THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1894, Mwn:ki rml. From a letter written by Kvt. J. Gun dernian. of I'iuiondaie, Miih., we are permitted to make this utrart : ' I Lave no hesitation in reiNUiiuieudius Dr. Kiutf's New Iiivvery, at ti.e result were almost marvelous in the caw of my wife. W;'.e 1 wa pa?tor oi the lwf tist Church at Hirers juiu-tioti she was brought dowu with Pneumonia siuvei-.i-ing La virippe. Terrible paroxysm of conghir.g would lat hours with littie in terrui tion and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A frienJ recom mended Ir. Klr.cis New I'iscover? : it was quick in its work and highly satis iactory in results.'' Trial free at fcnipe A Kinersly' Iruj Store. lleg ular sue 5oc. aud l.u'. nYmoi's stones. Interesting Facta About Some ol the World Rare Gems. "The Remilator Lino A benevolent gentlemen in Paris gave a franc to a street beggar who held a babe in tier arms. He ctiursed the baby under the chin and in amazement cried ; "Why. your child is on'.? a pasteboard figure !" '"Yes. monsieur, " the replied ; "the nijrht being co'.d. I left the real baby at home.'" Philadelphia Pre?. urn krinl. ioo. The reader of this paper will le pleased to learn that there is at ieast one dreaded disease that science has been able to care in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure U the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- , titutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure if taken internally, acting directly upon j the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the pa- , tient strength by building up the consti- , tution and nature to do it work. The proprietors have so much faith in its cuitivatice powers, that they offer One Hundred Italians for any case that it fail to cure. end for li?t of Testimonais. Address. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. sj-old by IVuggists, 7."e. '"Will you have a three-quarters view?" askeo the photoerapher. "Thai's it. exactly,' replied Farmer Corntoesel. delighted. "'Bout 7a cents wcth." Washineton Star. Henry Wilson, the fvostmasier at Welstiton, Florida, says he cured a case of diarrhua of long standing in s:x hours with one small bottle o; Chamberlain's Coiic. Cboiera and I'iarrh'i a llernedy. What a pleasant surprise that must have been to the sufferer. ach cures are not unusual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses are re quired to give permanent relief. It can always de depended upon. When re duced with water it is pieasant to take. For sale by Biakeiey A Houghton I'rue gisW. "Why is a great, strong man like you 'round begging?" "Ah madam; it is the only profession in which a gentle man can address a beautiin! ladv wi.b- llrautilul Asl ftDii ( rtU Known lo the AneH'iit-- Th IHjfttliuBit Not ttir lu'il. ika It t una- u.i! iM-yuiui ail iie-ti.'ii. the ruby !.:aiui .r.preine ttie m .t priNi.m- Mibt.lioe In tiie u..rld. -ii tiie Sew .tri Ad .'.rlN't. So iuiku m::i'.y ih-.ii:-1iw-w. but few ire uwur- li.i.t rul'ie-.. iipphires. oricnt-l aim-. ;.n.l t.v . ..m - ltv Jill pra-tidily the -me trm. Tlu y ur" I'cnii.ium. -r i".M.,;.;;,,i :. ium'.na. but wit!, infinite i.:wri;ie f coinrini and infinite difTereiit values. It ii. curious, but true, that a rubv is only a red sapphire, aud a sapnhirv only a blue ruby. The tinest "pi:-eu't. Minul" rubies , ome from Iturmuh. thst- from Slam or , Ceylon t. e.arU or t.h piue. and the Montana st. lies U intr cloudy and ' brown. A perfect one carat specimen mar cst six hun.'