The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 24, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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lOI " 7,,-v .1 l.W III 1
The Weekly Chronicle.
'indorsement or rejection of th hilejrWf
j nietal. Ucio raisea to ww 1 ut-iy, j
th ilomnrralic nlatforat
declaring1 Waaco county this year produced
n ... ii,.;nimnf ailver at the ; near v a Bullion ottsnei oi wneai. e
Esuml ! the wwfnr at The riln, Onj.
rmiio of 16 to 1, and in Ohio tbe denio- J make the prediction now that In even
crate were beaten br 147,000 Tote, j years she will produce more bnshols of
a sxainst a trifle over 1,000 in 1SP2. bet ; apple than ah doe of wheat, or than
TTI nmritLt. (the republicans only cast 9,000 inore he did of wheat thia year. "We make
fc. rVnnorc ' vi than id 1S92. the iiuuitnw ma-! another prediction, that insiJe- of ten
tZZZZ"'. . rhi:uA i ioritr arising froin the fart that the j year, the fruit crop ot Wasco county
ho( Public laxrucu.w .... m ir.n ; j-,-t. HiK-rnntW and ctaved i alone will be worth more than the en-
jj lullMlUUI . "" ,
t J. S. Doira ' bome. The free silverite, however, j lire wool clip o Eastern Oregon. W e
K. Hfrauia could antler no circumstance uraw any ciawi mm, wrja mo uroi uun
tZZ7n 'ViiuSta'tolai from the reeult. In California j in the union, and that Wasco county U
J the democratic platform was ioniew hat j the beet fruit county in the fUte, The
Coititi orririALS. 'of m itrddie, but it was more inimical j foothilU of the Cascade are the natural
t-oanrr Jj(c GoaC. B;ky , -jlver than that oi the republican. I home of the apple, a the fruit rawed
"a! st Ketmmr ! tt th t-onpreaaional ticket was almost i her and at Hood Kiver show. The
tFrant Kinnua j Unit in lavor Ol lue republican, urn
rAH wlu"i 1 itbtndinf the fact that California is
tam-m B- F. shar ) claased a a ulrer state. In ew i orr,
anerinleaonil ot Public acaooia . . Ttot shelier ( .
oumaer Vk . H Hutu where tbe two platform were almost
. S identical as rfrmrdt silver, the same re-
( suit were plainly Tisible immense re-
;o to
ifajntey -ueorl
l iart
writer hereof is much better posted on
tbe possibilities of Hood Hirer a a
fruit-producer than on other parts of
tbe county, bat the conditions are, with
the exception of the rainfall, practically
alike all along the foothills of tbe Ca-
Wmit 30 to Sle per hu.
BiKKT Priev are op to
cents per 100 lb. ,
Oats The oat market is iifht at H0
to 80 rents pvr 100 lbs. I
Fura liamotid brand at M t
bbl. ir ton and i 75 er bbl, etaii. 1
Hav Timothv hay rar.- tn pr'' !
from 110 to 12 per ton. according to j
quality and condition. Wheat hay it ,
in full' stock on a limited demaud at
$7 60 to t 00 per ton. j
Potatoes 50 to 73 cent per 100 Ilia. ,
CrrrkB Fresh roll butter at 35 u. M '
cents per roll. ;
-I hare amoujr the Mnirrel huut
ern." Mid C-nili nn ho had JuM re
turm d fr m hi vacation, oo.- r hns ' o
the New .trhawTitacU-av-rul. " 1 he
M,uirrt-1 hut.U-r arc a pe , r i:.r jKM.ple
i:l ititti.' the i. mih i' o f:.tu
,P' iifri nd;.nia U i.:. :.!
itr.ri'.l.i - Ti.ev have Uf livi. t !. ;-e
fur csi.-niioiiet.d prvvrvc the
and hatnUvf Uu ir fon-
E..o Good freeh e l " '
35 c.
1Htltt Good fowls are jikiI at
d'S to 12.73 per dozen, turkeys 8 cents
per lb.
Beer a Mittos Beef cattle are in
lens demand at l..r0 per 100
weicbt pro to $2.00 for extra good.
