The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 20, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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would not advocate the destruction of, tOh hint.U .I.N' l-t.l.t.
The Weekly Chronicle.
Kntoml l the p.Ioii
SeCOIUl ft
m Tho Italic. Oiygdu.
mail mall. r.
htatk nrric
avnlry ol (IhU
illl. l Publu Instruction
Attorney iivmrnl
Itatv Hrtntet
I .U.S.
. IVmiflyer
II K kim-siit
..PblUi). MetM-luin
i M Irwin
M l.ll.-m.iu
(J. N 1m.Ii
" iJ. II
ih. ltt'Ttnami
f U Kl in
... H lwl
would not
nil money.
To go further, we migjit add that bail
men sometimes join the Nuptial church,
just as they do otlu'r denominations or
societies, and to a ' their example
is concerned, bring rciijiioti into disre
jmti : " but lec;iuse of this should our
Centralia fiiends insist upon the de
struction id al! men or the cessation of
all religion? Most assuredly not.
From al! sides come reports that the
raiu-li busiiiem is dying out, and it is
only a ijucstion of a few years when large
herds ol cattle will I unknown in Texas
and Montana, as well as many other
states. If this lie true, and ve have
every reason to believe that it Is, de It
not mean that a still greater percentage
of the beef supply of the country is to
settlement of the question. The court
reversed the order of the lower court on
a technicality, it being that the com
plaint does not state fads snllicient to
call into requisition the lestrainiug
powers of court of equity. The supreme
court-intimates that the questions pre
sented are, in effect the same as those in
volving the location of the Nildier'
Home at Kosehuig and Unit the linal
decision would be the same, but refused
to pass upon the constitutionality of the
Of the Coimtv Treasurer of Wasco County, Oregon, (or the six months eiidii,. 0.
' i i iu.r A . IS'M. of money recti ved a..,l ..... "
me ooui uuy im I i r" "hi, In
tioin rccciveil anil inim w nui, . m hiii out ;
lift ivl i', Al I'IIom niUl sol
Sept. '.
rni: i:rosniox.
COUNTY officials.
I'mlntY Judge.
AiwMt K. H. UnkriielJ
Surveyor E. F ftisrp
Buperintendeut of Public ScnooU . .Tiny Shell."
Coroner v, . H. Mutt
come from itsdairies tiiut cattle will 1'
usee I lirst for dairying and afterward for i net, as long as it could dodge it
beef? Without thu almost free gruxing
It is indeed good news to learn that an lands farmers will lx obliged to keep a
effort is being tnade to redeem the ex- ! breed of cattle which can prove them-
1 I.. .11.1;.,.. ..,..1 mil l. aoiVHtY . ..f ....t.... .. ,1.a .wll nml at
lliMkeieT ' jmUU'U I'lllllltllk, .in., " , ... i f , IC wi ibiik- ML 11 v .ni, v ' -- -
T-.J. '"' i on its feel. I's country folks have a very I tw l,ock .and what breed is there that
"vm. Mieheil ' warm comer in our hearts for the ex- cn equal the black-and-w bites for this I r'ih weather struck it, it beg in to go
position, tor there our products were ex- prp0ge. We- have the magnilicent ! to pieces anu in a snort time mere -nr.
hibited in such a way as could not be ( Shorthorns for beef, but when it conies nothing left of it hut wnckage. The
done at home. Wo realize how much i to the dairv tiiev are ' not in it ;" immense number of logs drifting in the
hihI how tine un ! ti.u.. .i...,;,, Mdrl niliMr breetls pathway of vessels, are a source
,lriiwnnnt it was for us. eivinc us an wl.i... r. ven- uivul dairv animals 1 danger to navigation. With the expert
The log raft sent from the Columbia
a few days ago, Ivound for San Francisco, !
fared as ldly as the one sent (mm !
Yaquina a year or more sgo. As soon as
To amount on hand from last report
T.. ..I., is received fioin sherill, taxes
To inn. Minis received from liquor licenses
To amounts received from State Secy, road money
To amounts received from Ialles City, taxes . .
To amounts received from Sheriff, fees
To amounts received from Clerk, fees
To amounts received from Hurst, Judgment,
To amounts received from Sheriff, state tax. . .
