The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 10, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghroniele.
Kuwrvtl at Uie ht.iHi-e at lat lah. lruou
aa acconiTc!' mutter.
oe Twr -. 11
Kix mouths '
1'biw mouths
Advertising rate, reaMinabU', ami iritdc kiittwn
OB apirticHitnu.
Aihltvt.1 nl'. ri'mir.imiratlou to "Til H t'KllON
ICLk.' 1 He Kill.-!., llnuuii.
I7w V'm'v nwl HV,Wl ( Vl'-OMU'lV mil',
uu( ii.i aU at I. C. Xfktlfii't ttorr.
TtUphoit' Si. I.
Fvrn Missouri In L.ol.
St. I.;h is, Mi).. Nov. S. There is to
day almost 110 doubt the republican
state ticket 1ms K-en emvessfu'.. In
comparison with two years apo tlie re
publicans bail a plurality ci LH.rkil, to
overcome. Fifty-geveu counties out of
114 show a net republican (fain If 1S,7.'.
In the house of representatives the re
publicans have made pains enough to
give them a joint ballot majority, but
the senate will remain democratic. In
the congressional districts it is now
fairly established the tirst, Hatch's, the
fourth, Ellison's, the sixth, IV Ar
mond's, the seventh, Heard's, the
ninth, Champ Clark's, the thirteenth, ,
Fox, 8, the fourteenth, Arnold', and the
fifteenth, Morgan's have l-een carried ',
by the republicans. The eighth, j
Bland's, is still in doubt, also the third, :
Rockery's. The tenth and eleventh, ;
St. Louis, are republican. The only i
sure democratic districts are the second, ;
fifth and twelfth.
OrniAby County Complete.
Cakson, Nev., Nov. S. The complete
count of Ormsby county givee the repub- :
lican a small majority for nearly every ,
office on the state and eountv tickets, the
silver party getting the lieutenaut-gov-;
ernor the university repant on the state
ticket, and sheriff, assessor, auditor, re- !
corder and district attorney on the coun
ty ticket.
outside the harbor. It is probable Tort
Arthur and the Chinese fleet will fall
into the hands of the enemy. Chinese
deserters are arriving in New Chan;; in
large riurubers panic stricken. A Japan
ese flying squadron is reported to be 100
miles off New Chwanfr.
The Lam Keturns Kay 10 Muuitretl anil
Fifty Thousand.
Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Incomplete
returns received up to 12:30 a. m. eiiows
a net republican gain over 1S02 of SO, 021.
The same rate of gain in the districts yet
to be heard from would indicate a plural
ity in the state for Hastings for governor
of at least 2u0.000. Philadelphia gives
Hasting! from 63,000 to 75,000 plurality.
The republicans elee,t all their congres
sional candidates except four.
It It a Ten or Teuty, Armrtltut to Which ou at It.
Then' w:i received at the treasury
department time ujro one of the '
most poculi.'.r l .tnl; notes ever seen. It '
was lucn'v-d 'liar note or u ten-dol- ,
lar note, jut uccordin to which Mile j
was up. for. by !ome remarkable mis- 1
take, the one side was printed with j
the liiruros and devi'os of a twenty
dollar bill. v. idle he other had ull the '
figures and devices of a ten. The note
was returned to the treasury by the
cashier of the first Wasliin.L'tou na
tional bank of New Jersey, who sent
it witha rather sarcastic note, intimat
ing that bis t anU was not jroiiifr into
the freu.i I'lisincss, und added that as
the treasury had counted that bill for
twenty dollars he would trouble them
to send him ur. ordinary twenty-dollar '
note. The affair created a sensation, j
for no one had seen such a wonderful ;
note before. The matter was referred
to the department forisMie. from which j
the note had been sent out to the Jer
sey l 'it y lianli. The mistake was
promptly corrected und an investiga
tion was cl'uu.
The investigation was prosecuted
with vifror. says the Itultimore News,
and lien. Meredith, then chief of the
bureau of enirraviup und printing,
found the cause of the trouble. It
seems that the four notes printed on a
sheet, are not all of one denomination.
There are uhvay.s three of one kind and
the fourth of another; thus, in this
case, three tens ami a twenty. It was
an easy task to learu just when this 1
bundle had been printed and by which
plate printers. They were examined, 1
and it was developed that one sheet of 1
four notes, after having loen printed ,
on one side, hail fallen off the bundle
to the il'Hir. The assistant who picked ;
it up. by some unfortunate oversight
turned the sheet upside down when she
placed it on the bundle.
