The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 20, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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It Itinera Materially rroni That of Hol
land. The "AiriUaaiwhe Tual" Is not the
Ihit.'li of miHii-rn Holland. In its un
pin it n.'Ti'M'iit the oM lVuteh nf tho
country i!i .trii't.-. in t In- Ni'tlu'rliUiil.
tuovtluT v illi r. ti-mlt iii'V towuril tho
Fli'inish ili.ik'ot. It has tncorrxirateil u
(TTvul liial vt Kiij,'lish ami u lit t If
Kn'iu'li. siy tho r ortni'htly Kovii-w
"Alnive all. its iriunuR-ia tion i. ijuiU'
tlitToront t that of the classic Dutch,
uml it lotuis itself much more readily
to Kiij?lih tonsruos and )alatcs. It is
ulniost imposMlilo for a Dutchman f
Holland, on arriviii.' in South Africa,
to understand the native Dutch dialect.
Words arc greatly clipped, and. al
though the uKuniuuhlo jruttural "jr" is
still retained, the oiuially fatipuinj;
Dutch pronunciation of "s-e-h" is hap
pily chanjied into a simple "sk." The
vowels are pronounced almost as they
would be by au Englishman. For in
stance. "West" is pronounced like
beast." not like 'baste." as it would
be in Holland. A Capo Dutchman talks
of "Do Hcers;" he does not pronounce
it "Do Hares." us the real Dutchman
would uo. Needless to say, the "Afri
kuansche Taal" has no literature be
hind it. and all the best thinjfs written
in Holland have either made their ap
pearance in Latin. French, or even
English, or have rapidly been translated
into those languages if iutended to lie
widely read. The adopt Um. therefore,
of the English language throughout
South Africa is & necessity forced on
that community by commerce, manu
factures, mining enterprise, and all
dealings with the outer world.
As a matter of fact, a young ltoerwill
learn Euglish as quickly as a raw
Scotchman would exchange his harsh
dialect for the incisive, clear, quick
speech of southern England.
They Preceded the Hone in Agricultural
The help which our bovine servants
render us by the power which they
exert in traction, as in drawing plows,
sleds or wagons, appears to have !oen
first rendered long after their introduc
tion to the ways of man. The iirst of
these uses in which the drawing
strength of these animals was made
serviceable appears to have tieen in the
work of plowing. In primitive days
and with primitive tools, hand delving
was a sore task.
The inventive genius who first con
trived to overturn the earth by means
of the forked limb of a tree, shaped in
the semblance of a plow anil drawn by
oxen, began a great revolution in tho
art of agriculture. To this unknown
genius we may award a place among
the benefactors of mankind, quite as
distinguished as that which is occupied
by the equally unknown inventors of
the arts of making fires or of smelting
ores. After the experience with the
strength of oxen had been won from
the work of plowing it was easy to pass
to the other grades of their Employ
ment where they were made to draw
Next after the contribution which the
kindred of the bulls have made by their
strength we must set that which has
come from their milk. Although this
substance can be obtained in small
quantities from several other domestic
ated animals, the species of the genus
Mob alone have yielded it in suflicient
quantities greatly to affect the develop
ment of man. It is difficult to measure
the importance of the adilition to the
diet. lxth of savage and civilized pei
ple. which milk affords. It is a fact
well known to physiologists that in its
simple form this : ui: tance is a com
plete food, capable v. hen taken alone of
sustaining life and injuring a full de
velopment of the Ixxiy.
A Word Which llju a linear Kne'.h
IJerivut ma.
I remcmljer a ion' time ag'o hearing
a sinsrular definition )f a term very
well flnderstotxl by mst of us. piven
by an old Scotchman, who spoke with
a stroiip accent. What's a flirt?" said
he. "A man who projxjses and is re
fused." Mow he came to lie in such a
R'ate of benighted ignorance is more
than I can say. but so it was. and I am
reminded of the story by seeing in a
book that the verb "to Uirf means "to
move to and fro with a pert motion, as,
to flirt a fan."' The fan being used for
coquetting, those who coquetted were
called "fan flirts." Lady I ranees Shel
ley introduc1! the word. ,
While on this subject, says a writer
in the Sew York Journal. I should like
to mention, as the result of observa
tioo, tliaV flirts are Ixjrn. not made,
and that unless the faculty comes by
nature, it is not very much use to try
and acquire it, lwcause not only does
the effort recall sometimes the at
tempted gambols of a cow, which only
draw attention to the natural heavi
ness and solemnity of the animal, but
it is as likely as not that in putting on
a manner and "ways" that are not con
sonant with one's temperament, one
may make hideous mistakes, just as
when a very shy person tries to be cool
and assured in bearing1 it happens
wften that the coolness seems like
rudeness, and the ussumnce like inso
lence. I don't lielieve we can really
alter our natural selves even external
ly, any more than we can change our
physical appearance much without its
being found out. It Ls the "ass in the
lion's skin," after all.
