The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 14, 1894, PART 1, Image 3

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The Weekly Ghronicle.
n u.i ;
Cltibbing List.
flu. ClIlloMl IK, which gives the Ill-WH
nice ft work, tin" Hindi' arrangements to
lull with the follow ing publications, mid
ill'iTH two paper ""' vi'ttr (or little imirii
hl,n the price of one:
Kiviilur Our
price juice
.T2.50 $1.75
. S.Oi) 2.00
. 3.25 2.25
2.25 2.00
ifullrlr JJ V V- TfillUW.
Idirlr lad M rrilj ..rtfim
tmi-lf iaJ
krnl'lf J II "III V 1fi W'TU
Kattinlay Imily.
Tm pease A Mays high water build
ng in Itoiiijc moved to the corner of See
iiul ami Lnughlin street, where It will
be iiim) hh a storehouse.
Tin county iiiHtltute will lx held
lecomber 12th to 15th. Stute Superin
tendent McKlroy will he in uUendnnce
mil w ill lecture one evening. The pro
gram will he published Inter.
Mr. J. M. Huntington this morning
presented us with u Know hull, not of the
ndiiter hut of the summer variety. The
m'taln were of n pale yellow citHt and the
oliae of the golden autumn tint that
pOOtS tl'll llhnllt. It W'UN the lltNt of its
School Miperintenilent Shelley went
mt to Wumic Thursday to try the ciimc
.if appeal lietween Miss Wurd and Mitts
ilnicg, eueh claiming to lie employed in
hi priianry department of the school
there. As the rune toolc more time than
Anticipated, Mr. Shelley did not get
nek in time to he in his ollice today.
It is rcully a mutter of congratulation,
in view of the fact that circuit court
meets Monday, thut the Literary society
nt night decided the question "Re
vived, thut our jury system in a failure"
in the negntive. The dnhute was a wurm
one and when the judge rendered their
iiecitoou, iiiiint; njiu su ninny tiuiu iuc
affirmative came to the conclusion that
lb judges were a failure, and further
jflirmcd that if they had had a jury they
would have won. In other words they
claimed thut the jury although a fuilure,
it nut generally half an much of a failure
n the judges.
Mimiluy Dully.
Reorder Dufur, sitting as a justice of
the peace, has been tiyiug a civil case
today .
Wheat is still coming in in lurge quan
tities, and that from Klickitat makes
i:ite an addition to the receipts.
At the last meeting of the literary so
ciety the night ot meeting was changed
(rum Wednesday to Monday. Quota
tions this evening from I.owell.
The following gentlemen were selected
from the panel to act n grand jurors :
J. M. Benson, formun; J. M. i'.lhot, A.
W. Mcl-eod J no. Cutes, Robt. Hand, J.
n . iiigaiis, r. i ruunn.
The firm of Sichel A Meyer of Portland
has ussigned. Mr. Sig. Sichel, one of
the members of the firm, is well known
here, having been in business for a num
ber of years at Goldcndule.
The Methodists of Hood Kiver are
having a very interesting revival, con
ducted by Rev. Motor, assisted by Rev.
Bryan of Portland. Several conversions
have been made and the services are at
tended by everybody in the community.
Circuit court opened this morning,
present, Hon. W. I,. Itradshaw, judge;
A. M. Kelsay, clerk, T.J. Driver, sheriff.
The court appointed Thomas Hayden
nd J. Blukeney bailiffs, the latter hav
ing charge of the grand jury room. The
follow ing attorneys were in attendance :
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jay ne, H. S.
Wilson, W. H. Wilson, B. 8. Hunting
Ion, Hon. K. B. Dufur, Frank Menefee,
H. II. Riddell, Bert Phelps, Hon. J. B.
Condon, J. W. Condon, Hon. J. L.
Story, Ned Gutes and W. IS. Myers.
TueMlsy Dully.
The grand jury had not brought in any
true hills today up to tha time we went
tu press.
Two bundrod boxes of Hood Kiver ap
ples at J. B. Crossens, free froni worms,
nd perfect 2t.
IWt forgot the concert this evening,
ftoors open at 7 ;30 : performance com
mences at 8 ;30.
The funerul of the lute Ann K. Crnig
"ill take place from the Catholic church
tomorrow afternoon af 2 o'clock.
Mr. S. L. It rooks and some others
have been thinning out their shade
trees by cutting every other one along
the side walks.
