The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 17, 1894, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
fc litem', at the p.,ti'rtlec t The 1'allcs. nntun.
as sciiuid-cla mail mailer.
irt'Teunr of state
Treasurer ...
upt. uf fundi' luslructnm
8nator .
'oujtreasuieu. .
itate Primer .
...... IVnniv.-er
. II K kiiu-atd
.rhillip NUtM'hun
M. Irwin
( M ldiem.ui
tJ. N. Ivlpli
iJ. 11 Miuhvll
iB. Hermann
(vv I; Kills
. w . ll lii-us
idi sTV iii rin.L.
Cou'.ttv Judtfv....
(mm. I'. UiaJieiey
1. .1. 1 'river
v. M. Kelaav
Wm. Mnhell
t frank Ruicaid
i A. r Blower
Awiwr r . 11 Vtakein-lrl
Burvevor K. V. Sharp
superintendent of Public richooU . Tnvy Shelley
t'oruuer v.. II. Hutu
Senator Hill opened the campaign in
New York Thursday at Syracuse. In
his opening remarks he said :
"In a country like ours, which is gov-'
erned by political parties, and not by j
royal families, the existence of at least
two great parties is essential to the gen- :
era! wel'are. Ti'ere must necessarily be
a difference of opinion ou some public
questions, and such differences honestly ,
entertained furnish no excuse for coarse
abuse nor bitter personal reflections. I
propose to conduct a creditable canvass :
in behalf of my party, which has lion- .
ored me with its leadership, so that at ;
its conclusion, whatever tiie result may j
be, I shall lo abie t retain at least my i
own self-respect, and I hope, as well, the j
present respect of my adversaries. Facts 1
and arguments are weapons which I;
shall invoke, rather than vilification and
vituperation. In great political con- i
tests, measures and not men should ta
essentially the controlling factors. "
However much we may disagree with
the opinions, theories or practices of
f?enator Hill, we honor him for the sen
timent expressed. Abuse is not argu
ment, and noise and fury and vitupera
tion are poor weapons indeed. Politic-
auv tne population is nreiiy evemv
divide.) between the republican and
democratic parties. For the sake of
this argument we will assume that
evenly divided
That each party, and
the individuals who comose each party
are conscientious iu their beliefs, we be
lief to be absolutely true. We do not
believe that e'ther party, or the mem- j
bers of either party, would willingly do j There is no necessity for the republi
anvthing which they believed would in-j can party going outside of the plain,
jure the country. We do not believe a palpable truth. If we cannot win on
republican would advocate a protective that, we do not deserve to win.
tariff if he thought that system was do-
ing what the democrats claim for it. (JETTIXU TOGETHER.
Sot do we believe that anv democrat vi,i', Tait,.m, miia . nai
wouia auvocate tree trade it lie Deneved i
it effects would be injurious to the J
country. Neither party can injure the .
country, its trade or prosperity, without j
injuring itself and every member of its ;
party, as well as those of the other.
So much for that ; yet it is because of
this belief that we see no possibility of
me country lunner clinging to tne lie-1
niocracy. because oi tins oeuet we pre-,
uiu a sweeping viciori lor uie repuon- :
can party throughout the entire north.
The level-headed democrats realize that i
however attractive the theories of free !
trade may have been ; however sonorous j
the rounded perorations about trading '
with the world may have been, that the ;
facts and the tbeorv do not conincide.
The free-trade picture is not true to the i inducement for the business interests to
free-trade fact. The theory was a ro-' get together and work on the co-opera-mance
founded on sentiment, the reali- j tive plan. Iu this respect tao hard
xation is a sorrowful story founded on ! times have been a positive benefit to us.
fact. That is the democatic condition, j They have taught us the necessity for
On the Other hand was the protective ! enllivatinw a anirit nf nmtnalitr. and
tariff fact. The country was prosperous,
the capitalist found investment for his
money, the laborer employment for bis
hands, wages were good and employ,
nient to be had for the asking. This
was the protective tariff fact which the
dissatisfied traded off for the democratic
theory. The change has been tried, with
what degree of satisfaction the parties
who caused the change can say for them
eives. ine American voter is honest, I
nd he is intelligent. He realizes the
mistake and will walk
np to the polls
cheerfully to rectify St, just as soon as
the opportunity is given him. Therein
lira the certainty of democratic downlall
and therein lies the assurance of repub
lican victory. Abuse will not change
the facta. It will not aid or strengthen
either side. The campaign is one of
measures and of principles. It is a fair,
square issue, not between pure and good
men on one side, and impure and evil
ones on the other ; but a trial of conflict
ing systems, with the American people
in the jury box, can there be any doubt
as to the verdici?
Minister Zeballos of the Argentine
Republic says remarkable stimulation
of the wool industry of bis country ha.
from the enactment of the
in this country. Kaw wool
tariff la
has made heavy advances in the Argen
tine markets, similar to the rise in Lon
don and Paris, and extensive prepara
tions are being made for the wool export-
to this country. Mr. Zeballos is
jmt back from New York, where be
found merchants were largely increasing
their wool orders, and new steamship
linea were being projected to handle the
iiew trade. The minister said thit coon
try bought $2 ,000,000 of the coarse grade,
long combed Argentine wool last year,
but the trade promise to reach $ti,0OO,-
000 this year. The trade-in nue Merino
wool promises to triple in the Mine
manner. Minister Zcballoa lays the
increased price of wool overcomes the
fears felt by Americau wool-growers
that the foreign competitors would pull
down the price ana kill the American
wool production. Pacilic Farmer.