Very Palatable.
The Mexicans have a way of making-
kind of hot bread, called tortillas,
that in quite appetizing tn a hnnfrry
man. The cooking utenxiln used in
the making of it are itiinple in the vx
treme. consistinp1 merely of a ftmonth,
flat atone atxitit two feet lonff and a
thin plate of iron. On the atone ia
pluced a mass of corn that haa been
thoroughly aoaked in alkali. Thia ia
mii.thed until it lecomes a amooth
paate. It in then taken up in small
handfula, patted into thin eukea and
tiM)n'(l with cayenne pi-ppcr. after
which eaeh eak' is wrapped in a leaf
of corn anil placed ou the hot iron
plate to bake over a hot lire.
We have madu arrangements with the1,
Sau Francisco Examiner to fitruUh it in
connection with The Chkonui k. Httv-
' iuR a ehibliiint rale with tho Ortwmiun I
and X. Y. Triluim (or our republican ;
patrons, c have made this arrangement j
ior the accommodation of the democratic j
'members of Tun Ciikonule lamily.
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
Skmi-Vekki. Ciikoniilk will be fur
nished for one year for -."", cash in ad
vance. 1 yon want Tiik Chhonicu: and San
Francisco Examiner for a year? If so :
send us $2.25 and you can have them.
' 1M1 paper for $2.2o or less than a cent
; aud a half a pioce. If you would rather :
have the New York World, we will send
! you that and the Semi-Wekkly Cukos- j
! Ic-i.K one year for $2.2". The World in j
' also a semi-weekly so you will get 20$ ,
; papers for $2.25. j
The regular (ubscrip Hon priceot the j
j Weekly Ciikomile is $1.50 and the)
i regular price of the Weekly Oiikoosian j
' is $1.50. Any one sn'oaeribiDg for The
I Chuosicle and paying for one year in j
' advance can get both The Chroxu lk ;
i and the Weekly Okkcomas for $2.00. j
All old subscribers paying their sub-1
I scriptions a Year in advance will be en- j
titled to the same offer. ;
An Indian doesn't have to be at Has- j
kell institute long to catch up with the '
times. A young buck who entered a !
month ago as leer-in-the-Woods is al-,
ready Pe Fore?t Antelope. Topeka Cap- j
ital. j
Don't commit suicide on account of j
your "incurable" blood disease. The j
sensible thing for you to do ie to Mho.
Aver s Sarsaparilla. If that fails, why,
then keep on trying, and it will not '
fail. The trouble is, people get dis- ;
couraged too soon. "Try, try. try ;
Little girl Mamma says 1 must study .
grammar sure this term. Little boy 1
Wot's that for? Little girl That 8 so I
can laugh w'en folks make mistakes.
Good News.
Between disease and the many cheap
preparations which are palmed off un
der the name of blood purifiers, take
your chances with digeaee, until you can
procure Ayer'a Sarsaparilla the only
reliable blood purifier. Sold by all
drugttistc and dealers in medicine.
From the fair grounds, one black
mare, white hind foot, small white spot
in forehead, and one light sorrel hore,
white hind foot, small white strip in
fiice and saddle marked, both branded
on left stifle. Horse also branded A
in the riht hind leg. A liberal reward
w ill be paid for information which will
lead to their recoverv, by the under
signed. A. S. Macalmsteu,
Seed Eye, 75 cents
Joies. Collins & Co. 'a
per bushel, at
Wasco warenousB Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reasonble
mark fiooid
"W". W. Co.
A. A. Brown,
Keep full awortment of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
fitch he offer t Low Figure
to Cash Buyers.
Hi&tat Casl Prices for Im and
oilier PnHtae.
St. Mary's Academy
itat pn-r trrm of ten week!,
ylie In vlvanee:
ISmiM an4 Tulllnn . . . m m
KiitraiM-o tf pnblc but oueej d ijii
lit i rl l"Mlnir :t id Minlc, Tyw-wrltlnir. Tleriipiy,
Ithwuik nnd I'Hditing furrn exlm f.UnrH'f.
KfiK-h. (iTmim. Ijitin. Nmllwitk and Vwnl
Mnir tiiiiilht Irwof rhnrxv t' rKHl)ir t'nrti.
HAlKi HK IiaV HI' I'lLn.-l,, j, a or lo jkt
lrrji fiirrlinr U md.
tor f'irtlier ptrllciilnr uddrr.
nl.-ll-.k i-l I'KHInl;.
