The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 17, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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4 ,,i 4 4 fx 1 ingrun down another bona issue mum
1 D6 WeeKlY bDrODlClt;. .' follow , and the s, W.ator put the gold
J ; back taking Km.lo for it, and so the J!'
- -- - ." ".: - i. i-. ..,il n.vnrn. with China.
OKKUOM game " " -
" uient redeem everv diliar of money ex-
iMwtoAuv i The 11!, Oriou. ; cept guhl, and issues bonds for it. It
I look like a scheme of the moneyed men
ST AT K iiriiriuii. 1 to fore large IkiuI inane payable prin-
Ki-.Ienxl t Hi
MMt'iinil l::U mailer
follows tiovornor Pitinoyci'it example
ami quotes scripture. He rails atten-
not having U'ueh trouble i (ion to the lact that "Whom the lord
The Chinese urmy ami the j loveth He chasteneth." Wonder if tlie
marcli to Peking are a tritte compared to . g1)0d governor a thinking of the ilcin-
aH'rvuirY of !ia:i
Bum. il Public liMtruetiow
Atutnicv -wcin'ra:
Stnauir .
State Printer
. t. tvnnoyer c;.,l and interest in fold.
II R klllcalU , 1 ,a
."iiu inula' KMIXSlXti VlVSi.
i J. S. l...h.h
- (J. II. M:u-hll
h. Hermauu
(W U. K!li
. . V . II Lmls
ltu t B akeiey
T. J 1 'river
A M ktlaav
.. Hid Miebvll
i Krauk Kiueatd . . i. U Wamniell
Surveyor E. K stiarrt
aiiBerinuiideiit .f Public L'Aoola Ttot She. ley
Cormier H Hutu y turned
rouiirv JuJxv...
Treajurer . .
Commissi utier
The course of true love is indeed far
from smooth. T!ie following dispatch
from Chicago yesterday shows the tribu
lations that loving heart must bear:
"Willie Johnson and Maud Cooper, 11
and 9 years of age, eloped yesterday
with the intention of getting married.
They lived in the same house. Their
mothers were away yesterday, and when
they found a note from
Willie telling of the elopement. He
had stolen all the money he could find.
w hat she w ill have to contend w it ti alter
China is uo longer in the problem The
ultimate division of Corea, the passing
around of the tpoilti and the apportion
ment of the plunder is what is going to
make her diplomats grow gray H,u' l4t'-r
jieopie weary. llussia wants a portion
of Corea for terminus for her f-iU'rian
railway Itecauae Yladivoatock i" too far
nortii and not a good ai.d uciwsilile !
harbor. France wants n coaling station
on the island of Foruua, which want1
properly interpreted menus ibat uhv
wanta the whole island. (.rem Britain
would be surlily content n ith the island
of Cuusan but would take as iuikIi more
as she could get. (icrmany
in her claim vet but it is Bate to sav she
ocrats or popiilii
of it.
!s. Ihev lxith W"'
i. uiie
Alrrllrtl t eller".
KolUming i the list of letters remain
ing in the no-tolhYe at The Ialli' mi
ulied for Nov. 17, IS!',. IVrsuns calling
fur the same will give date on which
thev aeie advertised :
TI1" wheat market bo n .hi'uled
improve lit nince our ia-t qu.ita'ions.
which were "'.' cents (ht li'l-bel. The
price has advanced during the "evk un
til the 3o-cent mark was reached, w hich
can be regarded as the "i'- tnongh
some choice lots brought 117 iviits eurlv
in the week. The K.tiropeiin market
shows a steady, but slow rts- in pric',
but the cause is n mystery ii the re
ports concerning the world's surp!ti- are
and all his mother's jewelry
Tku In.dtUndl T'1t.-,i1Tia 1 ilwptv ,i t - ....1
, , little coupie cane.; on a num.xr.uu,. Btations and an island to appear
Association, with headquarters at hat- SUteti their case he called the police, j
.unt nut a rir,n- . , ik 1
., i,ue ran oc w uen an ouiL-er i'ri.-r:u, j
and his fiancee fell into the hands of
the enemy. Willie later returned home
veT cresttaaen. w un oniv co ce.ii. .eu. , moneUrv Bff4ir8, ,( business that eon-
cerns her. llresham's handling oi
It is said that the government's cash 'Hawaii would not cause enthusiastic
balance was reduced fl,5iX000 in the en,.0re. but if his talents are too large for One cause of the advance miiv lit
is not put I tu, r,,M)rt from Argentine as to the jmor
condition of the ciiin. and the mrtlier
. will want part of the plunder, and Italy flll.t thn, ,,ie HUrp;IH no, ..,!,,
: i ii. i. i - i ' . .
nuu I uriupi rain n. mn;e twentV-tive III lions of I'll-hel? ol liie
nen me i . . ,.. ,,, .., ,m 4, ,
cv.un v .....vw.. '""'"" nrst estimate.