President Chapman of the Eugene
University will attend the teachers' in
utitute next month and will deliver a
lecture the evening of the 13th. He is
"aid to bo one of the best speakers in
'he state and will, no doubt. lurniHh t he
an die nee soinething worth hearing.
The l ease & Mays high water build
ing is approaching its new location slow
'' At noon today it had been turned
found at the corner of Fourth and
Ai'ghlin streets, and was headed to
wards thn river. By tomorrow night
" will be in place.
The Oregon Railway and Navigation
( o w ill make a rate on potatoes of (10
nts per 100 lbs from Hood Kiver and
Joints east of it to Council Riufls,
'naha, Kansas City and all points on
the nion Pacific i 11 Ivuiikiiiy ami V
1 brasku. This rate will he in ellect from
nlxnit Nov. 10th to Iec. 31st.
Mr. Tate Roberts, cousin of C. G.
Roberts, visited Hood Kiver recently
aiul Ix-camc so infatuated with it that he
pttrchiiHcd a fruit farm, and has gone
back to ScotUnd to induce several of his
relative) to come out. As he is a man
i of means, and has the Scotch thrift, he
i win prove u vunmnio factor in develop.
j ing ttiat section.
' A party of getitleiiien were discussing
j the political situation, last night at the
j Umatilla House, the subject being the
i selection of a presidential candidate by
the democrats. They ail finully came to
the conclusion that there were no demo
cratic candidates, when M. I'. Isenberg,
w ho had been an interested listener, re
marked, "What's the mutter with John
Joe Thomas and James Cotney, In
diuns, were arraigned at 1 .30 this after
noon, .buving Iieen indicted on two
charges, one for stealing pants from
Hony will's and a watch and some money
from Farley A Frank's store. The In
dians pleaded guilty to the indictment
charging them with Healing the pants,
and on motion of the district attorney
the other indictment was dismissed.
They w ill receive their sentence Friday.
A Myatffrlnua Matter.
A very mysterious thing hapiH-ned
here lust week which those who are best
posted, have little to say concerning.
As near us our reporter could leirn the
affair happened Wednesday night, it be
ing the culmination of a conspiracy by
three individuals to kidnap Miss Blanche
Kothrock. The lady is a preminent
member of the Salvation Army here, her
home being at Hartland, Klickitat
county. On the evening stated a man
handed her a note w hile she w as at the
burracks, in w hich she was told that her
brother bud been hurt by the upsetting
of a loud of hay, and urging her to come
home. The man who brought the note
volunteered to take her down the river
to I.yle, where another brother was to
meet her and take her home. She
started down the river with the man in
a small bout, but she never reached
I.yle. Whether the man reented, or
became frightened cannot be known, but
lie brought her home Thursday morning
about 3 o'clock. We understand the
ludy says she wus down the river nearly
to I.yle, but as she left here uiiout 9
o'clock iu the evening it is probable she
did not get as far down the river as she
supposed. It is also stated that the
man who took her away liecame conscience-smitten,
at the girls artlessness
or moved by her oft-repeated prayers for
her brother's safety and so brought her
back, advising her on parting to never
go away nguin with a stranger.
ll In the Well.
Out at Mr. Steel's places tiie other
Bide of 3-Mile, one day last week, a
horse fell in the well. The well was
fifty feet deep utid had about tw o feet of
water in it. As soon as possible ar
rangements were made for getting the
animul out, as wells ure scarce and cost
money. A block und tackle was pro
cured and swung in a frame erected for
the purpose, und then one of the men
went dow n and took a turn around the
horse's body with a rope. On coming
out he reported the horse as still alive.
A pair of horses were bitched to the
rope in the block, and the animal was
hauled aliout half w ay to the surface
when the rope broke and he fell to the
bottom again. A second hitch was taken
on him and this time he was brought
out without a mishap.
When the ropes were taken off him he
got lip, gave himself a shake and walked
over to the hnystack, where he proceed
ed to take breakfast. As he had been
in the well for nearly twelve hours, be
bad his appetite with him, and, outside
of few abrusions, seemed to be unhurt.
A Sunday Trip.
