The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 03, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
OKI-lClAl. 1'Vl'KK OF Al ll COl'STY.
KilCrrvil kt lav I'wMf.ce m 1 li:e. Orvmni
a stvuml i'Hv mutter.
BY MAIL. VOM"A.;K rilKrAlll. IN AOV.lNi..
One yNir . II Si
Hix linmt 1
Thru- luunt;
Ailvenitni; riiten reanonnMe. aiui made known '
ou inli'.ilii ii.
Aililre- all oummunu'Htioie. M"THK I'KKOS- .
Icl.K." I he I'mIU's. ortuou.
The 7'd'i mill WeeHu t'kronicie may ,
kc "olixJim (Ciii" i 7. '. Xickehe -n't tlore. i
Telephone .No. - j
The Nw 111 VahliiRlnn. j
Washington, Nov. 1. The Russian
minister was profoundly moved by the
announcement of the emperor's ileuth.
When ine ohVinl announcement is re
ceived, the legation ill le closed until
after the funeral, ami the minister and
secretaries will wear mourning for one
year. The news reached the White
IIoum' i.frer the president had left on
his shooting trip. No action will he
taken by the government, however, un
til the piesiiient is officially notified by
the Ktissisn ambassador.
Coaiiiritry Agaliiftt th 4'mrevitfli.
London, Nov. According; to u sneciul
dispatch from St. Tetersbur a conspi
racy against the Hie of the czarevitch
has been discovered. For several days
the police have been anesting nihilists.
Anions those arrested are several stu
dents. Desired to Ile lu Kimftii.
London, Nov. 1. According to dis
patches from Herlin, the Emporer. Wil
liam lias received a dispatch from Gen
eral vou Werder, German ambassador to
Russia, now at Lividia, caving the czar
refused to po to Corfu, as he desired to
die in Russia.
Marriage May lie I'aatpoueil.
Washington, Nov. 1. From remarks
dropped at the Russian legation when
the minister was informed of the death
of tho emperor it will cause a postpone
ment of the marriaee of czarevitch and
Princess Aiix one vear.
We have made arrangements with the
San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in
connection with The Chkonici.k. Hav
ing a clubbing rate with the Orconian
and N". Y. Tribune for our republican
patrons, we have made this arrangement
for the accommodation of the democratic
members of The Chronicle family.
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Skmi-Weekly Chkonici.e will be fur
nished for one year for t-.'-, cash in ad
Tance. The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Ciikonicxe is $1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Okeoonian
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for The
Chronicle and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Ciikonicle
and the Weekly Ohegonian for $2.00.
All old subscribers paying their sub
scriptions a vear in advance will be en
titled to the same oiler.
Do you want The L'hkumcle and an
Francitco K.xaminer for a year? If so
send ns $2.15 ami you can have them,
150 papers for $2.25 or les9 than a cent
and a half a pioce. If you would rather
have tiie New York World, we will send
you that and the Skmi-Weekly Ciikon
icle one year for $2.25. The World i
also a semi-weekly fro you will gt
papers for $2.25.
JakV" I gay, old fellow, can.t you
lend me ten for a month? Naggs Sorry
but I iiavn't anything except a fifty.
Got any change? Jaggs (after a Hea.-on
of thought; No, hut say, just make it
fifty for five months; that will do a
well. Ictroit Free I'ress.
Mother Where were vou during that !
thunder etorm? toy Over in that field
with the big tree in it. "But I have j
told you distinctly, many, many time",
never to stand under a tree during a ;
thunder gtorni." "I didn't. I eat'
down." Good News. !
Choliy Quickwit Who was that .
round-shouldered, ill-dressed little cad I
saw you with this morning? F:thel j
(freezinglyj That, sir, was my fiance, j
Choliy Good Gawd! You don't say.1
What a rnagnificant contract yon will
make. The Diplomat. '
Iiagley Where did you get this cigar? !
lirace One you gave me yesterday, i
Bagley You don't say ; a friend of mine
bought four of tiiem for a dollar. New
York World.
She Mr. r-pooner, I have told you for j
the last time that I will not be your
wife. He Thank yon; I'm going to
propoee once more, so, of couree, your i
nnwer will be yes. Ilariers Bazar. I
Miss Prndeleigh Sir, how dare you?
Mr. Iiattler (who Las stolen a kiss Ex
ense me, I never would have done it in
my sober senses. Miss Prudeleigh Oh,
indeed 1 The Malaprop.
Teacher (to Bainbridge street boy)
Now, if you have meal at 12 o'clock,
what do you call It7 "Luck." said the
boy, Philadelphia liecord.