Andrew, Juke
burlier, Mrs O
1 In tier, II
Calkins, I'avi.l
Coe, .Mi Nellie
Pavis, Mrs Kate
I'rost, 1-1 Lt in
tiauut, .Ui" M wil l
Harding. Mrs M
kueers, J It
lairuesnie. Mrs K
l.owrev, Cha
Meres," P
Met ioniiigal, J K
N issoii, 1'eter
Kiiss, Miss Atiiiu
Ciirh. J
smith I'.ros
hn, John
Ma-on, J T
tie Creek, Mich., have
lar calling attention to the treatment of
Pastor II. P. Holser, who is the ' Ameri
can representative of the Seventb-I'ay
Adventists in Central Kurope and di
rector of their publishing house at Ba
sel," who is serving a eentence of sixty
one days in jail for running his print
shop on Sunday.
Mr. Iloiser belongs to a religious sect
w hich, as its name implies, believes in
keeping the seventh day of the week, or
Saturday, instead of Sunday. That
every man. everywhere, snould have the
right to wors:i:
dictates of his own conscience, needs no
reiteration, and tiiat Pastor Hjlser has a
riht to continue bis labors on Sundae,
is undoubtedly true. The weak eitit ill
the cot.tention is tnat the seventh day is
view of these com plications it is
well enough for the United States to
attend to her own business, to settle her
last month. What we would like to
j know is, how long ago was the debt
created for w hich this money was paid
I out? Every man who has ever done any
j work for the government, or whom tiie
I government owes, knows that it does not
! riftv nn in th e:init pem-riition in which
Hod according to the rr,- ... rB ,i,iL- I,
! our experience with a printing bill or
! two now, for lo, these many days awail
; ing liquidation bv the government, that
i the present decrease in the cash balance
: ninst have lieen canted hv a midden and
merely a matter ot guess wont, as no
one knows what dav of the week time
began on
day is the divine command, and as no
uur kiivn- n uiu inr uni nils, mi tun -
I at v adev Forge
venienee Sunday has been agreed upon s '
oy most v xinstians as ttie uay to Keep.
There is no more reason why Sunday
should have been selected than Monday,
Saturday, or any other day of the week,
but for convenience it became necessary
that some day should be agreed upon
which all could keep, that the business
of the worid might no!
otf of gome ante
unexpected paying
: iwltini U'hr! nroii:ililv flip linrriiue
The keeping of the seventh " . . .
Hook's bills for beef furnished ths armv
The administration is furrowing
j money again bat fortunately the credit
; of the nation is good, and will probably '
remain so until the "old man" gets
j home aud takes charge of things again,
j Children and fools, the old adage says,
, ... , i should never lie trusted with edged tools,
be interlered i . . . ,, ....
' ana it is eqa.iy true that they shoulii
not be trusted with the bank books or;
' business of their eiders. Iemocracy !
can't hurt our credit because it is already ;
I seen that it is going out of power very i
the home market they should at least
' lie utilized nearer home: and in this
connection it might be proper to a. hi
that the Nicaragua canal would furnish
a subject large enough for him, and
, ali of us.
Ir. Wallace has stirred up a pretty
, mess down in Portland, and while i:
may lie true that he is moved thereto by
: persona! reasons and tor personal ag
grandizement, the i'aet remains that he
tells the truth when he says gambling
is carried on in Portland witii the
knowledge o! the police. Whether his
insinuations concerning some of the
officers of Multnomah county are true or
not, remains to be seen. I'istrict At
torney Hume says I ir. Wallace falsities
the conversations hud with him: but
even so, the fact remains that Ir. Wal
lace eaailv found four gambling rooms
that the police w ere unable, or unwill
ing, to discover. However, the matter
will die down in a littie while, anil the
games will coutiune at the old stand.