.rvd dollars, while a diamond of the tinest water of the 1 same size can be houirht for one hun dred and twenty -five dollars. The rich color of the ruby, a color which does not blacken like tne blue of a saihirv , by nicht. is supposed to lx- due to a trace of oxide of ciiromium. but this is ' still a miHit point with chemists, and 1.1! are not even ajrree.l as to the sap phire's velvet tingv. This ij tier stone is much less valuable than ru'v. K , found larsrer and more a imndactly. Sapphires really present a!! eo r. the pure w hite variety, w hen skillfully cut. beicfr diflicult to u-Il from a diamond. This is a deception dishonest ji-welcrs not unfrequentlv practice to catch the unwary, lloth rubies and sapphire j are ixt-asionally met with as ' star j stones" that is. opaque caiochoc-cu; 1 (Terns showinp the perfect steely rays I of a star. ! The emerald is another exceedinrly ' dear stone, surpassing the iliamond in I value when of pood size and free from ! fiaws. I'nfortunatelv. this frai is , !y faultless, but. if p-.rfevt. it easily ; fetches five hundred d liars a carat. ' Kmer-ald and aquamarine, the latter a beautifully sunny sea-preen stone, are 1 identical in chemical eomrsiti-n. 1- : in? varieties of the miYiert.! U-ryl w ith ' traces of dilfen-nt colormir matter , lieryl is found in ail shades from honey ! yellow- to the velvet preen of the rh.-ht . emerald. Tiie aiuamarint ruriety has I late! v Weome dear and fashionable, and j "Mexican Mustang Liniment for Barns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness cS: Saddle Sores, 5ciatica, Lumbago, 5calds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, The Dalies, AMcna Na vibration Co A WINTER'S GREAT VALUE ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY NEWS FOR LITTLE MONEY. OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. W Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very ,the-dalles Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. orouslv. THROUGH fttipi and Psssew Line Through Iai:v Tri ix undy ct cepted) bet ween Tiie 1'allea and Port land. Meauier Kepuiator leave. The Dalle at 7 a. m.. ronuectiiiF at the Cas cade 1-oekp with Meauier l'aiie City. Steamer I'hille City leaves Portland Yamhill t. dock' at 6 a. tu., conn-t-ius with Meauier Kepnlator for The . Dal'e. l'tlM,)K K1I. Oue way . ... Hound trip. . . . 3. IK) Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. ; All freight, ixcept car lots. will It' brought through, "with-, out delay at Cascades. Shipment for Portland received at any time day or cipht. Hiipment for ' way landing mum tie delivered twfore i , b p. m. Live stock hipme:it mlicted. Call on or addreM. i Hew York Weekly Tribune. pnbli IMII.Y l'l'IT of IK. ll piv landx in a nutehell. perior id the country i.l a twcntv-i.aire journal, i the lea.linii I luted Male, it lit a tllo..M. M.nn.i i AM.K, ii t!ie eenoral neat ol tne i nuei riaien. n Bivrp uie errtiti 1U Anliin I II KM. di'partiuent It MAKKKT UKIMKIS Rre r l!iont. eparate uepartnieiu lor inr. rAiiii.i limi t; (if Yll'Ni't PtH.KS, and SCIKNCH AND MKCHAMCS. Iu llo.MK AND SOC1KTY c;hiinn command tiie admiration of the wivciinij daiiphlcr. It peneral K)!itical new , editorial and ditrusiiion ir comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. vet til lortija no iu. A mta 1.11. i w.iikai i roawiri un u ouvr uim rpu'ndM uniruil . j n (. r. a l. i witv.iivi'i ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, THK Caah 1 11 Arlvainoe, The reu'ar ubMTiption fur the two pafwrt it $2. ii' M- ltITliN( MAY HKoIS AT ANY Tf ME. Address all ordeis to :o.) CALLAWAY, ORECON J F. FORD, Ere D..K in V rvwis it " Of IH .Mustang Liniment conquer Pain, Make .Tan or Beast well ajrain. ritrhtlv so. for the stone i durable and a 1-ivelr obi.