"""""" .
We re-print a couple of political squibs
from the l'endleton Tribune of Friday
lust :
"A bushel of wheat taught twenty
pounds of sugar under McKinley proiec
tion. It buys only ten pouniis 01 sugar
under the tirst step toward free trade.
How much will it buy with the alwolute
free trade that is promised to the
'With a crop of tiOO.OOO.OOO bushels of
w heat in IStU, under .Mctvimey protec
tion, the average price was 83 cents per
bushel. With a crop of only 400,000,000
K,al,ul in 1)1:I iimler demoeracv. it
averages onlv 51' cents. Put this in vour
pipe, farmers, and think it over."
We will say that the Tribune printed
I both the above articles under a head j
, that indicated they had been clipped.
I We judge from their style they were!
; taken from the American Economist, a '
protective tariff paper that by its asinine ;
editorials is doing more to injure the j
cause it pretends to uphold than Bny j
' half dozen papers openly advocating .
free trade. The battle between protec- j
tion and free trade can be fought and j
settled only on the basis of common j
sense, such asinine statements as mose
above quoted excite only the contempt
of intelligent people. Every sensible
man knows that the price oi wneat is
not affected
particle by our legisla-
tion ; that the product of other eoun
tries has crowded our wheat out of the
market, and left ua with a burdensome
surplus. Such papers as the Economist
are a disgrace to the partv, as well as an
injury. If we can find no lietter argil
ments than those offered by it, then is
the republican party in hard times in
deed. Two years ago the democratic orators
were howling from the stump anil the;
.democratic newsnaners were insisting
luemuraui newspapers nc maiming
, i. .....;,.,. ...o.,,,,.,. ,i,t
!UIUIlll ncmiZUUir I'luuillo it'n, mi , it tarlff was what kept wlieilt
:,...., that it was .roim.. to 1 a dol-
i !ar a bushel when the denincraiic nartv
nt into ,iie balance of the
; millenium arrived. Those who repeated
' that story knew it was false, and the
! nartv is now aDolocjiztne for its 'nus-
1 J. a ba. a uca a aviw.ii uiu 11.111 "
trnth in th follnwinc-
"The spirit of getting together teems
to bave uken holj of tue Oregon people
at iMt anj if it can 1 kept alive long
enou,,u reat BOod mU9t result. Onr
business men are just beginning to get
j acquainted with each other, and for the :
r i , . .t
1 1 first time are learning that thev must
, .
- flPTienrf on pneti nther lor he n. Alio
depend on each other for help. And :
wnat is still more singular, the buainess ,
nien of Portland are ust lieainnine to :
1 inform themselves of the resources of ,
I this great state of Oregon and of the
possibilities of its future development.
Past prosperity had spoiled ns. We
had too much of it. When every one
i was making money nnd everything was
i coming evervbodv's wav there was no
that we are a community in fact as well j
as in name. The business men's excur- j
ions, which have been inaugurated j
lately, are doing great help in this di
rection. By an association of business
interests and mutual co-operation
greater things can be accomplished than
if left to individual effort. When we
quit relying on outside effort and learn
to depend on ourselves the future pros-
perity of this section will be asssured.
a community of Deorjle who are helnintr
themselves will usually attract the fa-
vorable attention of those who are look
ing for safe investmentt."
If the hard times will serve to awaken
Portland's business men to the necessity
of reaching out for trade, and also that
the interests of Oregon and every part of
it are also Portland's interests, it will
have accomplished great good. Com
plaint has been made time immemorial
that Portland took no interest in East
ern Oregon or its development, and this
charge was made more often in connec
tion with her apathy, if not enmity to
the opening of the Cascade locks. We
believe she was careless of its in
terests because she did not realize how
her own prosperity and progress were
interwoven with ours. At most her
""'7 - 7 i- . , , , , ,
uiiu ianiciu iicuiju iirta ii'ii. firm
I leu aeeniy, wnat it conceived to be an
inimical course on Portland s part, it
holds no grudges. We realize that the
growth of Portland is our growth, and
her prosperity ours. We are pleased in
deed to note that this fact is also be
coming known to our brethren of the
metropolis, and hope the day is near
when "Oregon" will mean the whole
state, and when united In efforta for the
common good, her citizens will make her
all that her splendid situation and grand
possibilities will permit.
We do not know how often we shall
J iave to state that we will not give space
i obituary poetry. Nearly every death
that occurs in this neighborhood stirs In
' mmie one a divine etllatus ami forthwith
j t Uoy insult clean, white paper w ith the
j veriest rot, devoid of ion?o, devoid of
j measure, and imperfect of rhvme. We
: wi not willingly he a party to taking
J advantage of the dead. Once more we
reiterate we will not publish obituary
j poetrVt We don't want it, and respect.
