The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 17, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Batoned at the rnn!tit ttliU l"allea, OTesoa
a. muilUn niatwr.
t hail, ronui runu. in invi.
. One year tl
ria uml3 . V
Tare mouth - - j j
Advrrmtn raw reaauuable. and uiade Known ,
oa appltcauou.
Ad.trr-u. '.! commnnli-ati.i to "THE CRROX-
1CL1.." Tne lia.te. oreoa. j
TV Ikiiiii and Witkly Vkrtmicit na)
r ouwif on Male i I. t . A tcausu $ lnr.
Teirphout Xo. 1.
(I he .temped atous on t'heatnut rtrer::
Her ice l-Triu to pale;
Her t lourhw. anfc down toward her fret:
Her brvath beean to tail.
Bbe we. the ml duftiu'Uw
X all the nuuili Hi town.
Fnr eve-y ttroe .he vtepned .he felt
Ucr toriibf euiuuic tlown.
I'bilatlvlvbia Kecuid.
laaar DaUaa -U to the Lot at ta Self-
aarrlBclna W
The number of books, with their big.
unpronounceable names which nurses
in training have to t.tudy frihtn
away all rattlebrained applicants,
k-avinp only the studious, determined
and re.ia.ble. saw. Itonahoe's Ma$razine.
lleroines they
are, erery one of them
who . finishes the course, as anyone
mnsi see wno nas xiveu amouir lueiu
and watched them through each busy
day, dressing wounds, bandaging and
making bandages and rollers and lin
ings of eplints. cooking and serving
delicacies, dressing the newly born
and preparing the dead for burial and
making the rounds with physicians
and surgeons, from whom they receive
their practical training. In addition
to these few duties mentioned out of
the thousand and one that will suggest
themselves, they must attend lectures,
recitations and demonstrations, and
prepare for their own examinations,
which in some schools occur each
month, but generally every three
months. Even from this brief show
ing, it will be seen the life of a trained
aurse is a ceaselessly bnsy one. helpful
and truly noble, but in no way a sine
cure. No one but the fairly educated
and cultivated should enter the pro
fession, since nurses should have these
qualifications quite as much as the
mechanical skill in order to render
them agreeable to the class of people
who commonly employ nurses. And
none but the patient and self-sacrificing
need enter the profession ex
pecting to rie to the rank of a
x lorence -Mntuiiue: at leat, tna& is j
tne conclusion ot one wno nas uvea
with them, studied their life and
profited by their training.
Am Xaarawlaoa CoattriTaaea far laxUatiaf t
tk Itaaian Voicaw '
Far many years there has been a de- i
Boand for something in the way of a I
pocket timepiece that would indicate )
the hour by sound. A French watch- !
maker has invented a watch with a j
phonographic attachment, and instead j
of striking the hours the timepiece I
murmurs them in a gentle tone or ',
chirps them in cricket-like sounds, but.
in either case, clearly audible and nn- ;
mistaknble. The attachment is de- i
scribed as "a circular plate of rulcan- '
nn ruuuer wim srnaieu icrrows. aau i
m point resting upon the furrows and
traversirrjr its sinuosities." By an in- ;
geniomdy devWd system of irregnlari- '
ties in these depressions or furrows the j
tones axe ruried and made to produce
such words as: "Ten o'clock," "lla!f- j
post one o'clock,- and tbe like. Alarm- j
clocks with strong and piercing tones j
fm to be made, and one may lie shouted ;
to with such orders as; 'tiet up:" or j
"Here, you boys, get out of that, or i
itTl be the worse for you!" or similar i
emphatic orders. The next thing in ,
order will be dials that will call out j
the hour when sick people mar take ;
their medicine, or when certain house
hold duties mar be performed. It is j
said to be possible accnratelr to repro- i
since a given voice, and that one mar j
suave tne voices or individuals pnono-
graphed, and they may be put awar !
M . . . I I
or mLure reierence anu as poasiuie
mementos of those who have raused
awav. i
tbe Car K b. Caaaid Jov tm
Three rwouah birls.
