THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1894. The Weekly Gbronicle. TH K IHI.l.KH tillered at the postortiee at The Palla, Orvsou a second class mall matter. HTATK OKKIC Ujveruoi Jeeretary ol .state Treasurer Iiml. ul l'uhlk lustruetlnu Attorney Uvticral Sanaton 'Joognwunra State Printer 8. Pemioyer II K Kim-aid, ..1'b.llltp Met, hsn .... ,. M. Irwin (.'. M. MU-iumi J J! VmiuVu in. iiernianu ...Vli ui oiu'ntv orririAU County Judv.... attend'. Cler Treasurer Commissioners . .oco. c. Butoley T. J. lnver A. M. kelsav .. Wm. Mil-hell t Frank Kim-aid A. V. II li.viers WsHertolJ Assessor. . SurvPTor Superintendent ol Public Schools Coroner .K. K. fhn Trov Sliellev W . 1l. Butt's A Si'OVRISO MILL The question of establishing a scour ing plant here has been agitated for some time, and seems now to have reached a stage where the accomplish ment i9 probable. A joint stock com- .:n i. f. .1 if rf ... , .. , j if it txill .... T1..1 i.ljnl tt rn,ll,i,m N .....I . , I I f,, ll,rc .. , conducting it, and at the same tune has , i j. .i , added to the values received ov the The Dallas is the largest wo )1 shipping point in Oregon, and from its situation must remain so, so long as the mount ain ranges are utilized as sheep pas tures. Here, if anywhere, a wool scour ing plant would pay, and at the eame time it would aid us in maintaining our supremacy as a wool shipping point. The ayerage wool shipments are over 5,000,000 pounds a year. The weight of ecoured woo! is about one-third that of tho unscoured, so that we are paying freight on, in :ound numbers, 3,500,000 pounds of sand and dirt to Boston ; or in order to get SOO tons of wool to market we pay freight on 1750 tons of dirt. The freight on the scoured wool is a little more per pound, but the saving is a great one. The woo! can lie scoured here as well as in Pendleton or Boston. It would prove of great benefit to the wool grower because it would give him a home market for bis wool, or if he cared to ship, would put his product in shape to save him a large amount of freight money. It would be of benefit to the city by giving employment to quite a number of people, and by holding our prestige as a wool center. This last is indeed an important matter, for if we do not make gome efforts, sooner or later, the energy of other points, which offer such inducements to the wool grower as the scouring facilities do, will take our trade from ue. We understand articles of incorporation will be drawn at once, and we hope to gee every business man do something towards agisting the good work The big cannery now building will furnish lots of employment next year, and the cold etorage plant eoon to be built will prove a valuable addition to our business interests. ith a ecouring j mill ready to begin operations in the spring The Dalles can justly feel proud of her progress. Besides these the open ing of the locks will give us competitive freight rates and put us in a better posi tion to hold our trade than any of onr neighboring towns, if indeed, it does not serve to direct the trade to us. ALL RELIEVED. The $14,000 stolen from the express office has been recovered, with the ex ception of a trifle, and everyone in The Dalles is glad ot it. Individually Jones "hove" a sigh of relief, to think that his suspicion of Smith was unfounded ; and Smith muttered a hearty "thank God" when his neighbor Jones was cleared of any connection with the robbery. It is to be hoped, now that none of ns can be suspected of complicity in the affair, that we will try and cultivate a little better opinion of one another. It is also to be hoped that the express com pany knowing how it goes to be robbed, will examine their rates, and reduce them enough to make them only petty larceny. Another big battle is reported to have been fought at Kiuren Castle, between the Japs and Johns. The Chinese opened the fight by sending a regiment armed with cleavers or axes to attack the Japs, who were armed with Win chesters. The Chinese were, of course, soon put to flight, and if they had any intelligence at all above a beast, they would have fled when given the order to attack. At the same time the balance of the