"(juite a change in the weather isn't
it?" "Yes," replied the populi with a j
grin. "Greatest sason lor flops I ever
aw!" Washington Star. j
About the most miserable man in the
world is the on who is enpected to lauiih !
at a joke lie has heard before.. Texas
! It la Lossoncd by tho Qrowiiiff
Rospoot for Education.
I I i. ii tllrli Are I'l.-nl I rul Ivul When Thijr
Are i U't Thiir I'Lilinteaa 1 Not
So Miu li Noll..-. I hjr lnt.-lll-tri-iit
t lt'.v jrirl-.! Happily they are rare.
Phiin irirls they lire in plenty; and ht-han.-..
on the vi hole, ir i.-, lvttcr for the
)h ;ue 1 uuriUn.u tuat they -lioiil.l lv
in then::;jori'iy. lint alolute downright
: MirliiioK in -liloia met with. lrrejru- 1
' larity. mv.jrnilicance or want of har
j miiiiy in the features is not Mitlicient
1 to constitute upline.-.-.. A hij.'h fore
' head is nowaday.-, universally consid-'
, ereil a misfortune, says the New York '
i Advertiser. Our sf reat-yrandfather '
1 considered it ouito the reverse. A :
I pisty complexion is. no doubt, a ealani- ;
1 ity; so is the Ion;,' upper lip. and so is
the larjre chin. Kut a jjirl's face may i
have one of these efearacu-ristics. it !
may even posses-, them all. without 1h
inr positively iifrly. An intelligent
mind and a srentle spirit may do won
ders in transformi:.!,' a pi!e face, und
maUiiio- it. if not U-auliful. at least at- ,
tractive. And the proof of this is the ,
often-noted fact that many plain, and '
even ugly, .'iris are led to the ultur. '
! while their handsomer sisters inspire
admiration without winning love. It
is when plain or badly-formed features
i are the home of stupidity, when they
are unillumined by a spark of sense or n
ray of generous foVling. that they
form a truly uly face. Such faces :
there are. and there are also faces cast 1
by nature in so bad a mold that noth- i
; ing will render them attractive, any i
; more than a deformed liguro can le i
I rendered comely; but sueii ugliness is :
. almost as rare as beauty itself.
, A curious change has come over the
minds of men in respect to the lieauty
of women; they seem to value it less
than they did; and this in spite of the
i fact that beauty has of late years 1h
' come rarer than ever. In the last een
; Uiry men would Imperil their lives
i cheerfully for the mere privilege of 1k
I ing considered leauty's champion.
Men do not t. iist reigning belles now:
there are no reigning Indies, to toast.
1 Where are the love songs? Herrick
! and Burns and Heine have no modern
compeers. The chief reason for the
decline in the value nitiii put upon
i beauty is. no doubt, the superior edu
cation of the nineteenth century girl.
.Men have. I.y si.iw degrees, learned to
take pleasure in the society of women
who are mentally their equals,
whether they aiv fair to look upon nr
not. Many clever women really do
not seem to care two straws whether
they are good looking or ill looking.
! Their lives do not tend even to the
preservation of such traces of comeli
ness as nature may have lcstowed
upon them. They study, "and turn
heavy eyed and sallow: or they devote
themselves to some trade and profes
sion and acquire the strenuous, thin
lipped visage by which the worker i:.
known; or perhaps they adopt the
physical as well as mental develop
ment, and lose all grace of form by vi
olent exercise, and ull delicacy of com
plexion by exposure to the weather.
In a word, they lieeome ugly girls, and
they do not mind it.
ueilonot know that the plain girl,
who can carry otT her ugliness tinder n
rattle of words and a constant How of
good spirits, is very much to l pitied,
liut there are some ill-favored damsels
who really deserve eommi:,crntion
those, namely, who are too painfully
aware of their deficiency in good looks
to forget it for a moment. Strange as
the observation may sound to male
car.-, it is yet a fact that there are
plenty of girls who. so far from feeling
vain of their personal appearance,
would not complain if fashion ordained
that thev should veil their faces after
the manner of the east. Very likely
their mothers, from a mistaken notion
if guarding them ag:.iri' t, feelings of
vanity, have spoken so often in a dis-
paragmg way ot tlieir looks that they
have actually conceived a dislike for
their own personal appearance. They
are perfectly convinced that they pre
sent an unpleasing. if not disatrreeablc,
spectacle to their fi How-men: their
highest ambition is to render them
selves as little repulsive as possible. U
is not an easy thing to imagine what
agonies a shy and ugly girl may have
to endure, or how sweet to her are the
marks of respect and courtesies which
are too often monopolized by the pret
ty girls of a party. It is undoubtedly;
one of the distinctive marks of the
gentleman that In: pays a woman all!
the little attentions that the usages of
society reijuire of him. whether she is
young or old. hand . ome or ugly.