Three shabby girls and a shabby i
man got into a north-bound car at the I
pout office the other day. and soon after !
tae man sneezed. lie and the girls !
were strarurers to each other, but the j
, sauciest of the three girls laughed
. when he sneezed. The man took no I
special notice f her. but soon he I
sneezed ap-in end crrain. tnd then til j
three of the giri:. j-rggled. and so did !
the man. In t',i? next three blks the !
man sneezed bcif a dozen times, and at
each sneeze the Mtucient of the girls
aid something and the others laughed.
By thia time the other passengers
were interested, and everybody await
ed the man's sneeze. He kept it np
at intervals for the next half mile, and
everybody in the car rred at each
explosion. rw passengers got in to
Baa the whole car in
btaid persons tried
first not to I
laugh, but when the man's face
twitched as his sneeze hung fire and
tbe sauciest girl cried: "Watch him go
off," even they had to join in the fun.
Passentrers came and wer.t. but the
man and the three girK remained.
Everybody came in sober ani went out
laughing, and after the thing had beun
going tm fr three miles tue pa .- n
ger a who got in at the pB,t ollk-e were
in doubt whether t!te man had fever
or was only an excellent facial contor-
lactam a here dandruff, scalp dis-f filled his command, and almost thir
ease. fslling and grsyneM of the Lair ) thousand teeth were put into the
anrwar rio mt e.a ,!- .v. v.t .,.i i coCin with the dead dentist If Home
a neor remedy
and tonic like Hall's -
Hair Renewer.
hnr-cr'he lorTa CnsosicLK.
Fa ludhuw Mrvar ta Itnln Result
fcjr Vmm a! 1-Tapoeatlia.
Of course,- everyone likes lee waUr.
It is an American habit, and. patriotic- J
ally fluking, ell American huliitsure '
good. I'.al if people n:ly knew it, says i
the Va):iiu:tin 1'oet, there art- better
ways of keeping mkT Mul tksn put-
tin? ice In it. And the water thut is ,
cihiI without bciugeold is twice uscool- i
ing to the drinker, to say nothing of !
being several tirues as gvnal for the
stomach into which it is put. One of
the smplc.t ways of cooling water is j
by evaporation. The Pueblo Indian of
our miuthwes.1. with nut utituloreo :
; mind, discovered thia fact hundreds of I
i yean ago, and has been Utxing the ins-
I eovery in his quiet, unobtrusive way i
ever since, while we of the higher civ- t
' Uuatiou have lietn bnyiu? ice. deplet- j
ins: our povketa andspoilinjr our dijret- j
tion at Uie tame time. The Iueilo In- j
i diiius never dt-H-overvd tha art of (rlai- i
inu pottery, and the result U that all i
their earthenware U more or lo .
: ptrou&. ant! when filled w ith water ab- j
j sorho it spongre-like. keepinT the out- ;
side a! wars m ut. lau. moistnre
i evapupaUnp c,Kas the veaael and the
water it contains, just as one can teel
the coolness that comes from a breeze
on the btdy when wet with perspira- j
tion. In the dry air of the southwest. !
where the Pueblo Indian finds his J
home, this evaporation is very great, j
and the insult ik that the notterv ollna .
, Brt. UMHj bv whites, Indians and' Mexi- !
I ,i;v.", hold col drinkinir wau-r
Anyone who has traveled through
the southwest cannot fail to recollect
the old brownish buff-colored olla with
its curious Indian decorations in con
ventionalized pictures of birds, beasts
and fish that were sure to be found in
j the fork of a dry cottonwood branch
standing just inside the door with a
j yellow calaltash. or if. in a very modern j
J house, a tin cup haneing from a nail '
on the door jamb. And water from it '
after a long, dusty ride in the boiling I
sun tasted many times better than the )
coldest ice cream soda he ever paid ten ,
cents for in the states. It may have 1
been what CoL Tom Ochiltree terms
the large, elegant thirst that added to -the
supposed virtues of the olla as a J
water cooler, but the scientists of the j
National Museum will tell you that the
cooling qualities of the porous pottery j
are quite as real as imaginary. In the I
better class of Mexican house the
chipped and battered olla in its pictnr-
t-.-ue ruM.ic support wu usuauy oe rv-
placed by a more daintily ornamented.
earthen one shaped like an army can-
teen, suspended by a gray Mexican t
sarf in the draught of a window, or a '
highly ornate bowl of a couple of gal- ;
Ions eanacitr. swung in the same war
netting of twisted yucca fibers.
