THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 31. 1394. Morl(B( Ta la. Yailev papers are circulating eiten aively and urging s:rvng'y the re-enactment of the uwrtgage tax law and an in dehtedcts. exeti.tti-.n law as well. Tilt follow ir; : a cv:y . the petit ten wow twice numerously igi:ed : To ti c U-;:s'.t.Te ncmb'y .t the state of 1 rc;.'n : We, il e tim'.ersigr.ed. clliic i:s ot" Douglas ivutlr, t 're-jon. won d resitt-l-folly re:.rvr:it to your Honorable P.ody that present law '.-ear or.jutl-. V!'. n the iii..:-scs i-f thr it :'.r. anJ that the only ut systetv - ' taxation u that mettiod by wt.ii-h each iad. vidua; is assessed on the net valmtii u : h property, real an '. per? ca'.. t: us every -one bear!: .: ti.e b;;rden vi jT err.nici.t accord. ! ; meat:. We would theref 're : my your H .1:1 .-rat'le Ikviy to iss-eum-t t: e Uw coxd a the mortgage .atise m t: tax ia . aasessii.r.. I iw al. owing UfC.Mi n from taxati-.n for itidrhtedues. Maln.y Flails Hli ladiaw. Lai w t Hrwsll Nsw Yokk, Not. 19. A special dis patch from llio Janerio say, one of ttie last acts of General Peixoto as president was to prom, ie an enoriuons miv.ber id men !-::, a"! grades of aruiy and navy ..:li.-er ! o Lav served Liai f.tlthtullv ilunr.g t:.e revolution. Although this will aid two-fold to the army an I navy estia:ates yet it was done to reward iova'.tv and congress will not refuse to satu-tiou it. reisoto vetJ on the is:;!.: of Noven.'.-er 1;, the last day he retrained in power, a bill w t.iea n dow 11 the stamLiig ol ' tie aru.y, : op-pv-s'tioii to hi vicas. Congress wi.l soon pass a ;a!i'.ar I Mora- J. r, - t Uh t re-ilve u.'.'iv.ry Kirv. 4t , rit xt-.-l:. a:t; i'Vt iLt'i.t t: tt.ree juxits n)rt. en'T-r Ainen.-o, n.iii.i oio. a:-il r t . u-.' cotu' ear IVnv osti-rtie cr tit for ti.e .:i-u. :nrlvenJ l!ie ; 1, iiowever, a nia.i t;,.r. sun Tiie .l:e in ! : a,'- -st- ui-nn;e ana r. -- !V:x.-io' I....:-o, f i t:.f 1. When eron are weak anj langaiJ, j from iekne or overarork, feel delul-j itarevl anJ lit-presl, it i an iiniioation tiist le UUkkI i out t onier, aud tliey neeU tie: i to throm- oif tij ni:ir'o : feelii f- Tlse ''"t reiiH-iy th s J nr Kte is lr. J. H. McLean ' .-Trei s'.ii- ' eci'.if Cird;al an ! I'UvkI l'liriticr. It re- stores I-it fTrein;:;-., v ves vigor to eir-' cc.'.at .'n, promotes p nsl ! (-:;te an-1 a flow of eiieerfnl". IVi.-e J I .IV !r U ti e. For sale I y tde !.!: Kinersly Al I rai.k' house tliey l.:ul quince jaiu for i-uj ivr; tut Kratikie t.aJ 1h".'U ;.!, o ' mother fui-l t Ir.m : 'Krat.k, you eatituit i iive ary jam : :i ai'.i kiake you ; s.i i, aud tiien yon atig: '. die." t rank i tovk tu.i iike a lit tie man i:i.f.: l.e fi j til Co' her he:i ber -i f to jam the ftv- n.l tlnie. Tlien t e p'.i-inl tu j iale ,o .y j to :r j i!,e f iriii J.'.rii .!.!.! an I ui, itii deil'oeratiot. "We'l ii you are jr ..nj t ie, 1 n.i;' t s. ae.i d'.e, t -'. ii;t ue o:i.e .f il. ' lli-ii-' r V-.z:r Or. an eu.tor can con Tte t i-u arl. . rn of lr;a'. i f a leiicU-fuslier. How to make plrBed to ie.ira t'-:it ti ere ec-:i:j'lU-at:on ha arisen in the eae o; tiie St.i;e afaint Ma.ocey ard Sr,r iitf. a:urjay an Indian w arrv:e ! l some Icdiac. charged mi:h tn-x.'