Mutton is now quoted at 1 to ivnts
per lb. rrosa. fork oflerins are light
and price are nominal fros
Blackstone define municipal law to attribut them to the silver question, mile south of The Dalles.
be "A rule of action peesenhed by the j Eland of Missouri went down to defeat.
publican gains; yet surely no one can ! cade for a distance of twenty or thirty , weight at cents dreseed
Correi Costa Kica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack. Salvador?, 23'gC
Arburklee, 2oc.
SroAB Golden C. in bbls or sacks,
15 25; Kxtra C, " .M); lry irrannlaied
HO. P. G., in 3v lb boxea, f 2 2j. Kx
Tv hMinU n ri th mnntr raftl
e what is taking place at Hood Kiver.
Thousands of tree are reaching the
bearing stage, many of them yielding
their first crop this fall, and other
supreme power of a state commanding ; not because he was a friend ol silver,
what is right and prohibiting what is j bot because Ue was a democrat. In fact
wrong." This is perhaps as good a it did not matter what the platform of
definition a eoald be given, but who' tbe democracy was, tbe result was tbe
shall define tbe processes adopted inanie. In our own good state it was
these days for determining what is the j bard-'y a question, and cut but a small
law? It m a pleasant fiction oi the law j figure in tbe election,
for a starter that ignorance of the law ; An unprejudiced view of tbe situa-
.. . . ' ,Ln t.. V. . Jam
excuees no one, mat rverr mau is sup- , uuo niuis uiv ur.w u u. .t.- j .. v - - "
posed to know jost what the laws are J crats abandoned their party, or at least : strawberrie. and wiih good crop condi- !
except the judicial officers, who have
courts of appeals provided for correct
ing their errors. The law is an honora
ble profession, and we hope it may ever
remain so, but the practice of the law
is degenerating into a farce. Case are
tried, not on their merits, but on tbeir
hair-splitting technicalities, raised by
demurrers and motions.
We have a system of justice courts, cal fight has been made upon it.
with a supposed simple code of proced
ure. The justices of the peace are not
supposed to he experts in the law, yet
it is provided that actions may be com
menced before them, which, on an ap
peal to the district court, become sub
ject to all tbe long array of senseless
lacnnicaiities. ibe reeu.t is tnat jus-1
tic ia done to death.
Some disgruntled client define.! a;
lawyer to be "a man who protects one's !
property from tbe rapaciousness of!
hn r wriil 1 1 M,h,m amh T -
, rLv'j accept tnis courteous invitauon, if
rajigsraieo, u is unuouoieajy
refused to aid it, not beause Cleveland
caused tbe repeal of tbe Sherman act,
but because be side-tracked the ques
tion of reforming the tariff and forced
his party to carry out bis financial views,
and giving them a preference over the
The issue in 1$M may be largely tbe
silver question, but np to date no polit-
The subject of "good government"
was discussed at an annual banquet of
the New York chamber of commerce
Tuesday. This in itself is not at all re
markable, and is only mentioned be
cause it transpires not only that Presi
dent Cleveland can yet write a letter.
but that be can write said letter to par- I
ties in New York. His letter is as follows:
thousands are being set. In a year or C, 12 25. UC 2 00,
two apples will be sent from there, not j . l1"1 Japan rice,
by the carload, but possibly bv tbe i nre- cu
trainload. That locality alone will pro-1 Cf'ff:S.,nI1L h:te
J . . I l t . .,i"'.'M'-""""
uura uui Trr iwu uuuumi o'.i h ui , , . 0 . . g. ,
ri. i , ' j. w w ,K.
Salt Liverpool. 601b sk. 50c; lOH'.b
6'.0tf7c; Island,1
large quantity of other ek $1 W; .,M:b ek '
1 1 o twr ton.
tions, a verv
small fruits.