Hut the cooling principle is always the
The Kom raid ta Oa Had by Uie Whir
Acalnct th Body.
Early in October I had the only op
portunity which has ever presented
itself in my twenty years of experi
ence in forest and field of stadrinc the
method employed by the cock part
ridge in producing that peculiar sound
known among sportsmen as drumming,
aiys a writer in Forest and Stream. I
was out with my gun looking for quail
quite early in the morning and was
working toward a small wooded
sffLmp, where I knew the birds fonnd
.Sc shelter at roosting time, as well as
fr,,! the gun when flushed by dog, ffir I
no tenter, no matter how ardent, '. Kutc the temerity to brave the
suck-Ink' . and wild brier vines. Ilcur
in7 the ci.. 1 of a quail. I stopped to
li.sten sm.l locate him positivtriy. I
st-.xtd facia? a stone wall, distant aitout
f-ix rKis. oa each side of which grew
hazt-i busli.-s. Sudilenly out of thise
on the opposite side sprang a fine old
cock pcrtri.tge and dropped on the
well directly in front of me. tail
spread, ruff standing out and crest
raided the picture of alertness. What
n chance for on artist. I hardly
Wreathed. Between us was a smal
alder !r.::h. tall and slim. This tew
the only shelter, yet the bird did not
seem to notice me. for after standing a '
"""" "c a" jtouu
seeming to enjxiy the rays of the sun.
mfir.nA n.nn, n. il 1 ..I. , V ., . I
' . i. v . u
mnd etched him thus fur probably ten ;
minutes, and waa considering whether f
i to let nun go altogether or ucsn
try a shot, when he storrped. shook i
himself, stretched one wing and leg.
then the other, took a Took around and.
slightly nising his feather, as a set-;
ting hen when disturbed, raised his '
wings a little above a horizontal line j
and brought them down against his ;
body, increasing the time until it ;
ended in a flutter, as it seemed. This :
I watched him repeat: the third time I
moved slightly; he spotted me and
moved also. I am perfectly satisfied
on one point, however, that the mysteri- ,
ous noise, as some term it, is produced !
by striking, the wings against the
body. As many will admit, who have
had the opportunity to observe, the
sound is more pronounced and distinct
at a distance than very near it, where I
it has a muffled, fluttering sound.
Many theories are advanced on the ',
subject, amon? them one to the effect ,
that the bird '-lands on a hollow log and !
strikes it with his wings, thus prodnc-1
in," the sound from the log. j
A dentist died in a rural town in Eng-!
T ,, " Vu "
years in pulling the molars of hi ft-1-:
low citizens. Ue had made it h bobbr '
to keep all the teeth which be had '
drawn in the course of bis professional 1
career, and took great pride in tbe eol-'
lectkm. When his will was trpened it '
was found that he had ordered the col- i
lection of teeth to be placed with him ;
in bis coffin for buriaL His heirs ful-
archir-ilop-iHt of the fntnre century
shtll happen toopen that grave, he will
have "food f ir thought'' and some dif
ficulty, perhaps, in explaining the pres
ence of so many teeth.
4 wfrz&n.
A Racking Cough
Cured by Ayor"a Cherry Pectoral.
Mrs. r. 1. Hall. 217 r.etieiwte SL,
Lockort, JC. Y., buys :
"Over thirty year ago, I remember
hearing my father ilenorihe the wonder
ful curative effects of Ayers Cherry
Pectoral. During a recent attack of I .a
Grippe, which avtiimed the form of a
catarrh, soreness of the lung. accom
panied lr an ncravatiDj; couch, I
used various remedies anil prsxeription.