.vc a l -r.e. Let they tied t:.e matter cr amor;; thea-i-eive. Wh'.'.e the Ir..1:an as hi tL.e sl.rr.fs i tiice. Malor.ey taw hini and a: " :;ce a:d be ma-i the IiiJiar. of boa. he j'rci:aed the h .res jie aa? aeruU oi The Isdiaa in li e j.rerence of vera'; person ad:i;;:trJ iLa: l.e eoM Maioney two hordes describlEg tLeui. the de'erij tion ta"yirjj with teat o the hordes mectiuned in Ma'.oney's tria'.. When he began to ie cross questioned eoncercir.c the in. a:i lean.icg that Maloney had been accused of stealing them, he shnt op and detied a'.l knowledge of them. every u::tu tiie E;o?t di'.injn:f-:ied, every gir'. the nrettiert, every weii the Liost fx1; a'.ar. every business man the n;o-. uclesu erery candidate the mt-; !e s:ral .it, besides always reUieuii-erii.; caii etry old Nesu r coione'," a 1 red !iea ied o'.d maid "g-ikien-haired," tu t to mention the b;es--in(r received for fai'.ii.j to j'urT a fellow ho j a--ed through town and did not even ca" arou:id for fear he waoii t-e elected to pay his siiicri-.'ti -r. a.i i.-i to the :n.s takes in tiie initials in names and errors in wei;':. t of nt w niea-.iK-f ff families. all thU ext!ib:ned w 1th tr.e ai ue froai I fai tae eauor s w ue i..r ( ra;:n; s.u.e tuner oV- n;an"s w lie. makes as ed tJr s life a::y-thir- let a juradise. Ex. dreaded disease that science has been a'oie to cure in al! its stupes and t!iai is Catarrh. LUll's OaU-rh Care is the only cure iimW known to tiie j meik-.d fraterni-y. Citarrh lli f a con- stitutional disease, re--jn:re a r-.nstitu-' ttoiiai treatait-rt- ii.ill's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Rc:i.-c rtirect y cn j tne b!xxi 2d inticiius surface of the system, thereiy uestroyine tiie f.uuia- j tion of ti e dlsewse, and giving li e j.a- 1 tier.t s:-e: g-.h by building nn the cor.-.i- tutioa and as.-istir; natn'e to do i:sj w.jrk. The rop'it tors huve s much) : tiiey ; v on e ' in e;: tiva'.'ve :K.-wtTs, tr r Due llur, ire l IV'i.a's f r a tiiat it tai.s to cu-e. Send for Testlrnnca'j. A hire.-. Y. J. CrnvrT A Co., T ...! d -. O a I v i'nk:i-.-,i. "' : Literary Sielrt. The Wl;fcie Col.ins literary sjt-iety met last evecirg and went through the regular j-rwrraai. The su't ject for de bate wra? Kesolved, That convict con tract iatior is ittiatioal to the best inter ests of the coa.ajnr.ity." Mr. Fred Wilson le d t:,e aiftrrr.ative and Mr. vi. D. Snowden tie ce,;itive. The arT:ra.a tie woe. froai w hich :t w oaid a: tear that it i- better for the cortn;r.r;:y to 't-e taxed to support ;eor-e ia i - it is to let tbem earn tieir i.-vlt.y. V. e are glad, however, that th- question is finally settled. Iwyun-i all cunvrrver?y. The quotation? of the evening were from Lowell. The sx-iety is pr lejieritir. and deserves to be. iVe have ma ie ar-"ane::en:" wltli t ie ' a. l'.jt:iu.!::rr !o furt.h it in Xirirlubt rrstttts. From a Setter written by lv. J. dun- ! dera-.?.n. of lUajondale. Mich., we are j permitted to make this extract . 