Tbe fear is expressed that the fruit j Sin-i-ura 2 cent per pound,
market will 1 overdone. We do not J nipes akd rr.
anticipate anything of that kind. In! Hides Areqnotod as foiloas:
fact, if we can take the estimates of.- c b; treen. IV
census experts, this conn rv will soon ! Shsep Pilts 25 to 50 ea. Ieerkins,
recover from its present
which has been caused large
prod action. .New wheat areas
j,,,;.. i -"c io ior winter ana .hpc hit summer,
ot depreion, . lint)gKd ligl)t $1 jb boarT Vm ,b lw.,r.
rge!y by over tiitu, a12 ea; beaver, 3 5o lb;
have otter. d ; hMher, o(jio 60: saver gray
grey lox
IJ, Tu " ... ... Wcma-Hr
. ... ,. . , , . Obaix Bach to l. each,
and whue tbe limit of production has I z .
been develoned more ramdlr than the ox, f illirffii : rt-3 1oi.ll Jo
coon, 50c; coyote, 50c(rt 75c
-The (-uim-1 hunter id..u.tU-a de-c-ndatt
rf Kentucky tt-rs. forth.-y
are all tall, stat. ly people, and jrrvut
l,n--r of the hunt. Hut there i now
little lnrpe rt.uie to be found, and they
! TH-n.l their time huntir.p tuc Minrrri,
! which fc. !. oeartv. The iuirrel
j hunter an- farmer but raise little r
I ee;t -.irn. The rine-hill region, where
! they live, U not penetrated by rail
i road-x and there are hundrctl of Mich
j people who have never M-en a steam
: engine. I uir a great many f the
I ol.leHt nquirrel hunter of the ciuntry.
I and found them to lie a very atranpe
hhikin; ptM.p'e. They all wear lung
' hair, nhich often rvache down to
i their belt. Their boards, are
long, often matted with their bair.
They wear homepnn pantaloon and
hoini-tr.adc bh.. Their shirt are
oftentimes made from the fcWins of
aquirn-U. wliich they wear in the win
ter, while in uum:er they wear an
open Moue hirt, al of home make.
Their houses are made of pine log, lie
tween which mud is placed a a plas
tering". The? houc are covered with
pine board plit from the woods.
There are never any int-htanres almut
their homes, tiieir yarvl opening out
into the pme f.ire-t.
TheNe vjuirrel hunter, w hile they
have no churche. are a very religion
pei'ple. thonrh a srreat deal cf Mtpersti
tion i coutiecU-4 with their worship.
Their churches are c-.a.'.e of bouh of j
pine, placed upon a cuSf ildin. to keep i
out the un. Now and then a country j
revival U ht Id in thene arhor-houM-n, i
but this i seldom."
Car Not.
oaO-j euggerated, it is
true that tbe principle object of tbe law
yer is to see that tbe blindfold over tbe
eye of Justice is kept in place.
Tbe trial of a law suit ought to be a
simple affair; one that in usual case
could be tried by any man of average
intelligence ; but such is not tbe case.
Let a man go into the justice court with
a common case, a suit to recover money
on a contract, and undertake to handle
his own case. Tbe attorney on tbe
other side at once commences bis work
on vivisection. A demurrer is filed, tbe
complaint does not state fact sufficient
to constitute a cause of action. It is
amended. A plea to the jurisdiction
follows. Again amended, and it catches
a half dozen diseaees. Finally brought
to an issue, and tbe technicalities about
tbe evidence are brought in. It is im
material, irrelevant, incompetent, does
not correspond with tbe allegations, etc.,
etc., en.:! the client with himself for an
attorney realizes the fact that as a client
be is a fool, and as an attornev two of
them. There should le a simple code
of procedure prescribed for the justice
courts, aod the judges of tbe higher
courts should discourage technicalities,
and try cases on tbeir merits.
In six weeks tbe kgislature will be in
sees ion, and tbe question a to who will
succeed Senator Dolph will be decided.
We do not believe there is any doubt a
to tbe senator's successor, for it is gen
erally conceded it will be himself.
There is a sentiment among tbe younger
republicans, or some of them favorable
to Hon. diaries Fulton of Astoria, a
entiment that will grow perhaps to
formidable proportion in two or six
year from now, but it will cut no figure
next January.
The only point made against Senator
Dolph is that be ia not tbe friend of
silver. That may or may not be so, de
pending entirely from the point of view,
but it i certain that tbe silver question
wa not in iseue in tbe last campaign.
It is asserted that nine men out of ten in
Oregon are in favor of tbe free and on-
1; j . . -. ...
umiiea coinage oi silver out that is
mere assertion. Tbe populist platform
alone took a solid stand in favor of free
silver, atd that party poiied
of tbe total vote, not nine-tenth of it.