army, numbering 20,000 in all, and armed with old muskets, were get ting there share, and eoon "got a plenty." They retreated to their earth works, two miles distant, many of them throwing away their arms in their flight. The Japs report the Chinese killed and wounded at over 2,000. The Japs captured number ot prisoners, thirty cannon and thirty tons of rice. The Lexow committee is still in ses sion in New York but how long it will continue is hard to say. The rumors to the effect that some of the members of the committee were receiving bribes, is probably without foundation in fact, though the American people are so ac customed to such things that the large prone to belisve anything of the kiml. Tammany may lx utterly orrunt, but wo Jo not U-lievn any tor- , ruptnPM imii emlunyer tln lihortic nl tho jH'oplo, as thi titilimittHi authority. Ifiven to Anthony CouistiX'k who ihvh ( as the moralist of Now York. Tin l.oxow coumiitti'O sliouM investigate. him, before it dissolves. The storv of tho tiro at Seattle Invomes more horrible us the iletniU are mailt' j i k"owa- sist',0 lrfoim are known to Sixteen ren'ons are known to : ; nave iktisiicu in inr ...... ,r:,I- Thetlte wa-.auseil the explosion ot a eoaloil lamp in tin- Kiicnen, me niu i'itu iu...K there for a luneh. It eiems that the flames spread so quickly that there was not time to notify the inmates, the tirst intimation gome of them had being the smoke uiul blaze in their rooms. Nine Uxliea were found in one room and live in another. There can be but one result to the war between Japan and China. On the one side is a warlike nation, full of vim and patriotism, its eoldiers willing to die in the cause for which they are lighting, to the greater glory of their country. On the other side is a nation with no love of countrv, whose pcttv officers plunder the ' l,r'Tale8 and whose higher officers i plunder those lieneath them. A country ! where the admiral sells the guns ami .. .... . 1 ammunition from his ships, where the .i.i it a 1 n.nnlaii ill' 1 i.l 1 Ll ,1 ,l 1 1 llddilia llllMII off for cannon balls. Where the poor : devil ot a soldier has nothing to gain if, entire statement in the Orcgonian yes victorious and everything to lose, which terday, as far as it relates to the I'ink is his life, by staying in the fight. A J ertoua, is without shape, anil void, country whose officers alone are re- j They had nothing to do with it, and I warded in case of victory, and whose I soldiers are slaves. There can be but one end to a contest lietween stteli forces and that end is approaching very rapidly, i, ,i . j- . .r ni l ... I ortianu s circus came ou iiiursoay night according to program, and the I papers gay was a grand success. We j Knew we .eieeieu people forthepaits the other day and we are correspondingly giau oi u. Pome 3,500 people attended, and most of them took in the side-shows, or were taken in by them. Tonight brings the unrivalled and world-astounding aggre gation to a close. The last battle won by the Japs has set the Chinese to thinking seriously and even they are beginning to realize that the situation is serious and that the capture of Peking is not only possible, but extremely probable. The Chinese ! army is an undisciplined mob, pcorly armed, and is indeed a poor and weak reed upon which to leau. Unless out- siue miwons imeriere, me capture oi Peking is only a question of time. i .o,..,u .,l, and an immense damage has been done. wlth Pra-ver aml, at Sken From latest reports, it is probable the eatele8' eou, time if "ot eooner- Von loss of life will reach 2000 and perhaps Capmi at the request of Bismarck, has ?' . lorts 'rom the in er.or are roimnz in siowiv. out eacn anus to rer- taintyof the first estimates being none ! too small. Whole towns were destroyed i and thousands are left homeless. ' ! j I McClure's for November is an exect tionally good pictured in all number. Napoleon is , possible forms, and has ' received, we hope, all the treatment he! will get. for that gubiect is decidedly I ichestnuttv. The article in question ! and the pictures of .f Napoleon are good ; but the subject U stale. Najxjleon is dead, and McClure's is not given to dead