THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1894 The Weekly Chronicle.;; TH K 1) tLl.tH Kntere.1 lit the r-.wtorrt.v at Tin- a mX'OIld t'Us U'.aii UlAtUT HT.IT1S OfUflAI.H. r. rVuuover i tveruot H i-retarv ol rtlaU' Treasurer sum. of 1'ublii luatnntion Attorney irt'neral 8-)ti.Ura . 11 K klne.'.il ..rbilllp M't hail .... O. M lrin I". 1 lillemau (J. V IMlph " iJ. 11. Mltrhrll H. Hi'rmituu yiiiKWwaen ,v. K. Kill. Slate Printer . H. ixvlt I'lll NTV OFFICIAL. v ountv Judge snonil flerk Trvajurer Coaimlaaioaer . . liw. C. HUkeley T. J. Unver . M. Krlmv m. Miehell I Frank Rmraid i . pi. Bl.mera Iihmot V. H . W akenelii surveyor K. F. sharp Superintendent of Public aehooU . .Trv 8helley Cnrrawr U. 11. Butts WHAT SHALL CO.VE AFTER HIMf Man is at l"9t an egotistical creature. Surpassing all other forms of animal life in intelligence, it is quite natural that he should draw the line betwixt bis reaouing power9 and the instinct, w hich he ucredita the balance of brute creation with. Not ouly does he claim for himself that he is the highest type of animal creation that has ever existed, but he claims also that nothing higher is possible. The autobiography of the world, ai written in the rocks, will not liear out this gelf-agrandiseuient. In times so remote that we write of them only as an aeon, an indefinite period ex tending over thousands of years, and distinguished from some other indefinite aeon bv the subsidence or upheaval of a continent, or some other change of the vill!e world ; in these remote times, when the first of these indefinite aeons, of which the sedimentary rocks tell uj, held sway, there was but one form of life. In the Laurentian and Huonian te the protozoans alone existed, a form of animal life so low that it would be as difficult to tell as it is with the sponges whether they belonged to the animal or vegetable kingdom. In tiie Cambrian and Silurian ages a higher form of life had leen called into existence, as we can prove by their re mains found in the Trenton and Niagara periods. These show in the earlier sys tem of the Paleezoic aeon, which in the Devonian system also shows a still higher type of life in the fishes, which in torn, followed by the Carboniferous systems, shows a still further advanced form of animal life in the amphibians. The Jurassic and Cretaceous ages of the Meeozoic age bring reptiles and birds opon the icene, followed in the Tertiary system by mammals, and these in the tiuarternary system, which is our own, by Man. Is it possible the end of all progress has been attained, and that the perfec tion of animal life has been reached in man? If so, the perfection of nature is Imperfect indeed. It may be hundreds of years before the superior animal, yet in the womb of the future, shall be brought forth to rule the earth in place of man, whose history shall be in turn written in the rocks for the future, and yet higher animal to read ; but we have no reason to doubt but that that time will come. The human mind cannot . the immensity of time since the grasp first protozoan held svav on the earth the highest type of animal life. The first mammals existed in the Tertiary period, which is very recent one; but yesterday, as compared to the Uuronian, and ret that was long ago. To illus trate: Here at our own doors nature has written the history of that later period. The high plains on each side of the John Dav river were formed in the Tertiary period, the one before that in which we exist. At one time there were vast marshes, which have been lowly filled with mud washed from the hills which have been worn away. In these mad banks the bodies of the ani mals that existed at the time have been preserved, petrifying or fossilizing as the mud turned to rock. In time those mud banks were covered to the depth of nearly two thousand feet, and after that was done the John Day river, patiently working, wore away the overlying rocks, cat its way down, down a thousand, fifteen hundred, aye, two thousand feet, and again brought to light the bones buried so long ago. It took long time for nature, by ber slow processes, to first cover and then uncover those relics of a race of animals extinct, as far as this country is concerned, at least. It took long time to print and bind that book, nd an equally long one