' fully request that it In-not sent to this
cilice. " mmmmmmm
We have received the first copy of the
Sun, the long exnecled daily started in
Portland. F.verybody connected with
the n:ier is a stockholder, it taing a co
operative institution. The paper is neat
aud contains a large amount of reading
I matter with a
full page of telegraphic
matter. The pa-r is independent in
politics, and declares its intention of
paying particular attention to local news
We have alwavs believed there win
I We have always believed there was
I room in Portland for another good daily,
,j the Sun starts under circumstances
favorable to its filling the place.
- -
The Pendleton Tribune says that the
sheriff sold fourteen good horses last
week to N. H. Cot trull, for or at the
rate of fl.7Sl; apiece. The Alliance
Herald lays the blame on John Sherman
and the demonetization of silver. If its
idea is correct and silver was restored to
say $l.L'i an ounce, thorn- horses would
have brought ;.."T. As the Herald
: claims lite nurses were worm ?iw eacn,
j will it kindly explain what caused the
j deficiency in price over and ntave
tne tun silver vaiuc
We observe in Secretary McKride's
I advertisement for bids for furnishing
stationery, an item of "11' dozen tine jien
i knives. This may be all right but why
I the state should furnish the legislature
with pen knives is a mystery.
The board of railroad commissioner
passed through last night. Their spe
cial car seemed to be in good condition,
and they made a close and thorough in-
I spection of the road to Heppner tmlav.
1 1
(iKANI riONEEH IULL!of V," rlure ,B"C0 "nd bid 'r ,l"
, I world s fair.
I K. X. Phillips was again arrested on
Coon with Uucklnbarry Haact, Virginia
Itwela and Old-Faahiiinaid Ouad
rlllea. that Features of a
rieaaant Evanlua;.
'There was a sound of revelrv hv nljlit.
a . .n(j bnitht
The la in pa shown o'er (air women and brave men .
A thtuiMtiid heart beat happily; and when
Music arose, with it vtiliiitiniis awell,
S.tft eyes looked love to eye whleh spake ajrain.
And all went merry as a marrlajrv bel
j 'Twas at the pioneer ball of Saturday,
Oct. Kith, the healthiest, happiest lot
of ripe veterans of the Oregon vintage of
!l$o0; men and women who could tell
you all aliout the Indian fighting, the
sieges in block houses, and the vicissi-
.... ... . ...
1 tudes of pioneer ife, and who said they
. ,
i a-prp urtr apvntv onil nun nr twu na
were sixty, seventy and
old as eighty-one years of age, but whose
feet trim.ed as meiriiv and whose eves
shone as brightly in the grand march,
to the time of "Atild Lang Syne," as
any of the youngster who had gathered
to do them honor. It was indeed, as
one of them expressed it, a "red letter
day" in their lives. The old settlers
gathered from all along the middle Col
umbia, some who had not met before
for years.
"Don't you remember old Ame Un
derwood, Mrs. A.,'' said one.
"Oil, go 'long Is that you, Amos."
And such hand-shaking, and such talk
of the davs when Phil Sheridan was
gay lieutenant and fought Indians at the
block house.
But to return to the ball. The grand
march began at 0:30, to the tune of
"Auld Lang Sync," led by I. II. A.
Leavens and Mrs. Atwell, pioneers of
18.32 and 1850: then Put Bradford, 18.30,
Mrs. Leavens, '.39; Mr. J. F. Imams,
'52, with Mrs. H. Martin, '50; Mr.
Amos Underwood, '52, and Mrs. Reid,
'52 ; Mr. J. A. Hull, (aged 81 ) 50, with
Mrs. Jones; Mr. John Woodward, '53,
and Mrs. Bergeron ; Mr. J. W. Stephen
ion, '53, and Mrs. Harper, '52; Mr. and
Mrs. (Stevens of Cape Horn, '52; Mr.
and Mrs. hullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Hall,
Mrs. Iobsoii.
These pioneers were followed by fifty
couples, and forming sets, the old people
showed the young ones how they used
to dance when Oregon was a wilderness,
and right well they remembered, for
they danced all night; that is, some of
them did, doing full justice meanwhile
to an old-time supper of coon and
huckleberry sauce.
The large dining hall of the gov
ernment mess house was crowded with
dancers, and one who counted said that
twenty-one sets danced at one time.
The ball was a grand success, and the
only regret expressed was that some of
The Dalles pioneers were not present
with them. Ti m
On parol bo you let the prisoner off
I on his word for a couple of days, did you?
asked the captain. "I did answered the
lieutenant. "And do you think he will
come back on it or go back on it?"
Indianapolis Journal.
Mrs. Green A woman has to marry a
man to find him ont. Mr. G. Then
she finds him out good deal, doesn't
he? Detroit Free Press.
Mrs. I'rainur will leave next week (or
the Malheur to end the winter with
her son lieorgu.
Now, correspondents, that the sum
mer's rash is over, 1 hope to soon again
heur from yon all through the columns'
of Tim OlinoMi-i.K, which from private!
source, I am enabled to say, has a very
wide circulation throughout Wasco and
neighboring counties.