To amount received from Clerk, eddler's license.
To unit, ree d from Coroner, money on paupur
To amount received from Clerk, ferry license .
March:'.!. To amount on hand from Isst reMirl
To amounts received from Sherill', taxes
To amounts received from state, school money .
To iimnunls received (mm dill, persons.crim. lines
li. K.
''en rriil
:i.V-'-i no
l .ftiiii n:
1,-IHi) J
f, nan -n:
10.'! :h
K-.ii mi
7 no
'.'7 oil
I a ml.
-." 21
",li7 57
f"ll,:lo7 41) $11.,.".' 5
opiortunity to display our products , among them the Jersey, (iuernsey and ence gainea in the two enorts mane to i j)lll(
where others than Oregonians might see j Avrshire. but thev are iiot equal to the ship logs in the manner that has proved
Bradstreet'e Journal calls attention to them. We appreciated the exposition i HoUtiens (or milk and butler, and as "o disastrous, It n prooume tne niieiupi ; sept.
that feature of the existing financial sit-land we want to add that we patronized (or beef they could not be considered, j will not again be made. However,
nation in all the principal commercial j it too, and that liberally. Thousands of I anyway we choose to look at the i should some other blamed fool again,
countries usually described as the glut I people visited Portland every (all, on matter the Holstein-Friesian breed has a tmdertuke it the government should in- j
of money. It is a phenomenon in i purpose to see the display, who but for ! Kreut future before it. As n dairy breed terfere. The dangers of the ocean are j
finance for which no one has an explan-' it would have remained at home, lly ! it stands easily in the front ranks, and j B'eat enough now without having a fool
ation. It often occurs that there is a all means let the buildings be redeemed as a beef with dairy qualities it is again of a white man place obstructions in the
temporary monetary congestion and i and the exhibits again made. , at the very top. Holstein-Friesian cattle world s highway.
money will gather to the financial centers
.i mi. ims r.ii on. (ifurral
lly amount uid out on county warrants . f:il,M:l !W)
I'.y amount paid out on state lax .... 1",.'1.'7 Is,
li'v amoiiut paid out on School supt. warrants . .
fly amount paid out on lalles CityTreas receipts 4,711' 113
It v balance school fund on haud . .
Ity amount paid out on rotid warrants I'KIl 27
lly balance general fund on hand . 7,074 IS
(or a specific purpose. It frequently I
Governor Ijrd, in an interview at San
are today selling at lower jirices than
ever In-fore in fact, all breeds ure at
lietective Joe lav of Portland is tin , Man-li .5!
. '. . . "... , , ' I Francisco irives the credit of his larjie it , . , .' , i onlv one who lias caught onto a genuine
happens that in anticipation of a bigirfll"u-,u'kl" l"v """ ",0 ""i" the low water mark in price and ss the ! , ,, ' ,, , ,
' 1 1 1 ........... I. r. . :i .. I... 1 i. I.,. In I tu m i urt turn I I 1. ;i 4 f. .1 1 II 1 1
loan or of some great enterprise that is ; majority w ine iree mu,..c o. doI11!lIui:, of H fow Vlllre hl.,IlV )e for
about to be inaugurated money will be
called in and there will be a temjiorary
glut, but it doesn't last long. In the
present instance, howeve.-, there is no
ejiecia! object in view, and no particular
cause can be assigned. It has been a
glut of long duration, nor does the end
of the situation seem to be in sight.
Several attempts have Wen made in
London and New York to institute a
speculative movement which would fur
nish temporary employment
accumulations, but in each it proved a
party, ana insists tmu i-renon , a .rce AuUuaU w ith j, ,,uajt ,u.
silver state. If the governor is correct, noliteill.Kril.8ittn wU be the animals
then the election of the members of the ' . .,,, ,, ,10 v.vt,,i ., ,,.
legislature is due to the same cause, and : point thjg Uuv tUvu why ot
! that body can, or at least should, be set thp Urmm of Anierl,.a to lake advantage
! dow n s ,rit'"lls' of 8ilvr- The 'motion ; of the gltUlUion gtook fanil9
jthen arises, whom will it elect to tliejwUh Iiol8tl,,iu8 ad even
j Uniteif States senate? Senator Dolph is ! thmi t,w preiUl.tion of ,he lo8t u.austrv
an able man, and it is generally conceded of t,,e pl,tins is further otV Umn wt thillk
that be will be his own successor, yet .hev Bl, ,mve th(J ,lijrv
; the senator is perhaps one of the strong-: brecj in the worid.()maha Stockman.