to open its pages. But this happened, counting time as geology reckons it, but yester dav. What shall succeed man? We do not know ; but that wise Nature which pre pared the earth for ita inhabitant in turn; which, starting with nothing, has produced man, mast not be considered powerless to make a yet more perfect creature. Well may man, realizing how brief his rule of the. earth has been, and ho vast the time that other forms of life havebeen;the "lords of creation, "ex claim with Kolomon, "Who shall show him what shall come after him?" The cm of all the Russia is dying, and the end can be bnt a few days dis tant. His physicians have given up all hope, and the Russian ministers at the different courts have admitted that the nd is at Land. Under common cir cumstances the death of a great ruler serves to Vinson e uuMHt'sa .nuns nm . . . . .V : I lo croato ilipl.muitu- tanuUn. but in the present f.ii' tin iluiitfi'rs are litiiimini. The Muvrvsioti is -t SfttUvl, ami its t'ttluiuciil involves val iiiti're.-ttd. r.n lalle. on-sou. i rop will Ih' fortnnato indeed it the set tlement is made witliout bloodnlied. .1 A.O(7f.Tl CIRCUS. rortluiul is to have a eirous. guttou up by looal talent, with a menagerie of lions ami ottiei tinimals. It is going to lie worth feeing too, (or it will have three rings, all in full blast at ! once, with riding. chariot races, club swingim:, trapeze work, ami gymnastics by the athletic olnha of Portland. Hon. 1.. 1.. Hawkins will drive the IVadwood stage, which will be held up, of course, by indians, and thev iu turn will be. annihilated by company of I". S. soldiers, this last act I being the only thing of tho kind on record. Cleopatra will bo represented, of course, by some handsome journalist, and the charioteer will be Mr. Scott (not II. W.) The giraffe will be represented by llrother Tozier, because he manages i to see everything, and who, if not al- ways first in pursuit of an item, is al- ways necks best. The giant will be rep resented by a republican; the bearded ! ladv a populist, and the wild man from Borneo, tattooed until his skin retains not a particle of its original color, w ill be democrat ; the skeleton, so thin that he has to put on an overcoat to make a shadow, will be a prohibitionist, while the dwarf w ill be represented by (lover- nor Pennoyer. The child phenomena, who knows everything, will be, we don't know who, maybe Sidney Dell, while Punch and Judy w ill be Hon. Jo Simon and Portland's mayor. Of course the above is only our private guess, but sug gested as probable from the fitness of the persons named for the parts. Then they are going to have an "it," a nonde script which whoever can identify can have. It is said to "look like an animal, but it might easily be identified as a bird or fish." This is probably a life size representation ot President Cleve land's opinion on the Wilson bill, before and after taking. Besides all this there are to be pea nuts and peach-bloom lemonade, and everybody's going, and we wish we could be there. The circus is to come off Thusday, Friday and .Saturday evenings of this week, and the proceeds will go towards swelling the coffers of the First Regiment, O. N. G. A dispatch from Colfax states that Doc Harrington and J. Ed Nessley have been bound over to the superior court of Whitman county, on charge of steal ing cattle. Nessley is a newspaper man and has edited the Rosalia Rustler, the Spangle Record, the Oaksdale Sun, Peo ples Advocate, the Tekoa Blade, and was at one time connected with the Spokane Spokesman. There is no telling what a man will do. or won't, after having a newspaper experience of that kind. A man is excusable in getting his "wes" and "ours" mixed, even to the extent of swiping a "beef critter." The czar of Russia is dying, and it is gon G ag to wWch BWftv first. T1 C2arina ha9 ha( of j a close race lietween he and his second apoplexy, said to have been brought on i by too close confinement at the bedside of her husband. The general idea in this country that Russians have no love for their rulers, is perhaps exaggerated. The whole population is praying for his recovery. The law-abiding because they love and respect him, and the anarchists so that they can kill him. The latest dispatches state that the czar has a cancer, and that