The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 17, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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llmilOr Ullllll llllS llttU HI'
ii i
llli hun'e Mrrll Will flilii-n
Title Arenmtt-I'rrufh anil 4,rr
nan Holillera Mum Sl
a SiuNiiAin, Oet. 12. A rumor it) cur
rent here the Chinese government lias
commenced negotiations with Japan
(or peace. China it is said ha offered
to acktiow ledge tlie independence o(
('(iri'H anil y a war iudemnfty to Japan.
Cbl,"' Nut lit Krfreted.
I.OMK.N, (i 12. The I'all Mall Gaz
ette publishes iin interview with a lead
ing Chinese official in London, in which
he savs, with the exception of the naval
liuttlf at Yalu, not a seri us blow had
1 iee n (itruck at C'liina. This, lie said,
wan merely the beginning of a groat war.
Hi- denied tliat the battle of Ping Yang
wan a crushing defeat for the Chinese.
When hostilities are renewed ou a largo
scale, he declares, China w ill produce:.
ample number of warships.
A dispatch from Yokahoina. says
Otori Keisuke, Japauese soldier and dip
lomat, has been recalled owing to his
failure to effect Japauese reforms in
Corea. Count Inouye, Japanese minis
ter of the Interior, w ill shortly proceed
to Core.
Killed hf a; Acrlilent.
MaiujI'am, (let. 11. A terrible run
away occurred at thiH place about (i
o'clock yesterday evening, which re
united iii the death of Mrs. T. 1'. Soules,
her Mile aim, atmut years old. and her
sister-in-law, MrH. J. I'. Miller, were
driving along the Hired in a buckboard,
their horn liecani frightened and
started to run. MrH. Miller, who wan
driving was unable to stop the horsed
and Mrs. Soules took hold of the reinH
to a-MiHt her, but the strength of the two
had little effect. Tl horse left the
traveled road and collided with every
obstacle in ita course.
When opposite the residence of I. 1'.
Urkins, Mrs. Soules was thrown from
the vehicle. Her dress and feet caught
in the lied of the bucklioard in some
manner, and she w as dragged distance
of about 200 vards before the vehicle
. n..t ...'d tl, horse thrown uiion
.i i .. UI ut,. u ut
iii 1 . ;
haml. iiiui Mrs. Soules was extricated i
from the wreck, but she only gasped a
'ew times and died. Her skull w as frac
tured and her body badly lacerated.
Mrs. Miller and the boy escaped with
only slight bruises. The remains of
Mrs. Soules w ill lie buried tomorrow.
She leaves family of nine children and
a husband.
Tba Kufar Mm llratvn.
Wasiiinuton, Oct. 12. Judge Mc
Comas, of the district simreme court, to
day den iud the application of the Miles
Sugar Manufacturing Company.of Louis
iana, fur a mandamus to compel Secre
tary Carlisle to appoint inspectors to as
certain the sugar of the company. The
object of the suit, it is understood, was
to test the legality of the recent recall
of the sugar bounty provision of the
Mi Kinley law, and also to lay the found
ation for an appeal to congress for the
current year.
MtMid ly Turkish A utliorltles.
' Const a NT is on, Oct. 12. The au
thorities of Kavak Sunday attempted to
bourd the French steamer Armenia,
from the Black sea, in search of
Armenian emigrants. The command
er of the steamer refused to allow the
Turkish authorities io make a search,
whereupon the Armenia was detained
:i hours. The French embassy obtained
,a release of the steamship, whose
owners now demand an indemnity of
1,0H) from the Turkish government.
llalDli( Kuyal Marrlax.
St. F'ktkhsiii'ho, Oct. 12. It is now
stated the heir apparent to the throne of
Kussia will accompany the erarfrom Li
vidia to Corfu and the cr.arowiU w ill
proceed to Darmstadt, whence he will
return to Kussia with his fiuacee, Pin
cess Alix of Hesse, and the Grand Duke
and Grand Duchess Sorgius, her brother
in law and sister. It is added the wed
ding will probably take place the liegin
ning of November, the supposition being
the ceremony being hastened on account
of the pressure brought to bear upon the
i-r.arowitz by his futher, w ho is desirous,
in view of his fast approaching death, of
having the marriage take place as soon
as possible. It is oflicially announced
here that dispatches from I.ivldin say
the t yesterday visited Massandria.