We may all make assertion but who ia
tbere among oe that can say bow tbe re
publican of Oregon stand on tbe silver
question? Tbe majority of tbe conven
tion, the representative men of tbe
party were not in favor of free silver or
they would have said o in tbeir plat
form. Whence then come the idea that
Oregon republican are in favor of free
silver. '
were possible for me to do so. but the
demands upon my time are such that I
feel obliged to decline. I am none tbe
lee indebted, however, for the thought
fulness and regard of which this favor is
an evidence,"
Tbe good president's indebtedness did
not awaken in time to cause bim to ex
press hi gratitude for the "tboughtiul
ness and regard"' which bis democratic
friends expressed while they were an
guishing for bim to write a small letter
before tbe 6th of November.
Tbe czar of all the Bussias. who re
cently died, is at last safely put awsy
from tbe sight of men. With toil of
bell and solemn boom of cannon; with
smoke of censer and flare of waxen
taper; with prayer and chant; with
drooping flag and trailing banner, the
putrescent clay was laid awsy in solemn
state until the judgment day. How
great the opportunities for good or evil
that came to bim wbose word wa law
to a hundred million people; but who
now silent and powerless, claims but the
narrow limits of the grave. How those
opportunities were need, tbe long train
of exile who traveled tbe weary steppe
of Siberia, can answer in part. Tbe
plundered and exiled Jews, driven from
their homes, can give further answer.
He bad a royal funeral, befitting m roval
villain, and yet be wa probably better
than the average king.
perhap not been reached, tbe increase
of population will rapidly overhaul tbe j August Buchier
surplus of agricultural productions, motion to remove
Tbe agricultural interest are now at ao
ebb that will never agaia be reached,
and which must soon be succeeded by
returning prosperity. We think that
from this cause, if no other, there need
be no fear of over-production. As it is,
the supply of good winter apple has
never equalled the demand, and be who
plauta a tree now may do so with the
certainty that it product will find a j
market, and at a remunerative price, j
One acre of apples in good bearing will j
yieia more money m one year tuau the plem not nty.
same area in wheat at the same price Slate vs. Guy Southwell,
wm in twenty. : overruled.
Wasco county will soon be in the front I p-. r;4f.-, r. r s v...
1. .i
lu'ver exceij.
''! proven"
is the verjiit
o' millions.
S i mmonj
Liver .,-..
lr.L.IKI . 7wver
- w w air
rnovlicine to
fan in your
kith ibr i
core, i
mild laxa
tive, no. i
j urely teg.
I'tutllt. get-
ing dirtvdy
fn th Liver
and Kid
ney. Try it
Sold by J1
TVussista in Liquid, or in Towder
to I) taken dry or made into a tea.
The Kl U MvdMa.
1 have oxhI yoarKlmmoni Unr Rr.
1st. and -au CMiwlrnrKHwIy ui it la uk
Alur irf ll lotr mlif-!iM, t Hm1drr It 4
n. Jlrm.x-hr.1 In Itarlf tiau. W. JaCSy
o, iaeoma, Whinl.m.
041 lt ataatai
'"Popper," cried the maiden, "I love
him. I cannot tell a lie." "Come
hither, my child," said the old man,
"and I will teach thee a few of the ear.
marks. Yon are not fit to become a aifs
unites you can tell a lie the minute yot
hear one." The I'etective.
a tfc
"Rum brought you here, 1 presume,"
said the prison visitor. "That's what,"
said Rubberneck Bill. "After this ahaa
rank, and she will stay there.
Tbe attempt to build up tbe gold re
serve bv eeiling bonds is not proving
eminently successful. The theory is ail
ivht Knt in nnltlnn biMn in
i L 1 . j j i fiimation granted,
tice the results are not what are desired. ! .. , ,( ...
When the ca.l was made for schecrip- ; . '
nrmation granted.
vs. George O'Neill,
to Crook couotv ar
gued aud submitted.
Thos, Hailiday vs. J. G. and I. S.
Day, motion to strike out and to render
more definite.
Joseph A. Taylor vs. O. I. Taylor,
confirmation of sale of land in Sherman
Pekin Plow Co. vs. C. L. and L. Morse,
demurrer overruled.
T. G. Mitchell vs.O. D.Taylor, answer
filed reply to be filed by Friday.