matter. The Carnegie Steel Company claims to have discovered a means of dispens ing with the sand strips on the Iiarvey ized armor plates. Now, if the eame company will discover some plan by which it can dispense with the blow holes in that eame Harveyized armor, the American people will be truly grate ful. Chancellor von Caprivi has tendered bis tesignation to the German emperor, and it has been accepted. Count Ku lenburg, president of the ministerial council, has also resigned. Bismarck's friends are said to be the cause of the trouble between the emperor and the count. Prince von Hohenlohe bchillingfurst has accepted the appointment as chan cellor of Prussia, in place of Caprivi, re signed. This ought to insure peace with France, since a cants belli would have been fovgotten, while the French diplomats were trying to spell bis name. Next Tuesday is election day, and by Wednesday night the results will be pretty well known. It is exceedingly hard to tell what tho American people will do nnder any given circumstances, but it does not seem possible that but one answer will be given, and that will be an overwhelming defuat of demccracy. Report from Chemulpo, under date of Oct. 26th, says the Japs have given the Chinese another lambasting. Two hun dred Chinese were found dead inside of tho breastworks when the Jape run their enemies out. The fight took place at Wiiu, near the Yalu river. Someone in Vancouver, B. C, suggests that the chip Ivanhoe, which cleared from Seattle for San Francisco and on which Editor Grant was a passenger, may have sailed direct for China. This is hardly probable, and is a very weak Straw to grasp at. The chances are that the fate of the ship will never be known. Ul'M!l TllK HOYS. I The elliots of bail aasiH-iatf uiul oi i leaving boyn to be their own tsiinriiiiiii, t uiul to grovt up without areiitul re- j str.iint it UKiin in ado visililo in u bril- 1 liant object losmm. A your ixgu or more Hawthorne, Howe, Savajfr, Klein anil' iieiliups another Ikv or two, bewail pu-1 l! ing together, aiul one of them at least bt'inis erimiiiullv inclined, soon set the , others to thinkint; in that line. As remU tuy m(OI1 XHgAU a Mm4 ()f vny ; piUfrin, linally wimlinjr up with the: bvjlmr4;Urv o M.,V(& cWen -tore, j which jt now p roars, was ilone for : the nurnose of irettinL' iiuiih ami iimnm-1 i .:,). ,,, ..,.., i.itemleil to hold up tiie pasxenirer tiaiu near the high trestle west of town. Their pun - ishment came Bpeeilily. As a result of their associations, one is in the peniten - tiary, another is awaiting a trial for murder, and the other two are awaiting trial for burslarv and robbery, which will probably give them a long term in the nenitentiarv. liesi.les this, one partner in crime, Hayes, is dead, and i Probably b appointed governor nf Al Karpolis, the Indian policeman, is inur- j saee-l.orrainu, to succeed I'rince von dered. Most of this chain of crime was ( Hohenlohe. due to parental irresponsibility. A Iwu t the nerviest thing e have j geen in a long time is the attempt of the go-called "Pinkerton detectives" of Port land to claim the credit of discovering the clew by which the robbers of the express office here were caught unit the money secured. As a matter of fact the their statement is made from whole , ctoil . Sheriff Driver was the iirst to j suspect Savage and Klein, and hi i lowed his clew to a siicce-sful end. fol- j as the Pinkerton's assert, tliev had fur- i - j nj,iiej the clew, through Hawthorne's statement, why did not they or the de- tectives here follow it'.' It was certainly wortllv of attention. The truth is, that j the 1,jIlkert0ll9 re ,rying to gain a lit - j tie cheap notoriety at some one's eise I expense. The public generally is very I chary about Pinkerton evidence, even i u m it-r oatn, una iiie cuim mane nv ' them in this case will not improve their ; reputation any in this neighborhood. Jtliai nl.lib Ul H1U t7UICL UU1'UIIJ F. B. Lord and Route Agent Iteck with were untiring in their efforts and rendered efficient aid to the sheriff. According to the latest dispatches the Japanese have chased the czar across I I the Yalu river and given him only three j days in which to die. The czaroviteh is j exnected to marry the daughter nf the . Mikailo at rinJ5 Yan(?) Uje coa8t at whoa-Haw-Uec; and Princess Alix will ,oueu uio campaign lor iaviu ienneii the campaign for . , . . . 