The steamer Regulator made a special
trip to the Locks yesterday, the mana
gers' of the company going down to see
what could be done ubout the new in
cline, and the handling of freight until
the latter was completed. The morning
was rather foggy but the day proved to
be a perfect one. The river, bordered
with the golden foliage of the deciduous
trees, with the background of noble
pines and tirs, was in one of its quiet
moods, not n ripple appearing on the
surface. It was a delightful duy for a
trip and those who faiied to take advan
tage of it missed a treat. There w ere
not more thun a dozen besides the direc
tors who made the trip, but they en
joyed it enough for a w hole boat loud.
Kent Ratal Transaction.
P J Hiinrahan to Frederic Hilgen, the
ne'4 and the r.'J, se'4', sec 2, tp 3 , r 13
e; 1,800.
I'niled States to John B Haveley, to
n'tf nc'.C se'.i, nt'4 and e'J, se'4', sec
23, tpli, rHe.
D J Cooper to Oregon Telephone Co,
right of way deed.
Surah McAtoe and others to Angeline
Cantrell, c'J, a'a. n1-. '14 nn(1 ew,4.
ne'4-,sec 3S, tp 2 s, r 13 e.
Sarah McAtee and others to Angeline
Cantrell, nw'.,', "'. 8W,4 nd
ew'.,', w'.i. h,c tp 4 "-.ri.2 P"
Barber How do you want your hair
cut? Customer Oir.HnrvnrJ Lam
poon .
CnmniUKluuera' Coort, November Term.
I . , ... , ,
iitirt met pdne'day morning, Nov.
7th. present County Judte Blnkelcy,
Com m isKiuners Darnel lie and Blowers
and Clerk Ke.sny, by A. J. Johnson.
In the matter of the taxes of Jesse W.
Blukeney, it was ordered thut. on pay-
merit of IS and inter.-!. tl, l..i!r
I . '
,l" 'lu
Wrongful Hsscssiiient of K. T. Sharp
Provisions made for holding election
on matter of incoi porating Hood Kiver,
election set for Pec. 4th.
County rad petitioned for by W. K.
Iftiskey ami others, allowed.
Koad etitioned for by L. L. McCart
ney and others, allowed.
County road petitioned for by L. Davis
and others, allowed.
Liquor license granted to N. A. Ander
ton to Jan. 10, 18'.5.
Bills weie allowed as follows:
Tarney A Greiner, constables . . 20 00
Glass Prudhomme, supplies .. HH 41
Geo D Barnard fe Co, supplies. . . 00 4G
Ben C Irwin & Co, supplies 37 05
J W lllakeney, labor 1 50
r. ! onnger, constable fees. . . .
F W L Skibbc, board paupers
George Carty nurse
.1 B Crossen, fees
Wasco Warehouse, rent
! 30
52 00
10 00
20 70
0 00 Kohler, witness 4
A Oharr, board paupers
I 4 O
1 00
1 05
2 40
0 10
7 50
1 70
1 70
1 70
D C I.emison, labor
L S Davis, j p fees
J H Blakeney, fees constable . .
A A I'rquhart, fees eonetable. .
J II Blukeney, fees
Geo Keller, witness
(ieo Obarr, "
if King, "
Douglas Dufur, fees
Mays & Crowe, spikes
Hugh Glenn repuirs courthouse
J A Soesbe, fees
K S Olinger, fees
22S 81
13 16
(i 00
J W Campbell, witness 1
Joe Purser, ' 2
K Lock. " 10
Y G Miller, " 2 10
W II Butts, coroner 15 05
Geo W Rowland, juror
Jiougius n JJutur,
C V Stephens
Sam Klein,
S P M Briggs,
Win T Young,
H J Fellow s,
W T Johnson,
Jno McCrary,
Dave La Valle,
W H Butts, coroner 16
II Chrisman, jutor 1
D S Dufur, " 1
S Klein, " 1
Chns Stone, " 1
J Doherty, " 1
Ben Wilson, " 1
O L Barret, witness 1
Weston, Dygert Co, record 100 00
Pease & Mays, tape 1 00
The Dulles Ice Co, ice 1 47
HarbiBon Bros, lumber 2o 0!)
Wurd A Sons, lumber.
... 58 25
... 6 30
... 12 00
... 12 00
... 11 00
... 5 00
1: S, Olinger, lees
Antone Kneckley, labor.
W K Brown,
W A Maddron "
C P Heald, atty
M J Anderson, witness 1 70
W Langiile,
50 1
-Q j
70 j
70 j
O B Hartley,
Dr Brosius
Dr Morgan,
Dr Watt,
S J Brigham,
John Johnson,
J II Johnston.