'T have t no hesitatio:; in recon.i.iendirg I'r. j con net t.oa w ith Ttti- Ciiuon .CLt. Hav- King s New Mfccrery. as the re-ults ir.g a c ni.hlr.z r'.e w ith the Oregontaa j were aim marvelous in the case t f n.y 'and N. Y. Tribune f.r our re;.:'..iran J wife. W.;le I was ; a-t r o: the I",ar-tlst ' patr-ms, we have made this arrangement : "Mexican Mustane Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed I'JJcrs. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and 5tJins, Running Sore, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, fviatica, Lumbagt), 5calds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very 5eat of Pain an J Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain. Makes ."Uin or ra;.t well i;ain. A WINTER'S GREAT VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY. ENTERTAINMEK7 WEEKLY NEVV OF THE WORLD FOR A TRIFLE. Hew York Weekly Tribune a tt l;: -I age I tir:.!. i. t' - Kecubiicar: family pajK-r uf .u 1-t.ited S:au-s." It i-a VUI'VW. FAMILY i'AI'FK, and g ves .u the get:erai news .f the Fluted M.itt-a. It give, the events ol f..rv, iaii.U in a nutsheil. lt Atil.iCl I.TF I; A I. departmeut ha (,,,. perior in the cmintrv. It MAKKKT IJFI'OKl'S are recociii.-rd an. th..r:tv. .eparaie de;iarlnetils (or TIIF. FAMILY CIKl'l.F. (IfE lti Ftl KS. and SCIFNCF AMi MFCUANH s. Ira lh,l AM' -t'(.'lKrV cjinuiiis command the admiration of the wive, and daiightera. It general politica' news, editor ta! and dircass.uns are comprehensive, hri.hant anil exhaustive. A l,FClAL CONTRACT enalnea TH F WF.FKLY CilKONlCLF. for us P olfer this splendid nmrna , Ct-arch a: Hirers ; a s;.e was brongi.t do r with I't-.e-.tiovuia saccee ! tag La '. rii itr. Terrl'.-le pircxy smi of c.-Chir.g wottli lust i i.'.:r with little ia- terrut-t.Oi ar.a it see:.:-J a? A frler.d rmc New I ilscwi-rv : i: : wottii l;st i it: ar.d it see; rt ..' -tir.lve theai. :-:-! i I-r. Ktngti j r.'.fi. is its wo :a r;. la resit ts."' Tr.j o:pe & Ktners.y'f Iraj olar size T -c. aa-i fit". t and sat.s- b.i'.tles frre at St'.re. l.--- 1131 Kstate TruwtloD. Deeds were filed yesterday afternoon aaiol.ows: Geo W lieno and w ife to Agnes M Davis. !-. 3 and 4 in block 12. Harna aon's addition to ralie City : vh T J ETtver. sheriff, to J I Thontj-son, the is l4', sec 34, tp '1 n of r la e : 'ik3.o-i. T J Ir;ver, sheriff, to M Vogt and Philiipine Chapman, the s;: of three lot , known as the "Eickie lots." in Trentt's addition ; $l.r-iO. T J LViver to ;iaion Mason, part of ec 14. tp 4 t oi r 12 e : I7C-4 75. T J Iriver, sheriff, to L J Klir-ger. w?4, sec 26, tp 1 of r 14 e ; '. I'ncle Josh I'ld any of th-m r'..! rs git a holt of yew when yon was in .e York? Uucle Si No, by posh 1 L"-ry time I sen one of tiiem p'iice I d M a hallway or met!. in'. olis Jonrnai. ' for the accommodation of the democratic ' meu.lrs of The Ci!u.v:, ;.t family. 