The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 27, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
! OF
Tha Trill
Suu-redal the al llli. OreKon
si-nsciurrii)N kates.
II to
One yHr
Six montsN .
Thtw month
AilvrrtiMiiK rates reasonable. nl made known
OU apl'llettllell.
Aililni- all rmmiMiiMon to"THK I'KltON
Ifl.K. 1 ho la'Ue. Dtvuoii.
Thf liU4 and Wftklu Chronu-te may
to found on talt al I. ('. Xicktlttn' ttort.
Telephone So. 1.
Mark Twain has discovered that there
is a "synilioate of doctors" at foreign
health reports. When one of them jjets
hold of a ood patient they las him
from one to another, until every physi
cian in the combine gels his share of the
victim's wealth. Mark says he dare not
complain of even a headache over there.
Don't commit suicide on account of
your 'incurable" blood disease. The
sensible thins; for you to do is to taUe
Ayer"s Sarsaparilla. If that fails, why,
then keep on trying, and it will not j
fail. The trouble is. people net dis-
cou raged too soon. "Trv, try. try
ata ill."
He Your husband is abroad, 1 uui
told? She (stockbroker's wife Yes;
he's traveling in South America. He
Oh, indeed, and do you expect him home
shortly'.' Mi.. Well. I can't exactly
tell. You see, these extradition arrange
ments take up Mich a lot of time.
If you meet a lady on the street this
week and tier face shows the signs of
distress, you can safely conclude that she
has just opened her house and is in
search of servants. This is the time for
that kind of amusement. Baltimore
"Now, that is what I call an apprecia
tion of the proper thing." "What in
the world are you talking about?"
"About that South Side grocer's contri
bution of a barrel of self-rising flour to
the orphan asylum. Indianapolis
Its mother Oil, John! John! what
shall we do? Babv has swallowed its
rattle? Its father Io? Nothing; now
he'll have it with him al! the time, and
we won't have to be forever hunting it
up when he cries. Tid Bits.
Mrs. Younglove I purchased some !
Btorjr f a French t'onvlrt at
No criminal is altogether hardened;
spring's of kindlier and feeling-for his
fellow-being's .still exist within his
nature, if one could but tiud them. The
author of "Seeretsof the" true story of a I'reueh convict lit
Among the five laborers, who work
side by side with the prisoners, was an
Italian who always treated them with
great kindliest., anil beeam.1 in conse
quence very much beloved. One day.
however, the Italian seemed to W much
depressed, aud he confided to his fellow-laborers
the fact that In-was ter
ribly m waut of money. Not many
days after, one of the convicts escaped,
sought the Italian out at his home, and
said to him:
"Now 1 give myself up to you. My
capture will bring you the reward of a
hundred francs, ami that will help you
out of your difficulties."
For a long time the Italian refused
to take advantage of the fugitive's self
sacrifice, but at length he yielded mid
led luck the prisoner
The wife of a well-known journalist
was roused one night, when she was
alone in the house, by sounds which
convinced her that burglars must be
lvlow. The courageous old lady rose
aud went downstairs into the dining
room, where she found a man in the
act of rilling the sideboinl. lie
promptly knocked her down, but as
soon as she could recover herself she
got up and mildly took a seat. Then
she addressed the burrlar.
"1 supxse you have been driven to
these evil courses by want." she said;
"but why add cowardly violence to
your crime? You ,-ee 1 am an old
woman old enough to he your mother.
Is your mother still alive'.' Do you re
memlKT her.' lint would you iy or
do to a man who struck her in the f ice j
and knocUod her down?" j
ller words had a marked effect on i
the housebreaker. He was evidently j
moved to the heart.