M Abnet,
( ieo A Liele,
Sam Simmons,
W C Alluway,
Frank Hill,
Kd Kurtz,
M A Moody,
Sam Simmons,
F B Lord,
H Beckwith.
F C (ientsch,
Chns Tibbets,
K F: Lvtle,
Sam Klein,
Chris Bills,
(ieo Berns,
John Jackson,
Mrs Klein,
A S Bennett,
3 20
1 70
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
3 20
1 70
1 50
Tlios S Harlan j p feea 12 75
Times-Mountaineer, printing : . . 12 75
A J Dufur, bonrd pauper 12 75
L S Davis, j p fees 76 25
A A I'rquhurt, constable 30 50
R B Gllbreth, j p 7 35
S Brooks, constable 6 20
Bert Brooks, witness 1 50
Wm Fulton, witness 3 50
Wm K Miller, fare pauper 20 00
Karpolis' widow, expenses 5 00
Kmil Schanno, team 6 00
John Beyers, fare pauper 20 00
MrsN' Harris, fare girl to Boys
and Girls' Aid Society 3
Michael Dovle, road supervisor. . 40
G W Fligg, j p fees 7
Henry Kyan, constable fees.
G W McKelvey, witness. . . .
Bertha Mott, "
2 50
2 50
2 60
'.' 50
2 70
2 30
2 70
2 70
2 50
2 50
2 80
2 80
2 70
2 60
3 00
5 20
Henry Mott
John Grubb, "
A B Mott, "
Geo Martin, "
(ieo Covert, "
J Diuiley, "
G W Humes, "
G II Dunn, "
Sarah Root, "
J Means, " . . . .
IAiideraon, "
M McCormick, "
II Daily, "
S K Ferris, street sprinkling.
J A Soeslie, J I' fees
F. S Olinger, constable 1 50
C P Heald, attys fees 10 00
D A Turner, appraiser 6 60
F M Jackson, " 6 60
( ieo Sellinger, " 4 80
J H Blnkenev, constable 0 00
D S Dufur, J P fees 11 75
Frnrk G Connelly, witness 120
.1 O Warner, " 3 20
J F Tomlinson, " 3 20
S S Bnvlev, " 1 20
THigg'ins, " 1 20
Chas Powell. " 3 20
Dalles City Water Works, water. 10 00
W II Butts, coroner 15 80
C K Markham, juror 1 20
J A SoeslK. " 3 00
F Chandler, " 1 20
DG Hill, " 1 20
TS Herdrix, " 1 20
Jos Frazier, " 1 20
Kov Shoemaker, witnes .
W V Soeclfe,
t' 1 1 Stran..!.;;ri, "
A Iniralls "
1 70
1 70
i in
j It F Hioemakcr, "
i Ward A Kerns, livery
l CNickelson, supplies ..
Win Mir hell. burial paupers.. .
' -retming A llockman, lumber,
! i' !'. V.l'lips, auppliea paupers
1 I if
1 70
:; on
24 oo
3 IK)
2 25
30 00
2 70
5 00
j f. ly Drews, stamp
4 00
111 .VI
0 ) Oil
10 OH
: 1 eli-phono Co, contract
Jos T l'eters, lumber, etc .
! Dr Logan, services
i Mav" llOT'l' supplies
t t w' i, i i
' a L . . . t
a a i rqunarr, consianie
A A l'riiihart, witness . .
Fred Bionson, "
70 i
7o ;
70 1
70 ;
70 !
I Joseph Parodi, "
.1 W rrate,
TT Nicholas,
t; U Sarvis,
J M Walton
;A W Brennar,
Ad F'dgar,
C J Stubling, "
A M Williams A Co, Supplies. ... 10 45
.1 F Haworth, printing 2 50
H Herbring, supplies 9 75
Troy Shelley, traveling expenses 2 t5
Maier A Benton, wood, etc 117 75
M T Nolan, supplies 2 00
D W Vause, repairs courthouse. 16 85
C II Browne, G A II relief 45 00
Henry M liiijjen, road viewer. . . 2 00
Chns Greene, " " ... 2 00
Henry Mayhew, " "... 2 00
L W Tavlor, ehainman 2 00
Chns Davis, " 2 00
L Davis, marker 2 00
K F Sharp, surveyor 18 00
Chronicle Pub Co, printing 43 00
J B Crossen, supplies pauper. ... 8 50
T J Driver, board prisoners 241 58
T J Driver, expenses 05 00
Geo C Blakeley, fieight 3 10
T T Nicholas, board paupers .... 16 25
J Sutherland, med services 18 00
O D Doane, " " 7 00
M M Cushing, lioard paupers . . 90 56
(i W Phelps, attv fees 02 50
Kd Martin, e..Kcrt work 167 2S
F W L Skibbe, board pauper. ... 12 25
J W Koontz, salary 250 00
J A Soesbe, J P fees 15 05
K S Olinger, constable 3 10
Adjourned to Nov. loth at 0 o'clock
C'-n!t Court Docket.