Men often excuse themselves for at- '
tendance on p!;:i:
oiing women on the
are not only ill-
gTouiid that tin
looking, but ill-tempered. Then' is too
much truth in the charge. But the
ugly girl is not without excuse. The
consciousness that no man or woman
cares to look at her face a second time,
joined to the sensitivi ie:j she has ac
quired, is apt to sour her temper; and 1 -
this, in its turn, tends to increase her j
uglinesf. Yet it is a singular fact that j
if a man. for any reason, pays marked i
attention to a plain girl, she is apt to!
hold her chin half an inch higher in :
the nir than a good-lookmfr irirl would i
do under tho same cireuio stances. It ,
would be futile to inquire into the rea-1
wn lit this tendency on the part of
ugly girls to give themsclveH airs; hut
the fact is patent to all men.
Amrlrflin frfolntors. '
The Yuma Indians of Arizona nre. 1
the true American idohitors. The j
tribe is an exclusive one, nnd everv
nienilK-r is proud of his people. They j
were the objects of much attention j
from the .Iiisnit father:, when they j
opened their mi inns, hut the work of j
converting tle ni wn , m ver verv mi -
eessful. They their H-,ls anil still
cling to then:, makin;' them out of
clay. Their p,,itery is well nnd euri-j
ouslv Iiniile. mil is their chief source j
of ini'ome. Pottery idols are their
pride tis well us the object of their!
111 lime to :n:y
S.'oiuuch, Live.-
i r I'.nvi :
I'll-' qll
I I'd! go
; ; V'l 1.. :u!.i. lie. sua
VAWr ,; tT lie.-.-, ;:nd i
)to A iA,Y ciTlaiii t!i:t.--
t.otial lb". .!"; -.
1 1 ! " 1 1 1 thO I'.' 4'.
r u 111 o A V t ' i V
w hich is Aycr's TilN. rurely
table, s'.igar-eoated, easy to take ;;t.l
iiuick to iissiinilate. this is the ideitl
Vmily mediciit;' the most popular,
jnfo, and useful aperient in pha;
niaey. -Mrs. M. A. Hi:o Ktvi I ; ,
Harris, Tenn., sas:
"Avi'i's Calliarue 1'ilN rureil in.' at -
heailael'.o ami my liusliaiul ui iieiu :i!, !.; ' '
tliiiik there is
No Better Medicine,
an.) li.oe iutlm-rd many l -e i;.
Thirty-live years ao Him Si'iia;: I v, .
runilowM by liar.l woik ami a u.-.' s-m-. . .
c.ilili. nlii.'h rnaile me so fe.-li!.- Hi V. ,' .
an ellort for me to walk. I rwwilli'.' !'..
tl.i.'lors, liut k.'pt sinking lower nun: 1 ' 1
goeii up ull lioi"' of over I. ;:.- I :t
llai'1'.'iiiiiB to lie in a suue. one Jv 1 '
Bifiliiinen were sol.l, tl:e (.iiU'rii I n i. '. '
my weak ami sickly an';-.u:n ' '. aa'i at:,
a tow mu'stiom ns to inv lieallli. o '
uiemled uic to try Ayer'n I'll: 1 I' "' ' "
failli In these or any other lucdav;- 1
conOliuleil. at last, to take hi ait .it . '
liox. Before I had useit them all. I v .i-
ery nincli belter, ami two Imxes eur.- l u.
1 am now SO yeart uM; l ut I l . iieM' :. .
If it bittl not lieen for Ayei's l'lhs. 1 s'...s :.i
have Iwii in my pravc Ions iiko. I l.:r. i
lioxoi f very year, wlmh make '.in hoxrs up
to Uii" lime, ami I would no more be
eut them than willnmt t.reail." II. I'
Inj:r:iham. Ilockland. Me.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Aycr &l'o Low. 1!, M..
Every Dose Effective
Toniiny l'a, teacher wants tie to tell
what id the ditl'erence. lietween "speak"
and "talk." Mr. Tigijs Uui lennne
sec. Cieuerally w hen I get into an argu
ment with your mother Bhe is outspoken
and I am out-talked. Indianapolis Jour
nal. Teacher Now, Willie, ii you and your
little iisier buy ten peaches, and ix i f
them are bad, how many are ieft'.' Wil
lie Two. Teacher Two? Willie
Yes ni ; me and my little eiter. New
York Telegram.
