The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 13, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Gbronicle.
gnwml l the rwioflw i 1 " Iall. Oregon
a mpoiiJ cl rnatwt.
Sleeve Md Kelly ladli-led.
Poktlasd, (Vt. 10. The grand jury,
after rapid, but thorough investigation
of tbe Sayres murder, has returned an ti. j;. Ferris has on the grouuds a
rnrliitlnl from Fim pa?.
One Tear ' " 2
8ix mont J
Tare month
Advertising rate rvouable, bimI made known
ea avvlieauou.
Ailtre all romutmiliatlou to "THE I'RRON
ll'l.K. Tin- laile. uiw
indictment against Xenophone X.
Steeve anil Joseph ("Bunco"! Kelly for
murder in the first degree. This was
not unexpected.
Immediately alter the indictment had
been returned, the district attorney '
aked the court (or an order to the ell'eet j
thoroughbred, stallion, Larry O'Caff. !
He aln bag a string of race horses
Chester it, Xola ti and l!lue Jay. all of
viliich liave been very successful in taU- j
lilt; pluses.
There are some fai't horses this year
ah6 record are ivtv down. The
3 OUR l
Saturday, Oct. 13th.
that Tom Burns, James J. Mehan, John j class of contestants was never bettor nor
TV Iailu and Wttklv Chraniclt mnjr
fce found on taU at I. C. XickrUrn'i ttvre. I
TtUpkout Xo. 1. i
the races freer from taint of jobbery. It 1
is confidently expected the running!
record will lie lowered today and possibly j
the trotting record.
attendance last evening at
Now Commands the Uulf
Carroll and Robert Garthorne be held in
bonds of $i,000 each to appear in court
as witnesses at the trial, and, in addi
tion, that the chief of police turn over to
the clerk the cash bail deposited by
George rowers.
Sheriff Sears and his chief deputy,
manuel Mover, at once called upon
ief Minto with an order for Steves
and Kellv.
j When Steves was brought from his
-! quarters in the third story of
y I ......... :,. 1 . i.fli.ui nf tlm ru!ti
! , , , . , . , , , 1 under the leadership of Prof. Birgfcld, is
. 1. .. l.d.l .-.I , iu.1 n Inf. ipmilil fi
I BltthlllU, i I f mm illll I . I V nil... in. v. '
j pavilion was very large. Xot many new ,
I exhibits came in, as the eutries were1
I already full. The crowd seemed well
, pleased w ith the displays and many com- ,
the citv I ', 1 . , ,
lie line. ine music oi in eorcnesira,
Ten per cent, discount from the regular prices on
all Shoes purchased from us on this day. -
Partugrueee Troop Hemmed In
Stc Karnr--The Irish I'arlla
Mentary Fnnd--Tbe ar
Out llrlvlnf.
j the grand jury's action, and did not coni
i prehend hat his removal signified. He
! shiok hands with a Telegram represen
, tative, remarking :
I "Well. I see they are going to give me
: new quarters."
"Havn't you heard what the grand
jury has done?" asked the reporter,
j "Xo; what is it?"
"They have indicted you and Kelly
' for murder in the first degree."
j Sleeves wa9 lost in reverie a second or
two, when he recovered himself and
said in a nonchalant manner :
"That's very unpleasant, I must lay."
Beyond that he made no rvniark up
on the subject, and a minute later he
walked up second street, smoking a
London-, Oct. 11. A dispatch from j
Tein-Tsin says the Chinese officials no !
longer deny that the Japanese fleet com- j
Biands the Gulf of Pe-Chi-Li. The Jap- j
anese admiral pays a weekly visit to !
every important station on the gulf.
,. i.j.i. i
tagm Japanese cruisers souuueu .e eo- , Mevw IVtective
trance to the harbor of W ei-Ha.-W ei to th
three hours Saturday, then went across . ..
to Port Arthur, whe're they made obser-j ..g., Ke,lr , nen take ou 0,
nuoMiuipii.0i..u...... " hi9 haJ the icture o di jr
market! upon his face. His wrists were
ironed, and Sheriff Sears marched him
through Third street to his new quarters
in the county jai!.
the ciimj The .Taminese fleet returned
to 'Wei-Hai-Wei Monday in single line.