Mrs. Fred I.Usao and sister Florence of
l-a Grande arrived Monday night and j
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Harlan, i
Mrs. I.usso is the wife of the unfortunate
tireiiiau who was killed thin spring on
mountain division.
New coiner continue to arrive ami the
is fast settling up. Mr. King
j and family are the last arrivals ami have i
purchased a quarter of school land on
J upper liock ereek. A brother oi Mr. ! ,
; King's has also arrived from Michigan
and will settle near him.
i, .. . , ..-l i i .. : I I : ..
I James fiunier lias lillisni-ti minium;.
two immense wagon bridges across some
of the uneven place on his Tyrolese '
ranch five miles south of Mosier. The:
highest one is thirtv-live f.vt from the
ground. His remarkable industrv
, . . , , . . , . .-
speaks truly for Ins scotch extraction, a
' pimple w hose dauntless perseverance has
' made the land of the thistle a garden
j spot of creation.
Indian summe.- has conic, that pretty
. season which though apprehending
I winter, yet gently nielnms its icv prom
ise by a touch of summer's tenderness;
and disguises the death of the forest
, leaves by clothing them in a wealth of
' color far more beautiful than when they
, breathed the air and sunshine of perfect
'life. Nature's tiod in tender, merciful
and beneficent.
Mrs. J. II. Mosier is ciiculating a peti
tion, w hich has heen numerously Bigued,
asking for appointment as postmistress,
j vice .1. H. Mosier, deceased. There are
I no rivals for the office as far as known,
i Its duties are onerous and the salary
small. When the solitary store and
rough pine shacks around it multiply to
I the extent that a first-class office is de-
i.u't.1,1 a U.,l.'i. ..t lllllllbl
! ' ' 1
, annum, we wi I iietition (or the removal
Monday, the 14th charged with threat
ening the life of Elijah Husky. He was
bound over under $iKX bonds to keep
the peace, which were furnished by Jas.
Brown, and once again the defendant is
given a respite from the c'utches of M.
Pichtenmullor, the constable of Mosier
precinct, whose acquaintance has had a
good chance to ripen into that familiar
ity which breeds contempt.
The numerous Phillips cases, together
with the wholesale stealing which has
been going on of late, bids fair to occupy
a good Bhare of the November term of
circuit court, if the thieves can Ih
j located. Louis Davenport has lost about
! twelve sacks of seed wheat, which the 1
I thief could have had for the asking and
j without trouble or danger, for the gener-
I "anj ui nil; eiiunc in iiiuvrruini. nr
, , ... . ,
I would give awav everything he has,
' '
f i.n :a i.:..i 11..
Bi'nti In lii" luml unit rkf ' 1 . .. .
i IV." iw uta i , nun ii iiuiiiiu. v . ' ' I .
8alinger'i barn was also invaded Satur-
day night and a saddle, bridle and blan
ket stolen, together with three sacks of
A bull telongiiig to Mrs. Bachelor of
Mosier met with a sanguinary death
.Sunday and, apropos, Frank Weidner,
whose rifle ended its existence, is pos
sessed of enough forbearance to entitle
him to pose with the three Graces. The
bull has Wn a terror to the neighbor
hood for come time, recognizing no
rights which he was bound to respect,
indifferent tn fences, careless of the
rights of the owners of the fields they
enclosed, aggressive, belligerent and
dangerous. Two weeks ago he gored
Lee Prattler's pigs to death and he has
frequently disputed possession of the
road with passerw-by. Friday night he
tossed over with his horns about fifty
yards of fence on Mr. Weidner's farm,
and demolished twentysix shocks of fod
der worth, with the corn in them $1
shock. He ran Mr. Weidner's children
in the barn the following day and even
refused to vacate the premises when the
irate owner tried to drive him away.
Instead of shooting Lim then and there,
as many would have done, be saw the
justice of the peace, who, after hearing
the facta, ordered him to kill the animal
at once, and fiundoy afternoon Mr.
Weidner at a distance of seventy-five
yards, accurately drove a rifle ball 1
tween the eyes and into the brain, kill
ing him instantly. This rids the neigh
borhood of a very great danger as the
bull would sooner or later have killed
some one.
"He fell in love with her when she
was riding a bicycle, I believe." "No.
It was when she was tailing off it that
he lost his heart."
He (passionately , Something
within me.
Khe (calmlyl Why don't you drink
filtered water?
To purchase five dozen early pullets,
lirahma or Plymouth Pock, cross pre.
ferred. Price $2.50 per dozen. Call on
or address
Ki. M. Harbimah,
25-lm. Kndersby, Or. i
I mm r.irlv ihild-
hood until I v;as
grown in v t.iimiy j
spent n ' fortune
i ........ Hik disr;ie. I
visitej Hot hprings, nnJ was treated
hv the best nirdii .il men. run '" (
hieiited. mnM When in ,
I thi ngs bad 'w!Tlfail c d I
dfteritlliied to trv S. d
I t.,i,r m,.,iOIw u is rntllflv L'lirrd. I he .