he has lost thirty-two pounds in the last ten days. Another dispatch from Vienna states he is dyirg of arsenical poisoning; while yet another says he hag spasms, apo plexy, heart failure, uraemia, Bright'a desease and delirium. Every addi tional doctor called in finds some new disease, and as all of them, or any, are fatal, there is no show for him. The democracy fear that Congressman Wilson cannot carry his district, and as be it the father of the tariff bill they do not want to see him downed. As a re sult they are concentrating their forces in the district. Two years ago Wilson was elected by a majority of 1051, in a total vote of 42,563, a very small margin and one tbat it will not require a very great change to alter. Mr. Nathan Straus, the Tammany nominee for mayor of New York City, has declined the nomination, and Mayor Grant, the present incumbent, was named in his place. Mr. Grant was at first inclined to refuse the nomination, but, like his larger prototype, Hill, be was induced to make a sacrifice of him self. David Bennett Hill is proving himself a wonderful politician. Out of the warring factions be is rapidly forming a solid phalanx, and those who have been most bitter against each other are united in their support of Hill. It is no safe bet tbat hi candidacy will meet with defeat. . ,. The Herald and New York World have joined the other democratic papers in fighting Tammany. Hill baa a hard row to hoe with the dissensions in his party bat if anybody can heal them be can. .V THE USE OF 'f TV. Iuvenily a nero w as convicted of rap ing an Uid w hile woman at Washington Courthouse, Ohio, or rather, being chargi'd with the crime, and fearing mob violence, he entered a pleu of guilty so that he could be sent to the penitentiary at once, and was sentenced for -I) years. The public ieeling, however, hud liecome so strong that a mob undertook to lynch him. The slieritl' hearing that this would be attempted called out the militia, and when the mob came, thev were first warned to keep away, uud failing to do to but making an attack on the jail, the militia tired on the mob, killing five and wounding several. For this act the militia has been pietty generally con demned. It seems wrong that innocent citi.ens should be shot down to protect the life i nf , self-confessed liend. but there is to i Hnother Bide of the case from hich view it. When courts liecome corrupt, and when criminals escape through the connivance ot the othYera of the law, mob violence livvoines admissible for the reason that the entire eople are greater than the law, because (hey muke it. In this case there wa9 no excuse for the mob, for the criminal hail been given the greatest punishment the law permitted. The officers of the law had done their entire dutv. The sheriff who hud charge j 0 the prisoners had lieen elected by the j verv people who attacked him to carry i out the law and one of his sworn duties i Wll8 to protect the criminal in his charge aluj deliver him to the prison authorities j Bt Columbus. The militia was formed ' for u,e purpose of assisting in enforcing the laws of the state, when the usual peace officers were unable to do so. They were at the jail to protect the prisoner and to uphold the law, und were performiui: their sworn duty. The mob knew they wero there, knew Hint the prisoner had been given the full limit of the law, and yet desired to pun ish still further the criminal for his vio lation of the law, by violating it them selves. We cheerfully admit that hang ing is not a sufficient punishment for the crime the negro committed, but that the penalty is not more severe than it is the fault of the people themselves. And again if the militia will not obey the orders given it, or if it is permitted to do its own thinking, to fire when It feels like it, and to disobey orders when in Its opinion they are wrong, then the sooner the system is abandoned the better. The soldier who does not obey all lawful orders, becomes simply a guerilla and a criminal. If the killing in Ohio will serve to deter other acts of mob violence the unfortunates will not have died in vain. We might add that had the militia refused to fire, they would have been severely condemned by those who now condemn then, for obeying orders. California and Washington have