When almost within range the fleet sep
arated and hovered around the harbor
entrance. The Fort fired a few shots,
bet the Japanese did not reply, and con
tinued making observations until Count
ti . ji . : . i ..... : 1 1 ... T .
iluo u-s-u.,., lUr """' j Mav and told him he i-onld make I2.O10
date, fired one gun, whereupon the fleet . ; . . . s s
told him that he was attornev for W. O.
i pioviug a great attraction and is respon
: sible in a large measure, for the large
j attendance. Any time that this or
i chestra will give a public concert they
j may tie sure of a larg attendance and
hearty appreciation. The music last
evening was delightful and the orchestra
I was compelled to respond to several en
! cores. The programme for this evening
1 is as follows :
The decision of the judges is awaited
' with a great deal of interest, and it will
' he extremely hard to decide between
; many of the competitors.
The judges yesterday were Hon. Kobr.
i Mays, A. S. Macallister and YV. X. Wi-
ley. M. A. Moody acted as time keeper.
Our fellow-townsman, Mr. Max Vogt.
deserves great credit for his venture in
hop-prowinc, which has already lieen
mentioned in Tut Cukonri.e. Mr. j
Vogt imported the seed plants to see if
this country could he made to produce j
1 hops, and his venture lias shown con-1
clusively that such is the case. In di- j
versified farming is Wasco county's!
io per cent.
io per cent.
We hare a very complete and large assortment of
Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Children's BOOTS and SHOES,
which visitors to the Fair, as well as our regular
customers, will find it to their profit to examine.
Kelly's statement as to the complicity E eat nope,
of X X. Steeves with the murder is as ' The entire orchestra, under the lead-
follows : Steeves
reformed and steanx'd away in the di
rection of Taku. The Tein-Tsin dispatch
adds a Chinaman arrea.ed there upon
suspicion of being a Japanese spy was
tortnred until he admitted the truth of
the charge. He is to be executed. The
same dispatch says four spies have been
arrested at Port Arthur for cutting sub
marine wires connected with torpedoes.
It is aiso stated that the fire which oc
curred at Tein Tain Thursday was of in
cendiary origin.
Cbineae Ucrulu Are KllT-Ilaff.
Loswos, Oct. 11. A Tein-Tsin dis-
later. Tliev met several times after that.
i and discussed the subject further, but it
I was not nntil after the June election
j that Kel!y agreed to take the "jnb" He
! then told Steeves he would do the bu-i-
patchsays: The Chinese troops arriv- i ness for him. About two weeks before
ing there is much riff-raff, and badly j the murder Keiiy began negotiations
armed. The Chinese government has j with Sayres regarding the imaginary
contracted with German manufacturers ' opium deal.
for quick-firing guns, and the arms are The police have evidence that Steeves
expected to arrive daily. The Japaneese 1 has paid Kelly several sums of money
are watching the coast for the arrival of i at different times,
arms. It is rumored at Tein-Tsin iron-
clad warships have been
approached him last ership of Prof. Birgtield, will furnish
the music for the grand ball Saturday
evening. An elaborate program has
been prepared. The usual Saturday
dance at the armory has been post
poned, and ail its regular attendants are
invited to attend the bull at tht pavilion.
An interesting saddle is on exhibition
in one corner of tli pavilion. It is the
property of Mrs. F. P. Mays, and a tag
on the saddle shorn s it to have taken
the first premium at the Ohio state fair
suits in court brought by Sayres, and in
, which the latter's testimony was very
i important. Steeves intimated to Kelly
! that Sayres was to lie gotten rid of to en-
able him to win these suits. Kelly took
j the matter under consideration, telling
i Steeves he would give him an answer
iu ISol'. The saddle was made before
the tiuie of machine sewing, and is done
entirely by hand.