' terrible tvema w.k R"iir. ,jCn
of it left; niv riicmI hc.ilth runt up, ,
;md I have never Had anv return in (
K S. S. hi numhvr vl ttmi lr hin di
' tjMt, anJ li.iv nvr Vft fjilure to
fcur. .n w . new in. irwin, i .
1 Nivnr full! I" "
; vvfit uruir mi ouur
MiiiiUia hr. I Mir
TnillMoh IlitMxt nntl .
SHERIFF'S SALE. 1 lu'i.-hy iiivt'n. lh..t umli'r Hint lv Mr
nl Hti exii'lllHHi imoiil mil tl Hie Mreull
t'nlirt nl the Mule of Ol'Vi'll lur ile ( lllllllv,
mi Hie kl ilnv nl wnl . IH'I. i" ileeree limili'.
enleml Mini remlervil III mi l I "n't "II lh" l""l
,1h, nl .lu! . Iv.l. In km elimi wherein I I !-
j ' ity ' vi"'iii n.l ,
leiuliitil ill tin r oi it.l i 1 ii 1 ii 1 1 It Mini nyiiliiHi
j .,i,t iieirniiunt. lur t::':. wnh im-rit iiir.mi
! Imui Willi ll'lll itil nl .llllv. l-'H. Ht Hie rule .0 10
: ",,., .,r ,. .i the mnher n mi. tii ii. mil Hie lirlher iin "I l n
eiii. Hllil I" Ule illni'teil. mil enllllllillullIlK me
I In .ell Iln- 'PH'rt hervlimiler ilei'nlil li ;tl
l-l Hie num., I ill nil Miiniln . the -'tit .
! iliivnl Niiveiiiher. Wl. nl the lii'iiriil .' n elnek i.. I
! in.' nl in. I iln.iell I" Hie hmlieM Milder lur !
I'H.l In ri:in.l. al I'lllille iilli'lliill ill llie;i."l!ti
ihMir in 'he i-..initv i niirth.'UM' in J'.iIIi'h i liv.t
! H-ri imitlli . llTi-V'"'. nil Hie fll.'ht. title anil
. Itllert'it i" the il l ml, HI III mill In I lie Iniinu itltr
I ileerlli! ir. im.- 1 1 . In lilt All nl Int. lull" 10' il ;
i lour, live i"il ill 111 til'i'k "ninneM-i! "lie. Ill tit i
j Veil Ailillll'MI I" l die. 1 ll 111 W "H"l .
, Stale nf lift .m. aeeiiiillnif In Iln reiimliil iihiI'. j
I ami I'i'ilK lln-renl. Intfellier Willi lite li'liellient..
' llereililaliietit. ami rtiti'iirii'iiiitn i'. tlitTi iinln Ii.- ,
j I'liik'nii: it in anv wi-i iiitiH-rialiniii. nr .n nnn-li
; tlii'H-nl a" V III la illltlelrnl tn lite mIkoi I
I llilllleti fllllli. 1,'Kellier Willi tile arerll 11IK en
! llltil eila'Il.e. ill Ull. .ille
i The Hlmvf ilfaeMla'd l"l illltl irn.rt W 111 lie
1 iM III f Mirta nr tireela nrall tit'lher. a. liiny
' Ih' ile. uieil In la- llle Ik'.I III Ivleit nl al I "'l '
j unn. enneeriletl.
! I'ate.1 al llallei ( 111 . V '" minli . I in -.(nil . '
i till. J-lh ilnv I'l Sept., l"l.
i-l .-i ll . I l'KIYKU.
; Shetlll nl a!-" rnlinty. IlieU'iU
Nnll. e I. Iierehv Riven that nii.l'-r and l.y Mr
I illirt "1 the SI. lie III I.T W ale. , ( itlllitl .