1 V-'""J' e-ved l,eat:ock featl'e- l Vo" Hohenlohe cliil 1 1 rifc-f u ret who refused it because I.i Hung had just hail the yellow jack-at r ...I.,, i ..... i i . i . . Shanghai. Tiie most sensational thing OI uie we,-'K However, is mat Jlursiial Yamotaga attacked Kin Len Cliong, near ai i.en van. lie cheered Ins troops " b' el'utin,j, "I Kin Chow the rag with Fe"K oaag Cheng from Moukden t0 1 eklnK and back Aigin.' All hope of the missing ship Ivanhoe has been given up, as she is now nearly a month out from Seattle without hav ing been heard from. Mr. Fred J. Grant, editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, was the only passenger on the ill-fated ship. It is said that just before he sailed he insured his life for f'JO.OOO, saying: "No man can tell what is going to happen to him, and in case of accident this will leave my wife provid ed for." By what authority prisoners are taken into court and examined in star cham ber proceedings, it is hard to say. The Portland Sun hits the matter square in a short editorial, which we re-print. This thing of holding secret sessions of court has no justification cither in law or decency. Politics have gotten warm enough down in Indiana that the political speakers are being mobbed. The colored gentry did the mobbing this time and they were only prevented from killing the speaker by the prompt interference of the police; For the many accidents that occur about the farm or hoiisehould, such as burns ecalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitoes or other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, aches or pains in any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J, II. SIcLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has prir-ed itself a sovereign rem edy. Price 2oc, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For eale hv the Snipes-Kinernly Drug Co. Hamfatte Did your play have a long run in the west? Tiewalker No, bnt the company had ad d long walk. BuckUn'i Arlnea BalT. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovel ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale Dy Snipes A Kin-rely. Kallroail kmployea Aciiullletl. i'l'Kiu.o, Colo., (Vt. Seven ciiiIiyo of the titilf Mini were uoiiiitti'il by a jury in the l'nite.1 State" ilii-trict court thin nfteriUMiu o( oliHtriii'tiiiK the mail ilaring the strike of hint July. Slept I es. Last Mlflil. St. I'KTKitsiiriN,, Oil. The follow ing bulletin wa issued at 11 o'l lork this uioruint; : "The slept lens last n , iiitflit. Hi" appetite U iineliaiipi'i!. j ij8 0,Mif ik doos not de.reaso." listek at Ills I'osi. W.isinMiToN, Oct. '.II. I'nite.l State Minister Hetiby cabled the state depart- ! uieiit, aiiiiouncing his arrival at IVking on his return from the 1'niti'd State. 1 iicu-Kari run i'iiiai.i. j I'liiLAiiiiLi'iiiA, Out. '.". Juilfe Dallas 1 ulH delivered nu opinion ratifying the j o,-ott-Karle nlan of reorganization of the Heading road. j w'" App-im..! '"'', Oct tienenil von l.i i will auitdrtiills llaTe Alad 1 i. j Clili Aiii), Oct. I'll. The Post's New I York says that there is to be no divorce in the Vanderbilt family after all. Carlisle Will Make Hpeerhrs. j Wasiiimi ton, Oct. 111. It is officially I announced that Carlisle will make no i speeches during the campaign. "I am glad to be able to say, children," remarked the benignant old gentleman, who was addressing the Waifs Mission Sunday school, "that 1 nevi r swore an oath in i iv life. I never drank a drop i of any kind cf intoxicating liquor. I never took a chew of tobacco, never had a cigar in my mouth, never smoked a piie, never went to a theater, und never i saw tho inside nf a circus tent." He ! stooped a moment to take a breath, and ! a boy in a front seat spoke up : j you must 'a' come to town on "I guess the last load, didn't ve? We have made arrangements with the San Francisco r.xaminer to furnish it in connection with The Ciikomi-i.k. Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N. Y. Tribune for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the ileiiiix'ratic members of Tnu Chkonhi.k family. Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Semi-Wkkkly Ciiiiomci.k will ti fur nished for one year for 'J.i!", cash in ad vance. WimmI Wantril. The committee on streets and public property will receive until 12 a. m., No vemlier 10th, 1 SO I, sealed proosals, to furnish Dalles City fifteen cords No. 1 oak wood ; same to be delivered at city jail. Committee reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. By order of the committee, S. S. Johns, oct.'!0-til Chairman. Professor (to scholar What are you laughing at? Not nt me? "Oh, no, sir." "Then what else is there in the j room to laugh at Das Bucli fur Alle. Bessie The idea of your saying that you are only 21 ! Ciussie You forget mamma told us that it is always Is'tter to tinderate than to exaggerate. Truth. Mr. Greatiieud, the landlord, says he prefers as tennants experienced chess players, because it is so seldom they move. Boston Transcript. Mosers What's the complexion of your politics? Tubers (with his mind absorbed in recalling tiie lovliness of the lady candidate) Blonde. "The mikado is beating the emperer of China with ease." "Yes?" "Yes; with Japanese." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Clergyman Do yon take this woman to be your wife? Politician (absently j I authorize the useof my name. Puck. He You saw some old ruins while in England, I presume? She Yes, in deed! And one of them wanted to marry me. Brooklyn Life. Scrofula t'- MIhm Delia SUivenx, of Id Ion, Mam.. writ: I haT alwayn ftufTereil from Qfherri.try Hcmruu for which I trl1 ivftriouii rnwiis, und many relifihio.t rlnhvniciJirifi. hut none relieved mt A tit.i-X- ' 4' I nm now wol . Muni T!rv smtfiil ffrom a llfn of untold agony, and nbaJ(rj Hncftlilntf onlv snnlky -or uraiae lor me womirrui mMiiin.. .v medicine, 1 and la recomirieDiliiiff it to ail 1 ... . Cured Sri, Wt VUU SWIFT SPHCIPIC companv - r ati amta n a t -- 4 ire WANTED. To purchase five dozen early pullets, Brahma or Plymouth Book, cross pre ferred. Trice 12.50 per dozen. Call on or address Kll. M. If AltltlHAN', 2S-lm. Kndershy, Or. The CiiHo.Nici.r. prints the news. Beforethe l.exow committee convened : Police justice-Officer, this man ray you chibU'd him. Officer Ho offered me a brile, your honor. Police just ice How much? Officer Five ilollara. Poli.n justice-Wind! Only "! You didn't club him half enough. Take him out and fiacture his skull. Texas Sitt ings. The reed Inrd, delicate and delicious, lay -opine n a bit of toast, when I'ncle Caleb, from New Jcrsy, nit down. "Are you fond of the little fowl?" itski'd the ho.-tes. "Well," he replied, ' fur taste, they're line. But ei fur 'pear ance, I must say they 'mind me of a mosquiter ginned lip." Mr, Kultshow'ln the Imm.L Hlorei You ought to hae li or's works, Mrs. Nurich. I'.very good library has Homer, von know. Mrs. Nurich (to tho liook clerk t Young man, wrap up Homer's latest lsok and have it sent to my carriage. "I tnoii;;'it I had me mail," said the New York detective. "lint it did'nt take him long to convince me that he had never been here before." "How did he do it?" "I neonsciously. lie I asked me h here you could get a drink on Sunday." j Some rude speeches merit rude an ' swvrs. "Are you the waiter?" asked an over-dressed woman of a guest at an evening party recently. .o, replied the man, "I'm lint; an you the cliiihl'evniaiil?" Bird-dealer I fee! hound to tell you, sir, that the parrot w hich you have se lected is a terrible swearer. Customer All the better ; I will lei him do my telephoning (or me. Mount Vermin Felines. To ( ienevieve We have been unable to ascertain Maud Muller's exact age at the time of that little episode with the judge, but she was undoubtedly in the hay day of her youth. Buffalo Courier. Trainers I regard my wile's piano playing fad as a joke. You ought, to do the same with your wife's. Frames Trainers, you have never heard my wife play. Chicago Tribune. Oiistavus Korn ami Miss Mollie Wheat were married at Sedgewick City, Kan., last week, and the church choir tang, "Oil, What Shall the harvest Be?" Chi cago Times. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notirt. (i hfivhv )(1 ven Hint iinir ami hv vir tue of un cxwnti'ii. lim out nf thu Circuit ( Mirt of the HUti nf (irnf.ui (or . Cminly. on thf liith itriv of wtilr, nn h iltrrw niAilv. entered and rrmien-d In Mid curt on thy -ilii day of November, Ivm, lu h nit wherein hnmui'l Clrtrk nn .Umtin and Mm 1,. II. I'm ther, itoorye T. Hr.'.thcr and J. M. ilunttnuhm, admlulHtrHtor of the rotate of, were dcfcndnnt, in favor ol n iid plain tlft tind air'tltiftt nail defeiidrtiit. Mm. I.. If I'ra ther, for $tjt. a, with Interest there,in fruni the 2tti ittiv nf Nivcinl'r, )v ;. at (he rate of in r tNMit r nnnum, und the further num of Ml.' coHiit. and whieh inld Judtftfieut ha tnvti m nixwvtt and trail tervti of re-nrd to J. II Kramer, and km iM execution U-ri(f to me ilimMiil, ami coinniiiiidint me ! 1 the proi-rty hcrelrmlter decriUtl to riUiy the ahove puiiih I will, on Thursday, the 1 th day of NovemU-r, l-tl. at the hour ot o clock ol paid ilny. m-il at fiuhitc auc tion T-t (he hlKlicat bhlder (orra-h Iff hand, at the front door id the i ouutv ( our(ho(iM in ltnllr' ( )ty, tt hmo cotl u t revou . nil the MKhl, title and interest, of wli nf nld d'-femlniiH lu and to tin- (hIIowhi il-erl lt.fl roHTiv, to wit it If in the town of od liiver, a l orilinir to th" records I plot and urvev hrvni n lite aini of record in the i i ouity ( U-rk dJice hi aid VVarco enliutv, tittfetlllT With the t-'ll'Tiief Iti I) nd lieritlltjuucntB thereuntil I'IoiikIiik or In auv Wl"e H T( M I It 1 f IK - or fo llllicli llirreof a- wilt wititiy thealHive uamid Mium, toi(.-tijr with the accruing contx o thl mle. Iat at lallcN t ity, tt a-eo countv. (in oti, thin h.lh day ui Iwtol-cr, l'l. T. J id:ivi;i;, H ii -ri ft f tt aco ( outitv, iirejron ctl7 NoJl M Sheriffs Sale. Hy virlii i.f un ti . iitl.iii l.iinl on the Hilh iliiy of oi-IoIht -.H nut o: thiMMrrultcoiirt of tin talcof iirivon. for UnH i.rc.nim in nsult lln rc In tu-iiiltis.-. hnin J. M, s. niliiHtrnlor of the clnti. of Hllii I'tullit-r, ill' ccsmmI I. .iiiiniirt nml iicorici' 1 . I'rnllirr, I.. IJ. I'rathrr anil nainiii'l rlarkc ik'fenilnnU. nm manitlinr nn' tosi-ll tin. ri-al pro.Tty lnniuaf It ItwrlUil, anil out ol the prix-vcili. Hiiti-oI to satisfy the sum oflnvrn huu.lriil anil II Ity ilol lars anil IntrrtTSt tlKTcnii Irnm the ilat of the lucre In satil rau- towlt ; Iholhilay of lune. Ik.":', anil the costs anil rtlsliursemcnu of unlit suit; IliiOKi allorneys fees n ml the arcrulnif cots, I will on Hie 1 .th ilav of NovemlaT. ln. at the hour of two o click p in. at the rl housciloor In flu lies city, Wasco roiinU , lirvrX'.ii aell al public snle lo the hiithest bnliler for cash In liaml the follonliiK ijesrrllnl real iirohtlty. tiewlt All the rlxht. title anil luUre.t of thesalil plalutltl as ueh administrator anil of the salil estate nf rHIa I'rath.-i. ilcccumil, of. In ami to lot !., uf the town of II. nil Klver pro-l, anil lots 11 anil 1. of block Zi, of salil town of Klvvr T. J. liKIVKK, Hherlffof Warco County, (invou. ()ctl7 Novll St Administrator s Sale. nniiT oi mi- iiiuiiiy court of Un- m,iu nf orwnn lor Wssin niiintv, .l.ilv mmli. anil en ternl on the ."jiiil dav ol iwpinnlwr. A. I lwi m the inatUr of thu eslaU' of II... in a it.ii ,i.. ceased, (llrrolliiK tlm innli-rilir mil ' to ...II .1 r"b"'' "' '"""will ili ncrlisil mil (roTty "'"i"a nr anii iiri-niiini ui wit i nt non. or nv hin hiok numtMr two in Tr-v ttu ailflitloti Ut halhw t ity, Wawn f onnty, (r K"ti. ttcwlll on Haturday, NoveintKT loth, wi at thc himrof Joclock n m, ,,f aald day at the court Iioiiw d'Mr in anid UnUm cltv, aell to the to the niKiiiMt hidiler the aald iiecrileil properly. .VV Vt . ""ni 1X1 " Mli't oin thinl in ix montha from datoof vale, and one third In one ywir from date of anle. I-KiUK IH'TLKK, . , , K AU.Miil , Adinlnlstnttoraof the caUtu of Henry A I'ratt diveaawi. octlnov7 NOTICK KOK rUIILICATION. Kanfi Orrirn, Tiie hallin, (ir.j Notice a herr-hv given that the ollowllur hrm act lr ha, tlU-l notice ol hi. Intention to .i'I.I '!"' ,r,,1.1.". ""H-rt of hi claim, ami thataald pr.N,f wlllia. made (Wort, the r.