This sheet was printed on the second
side u ith a twenty-face on the reverse ;
of a ten and one of the three ten-faces
on the reverse of tiie one twenty of the
steel. Hence there were two "IIK'H'' in
the lot. Thus the mistake was cor
rected, llut no good explanation was
offered, or can lie offered, why these
two bills, pa.s.sir.p through a score of
hands, each one of whom is supposed
to examine over- bill most carefully,
should not have W en discovered. Every
person in the bureau who handles a
note is held rcsnon dble in the strictest
way. and it is ;t incredible that
none of these people should have dis
covered the mistake. In the tlepart
ment of issue are not less than six
eount'Ts. whose business it has been
for ye :v 1 count the notes lefore issu-in.-;
them t the banks. They are con
sidered the most expert counters in the
world. ;:nd yet all six of these wonder
ful experts allowed such a bill to pass
thn.u.rh their hands. No trace has yet
been found of the .second hybrid, so
that it must be wandering around the
4 'k. iiM
A Littie Daughter
Of a Church of Lnlai.d minister,
cured of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's S.irsnpavilla. Mr. Lit iiAitn
r.ntus, the well-known, 1207
Mcfiill st., Montreal, P. (., says:
I have si Id Ayer's Family Medicines
for 40 years, and liuvelieari" nothing but
pond said lit tliein. I know of many
Wonderful Cures
performed 1 v Ayer's Sarsaparilia, olio
iu particular Ih-iiij; tliat of a little
dan thier of a Church of England minis
ter. Tie' child was literally covered
from head to foot with a red and ex
ec din':y troiiljlesoine r:ish. from which
she had stifYeied for t o or three ycais,
in spile of tl:e lust medical treatment
available. Her father was in proat
distress about the rase, und, at my
recommendation, at last Iw-gau to ad
minister Ayer's Sarsapurilla. two bot
tles of w liii h effected u complete curr,
much to her relief and her father's
delight. 1 am sure, w ere he hire IimIiiv,
he would testify in the Btrougest terms
as to the merits of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla J
In Our Corner Window
'tiu will lintl some
To which we ask your attention.
First-There is a Crev Checked Suit, good solid cloth, neat pattern, TVIV fcO ff
well made, worth :..l' liny here New- ork. t hn it.'o or .'1111 AU.Ul XV.CU V-vJO
FranciTo and you will lind it mmm
Then look at that neat. I'.rown Plaid, a handsome Suit in every Miirkfifl Kf
way, and our price makes it still more desirable -tvl. pxJ.QJ
Now examine those Victor Cassimeres tanty patterns, well made TVTo ilrn1 ft A
a suit tlitit liny boy would l e jiroud of. and wearers even for AU.ltI XxCU il.VjQ
liovs that would wear out Cast Iron
These prices are right. The values are there.
Now, to make tliese valut'S still more apjtarcnt. with t'vt-ry
Suit wt give a I'iov'k Cap. also a How atnl Arrow; ami with
overv Pollar invc'stfil in these Suits', a fruess for the Safety.
See what $3.00 will do.
1 Boy's Knee Suit,
1 Boy's Cap,
1 Bow and Arrow,
3 Guesses for Safety.
Prepared bi Ir. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, II m.
Cures others, will cure you
Fire in the Singer Sewing Machine
company's plaut at Louisville, Ky., Sun
day, did $.1,000 damage, rive tireinan i ..
.... ,, It
were seriously injurecj ty lainnc walls.
lie You women have really no right
to the ballot, for the simple reason that
In case of a war vou would not be able to
lit. She Then wi.v do vou allow a
man w ho in cripple to vote? He Why-er-ii
that isn't just like a woman to unk
some euch fool ijuestion like that.
Indianapolis Journal.
The Star cotton seed oil mills at
Memphis, one of the largest plants oi the
kind in the world, burned at Memphis,
Tuesday, with $:'.tX),000 loan. i
I'easant who has ju-t insured his
farmhouse' "what would I get If my
house should burn down next week'.'"
Agent "In all probability, three or
I four years in prison." Fliegende
of the babies matter.
their rights?"
won't lie anv
The hex flonring mills at Kanti" City,
were burned Tuesday. The mill cost
foOO.tVo and the company was hii exten
sive exporter.
"Who will take care
when the women have
smie one aska. There
babies. Atchesin ( ilols.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Al l. ON
Thomas A. Hudson
Huf,ri'.iiir to Thonituiry & Huilatm,
83 Washington St.. THE DALLES. OR.
If vim vrunt lnf'Tumtinii rune mfnir (.ovi-rn
inoiit th. Uwn rrliithiK tt-ri'ln, nu rmi
rimsuit Iitrn nv nf rimnfi'. Mi- Iih nimlr'n
rlalty nf thin huttif4, und h prm-tiffi! N iuri'
the Lntttt) ritatin Ui:nl orTitv inr uvcr t'ii yriir.