1 Ijth paperr. the Weekly Examiner a:id EVI-Wttkt V ClIRoXtCi.K will i 'tir- I ; ci-hed f -r one year f -r 12.2". cash in ad vnce. "-W- 1 vvj marry me"" T am a' rea'y ga'-i to f .cr men." "F-ut you can c.y it arry one. yoa kaow. Let n.e t t:. -:.e.' I-:on Ikraci-n. Fr the many a-fs Jeats that --J 1 about the farm or hoasehoald, si. h as I I crns scaiis. I rnie, cuts. ri2g"d , wur.nds. bites of anircals, mos ;ultv-s or ' ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.75, Cnwh ixa Aclvniioo. The regu'ur oa fur the two papri il $2.W.; -'I - i:!i-TluN il II... IS A T aY T'.Ut A 1 Ires- all or Ie, s f. CHKOXICLE PUBLISHING CC Write your came and address nn a postal card, send it to tit-.rgs W. I lhvim 2, Tribune I'm Id inc. New York City, and a sample copy of THE Jij-j I 1UI.K v t.r.M.t i. w ui tie n.aio-ii to you. The Dalles aily and Weekly The Regulator Line Ohromce. Us Dalles, MM M A&teria Navigation Co. Siaying-. mt reat Xra. Lu:Ti;ie i oTmer-J-'urrm1. I Lave a tlh appreciation ot tre ser Tices of Mr. Letrd to the republican party. I think that he ehouid be re warded with the speakership for the next mix years. William McKir.iey. I believe that Mr. McKinley will now bare ar-me time to devote Lis undoubted talents to the butiness of governing Ohio. Thomas Uratkett Leed. Mr. McKinley and Mr. Reed are both able republicans, and I do fmr Hie tarcM. Having tiie tee-led me. 1; to more than made p-..xl all ti e alrertisicf c. aimed for them, the fiiowicp Lmr reu.eii-s LaTe reached a pheaominal sa.e. I'r. King's New Discovery, tor consumption, Cocihs and Colds. each bottle paaraiitei Electric Bitters, ti.e preat remedy for Liver. Momach and Kidney. Bnck ien's Arnica r-alve. tne best in the worid. and I'r. King s New Life f'il.s, which are a perlect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just w hat is claimed ior them and tee wh'.-je name is attached herew ith wili glad t tell you more of tiiem. " at ciI-s i K'.nerslv s Drop ?tore. other inect, gsils r rl.afej sjk l.'.l?. Bl llT I'A.llS ltallJl f ! I'l MIC o;y, or trie a. .merits resa.titip trtir.i f x-poen-, as necraljia, rneumatism , e"c. Ir J. H. McLean's Volcanic . fr t ol the ilon't pay tiiat money, I I! Law y jail.' "i'.tit, n v dear fellow, if I c al afT-ird to lie in Lud! ,w-street jail, con'.-J afford to pay yoa." Life. THROUGH Friili ana Passenger line Yaa.hi: ine with f'alles. upa i;.y iri Sundays ex i tietwe-n The Wiles and Port- Kepttlafir leaves) The connecting at the Cas teaI:ler Ihil-8 City. Cite icaves Portland i trough ceptedi letwH-n land. Meamw Dalles at T a. m.. 'ade lucts witn teaiii-r t. (l n-k at 6 a. m.. tftiiiKr KtT'i.atr t-AtCKK KtTri. 'Tie w ay Ronnd .r-. ?dagjie Kas fie propis-d ye;? !aiy No. but iast nicht he a-keJ me my opinion of fiats, and I said I ador-d them, especially the cute little ones, and I know by the way he smiled that he'il pop within a week. Brooklyn Eagle. W. A. Mcjcire, a we.l known c t:z-n not differ ' ol McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that Freight Fates GrEaily Reduced. All freight, except car lots, u.-tll be brought through, Ziith- with them on any important question. Benjamin Harrison. ttai lt.taw T rauaaetlowa. trancis Marian Kennecr to N. H.I Gates and James W. Fisher, lots (j. II and I. in block 12. A. B, C. D, E and F, in block Co and K and L in block 3.a, military addition to Dalles City ; f 75. A 1 'rt-0 V. . r I. m! r 1 mmt. n V IT fj.t . . i. "u- ri ueiigtit il xn effected a permanent cure. trates ana James w . t i--her. same prop- i . , . , , --...i, oO cent for sa,e