for these esl 01 ?ola' ougs , inai is, ne is opposeu 10
any attempt on the part of the I uited
States to restore silver without an inter
national agreement. Now either Ciov-
failure. The money would not go out,
it could not be forced out, but has con-1 national agreement. Now either Ciov-. Portland has another sensation in the
tinued to pile up until the banks are ! ernor l-oril has mistaken his premises, i disapjarance o( John .. Overton, who
actually tired of holding it. As com-' or tne legislature is placed in an embar- j nearly a week ego went 'rom Ids home
pared with this time a vear ago the raising position nith regard to re-elect-1 near the Sandy to Flast Portland and
Bank of F.n?lnd holds, snecie. tn the i i"K Senator Dolph. I has never been seen since that day. He
clue to the robberv here. He has found
a man w ho dreamed he saw the w hole 1
business. Saw the man who helped j
carry the 1mx in the ollice, whom lie;
minutely described. What gives Mr.
Day's discovery importance, nod estab-!
lishes the guilt of tiie party named, is
the fact that not only did Detective;
Day's man dream that he had seen the '
roblwry committed by the man who
helped carry the box into the office, but
he dreamed it fs'iee.
Amount on hand lat report. .
Amount of taxes collected by Sheriff
Auioiint juiiil out on special school lux receipts
i i.imm m
-M..4 IM
l';.'-':".' in
,,i).,.4 irr
7,7:io :w
Stati: or Uiiki.oN, Count v of Wasco ss.
I, William Michel!, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the amounts rrcoived, jiald out and remaining on hand in the county
treasury of said coimtv for the six months ending on the llth dav of Scptriiilwr
A. D. IS'1-I.
Witness in v hand this Nth dav of October, A. D. ISHJ.
WM. Mll'UKl.I., County Treasurer.
amount of oo,000,000 more than it held
last (all, and altogether there is now
about fJtiO.000,000 lying idle in its vaults.
The reserves o( the Bank of France have
increased $40,000,000 within the last
year, while the increase in the holdings
of the German Reischbank are but little
tinder that amount. We know what a
glut there has been in New York and in
other Eastern cities. According to the
last report of the associated banks of
New York there was an increase of
000,000 in the cash reserves during the
year, and there is now an idle surplus ot
over 160,000,000 in spite of the revival o(
demands (or money to move the grain
crop. In short, money is a drug in
every financial center o( the world, and
has been (or more than a year. It is
now the most unproductive property
that a person can own. With its vaults
filled to overflowing the Bank of Eng
land has been compelled to cut down its
dividend because it was impossible to
find profitable employment (or its ac
cumulations. Perhaps there has never
been a time in the history of the world
when such grossly abnormal financial,
conditions existed. This prolonged glut
of money is in the nature of a freak. It
is so far out of the usual order of things
that financial experts confess their in
ability to furnish an explanation or to
predict what the end will be. Telegram.
S""""""""-- i was a well-to-do bachelor and the sup
The latest news (rom Hawaii is to the i :, ,, .,. . , i..i
effect that the government fears a royal
ist uprising assisted by the British, all
caused by those who fear annexation to
the United States. There is probably
no cause for fearing British interference.
This country may or may not annex
Hawaii, but there is no doubt but that
it will never permit any other country
to take charge oi it. As a matter of
self protection this country will insist
npon the absolute freedom of Hawaii,
and does not doubt her ability to enforce
her demands against the world.
