found ly the .lapnneHe.
I.ondov, Nov. 2S. The Tokio corres
pondent to the Central News telernphs:
The Japanese have found at Port Ar
thur a chart which has enabled them to
locate exactly and control all the mines
in the harbor. November 20th, previous
to the storming of the forts, the Japan
ese placed 100 siege and field guns in a
well-chosen position and rained shot
and shell upon the Chinese entrench
ments. This bombardment made pos
sible the rapid success of the assault.
The Times' correspondent in Chee Foo
says Admiral Freemantle and fifty Brit
ish officers landed at Port Arthur No
vember 2.")th. Kung, taotai of Port Ar
thur, brother of the Chinese minister to
F'.nglaud, tias gone to Tien Tain. The
reports ol atrocities on both sides ure
confirmed . The Japanese, after finding
the mutilated bodies of several comrades,
gave no quarter, there being an indis
criminate massacre. Several Chinese
soldiers and some tradesmen, who tried
to escape by sea, were follow ed by tor
pedo boats aud shot.
A Shanghai dispatch says that the
Japanese torpedo boats sank more than
twenty junks loaded with fugitives from
Port Arthur.
Ky Thl Impeachment Has Itegun.
London, Nov. 2S. According to the
dispatches from Shangahai a sensation
was caused by a memorial to the throne
signed by over 120 high officials, im
peaching Li Hung Chang and charging
him with corruption, peculation and de
ception. The memorial also says Li
Hung Chang rejoiced at the Japanese
victories, and prevented the Chinese
achieving success. He is said to have
represented that China was prepared
for war when he knew the contrary waa
the case. Li Hung Chang is also said
to be implicated with Prince Kung, the
uncle and president of Mie admirality,
who was recently appointed dictator,
and with Taotai Wu and the commander
of the Chinese forces at Port Arthur,
these officials being accused of high
treason and of selling state secrets and
war materia to the enemy. They were
(urther charged with investing money in
Japan, harboring treasonable designs
against the Chinese empire, and con
spiring to procure the overthrow of
Ctiina. The memorial demands the
instant punishment and dismissal of all
concerned in the conspiracy.
A kicking cow often gives good milk.
The success that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
anient in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been trucly remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to bo crippled for
life with arms and legs drawn up crook
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
contracted by disease have been cured
through the use o( this remedy. Price
2.jc, 50 and $1 .00 per buttle. For sale by
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
He That fellow over there cheated
me out of a cool millijn. She How
could he? He Wouldn't let me marry
his daughter.
F'or the many accidents that occur
about the farm or househould, such us
burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged
wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or
other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost
bites, aches or pains in any part of the
body, or the ailments resulting from ex
posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Vulcanic
The real duty is neglected when we
step over one duty to perform another.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Ciiuoniclk is l.;'0 and the
regular pi ice of the Weekly Ohkoonian
is lfl.H0. Any one subscribing for The
Ciikoxicle and paying for ono year in
advance can get both The Ciiuoniclk
and the Weekly Oiieooman for $2.00.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions a year in advance will he. en
titled to the same oiler.
The man that fishes fur minnows nev
er catches any whales.
I)o you want Thk Chiidmi i.k mill 1-mi
trancisco Kxmnincr for a year? If o
semi us ''.!.'" anil you can have them,
l.jtl papers for 2.25 or lens than a cent
ami a half a piuce. If you would rather
have the New York Worhl, will semi
you that ami the Si..mi-W'kkki.y ('iikon
ici.k one year for $:!.-". The Worhl is
also a genii-weekly so you will ifl L'OS
papers for flJ.2.r.
''Is yoiiiijf Jenkins improving in his
violin work?" "I (Itiniio. Either he's
improvin' or we're jrettiu' used to it."
I.Mfllex, Attention!
No more tired wrists. All lon in a
minute with thoe Automatic l.'cviU in'
Curliiix Irons. l or sitle. hy Mays 1i
Crowe. nov'.'l 1'S.
Tho only tiling alxiut suine (hiin hes
that joints to heaven is the steeple.
hi tlie circuit I i.nrt ni tin- stnii' nf On K'Ui fur
V iim-i, l oiinty.
May. pUintlll. vs. .1. T. Ix-lk. Hnrnh K.
himI H. r lt'rlt-iit'i!i null s .luliiis MHv.'r.
jtiirtiieri dnfiiK hii-iiu hihI.t the lirm nutne
! r U-ckciiHU-in V Miner, ilrU'inlmiN.