each had a case of the kind and the pun ishment the militia received for re fusal to obey orders and the general condemnation of the public for not doing so, were sufficient to brace the nerves of their brethren in Ohio. The crime in question suggests its own punishment so prominently that the wonder is it has not been put upon the aUtnte books. There is uo punishment too severe, but whatever the la, bes must be suffice,, and if law pres- that is not satisfactory, change the law. AROUSD THE CIRCLE. Politics are running high in the East, and there is a grand swinging arounil the circle act, that has not been equaled since Andy Johnson's time. Governor McKinley is the boss swinger, flitting from one state to another as a canary flirts from one perch to another. From Maine to Louisiana, back to Missouri and Kansas, on through Iowa and Illi nois, he has streaked like a meteor. Tom Reed is the second best swinger, though way yonder the first best talker, and is dealing some regular sledge ham mer blows. Ex-President Harrison is gyrating in a mnch smaller sphere bat be is making "Posey county" solid, sure. Vice President Stevenson is also flying aronnd the outer edge of an ellipse, but his itinerary is not ornamented with those enthusiastic crowds which greet the republican presidential possibilities. Still he is doing effective work in Sucker dom, though he can scarcely hope to carry the state with him, not this year. Congressman Wilson's string broke and be flew off at a tangent, landing in Lon don but he is back again in his own dis trict and in not swinging any more. He has a contract at home. But a couple of weeks longer and the show will be over, but just at present the political kaleido scope is at its prettiest. At New York last night General Wil liam Booth, commander-in-chief of the Salvation Army, was formally welcomed in Carnegie music hall, which was crowded to the doors. On the stage were all the commanders, captains and officers of lesser rank, while for a back ground there was a row of flaming ban ners. In hit address General Booth taid that the army's flag floated in forty one colonies, while there were over 1,000 officers, all trained ministers, on the rolls. He spoke highly ot the work ac complished by women. Preceding the meeting in Carnegie hall there was a big mass meeting in Union square. And now Congressman Breckinridge it making stamp speeches in Kentucky. The redoubtable colonel it dead, but he is so blamed tough that nmr 1 1 fu-.i t ion couldn't touch hi in ami so lie has nut found it out yet. He is a pictun-qiie old sinner, and being deud Mini damned should have self respect mid decency enough to remain innriied where his erstwhile friends placed him. The trouble with the disgruntled old corpse is that he Iiihisis on traveling around wearing mourning for himself. There is inure Catarrh in this ecii.m of the country than all olhei die.ii-s put together, and until the la-t i'- years was supposed to be incui.ihte. For a great ninny years doctors pronounced it a disease, and jirescrilied local rem edies, and by constantly (ailing lo cure with local treatment, pronounce 1 it in curable. Science has proven catarrh to lie a constitutional disease mid therefore require constitutional treatifienl. Hall's Catarrh, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tin- only constitutional cure in the market. It is taken Internally iu doaes from 10 drops to a tcaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY A- Co.. Toledo. . H-fiSSold bv D'ligaists, 7oc. One day the children weir having an object lesson on the blue heron. The teacher called attention to its small tail, saying, "Tho bird has mi tail to speak of." The next day she asked the n hol ars towriiea description of the bird, and a little German girl wound up by i saving; the nine heron lias a tail, mil ! it must not In talked alioiit." Baby- hood. It Nli. mill ir In F.tery IIum j .1. 