Portland is agitating the removal of
the remnants of the late (air held at Ta
coma, to her own liniiU, and the setting
up of final tail-ender exhibition. When
the fair started at Tacoma we suggested
that when it ended the remnants be
taken to Celilo, and there lulled to rest
bv the noise of rushinc waters, that it
be allowed to finally twinkle out. This ; CTinufB to record, but until it is broken
teemed to ns a fitting ending of its taper-1 UP' tl,ere re no crim9 tliat wU1 not
imrnrT- hot if Portland ente the field committed i( the opportunity offers, or
as a rival to Celilo, the latter will have ' the temptation ia given.
to surrender j TUJ-XAr,
Since he left home his house lias been
stripped of furniture and even his trunks
rifled and clothing carried away. He
invariably left his team on the East
Side when he went to Portland, but on
his last trip took it to the Pacific livery
stable on tiie West Side, where it was
found Wednesday. The missing man is
described as a steady, sober, methodical
man, and that lie has met with foul play
seems certain. Portland is rapidly ac
auiring an unenviable reputation and it
is largely owing to the permitting of the
White Chapel district to exist. Alow
gang of courtesans, who support a lower
gang of hangers-on, combine with the
latter in making the very toughest crim
inal class. Human life counts as nothing
when weighed in the balance with coin.
II the city government will break up
that villainous crowd, there will be less
A friend of ours insists it was a demo
crat that captured the money from the j Tlie maP Iialjle to materially
BArrrsTS axd hops.
The Northwestern Baptist Associa
tion, which has associated with it the
Baptist churches of Western Washing
ton and British Columbia, 75 in all, in
aeesion at Centralia, Wash., almost
unanimously adopted this preamble and
resolution :
"Whxbias, A large portion o( the
fertile laud o( this convention field is
devoted to the culture of hops (or brew
ing purpose ; and
"W'hbbcas, A large number of the
member of our churches are receiving
tbe greater portion of their financial in
comes (rom bop culture; therefore be it
"Httohtd, That it is the sense of this
convention that the raising of hops, bar
ley or other cereals (or brewing or dis
tilling purposes is an alliance with tbe
aloon and Satan in his worn of rain
nd damnation, with which no disciple
o( Christ onght in any way to be con
nected." Without going into the merit or de
merit o( the saloon trikes
na that the good people who passed the
above resolutions would sooner take a
prize (or aggressiveness than (or judg
ment or reason. It is true that hops
are need (or making beer, and that it
could not be made without them, but it
also true that they are used (or many
purposes. K it ia wrong to grow crop
because that crop may be put to uses
that certain persona do not approve of,
then the wrong will have to continue or
the population will have to die. Corn,
wheat rye, sugarcane and beets are all
used in the manufacture of alcohol, yet
surely even so fanatical a lot those at
Centralia would hardly insist tbat it was
unchristian to grow these article.
Money ia ed to gamble with, to bribe
with, to tempt to crime and clear tbe
criminal, at least to as large an extent
a it ia in missionary work, yet urelv
for that reason our friends of Centralia
express office. He says: "If it had ! cuangeu in tne next low
been a populist, he would have taken
the silver and left the gold, and if it iiad
been a republican, he would have car
ried off the other thousand, or broken
his back trying; but that a democrat,
not being able to take everything in
sight, would, from (orce of habit, accom
modate himself to his opportunities.
The Portland Sun .is getting a bustle
on. Its first issue gave an account of
the robbery here, and today it comes out
with the full decision of the supreme
court in the branch asylum case. It is
right in the swim, and will make the
older paper get a move on for state
news, or else get left.
Having suggested Celilo as the proper
place for holding the last remnant of tbe
world's fair, in tbe interest of harmony,
now that Portland has swiped it, we
withdraw our candidate and suggest
that wben Portland is through, tbe last
sad, but welcome rite be performed at
Editor Grant, of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
took passage on the ship
Ivanhoe for San Francisco twenty-one
days ago. Since that vessel sailed she
has been spoken but once and that just
as she passed out of the Strait of Fuca.
Tbe vessel is now eleven day overdue,
and fear are entertained that she is lost.
Japan is let alone by the nations of
Europe, China will be obliterated, and
in its place will be perhaps three dis
tinct and separate governments. At the
same time the death of the czar is ex
pected shortly, and there is no man who
can foresee tbe complications that may
arise in settling the succession. Of the
two sons of the czar, either of wliptn
may succeed him, one is friend of Ger
many and the enemy of France, tbe
other tbe friend of France and inimical
to Germany. The settlement of Chinese
affair and arranging the position of
Africa, is liable at any time to precipi
tate a Furopean war, and the result no
one can predict.