The follow ing cases are in the docket
for the term commencing Monday:
Richard Banker vs Phillip Willig.
Mary Hartnett vs E M Aldrich.
The Schmidt Machinery Co. vs J G
and I N Day.
T G Mitchell vs O D Taylor.
Portland Savings bank vs P T Sharp,
et nl.
Portland Savings bank vs J H Phir
man. W II Wilson, diet atty, vs Amos Root,
et nl.
Tho9 Charmion A Son vs Jas and
Flora Nolin.
A M William A Co vs Thos Harris.
Leon W Curtis vs J O Warner.
Mays & Crowe vs D McKelvey.
Johnston Bros, vs J L and T M Brad
ley. R F. Williams, adm's. vs Marv E
Beers, et al.
A 10 Latourette vs Wm Vanderoot,
et al.
IVkin Plow Co vs C L and L Morse.
Garrettson, Woodruff, Pratt A Co vs
A A Urquhart.
George A Liebe vs J W and Will C
James Cameron vs Wasco county.
O M Fredenburg vs Lorenzo Francisco.
C W Dietzel vs W Tand K W Helm.
Chas F V Berber vs Oregon Lumber
F C Brosiuis vs Knut Knutson.
M J Manning vs Matilda Baldwin,
et al.
Johnston Bros, vs Joseph Barrills.
Lizzie Bachelor vs Reese Prather, TLos
Harlin and M Deichtenmiller.
Thos Halliday vs J G and I N Day.
W T Hansberry vs J A Soesbe, j p,
et al
E Wingate A Co vs Mrs Lizzie Baxter.
A Bettingen vs Jno Cates.
Jas A Johnston vs O D Taylor.
August Buchler vs George O'Neil.
M J Wingate va A M Williams A Co.
Assignment of A A Bonney.
Assignment of P T Sharp.
Jos T Peters vs Jno Donovan.
Assignment of K O Co-operative Asso
ciation, P of H.
Mary Denton vs Thos Denton.
Hiram Rice vs Wm Tackman.
Peter Godfrey vs W S Myera and T J
Pacific Fire Insurance Co vs Daniel J
David D Garrison vs Elizabeth W Gar
rison. J R Cunningham vs (ieo R Snipes.
Wm Clark vs John W Watson und
Carrie Watson.
Algeron S Disbrow vs II C Coe and
Kitty Coe.
Peter Fournette vs. Maggie Fournette.
W Farrell vs E W Denton et al.
Joseph May vs J T Delk et al.
Laura Sandoz, trustees, va A in ma R
Assignment of Jno T Root, Hugh
Glenn assignee.
Emma B Adams vs Alexis M F Kirch
heimer. Laura T Patterson vs J H and C 8
Max Vogt va A Bunnell et al.
John Barger vb Alfred and Caroline
Walter Breese vs Alfred and Caroline
American Mortgage Co vs Geo T Ar
nold. (ieo A Liebe vs A A Bonney et al.
Assignment of Adolph Keller.
C W Rice va A A Bonney et al.
Assignment of W K Oanetson.
The Solicitor! Loan und Trust Co vs
' J Civiper.
Asiigniiieiit of Frank Vogt.
W A Ar.i!oro:i is J;icob Altman.
RFGilion, ex s W C Skinner et al.
Dulles City vs (ieo Watkins.
Matilda Fairish vs J D Parrish.
Carl Burchtorf vs V V Fough et ex.
Carl Burchtorf vs Frauds II and Jeesio
I. S Kiii.irer vs A Mowery i t al.
Simon Mason vs F A Dcmtrlas et al.
American Mtg Co vs .las Dorris et al.
K L Smith vs M V Harris m et al.
Kngei.e I) White vs C P Heald et al.