As "long as public sentiment is not
strong enough to compel the closing of
all gambling houses, it can be taken as
a fact that the police force and other ex
ecutive officers are not.
The potato market is firm, but tii"iil;
prices are gixnl in the Fast, thev are
not allected here on account ( the
freight. Special rulcf have been made
by tiie railroads (or tiiein, but -in cents
a bushel freight brings them up to the
selling price in the Hast. The market,
however, is ktpt nlive, mid the entire
crop can be marketed Fast at present
prii-ea. The local price is ,"o cents per
There are no changes in o'.iier staples.
Vegetables are still pientiti:' mid
I'gg- (!,. worth n,i cent- a piece, and
poultry begins to bring better prices as
the holidavs approuch.
Whkat :!0 to Hie per t'H
Fi.vni.iSY Prices are up to 'i0 to i;V
cents xr HK lbs.
Oats The oat market is light at IK)
to N) cents per loO lbs.
Fi.oi k Diamond brand at "Ml mt
bhl. per ton and 7" Jier bhi. retail.
Hay Timothy bay ranges in price
from $10 to t 'J per ton. according to
quality and condition. Wheat buy is
in full stock on u limited demand ut
$7 1)0 to 00 per ton.
Potatoes oO to 7"i cents per 100 11.
P.fTTEK Fresh roll butter at l'" to oO
cents per roll.
Fo;s Good fresh eggs sell at -J to
L'5 c.
Allison, II
barber, Mrs I
CamplH'll. i; I
Colo, Mr and Mrs
Colbv, Miss Nellie
Fisher, Kev lili C.)
i iranluud, Miss A
Hanson. 11 M
Kelley. A
l.Hiiglilm, Miss I. V
Ijiresiue, Frank
Whitnev. Mrs M
MeCormick, Miss
Presler, A J
li.ilierts, I.
steel, Mrs
Tuit. Tom J
Thompson, Win
pai k (,i:s :
(iilmorc, Mrs J F
Koix-rts, C J
J. A. Cm.ssiN, P .M.
The concert last night was a decided
success. The hou-'e was comfortably
filled and the audience appreciative.
The singing of Isith Signor and Madame
Ferarri was fine, though the luct that
the Italian was a littie too rich for us
biinchgrassers detracted somewhat from
its enjoyment. A cltirinet solo by Mr.
Long whs heartily encored as was the
solo by Mr. l'.irgfeld.
The Orchestra Union may well feel
proud of their entertainment, and can
rest assured that it was thoroughly
onj yed by all.
Ti Uet-ovcr l'iiiHtiii.
:u'i Irover,'
n tbt Vwdict
1 m mo ai
Liver n
1-lt'T is L
ui'i'lioina t'0
wLi' h y0j
;;m i..n yoUr
cure. 1
t'tlblo, jet.
ing direct!
n t!ie Liver
and Kid-
nvs. Tryu
Sold 1.7 nil
Prti!rLit3 in Liiuid, or in Tow ler
to bo taken dry or inndeiutoa tea,
Tho Kins; of Uer Mnilirlnm.
"I haveuu'U yourNimiiiims l.ivnr n
luliir anil ran roiuw.ii'iirliMtitlv hmv u uttw
L 1 hit of ull I
Hie, In-Ill' i-heil III llwll l.tKi. W
Hon, lat-fiiiii. U'asliuiKlou.
B turn T Hlamp Hi r-4 oa rM
"Are you going out tonight dear?'
puiu uii- niiHiiaiiii to 11m emanciisiur
woman. "I am. It is the regno
weekly meeting of the lodg." "Then I
want to say to you" and there M
umihUal defiance in the mild mans tone
"I meant to ssy that if you are not
on trial U-fore Judge home by 11 o'clock I shall go Inline tc
morning. Fredenbiirg ; my father." Judne.
The cue el O. Fredenbiirg ugainst I..
rrancisco was
I'.radshaw this
bought a tract of laud at Hood Uiver at
shenfTs 'ale about two months ag?i, it
Is'ing so d a" the proierty of (). I. Tay
lor. Francisco claims some interest in
the hind, mid refu-es to give tip the
possession ; hence pl..intifT brings suit.