It look just at present a thongb the
utter destruction of China is at band,
nnles some other nation comes to her
aid, and a each power is watching
every otherjthia ia dangerous thing to
do. Thia country baa no interest in the
matter other than in furnishing tbe sup
plies), and the more fighting, regardless
of who doe it, the better it ia for us.
General Lew Wallace ia in Portland.
As a soldier and diplomat General Wal
lace is at the top notch but bis fame will
be imperishable not from these qualities
but from his supremacy as a writer.
Ben liar will live wben tbe records of
brave deeds and wise statesmanship are
lost in oblivion.
Governor Pennoyer expresses himself
as well aatisfied with the decision of the
aupreme court concerning tbe branch
asylum,, and it is intimated that the
deal will now be closed (or the land at
Union, but that nothing farther would
be done, tbe whole matter being turned
over to Governor Lord.
The struggle ot Wellman and bis little
party to reach the north pole combine
the pathetic with tbe ludicrous. After
abandoning their steamer and taking to
the ice the party reached Walden's Isl
and July 2'.'d. August Uh, struggling
heroically forward, they sighted the
ship Berntine, which bad been cruising
much further north than they were, and
was on it n return trip. The party hired
tbe ship to take them back to Tromsoe.
So they made the return trip in two
days, and then just think of the poor
fellows' feelings atruggling over tbe ice
when they run across a ship that tutd
been sailing far to the north of them.
The very important suit entitled State
of Oregon ex rel A. C. Taylor, respondent,
v. Sylvester Pennoyer et al., appellants,
which is the case involving the right of
the state to erect branch insane
asylum in Eastern Oregon, baa been de
cided. That ia to say, tbe preliminary
decision ha been made, which in the
course of time may finally lead to a real
In less than three weeks the congres
sional elections will lie over, and the
results will afford matter for busing
presidential predictions on. It seems
there can be but one result, judging
from present indications, and that will
be an overwhelming republican victory.
The republican party Is thoroughly or
ganized, ia confident of victory, and ag
gressive. The democracy is demoralized
and on the defensive. The party lias no
confidence in its ability to win, and was
whipped before the fight commenced.
The Arlington Itecord thinks the
editor of this paper is averse to poetry.
Well, if we are, that is mure than can be
aid of the obituary inflictions called by
courtesy poetry, for those are not a-verse
to anything.
By the time a rumor flies around one
block it becomes a lie. Galveston News.
Of the amount of Money and Warrant received for Taxes and Money paid to the
County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon, for the six months
en. ling on the :0th day of September, A. D. IH!4 :
July In coin and currency. . I'.J.-'M ft!
August In coin and currency IfifA 15
September In coin and currency lH7,tq
Total received
Hi Amounts I'd id Courtly Trtaturrr
July '.
September ....
M.R47 09
..$1,0:!2 01
. U.K17 17
1W7 HI
4,W7 19
Total aid to Treasurer
State of Oregon, County of Wasco ss.
I, T.J. Driver, Sheriff of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing
statement ia correct and true.
Witness my hand this 3d dav of Octolter, A. I). 1KW4.
T.'J. DKIVEK. Sheriff of Wasco County.
-ayT7 b
never excell
ed. "Trie.l
and proven "
i.i the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Iiegu
jrj , g lutor in the
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
euro. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggist.- in Liquid, or in Powder
to bj taken dry ormadeintoa tea.
The King of Liver Medicine.
"1 have ued ymirMlrnmi.ns Mvit uil
latur anil tun comtcimininMiy u; It la tlie
kin of all liver m-li-lni, I consider It a
IneilieliHteheat In lUuMf Oko. W. Jack
us, Taoiiim, WiuliliiKton.
Bu Um C a Lamp Hi red on wrapper.
Of the County Clerk of Wasco County, State of Oregon, allowing the amount
and number of claims allowed by'tho County Court of said county, for what
allowed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrant outstanding
and unpaid, from the 1st dav of April. 1KIM, to the 30th day of September,
1SU4, both inclusive:
On What Arrount AUnunl Amnwil Alluved.