While some ol these nie!ioine piirtial!y
alleviated the roughing liiirin? the day,
none of tliem afforded me any relief from
that spasnMHlic actum ol the lun; which
would seize Hie the tiiuieit I attempted
to lie down at riilit. Alicr tin or twelve
such uiplitM, 1 was
Nearly in Despair,
and had ahotit ileci.;.'.! to nit up all niclit
in my easv chair, ami pro. lire what
sleep 1 could in that viiiv. It tiien oc
rurrcd to me that I liuj a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Fectond. I took a
poonlul of this prepura'ion iu a little
water, and was able to iie Jv u w:-.bniit
eoiighins. In a few nioiin :!!.. I fi ll
asleep, and awoke in the morning
greatly rcfreshe! r n.i f..-r i n nch
better. I to..k u t -a- --i'i.! of tl.- !Vr
Vtral every Bilit lor a o k. ?; n i'r::tl
nalli decreased t!te time, au.i tn xa
week my ronch wc rnreu."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Promo. to z,z-1 -.-; to cure
Dvalh af aa Albaoy Plane?.
Alba.vt, Or., Nov. 15. Benjamin
Brenner, a pioneer Hebrew citizen, died
suddenly at noon today of heart disease.
He was found lying in the barn, where
,,e ha(j to feed the row
, .
J -
Assignee's Notice.
Notice in herrtiy riven that John F. Koot haa
; duW etuveTeil ti the unttersiirnetl, by proper
. deed of airnment. all or ht rtai and personal
protamv.fiir tnebeneiitof ail ol hiemtinrs.
All perMin haviikr claima atainm aaiU John
F. kintf are hereby imtiiM! to prvaeot the amine,
1 Ttnierly renihit. to me at Uie othee of lJumr A
' Menefee. In balleii city. Orv"n, within ninety
' dar from the dite itf thia notice,
j Iiatnl tbi nth day ol Sovemher. l"t.
i novlTdarJS H. OLE.N'N. Saiirttee.
No'ire In hereby riven that the nndenljmed
htu been duly appointed by the llunnrable
t .nittv Court of the ete of ureeon, hr t aco
eoonf. winilntstratrix of the eaute of Chariea
r.. Krtixiit. d'ei.ajniil. All peranna bavinji eiaiina
snirn,: aid estate are hereby notified to present
tiie ume. duly rerined. to nie at my reaolenee
in I!!- ly. Waneo eounty. Oreiron, within
9i m'Oifhi. fnm the dte of thia notice.
batec. tt.U litb day of October. 1j-i
fll'KHE J. KAli.fTT
Admimntratrix of the t-lle of t'harlr E.
llalKht, deenuea. IK JU-Srl'
Administrator's Notice.
Xottee U hereby riven that hv an order of the '
t'nnri of the eute of oreaon hir the ( ounly of I
U aeo. duly noide and Vntered on tne im day of (
Nmeinierr, it. (ne niKtemisneil was appointed j
aduini.tralor of the enute of Juluia ( uhieitrn. ! All wrne havine ciaima aaaiiiat j
tne eS te f aald deeeaied are hereby nottli to ,
PTwent tneni. with tne proper v.'Ui.he7 there- t
l-r. i- me at the nthee ( liuniiairtim a Wlmm. I
Tt llla, witniu nx mntt hum the !
duo- hereof.
luted Th IaUea. irson. Sot. 1"M.
h. e. IM NTI.S iTOX.
A'tminiratJir of the kitnte ot Julma tb-k-iij.
leeeaed. nor:'dcet.
t". H. Lxxd times. The liaHn. tir..
Nm-entber !wi.