Stat of Oregon vs. William O'Brien,
T. J. Driver, answer filed until Mondav
j to reply.
j W. Farrell vs. C. W. Denton, amended
complaint filed.
j E. L. Smith vs. M
i formation granted.
Samuel Clark vs.
1 mcaim 1
ritra for Kit.
One of the greatest amusements fur
the children of Janan is eatehino; the
"drtrn flv
1 1 get out I am poin' to stick to what I
Dr i was raised on in.' India.ntnniia
was raised
V. Harrison, con-
L. H. Prather, con-
tbe call was made for subscrip
tions to the new bond issue, there were i
Nagger We've been married
aid Ir. W. F. Taylor, of I nearly ten years and you have never
been to church sine tbe wedding day.
Mr. Nspger I'm well, a burnt child
dreads the fire, you know. Tow
in round numbers IC3.000.000 in rdd in ! Th J.t i.Pt
the treasury. Since that time about I Losuox, Sov. 21. A dispatch from
fS.OOO.OOO have been drawn oat for the I Hiroshima says Admiral Ito reports
purpose of buying tbe bonds, and this that be cruised off Wei-Hai-Wei two
drain is still going on at the rate of j days daring tbe Chinese to come out,
nearly a million dollars a day. I'nder but the Chinese failed to accept the
toe terms ol the sale but 2U per cent is 1 cnaj:enge.
to be paid down, so it will be seen that The smallest "cat-boil" is largeenough
enough gold has been drawn out of the to show that the blood needs purifying
treasury to make tbe first payment. As j warning which, if unheeded, may re
toe otoer payment tau one, enonrn suit, not in more boils, bnt in nm.
Toe rumor that s: tried last night, and
traveled energetically all day, that tbe
grand jury had decided to return
not a true bill a againn two of those
charged with robbing tbe expree office,
either had some foundation in fact, or
it hadn't. It ia hardly probable that
tbe story wa made from wboie cloth.
If not, someone ha been guilty of talk
ing about subject that be bad no right
to mention. What goe on in the grand
jury room can only properly be toid in
open court, by the hill that it present.
Hon. W. Lair Hill, who 1 now located
in San Francisco, is being pushed for
tbe position of so peri or judge to s netted
F. W. Henshaw elected to tbe so pre me
bench. His name has been presented to
Governor Markbam. There is no doubt
of one thing, and that is that if W. Lair
Hill is placed on tbe beoco, a thorough
lawyer will occupy the position. Mr.
Hill wa for many year a resident of
Oregon, and wa at one time located
here in partnership with Hon. F. P,
May, now of Portland.
&M.I0&. who. accxmlinjr to the tL Louis
Irlolie-lfe-iuovrat. has H-nt several
year in .lapan. Japan i a land of
children. i.nd thousands of them liter
ally put in everal week every autumn
in rapturing Urajron fiie and tying
kite to them for the fun of areing
them fly. N.Kin after the turn of the
nun in the afternoon hundred and
thou.scnd of bore dracron flies busy
themftelve flvinjr hcye and there over
the rice field and garden, catching
inMft end jrnat.v The Japanese b.r
carefully naturate tbe end of a bamboo
with tar and start out for the fun.
Ther must hold the bamboo up to at
tract the tniMihpcctinjr dragon to tube
a ref t. In a moment the boy (rive the
liamboo a twiht, and put the tcr end
into o manv motion that it U iuioo.
siblc for the crvature to avoid it. The
lK-.e are o expert at the bmdneoa
th..: 1 htve wi n tiu-m chae a fly that
kn ! p-tteu much ahead of them, end
k:i"if l in Miclcin? the drvn fly to
tlie reed.- VVh:-n once on the tir end
c the pole there i a niiM-rahle future
.r the captive. They are tied t.j
r'.her and carried around in tiiecimse.
Then a vtrir- i-. tied t- each one. an !
u srriaM ;iU-c" rf pajx-r. serrin ui a
Ui-..'. v.liich the poor Hie arc rsro,uirrd
tosa'l. Th-T Cy away, but of cuur-v
-iu jrrt caught in a tree or bush and
die of starrntion.
No one will be surprised to learn that
prizefighter consider football brutal.
It requires a prizefighter' intellect te
make tbe delicate distinctions. Chicag
Vegetarian (who ha been chased
acmes tbe fence by cattle) "Just wait
you stupid brutes. From this moment
1 am no longer a vegetarian." File
gende Blatter.
more gold will be drawn out, probibiy
tbe came yellow twenties that are now
being paid in, to make them.