-tfl-ter and rHvi.r ofthe I , H. Uml, 'U, IhiUm, Or.tOii iSovetiila.T lo, IHH, vl.; lama V. IHckaon, JJKf;Jii; "r w, HKIV NK'4 HK'i nt.d NK'4 HW.Kec. M, 'i p. I H, K l K, W W. lie namea the follnwliifr wltneHmta to prove Ilia contlrMi.(uireMde,1ee up,i and cultivation of, Mid land, vi.: I,. Klee, William (amphell.W. J. Herman, J. K. Mn ormlck, of Kndershy, tir J..-. K. MtMiKh, KKlater. Estrayed. i lny I'lhr''' ,H'"r NHl-elie. AtMMlt tlie hr-tof Mav, ivd, a hay Kaddle hornc. hetween hi nd U yara old, branded V on left houlder I no owner can have aarm by:pavlnK lor thli notice and paturaK. Wm. ItOhf.k I MN Nanaeiie I'. 0.,(Jr Pi H-lr-"-t. - 7 SAILED T1IESEAS 38 YEAS One of His Experience?;. r.r ihlny-rl ;!tt Tinm l ajit. I.tiud f-.i M'n, itwl 4 tU a 1 1 mi-) uh nmii'mi . ,. n, I .iml iihii. rofirha trum il.n v tnor w ,Z tiiiitl hv in1 rnuury of I ho t n M t Tr'i4nry ' lUiwf Jif'tul tUt- -ml H .,r A I.i "Mi. V. hi U iiiMitlon hihi'il n.x y( . lH'ttr nut' ' ((MTliMli'it it fiiUiittt: Ktir Hvortii yi'nm I lituj Ihmhi trim!.,, . !; roni-rul ntTvouMit'- ttnti iiuln In 1 1 - t i f mv hnrt. My rriijitMi iiithiMtin A ,! t li )l(V4finiA.; It Wtu iilimiHt lmpw.ll.!- ; Uu.M u nib; ul u rHit Hnil nli'tp, ttuv,.- r . . I'i. Mll(V l-l'IIHHill"! UllVITIlM'tl I Im :itMf' ,' U Tvimv Aflt'P lukliin a Hnittll ti:nil:' t,!) t. lit ivpIvim vriiN mi uri'tn v . , t!Mlv iitiirinrtl. Ililukfiitf the rom - , liiltHMl i)liilt wlilrh wimul linn My l. . . I'tn in mo; hut on hlim iitin-il l t ; . it I- ' tli:it It hh rfi't'i ly hiiriiili". jj , , iiul tt l hr with llm IhMirt I un- . .tn I'ini'.i'liMitloiitIv Niiv thai I r .M!' . Hinr.itlvi' Norviiu himI New lt-ml ( Mr-- li .j jiiurt' for iim limn any t titn 1 hail v'vi i u.n I h i.i U't'ii In-.iifil hv iMiiliii'iii f 1 1 1 v i t ,!., In Ni-v ttrU uiul hun l''ruin,lM'ii wltiiiM.r I. rtl I (two 111 V (tnwi'ta K'mhI ln;.ltli In;!,,. Judt 'toiirt uiof thiMw ituHt vtitiiaiitr ri'ii'i iii. anU hiMirtlly rtft)innii'iit ilnm to nllnitli -t.-J it- I waM'CHpi. A. I. l-mnl, ll;im.l. ri, Ml. Ir. M I lfM KiKOirHtlvi NtTvtnnuml Newt ur nrti MtUl hy nil lirutitfUtHiiii n MMlilvtuttnr)iri tii. or hy lr. Mliii AIimI.i'uI t ,. Kiuiniri, IimI.. un rN'ilntof priro, it hp ImjMIi. or mi lhilli for a, riprt'nH propuhl. Tlny ur (if (roui ulJ opluu unu dmiKuruu Uruh'. SUMMONS. In the I In nit I II rt nl the Hlilte W sri I otintv. l utin.iii lor I nrl llnr.iLt.irl, I'll Intnl. . IV Ktih ami Muric r h . JH'h udantv. j To (. I' Ko(ih and Marie Foku, the nhove -nam.! de(nilautt I 111 th nu. in i itf thf Hlittt til llrtriiii Vnn ,.A each ot you an (nrety nuirel to apn-ar ami anitwer the complaint ttieil niraliMt you In tii above rutltlMl an 1 1 w I thin ten day a from the tUtr of the er lt' of thin auiumona upon you, if 'rvMl w l thin tt M't county, h late of i irevn or If served wtthlti any other county o( thiiHUU j then within twenty da mi fmm the date ot the nervlre of thin mitiiiuonn upon you. and if j the nam l wrvi-d hy puhhrntiou thereof, yim ! are rv'iulrnl toap(eir and annwer ald Coin plaint nil or oeiore i inifi v . ine i'iu liV ot ISnv- eiii(Hr, tvi, that Iciik the fl rat day of the next reu'ar term ol aald t trciiit t oiirt, foilowiuff the CMiliatton of the tun prcNerltied In tha onler in re do re made for the publication of aald turn niona and It oti, or cither of you, fall no to at I -ear and answer aald complaint, Judgment will ' tit ken airalnt you tor want thereof, and tlit plaiutirt w 111 aftpl'v to the t ourt for the n-Iic pruyed for in In aald hill of complaint, tow It Kor a deen-c onlerltiK h fortvliMiire of thaten tain o( inortKnKu, maile, executiil and dr liver, d to plrtintlll ty delemiauu, lafnrtiLir date Atik'n-t 1 Uh. I"'"' ami that the landa ami prvai iv therein d.wrd-d, to w tt ju c. It, K F, t,, 11, I and .1. lu hioek wiveiity ciRht hi Kurt ialit MlllUry K"erv,itlou addition to Ihilic flty, tt hm'ii county, ureiron. be m il lu the manner provided h law and the mactire of tliiatourt. i and that from the pna'cedft annua front iich ! sale the plaiutltt have and rwovwr tiie mm of j I ail It. and tnterent therm nt the rate of ten lTt-Mlt ht Aliliiini lnee tiie Uth dav oi MK ul, li.i, mid the lurcher mini of f.Ji.i" rea I nnable attorney It-.