The dude who said that something was
preying on hi mind was advised not to
weary, as it would probably die of starv
ation. Lowell Courier.
: mikado is beating tin; einperer
ina with ease." 'Yes?" "Yes;
.l.ipane-e." rittslmrg Chronicle
r:iih. Woman You're the lirst trump I've
seen about hi rtf this minimer. Trani
Yej, ma'am, I always was noted for mv
enterpriae and push.-IIarleni Life.
Fry m tho fair ground1:, one iilault '
inure, white hind foot, small widte spot
in 1' iviiead, and one light corre! horse,
hitf hind loo., small white strip in
f ie" .n:d saddle marked, hoth branded
on l. i: stille. Uor-e ii!.-'o brauded A :
on the right hind h"'. A liberal reward,
will he paid for information which will ,
iead to their recoverv, by the under- ;
signer!. A. S. .Macm.i.istki:,
The undersigned desires to rent a farm
of 1011 to biO acres grain land, same
amount of pa 4! nre
water, hou-e nnd
unlet have good
barn. Address. '
Farnier, care Ciiiiomci.k.
Nuliie i h'-rcliy Klven t!i,it lie- iiiul.-r-iKiii'il i
IlilH Uell (llllv H,)i.,lllteil lv th Hoaorilllle j
I uiinty I nurt nf Hit: Stale nf Uri'ell, fur IUii'u '
c.nint . uiiMinontnilllx nf lh exUtf of ( hurl.-ti
K. Hiiiiiil. ilf.'.-a.-ieiL All ktiiih hHViiit; eimrni I
ir.iln-t -:inl e-lHt, hi'" h'rby notllie,! firew lit
lilt' i"nrne, duly v rill-, tn lie' lit HIV re-l'I'Miei.
Ifi iMIiei city, a.-en rniinly, Orevun, williln
Pit litiitilli.-frnni llie due fil tms iiullce. i
Jmlvd lliis I -ti, day nf (let.aVr, l-il.
Ailininmlnitrix nf tin- K-iaKj of luirl.-- K. :
Jlnllfllt. de'eiiii. 0:3tNvl7
Administrator's Notice I
' i- herehv Kivi'll flint hy mi npler ul Die
f tin tate ef oreii.ti for the Couiilv nf
'". duly inmle and v-nlereil on the it day nf !
inner, i- i,. ire- j f , j
IL'liea i,i nliriiiltltef
Rd'nlni-lrHrnr nl liii' e"tate nf .Inllim l ntiiein,
diiea-ed. All J-Tunna liavililf flallllN atraint
the etlle nf Mild de'ea-e.: are hereby nnlllii-d tn
firehent them, with IIih priifwr vnnchern tliere
Inr, In me nt the nlhce nf I f u 11 ll UKlnli iVUiImiIi,
1 he liallen uref-mi, within nix mniitlio finni the
dale berrnl.
i'aud 'I he patic. (ri'fnn, Nnv. 2. I'i'
AdnilnintMtiir of the Kitate nf .liilina ( ob
e'lK'l, Oeeeaaeil. nfiv:'. dws
Wasco warehouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor-
arra nA FnrwnrrU Rn TTl-a tft
' 8,1111 0rWarQS Same tO
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reesonble
M J:K .;;-
"7r. Co.
Hi f, nr.
Solid Oak
Vn 1 1 1 P i: DO Set 011 Exhibition in our Window.
i Boys' and Girls' Migh-Grade Safety
with Morgan cSc Wright's Pneumatic Tires.
: 0 To the most successful guesser of the nuiiiU'r of TOOTH I'ICKS on our
'A I'oiie. tine guess for each llollur invested in I'.ovh' and tiirls' Shoei'
! i Hovs' Clothing, Oirls' Cloaks ang Woolen Press (ioods.
0.1uC 5 00. --- Bicycle on Exhibition in our Window.
Guessing to Commence Tuesday, October
Guessing to Close Saturday, December 1,
Tooth Picks to be Counted December 1, at
k..'V'. - '. - '' - ''''V.'.'' - . - 'V - . - .. - . -
A. A. Brown,
Ktvf.h H lull MMM'Ttllieilt ui
on t
V I Ti III I I'lr
UWl.l UlUll.IIWl
and Provisions
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Cask Prices for Eqes and
other Produce.
Ttie GoiumDia packing Go.