When our reporter left the court house,
one of the Httorneri was reading Irom
the statutes of New York of 17S'.i, from
which we judge it will lie some time be
fore Hill's Code is reached.
with. If tiie blacksmith kept Sunday,
the miller Monday, the storekeejier
Tuesday, and so on through the list, one
would have to keep cases on every man
he dealt mitii to know what iav h m-afl
open for busings. Our Seventh-Day j 8on' ,JtK t0 pive il creilit lor its effor,s i Chicago ha- a club known as the Two
Advent friends are making a matter of mnst comd U d,,inK " U en in , Million Ciub. The member, have for a
tnat direction. one nnnurea mi. lion motto "Chi First .. Iji.i and a I! t.
Time." w hich, it is needless to add, is
not indicative of power to create. The
club hud a big banquet Wednesday
creed out of what is simply a matter of
If Pastor Holster wants to remain in
jail to prove that Saturday is the actual
seventh day of the week since Adasjii,
we can only commend his grit, while
re deplore bis judgment.
One hundred million
dollars borrowed in one year iu time of
peace, is a very forcible object lesson
even for the democracy.
The ebootinrr at Washineton Court
bouse, Ohio, has produced some queer markabie thing about the ailair was
results. The civil authorities demand . that seated at the main table was the
the possession of Colonel Coit, who first white child barn in the city, a
commanded the troops that did the
shooting, that he may lie tried. The
Col. declines to go without an escort.
:d as S:K)ll
less demand at H.'iO jier 100
weight gross to I". 00 tor extra good.
Mutton is now quoted at 1 to " cents
per lb. gross. Pork offerings are light
and prices are nominal gross
weight at H'.j cents dressed.
Coffee Costa Kica, is quoted at 'Zc.
per lb., by the sack. Salvadore, Itl'..c.
Arbnckles, 2.V.
Si'oak Golden C. in bbls or sucks.
J.j L'"i: Kxtra C, ' o0; lry granulated
j night, at w hich representative C hi- 00. I). ti., in 30 lblioxes, 'i '"1. F.x
cano citizens were liresent. The re- C, $2 ". OC $J 00.
r.u e japan rice.
Myriads of little gnats, each with a
little tuft of greasy-looking cottou at
tached to its body, have been olwcrved
Mctton Ileef cattie are in on the warm days this fall, floating on
Pofl.Tiiv Good fowls are quoted at
. t-.-. to $2.75 per dozen, turkeys s cents
i per lb.
daughter of Col. II. J. Hamilton. The
population of the city is now nearly tw o
millions, and yet within the life time of
one jiersun the city has been created.
There is no coiintrv in the world that
There should be a limit to all cranki
ness, a place where the wheels should
cease to go round. People are entitled to and claims be w ill be lyncl
their opinionB and tne expression of as be delivers himself up.
them on all subjects, bat there are some j McKinlcy doeni't know what to do, as can make such a showing. There is but
things that make the public weary. We j he declines to send him under military one United Statfe, and there never will
are far from being a prohibitionist, yet
we freely admit that outside of poiitice
what might be callied the prohibition
order has done much good. Pat the
action of the Pittsburg ladies in the
matter of the christening of the Si.
Louis has passed the limits of common
protection, or to sacrilice
mob for doing his dutv.
him to tiie ; be but one Chicago.
ti'..nr7c; Island,
rice, cts.
P.eank Small whites, 414i'."x';
rink, 41L.c ir KM) lbs.
SvKt'e 2 00 to il! 00 a keg.
Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, o0c ; l'Ml'.b
sk, 1 00; L'lfiilb sk, f- '0. Stock salt,
$10 jier ton.
St i cin b '2 cents per pound.
Hides Are quoted as follows. Iry,
li'jC lb; green, 1
Sheep Pm.ts 25 to ."0 eu. Ieerskins,
the breezes about the valley. They are
said to lie the little moth of the woolly
aphis an injurious enemy of the apple
tree, and if this is true the orchardmen
1 of the valley should lie particularly vigil
ant in looking after their apple trees le
: tween now and next summer, for these
i little aphides or moths were never seen
' here before in anything like such num
! hers, and it is evident that the woolly
aphis bus been multiplying at an alarm
ing rate in some of the old orchards of
the valley. Ashland Tidings.