1111 the l"lh ilav nl lielnN-r. li'M. mi a ilei-rer
mule, enlfiil and n-nilen-il In and I iiiirt 1111 III" ; eaeh "I yinl are hereliv r.-.iilr.-l In ataair aial
.Ml! 1l.1v nf Smetida-r, l-i. 111 a in II w herein i an.wer the emniilalii: ISlI aaalinl you In tha
l-ainiiel Clurk w planum and Mr. I.. II fia alve enlitl.l mil llliln leiinava I nun the Aik
tiler. I ie,irire T . I'rntlier and J. M lIllllllliKI.'ll. lh" aervli nl tllla lllllllinlia lilain ..u, II
ail mttiitiir ill tliee.lale 1. 1 hliiu. I'rather. de- aerved w Ithln W aaeu enniilv, (tlate nl lir'ifim or
reased. were ileU'liilnnt'. , 111 l.iTnr nl .alii l.liilll , II "rveil w llh III all v nllier e'HIIltV "I Una HU
llB anil aninnsl am deleniltilll, Mra 1, II iTa Ihen within twenlv daia It'll" the date
ther. Inrlv.i. it. Willi Interest thereon Irulli Ihe 1 H'e iervlee nl Una annul a IIH'1 ynu . ana II
.-th duv ill Nnrfinlier. I-1'.;, ut the rale ill I" per 11"' aainr l ernl hv piilillealnili llieieul. yon
eent per annum, and the (iirlher sum nl .l n are re.inreil tnappeHr anil answer said ( iimplalnl
neits. and whleh laid Jmliriiienl has lavn at., mi "r la lnre Mnndai, Ihe l.'th duv nl Sm
anrned mid lianilereil i.l rei nrd In J II kramer. emra-r. I'.. thai brinr the Ural day .d Hie twit
and said vaertilniu la'lnit In me direi'le,!. and 1 reajiOar term nl aaul I lielilt ( nnrt. Inllnwiuf lar
riniiinaiidlnir me Ut ,11 the pmp'rtv hereinaller ex.iatlt.n nl """ preaetilail In Hi urder
deaerllaat to aatlatv llle alnive siima 1 will, on 1 lieretnlnre made Inr Hie piiblleatliili id "alii mai
1 hursdav. the 1 lh dnv nl Niivenilwr. al the and II ) mi. it either id ynu, lall . u.ia
himr nl 11 el'K'li nl aald dav, aell al pillule aur I pear and answer .mil eiuiiplalnt. JmlKment all:
tlnn In the Inchest ladder Inr ea.h In hand, at
the Iriinl dir id the l iiliulv 1 nurlhiiiise In
I'allrs nty. Wasco eiiuntv.or'iri'ti. all the in;lit,
title and Interest, id eaeh til ami! di-tetidinila In
and In the It'lltiwlnir deierllied prt'tterty. tn wlt
Ijit ll 111 the Uiwn nl lliaal Hlver, ai'iinllliK In
tne rernrtleil pint and survey therenf nn llle anil
d mtinl Iu the 4 minly I'terk a nmew In aant
iaseieiitinty, tiniether with tile tetieinenta and
heredltatiieula thereuntil belnnirltiir nr In auv
wise aptM'rfallllllK. nr an nilieh therenl as will
satisfy thealMive iiaiurd iilius, ttarether with th
aeerulnif -iaila nl III!. aae
I'ati-tl at lialks rltv. W b-i'i rniintv, frvfnn.
tins I'dh day of Detiila r. l""l
T J lif.lVKK.
Sh'-TIIT id W a.en l ull nil , Iln mill
IH-117'l i.l
Sheriff's Sale.
Ill' MSiii- ul ail ev.eeitln li.lliil mi the tfith
day nf IH-tnlHT lvl nut nf tlieetrcutt eniirt nl Hie
stnli'itf lireirnn. Inr w a.eien!int Iu iismt tln-te
111 petidlhK. wherein .1 M lilllitlliKl ad
lllllllstriilnr nf tlie entale nf hlias I'tiitlier. lie
een'tl i. t'lmiitir) ami liettrKe '1 I'rntlier. 1, ti
I'rather mid i-anniel riiilke ate ilefetitlaup., emu
nianilinif me tn aell the real pm-rtv heri'innlter
lle.eriled. alld (lilt ill the prne.-eil. th'Tent tn
rati. fy the sum uf eleven hiindnsl and fiflv d"l
lar. ami llllen-at then-nil Irmii the date nf the
deeree 111 said eatlse tnwlt 1 lie .ith ilav nf .lime.
I.f''. uitd the eiMta and disbursement id unit
(nil ll'iim iittnrtievs lee and the accruing
j etsita, I will nn the l.tth day nf Nnvc tuber. ii.
I ai tne liniir ul iw.t n elia k p tn. at the emirl j
' -.ll .1 .,,1.1,. ...i.. .. ii... i i......... .... .' '
I 111 hmiil th" lullmvtnK Ih-aerllssl p-nl
i tn nit
prop l' .
All the riel.i tit,.. I,.,..,.... i ,i ...
I plaintifl a. -neh adinlul.tralur and nf the said i
I eslale nf hllaa I'rath.-i. ileceaaid, uf. In and In hit '
I'.. nf the tnwn uf IIimsI Klver pri'i.r. and InU j
aim I.' iu utir-K iu aalu litwu nl Iln, Ktver '
T J. liKIVKK. i
rtherlft of W asm ( mint)-, (iriKun. !
1 n 1 . .tiv I , .ll
Administrators Sale.
Nnliue is herehy trlven that, in pursuance of an
nnler of the canity court ul the stale of
Kreiririi for Waaen emintv. ilulv made and en
tered nn the i.'iul ilav nl hepb-mber. A ll .'i. In
the matle-uf Ihe estate n Henry A Pratt, de, direnluiT the tindcrslKiied tu aell al
pilhlie aalc the following d'-acrmcd real prorly
boloiiRlnn to aaid deceased In w it ,i mini
her live .'Inhlirrk iiiimhcr two in Irer
Ills ail. Iltloii to Italics t in, linn t niintv, lire
trmi We will nn hnlurday, NnvemlaT luth, lvl
al the hour uf i n clta-k p m id aald dnv al the
emirt huiiae dtair In aahl linlhw eltv. sell to the
hishast ludder the aald tlitaerllnl iro-rtT
lerm-of anle. nue ti Ird at time nl aale. one
third In all nuitilha from date id aale, mid one
third In une year fnun date of anle
I.KiI.IK llt'TI.KIt,
Ad.nitiialraUira n( the eslale nf llenrv Pratt
deceased. tp, ,lv7
Laud Orru , The Imllea. r..i
Heit a, 1S'I( j
Nntlce la herehy Riven that the lol'owliia
nauusl aettler has nli-,1 nntlce nf Ills liiteuiiou ,,
nmke Imnl pna.f In aupiairt nf his claim and that
aaul pnad will la- made before iln, nvister
receiver nt The Imllea, Oregon, on tiet n
l".'l. TK,
l atrleh K. Farrall.