-ct. The hite emperor of '. Tarker,at the football game Uracil is said to have pos-M--d an sort o'. a show, in't i; ? Parker Tame 1 a;umarlne of over two hundred ; Y'ou're the lirst man I've heard express ounces troy weicnt- I lie mui nuite eol.irs f the lervl must have lten known firajre. ince this pern s-n ted the doultinp Thomas. repre- Molim. Iowa, Mairfc a. S. P.. Med. Mro. Co.. Dufur, UreKTiti. Gmtlrmrn : On arrivine home last week, 1 found : 'all well and anxionclv awaitm(:. Our' I httle (firl. eipht and one-half years old ; I w ho had wasted away to lis pounds, i now well, stronp and viforoui', and we!. fleshed up. S. P. Couch Cure has done - its work well, lkrth of the children like Tame ' Year S. T.. Couch Cure has cored I ana sept away a.: nuargene trout me. ; , so cive it to every one, w ith preetinp ' for all. Vishinp von iiriieri!v, we are that opinion. Parker Maybe I'm iiot ! Yours, Ma. A Mn3. J. P. Fokd. in the humor to appreciate it. I tiecame ! U Tn to lsl rrenti and chwrful.and rtwdj CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. f rite vour name anu aalremi on a pootal card, aend it to tieirir W lu lloum ". Tribune Hoildinr, New York City, and a sample copy of THE XW tt'i.K iu.tM.1 i i.i in . r. w in ie niaiiiHi to von. The Dalles Daily and Weekly Ghronice After perfect rubies and emeralds. 1,(0 TrDti! a nieiuner of the si'.ck exchancea month I . . ., ,. . v of an introduction. oat the. formali' Judge. ' W. A. McXjuire, a weii known cit'ien of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good as children troubled with colds or croup as Cham her Iain's Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best re?nh! and aiwavs kept a bottle of it in the hou. Alter Laving la prippe he was hiiuse.t troubled with severe cough, lie used other remedies without hroeCt and then concluded to try the children's medicine and to Lis delight it soon effected a permanent care. 50 cent bottles for aie by Biakeiey A Honghu;n Drnceists. Pedestrian How did you come to lose oar money? Aimless Aieck I opened hair-cuitinc studio in a culiece town during the fjot-ba!I season. trootlyn Eagle. When persons are weak and languid, from sickness or overwork, feel debil itated and depressed, it it an indication that the blood is out of order, aud ther need help to throw off the miserable feeling. The bent remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's trenctb ecing Cordial and tiood Pur.fier. It re More ioo; strength, gives vizor to cir culation, promotes gnA appetite aud a flow of cheerfal spirits. Price H.OU per bottle. For sale by the bnipes-Kiuers'y , u,ed r.D'i p-rhaps after preat jx-arls. come hc diamond in value. This. to. has a rautre i'f vsiiors. the most prizeil iH".nir red. biue.prven. and water white, while prown or pray tiutres are not quite mj hirhly esteemt-d. The Kvh-i-Nimr. of ini hundred am: two and three-fourth-'.ariit'.. runks low in point of size with .imeofthe world's fTvat stor.f f-r instance with the (.treat Motrin two huntred and seventy-nine carats in v.ei'.-ht. Dmmoud is the hurdest ir..ncnii known, brittle thouirh it lie-ficid- do not arTi-ct it. and it i iils. the or 1" comt.ati'olc fern. It has hi-h re fraeive and :irs.-rsive powers r rire"). liU'l some TK-cimens hTftme ph-tiii-Te-fent by the action of lirht It h-i:l.11'. ':ui-a ai: eiiit-idei! crystal. Tiie iiiiiiie top:iz is i-iy-ia-d t three tli'.tiii'jt kiiiti o: atones, t" tiie oriental v. 1-(l-1i is rv-llr a ;.eli n s;.;;ihire: to the V; h tojiaz. whier i- r.l;.- (jnartz. jut as rni-tr.vvt- are vvilt-t-etd'irvri ouart. i f lirtie value: and to the l.raxiiian topaa. a rivtcint. sherry -c dured ; wlii-u is th true tot.. Tl.i la.U-r -t.'t.e tuKs a l.V'h. Prilliant fili.di. it f-:s slij'jaery to the touch. Tiie rose pii:k t-'paz Men i.l .hops is j.ot a color: it is obt::inei by si'b;e. tint the iark yellow varieties to .