The very l;aut;ful dinner S"l adver
I tised to lie given away bv L. Pordeo A
Co., to their customers, was presented!
last night to Miss Anne Lang, because j
! in drawing the tickets from the box the I
one that came out first had her imme on
it. The name of every person who pur-I
; chased $1.00 worth of goods was placed
1 on a ticket and deposited in a Ikix. Lust
; night the drawing took place with result
i Io you want Tnr Chuomi i.e and Sb
: f rancisco Lxaminer for a year? If r
I send us .,.L'." and you can have tliem,
j l.'nl pupers for $2.'.5 or less than .cent
and a half a pioce. If you would rather
I have the New York World, we will tend
you thut and the Si:i-Wr.Eki v Cugift.
' 11 it one year for f2.2-1. The World
also a semi-weekly so you will get a
papers for $2. t!5.
Mrs. Tompkins When my hunUod
stays out ail night, I refuse to give him
any breakfast. Mrs. Smith That mij
do for Mr. Tompkins, but it wouldn't
punish my Jim a bit. When be stsyj
out all night, be doesn't want any break
fust. San F rancisco Call.
The big uewspaiiers can suieiy claim !
-oc iu lor w uu"r nnu joc lor summer. as siuteu. .viis l.ang is to be cong'iitu
t i....,o..,l !:..!. i 11. 1 11
Senator Cogswell is catching it over , nl certainly capture the prize for both j skins, $ ',rl- ea ; J"aVer, $i BO Tb ; ! rr,'l,,'P ''''t V"-
bis bill, now a law, concerning the 1 quality and quantity ot nerve w hich ; otter, $0 ; fisher, $.')$." f0: silver gray piiiii Hirrriirr t Le(.tiin.
branding and ear marking of cattie. i ""V aiwavs nave w ith them. 1 his , i"-); reu iox, 1 1 so : grey lox Washington Nv
The complaint is made that as no too""S "e rei.eived an offer from the.?" niarl1"' -' .
.1:1- .1. ;.-- i nhli.K I- V V...L. . ".-' , . coyote, w , oc. Mir ctuiiijaiD ; f . . ......... , t,u u , , ui v,
the animals'
Just bat tiiruw laiipa ttiniu-ht ear-marks can
and w hat they said is told in the dis- ears are too small to permit of variation j 10 "d "9 their paper for a year if we j
patches of yesterday as follows: ; in the marks. One of our exchanges 1 would set op and run for three consecu-'
"Pittbnrg temperance women are sev-; suggests thai the next legislature pass J live iues a reading advertisement of .
erely criticising Mrs. Cleveland, wife of ; an act enlarging the ears of all bunch- j their paper, next to reading matter J
the president, tor her action in using ' grass cattle. The good senator who j The price of the Independent is $3. Our ,
fathered the bill never suspected that price for the service asked would 1
any animal could be short on ears, j -" This being thus, the advertise-:
Why should he? ! uient of our benevolent contemporary ,
wine in christening the new ocean
steamer St. Louis, last Monday, and not
following the request that was made to
Mrs. Cleveland by the officers of the W.
T. C. V., that she use a bottle of water
to break over the bows of the vessel in
stead of the customary bottle of cham
pagne. Mrs. Jane Collins, who was a:
will not appear in these columns.
Al Orsgon Wool-growf r.
The American Wool and
Grower of Los ton in its issue of Nov.
8th has a very fine picture of J. II.
Sherar and the following brief biogra
phy :
"Fllsewhere in this week'. Keporter
The Nicaragua canal convention met j
in San Francisco yesterday, for the pur-
pose of adopting resolutions urging con- j
gresa to act at once in guaranteeing go-!
the head of the W. T. C. U. of Allegheny j ernmernment support and assistance.
county during the stirring times of the : Many letters have been received, and
crusade of 1874, when women went about j one from Senator Walsh of George, in-
tne city praying in front of saioons, yes- dicates that he thinks it the
!" The president
has appointed Mdward J. Ixiwrv, of
ai :.. - 1 . . .
viuu, a-tcoiiu secre-.iiry or the legation at
' Peking, China.
I Itralh uii irlrno.
Cotton ' Fkesxo, Nov. 15. Word has been re
ceived here of the death of Captain Kd
ward Smith, at La Grange, Stanislaus
county. He was a veteran oT the war of
The I'.acn llaclarod fr.
LiVKiiKiDE, Cal., Nov. 15. The great
Juueshy Smithkim lias given op
smoking entirely. I can't account for it.