.Viitiee i hereby riven that the lollinrins
named settler ha MtaJ notiee irf hi intention
. P make hnai proof in unpport of hie euom. and
tnut n.l no
of will lie rntMie hel-we tlie rev;i!ter
reeeiver of tbe I. e. Iind oflwe at Tbe
j oaitea. w., on ueeemtter a, la
Baatll Ilelora,
Hd F Xo Oi. for the eC!, sec U, Tp i R
K. W if.
" "aine tlie folkiwlnv witneeae. f prove bit
Mid Und. viz.: rrank oaoel. V. II. Waaetieid.
' narie . Ktre, The Uall, Oresjon ; Hampton
JA8. F. M'JORK. hegi.-tr.
Lass Orncz, The Imllen, Or..f
Sot. ti. 14. (
X-niee I- hereby airen that the following-
nameii aettier ha ttled reiti of hi. intention in
maae final pemrf In mpprt of hi eimni. and
that mid will be njiwle ttefore tbe heeialer
and heeetyer at Tbe Laiiea. Oreron, on le- i
a4 . s-uB, v m -
Aaa M. Stowwilll.
Hd No. !. for the see 21, Tp t R V. J
He name the follnwinr witnemea to prove bin j
eontinoona reaidencc upon and cultivation of
aatd land, viz: I
ha. Hayward. R. I. Pi'rher. F.rael MefU, i
J. K tinudgraaa, all of 1 yen Vale-r. in.
JAB. V. I1UOKE, hntititer. I
C t. Lass Omd. Tbe liallea. Or..f
Oetober i. 1mm. t
Kotle la hereby riven that tne following
aamed settler baa filed notiee nf hia Intention
J" "nal poerf In mmrirf hi. elaim. and
,d reUer of ilU Ia "hl 7 Tbe
ballca, Crtun lweea'er L ImH, vis:
Jaeab A. Wafatr,
se it. Tp. l . B i: r... w. m.
He name the following witne
"n"u rede upon and rulti'r.Uoo of .
aaid land, riz
w jwova Dia
' "iw - - "arriman, g.
Fiiss. Lod-miby, Ureffon.
JA8. F.
Assbee s Notice of Final Acccnnt
Notjf- ia her. ny given that the nnder.lrnd. !
a. ! of iw eeute of w . t.. rrtFii. in- i
'ivent debtor, ha. hied hi. Anal aeeotint in the
,r"iit Court of the ctale of Ursm. i.r, H mm-n !
emiety. aod that the aame will e,ne np f.a-1
hea.inr in eourt on I .thdayof
MVWier, l" whic'b time .aid aeeianee will I
a an order 1irioutirf wod etate and dm- 1
e.'ia'irinr aaid ae.irne. 1
Imud thie ntbdnyirf (ietobr. I'l i
--Sv IT Awisive ef F.Mate tv. L. ,arreta.,n. !
For pain in ths fide or chest there If
nothing to good a piece of flannel a TTTNTEItVS
dampened with Chamberlains Puinj-A. aVAv
W.l I L. 1 .!.... itaiii '
xaiui ami ihiuiiu on over uwwbi w
It sffardi prouipt and pe",""f,"t relief
and if used in time a ill often prevent a
cold from resulting iu ptieunionia. Ibis
! same treatment U sure cure f-r htme
j bark. For rale i y Itlakrlry A lloiigh-
tou lrumiu.
Wasco Warenuuss 60.,
Receives Goods on Stor
; age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reasonable
make oooub
W. W- Oo.
A. A. Brown,
Kap a lull aawiruueut at
Staple aod Fancy Groceries,
t and Provisions.
walca be offer at Lew Fururas
to Cash Buyers.
HillBst Cask Prices for lis and
otter Profa.
Pork aod Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curerscf jjf BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
I Thirty-five bead for IHH, sired by
j Center Free Trade, son of the Great
Free Trade bog of Ohio, told for 800,
the highest priced bog ever sold in tbe
I ntted htate, asaiated bv aon Tecnmseh
j Chip Jr 2184U. fold for tMO.
! Owing to the bard times, I will sell
i for tbe next three months, mv pis for
L0 each, or t'.J per pair.