-rent hent. The cimmervial value of t ij oz is ex- treineiy HuAtuaurif. one rraviD if ins. ' that lirht exercises a l.ieachint effect : i on it. Another pem. lx antifui and interest ing in itself, which is wvasionaUy siil for the true rubv. i-thr rel zircon, also called jarpoon and jacinth or hyacinth. ; Jewelers call tnesv . stones "jacinth rubies" and charge aix-orditfiy. The , pern is fif ail colors, the pure hite ones l.fin hard to (!istinf.-a;sh from dia- monds. on account of the;r wonderful ' Mre. ( hrys-jlite is j,ist a- white. lut it is like class compared u ith a diamond , or jars." m. There are two kinds of chrvvobervi as penis. 'Tie the vell-known ' Al ." he exclaimed piayfuiiy, "whyj that deep flush upon your cheek?" i 'Oh, Alfred," she faltered, "your ar-j nvai was so unexpected." t trein- ; hied, and felt that she n:ipht lietter have j taken time to lay it on less deeply. The I Artist. ! three diwe emrt week. Bold ander a positive sruaraatcc Su ecnta per bottle tor il drutnuai J 3STEW '"I dropped the stamp on the fla ir." exciaime l the votre, '-and I didn't liae to soil n:y gloves pickinc it op, o I jut punched the ballot with a hairpin. That will do jn't as well, won't it?" Indianapolis Journal. "They tell me Jones is runnin' for speaker of the house !" "You don't say? When did the old woman die?" At lanta C -institution. A perfeet s.ranitr usually belrayt m.-iry imnerfertion when ou become acijnainte.i ith him. Pitteburj CLron icie-Telecraph. UndertakiD;! Establishment i PI.IXZ ,Sc NITSCHKK nEALEUS IN Furniture and Carpels. We have added to our husineM a complete Undertaking Kstabiishment, and as we are in no way connected w ith ' the I'ndertakers' Trust, our prices wil , be low aeiftrdinely. was established fur tiie ei lrers purK.e of faithfully rejresenting Tiie Dalles and the rurroundinp country, and the satisfying effect of it? mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publication! in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a larpe part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re dons north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chpoxicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wkf.kly Chkoniclk on Friday of each week at $1.'0 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., addres? THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., THo Dallos, Or-OB on. K'IKCI. hnMident. OmaMm. iMbier. Mffll first Rational Bank. ; TH E DALLES. - - OREGON teiie I wouldn't marry man who I thought knew less than J did. Blanche Nor I ; bet 1 woaldnt mind if I merely thought that he thotit'ht so. Kate Field 'e Washington. Yesterday afternoon between the courthouse and Newman's store, two note. (ne made Jan. 1, 19:;, doe one day after date; amount payable to Martin Wire, eicned by steve wing. One dated Marh. lii-Z, amount $10u, payable VtT. U. Woojcx k, signed by Mike Kened and Ceorge Miller. Finder will please leave then, at the her.g" s office. t'.4-d2wl All persons who have not paid their road tax and desire to work the sams out, will be on hand Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8 o'clock, with picks or shovels. Work will be done on ; the raad at the brewery hill. W. H. Bins, : Street Comrn)S"ioneT. oriental cat-eve. an ntcciir trreenish- brtvn ca'f.'h'in-eiU stin-. sh'.win c steely flash or line like silver ire: the other, the little known but beautiful and curious aiexamlrite. This nni'jue (.'em is tilire or pistaehi (.