bv tjike.ev a ttiere is nothing as good as chi.dren tronbled with colds or croup as Chamberlain's Conga Remedy. He has need it in hit family for several years with the best resnit and a.wavs kept a j bottle of it in the bouse. After having ia grippe he w as himself troubled with a severe coaeu. He nsed other remedies without 'lenefit and then concluded to try the children s medicine and to Lis Major Pgt. who started out last Mon- day to lo.k orer the route b:np sur veyed fr trie proposel boat railroad ar .und the dalles of the Columbia, ar- ' pired home ; ssterday. A party, in charge of Mr. Pike. Las been engaged j lor about six weeks in surveying the route, which bejr:ne at Bip Eddr and' ends at Celllo, a distance of tine miles. Honghlon Druirgists. As we go to press the trial of Dan Malocey for assaulting and tsatli.g Frank Clark is polnp on. Tiie prose cution has rested and Maloney wa on the stand. The defense st up is Ma loney acted in seif defence. Fr a pain in the i ie nr chet there i nothltig srtc'i as a piece of flannel daii.pened wltii's fain Hi.lltl p, , ,.,! i .,,.,.. ,...: It ??. -r is prompt an 1 ter:: relief and if used in rime will often prevent a cold from rest;'. tine in pneumor.ia. Ti is saa :- treatment i a sare cure f..r lame back. For a.e by R'akeiey A H oigh ton I'mg-fists. Io yoa want Ti- e C hbov k li: and -an Frnri-i-o Examiner fur a year" If so snd ns l2.2-" and yoa can have tf.em, l"x. .papers for $2.2-" or le. than a cent and a half a pi ce. If yon would rather have the New York World, we will send out delay at Cascades. yoa anu tne mivmiiiid t. i:k"i irLt one year for $2.2 "i. The Wor d is a. so a sn.i-w-ekly wt you wili g-t 2o papers f ir 12.25. "Djctor,"' said Mrs Weeds. "T can't get it out of my head that my poor, dear hns!ind was burie-1 tlivt." "Nonsene"' snort'-d Dr. Peduncle. 'Didn't I attend hi:r, in his las; lli r.ess ?' ' Fato-r.t Car. you te.l n,e, d'j-tor, the can ,f Laidnoss? Phj.ician Nothing easier, sir. I: is doe to tiie out of the hair. Will you pay now, or shall I put it down to vo'ir a-otict. Le-tun Transcript. "I wonder why Phliadelphians are s-j interested in pedigree ?" ' Probably ijecatise every one in J't.ila delphia is living in the time of his ancestors '' CI ioajo Icord. cn:i;;et 'r T:.e 12 .OTi 3.00 THE ( HKOMCLK was estaUirheti for the tx- res f.urjHise of faitlifully rej'rt sfiitini; The Dalles and the s-urrounJinj: country, ami the Fati?fying efftK-t of it? mission is t-verywhere -apjiarent. It now lead? all other publications in Wasco, Sher man. (Jilliam. a larpe part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the lest medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Wkhkly Chroxiclk on Fridays of each week at ?1.."U per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Tito DnlloH, Oroon. t ' -Lipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipment for way iaiiulnits must be delivered before 9 p. in. Live stock ' Call fir. or address. w. shipuients sy-licted. C. ALLAWAY, THE-DALLES. OREGON FIRST CLHSS Wibble xo L'inks has heeu sick along tinie, eh Is he out vet? Wabblnc Yep : IVj. He paid his doctor yester- I'ndertatiDj