lid K. Nn v.), (,,r the e' .vji, u ',: i
aec l.l, tp 1 ii. r I.l e, VV M. "
He iitiiii, Ihe lollowlnir will,.-...-. t i.. i,i.
eiiiitlllliuus reaiileuee
lisn and rultivatloii oj
III llenlc. I.mmc V II....
snul land, vl. William Heni,
Innd, deoree
of 'I he liallea.
iaveuia,rt. Krmik t 1 avlor. all
JAM T. M'HiKi:. Iti'Kisler
Notice j, herehy aiven that Win Moodv hs
snld all Ins riKhta and Inler.-L. In the i,rm uf
omnia, i m Tnl I., the members nf the llrm
yuniir On lal will collect all dchuduetu and
Pipoliallilc fr mny ,,.U f
i'" "t "e. own: ny aalil firm
and will tint be
aaid Winn Mtaaly'a
lial.d thla tith day nf tn-tnuer
ballea, Or
Iv.M, at The
(jnomi ia Tai.
I, ame in my place, near Nanscne, aliotit the
llrst nf May, a bay aaddle hnrae, la-twei'ii u
and li yeara nld. branded H on left ahnulder
Ihe owner ran have name, hy Jpavlnf tor thla
lintlce and imaturaKe. W n. hdllKK TridN
Hep U lm Nanaene . o., Ur
.ihlii(f api'w'nls n
:r..iifiy to nmihrf.
i r
r )i;t rm,,ii,
' " ' iiiMailei''
il.nwliler. Uluni lie. li.nv !', vvna n J.
I,-.. i I. rrllly io:iiit..l w..h i -.t.,l, ' rj
t,,l I.. a iln, I'n. r'' ii.a .i I.,. .i.. A Uwl
. I'1'...ul 1 .... I ... 1 . ...
. .- .... .. ... . .. mlm
HI tll'li I. Il0l i L t i
i-anil in h,.r nilu,
"' N Vlttt, Oam,,
her li'ini eiiiMit und niium
w ..n el p'ii ii n i "in iiii'iu in
r.,r . In Im t. 1V, fi'iin-
.... ..... . ,,M; M, .
. r.. ,v..lllv. l,:.t ti,V .11, llivnl, ,-!.'.. 'i
i .Mild IiiiV" hail lliHl lerrlhlu hHU. u,,',l
ii. 1. 1 I'ltilil'iyeil lihvmi'luna, lint ane re,-,-i,i '
II' ln,l;i Ih.'in.
It'll 7 ) IMintliU,
ti utOv Itir-e Uailea of
ll Hit In,
Mi I 'll. I'll .niiiila ; her liervou.nei atul tMufc.
I i M. Vi!ll ilulieo n' elilm ly n,,.
f 'f"ii,H ..'Ilia'! f ililliirlv, mid aUHtiea wut j.T-h-
' -Hid eu'. .ln. liua reiiivereil i-i'tlitleti'
i Ii t iitmi. her ni.'illn la .'ineiiiliii. k
iii."i -v ei'iild iTta-iire lur our daiiitiiier Hit hitiui
It Mle -Nervlny intl ItniUKhl her
C hen uy IimiIi r n-eiuiimeniled tha mmh
hii no I.Olh In lainint lliedleliuai, and Wiuij
i 4 ii. leu lii In:", Ian Ka a liua ream he a,.m 1
a I .a le. we la uan lilvlnR 11 In lllalii he. aji,i iv
i ilaei woa niiii'Ml ImiuediaUi.' Mr, k. it
lmiltM-k, llrlKhit'ii. N V.
rune in,.
lr .MIIiW lleitnrallve Nervlno la mti hy ill
pinit.taou raanuve unarmiile,'. nt fill
,y 11, lr. Mllea MedUl ., Klklmrt. lnd.
rereli.1 nf prii-e. (1 iw laittlu. atx laHIIra lor It
r.n preiMinl. 11 la pualuruljr lrw) aOi
oi'iaiea vt duniremu' drum.