15. Wilson, :i71 Clay St., Shiirps j burg, Pa., says he w ill not lie without I Dr. King's New Discovery for consump I tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wifowho was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several phy sicians bad done her no good. Rolwrt Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he over used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Snipes A Kin ersly's. Reggy held her close to him and w his- pered, "Angel, we must part" The beautiful fiancee of an hour swooned dead away till revived with a small l)t tle, and the rest of that awful sentanee. "our hair a little to the left now, or we dudes won't fie in it this fall!" The disappointed When persons are weak and languid, from sickness or overwork, feel debil itated and depressed, it is an indication that the blood is out of order, aud they need help to throw off the miserable feeling. The best remedy for this pur pose is Dr. J. II. McLean's Strength ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir culation, promotes good apietite and a flow of cheerful spirits. Price f 1. 00 per bottle. For sale by the Sniiies-Rinersly Drug Co. ' We have made arrangements with the San Francisco Examiner to furnish it in connection with Tim Ciironici.k. Hav ing a clubbing rate with the Oregonian and N. Y. TriHnne for our republican patrons, we have made this arrangement for the accommodation of the democratic members of The Ciikoxici.k family. Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Skmi-Wkkki.y Ciihomci.k will m fur nished for one year for $2.25, cash in ad vance. Do you want The Ciiiionicle and San Francisco Examiner for a year? If so send us $2.25 and you can have them, 150 papers for $2.25 or less than a cent aad a half a pioce. If yon would rather have the New York World, we will send you that and the Skmi-Wekklt Ciiuon ici.e one year for $2.25. The World is also a semi-weekly so you will get 208 papers for $2.25. "I'll bet I could ttand for four rounds in the ring with Corbett." "That't non sense. You overlook the first essential toa meeting." "What'a that?" "First catch yoar Corbett." Washington Rtar. lERGURIflL JL roisori T la tlM nnuUof the usual treatment of hloud diaoTders. Tbesvaiemta Uliad with Mercury aad Potash rm4ia mora to m Im dreadrd than Uie Ulaaaa, aud la la nnort wnne in in a lay worna conaiuon than betore. Tba moat common result la RHEUMATISM for which H. 8. ft. U th mont reliable cure. A few bottle will ftflord relief whr all ela ban failed. I Buffered fron a wmrerm attack of Mareortal fibtnirtjatifira.rJif arm and lutiinu wolin u mux tban twlc lbir natural Mt,cautlna the Diotxcru'iatliif pain. 1 pwnthiiQaJrena oi uoiiar wiMiirut rjufi, oa HTUtT ts&k inv at iw du intra or 1 1 m proved fa p id 1 y ji nd am now a well man, complJtlr cared. I on harttlT rtM-om- otnd vour wnndvrful ntitrtn to anrona Olicterl with iliia painful m-nm. W. r. DALftY, Broofclyp Kiat44 R. R. OwrTrwatawon Btood and Akin 'ttiiu aiaind Ira lo aajt aUilrM. W7f aTT ttPVnirfe sTA al a- aft. WANTED. To purchase five dozen early pullet, Uraturia or Ply mouth hook, cross pre ferred. Price $2.50 per dozen. Call on or address Kd. M. Hahbihan, K-lm. Endershy, Or. s..! In ,ll I Khort time ago. says the l.oui.ville Couii.T-.lournal. .vun(r !' ' troulil.-d wi.l.n I'oilon hcrl.iwe e. Inch bad that .she tn.'i.-.i 1' '" m v to tall in formed a dislike '' f;,"',lv ' K chin, so ber father Mi;r:frle'l -ev. iu others. :l im.-llv viid that be would cull in the pUvsienm with th- c.l..c. who pasM-.l the Iioiim- every duv. 'thev l.eot u sharp lool.out for him. und when he came nl 'Mi' he was called in. The youn:r l.' modestly showed him the disabled member 'I he little man l.s liednt it and wiid: "W by. that's prettv bad." -Well." she M"d. what must I .I..'. If I were you. "he answered, "I would wild for a physi cian. I urn u piaim tuner." Cliollv (iiekit Who was that round-shouldered, ill diesned little rad 1 saw you with this morning? Ethel ' (frerzmgly That, sir, B my fiance. Cholly Good imwd! Yon don't say. What a nnignilicHiit contrast you will make. The Diplomat. Mr. Ii.ii-lli' does v.nii husband expre-is himself when he comes home late from the club" .Mrs. Bay-He doesn't express himself at ail. They semi him home in im anihiiluu f, The Toner. Miss I'rudeleigh Sir, how dure you? Mr. Rattler i who has stolen a kiss Ex cuse me, I never would have done it in my solier senses. Miss Prinleleigh Oil, indeed ! The Malaprop. "That was a finished sermon," re marked it lady as sue came nut oi cnurcu vesterday. "Yes, but 1 was afraid it never would be, said husband. Philadelphia Record. "(Juke a change in the weather isn't it'.'" "Yes," replied the populist with a grin. "Greatest season lor flops 1 ever saw !" Washington Star. SHERIFF'S SALE. NotU't i hffivby (liven, Ihnt uuitir tn! 1v vir of Mil exiviitimi Iwniutl out f tlit cirnitt t otirtof tmHLii'of omom lr W mm ( ountv, on tin ut iU) hit-tit., l4, n tlwivt tnut ntt'rii nntl rentiiTwl iu win I t;mirt mi lh I'Uli day nf July, Ivn, In nn n-tiin wherein llt City platntitt mi Mury U Month wand It'itdftnt tn lavnr of Mild iWitinlift and nKiint anttl i.fitMtdfMtt, for l.'