The roadster race tomorrow promises
to furnish great sport, and every one had
better be on hand to see what sort of
jnckevs some of our business men make.
Tin- liL'i."-st :lanre ever given
Perert Galdos, the Spanish novelist,
has written a play entitled "The End,"
with the explanation that it is to be also
the end of his career as playwright. He
is tired, he says, of the excitements and
disappointments of his carer, longs for
rest, and has made np his mind never to
write for, visit, or read aUiut. another
Shuckleton (in the diamond business'
I had a man in my place tills morning!
who had a wonderful eye. He could tell '
how much a diamond weighed by just j
looking at it. He must have been my j
iceman. Brooklyn Life. '
Government, State, or Italics Military Road Lands,
-: t' A 1.1. ON
Thomas A. Hudson,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR.
If yon want Information rtmrmiiif (.nvtm
men. lnnln,ur liw 1mw rvlatiux thrrvin. you ran
rmiAult him frw of rtiartr?. lit ha turn If a nr
riftltv of ttu bnimji, uml nan prm tuHtl Iwinrc
the I nit! hiaUt Land Otfic lor over un year-
Gnanllan's Sale of Real Estate.
The Ciar Went Irlrln(.
from Austria and the United States.) st. fE-rEKSBrKO, Oct. 11. llie czar
CaDtain Von Hanneken is to rejoin the nJ family on Tuesday drove to the
Chinese service under Admiral Ting's
fleet. The navy is very short of ammu
nition for large guns, and the arsenals
are working day and night furnishing a
It is reported the emperor recently
Yisited Tein-Tsin in disguise to view the
situation. Li Hung Chang is blamed
for Chinese defeats. The children sing
waterfall of Utacham, dear Yoaltan.
St. Peteesbi-rg, Oct. 11. It is an
nounced the Czar wiil leave Crimea for
Corfu Tuesday night.
Xew Yo"k Weklv.
Nol Officially Conilrmefl.
EL1.n, Oct. 11. It is semi-officiallv
!iicu i.Diuuiii in uuii ucrcu, me re- jr.ider Berry Juliiots t-iis me lie sti
pon circu-aieu ny a news agency tnal has srimis doubts about the miracles.
Sutler is hereby riven thit the iiulerii;ul,
iruanlmn of the irsn ami i-Mate ot .Saury
MMnl.'v an aiMl ami Initmi ixthiii, by virtue u
an order of the oiintT l.iurt of the htatr of
I litvgim lor ii rmintv. In probate, maile anil
lenleml on the 4th da, ol svtemlivr, A. 1'.,
Wl, at ttie rvgiiiitr Beriteniber lenii ot said
in The I ''"art f"r 'he year will on satunlav. tieto-
'4111. l.iU . l.n 1 ... i .. ' ...
Dalies is iroing to be given Saturday night ! ani lav. on the premie known the Hunie-
ut the imei ii.i, Kvurv nnu lin . , I "leal of John SUllllev. U-eel. Hi tlialert on llie
at me pavi.ion. everyone who wants , ,,,, Unk , U)r , ul,ln,bl hlv
to lie in the swim shouid tie sure and Hiver. in Vti ( .ouoiy. sute n t-oh. ii at
! Public Aurh.ui In the hihet bhliler lor i-auli In
attenil. Iisiiil. the fullowiiir d-wrliied real iro.-rty b-
T " ; I lollKllift to uiU estate to vrlt
Doctor 1 our bhshiinu does not Bp- 1-ols immliereil line I, 1 wo Jj. Thr e (:11 and
l-.r.ue V. I f""r t'l o! M.'tmn 1 nirtv-two ,V in liiwiinhlp
.'i.fc Thiu. I ' 1 X .... I. ..I 1 ........ L 1 -1.1 I ... i
; ...... i, hi nannc in-ini r.ani 01 '
llie w lliametti' -Vl.Tilnli. eoiitatnitig 1 si 4., lui :
rather tiian physical. Isn't he worrying I omron. T.eiiier with the teiienietit'-'. 'hemii j