"I'm sorry, ma'am." he said, "and
I'm ashamed of what I'm doing. I 1
won't take anything- belonging to you !
except this live-pound note. But 1 i
really nm in desiierate straits, and 1 i
want money badly."
lie emptied his pockets of the silver '
lie nail talieu. hut with the lull con
sent of the old lady made off with the
live pounds. Some time afterward an
envelope reached her. addressed in a
strange hand, and
pound note.
mill I r
zM pi
F,,ei wfj luly
eogyB r-
- AyEFVS $
Sarsaparilla g
S. 1'. SMITH, of ToUillid.i, la.,
whose coiislitillion v;i.s ro'.ipli tely
broken down, is cured by Ay r'.
Sarsaparilla. lie writes:
" For eiidit ye. us. I v;u, rnct
I: to n great snlTeor frem eonstipa
titiii, kidney trouble, ami iiidi,;t -thin,
so that in v i-ennitiiiiun -ueiii i'
t.i le i einpl.-teh- lrii!,i-li ilinvn. I
in. In. I'd to trv Ajer's Sar-aparilla. .::nl
toe!, iii-.ii-ly M'en hnrth -, m. !
excellent result.- tl it m -t. nvn h,
Ixiwel., and kiilneV ' ;ile in p.-ifr'-l i . li
ditiuit, am!, in id! t i ; i r fuin I .. -i,., ,n
regular us dock-work. At . n
I began taking Ayer's S.irs.i p.n ,; i, rnv
weight was only I'."" peiunls; I n.,w ,- m
brag o' U'.l pounds, and was nc er in so
ROOil health. If you could ei- me :
fore and after usin-.', ymi ,nl,l :
me for a traveling ailvertiseiui'iit.
I iH'l evr this pn p. nation of arsananila
to In- tl.f best in the niatki-t te-day.'
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Treparf' by r. J. C. Aytilil'c, Lon-i.i. M irr.
Cures others, will cure you
Tery tender leef today, dear; how do you j awakes from
Tbere la Often llaril Wsrk
There are yet some persons left who
fancy that poetry is the product of a
fine freni'.V: that the noet of (renins
! 1 o you want The Chuoniclk San
i Francisco Examiner for a year? If so
! send us $2.25 and you can have them,
! loti papers for $'2. 2.) or less than a cent
'. and a half a pioce. If von would rather
it was a five- i have the New York ,Worid, we w ill send
1 you that and the Se.mi-Wkkki.v Chkon-
pntTRV K ol'e vear for $2.2"). The World is
; also a semi-weeklv to vou will get
j papers for $2. 25.
prefer it? . Mr. Younglove Keallv, I
don't know, love; bat where I boarded
that fort of beef was always rare.
Syracuse Post.
Hungry Higgins Wot are you studyin'
bout eo? Weary Watkins I was jist
tbinkin' what a pity it is when a feller
gits dead drunk he don't know nothin'
about how drunk he is. Indianapolis
"Mrs. Nextdoor sent over that our
Fido has dug up a lot of her flowers."
Mamma Well, run and tell her that it
won't make any difference; he's to have
a bath
todav anvwav. Chicago Inter I
Mistress Bridget, I don't like
having these men in the kitchen. They
are all strangers to me. Bridget ' pleas
antly? Slip insoide, then, mum, and
O'il inlerjnice you. Judge.
trance to till page after page with ef
fortless beatitudes. A number of man
uscript sheets of Longfellow's "Ex-eel-ior,"
which may In- found in Har
vard, should not only explode this
theory, writes a Boston eorrcsoiide:i'..
but give hope to manv a diseouraired
amateur. As Longfellow lirst con
structed the first verse of this poem it
The shades of niaht wrre falling fast
As through an Aipinc villa!?' passed
A youth who. as the peasants sung.
KespoDtied in an unknown tongue.
This was manifestly weak, as the
only obvious reason why the Alpine
peasants sung- wa.-, that they might uf-
; lord a rhyme tor the youth s re-ponse
I in an unknown tongue. A second trial
your j at the wrse, however, not onlv failed
to improve it. but arranged it in such
form that it is dhheult to believe Long
fellow guilty of the fault. The two
last lines of the verse were made to read:
Interviewer To what do you attribute
your uniform prosperity? Moneybags
To the fart that I never was rich
sublimated cataleptic j wl,0iigh to keep a yacht. Town Topics.