.JTT, with tntemt thvrvon from mud l"Ih duv of July. )., Nt !!u r:U -i lu tr riMit tH'r milium, find th- further Mini of JLno attorney' lc, md tiie further utti nf NMt, and to m dirwtfil, and romniiiiidt.iff nif to m.' 11 property hen-ltirtttr oMrtlr.I to t t-fy thf ahovt aunt, I will "n Mundnv. the ,.ih day of November, 11, at the hour of o lork p, m. nf Ml J day, veil, to thf iilKtit bidder for raiti In baud, at public auction at thf 'front door of th fouuty t utirthoiiao In lialltw ( liy, ao 4'nunty, tHvjroti, all th ritfht. till and Intern! of tliedt'irutk'iit lit aud to the following dfMTlbed property, to wit All nf lntn ntimln'Mil four, bv and tx In blok nnmheml oik. In Trl viitt a Addition to 1 !)- ( lty, iu W aaro County, Hutt of Orvtfoti. accord! UK to th rworded mnpa aud Plata thortmf. together with th tenement, hemllUtmentii and appurteiiaiicrA thereunto ! loiittintf or In anv wine appr(AlnliiK- or m much threi( m w ill b mfticleiit to aatiatv the abov tiamnl aum, tjftlir with Ihr accnutiK rtMta and aipuM of thU aale. 1 he mImivo deMrrliitil lot aud property will b obi In parta r parrel or all totfrthm-, a may v d'fftneil to be lor the bvl iutr'al of all per on eiinemi1. Inted at IatlraCltT, Y aaro County, Orexon, thin -juth dav of MMit,. Wl. i tp.v ni T J. IiRtVFR. rnerirrot n awo county, ute(t)n. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice In hereby Riven that nmler and by vir tue of an execution lMicd nut of tiie Circuit Court nf the Htate of Oriroi, fur W aaco Count v, on tlie l"th duv of October, 1 . nn a decri-v made, entercil and rendert-d In aaid ourt on tlie 2Mb day of November, v.n, in a anit wh-r'tu bin mic 1 Clark win plninllrt and Mr L. II. 'ia ther, (teono-T. Prat her and J. M. liuntloKtoii. adiuinitnitor of the estate of MLm l'rulh-r, d wtwt. were deiendaiiU, hi Invor of mild tilaln lift and a-tiut tii4 Mr. I, If. I'm th'-r. for 4 with In terra! thereon from the Jtb day of Novenilj-r, lv ;, m the rate of o pr ieiit per annum, and the further mini of $..: comIm. and which atd jiiilKiimuC ban lieen at nirtml aud tranferei of rct'ord to J. II, Kramer, and wild execution ht:iK ttt me directed, uud cniiimandiujr me to'!l the prop rty bm-liMiltcr d"rlled to Mitlify the above i will, on ThurMlny, the I dii day nf November, 1'M. at the hour nl - n'plork ot ald ilay, m-11 at public auc tlou to the hiKlicit bidder for rah in hand, at the front door id the t uiintv ourlbouw in .saliva City. U aco county. Oregon, nil tlie tttht, title ami Inter!, id ejeh of aid defendant In aud bi the following rleerlhed prfiiertv, to-wt Ut Ii In the town nf IIimm. Kiver. ai-onhuK U the recorded plot and aurvev tbrreof on llle and of reuinl In the County clerk nfllra in anld aco cuiintv. U-reth r with thm sia,.t a.tai bereiH tanieitu thereunto bclotiffinir, or In any wi appvrtaliiiuK. ur ai much therettf an will atlWy the above natiHd umi, toifetbrr with the rcniina; eoata of thlt aale. Itateil at 1'ttllea t Ity, Wawo rotinty, Orecidt. tin loth day of October, 1VM T. J. MilVKK, Pherltf of W'iK'f) Comity, Omron. (ctl7 NorJl-iit SheriflTs Sale. Ily virtu nl an eierutliin lamed mi the Intli rtny o( (m-IiiImt lWMolitof tlieelreiiitriiurt nf Hie tateaf tmcufi, lor WaMnirminty in amilt there In iienilmu, wherein j, M. llumiiiKn.ii, ail minlatmtiir of tli ut ol Hlu, Frnther. de remwl In plaiutlrl anil (.enraa T. I'ratlier, L. H I'ralher ami henniel CUrlie aie lfi'n.nnt. mm. miinrliiiit ma Ui aell the real pruprrty heralnafur UenTlbwl, anil nut nl the nr. win thereof Ui Mtoly the ,11111 of eleven humlrfvl aiid fllty rlol law ami Intereet thereon from the date of the ilM-re In aauleauwUiwU: TlieMhitiy of lUne Iwniand the coau and dlibiirwrni-nta ol mhI nit: auai mi .iintn... iu .n.i . k ... .. . - . . ' - - v.... vtiw C.