Tbe situation i somewhat like that of
the old German and hi good old wife
who bought a keg of beer tor tbeir own
use. They agreed, in order to create a
fond for purchasing another keg when
that one wa gone, upon a plan by wbicb
that very desirable object could be at
tained. Each wa to pay tbe other five
cent for each drink. Tbnan took a
drink and gave hi wife a nickel, and
be, good woman, took a quiet glass and
gave the nickel back, and so to and fro
tbe nickel passed ontil the weary spigot
whistled. There wa but one nickel in
sight. Tbe theory looked all right but
tbe practice wa financially, failure.
thing very much worse. Avert the
danger in time by the use of Ayer'i Ear
saparill. Cored others, will cure you.
"He doesn't behave a if be belonged
to the best society," said one young wo
man. "No," replied tbe otber; "be be
haves as if tbe best society belonged to
him." Washington Star.
"I wonder you women never learn
how to off a street -car." "Cmph! If
we got off tbe right way it wouldn't be
long before they'd quit stopping the car
for at." Bufialo Courier.
Among our exchanges, regardie of
politic, we note repeated assertion
concerning silver iu present atatus, and
th position ot the old panic toward
it. Without expressing an opinion
either war, but examining tbe matter
dispassionately, we cannot find ia the
recult of the recent etertion anvtbing
that may be construed into either an
State Senator Cogswell wa beaten for
mayor of Lakeriew by a gentleman
named McElhiney. Well, well, this is
hard line indeed. We had supposed
that tbe doughty Colonel would have
interposed a constitutional objection to
any neb action as that, but then he
wa only beaten by three vote out of
m- .
1 b president it said to be busy pre
paring hi annual message to congress,
which meet next month. As the peo
ple delivered tbeir message some two
weeks sgo it should not take long for tbe
president to preoare hi. A newsoaoer
man would scissor it, and save time and
If anything were wanting to prove the
superior energy and aggressiveness of
oar northern neighbor, and tbe staid
and conservative method of Oresjon.
that thing ha been furnished by the
trotting out of a real live volcano. We
think it real mean on the part of Seattle
and Taeoma to bring out this new at
traction just when the Portland chamber
of commerce is getting ready to make an
effort to arrange for perfecting plan for
inducing immigration to Oregon, and
jost on the ere of tbe opening of tbe
"Universal Exposition." However our j
legislator meet in January, and If '
some people have tbeir way there will 1
be a pyro technical display that will leave
ML Easier in th shade. . If this doe ,
not happen, we auggeet that after the !
senatorial election is over a bill bei
She But bow can you think I am
pretty when my nose turn up o? He
Well, all I have to say is that it (bows
mighty poor taste in backing away from
such a lovely mouth. London Standard.
His elegant attire wa lost upon her,
"Curse it," he muttered, when he
perceived that such wa the fact. Hi
monev being gone, be bad staked hi fall
overcoat on tbe mare. "Curse it."
She ran fourth.
"So yon refuse me!" said Charley
Callow bitterly. "Of course," said tbe
charming widow. "Won't you even be
a sister to me?" "No, I'm engaged to
marry your father. I'll be a mother to
you." Washington Star.
Buckingham's Dye for the whisker
can he applied when at home, and is
uniformly successful in coloring a brown
or black. Hence it great popularity.
interesting stories of travel
Duflix tell ! He must have roved a great
deal." "No-o lie's always been here.
pa seed compelling Mt- Hood to erupt. 1 But hi mind wanders."
Those acquainted with tbe Oregon legi- i ,,.T
latore will not doubt t7 ability ! yl-W ben Steve propo to m. he
1 irieg 111c s Din wi ui water. 1 irpie
1 Why shouldn't he? He knew be
to do so.
; caught. Vooker' Blade.
Utes that ML Eainier is smoking, j .ej mt jOMt lt nottlo'
which, being liberally interpreted, of tbe boose!" "Yon don't 1
mean that tbe correspondent is drink-
Wben did tbe old
lanta Constitution.
woman die?" At-
tlut thm FJprra btuau Juror I taatl;
C'me to a Hroallalr fsnrinalon.