UnW! We
"When 1 was
Writes I'ostiiKisU ;- .1 t'. Woonsox,
Forest Hill. V. Y;i., "I had a bron
chial trouble of f ilch n persistent
ami stubborn I'ltaract-jr, that the
doctor pronounced jf incurable with
ordinary medicines, and advised
me to try Ayer's Cherry IVctoraL
I did so, mid one Ixitlle cured me.
For the last liltten years, 1 have
used this preparation with good
effect whenever 1 take
A Bad Cold,
and I know of numbers of people
who keep it in the house all the time,
not considering, it safe to be with
out it."
"I have been iimh Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral in uiy family lor ;0 years, with
the most satisfactory results, and can
cheerfully recommend it as being espe
cially adapted to ;sll pulmonary com
plaint. 1 have, for many years, made
pulmonary am! ether metlieinesa special
study, and I have nunc to the conclusion
that Ayer's Cherry IVctoral occupies a
position pre-eminent over other medi
cines o( tho cU-s." t'!ia.s. luvcnport,
Dover, X. J.
Ayer's Cher ry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay?r it Co., Lowell, lltu.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
No, Mamie, dear, a journal devoted to
the interests of palmistry isn't, stricJy
' speaking, a hand organ. Philadelphia
! Record.
In the I ireuit t'nnrt of tlie Stale of Oral ill for
w aeo Uounty.
l'limlifl, I
tiMy Wathinv ami '
Maud WrtUtn. I
lHr(v!I'iimt, j
To dvonrt Wallim and Mumi Wauins. tin
above linniMi Uefeinlanti:
In the iiauiv of the State of Oregon: You and
fitL-h of vmi art? hereby ivjuirti to appear
aiuwer the oompinjnt filed n;tint you In the
abve er.tUitl can? by the nrt iltty o( tin tt-r.ii
ff the above entilleti Court follnwing the e.xiir
tiiii of mx week' pubUcrtUni uf thit
that Ixmoi; the time prMrrHnt In the order fo.
the ptiljiieAttoii thereof, wtid term of ( ourt be
tritmii.eoft Monday, the l-'th day of November,
H, ami if you lail U answer aa:tt compUlnt
; tiie plain lift will auply to tlie Court for the relief
demanded therein, to-wit
Kor a judgement against the deieiidant" for
the Mini of Ipot.oo, wtth interest thren from
the day of .November. WAJ, at the rate of ten
pereei:t. m-rannum. for llanatrirne fnaiul
tor the riwr and diJburM?init of waul r-aue
and lor u deerw of forecliwsure of tiie nioTt
gg named in tn complaint and for a Mleof the
tnorlgaged p?eiiitreH dewrlbol a follows, t--wit
! Hegmuiiiic at the north went eorner of lot nunitxr
three in block number Mven in Weyw A tibwu'a
i addition to Lhillei City. Oregon : thenee westerly,
but not duo wet.ahng theotith line i f iienton
! Mreet or Benton Avenue, sixty-feven feet,
i thence Koutlierly. but not due couth, on h
straight line parallel with the west liiieoi lot
three, one hundred and eighty thre ftet ; them--easterly,
but not due tnt, Bittyoeven f-t, to
; the weM line of fa id lot three; tnenee nortnerly,
btit not due north, along the wet Ii!te of nui
lot three, one hundred and eiirhtv-tiiiee fe-t, to
the plev ot bvinuuii;, all liugund liemg 111
tid block ami addition, nve and except the
! hdiowihg dewribeu tract lying and b.iug in the
j southwest corner of the tract atxtve deribvd.
i to-wit: Ifeginulng nt the northwest cottier 01
hit four in b k hur in Kigelow r lilutt addition
j PI)rtlle city; thence northerly, extending the
west linuof'taid lot four, twenty feet; theiuv
' wetTly, and at ntfht augie with the line lat
mentioned, to the went line of the tract hrst
: aoove dex-ritx-d ; thenee aoutherlv and along the
wet line of siid tirt dei'rilxfi tract, to the
m tli went corner thereof; thene. eaU-rly nUmv
1 thetMiuth line of naid hrt d crlljti tract, to the
! northwest corner of anid lot four, the place of
I beginning. AIm lot numi"r fiair in bl:k mira
j ber four in Uigelow'a Hltifi addition to 1m lie
, Mty, Oregon, which Mid lot adjolna and abtita
I land hrtt above deMTilxM on theotith and
extend clear throngh ti clay htreet on the
I iuth. AIm fractional lot n urn tor ne tu b.ock
I number three in maid Higebm Hlull aihlttmn to
bailee City; to gether with the teiieuients, here
ditaments and appurtenance thereunto belumf
lngor in any wme apfiertainiug. Mid lands and
! preniiie all ljing and being in VVaiM-o county,
Oregon; and that aid premise or ko much
i thereof as may b' necessary to raiw theariouut
j due to the plain lift and the co-ts of tuU utt and
I all ftumftdue for attorney s lees, tax- or ae
jmentk.aud which may b io.'d In parvus with
j out material injury to the partiea. may h' tte.