-rillllK route, I will on the l.'ith day of November. at Hie hour of twn n elnek p. m. at the eourl lioueo door In Haliaa city, Viun, eounty, Oreoii, i i .ii ii iiiKneax nniuer lor ,'eah ... . iwiuh ueec'riueu real proptrty, (o-wlt: ' All Hie right, title and InUre.t of the wilrl plaintin "iiei xiinlnlnlriilor and of tiie aid eeiate of rlllan I'ratliei, dereaanl, nf. In and to lot Ii., of the town of ll.t River proper, and lou II ami l.i of block , of Mill town of ll,1 uiver. ul . .. T J' "HIVFR. ..... HherlfTof Vtanco County, Or.-i.iii. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. la nr omen, The Imllen, Or .) Nolle,. I, hereby Riven that the followlnc neimil aelller ,a llle.1 untie,. f hi. InU-ntlon to riiakeiMinl .r.,f In .,,,rt , hu rlnl d that aeid will be m.ile l,.f,,r., the Or., on November 10,11. u.: lamea W . Illekaon, H:-!5; '-"'- '" ' WU UK'., tif.'l HRH and ll', nainiiUie f,,wiii)twiUieaa.toprnv hia ro ll,,,,,,,,, r,.,,,,.P ,, ril,lvilUn , aal land, il, : I.. Hire, William Campbell. W i. Ileriuaii. J. ,.. Met rm,:k, ( Kn.leraby, Or. JAM- K. MOOUK, Notice. ?i""mC.T h""'-Hlven that Winn Moody ha. u W" 'nlere,u In thehrm of Ji'iont hn Till to the member, of the firm Hnoii On Tal will debt, due to and Kl. ,lV,w1'1 lirm.and will not be coitw!!',!, y '' VMna Mo.iy liaue.'0'r1"" Mh d"X "' cl"U,r' lm Tbe QiONii On Tat. 'v A How il Happened. ri e f il'o im 'I'nnirUiJil rv,.m In i, iii. '!!! 1 Ii -.1 tlie l'Uiler 'turn I ha. :l ' 'lie pull! Ill HIJ h"l,,'l, V l,, , ,,,, ' mi I ii. e -l.s'i,. I 1 1. r,i,lla ... ! .'i in. ' l Ii' il i.iul 1 eleli im, roim ii, y ,,',, i .-!i mi.!, I ih'i i.-lu rvery n im;.,. nll ,' ....... ... ,-. ,.p)lr, :i .oiil 1'IV n '.irl, HUM I ttlls tl ft ii ill I,, ,i. 1 '! Iiiimi'i. I eiiuliln't sit, .'n h n ne --ti 1 iii r il.iwn iiimI rvsuiu:: i,..,' ." llll- 1.1 l.y Hi 11.-1 1 1 uf Ne,T II. Ml I I UN' i,;, ,M. I- ,.t.i -eel I feel Hk iiniitlii'r wunmn IK i . ii, In; l In- Ne'T lienrt ( ure 1 Inul t:-. ,. ...'n: m.''iIim reinedlis, iiihI Ih-,.ii in .i..i I i lei'lol- v llliiiilt, any U'lii'lll limn I , I I, .il . our l. eil Ullll dlsgusti-il. tv hi:.V,ul I i ait in" u ImhiIm nt Jr. Wili s' Ni li,., I .ue. unit am liuiiny lOny I never n nri'ii,, 1. I lioiv lei Mi Rpleliiltil liiH'lli. ,,J , -ell well. I el.;tii. li, niiinils vt Iiimi ii. i il.lnzllin reiai'ilv. hiiiI lino 1 wvivh t M- b-. e'te : la my cumi turn bis-n truly iii:int.r. in. I f ir ui i'ii-- any mlier iii iliein,, r Ii i -1- I'HT tal.eii or any lienelit I ever r. eelve.l from ph yilelium. Mm. llorrvBUtr l'..ii-vllle. I'ii.. Oetnlwr I'.'. Isuj. ' r' It. Miles' New Henri t'ure U anlil nn n pm. five irunrunlff tiy nil ilrilUKlilM, ur by the lir Allien Meilii-nl ('.. Klkliurt. linl . nn n-i'.'hn ,, lirn-e, II jut txilllii. u bottle vxprviu. pr. palil. Tlilx irreut lleiiury by un ruilm-tn mims'Iii1IhI Iii beitrt iIImiumi, contalus auUlMf oylutea nur tluuvoroua tirugn. SUMMONS. lu the Circuit Court nf the Htate of Otckou for 1 urn County. ' ( url Htm litnrf, I'latiitin, t t. y V. V. Kotfh and ' .Marie KobIi, iHMendaiibi. j To C. V KiKb and Marie Fn(b, the rttnve unmed defeudanU lu the name of the Hlate nl Oregon: You aud racti ol you are bercbf re)ulrv4l to appear aiut aiiAwer the com plat lit fibil aNaint ou in the alHve entitled ault within ten day from the data u( the acrvtce of thl auinmona upon you, If aervrtl within aco cnuuty, HUite of t n-etton , or If erved within any other county nf tin State then within twenty daa from the date of the avrvlru of tbla utumoua upon you; and If the Mine I served by publication thetesil. you are reutrrd Uiaptctir and auaweroald ornplalnt on or bwiore, Monday, the U'th day ff Nov ember, lwt, that b'liur the Mrat day of the licit reajular term of tmld Ircuit Court, follow I mr ihv etpliattonid the Itui precitlei in ttia onler heretofore maile for the publication of aald sum mon and If you. or either nf you, fall ao to ap- aud answer said complaint, Juditmeiit will taken atraliiit you for want thereof, ami Hie platntllwlll apply to the Court for the re he prayed for lu hi aald bill of mmplaiut, tnwtt: For a de:ni' onierinK a foreclosure of thnt cer tain ilwl nf mortirairv. made, exenited and de Itvertnl to plaintiff by delmidanU, heeriiin dale A uu at l ltb, !; and that the land ami prem ium