4 aiiut K, itll.
ti;i.K4H,(ct. 1'.' . TheCilv Item,
in answer to a piry whether th Cor-
, licit mill FiUiiiiino!iM luht would be al-
lowed on KloriiU mil, tcceived the fol-
lowing reply from Governor Mitchell:
i "(Jorliett and Fitzsimmons will nut beal-
. owt,,i t, .,.! in j.ri,i1i .v,. if ttie
j legislature has to be reconvened for tho
preventing the ij;lit."
Another Kelraka Hank lnl.
K k a it s k v , Neb., Oct. 12. The Bufl'alo
('utility Nutional hnnk closed today.
The closing was caused by a 119,000
judgment against Sands' clothing house,
in which the bank was interested, and
a couple of directors demanding deposts.
Sands' clothing house whs closed, hut no
other business houses have lieen affected
as far a know n.
Want au lnvriitlEalliii.
Bai.timoick, Oct! 2. The national con
vention of the St. 1'eter Clover Union
(colored Catholics) adopted resolutions
requesting the president to call the at
tention ol congress to the un-American
treatment of negro citizens, and ask
Congress for jsiwer to appoint a com
mission, one-third of
investigate the matter,
them colored, to
The ('nam 4'ondltlon.
Losiion, Oct. 1.1. A dispatch from St.
Petersburg to the Times says the refiorts
that the czar is better are confirmed by
advices from the liest circles near bis
majesty. On the other hand, the Vienna j secured was flDOjOOO or more. He gave
correspondent of the Times hears that ' this account of therobtiery; "But one
the crar's condition is extremely un- j roblier entered the car. He was heavy
favorable, i built and dressed like a farmer, although
" I he seemed to thoroughly understand the
Tliey Muni nut Fraternlxi. 1 , , , , , ,
express business. He had a red hand
Pak.s, Oct. 12.-I-e Soliel says in con- 1 kt.r(.llie, ovpr the ,ow(.r part of ,lig fact.
sequence of case of fraternization of ; w,ien tfce train WM stoppeJ j opetled
French and German soldiers, having j lU Juor of my (.ar The robber nred at
bwn retried him, General Mercier, , me j fired and closed the door,
minister of war, has issued an order for- j JJe cal!edi .0pen t,)e door , j d;d not
bidding the frontier troops to go beyond ! Jo jt ,Qpen tha, doof or j,,, Uow the
their stations without social permission. w hole car tQ with dynamite, he
A ( iiubu Fight!-' yelled. Then he threw a stick of dyna-
Antkwkui-, Oct. 12. Barron d'Harrie, ' "lile l the door and shattered it and
commander of the Belgian troops in the j ll,e casing. The force knocked me off
Congo slate, arrived from a three-year j Ul.v fet,t- 1 tben opened the door. One
campaign against the Arab slave traders ! of the rol'"' came in and made me
in that. district. He was royally wel- open the safe. He took everything,
coined.' He brought with him'three con- There was one package which he must
verted Arab chiefs. have thought contained only papers,
- - i for he threw it into a box. It contained
' '" ' Verj- Herlou.. $G Oa0- Thl.n j,e Baid ,pen that otlier
Bkuun, Oct. 12. It is semi-oflicially I
staled this evening the condition of the is very serious, in spit of the state
ments made to the contrary.
For the many accidents th'at occur
i iriu or i.ousruou.u,
burns scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged j
wounds, bites of animals, uiosuitoes or j
i .... .i i i i i.i i.
owicr lliwrci". kuiih or i:uni-u ruuip, iiuci
i,itH al.i,w ,,r t.Hiiis in anv nart of the i
ainee r pains in any pari oi uie i
body, or tlie ailments resulting from ex
posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.
Dr. J. H. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Lini
ment has proved itself a sovereign rem
edy. Price 2.V, ,10c and $1.00 per bottle.