Election Fraud In Kiitiii City.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 8. The Star,
independent, figures that John C. Tars
ney for congress has carried the fifth
distiict by a little over 500. There is
every prospect of a contest by Col van
Horn, rep., in the second ward of Kan
sas City, where l.18 votes were cast,
against 72S at the last preaidental elec
tion. It is claimed it can le proven
there are not 1000 voters in the eecond
Mler-lollr Bland liatn.
t8. Loi'is, Nov. S. The state demo
cratic committee concedes the election
of a republican legislature. It also con
cedes the defeat on prima facie returns
of E. P. Eland in the eighth district by
' a plurality of 19 votes. The committee
till claims the re-election of Ilockery,
in the third, by 300.
Lebanon, Mo., Nov. 8. Congressman
E. P. Bland concedes his defeat by too
A FopntUt In Colorado.
Denver, Nov. 8. In spite of the posi
tive announcement from Pueblo that ,
Thomas M. Eowen, rep., is elected con-'
pressmen, the result is the secend dis
trict still seems to be in doubt. Eeturns
official and estimated, received here
from all counties in the district, except
two, give Hell, pop., 2207 majority.
The republicans will have IU majority
on joint ballot in the legislature.
The Very Latent fig-area.
Philadelphia, Nov. 7. 3;.K)a. m.
Eeturns from the entire state give Has-:
ings an estimated plurality of 21H,M4,
the jrreatest republican majority ever!
cast in the state. Hastings' gain over
Wri is 14s,iI7.
I'ort Arthur' Peril,
London, Nov. 7. A Shanghai dis
patch says it is rumored the Ping Yang
squadron is in Port Arthur. The Chi
nese report that the Japanese are rap
idly advancing in the rear of Port Ar
thur, and that
Aa Lmprrnt Wlio Took Part In
hinjrulnr Performance.
In the "Memoirs of Jacob Ivanovitch
I lie Sanplen." there are socio interest
ing particulars about Iluvdun royal
ties, .iaeob Do Sanplen was employed
in the Uussian police service, and in
1S11 and 1 -1 . n chief of the chancel
lery of the minister of rxdiec he was
personally attached to Alexander I.
lit .re her death. Sanplen hail seen Catherine several time:.. Hi
re!:. U-s that she ;;l dUlted all eer.-ui.Ji y
durinL the evenit-- reeepuon.-. i,lre u-el
to ;-ive at the "Hermitat'e." and rane
times ordor.d a rami.- i f "'euttin"
faces." in -.vhi'.-h .she hervdf ha-1 great
ability, raatvitii' csuie rrhrau-e1-. or rar
idly raldm.' anil . liildn-!- her left ear,
which she could mi ve almost like an
animal. In the year 1-!.' Narbonuc
was sent by Ni-.r-deor '. Viina. os
tensibly to weic":a I,:u;T,ir Alex
ander, but really to sj-y on the Ujs
sian army. liut the K r i.-n p diee
were ordered to cms.- i.ornii- r. car
riage to Ih; led so that it.- .-ecu rant saw
nothing of the urran;r'-meiit the
army, and the .servants placed in at
tendance on Narbonne w.-re nl! oilicers
of police, due evenlntr Narlxmnc was
invited to the royal box in a tl. eater,
but the emperor was not there. Udnp
enffaped personally in examining- Nar-1
bonne's p;ipr.-s, for the Uushians had j
made Narbonnc's I'reneii adjutant .
tipsy, and while he was in this state '
stole Narlxmrie'h portfolio end oM-ned
it in tiie prepuce of the emperor. The :
instructions from Napoleon found '
uni'irip them were copied. Narxdeon :
had reo,ueted to be informed of all :
things coneeniinp; the Ilussian pen-!
eral . tut- friends tuiale and femaleiof:
the emperor of Ilussia. of the latter's
state of mind, etc., anil w hether it :
would be possible to enter into secret
relations with Alexander's surround- '.
inps. Dp Sanplen had promised Alex-
ander I. never to publish, as lonp as
he lived, anything almt his connection
with him i tin emperor). He therefore !
kept all his notes, which were volumin-,
oils, hecret. and they were first pub- !
lished in ls.
hTi-!y (riven that
ilnlv iiTiiMiiiir-! liv
th ini'teriffni1.! i
Itie liennrutjle .