Itrownlee Easily understood. He
promised his wife that she might buy all
bis cigars. One month settled him.
Pittsburg P.ulletm.
Newsboy Paper, sir? Solemn-looking
citizen My dear Imy, I would like
to oblige you, but 1 can't read. News
boyYes, sir. W an t a chine'' Ietn
feet's wuth spendin' a nickle on if the
I head ain't. Chicago Tribune.
Head of the family Well, well! Tliil
paper says the most of the big refineries
are closing. Grandma Ain't that juit
ton bud. People don't seem to want to
be reline.l these days. Philadelphia
" You ure charged with having voted
five times in one day," said the judge,
sternly. "I am charged, am I?" re
peated the prisoner. "That's mighty
odd. I expected to be paid for it."
New York Sun.
Will l. ff.tinrt A rluB.pinl inn nf a . r . . ! . . f
There seems to be pretty good grounds W0I. n"w in Iioston, amounting to 24-hour bicycle race has been declared
for believing that Bunco Keliey has con-! near'-T three-quarters of a million off. At f:30 lust night Shoemaker In
cluded to tell all he knows about the ; pomd" in one pile. Our readers will be came ill, took a short rest and
Sayres murder and also w hat he knows ' interested to see the picture of Mr. J.
about opium smuggling and the inside ' Sherar, the gentleman wbo has
bistorv of the Haytian Republic cases ' rought this wool to Iioston.
"Mr. J. U. Sherar was liorn in Ver
mont Nov. lfi, 1H.12, but passed his
1 Or those irroa inc out of the sninocrlinir nf
greatest .
Keliey it is said feels tiat he is being 1 outn ma'nly in St. Lawrence county, !
abandoned bv those whom he thinks ew Yrk- An enterprising and adven-1
should stay by him and propose, to turou disposition led him to emhrk
make a clean breast of all that he knows. 1 '"r California by steamer from New
terday said Mrs. Cleveland s action was j enterprise now occupying the attention
a slap at the W. T. C. U., and an insult of the world.
to the memory of the wife of President
ilayee. She also protested against 0ar new contemporary the Sun, has
rkpnt.nmr, vtM.e ..:ulrn;nn it i. . discovered a neat-crandson of Genrae
acred ceremony, and should only be 1 lv ot England, and devotes two coiumns ' II is l'te proUbie that some startling j ork CltT ,n by way of the Istb-
done in the name of the Trinity. Other of itg valuable space to proving the fact development, will be made when next niua-
tmrran, -r.n.n i,inr-j v ' that he is in Portlami What with Dr. i those case, come up. I ' Arriving at San Francisco, he located
Collins said, and s'ated they m-i!l mrt at " adace
and the committee of One ' - ... , - . 10 -matn county, ana devoted Ms at-
. . 1 f.riitiPritr I iftm nf I .urma r r 1 n , n. : t g 1 - . .
their next ennren-ion." Hundred, Portland is getting an un- I . .' -- -uo gooas
Did the good ladie.cb.ect to the waste Unviable reputation, hut if the Sun i "'"VTm '"""""'''"-tatb.Mrtb.
of thewinVor what wa, the cause of ! stir the royal Bengal tiger bx, ; l ! l . ;'' 'f en ,rt of Call ornia. The first tr.n.-
all their anguish? And .ince when ha. -he can still stand it. "10 tlmgV , 0b the tU "ot completed
j j -- -- twiupjrwiiii, uci9- i uiuii inui,Hiiu mute trains lormed an
the christening of
.acred ceremony?
a vessel become a j
Just snob foolish
niainn ,l,.ull. ' Tl, . : ,.(.!..: tf. .. . .. .
It is said that the policy of the dead i ', ",,, "1 " . r.V. V ' P" 'ur of trans-
actions as the above bring the order into czar will not Le pursued by his successor j Trnr-m , 1 , :, , ' , , t.,
disrepnte. toward, the Jews. Nicbola, II has a ST 7 ' , , .1 , i In UeT" With hl lrain
- ! Wn . . . , , "Billings description of it beinr better to of mule, to Oregon, where he was en-
IT WOHKS TO A VII ARM. tvt iil!:: IW-V'-T 'T4'1 'rU"8 1W,t-Idt0
Another ,V,0Ond issue is to be n themselves accordingly . d-pnt 1 1
made. It now transpire, that when the j despising death at the cannon', mouth ' gon, where he has since been engaged in
other bond issue was made a large turn I' sneuce is g lden, Cleveland ought is another affair. stock raising and in shipping wool to
of gold wi. drawn out cf the United j to be able to start up the mint, and i ! it,ir.. Ilia -,,., h. I- ........... .