De (.averly Wasn't Choliv Knock
nees boasting last night that he was
solid with Miss Gofast? Van Clove
Yes. De Caverly Well, it was true I
aw lier petrify him with a look. Town
Mr. Hearard How your heart throbs,
darling! You do lore me, then? Miss
Flipleigh Nonseim'! That is father
taking a pull at the jug in the mxt
rxmi. The Gurgler.
A Legal Bight and an Ethical Duty: A
New Y'ork court affirms it to be one of j
the inaliable rights of man to hiss in
a theatre. It is, yes, sometimes it is a ;
doty. Chicago Tribune.
Trainers I regard my wife's piano
playing fad as a joke. Y'ou ought to do
the eame with your wife's. Frames
Traniers, you have never heard my wife
play. Chicago Tribune.
A youth who bore a pearl of price,
A buriuer with the strange device.
-Who's tha new King of the
There are not many, even among ;
the magazine poet.-, of tiMlay. who i
would consent to refer to a banner as
a "pearl -of pi-ice." lint the poet had !
by this time three lines to his liking,
and the substitution of '-a youth who
bore mid siimv and ice" completed the
verse Ms il. lliis 1m-ii rt'iul iitnl tiilf,.ii I
throughout the leni'th and breadth of ; tljat"" a fact.
the land. All of which goes to show
that the genius of the MX-t is in the
conception, and that the production of
j Willie Maw, we're going to have a lit
tie masquerade party over at Tom Sta
1 pleford's. How'd I better fix up so they
won't know me? His mother Wash
i your face, dear.
; Mr. (iiisher I declare that handsome
Mis Porkchoppe is a perfect poem,
, doncherknow? Miss Manhattan All
! but t lie feet! The Envious One.
Mifs Bay Do you believe in high
i sounding names for girls? Mrs. Kay
j Up to thirty ; after that age take any
i thing you can get. Town Topics.
F'itz Sappy That handsome girl
just passed actually smiled at me, by
Jove. De Cvniiine You do look funnv.
-Tow n Topics.
Saturday, Oct. 27th.
Remnants Remnants
Cheap Cheap Cheap
Remnants Dress Goods, Remnants Embroideries,
"Damrvontc Tin OT1 O
e .r. 11 in iii.n JJiUVJJUU, -".v .-s,- ' ' '
Remnants Laces, Remnants Underwear,
Remnants Silks. ! Remnants Hosiery,
Remnants Flannels.
We have acciimulatHil (piautities of short lengths of our New
Goods, and we are going to clear our stock of them ut great
reductions in prices.
It will pay you to call.
A. A. Brown,
K.v(. fill iwwmTiu'Ht of
UlWJ UiUlllllo,
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
. . A T T
83 WashlnRton St.. THE DALLES. OR.
and Provisions.
hlch li" iitt.Tt t KiKiin-
to Cash. Buyers.
linked Cash Prices for Eis and
other Produce.
I f vim wmit hifiinnnflim runi'i-rniK vni
nnnl Inmli.or th-1 lnw tvUtlnt; tht-n-tK, ymi rtui
roniilt him tni; t) oliur.'. H' Iih innili' n ('
riiil'.y nf (liiH tiuiiu-M. 11 ml linn imtr!irvl Ifi'titrv
tlir t ut -! Hint h 1 jtuil (HIliT t'rtcr Cfii viiim.
Ho Ih AK'tit (or tin KdHtiTii (rcffitn Iiiul
( niniMiiiy, iiinl run wll vm (inuliiK. nr I ' n
Iititi.vhI AjrrlfiittnrHl Ivimi In any i 1 1 h n t tty
Ivaiml. mi ill will inmhI n fHiuphli't ilirrUiing
tiv ImiiU t miytiiit' npplytiiK to lain fur It.
lie AKnt for uiti nf tot In TinmpwoH'ii Adoi
Tiow to Tin ihII. Thia Aitilltlon In 1h11 o(T tti
Ri'rr nU, nml ilmtliuil tt w the tirlni'liMit rml
ilfHf imrt of tin cltv. Onlv 'JU miinil.w wiilk
from ( iiurtliotiic, to uuniilm from K. U li-it.