Pork and Beef
MANt'FAl TDkl'.Ks OK
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc
; V. S. Lani (ffi r., Th (r,,t
, NmIicc ticrfhy iv'ii tliut 11k- lollowinjf
! mmitil i'ttIT has lllfl imfM-- ff hin iiiU'iitmn
! to iiiiikt' tntrtl ynixif in MiMMirt of hi claim, it in
th nt na iri jinMf will U' inni' U'lore fli rifi-t?r
: nnd r''-ivT nf tin- l". h Juni ullii'; fit The
; L.ill-', or., on Uwuit t , vi:
fu4'tli A. UitKiiHri
II'l. K. No :siii', for th- S' ' NK' . nmt N1 , HK1.,
Ht--. 17. 1. I 8, It .; K.. vv. U.
Ilf nniin's tin' lollowlhtf witin-M N t pmv1 liin
vntintoii r"Mfi'.'ii'(? nin aii'l niltiviition of
khi1 luii'l, vi. :
II MirnniintTH, I.. Hia: V.. M. H(irririini), (i.
W, Mixif, hiid-irby, Ortynn.
JA. K. mooiu:,
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of BAKE OVK.N, has imt Home uplrncilil FBrm
nd ihk1 pnyliiK Town )'roierty lu thoWIIIn
ette Vallny for Miln very camp ana on ay U-rnin.
Homo of the farnK to exelmngo for EtaU-rn
(ireKnn prorty. Write for Hat anil terina.
French Percheron Stallion,
V'i'j!if In Ko,1 flch 1 fwiiitifl", nnd Nnrr foul
i, flier. W ill im-II or i'M-i r imfcH with
nf.nrovi 1 1 rl r y . or will t rHo
or horM- or vtiiio,
," Kerr & Buckley,
(ir: Vullev, Or.
am:-; y ;im,
Bedroom Set
To the most suceef-.-ful of the number of TOOTH MCk on our
Cone. One guess lor each Hollar invested in Men'- or N omen h Shoes,
Men s Clothing, Women's Cloaks nnd Woolen Picm Goods.
(ioft i-inucnl. Slate, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
-: cm.
Thomas A. Hudson
hi n vector to Thornhury A KikImou,
S3 WashinKton St., THE DALLES. OR.
If i i WHiit inforiiintloti rmii'iTttiiiK
i!i 1 1 1 Irt in 1 , t r t h I rWit 1 1 ii k.' ttHTi'to,
fiiiHiilt him in' ui ciMirv. 11' I in miuli-
'ti!ty i tin-- lni-hH", niitl tui iriirti!-Ml In
IN- It Aye-nt l.r thf KhMi'TH )t-vMt I nnd
( ompany, hihI tun ml I ,, inuring, or In
Irnprntnl ,t'rh ullural IjiimIn In any quantity
lt'.-irfl. mim) will fuel h I'Miunhli't tti-rlhiiiif
(h'M Inn. I to anyone (!'! Iiik to htm Itir it.
Hntllnr I.ocAt(t u (ov0rniiiiit I.nuila.
If you wftnl to Hormw AIuyt on 1 x or Nhurt tlmtt, hm cmi nrrnnimoflatu jroi
Wrltr Kirn, 1.1 fe. ami Arrldnnt Iniumnnii,
If yim rntiiiot rwll, wrlt, mul your lrttra mill i iruniitly Mnwrft
'New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Oflice of the V. V.
Union Telegraph Ollice are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
(.SuecHorn to I..
A Cienerul Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
EiiiJFA.iKiasra- pkomptly nct neatly xjoiste-
Wnolcsalc and Ectail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whins, none Blankets, Etc,
! Full Assortment of Mexican
No. 07 Vashin(iton Stuket. . . The Dalles.
Whol;ttla and Ketail IValorn and Manufacturers of
Building Material and Dimension Timber, Poors, Windows, Moldings, Iloiise Furaishings, Ele .
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Pnotory ud Xiumtor Yrd nt Old 3Dt. U!!0-'
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
Given Away.
CiivCIl AWclV
23. at 7 A. M.
at 6 P. M.
8 P. M.
.. - .' - .'V'.'V'.'.. - VV
I. os
you twin
it w
(ott -
Ilf In AV'Ut (or Kllr nf lot In TunHtnofO Dbl
TION to'iji.- Thin AcliUtloll Uitloffiu
nrtv Init. mid (tfittltictl to Lh' Itio orlii('tiril tvl
v imrt ol tli nitv Only ai iiinuh' walk
from ( unrtliiMir , in intutiUw (mm It. K. M-fot.
K. II. Company, and oflice of the Western
D. rriink, deeeiiHod.)
Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
Slab WOOD Delivered to
of the city,