Will box and
i deliver at nearest itation free,
f Come and see them or write.
No baeinen done on Kundayi.
Centerville, Wash.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of RACE OVEX, baa rot onM splendid Farms
and food paytns Town Property la tha WIU
ette V alloy for atla very ehaap and on eaey term.
Some of the farm to ezehanaw for Eastern
Ov-r. property
Write for list and term.
Fracl Perctan EtaHioii,
i-si in .h , M, . . . .
??-f' P0""". n Rnre roal
2 "h '.T, wtb
ri""':1' j. iraoe
. . .
fin- none or eatte.
Kerr & Buckley,
Grass Vsllev, Or.
- !
Jew York Weekly Tribune,
a ta en
tv-tiage jjurnttl, i the lading Kennblican family paper of th
I Stales, ltiia NATIONAL FAMILY I'Al'fcK. and give, .11
the general news of the I iiited Mate. It give th events ol loreini
land in a nutshell. Its Ai VACV ITCH A L department ha no an.
perioriu the countrv. Its MAKKF.T KKltKT- are reeognijsed 0.
thoritv. Separate departnient lor THK FAMILY C1KCLK. (l'S
AXP 8lClFTY column command the admiration of the wives and
daughters. It general olitical lira-, oditorials and dicnioni are
comprehensive, brilliaul and exhaustive.
A SFFC1AL CONTRACT enables us U offrtr Ibis splendid fonrnal u
OjssbIx lxx
(The regit'ar sabacription
Addres all ordei to
Write vour name and addrees on
Room 2, Yribnne Hnilding, New York Citv, and sample copy ol THE SEW
YORK WEEKLY TRIUL'XE will be mailed to yon.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
Buceeaaor to Thorohury A Hudson,
83 Washington St, THE DALLES, OR.
If ynu want liiformstitm einneri..nff Uim
met it Und.tT th lawn rvialltiic tUffrtrlo, jrttu tmn
tMiHrttlt him trr ol clunre. Mr bu tntwlr mr
rinltr of thia bu.niia, anU ha pra.'-iinrd Imfuni
the I tiltrd htatra Laud iHica Ua over Wa yvttrm.
He t A rent for the Kantera Orernn Land
Company, and ean pell yun t.nutu. or t'u
Impmvrd Arrirultural lnus In any quantity
dealrvd. and will aeitd a l'atnphUt dearrttilna;
thew laud to anyone applying- to him for it.
Settlara L wealed a Cavar'aaa I Laada.
If ywa waat ta Hwrrww Moaey, oa Ut ar Kb art tiaaa. Its ewa aeeamaaodat rn.
Wrltaa Tirm, Lira, aad Aeeideat lanruea.
If aaaaat call. writ, aad yaar
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office ol tbe Wetwn
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
( Successors to L.
A General Line u
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Vttolesale and Bctail Dcslm in Earaess, BriJles, ftips, nurse BMsts, Etc
rnll As-artmeiit of ffezlcaji SafidJcn Flail or Stamps!
No. C7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer of
Bollding Material tni Dimension Tiober, Doors, Windoit Muldkgs, Booa Fanusiinp, Etc
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fls
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Paotory aan.ct Zru.uxlz-
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
This well-known Brewery is now tnrnlre out tha lt Ber and Fort
east of the Casnadea. The latest appliances for tbe manufacture of food b"b'
iui Ler itsvs been introdo?dt and on.y
be market
for th two papers it $2
a nostal card, send it to Geonra W n..
He la Arent for sale nf lota In Taoarsnw't Aa
rtoR to Tbe liaiiea. Thl Addition t laid of u
acre hu, and deatined lo be Uia prlnelnal nai
denee part iH thm eitv. tmly 'iu mlnulea' walk
Irniu Courthouae; 10 Biiuotva from R. R. IwuriC
letter will ba wrawaptlf aau
D. Frank, deceased.)
icxasrx)s .
Vstrd sat Old JTt. X-X1
Slab WOOD Delivered to
of the city.
the finrt-class article will l p scd