Hitlrs l.iK'Ntwtl un iovrniititt Lanl.
If you want to Itorrow Monry, on l.nng or Mhort tlina, h can oeommtidat fam.
Vrlt Kirn, I.Ua. anil Arlrit Inaiiranea.
W you cannot rail, wrlt. and yuur lttr will hm irontitly anawrl.
THs CQlumDia Packing Co.
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
I 'There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fiooa
leads on to J or tune."
The poot unquestionably had reference to the
Curers of BRAND
Blifkins Teddie Devilish. I I'"'- ,,el"t-' 'J'""'
.... i, , , . , ,. liosMiielv in tne ilireclion of patient
W by I ve known nim to change hi9cane 1 j ( "
s many as half a dozen times in a dav. I '
nnotlier matter,
Town Topics.
Mr. Oldstyle I don't think that a col
lege education amounts to much. Air.
Sparerod fAin't you? Well, you ought
to foot my bov'g bill and eee. New York
Th 1fini.-n
Old Crusty (calling over the stairs; j
Maria, is that young man going oon? j
Maria I guess he's gone already, pa, -from
the way he's acting. The Ardent i
"What do you think?
the prettiest girl at the reception
"Think? Why, the sooner he consults I
an oculist the better." Spare Moments.
Lowenstein f despairingly ) Iiebecca, 1 1
haf faildt in peezness. Mrs. L. Veil, !
don'd put on dot long face. .1 vasn't one'
of your greditors. New York Sun.
Patient Doctor, I want a sure cure
for somnambulism. Doctor Try in
somnia. Two dollars, please. Detroit
Free Press.
Talkerly Why did Deepdye get a di
vorce from his wife? Hardluck To get
revenge on me. He knew I would
marry her.
of DifTfrrnt Vatlonalltlri
l.atliy l)'.i,:i::''iiilil.
You c:in tell at .";:uiee the French
woman from tiie .nioii-:tn. the latter
from tie- ! i:i;rli .li vvnm.ui. ami yet. .says !
the I'itri. -', v Vork Herald, eaeh wnm-
un is u perfect type.
The nell-ilressed Krenchworaan
wears a very hirfe hat or cxuihite
tixjue; her eliillon blouse lias short
hleeve.-. and is made with turndown
j collar; her gloves are very lone:, reach
flick said I was int-rar U,M,V" 1,J"W' an(1' a1"'""-'"
,, wnue. are penecuy clean anil iresn.
She ha.s a waist at whatever nacriliee,
also Jiips. She wears a white veil,
which .she never putson, under her hat,
and when she walks, which i seldom,
it is on the tips of her toes.
The well-dressed Knlish woman
wears in the morning a man's colored
shirt, with white collar, a man's neck
tie, a tailor-made white drill or holland
jacket and skirt, a pretty hat with flow
ers, with veil plastered over the fucc to
keep the fringe in curl.
She hasafixHl figure and is very tall,
does not wear hitfh heela and uses her
whole font when walking.
The American woman is a combina
tion of these twq. With great ncute-
Krom the fair ground, one black
mare, white hind foot, small white spot
in forehead, and one light sorrel horse,
white hind foot, small white strip in
bice and saddle marked, both branded
on left stifle. Horse also branded A
on the right hind leg. A liberal reward
I will be paid for information which will
j lend to their recovery, by the under
signed. A. S. Macai.mhtkk,
Dried Beef, Etc.
Notice. !