1 .illlltv ( t'f Ilie SMte nl On-. 111. tnr vase I
eountv. Bilininl-4tratrlx nf the i'.ute of I'lmrlei ,
fc. H.-oulii. ili-.'-ii--.l. All p.Ti'oiif. hnvmir cUim
wir.!!!!-.: -..nil " Hr- lnTtby nnliiirtl le pn-..-nt ,
Hit-i!nt-. ilnly te nie at niv re-nteii-.-,
iti J-iaiK i i;. Wwii cimnlv. ur.-uii. uitiiin :
;ix not! 1 1 h fruni the il-te nf till" lielii e. '
I)aW tins l-'lh ilav oi tx-lelH-r. l-o.
fll'K.liK J. HAIiillT
AilnillMtriltrix of Kiitate of I harle K. I
HalKllt. tltx'ea-i. Ifl J N 17
A. A. Brown,
KtM.'T a full a-MHirtineut of
and Provisions.
vhieh heeflcrt Nt Uw KlRurwi
He 1 Ajrettt Inr Km Knfttertt (inTrnn Ijllul
(iiuiMiiiy, nlul fan m-II vni Oralng. .r I'll
iliiliin.eii Airrieltiliirul IjiuiIn In nnv iiinlltlty
iliKirl, nml will win! a I ninphli-t ilwrilnnK
the lamli. tn aiiynuu applyuiK In hi in lur it.
Hi- In Aireiit Inr naii- of lnt In THDnmm i i
thin in 'llii' linllra. Tlila Aililltliw M laid o.'
arru nun, anil uihuumI to tw tlit principal ri
lleni-e mrt nl the oltv. Inly Jl mimitK Will
f re in CiiuriliiiiiM.'; lu niinuUn fcnui K. K. IwuoL
j Nattlnra Locatail on (lovarnniant I.auila.
iryou want to Korrow Hniwy, on I.nlig or Htaort tlma, ha can aociommodal i4
Writs t'lra, I.lfe, and Aerlilaut lntanuo,
If you raouot call. writ, aud your lattatra will la promptly tuiwtfH.
Administrator's Notice.
Nntl'-1 i JiThy iriven thrtt hv hii nnl'T i.f tin
('ntirt i thv ffLiti- of ( in vf"n f-t th- ourttv of
V- 1 1 1 1 y iiiml. Diiil ;--nttrti uii tin Mt ilav of
.NnvfiiiU-:, i1'!. itinlt-ritfinil H(.i intnJ
Hii.'jiiru-rr.itt.r of tii e-tjUt- of -liilimt ( ohiviKlj,
'l.-ea-il. A 11 jwrxnn hnviittr '''a; ijij mrain-t
l lit- e-Uii- of Kttlii iI'hms, arc Iuti ity notlhxl to
(rvitt t:i'-rn, witti inv rt'p4-r v.mch'T- th'n
tor. ti. nit- at th rl1r u If untiHtrmn ,v iU.iti.
Tfi J m Uf tp.yii. within mx months fiom ttic
ll.ttl' f.f-rof.
Iat. liie ;rifnfi, Nov
.. - li'M IM.TON.
A'lminiitriitor of tn h-ut of .lulliui
to Cash Buyers. 1
Cash Prices for Eis nl
other Produce. i
Tie Colli! PackiDg Co.,
Land OrricE. The mi. Or., I
N.iv. 1. lvil. t
S'lliee I- herehy Riven that Ihe Inllnwiinf-
llalll.ll settler ha iiinl nnllf-i- nf Ills illti-lltlnll to
mae hnai pnmf In unptert nf In eiiiim, nml )
that liaiil prn.f w ill lie mailt- b:tire ttie lieuinter j
ami K.--eiver at Tiie iialie-, Orivmi, en le.
eeinber 11. vi:
A ma I,. KtoKaillll,
Ktl E. So. (or tiie itlV., ; i;, Tp I 8 K I.: i
. W M.
lie llHIIlt-5 the fniltiwill? vitlle-ett tn prnve hi"
riintinuons resiilent-e tiptin anil cultlvatinn of
tain land, u
( ha.-. Haywarrt. K. Ii !'lleii..r. 1 McrU. I
J. 1'. rnnlxra..., ail nf 1 yph V alit-y. ( tr. '
JAh. t. JIiJliKr:. K.vitiT.
Pork and Beef
New - Umatilla- House
Ticket am! ltitaife OlVu e of the U. F. II. It. Company, and oflice of the Vimti
i Union Telcjrruiih Ofliee nre in tlie Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
Lard and Sausages.