therein decritvd. to wit NU C, I. K K, d. 11. I and J. In block ativcntv eliht In Kurt faile l Hilary li-ervatloii wltlltloit to I m Ilea City, V aM'o county. I'refiin, bt m il in the itiaiitier provbled by law and the practice of tht ourt, and that from the proce-jNl arlnlua from uch aale the platntltT have and Tcnef the aum of I 'U.U. aud liitvreat thereon at the rate of ten percent, per annum alnce the lltb day of Aug int. )vi. and the further aum of rva otiahtr albirnev a iiw m Hld ult. It nr' titer with i the cottM aud dltiurmmeuu made and expended 1 lu thl suit, ii.cludliift aubwtieiit and aecrutnj I con to aud expciiM of aale: that iimhi ucb d i cree, foreeloftun and aale, nil of the riKht, title land Interest of you and each of you. and all of j the itubt. title and tntrrt of all and every per I aon or Mron cIiiiuiIuk. r to claim throtiIi or I under you. or cither of you, fn or to "aid alwure dcMTltw-d pictiiae, ir to anv art therd, ta foreclocetl and forever Ixirml from all equity of redemption: that plalntifl Im albmcil U bbl for and lo purchase oid prenilve nt hi option . that I the purchaser thereof have the Immediate p ' eNinli of tlieaiiis': th( lue tiltilnlltt have HidaT ment Btfnint vtMi for any unpaid balance that may remain after uHi mile, and for aucb other and lurther iclicf aa mny to (he Court ecem Jutt and eiUtlablc 'I he aetviceof thl kummou I madeufNin you by publication thereof In TltK 1'ai.i.R t II R"N It.LK, a riewxMiper of (ri-neral rdrculatlon, pub I heil weekly nt I'nlle U, W eco county, ore tf-in. by onler of the Honorable W I,. HraiUhnw. JudKe of the rvventh Judicial liatrrt ot the Hlate nf Oregon ; which order waa duly made at chamber In Italic City, orvvon, on the llh uay oi rvpiemiMrr, if. ii. ici 1 1 1 r, i.i.. eplV-7t Attorney for riaintlfT. Administrator's Notice. The iiinlernlKiiiil bavin; by conaiderallon nf the I oinily eourt. of the amta nf orefron: for Maaeoeininty been api.tluted adinlnlalrator of the eetate of Oeimre llanaen dw-eaeed, on the luth day of Bent. l.v, ervililora of, anU all per aoni haylna rfalma axalnat the aald eatate of aald deeeaaed, are hereby nolllied to preaent them, with the proie-r voiinbera atlaehl, within am montba from the date of tin. no'ice, tn the aanl ailiiilniatrator at the ntliee of A. M. Kelany, emmy rlerk. In Da I lea Cliy, County ol iau, HUU' of OrvKoll. Iiatrdat the IiaUe4 Oreaim, September lh, Inul. Ahpmrw Hax.xri. AilmlnlilraUir ol the eeUte ol Umnre llaiiaeo, deeeaa-d. Vrl. to 31. Adninistrator's Sale. Nolle la hereby liven that, In ttnrauatire nl an onler nf the county i lurt nl the auiU. of (irvajnn for W arn eountr, duly made and en tered on the lUiid day nf Huptemhar, A. I. I"". " the mailer nf Hie calatv nf Henry A. fratt. de eeaaed, illrwtltnr the nmleralKned tn aell at piiblle aale the followlua dwerlbwt rail pnrperty belnnirlnf tn aald de-aril tn bit num ber tlv blnhlnrk number two J In Trev Ilia aiMltlnn to iMIlea Cliy, Waam Cnuiily, Ore Ion. W will nn Hiitnnlay, November Hull, lM at the hour of .' o eh.'k p. in. of aald day at the eourt honae In aald lieliea eltv, aell to the hisbeat bidder the aald deanrliiwl property. Term-of ante, one third at time uf lair, one third In al montha fr.nn date of aale, and one third In one year Irinii date of anle. I.KMI.IK ni'TI.KR. J. K. AK.MOI K, Adiiiluiatratora of the ratal of Henry A. I'mlt. deeeaaed. oetlll-lliiv NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IanD Orrii l, The rwllra. Or.,f Kept e, l!"M. I Notlo la hereby Hlven that the fullowlnn named a,.-ttler ha. hleil nolle,' of hi. Intention to make IIiihI In aup.irt of hi. claim and that aald pnaif will lie made before the retil.ter and twelver at The Ualiaa, Onvoli, on ort. al, IMM. vl: falrlnk K. Farrally, lid E, No oua, for the'i, and w't ae, arr I I, lp 1 n, r 1.1 e. w M. Hn nam the fiilUrwitiK arllneeaea tn prove hla miitlnuou rvaldencn upon aud cultivation n aald land, via: William lleuxln, lanae V lln; ImiiiI, ororse I, liavenpurt, Krauk f Taylor, all ol 1 he llallea. JAH. r. MOOKR, Kefjll' Estrayed. Came tn my plaee, near Nanaeue, abimt the flr.t nf May, a, bay amlille hor.e. between III nd U year old, branded V nn left ahonlrter. Tin owner can hav asm by IP'" nolle and paaluraa;. W m. HollfCKTHON. napli-lm Hana.ii 1'. O., or