Dulles Citv v Mary L Booth.
Samuel Clark vs L II Prather.
J C Flanders vs O D Taylor, two cases.
State vs Alvan Siginan.
State vs James llagan.
State vs Jim Cotney.
State vs Joe Thomas.
State vs Wm Smith.
State vs M Murphy.
State vs James Kgan.
State vs Wni Williams.
State vs Wm O'Brien.
State vs H Kadicke.
Slate vs Frank Klein.
State vs Otis S Savage.
State vs Ralph Gibons.
State vs J II Hastings.
Hctlool Note.
; I
The total average daily attendance fcr
September was 486, which in October
increased to 531. September's total
enrollment was 507 ; October's 604.
Number of new pupils this wecic, 14.
Totol enrolled to date, 619. Permanently
dropped, 17. Present number belong
ing, 602. In October's report cards the
following students ranked first and
second in scholarship in their respec
tive grades :
Tenth First, May Sechler; second,
Pearl Butler and Lois Helm (a tie).
Ninth First, Edward Baldwin ; Sec
ond, Virgin Coocr.
Eighth A First, Lola Ew bank ; Sec
ond, Florence Davis and Lizzie School
ing (a tie).
Eighth B First, Alice Ball; Second,
Lizzie Bonn.
Seventh A First, Charles Campbell;
Second, Violet Kent.
Seventh B First, Martha Baldwin;
Second, Hester Kent.
Sixth A First, Constance Whealdon ;
Second, Florence Hilton.
Owen Lewis, Ralph Shelley, Glenn
Allen, Flora Bassom, Hattie Allen and
Hardy Allen are new students enrolled
in the Eighth A class this week.
Fred Messinger left for Sherman
county yesterday. In the absence of
his father Fred's services are needed at
home. He expects to return in Decem
ber. Jennie Russell completed teaching
her seven weeks' term of school yester
day. She intends to re-enter the Tenth
grade Monday.
Daton Taylor, whoso leg was broken
four weeks ago, is at the family resi
dence in the city. The injured member
is healing rapidly, and Daton expects to
enter school before Christmas.
The liet of tuition pupils now num
bers 30.
The high school book keeping class
now numbers 11; algebra, 35; rhetoric,
40; grammer, 35; physics, IS, and
higher arithmetic 21 members.
Next Friday is "speaking day" with
the Ninth grade.
The Eighth A arithmetic class last
week completed the subject of cube root,
and this week have begun the "general
review" problems.
Next week the members of the
rhetoric class read accounts of their
Experiments with the air pump have
engrossed the attention of the physics
claos during a portion of the week.
A Famoui Show of lieauty.
The show of distinguished beauty,
transfixed by famous artists, w hich is
now taking place at the Academy of
Fine Arts in New York, has been antici
pated by The Cosmopolitan Magazine
in its November issue, in an article by
Wui. A Coffin, with illustrations of some
of the more beautiful faces. The "Great
Passions of History" series has for this
month's subject the romantic carter of
Agnes Sorel, who influenced the desti
nies of France under Charles VII. "The
Art Schools of America," "The Great
British Northwest Territory," "The
Chiefs of the Ameican Press," and the
"Public Library Movement," are
amongst Tmk Cosmopolitan' table of
contents. Survivors of the war and
their children will find intense interest
in 'The 8tory of a Thousand," a per
sonal narrative begun in this number
by Albion W. Tourgce, who tells in a
graphic way, of a regiment w hich saw
tierce nervicc of its organization, its
marches, its sports, and its death-roll.
Ural Ratal Transactions.
Deeds were filed ycfterdav and today
as follows :
Amanda Sears and David H Sears,
Joseph C Porter und Nellie Porter to
Koiiprt Rand, acres in sec 7, tp 2 n,
rile; f2!I.
W (i Clelland and Minnie Clelland to
Christean Rand, the s'a, sw '4, sec 7, tp
2 n, r 10 e; $1,500.
Frunklin T. Graves and wife to Alfred
Trudttleand Joseph Denis, se'4' and iw.'i,
rc 8, tp 3 t, r 14 e, except a strip 61 rods
w ide and 160 roils long of the wt st side
oisw'4; $1,000.
Mrs. G. C. Blakeley has returned
from a viit to her relatives in Portland.
Right Rev. B. Wistar Morris arrived
from Portland on the local this afte. noon.