For salaries and fees of County Judge, Commissioner, Clerk, Sheriff, Dis
trict Attorney, school rHiperintemlunt, Assessor, Treasurer, Stock
I nspector and Janitor t
For paupers and county hospital
For ruada and bridges
For jurors in circuit court.
For Judges, Clerks, Messengers of Flection, etc. ... .
For supplies and repairs.
For witnesses Circuit Court.
Fur fees in Jnstlces' Courts .... '
For fees in Coroner's inquests
For Armory rent, Oregon National Ounrd
For printing and advertising
ForCi.A. It. relief
For teachers' examinations " - -
For electric lights . '
For reward for criminals
For rebate on tuxes and fees. .
8,Ki:t So
1,:W7 73
l.'.'lW (
II7 15
7!l." 70
i:i oi
Is .7 70
rK; 4.r
'.'111 70
:u) oo
L'd'J :r
i:u 75
:i oo
KH (v
IM'. IUi
15 00
Total amount allowed and lira
OultUiiiiUnn UarroiiU f'nwnif
Outstanding unpaid County Warrants on the UOth day of
ncjuniiupr, in: ....
Estimated Interest accrued thereon
Principal. L'4
. .$lfi,l 2
1 'ill r re It.
Thirty-five head for 1894, aired by
Center Free Trade, son of the Great
Free Trade hog of Ohio, sold for Hx),
the highest priced bog ever cold in the
Cnited States, assisted bv on Tecumseh
Chip Jr 21H80, sold for ll-DO.
Owing to the hard times, I wiii cell
for the next three month, my pigs for
20 each, or per pair. Will box and
deliver at nearest station free.
Come and ee them or write.
No business done on Sundav.
Centerville, Wash.
$12,.")()0 37
State of Oregon, County of Wasco ss.
I, A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk ot the County of Wasco, Slate of Oregon, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the number
and amount of claims allowed by the County Court of said county, for the six
months ending on the 30ih day of September. 1814, on what acconnt the wnie
were allowed, and the amount of warrant drawn, and the amount of warrants
outstanding and nnpaid, as the same appear upon the record of my office and in
my othcial custody.
id County
A. M. KELSAY, County Clerk.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of
this 18th day of October, A. I). 18H4.
By A. Ct. JOHNSON, Deputy.
0f financial Condition of the County of Waco, in tbe State of Oregon, oti the
30th day of September, A. D. 18V4 :
. uahimtib.
Sept. 30, 18W- Awunl,
To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, outstanding and unpaid 89,01 2
To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon IL'.finO 37
Total liabilities iqo ri (U
Sept. 30, 1894- AmounU
By funds in bands of County Treasurer applicable to tbe payment of
county warrants v j 1707413
By funds in hands of County Sheriff' applicable' to the 'payuiont'of
county warrants . . ' J
By estimated unpaid delinquent' taxes appiicable to the payment of
county warrants, roll of 18!i;i ' 1 li) OtM) 00
By estimated unpaid delinquent taxes applicable' to' the iiayment of '
county warrHiits, roll of 18111' .. . " ' 3 m w
By estimated unpaid delinquent taxes applicable to t he i'.ay'11'ien t' of
county warrants, roll of 18!l " 1 ' o m 00
y t.o!!'.,,ln"a,i'1 ,l';!in:":",nt M-licable' to the' payment of
county marrunts, roll of 181H) . . ' ' 500 (M)
By amount of lien on real estate bid in by the county at tat sale. 700 00
By amount due from slate for care non-resident pauper . MM
By estimated amount due trom Sherman Co. for criiidnai 'proeeVutiona. 60 00
Total resources $24,774 13
Statu or Oiikoon, County of Wasco is.
herebiw;r.Ii'fKMH?'.'.C."nlr '""l1 ' the Co,,nty ' W" ot r,'un' d1
cmwl?.o. i.y thBt 11,8 '"'K"ing i atrue and correct statement of the financial
tZ .nii i . co,,nty appear, of record from the beok of aid
anTs C"Ht0ll: "nd ffo'" "J""' the County Treasurer
1 . 1 Witnr" n,,y ,hnd '! the eal of said County Court of aid County
".. alhxed this 18th day of October, 1804.
By A. O. JOHNSON. Depuly. A M' KKL8AY' CoU"ty C'erk-