Fur sale by the Snipes-Kinersly Drug
"The way to succeed," said the rich
philosopher, is to liegin right, my Ik.v," j "press car. Adams express turn
"I suppose you mean that I should have j I'aliv' messengers reported all the safes
lieen born rich, as you were, when a
young man." Tammany Times.
The Witt John, you don't love me.
You promised to stop smoking if I'd
marry you. The Husband Then I sure
ly must have loved you, my dear, or I
wouldn't have lied to get you.
..t i , ti,. t. u'iit;u'.
own mother." Mamma Why not?
Well, 1 was there 14 minutes today and
she never said don't to him once."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Daisy Doesn't Jack swear he w ill re
form if you marry him.
Delia Yes, that's just the trouble.
I'm afraid he'll not be the least fascin
ating. Yeast Itoes Gullivan's wife always
have the last word? Crimsonbeak You
seem to forget, man, that Gullivan is a
professional pugilist ! Yonkers States
man. Tramp About a year ago I came by
and you gave me an old vest. You may
not know it, madam, but there was a $0
bill in that vest. Lady of the House-
Mercy! Have you brought it back?
TraniD Not much! I ve come lor an
other vest. Clwthier and F'urnisher.
Hurklen'a Arlnca Hal.a.
The best salve in the worid for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively cures piles, or no pay required,
It la iruaranteed to give perfect aatiafao
tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale Dy Snipes A Kin
ersly A nothvr 4 all.
All county warrants registered prior
to January 1, 1S!M, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after Sept. 10th. Wn. Mirimx,
County Treasurer.
All Kxjuess Train lioblird
of Nearly s2,immmkm.
Attempt to Kill a Hall tram-Leo Lawyer--A
Freuch eael Monk Dor
lug a Fo.
Wamiimston, Oct. 13. Seven
; composed the gang that held up the
I north-bound express train on the Rich
mond, Fredericksburg t l'otomac rail
i road at I juinatoc last night. Their de-
inuiid for. the waybill w hen the express
I meseenffer declared one safe was ernittv.
i . ,
and the caution they gave the fireman
about disconnecting the air-brake tubes
when lie uncoupled the engine on their
demand, showed some members of the
cariLT were railroad bands. P.t-sides.
I aft).r tlj en(,ine ,tt(j unt.ou,,ietl( it wa9
boarded by the robbers and run by them
to a point near Widewater station, a
short distance from the scene of the
hold-up, where they abandoned it and
sent it ahead running wild. Ki press
Messenger Crutcbfield thinks the booty
rafe.' 'That is simply adead-head safe,'
1 said. 'The hell it is,' he roared ; 'show
me vour waybills for it.' I started to
get the bill and he said, 'Your hands
up; ehow me the paper; I'll get it.'
He looked at the bill and was satisfied
the second safe contained nothing,
which was true. The man was very
cool all the time. He had seven or eight
through express pouches, each contain
ir.g packages of money; how much I
1 cannot guess. The man cut a Bmall slit
, in each pouch and took every package.''
Yohk, Oct. 13. The train held
up last night on the Bichmond, Freder
icksburg & Potomac railroad reached
Pennsylvania depot, Jersey City, at 8 :05
this morning, with a badly shattered
had been rifled. It is supposed the ban
dits obtained between $150,000 and $200,
000. The heavy oak doors of the car
had been splintered by dynamite, and
in addition the marks of revolver bullets
were visible. FCvery pane of glass in
the windows of the car had been shat
tered by dynamite, and fragments of
glass were still scattered over the floor
of the car. Officials of the Adams Kx
press Company, in charge of the car at
the depot, claimed only the pouches and
safes had been ransacked.
A Keward Oflcreil.
Richmond, V., Oct. 13. Three po
licemen left today for the scene of the
train robbery near tiuantico ; $20,000 was
the amount sent from this city by train,
and most of it was in bonds. The gov
ernor has offered $1,000 reward and tele
graphed the governor of Maryland ask
ing co-operation.
Work of lruoken Fiends.