-reeri by iay liht. and it has the rernarka'nie prop erty .'f turriiitr a ra-pbrrry red by arti ficial lisrht. Th tr--n tourmaiine i much line aleNar.'irjte by day. This is the mtst ehemieally complex f ai! ; lems. and it .-ci;rs liis.. in red and ' brown crrstals. for laluita and Children. Cwtoriw pnt Ii(;tra. and ovenxmjKW PiatUMrury, Ojuatiiatiirn, Sour Rtomacn, Diarrho-a, and FevTriiihiisa. Thus the child im rendered balthy and it si-p matwrwl. Cwatori con tuna uc Morphine or other narrotic proper? v. "CaatorW is so wFl adapted to ehlMrau that I recofumtMl lt,aaau-MjruttoT pnmmpuun knoww u nrn." H. A. .Vf.in5. M. I' . Ill botch Oxford He, tmxmjju, K. V. " For trerml rwars I hav rwntnnrr5fll rtur 'Cvton.' and SMil aiwari cvmltntM todor, uilLMiatvalMt pfwloeed bWlrll r-wTillA. " Lm t . turn- M. 1 .. VS:h Stmt and ;ib Hem Turk Utv. ; A 'tenerai Banking Business traiinai'U-o . revived, subject to Sight Oraft or Check. Collections made and proeedj promptly ! remitted on day of collection. I Bistht and Telegraphic Kzchauge sold on ' New York. San trar.rim-o and Fort- I land. FIRST CLHSS DIRECTOKS D. y. 1 Horn-son. Jo. h. Haari. En. M. Williams, A imi. H. M. Be all. Toe wb of 'Caooriw' fat mm minml awl lia ovrriuto wttl uowi thi li ni m wirk of i invmxm to dt'l'Tw It. few mjm Ire iHiirr-nt families vuo do st Cbuu wUAmasr raaco." Camum Iitm I t) . w Yora City. Taa CsvTACa Cowpavt. TT Murray Btrwet, K. T. W att. fsun.e good soconJ Mmt l ct.ea Cask, this office. hand l;arnes A-J ire-, W . X. fcpontam-ou 1 iHiibiHtto.. Ah it is know n That srfiariiu coin Iju- i n wmtim tJii-; p!a.- in oar- : l" if v4t. it hus lfi-n hi.trt'-stl that j uri'--r c-riuiiTh-ii -rirrijn. i-lilts mav trii i t aiil in tini jrr- ( '.ii'-'.' TiM.-anirv '".-tainrjii aiii ri'.-iit rnii iitn may 1 cao--'l i-v th hum ir.fc hay 1 ? Vmrrit-rs uud tii- jinl iw .f v. Lt-r tJ'hlrTi3y irw'iTiir an i-nr- , fT.ius tilk -f Ht.m. w hi h mti titnl '. an outlet. Th- nha that cian vfiu : t.-kt f:r- sj.nni.-iy i m:hiiv1 v inair rxim-r-.. T'uy claim that ; i:at in. caij-l br nan i th- r v :t uf M'Tiif spurk that may Mii -i'ST .is'v." f-ir w ifk an'! tn-si tn;y , nr :k ?;t ir. iiriiji'' ! f;i-hiiii. ! 7 rw itv n. jut- uuf y ctXn.. ji v-v.r. ir' irtanMuy n i.iit v-"!iifi -'-m. t: a Hirntihc inin'i. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Lettws of Credit issued available in the Eastern State. ignt Kicsiarige and Tsiieyrapfiic Transfers soid on New York, Chicat'o, hi. t Louis. San Francisco, Portland Oregon, 1 fseattm Wah., and various ioints in Or- ! " egon ana nastungton. Collertioni made at all points on a. oabie terma. JOB pi n BTifi CAN BE HAD AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Heasonobly Ruinous Rates. kyJm jr "''v'''""' Sifln&lMirlM ml M 4 man hmvm kad irmT Oftt nt 0tm rfrH.f mTrtrniMl. A f i tin4bh of irw t'U'-m Iaao t n rw a Mm ft Co. fftv mmm III -raw prtflliar M lrFrtll. a.'4 Z aewvrri W 7 ;' pT(. ,j Wrt4 Jr- i'.itm,f tl.vrrtfi im tr fit u, nai-iirt fjii'U'm. feonim .ia ?-rf. tivmm 'mi not i -rty rtunuj-r erniiM bm I ii pta. rri ttttun. imi ir.r iuxi tit aw ;cTw,nd7re-MarttobUifl.andaJi J ot tu.D conuueteu ic-r Moor! ftt. 4 0 ui m no k ute I- en: tu htm titi- Uivac t f emote from W niififon. 5 ru J ?d ntotKl, oraw.t c or f mro., with 4rttp-0 r, Jtioa. U aivi. if it'rn'aur or f'H. frr o'.t u. CAarf. Ouf ie fxy due tut fj.?m m cmrj. A PaMPMLrr. "How toOotam 'enu ' .ih 0 con ot taac in tr C S. fur.DcuBt(c ent dec Ao-"cw. J jc.A.sriow&co.j Biakeiey & Houghton, druggists. 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon A full line of all the .Standard Patent Medicines, J-rug, Chemicals, Ktc. ARTISTS MATERIALS.-'1' ' Countrr and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.