T'i.1. T. IX'lk ami Surah li. In Ik. n the riV
frmljiiitH ahove tmnicl: 111 tin- inline of Hie
Stiitfof Oreifon. yini iihtl eurh of ynu are htTehy
! re'iuiri'il to ii('M':ir hihI nnswer Ihr coiiipliutit
I tiled HieoiiNt you III the nbnve etilitlrcl nil on or
I Ix-loro Monday, tin llth day of rVhruary, Is'i.,,
J that iH'hmt tin' tirtt day oi the m-xt n-irular li-rm
l of said cireliil Court followinir tltf i-xplratloii o!
the time jr.j.enlHMl in the order heretofore iii,id.
i for the liuiiih'atiou of said summons: and If you
j or elthiT of you lail so to n,M'iir Hiirl answer
j said complaint, judgment foruant thi-p-of will
I U' taken aifailist you. and tlie plaintilt' will aii
I ply to the ourt for the relief prayed for in Ills
! said bill of complaint, touit: For a deci,. or
', tlerlnir: a lori-closim' ol the rnortuHHe of plHliililt',
i drsenlsil and mi'ittioued in plaintllls com
plaint, aud that the premises mentioned therein,
to. it: fractional block 1:1. in Hood Kiver
prosier, In Wasco county, Oregon, bo sold in the
manner provided by law: that from tlo proceeds
of Mich sale the paiutiir have and recover the
sum of I7itl.i7, ami interest there,. nut I hi; rale
of ten tier cent, per annum since tlie ltd day of
January, ls'.i:!: and the further Mim oillm reas
onable attorney-! fee, together with the costs
slid disbursement of thi suit, iiu'luditiir sub
He,iieut and accruing? costs and exa'tiscs of sale:
that ujon such lorcclosurc and sale all of the
rixht. title uud interest of the defendants, or of
any or either of them, and of any or all iiersons,
claiming or to claim through, by or under them,
or any ot them, be foreclosed and forever Imrred
of the eiiiitv of redemption: that plaintiff be al
lowed to bid for slid to purchase said premise
at his option: that the purchaser thereof have
the immediate pnsseir-ioii of tho same: that
plaintitt havo judgment against the said J. T.
lielk and Sarah K. bc!k for uny mim that may
remain unpaid on said note after the foreclo
sure aud sale of biiid premises: and, for men
further and other relief as to the court may
seem to Im just aud equitable.
the service of tins summons Is made upon
you by publication thereof in The Dalles chron
icle, a newspaer of general circulation, pub
lished weekly at Dalles City, Wasco county,
Oregon, by older of Hon. w. L. ivrHdshaw,
judge ol tbe bald court: which order was duly
made at chambers in llallea City, (Jiegon, ou the
tith day of No ember, Ism.
novT-declii Attorney for I'laintill'.
Notir-e is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an execution issued- out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for W a.-co County,
on the loth dav of Octolrer. lsstl, on a decree
made, entered aiid rendered in Court on the
i '.'Mh day of November. I wci, in a suit wherein
Samuel Clark was plaintilt' and Mrs. f.. II. l'la-
ther, ileorge T. Fratber and J. M. Huntington,
administrator of the estate of Silas Prather, de
ceased, were defendants, in favor of said plain
till and against sail defendant. Mrs. I,. II. I'ra
ther, for t .!il. "rO, w ith interest thereon from tho
th day of November, lMi:!, at the rate of 10 per
cent er annum, and the further sum of f::l
costs, and which said judgment has been as
signed and trunsfered of record to J. II. Kramer,
and said execution being to me directed, and
commanding ine to sell the prop -rty hereinafter
described to satisfy the above sums I will, on
Thursday, the l.Mh day of Novemlier. 1MU. at the
hour of -ioY'lock ol said day, sell at pubifc auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash m hand, at
the front door of the County Courthouse in
Dalles city, Wasco county.Oregon, all the light,
title and interest, of each of said defendants lit
and to the following described properly, to-wit:
lxit I) in the town of Ibaid Kiver, according to
the recorded plot and survey thereof ou lile and
of record in the County clerk's office in said
Wasco county, together with the tenements and
hereditaments thereunto belonging or in any
wise iipperiaining, or so much thereof as will
satisfy theabove tiauttd sums, together with the
accruing costs of this sale.
Dated at ballisCitv, Wasco county, Oregon,,
this l'.th dav of October, 1WM.
.Sheriir of Wasco t utility, Oregon.
Sheriff's Sale.
iiy virtue of mi execution fuMicd on tin liith
djiy'of (h-tol-HT out of theeireuit court of thu
Mate of uretfnn, for U nooeountv in MMtit tbi-re-in
ju'tnlintf. wherein J. M. linn tint; ton, ml
inini?trntir of thr estate of Silaw t'rather, de
ceHM'tt i jilamtitt ami .eortre '1 . 1'rather, I.. H .