The obstinacy which is said to lie
eharnccriKtlj cf the Scotch in illus
trated in the f'.i'nwinjr try. which
wah reeec'lr rvlatrd to a writer for the
New York AdvirtiMT: "My father,"
aid the narrator, "came over about
aeventy-live year ajro and aettiud in
Michigan, which, in that part at any
rate, wa a M-mi-wiidcrneM. As the
country prew more eUled my father,
from the mere fact of hi having been
a pioneer, became very prominent In
civic affair in the community. He
was very oonncientiouK, but extremely
impatient of contradiction, never so-dei-Ktandinjr
why a person could dia-
sjrree with him. when he wa m plain
ly correct in hi position. Well, me
cu?ht. contrary to hi usual custom, he
did not come home to upper. Eight
o'clock came and the whole family waa
in lied and still he hud nt arrived. It
was after one o'clock in the morning
that hi heavy t.tep wa hr ard on the
, rta'.rx. My mother, who had been
anxious, met him with a light ia her
" "Where have you beenT she Inked,
looking at him eriouy.
" llen on a jury.' he rrowled.
" 'Why did you htav bo laWT
" '.Stay ao laU-? There were eleven
obhtinate devil on that jury and it
took me all nijrht to convince theta.'"
KSTe of Two M UaiM.
During the recent naval maneuvers
two ten-inch puna were fired Himultane-
ouMy on one of the vewl with startling
effect. The c-laa that prot.x-ts the
helmftman and the window of the chart
bouse, of which the (rlaw ia one-third
of an inch thiek, were amahhed to
atom. An inkxtand, bottle and tum-
nieni jumped mx inches Into the
ana pillel tbeir content, but
down whole, and men nnr th tun.
were lifted off their feet by the con
cussion. China' fteot Tea.
fccented tea U a great favorite with
the Chinene. Thi i made by mixing
jeasamine or oranpe bbtswims with
the tea for twenty-fiir hour, after
which it i ifted and hepu rated, and
then packed. The atrarer In China
find it aloviht impoMdbln t- buy the
bet tea. No little f the beat quality
or first piekintf la obtained that the
Chine keep it for themaelve. It is
"cry rxpennive.
for Imfaat aad Child ra.
Caatoria yrw t Pirooviom, and
ovoromua i'ialuVmcy, Cuoaupatioa, 8011
Rtamach, Diarrbcra, and Feveruttuiam
Thus the chili is rderd hoaltby and h
alaep aatnraX Caatorla contains us
Morpaio or other narcotic propo-tr.
Coavorla la so woB dpM to ehodm that
I foeoouBMid naaauporioT loony 111 ull
bm.- i. a- aaraaa
1U otarta OKtur fea braofctra, H.T.
For onoral yoara I ka
'Conna.'ood aoallolvara
as u aaa lavonaoir pnMi
uou to 4o
nria r. Avmm. L 1.
StaBroataa4Ttaaoa, Jw turkCr.
"Too ao of 'Oaataria
Is as
koova thoB
ia wort of
iiMojo;UoB to aoJiaaa M. Wwm or ato o
eliirsot fonillos who 4o wa saoa Qawni
Ctaina kUa-mi, D. t)
Vow Torfc dig.
Taa Cawvaaa Ooawaar, TT
Too faar Csoao aioeo.
Bckliu, Nov. 22. A St. Petersburg
dispatch say that tbe rsar 1 suffering
from insomonia, and is much depressed.
Tbe czarina ha ttecome very much
emanciated a a result of ber vigil at the
bedside of her late husband.
A perfect stranger usually betray
many Imperfections when you becotn
acquainted with bim. Pittuborg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Anramic Women
with pale or callow complexions,
or suffering from skin eruptions
or scrofulous blood, will find
quick relief in Scott's Emulsion.
All of the stages of Emaciation,
and a general decline of health,
are speedily cured.
takes away tbe pale, haggard
look that comes with General
Debility. It enriches the blood,
stimulates the appetite, creates
healthy flesh and brings back
strength and vitality. ForCoufh.
Colo, Sor Throat, Bronchitis. We, Consumption and Wasting Vv
aact of Children. r r
Ssn4 for cur pamphlet. Uoilti FXf
crtttosw,.. MOnajtMs. SOcaaSlI-