Wn KESBAKKE, Pa., Oct. 13. As a re
sult of a drunken riot at Maltoy, a small
Hungarian settlement near this city, one
person was instantly killed, two fatally
wounded. and two others seriously in-
jured. Killed and injured : George 8i
voski, aged 17, head blown to pieces;
Lizzie F'osky. aged 15, shot in the abdo
men, cannot recover; John Jenkins, 28,
shot in the abdomen, cannot live ; Mag
gi Moore, 14, shot in the arm ond both
legs, will recover; Thomas Moore, 23,
shot in both legs, will recover. Mitchell
Poloski became intoxicated and John
Moore ordered him from his saloon. He
went home and procured a shotgun. On
his way back to the saloon he encoun
tered Dan Ryan sitting on A porch with
Lizzie Fosky and Maggie Moore. Ryan
advised Poloski to go home. Poloski
tired, and the two girls fell to the porch,
the blood spurting from their wounds.
John Moore, attracted by the shooting,
, picked up his sister, while Ryan took
the Fosky girl. Before they could gel
inside the door the drunken fiend
emptied the second barre! into the girls,
Moore receiving part of the load in the
j knee. Poloski was joined by two coun
i trymen, also aimed. John Jenkins at
i tempted to urreet Poloski and was shot.
I The Slavs then escaped to their hoard-
ing bouse, barricaded the door, thrust
I their heads through the windows and
; threatened to kill the first person at-
tempting to enter. People living on the
opiMihite side of the street had their
heads out of the w indows. One of the
j Slavs, seeing the head of George Sivoski,
took delilierate aim and fired, tearing
half the boy's head and face away. The
horror-stricken neighbors closed the
window s and barricaded the doors. The
murderers then turned the guns on
lighted windows, posts and trees. After
all became quiet, several armed men
went to the house to arrest the murder
ers. The door of the house was open
and the men were gone. Two men were
arrested at Kingston this morning on
suspicion. the two guns carried by
the murderers were found in a pond.
Tried to M order a Lawyer.
San Fhancisco, Oct. 13. An old man
known as Captain Emerson attempted
to murder 11. II. Lowenthal, a well
known attorney of this city, about 10
o'clock this morning. Emerson met
Lowenthal on the stairway of a building
on California street, and handed him a
letter to read. While engaged in its
perusal F.mereon pressed a pistol against
the attorney's stomach and was about to
pull the trig-r when Lowenthal knocked
the would-be murderer's hand down, the
bullet passing through his (Lowenthal's)
legs. A fight then followed for posses
sion of the weapon, in which Lowenthal
was slightly bruised. By this time a
crowd was attracted to the scene and
Emerson was taken into custody. He
refuses as yet to state any reason for his
attempted assassination of the lawyer.
The would-be assassin's name is John
T. Emerson, and he has a bad record,
having been mixed up in several bribery
cases. The shooting today, it hag been
ascertained, wag the outcome of the cel
ebrated "Little Pete" bribery case which
was before the courtg in 18S7. In this
case he was caught in an effort to bribe
a juror, was convicted, and sent to San
Quentin for five years. Emerson de
clares that Lowenthal advised him to
plead guilty, promising him $1000 to do
so, but the attorney subsequently aban
doned him.
lloood to Have a llullflght.
Pakis, Oct. 15. During a bullfight in
Dax, south of France, yesterday, an of
ficer escorted by policemen went to the
arena to stop the sport. He laid before
the directors a legal paper forbidding
the fight, but. was ignored by them.
The toredorg continued their work un
till they killed the bull, amid the cheers
and applause of the spectators. After
the fight the crowd hustled the police
men and jeered the officer. The town is
much excited this evening, but no
violence has been reported. The govern
ment order prohibiting bullfighting was
proclamed late in September.
Acta I.Ike a Crasj Man.
San Fbaxcikco, Oct. 13. Dr. E. M.
Griffith, who branded the letter M on a
2-weeks-old child, appeared in Police
Judge Conlan's court this morning,
charged with cruelty. The case was
continued until next Tuesday, when he
will be arraigned. If Griffith be not In
sane, he is very nearly so and acts like a
maniac. This is the result of the long
and excessive use of morphine and
cocaine. The Society for Prevention of
Cruelty to Children decided today to
have Dr. Griffith arrested for mayhem,
should the present charge against him
not result in conviction.
right With Mexican Ktniloyea.