creed to be ohl aceordme to law; that the pro
ceed thereof h- applied upon the am nut due to
the plaiutitf. aii'l Pr attorney feM and eot4 ol
thin action and all mm due for taxet and
asefime(tl, and that the deteudanUi and ew-n
1 ot them and all per-oii claiming under them or
either of them uhejuent)y U the eotiinienee
i merit of lhii act on, and every p roii whim: con
; veanee is fnlequeiit or fiibM-'jiiently re'ordetl,
( may be baried and foreclowetl of all rigut, title,
; interest, ci dm. lien and equity of redemption in
j and to "aid mortgaged premise and that the
plain till have mien other and further relief mn
I may be equitable and just.
'koti are further notified that this mimmons ja
MTvetl upon you by publication for ix wevk in
1 nr. Imllih HRotCLE. a weekly new -paper
ublishetl in Walle ." 1 1 v . Or.ron, by order oi tlie
ion. W. L. Hrad-haw. iudgeof the 7th Judicial
IH-tiictof th- htate of Oregon , made at cham
bers in Jali; s .ity,o!i the z?iih day of fvpifjubeT,
lVt H. Wli.iuN
Attorney for i'laiutlff.
Assignee's Notice of Final Account.
Notlf i henhy Biwn that tha iiiiilrr.iKiinl.
a atfliwot llwuM'nol H. K. rrrl.,n, In
"Ireni debtor, h Hlt-d hi final arcount In lln
circuit Ouiirt of the HWir of Ortrim, for Warm
eoni ty, and that the name will conif uu lor
ha'lii( In ld court ..n Monday, the I dh dnrof
Novin hr, l'.n,a whlrh lime ald ikii will
ak for an order dlitrlbiitliiK Mid entnta: and dU
cliaf irloir wild amiixnee.
loitrd ihu 17th day of Octotw-r, 1'H
Oe Jf) Nv 17 AMijriieeof EaUte W. t. (mrrtaon
Notlw l ln-rehy rlven that th tindi-rtiiriieri
ha bTi duly appointed by the lioiiombb'
l oiinty Court of tin- Pint" of lr-ili, lor VS .,,
ciaint. administratrix of the titte of chari
r.. iixiviii. ow" .-l All l"-M.'li hvii((
iriint naid Xaw are her by noftiit-d ti. pr'nt
tii Mine, duly veriiieil, to me nt my .c. id. !,,
to lmb' city. Hiim-o rouoty, orfir in, witliin
in'oiiii irom in!i ie 01 iiik iioiiv.
tott-.l tnlx lth day of le-lK.r. .-'.M
Adinlmairatrlx of the Ktm of t.lmrlm E
llnlffiit. iKl, Ufji Nv 17
a Boy," I?
WW WW w w w w W ?
T 1'iiiiLr i 1 1 1 1 popular notitv
ur pjvss (i.imls Pcpartnu-nt,
'A handsome line of PKKSS
(H)OHS. Stt (inter whitlow.
Dress Pattern Lengths
for $1.75.
And as a still further exhihition of
our piotl will, we will five you fkkk
with each dress, the waist and skirt pat
terns the latest designs of the Stand
ard Fashion Co.
Thus for $1.7." you have the Press
(Joods and also the patterns for cut
ting the dress.
All (.iomls Mnrked in riain 'iiirtH.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice i hereby given that bv au order of the
County Court of' the Mate of Oregon her. t dore
madc.'the uitttertgneil have been tli 1 1 v app-uut-el,
aud are now thetuahtied anu actlnir admin
itr(orn nt the estate o Henry A.
Ceael. .
All pert-nii having claims airninst thcatjove
naiuetl deeeicil are heretiy notlhefl to preeitt
their claims, wtth the proper vouchers, to us at
theofflceof Leslie llutlcr, in Maontc building,
I'M lie City, Oregon, or J. K. Armoiii, Ibsl
Ktver. Or., 'within ix months fnm the date of '
tins notice aud all peroua indebted to said n
bite are herehT required to settle such iudebt- ;
eilnens forthwith. '
Pnteil at lalles Cilv. Or., at flood Htver, tills I
10th davof August, ivi.