1'rath'T itiifl .sninuel Clarke aie defendants, com
lmtiHliiii? me to sell the real property hereinafter
described, unit out ot tiie iroreeds thereo f to
s;itify the Mint of eleven hundred mid lilty dot
Ihth and interet thereon from tiie dale of the
deeree in tnfd eaun.- tow it . Tli''.'th day of June,
and the eits and dlsb irserneitts of said
unit; Jlou.oti MttomeVM foe himI the neerulng
eot, I will on the nth day of Novt inher, IvM,
at the hour oi tu i o chick o. in. at tiie court
! house door in I - alien ( ity, Wurcn county. Oregon,
! fell at public Mile to tin- hitrliet bidder for chMi
I in hand the following deMTibcd reiil property,
1 to-wit :
A 11 tii'1 right, title mid lntere-t of the said
; plaintilt ti such administrator and of the naid
I estate of SibiN i'tathei, deeeamd, of, id and to lot
!., ot the tow of Hood Kiver propel, and Iota
II u ltd n of block'.':,, of said town of Hood Kiver.
T .1. IHilVKIl,
Sherffl' of Va!eo I'ountv, Oregon.
Tim-jer Liniti, Art June;, l7s.
' Land office, Tlie Dnllen. or.,(
j I let. J7, I.V1I. I
NutiCf i hereby Riven tlitit ill ri'lliplitilire with
1 the il" Moil of' tl,e net of 4 miKr'-.- i.f .liine :l,
I 1, "Ail m t for the.nlrii tnnUT linnl
I ill ttle MHtrri of 1 It li fol llln, I lieijon . .Ni-viela uml
I Vii!.hintfton Teriitury, ' I n Ku rtte Mavis, of
J K inir-'ley, Con nf of U tate of Oli'Kon, litis
i till ln v' tile.1 ill this oltit'i- his sworn statement,
! for tliu' .lirelliise of tlie N 1 , Nt'4 of scelfotl
! No. in town-hip No. .1 nontli, inline No. 1:1
cast, mid will oiler pro. f to show thill the hunt'lif isniori. . 1 1 for its tiinU-r or vtone
tluin lor Heiirnlliiial piirses. uml to t'stalilish
his cliiini to sniil laiiil hi fore tlie keirister uml
lUei-lv.-l of tins oilier at 'I lie llalles, Oregon, nil
Matnrilay. tlie .til 'lay of lannitry, ls;i:,.
Mr luiliirs us rtiriiesM-s: hrnest M a hrw, Tilll
Mnytiew. Ilrnry May lit i , MTrphinu Nnee. of
Kinii.-lry. iin-i(iiii.
Anv anil all jn'isons i-laiinlllK Milversely the
nbovi- cti srrtliisl hiinls are reilrstis1 lit lile their
rlrtinis In tins oilire on or l-foru Mini .ith tiny of
: Jannai , s'i
net :l jHli J JAS. V. MdOllK, KlKlster
'IiiiiInt i iiltllre, Final l'rool.
I'. S. I. AN I) Offh is, I lie Illllles, or.,(
Oct. .".i, I vn. t
Notire Is hrreliy Kiven that Charles kneliler
Iihs lihsl notice if intention to make llllal irH)f
la-fore l.rgiftter Hill Keeriver at their olliee In
'I lie Palles, oreftun, on HHtiiniay, tlie Mh tlay of
lirreinlsT, I is' I . on tiinhrr enltiliv a.l iratioli
So. 2.1 17, for the NK' ,, uml NW, H:' ,, anil
NH'.sW't.of sts'tlon No. .!. in tow nhii No. I
Miiiln, ralil(t! No. 1. east.
lie names as wltnessrs: A. V. H.iynen. Diifur,
uriv n: rraiik Hathaway, 1'ilwanl iciiilin, Urn-
Is-li llavnes. Hotl, O't-tfoii.
iK'lllllee. JAo. V. JIOOKK, llexller.
I.imi off it k, I he I ml Its. or, i
irt. I, Is ii. (
Notirr is hrrrhy irivt'll that the follow illt(
nan if I s( lilt r has li It ,1 not ire ot his tut, n I loll to
m:ike final proof ill support of his l lail", iml
that Mini proof w ill ho liimlii la-fore the r' -.:i-lt-r
Mini rt r. Irr of the lr. S. I.all'l olhee. 'i he I'. tiles,
ilr .on No' iinar In, vu.:
.fmii V . Illekmm.
II K N... .".i.-s:, for the V.. SK1 ,. NI-1 , fl-.' , n'lil
M 1 , .-'-e. 1 1. I'. I , U i i K, U Si
lie 111 s the folloWIIIK Wltlie.--! S fn pr-'VO Ills
e..Mliun.,i:s I, -lih nee lin.,11 innl I 1 1 1 ' i a t h HI "f.
! snal I'oel, I : I.. It lee. il tin in ( a III phel I , W ,
i J. Herman. I. K. Mel orin iek , of Knil. lsl.y. or.
J -l. I . MOt'l.K, Kt(lsler.