EstablisbineiiL ! n ' Mum !J Uy i PR PlS n nil" 1 Sill CAN BE HAD, AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE The success that has attended the use I of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lln- Tbe line ie ail etaked out, and the work ' aient in the relief of pain and in curing dav. Boston Courier of iorvey near'y eompieted. Major : diseasea which seemed beyond the reach Poet and Receiver McNeill went orer ' medicine. Las been trnely remarkable. tb line together and examined it care roIiT. It runi the whole distance be tween the Oregon Railway & Naviga tion line and the river. Mr. Pike and bia party are now looking orer the line at the suggestion of Major Port, to see if any improvement can be made in the carves. Oregonian. Handreds supposed to L crippled for Lfe with arms and legs drawn up crook ed or distorted, their muscles withered or contracted by disease Lave been cured Kitty Mr. Ie Slim makes up in good looks what he lacks in brains. Jane He most be a phenomena! beantr. Detroit Free Press. DiDio, a New York concert hall high Katie. through the nse of this remedy, price kicker, has jost married a millionaire 25c, 50 and 11.00 per bottle. For sa.e by the Snipea-Kinersly Druj Co. There is always something pa'hetie in the ight of a candidate's wife trying to PKINZ & MTSCIIKE nt M r us is Furniture and Carpets. I We have added to onr hosinees a complete Undertaking Fstabiishment. and as we are m no way connected with the Undertakers' Tru"', our prices wil lie low ai-cori.ntriy. Reasonably Ruinous Rates. All perrons who Lave not naid the-lr mn ont of the fact that worse uiew uian nusiiana liave gotten loavi tax and de-ire to work the tame ont, will be on hand Wednesday and Thursday a t 6 o'clo-k, with Jiicks or aooveis. Work will be done on the road a! the brewery till. W. H. Pirr., Street Coinmis-ioner. Hce. Wa-.hir.gton Star. If ti.e won.aa jit arrested in New York for swindling; milliners is sharp she will arrange to lie tried before a j-jrr ci-ir.sstlr.p wholly of tiarrle-I met.. I', n-t'in 'no1-. clubman of that town, serves ter right. Ie'.rtt sun. She Didn't you ever see a more per fect moon? He slightly under ti.e in Cnence W'sh one are voa 'ferrit g to? Lite. 'When I grow up." said a little year-';','! philosopher, ''shan't i fee! strar pe for a day or two." Ti '.-I: ts. 1 he UiO'e (l'i tor a dyiiig Lire, tiie ijiore di.-eae h is Vnu'l to have. New Orietns Pi-a-. i:ie. NOTICL TIM BUR CTLTl'RK. .S.,, ..H.tT Hi 1 H t r .iTrplitint tsrli.r Wn n.u-.n i tt:i .rr, Iit yi f.'l A Ua.u-rs uninat Jfnn-rt i eiroth 1'ir fill .ire v. e-.r i,i r with tot as ViTIm lief i nl-,iir Knt- So d!.t Jui.r j, !w niin tn s , N t. N , r , nl ' m--eie 4. T .wi i Ni.-i.. K.i.ra It F..t m t, n" r-v.'.y. 'T t 'i.. w i:-. s i-w t tl.. ... i i'ii-vt it. l' -it j, .i-t .. iri.- i.l- nr i--'.f.f. nr f v jo t-.''..--l. ! t -it Blakeley & Houghton, druggists, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon 1 1. SMI l-.-l.l- Te'viri' A ful1 line of all the .Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. . ARTISTS MATERIALS.-. Country ,d Mail Orders will reive prompt attention. f. ' .