Notice i hi-rchy Klvn Unit t)i- iiiiil.T.inmil I
lm Ix-en duly nj"iIiii.1 hy the 1 1 uii'Th ilc
i rniiity ( 'iirt nf lint hute of Itrt'XiiN, Inr V Hxrn
i-otitity. fl'lmlnitriitrlx of Hie entHt of rtiitrlen
K. llrtii()it, iJn't-ioMii. All ithoiii hnvtuK fittimn
Hifninut Hji entiite nr1 heri-hy notlfiiil to ,ri'ent
the t'Miiie, duly VHritiiiJ, to iim at my re.Hinif
in lMlle ( ity. WaM'o eoiinty, Ortiron, within
lx inotithi from the ilnteof thi notiee.
lutl tli In llh lay of O'-tntw-r, l''il.
A'lminntriitrlx of the hilnte ol hurlm K.
ll.'UKht, lieceatKfl. (i: ji N v 17
Wasco warehouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
V. H. Las it itrvu k, Thp ImIn. Or.,
lrti.sir 2.1, h'H. f
Noti' in bff'hy jrivt'n that tin- fnllowui(f
muiitil 1 1 1 r In.- fllol imtM't of inlfntioii
to riuik titml ppM'f in ii(Mirt of hlM cnitu,niu
ttnttiuiirl proof will rx- iiimi- U'fnri' the r-KiMir
nml m'ivfr of the I . K IjiihI oliro at 'I hf
lalJt.", in., on Ih-rvm ?r 1, Ivti, vl.:
.faoh A. Vnnrr,
H'l. K No for thr f' NK'4 hijI N' HK' ,
Hw. 17, Tp. I H, K K.. W. M.
H ntiiiKH tli followinif wltii4-u ttt prove hi
ooiitiniioiiM rvftiik'iM-v upon tint iMiltivrition of
ml iaiifl, vi. :
( . H. tirriniinifr Kic, t.. M ll irrinmu, (i.
W, Klii, Ku'l-ifby, Orxoii.
J AH. V. MltKKK,
Who are soiling those Roods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Receives Consignments
When Baliy waa aick, wn gmre her C'Mtoria.
When aba was CbiH, aba criwl for Cantoris.
Wbni the Iwaiw Minn, i!m clung to C'aitf'jria.
Wben ioe bad CbilUrm, the garo tliein Caatoria.
ness she wdects the best points of each, I pQr gale Qn Commission,
but you would never take her for any- ,
biwly but herself. She i.i rather inclined '
to the enormous hats of the French,
but she does not wear short sleeves
and low necks with them. i
She is always appropriately dressed !
and has n costu ne for every occasion j
which always seems the very ix-st I
thiii(r that che could liave chosen. She !
seems to have calculated all weathers j
mid nil occurrences with an eye to her 1
ilres.s hence her success.
Rotes Reasonble
mark .o in
W. "W. Co.
Til T. 11 1,1 KH. Illl
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of HAKE OVKN, li.. got nomc upleiiillil Farm
andg(H1 Jayfii(( Town I'miwrty in tlieWllla .
tlU: Valloy fur ml very ciiep anil on wuy t.-rnn.
Home of the farmii to ejehanne for KUth
OnKon prorty. W rite for lint and term.
French Percheron Stallion,
Wtiirlif In fpnnl (1 h l.;; poiindr', mid Hiiro Kon)
UvXU't. VV lit iHI for vttnU or hoti- with
tipprovfl f-iirtly, or will Irailc
for horwVor f:ittf.
Parley Sc Ix-ctril,
(huccesHors to I I). Frank, leeeaed.)
A Cieneral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Done Blankets, Etc.
Foil Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamped.
No. 07 Washington Stkkkt. . . The
Wholesale and Kotall Dealer anil Maiiiifucturera of
Building Material tni Dimension Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Hoys Furnishings, fit
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases. 1
or Yarrt a 1T. Da,llo
; Aotory nct IjuiuVj
Kerr &, Buckley,
(iraH Vullev, Or.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
1 any part of the city,