Tixfan, Mexico, Oct. 13. At the
vanilla plantation of G. B. Baskin, an
Englishman, K0 miles distant, a desper
ate fight took place Saturday. The
Mexican employes were not satisfied
with the superintendent, who was an
American, and a number assaulted him.
The superintendent had a tew friends
among the laliorers, who stood by him.
The foremau was badly wounded, and
four Mexicans killed.
.May l'reint Diphtheria., Oct. 15. Professor Virschow
has expressed his opinion that the blood
serum discovered by lr. Iteliring has
the effect to protect the person taking it
from diphtheria for weeks, but says It
has not been demonstrated that it is a
positive cure.
Tha Hrlglan Klertlona.
Biu sski s, Oct. 15. As far as can now
be judged in the elections for parliament,
to socialists. The Catholics lost seven
seats. Owing to the numler of reballots
necessary, it is imtiossiblo to predict the
exact composition of the new chamber.
The Czar of Hussia is Phmiij;
Slowly Poisoned.
They Succeed in 8 u Ixl n I u f a Powerful
Hottentot filler--Itemilt of tlel
(lum Klertiona-. Ameer of A f
flianlatan Hlrk.
Minneapolis, Oct. 15. Dr. George F".
Schmidt, a German traveler, now in
Minneapolis, has, received secret dis
patches from St. Petersburg, which
throw a strong light on the crisis in
Furopean politics caused by the impend
ing death of the czar. These dispatches
came written in sympathetic ink on ap
parently a blank piece of paper. An ap
plication of heat brought out strange
stenographic characters, which the doc
tor readily translated for the Associated
Press, as follows:
"The czar is lying at the point of death
The excitement in the the highest cir
cles of Russia is tremendous. It is un
derstood in wide circles in Russia that
the czar's sickness was brought about by
systematic means, and that his death
will not be a natural one. It is on ac
count of that journals contradict the
fact of the czar's sickness. There is a
party that wants the czarowitz on the
throne. The czarowitz is of a cranky,
melancholy nature, and will institute the
most radical reforms throughout Russia,
and has already made plans for such
action. He is much hated by the clergy.
The patriarch of Moscow, who is at the
head of the Greek church, has traveled
about with the czar in order to persuade
him to put his second son on the throne
instead of the czarowitz. The Greek
Catholic church of Russia is feverishly
excited. The Richsrath, or council of
the empire, is daily holding a secret
council. The Pan-Slavic party is with
the church and against the czarowitz.
who is a great friend of Germany.
Should the czar decide to place his sec
ond son upon the throne this would be
looked upon as a direct insult to Ger
many, and would be attended with most
serious results. The second son of the
czar is very inimical to Germany and
friendly to France. He is dreadfully
despotic, and in the highest degree head
strong, and a strong autocrat. It is
feared on the death lied of the czar
the church influence wiil succeed in in
ducing him to call his seccond son as
successor. As this second son ia very
hotheaded, he is not sure to remain on
the throne without becoming seriously
involved in state troubles. The 83-year-old
patriarch of Moscow has had two
conferences with the czar at his death
bed, but no one knows the purport of
this talk. The second son of the czar is
very desiiotic, and opposed to the liberty
of the people, and of an envious nature.
He is a fine soldier, fond of light, a mar
tial fellow and very ambitious. He is
the enemy of F'ngland, Germany, and
above all, America. He not only in
tends to increase the size of Asiatic Rus
sia, but will attempt the tremendous
task of bringing Retiring straits under
Russian control and extending the em
pire in the direction of America. This
prince is by all odds one of the greatest
generals in Russia, having been with
Gourka and Timaschiff, und having
studied with the latter. All the cabinets
of Europe are alarmed. It is rumored
that the entrance of England into the
dreibund, that is the triple alliance, is
abont to take place. Already lietween
Russia and Fance secret relations have
been entered into."
Dr. Schmidt is a second lieutenant tc
the Russian army, traveling on leave.