typical, successful denizen of the Pacific
The fall of the year is a trying season
for elderly people. The many cheerless,
State, treasury to purchase the bonds : eave that bond issue. He Las strxk : T of tf e young men of Company C,
itb. It would seem from this that as enough to run the country on, without 1 lr'" '"fc'iment, have been charged with
long as the system of keeping a reserve
fund in gold is pursued, the money
lender, have the power at any time to
force a bond issue. When silver certifi
cate, or any other money is presented at
the treasury it teem, gold can be pro
cured for it. Tie fold reserve then be-
help from any one.
Cleveland would not ign the Wilson-Havemeyer-Oorrnan
bill, and by the
way, he hasn't made a sign since.
Can it be possible that he is dead and
has not found it out vet?
; swiping a portion of the receipts of the
' sideshows at the late society circus.
This serves to bring that performance
I nearer to the standard of the genuine
I circus.
, Governor McOraw of Washington, in
tissuing hi. Thanksgiving proclamation
ed to ride again, but at midnight gave
up alter covering 1,'!2 miles. Scott cov
ered 154 miles but dropped in a dead
faint irom his wheel at 2 o'clock this
morning and was stiff with cold.
.rman orllcitra Arroatod.
Paris, Nov. 15. In consequeuse of
the instructions of the minister of war,
General Mercic, an inquiry has been
commenced into a serious rase of e
Kiinage. Schoenbeck and Yoncassel,
believed to be ofheers in the '.erinan
army reserve, and a Frenchman, whose
name has not been given, have been ar
rested. Tha rown of ting-land.
Sah Francisco, Nov. 15, Sprcckcl.'
tugboat Vigilant has proceeded to the
scene of the wreck of the British steamer
Crown of England, with Captain Mct
calf.Lloyds' surveyor, on board, for the
purpose of ascertaining the possibility of
getting the vessel off the ledge on which
he now rests.
The regular subscription price of the
Wera-LY Chhcimcle is tlJiO and the
regular price of the Weekly OiiKnoNiAK
is $1.50. Any one sulwcribing for The
Chronicle and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Chronicle
and the Weekly Oueiioma for $2.00.
All old subscriber, paying their sub
scriptions a year in advance will be en-
dark, dismal day. act depretsingly, not
to say injuriously, on liotb old and
young. Now i. the time to re-enfurce ' llt'e(1 10 the same oiler.
the vital energies with Ayer'i Sarsapa
rilla the beat of all blood medicine..
Just received a line of Wilson Heater,
at Maier A Benton'.. nov!42t
'Don't Forget
that when you buy Scott s firm.. '
si'Jti you arc not cttinK i secret
mixture containing worthies:. '
harmful drugs.
Scott's Lmulsion canr.ct be ic
tret for an analysis reveal- n!l
there is in it. Consequently the
endorsement of the
world inenns something.
overcomes Wasting, promotes
the making of Solid Htsh, and
fcives Vital Strength. It has no
e'lunl as a cure for Coufh, Cold;,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Li-nc'.
Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, Ema
ciation, and
Wasting Diseases of Children.
cotl&Bowrr,: T. All DruggMlt. 60c and l.
She I like this place immensely .inc.
they have had the new French chef. He
(weak in his French, but generous to
fault) Waitah, bring chef f;r two.
ll.irlein life.
Mother I don't know what in tli
world to do with my .on. lie is a liorn
rover. Neighbor Why not make
Methodist minister of him? New York
fche Uh, Charlie, papa is going to
give ns IOO,(K)0 when we marry. He
Is that .0, darling? Well, .uppose we
get married a few months .miner than
we expected? Iletroit Free Pre.9.
"Is he a man of influence?" "Wal, I
jeV recon he is," w as the reply. "Ile'i
the owner of tiie latest style .ix-sliooter
thev muddy Gulch." Washington
When Johnny was aroused from hit
morning nap by his papa', heavy hand,
he understood what was meant by being
rnpped in slumber. Boston Tranncrlpt.