aboil- fcinietliiiiL'' Mrs Ill-int to! ' him-nl and aiiwirieiianre tlon-ln Monemc ,
auou. ihjnieininL . Mrs. l,et , All , , , ,,,,,1 , ,lr ,)
me i-e. Whv. of course he is. poor'"""' "'"' beuijivt i. i oniirnidtioti by said :
' oiirt- i
dear. I never thought of it. He is ' ijaied riepteinber 1,,, 1-'. I
probably worrying over the fact that he j 4i.rt , ,r ,.r.on ,ffi"L, j
18 miSning liiree SilTiare UiealS a Uav. i-mnie. , ail aavu an iiinrm leron
pear to lie getting ai;v
think the trouble ismenta
'tter, but I I
or emotional,
He I Agent lor the Kaalern (lreon ljllid
( iminy, biiiI t-an mI1 vou liraKinjt, or I u
Inui'ovisl Arnrtiltural linda In any quantity
dealred, and will ai-ud a l'aniblet ilisierihtiig
the laud to anyone applying to tilm lor IL
lie 1" A ent (or sale of lota In TMiiarwis't ana
tios lo l lie liallea. 1 ma Aiiniuon L laid ns I .
ai-re lot, and dmtined to be the principal real
denee irt ol the cltv IMllr a mlliutea walk
from lourthouM'. IU niiuuln I rum K. K. lieioL
Hrttler Located on Coerntnelit Land.
If i want to Morrow Money, on Long or Hhnrt tine, he can necoaumodate .
Write fire. Life, and Accident Inanrauee.
If yon cannot call, write, and your letter will be promptly anawered.
Parley dtb
i SiiceewxirB to L. V. Frank, (let-earn!.)
songs ol ridiculing him, and placards ol , China has requested the meditation of )r. Thirdly Whv should he have?
the same character are posted in the , ijeruiany in the war with Japan.
ttreets. The Chinese declare Kuseia is
aiding Japan.
. He coiuiiiDia PacKino Co..
Japanese feple Beheaded. 1
Sbasdahi, Oct. 11. It is reported here j
two Japanese spies arrested in this city, I
have been taken from Yamen at Xank-1
ing, bound band and foot and carried to j
a place of execution, where they were
beheaded. There were no signs of tor
ture upon the prisoners. A rnmor has
reached here that another outrage upon
a missionary has been committed at Xew
Cbwang. '
Irish Parliamentary t'nnd.
Diblin. Oct. 11. Freeman's Journal
The Tower Have Agreed.
Beklis, Oct. 11. Tiie Cologne Gazette
asserts the European powers have agreed j
upon a Corean policy, and aiso decided j
not to hinder the Japanese advancing ,
' upon Pekin.
Yellow f ever In Alexleo.
I Oaxaca, Mexico, Oct. 11. There is
j much excitement in the state of Cam- !
j peche and the island of Carmen, over I
! yellow fever, which is causing a large i
! number of deaths. '
Elder Uerry He can't gt over the fact
that the witnesses lo them were mostly
fisherman. Xew York World.
I'.ld la by Mockholder.
MiN.sEAP0l.lfi, Oct. 11. The stock-
committee bid in the Miu-
the Irish parliamentary fund have been j neapolis & St. Louis road today for H,
returned w ith a letter of explanation and I UOO.OOO.
aava the snltarrintiona of Englishmen In : holders
thanks. Gladstone's check for 100 1
has been accepted, however, as he is nol
longer minister. j
Largeat heore Ever Made. j
Ciiicaoo, Oct. 11. The largest score ;
ever made by a cavalryman was made at j
inerori eneriuan i niteti fciates armv
shoot today by Sergeant Charles Kers
ton of troop D, First cavalry. He made
ii aiiuib uui vi m pvaaiuic tjval ovo yarue t
range, using a regular array carbine.