In thrl Irruil ( oiirt tin- Stntr n( ()t-oolor
nrl Unn liturf . 1
i uiiitirt, i
i . p
Ktalh ami '
Mane h'lfli.
iH't.-lnlalttft t
! T,( ,, f.Kh m, Mir(,
1 r t'L'h. the aleive named
I deleiidallla
III the name nl the Htnte nt (Iti
Vnu ami
I taken aualnxt
: inn fur waul thereof, and iri
plv In Ihe nnrt lur the relle
plalnlirf w III ai
praved fur tu Ins aald Mil id rtuuulaliit. ptwll
' lain deed nl luiirtiraire. made, executed ami tie
I livereil tn plnnitlll by deleiidilllta. lararllilt dais
j Ailffiiat I tth, lii and that the laiula ami prettr
I laea therein disM-rllanl. In w It lada H. K K. ll,
II. I ami .1. Ill blia k .-vet. IT cllit In Kurt lalla
1 Military In-acrvatlull addlilnn I" liallea I'll),
i W awu eniiiiti . I irea"li. la and III the manlier ,
1 pmvliled hv law mid Ihe practice id this ' eiirl,
1 and that Iruui Ihe pnaesls artalne Inuu auch
; sule the plallltlll have nlitl nsint'l His sum la
i I ll ll, and Interest thereon ut the rate uf ten
a'r cent r auuuu .liiee ihe l.tth dav nl Any
1 list. I-';, ami the lur. her aum nl fool Mi
. oliabie attnrnev s i- Hi aald Mitt, tnei-t'ier wltb
1 tne cuila alld dl.ltll r--in-li Is itiatte anil eiH'luld
j in tins suit, li eltitlinir sulin'tiucnt and aeenilnf
eiatta anil exie'iiM't, nl aale. that iimii stii'li tie
cree, Inrei-li'Slire mid .iile. alt uf the ripllt. Illlr
mid Interct uf inn and each of ynu, and all nl
I the tlyhl. tlt'e In1erel nf nil and everv per
l sun ur arsniia elnliuliiK. nr l- claim thrtinvtl nf
I under Mm. or eiilit-rul nil. In ur tn said alsivs
! dwrlle il picn.c, nr to niiv inrt tliensil.lal
; Inn-cliao-d ami I'lteier Iwrrnl Irtiiii all cUlly ul
; ri'ileillptinll that f -1,1 1 11 ll it lie alii'Winl In hill fur
I and In piireluiMe aul premises nt Ins nptloti that
.the pllicliaier tin riol Inn e the lui mediate p"
I sea.inll nl the same, thai the phitlltlft base jlnllf
tucul airalli.1 sou lur anv uiip'iltl twilatice thai
I mav remain niter am h .nit-, mid (or such ether
' ami Inrtlicr lelief ua lnn to he t olirl at em Just
null e,llltiihle
I 1 he sei l ice of this snmiiuins Is made ujs-n ynu
Ii) pllhlicallun thereof lu 1 MK lA I.I.Ke i liana
. It !.:. i li'-n-luier til ei'liernl circulation, p'lte
l llshed weekly at lialle- fill , W nsco eiiulitv, ore-
irnn. hv order of the llniiornlilc w. I.. Ilrailshaw.
-luilire of tin. eeventli jiulit nil l.lairict nl the
1 -Indite nf tin
I M,,,,,. ,,, , ,,.,,, u.1,,,.1, ..,,i..rMa. Onlv mail, at
; chaiiilsr" in liulle. I it v. iirivoli. on' tlielitll
1 dnv nf Koptcmlirr.
dnv of heptcmlH.r. I""l II. II. KII'I'H.I-.
scpr.i7i Attorney lur I'laiulirT.
Administrator's Notice.
The undeniii,'iiil hnvliirx liv ennslileratluti d
the ( uiiiity rt. id Ihe atare nl tireann fnr
Waai.a'eotiutv la-en aptxilutial aduillilstrapir nf
the estate nl lieorirc llaliat-n de'e..l, "ti !!'
Illlh day nl hept. I-1, crtilllttra nf. and all per
suns liavlur I'lnlms aitnlnst the aald isitatc nlaalil
dtceaaetl, are heretiv iiutllhHl to prewenl them.
With the pro-r vouehcra attaelleil. wllllllisll
moutha Irolu the dale of thla iioflee. tn the aalil
aHmliilatralin' at Ihe uttlce. ul A. M. Kelaay,
eoiinty clerk, In lmlla ( lly, ( uniily nl Mt.
Is late nf I iretfnii
1'aleil at the liallea OreKuii, Heptemlser ."Jth,
Admluistrnlnr nf the eatate id tienrue llnusen,
deceaacd. INrt. ?tnJl.
I.AKri (lrricr, The Inilles. dr..
(let I, l'd
Nollrw la lierehr alven Hint Ihe (ollowlii'l
nnineil settler has llliil notice ol Ids Intent"'"
make final proof In aiiiairt uf Ida claim, and
that suiil proof will la- made ladoru the. nKl'ler
and nettivitr nf the r. h. Laud ulliee, The Pallia,
dr., nn NuviMuuer In, Inn, vu. :
famaa X . IHetiaun.
II. K. Nn. aWS. Inr Ihe WU HK',. tif.'i HI:1, and
HK'i HW4, rw. II, 1 P. H. K 13 K, W M.
lie nariuw the fuliowiuir wiliuiaea Pi pmve hw
eiinttunoiia residence iimiii and ellttlialloli "I.
Mid land, VI : I,. Itu-i-, William I nlllpla'll.
1. Herman, J. K. Me oriii.ek, id Knilershv, dr.
JAh. t. JlDOllK, KiKlsler.
Furniture and Carpets.
Wo have added to our business
complete Undertaking Kstablishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
tho Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
lie low accordingly.
Undertaking Establislimcnt.