Prosecuting Attorney Jay ne and family
wero passengers for Portland today.
Mrs. S. I. M. Brings and Mrs. J. M.
Patterson went to Hood River to inspect
the Relief Corps.
Congressman Ellis, accompanied by
his wife, came up from Portland last
night and will leave for their home,
Ileppner, tonight. Mr. Ellis lias been
kept busy shaking hands with his friends,
a job he couldn't complete if ho staid
here a w eek. Hu is in excellent health
and will be in good condition to tackle
his democratic confreres if they should
lecovcr sulliciently to undertake any
more foolishness. He expects to leave
for Washington in about two weeks.
T. J. Watson of Hood River is in the
Hon. F. P. Mays came up from Port
land last night to attend to business be
fore the circuit court.
Hood River Is represented today by
M. P. Isenberg, Robt. Rand, Jno. A.
Wilson, Tom Wickens and J. W. Ingalls.
Mr. A. B. Mitchell, representing the
Portland fair, was in the city Saturday
and yesterday in the interest of that ex
position. Tuesday
Lieutenant Benjamiu of the Warm
Springs Agency is in the city.
Judge Denny came up from Portland
last night and left for Arlington this
afternoon. We acknowledge u pleasant
Hon. A. S. Bennett returned from
Dayton this morning, having attended
the funeral of his wife's mother, Mrs.
Hon. D, L. Murphy United States
District Attorney came up from Portland
last night to attend to some matters be
fore the circuit.
T. W. Lee, formerly general passenger
agent for the Union Pacific, came up
from Portland on the Regulator last
night, accompanied by Mr. Peter
At her homo in this city, Monday
morning, Nov. 12th, at 9 o'clock, Mrs.
Ann Craig, aged about 78 years.
Her husband died here seventeen
years ago to a day and almost to a min
nte. Mrs. Craig was a remarkable
woman, whose life covered a long and
eventful period. She was a nurse in the
Mexican war, and drew a pension for
her services there. She came to Oregon,
in an early day with her buaband, and
has seen The Dailes grow from a hamlet
to thriving city, and Oregon from a
wilderness to a great commonwealth.
Sh had been confined to her bed for
two or three months, growing gradually
weaker until the end came this morning.
She leaves four children, Richard Mun
roe, at present residing at Lewiston,
Idaho, Charles, Frank and Katie Craig,
all of this city.
At Dayton, Wash., Nov. 9th, Mrs. A.
L. McCauley, aged about 70 years.
Deceased tbs the mother of Mrs. A.
S. Bennett of this city. She bus been
lying at death's door for several months,
and Mrs. Bennett has been a constant
attendant at her bedside, being w ith her
at the last moment.
Near Nansene, Nov. 15th, 1804, Mrs.
Marv A. Harris
On 15-Mile creek, Saturday, Nov. 10,
to the wife of C. R. Egbert, a eon.
Henry Wilson, the postmaster at
Welshton, Florida, says he cured a case
of diarrhiea of long standing in six hours
with one Binall bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Remedy.
What a pleasant surprise that must have
been to the sufferer. Such cures are not
unusual with this remedy. In many
instances only one or two doses are re
quired to give permanent relief. It can
always de depended upon. Whon re
duced with water it is pleasant to take.
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton Drug
gists. Wood Wauled.
The committee on streets and public
property will receive until 12 a. in., No
vember 10th, 1S94, sealed proposals, to
furnish Dalles City fifteen cords No. 1
oak wood ; same to bo delivered at city
jail. Committee reserves the right to
reject any or all bids. By order of the
committee, S. S. Johns,
oct30-td Chairman.
Do you want The Chuoniclb and San
Francisco Examiner for a year? If so
send us $2. 25 and you can have them,
156 papers for J2.25 or less than a cent
and a half a pioce. If you would rather
have the New York World, wa will send
you that and the Skmi-Wkkklv Chkon
ici.e one year for $2-25. The. World is
also a semi-weekly so you will got 208
papers for $2.25.
"Well Johnnie, I hear you go toschoo
now." "Yes." "What part of it do you
like best?" "Comin' home." Harper's
(UreiiKlli aiidllealth.
If you ure not feeling Htrong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la
gripH" has left you weak und wearv,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you are alllicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent lelief by taking Electric
Bitu i '. ;no trial will convince yoa
that this is the remedy you need. I-arge
bottles only 50c. at Snipes A Kinersly't
drug store.