J. K. a i:ioi h,
Administrators of the estate of Henry A. Pratt, ;
deeeau-ed. -11 5t
Gnardian's Sale or Real Estate.
Nottee i hereby given thit the undersigned,
guardian of the parson and estate of Nancy
nUiiiley. an ageti and Inlirm pemm, by virtue of
an order of the County oiirt of thehUteof
Oregon for Wax-o County, In probate, made and
ftitertd on the tth day of Keptemlair, A.
l"'.l, at the regular taeptember term of mi id
t ourt for the year Iv.M, will on Haturday, Ocb
b?r Jt'th, 1-'1, at the hour of lo ti clock a m. of
Mio dav. on the premiM known at the Home
stead ni John tan lev, decerned, altuated on the
Kotilh Imnk of the Columbia Htver at Hood
Kiver, in v aco Cnunty. hUtte it! (in-gon, wll at
1'ublic Auction to the highest bidder for ensh in
hand, the following descritwd real profierty be
lonving to anld estate to-wtt
itt numfred One t. Two 12. Thr- e ' and
Knur II of See 1 1 on 1 hirry two in lown-nip
Three f s North of Haugu KU.en 11, hast of
the Willamette Meridian, containing !.? 4 . put
aeres and situatel in aco I ounty, hUte if
Oregon. Together with the tenement!, heredi
tament und nppurtcuanevs thereto belonging
All of nid U ln to N folil In one pareel and
antd Mile to be sucject to confirmation by said
Uatetl September 1. IMU.
(ttiardian of the wrmn and estate of Nancy
Htaulcy, an aged an inlirm person.
Tne GoiumDia PscKing Co.
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of BAKE OVHN, ban got loini! iiplendld Farms
and good paying Town I roperly In the Wllla i
tte Valloy for aaU ery cheap and on may terma.
Home of the farnia to eli-hanxe for EaaOrn
OrvKi'D property. Write for lint and lermo.
French Percheron Stallion
VVelirbt In H'l fleh !.". pound", ami fnr.'
Letter. W ill w.'ll lore.'ish or not with
approved urlty, or will irailc
for bornea or rtle.
Kerr &. Buckley,
Gin' Viilley, fir.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
Hurceaor to Thnruhury lludsou,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
if you want Information concerning Onveni
meut lauiN.or the laws relating thenrto, you can
consult htm free of charge He has made a e
cialty of this hutncN, aiut haa practiced before.
the Culted Htjittt Land Office lor over ten yenra.
He In Agint for the Knstern Of -n Ijiud
Company, and can sell voti Oraxtng, or I n
improvisl Agrii ulturrtl ljind in any quantity
deslreil, aud will tend a Pamphlet describing
ttee lauds to anynne applying to him (or it.
Mnitlera Located tin
If fu want to Horrow M.mey, un Lung
Writ r'lra, ,lf, anil
If you cannot call. writ, and your
( SuiTf worn to L.
A Cii'iicral ,inf of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whins, Horse BlanScts, Etc.
Full Assortment or Mexican Safldlcn Plain or Stamncfl.
No. G7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles. .
Wholeaale and Retail lie uletn and Muntifucturera of '
Building Material and DimtDsion Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Ika Furnishing Etc
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Flab
Boxes and Packing Cases.
rotory iicl Ijumtjor Vard m.t Old Ft. Xj11'
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
'There is a tide in the ajfairsof men which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
liv-OU Sale
Who are selling those goods
tin' pi!' I i( iiitroiliii'iii)
The Detroit Waist i
(In ntiiur priti l w !mdi W
. r
We Oilrr 1 hem,
This Day Onlv, $Koo
This Waist is mailt' of Knjrlisli Sat
tt'fji with f i no fonliiifr; has a plaiti-il
bust, which is lincil with mei ino jratizc,
making it wry soft ami pliahlc.
Alt Icoodn M 'irk I'll in I'luin I'iv'urvp.
He is Agent im Mle of lots In Tltoatpaojcp A DM
Tlo t4tThe HalleH. Thla Addition 1 lahlofftD
aere lots, and dcatlneil to be the princti) ml
deiiiT Mrt of the citv. tmly a mlnuU' walk
from Courthouse, 10 ui Unite from K. K. Inrpol.
0vramnt Lands.
or Nhart time, emu aeeunimtMlat yaa.
Aeelilent In an ranee.
lettera will be promptly anawered.
I). Frank, diH'fiim-il.)
Slab WOOD Delivered to
of the city,
out at greatly-reduced ratefi.
. . UNION 8T.
Frtirs & Cart