The Mongolia Kebellioa. j
BKLi.t, Oct. 11. The Tagblatt pub
lishes a dispatch from St. Petersburg,
which says its correspondents learns the
object of the leaders of the rebellion in
tbe Chinese province of Mongolia is to
secure the annexation of that territory
to tbe Kutsian empire.
Japanese ftaln Another Faint. !
Yokohama, Oct. 11. The Japanese j
have occupied th eonth bank of the
the Yalu river after driving the Chinese J
out. j
earthquake la Greece. )
I Athens, uci. 11. four earthquake
shocks were felt here last night. j
A stimulant is often needed to nourish !
' anrl trnnufhn t,a em,taun4 in lun ,l.A
- -"j. ....... ...w . w . . i n . . . . v h cr , oir ;
hair a natural color. Hall's Hair lie-1
- are all intimaely connected
" practically itierpara
..t Iiiongh the fact is
ignored, it is nevertli
'- true that a good com)
ion is an imfiouiuuuy
- out good digestion, wmcn
3Tr ,n lurD depends on good
- . looa.
There fa no more cotnmr.n I.
cauw of tndigrtion than
'lSz lafd. Let the bright house-r
. keeper use ;
Pork and Beef
Food - - - Fine Lard and Sausages.
Digestion- - I
Complexion - I t a
- - : Curers of Vy BRAND
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
j Wbolcsale anil Retail Dealers in Harness, Bnfllcs, Whips, Eorse Elanlets, Etc.
j Fell Assortment or Mexican Sailulcry Plain or Stamped.
1 'There is a tide in J lie ajfairs 0 men which, taken at its fioM
leads on to fortune."
gT i Dried Beef, Etc.
Th Naw Vagatabla Shortcnini;
newer is the lst tonic for the hair.
Heaimd la by Kernr.
Lisiio.N, Oct. 11. A dispatch from
Lou re n co Marques, Italagoa Bay, says j signed,
the I'ortuguese there are hemmed in bv j
30,000 Kaffir natives. The town is j raniine What's yo' Uken' de rar.z-r j
strongly barricade.!. The natives j to church fo'? rUsberry Weze goin' to 1
burned many houses in the suburbs j politely request de pa-tir to resien i
xrnm the fair grounds, one biack
mare, white bind foot, small white snot :
iu forehead, and one light sorrel horse, j
white hind fojt, small white strip in
face and saddle marked, both branded
on left stifle. Horse aiso branded A 1
on the right hind leg. A liberal reward j
will be imid for information which will
lead to their recoverv. bv the under-'
A. t. Macai.mntkk.
The Ialles, Or. ;
- and substitute for lard, and :
her cheeks, with thoc of ;
her family, will be far
! more likeiy to be " Like s i
- - roe in toe snow.
CoTTOLRHF. is clean, tleh rT- l'-.r
. " cale, healthful and fifiju- .. --
lar. 1 ry it for yourself, trr z
1 tapce reau in ttamfn to N. m ' - -k
latrbank ii ( o , (.fie -iff'. , i tt
- ' -"i--rTi-i -ii,1rf .ii.1 j
Cfwainii'it hoadred rcipet, -
ereturcii lv nmc miaeat author -
'-I oa cooaiog.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
j The poet unquestionably had reference to the
iliBli-Ulll -
1 "Frtire Hrt
Who are soiling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
rtadc only by
N. K. Fairbank & Co.,
I'rividence Journal.
! "I BAKE OVEN. ha irot mint npiendid Farnm '
i and iid payiiie Town l-rnio-rty iu the Wllla .,- i
I ette Valloj for ln tn-rj eii,,, and on eaay Irreu
Home ol the farm, to ru lianai- lor KaaWn j
I Orenon propettr Write fur lint arid term. !
j French Percheron Stallion,
V sj.i'M In irrwl fl--h fsomi-K nu Hnrr F,ml
iitrttr W il ' iM-ll for (n-li rr ikiI-w with
(jr hr. r rtt.
Kerr &. Buckley,
Gr"s Vallev, Or.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Raggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of th Wetr
L'nion Telegratili Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.