He is liound for Japan and the Orient.
The 4erntan r'orrea Irtorloiift., Oct. 15. A dispatch ironi
Major Lentwein, imperial commissioner
of Southwest Airica, in command of the
expedition 0erating against the power
ful Hottentot chief, Henik Withboi, an
nounces the latter has yielded to the
Germans, w ho haveoccupied his strong
hold. Advices from Willish bay, Sep
tember 25, announce that Major Lent
wein August 12 stormed Chief Witboi's
camp. Witboi escaped ami subsequently
sent messages with offerings of peace to
Highest of all in Leavening
Absolutely pure
! the German commander. During the
engagement Lieutenant Dietl and
eight German tioopers were killed and
Edorffand lotroopcis were wounded.
Witboi has lieen giving the German
j trouble for u long time.
! A liturliaiire
isn't what you want, if your stomach
I and bowels are irregular. That's about
all you get, though, with the ordinary
pill. It may relieve you for a moment,
but you're usually in a worse state
than before.
I This is just where Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
I Pellets do most good. They act in an
i easy and natural way, very different
! from the huge, old-fashioned pills,
j They're not only pleasanter, but there's
no reaction afterwards, and their help
lat. One little sugar coated pellet for
a gentle laxative or cot recti ve three for
a cathartic. Constipation, Indigestion,
Billions Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and
Billions Hhadaches, are promptly re
lieved and cured.
They're the smallest, the easiest to
take and the cheapexl pill you can buy,
for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction
or your inony is returned.
You pay only for the good you get.
"When I was a boy," said Mr. Hasbin
Swift, "it was no trick at all for me to
handle a horse. I'd take the wildest
kind of an animal and run him once
around the track, and then he'd be
broke." "I suppose you enjoyed that
more than the horse did?" "I guess so.
But the horse got even. Xow he runs
around the track once, and when he gets
through I'm broke." Washington Star.
When persons are weak and languid,
from sickness or overwork, feel debil
itated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, aud they
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose is Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength
ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
flow of cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per
bottle. F'or sale by the Snipes-Kineraly
Drug Co. "
Mr. Bicker (to colored servant) You
do as I tell you. Tm the master of this
house. Mre Bicker and I'm the mis
trees of it, so you'll mind me before any
one else. astus Dat's all very well.
I doan care a picayune w'ich is de mas'r
or de missus. What I want'r know is
who's de boss? Truth.
Every mother should know that croup
can be prevented. The first symptom of
true croup is hoarseness. This ia fol
lowed by a peculiar rough cough. If
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i given
freely as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the cough has de
veloped it w ill prevent the attack. 50
cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
Young Housekeeper Those soles I
bought from yni were not fresh. Fish
man Well, nun in, that be your fault
it liean't mine. I've offered 'em yer
every day this week, and you might 'a
'ad 'em days liefore if you'd 'a liked!
Tib-Bits. '
"Ah !"' muttered the skeleton in the
closet, as it listened to the conversation
at the breakfast table ; "going to move
into a flat, eh? That" It was lost in
painful thought. " means the coal bin
or the air shaft for yours truly." Puck.
Flitii-Flain Yon seem to be down ou
Miss Highfiy all at once. Didn't she re
turn your love? Jim-jam She re
turned my love all right, but there was
a diamond necklace that seemed to1 es
cape her recollection entirely.
Young woman I bought these hair
pius here yesterday for a first class
article. Dealer Don't they wear well?
Young woman Well, I should say they
don't. Why, I've ruined tiAe in try ing
to unlock my trunk. Judge.
Thinkitt How complete the big dry
goods stores are nowadays. Do you
know that they serve luncheon for shop
pers? Knowitt Yes, but they' don't
provide board and lodging for customers
waiting for their change New York
Tired Tolliver Better look out about
goin' In dere, F'ray. You might get in
trouble; dat's a young lady's seminary.
F'rayed Fagin (jauntily) Dat's all right,
old feller. I kin take care of meself
.n', besides, dis ain't leap year. Puck.
Send Rye, 75 cents per bushel, at
Joles, Collins A Co.'s
Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report