('. H. i.ASh Orm r.. Th- Iwli. ir.,i
l-t..l-r i., l-n. i
Nnti'-e i hert-i.y civt-n tliat the l !t tw 1 rifr-
nain.-il M-ttler lui.i !l!ei linlire nf iii.t Intentinn
tn imiHt- imai jirtmi in timfxin i,i no eiaim. nml
Ihatnaitl will be mailt- Itefnre tin- r.vitt-r j
ami rt-.-Miv..T of the !'. H. I.-inil iillite at 1 lie '
1'ulle-i, or., on l-r-emter 1, IvM, vi.
.laeoli A. Wirnfr,
1M. F. No for th- ).' NE: , ami N' , rV.' .,
w 17. Tp. 1 H. It ) . K.. W. 51. "
He Tialliea the fni ii iwi nir witnewt, t, . prnve hiH .
ctintinnitiK rvlileim upon ami niltlvatlun of
nnl lanil. viz. :
H 1 nmmlnirtt. I.. Itiee. f.. Jt. Ilarriman. (i. '
W. FIik. Kml?rby, orvffnii. ,
JA-. r
I CstsoBR.NO ;)UaiUfa(!jUefS
1 1 1 nmn nnrl Innnn !
Irlah Holla In Oermanr. ,
Zlerr 8zafranki. aCrrman journalist. '
ha published under the title of "liu- j
mors of the Iteiclistaff" a fow utteranceH i
of German deputies. Here nre aome of
them: ilerr von Ludwip;: "The people.
strong Japaneoe fleet in i the masoes, know well enough that it I
ik extremely diflicult to become rich ud
denly by honeat toil, exceptinp; always
in the case of inheritance or marri:i;e."
Ilerr Liebknecht: "Ves. I Hhoulil itay
the caw in tragic, if it were not tut Mid.''
Ilerr Itiekert. taunting the ministry:
"Fpon the minihterial bencher we hear
nothinp. notliin"- but profound ailenec."
Huron le Xonleuk de Kala nnn. Kpeak
inp of the taxes on wine: '"Jf I were to
define laittle'l wines. I hhoulil Niy that
all wines that are in laittle are bottled
wines." Ilerr Westphal: "To wpieeze
the juice out nf a lemon, and then five
it a kick no. it is not too much." Ilerr
Ton Scli:ileha: "If you wen- to take
twenty iiieiiila-rs of tliih cliamlier. I iln
not think you could fix the limit of
immorality." lr. (ireve: "Is there n
more burninff quehtion than that of
cremation?" '
Waat Japan Will Aeevpt.
Lojtnos, Nov. ".The Telegraph ay
Japan will demand u termi of peace
cessation to her of the island of For
mosa, and the payment of an indemnity
of X30,000,000 or 40,000,000.
Japaaaaa Attack fort Arthur.
Shanghai, Xot. 7. Foreigners who
have arrived at Choo Foo from Port Ar
thnr say the Japanese attacked the lat
ter place by land and sea. Trie Chinee
fleet lies in'ide the harbor.
wasco warenouss Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Dried Beef, Etc.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of I1AKE OVEN, haa got mme splendid Farmn
and food paying Town I'Mpertjr In the Willam
ette Valloy fur Mtla very cheap and on easy term.
Home of the farnn to exehaiiffe for Eutern
Oregon pnifierty. Write for lit and term.
Parley dBs Px-ctiliL,
(.Successor" to L. 1). Frank, deceased.)
OF .A-T-iXi
A Cieneral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, flips, Horse Blankets, Etc,
Full Assortment of Mciican Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rotes Reasonble
He If I'd known that tnnnel was so
lone I'd have kissed you. She Gra
cious, didn't yon? Somebody did. The
lireat Divide.
- JUKI.' O'l'ilt
"W. W. Go.
Tift. i 1 1 .!.:, oi:
! French Percheron Stallion,
Wr-iiflit In ifix! V."h 1.VN-, ,nirn!, ntirl Sur.
ftlT. ill II (or i-h .r iitit wtth
npIifivt-M wrurtfy, or will tr.tli
inr hiii-" or r-iitl-.
No. G7 Washington Stkekt. . . The Dalles.
Wholewale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer" of
BuiMifig Material and DimtMion Timber, Doors, Windows, Muldings, Dobsi Furnishings, ft
Spoclal Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fie-'
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Pwctory axxxel Ijumljcr Yard t Old I?t.
Kerr &, Buckley, DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered
(irK"v"!i'v',,r any part of the city,