- In rtld Mitt, together with j Ilie ( ict and dt'l-urn njentu made am) exjieiiited lu thif ruit. ti.ettiiltnk MiihM-iUetit uitil ai eriiin? i '"I" 'iii'l cxh-iim-n of Mile that m-n mii'h ih I en v, forerloMire and ante, all id the rluht, title and interest of you and cm-hid you, and all 'if the ilj,'ht, ttt e im ii Interft ltf all ami nerv t iu or h Tmn eiatinititf. or toelalm through or under oi(, nr either of you. in or to "aid it In ,vt dfwrll-. pieriiins., irr to miiv part tiiered, he tort'clontl and I. 'fever harml from nil ul t v of redemption, that plnhittit he alJowi t..tiif'r and t ptirehae am nl (treiiiiat-H Ht hi option: that the putehfwr th rnHiave the Itumettiatr m mioii if the M.tiiie. that the nhilnllM hae judil mi nt Kiliot von lor anv unpaid iailaiice that tna remain after u h taie, and for aurh oliiar and further teltef na mnv lo Hie ( oitrt aevru jiit and tfiiiltahle I 1 he ei viee til thU MimmoiiN made upon you ty pllhlientton tiiereof ill TlIK IUI.I.K I HN li i.k, a neMpiM.T of k ml circulation, pub l!hed weekly at I'alie ritv. tt aaoo cowuiy, t r Ron, i.y order of the lionorahle tt . 1. itradihaw, Judc of the Heventh Judicial District of the Mtale of (iraxoii, which order waa duly made at chambera m intlleM t tv, tirevoii. on the I'tXh dav of HeptmniaK. ' II ft. KtJHiKIX, MiWJt Attorney for rianiUfT. SHERIFFS SALE. NoIN c Is livri'liy alvcii. Dial uinlcr and by lr ol an ciccutlnii Is-inil out of tin- Circuit Court of th.-hlal.-of iirivon for Wasco Cuiintjr, on tin-Wl ilay of hcit., ll, mi a itw inaili', nlnr1 anil miilcrni hi salil Court on tb Mth lay ol July, tKH, lu an action wben-lll DallM city was (ilalutin anil Mary I.. Ilisilli Masilr Icinlant. In lavor ol anl.l plnlntlft ami against salil ilefcuilsnt, for :,'J77, Willi Internal llirvun from salil Hull ilnv of July, lw.ll, at the rat of 10 iwr cent t auiiuni. ami ill further sum i( .i attoni-ys hv, and the further sum of IIJ") cosu. ami to nicilirci-tnl. and cnniiiiamlinK I" aell Hie roiertv lieniliialtor unscrllanl Ui sat lly the alsivii sums, I will on sloli.l.iv, the Sth day of November, lw, at the hour of ! o'clisik p. m. of said day, sell, to the hiKheat blilih-r for cash In hand, at public auction at thejlmnt ilisir ol the county Cuiirtlioiise In Dalles City, Wasco Coiuilv, tln-ifon, all the rlilbt, title ami interest of tlic.l.-l. in and to the followlns ile rllHil .rosTtv, ti wit: AH of lots niiinlHmH tour, live and six In block numbered one, In Tii vett s Ail. llli. .11 i., lislies city. In Wasco County. Htatc of OniT'.n, acconlliiK to the reconled mai and ilaU Ihereol, loReih.,r with the tenement, hereditament and appurtenancea therein! In b Ioiikiiik or in any wise apa-rialiiliiK, or so much thereof as will lie sutlicleiit to satisfy the above named ims, i.aretiwr with the accruing nt and eipvuses of this sale The above described lota and property will be sold lu purls or parcel or all tiafether. as may la. deemed to Is' for the best Interest of all pet sons concerned. Iniliil at Imlles flltv, Wasco County, Orefim. tills 2Mh day of Kept., lw. ep-"J ill T. J. llRIVKIt, Hherlff nf W asco County, Kieiroii- Administrator's Notice. The nmlerslKiiMl having hv consideration nf the County court, of the atnUi ol tireifonid" Wasco county been apisiluteil adinlnlstraUir of the cstau- of I.e.. rife llansen deceastsl, on lh Mill day of Kept, ism, creditor of, and nil per sons having claims aiiuinst the said estate ol said deceased, are hereby nntllicd to prea-nt them, with the proper voucher attai-heil. within ! montlis from the dub of tills uo'lve, to the said administrator at the oflii'u of A. M. Kelsay, county clerk, In Inille Cliy, County of Wasco. Mblle of Iw'l""1 """ ',H"" 0lf""i Heptemlier ."Mh, Amiar.w IIsnsun, Ailinlnlslriitor of the estate ot treorif! Ilama-n, ili'ivasisl, (,.,, :i lo ill. Notice. sold all his rtiriiiTMii.l li in llielirm nf tfuon im Till lo the members of the II"", ljuonit (in Till will collect all dehti due to ami pay all debts owing; by said firm, and will h'1' ' teH,nll,le for any debts of snlil Win Milr contractiuir. . I' Ihls illh day of Octotajr, l!M. Kalles, dr. yuomi t't Tl.