1 IS f r -w V VOL. IV. THK DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OUKCiOX, SATURDAY, OCTORKR 1.5. 181)1. NUMBER 42. EXPLOSION IN A MINE Was Caused ly a Woman's Carelessness. FOLK LIVES AKE I'KOHAHLY LOST Ntrui k by a Tralti ml t Ijlit Kllld--Flra l'rl Klllad lijr IJyuanilla :lnnloo--Miir-a drrar Hanged l.jr a Ml. SiiAU.Jkiv, l'u., Oct., S. By un ex plosion in I lie Ijtke Fiedler mine abaft one man was killel and (our others im prisoned, with no avenue of escane. The Hlmft i- on fire. Fifty-fiveworkmon were tuken ' alive. The lire nit. ! in the air way of No. 1 thufl late la -v ii'trht. lrvin Buffmgton, whom the colliery officials hold rospons iljle fut the disaster, is (lead, George Brown, u minor; his Polish helper, Anthonv Koliertiky ; a driver boy, and another 'oliHh laborer, are iiithe mine, and hope in entertained of recovering them. Tiie mine in a mass of flainei and raniuit he approached from any direc tion. It i feared the inside workii: ill have to he flooded, which meuiia tunny month of idleness to (MX) em ploy en. Superintendent Morris Williams, ol the Mineral Railway Company, says that while lrvin Buffmgton, John Anderson, jr., and other were timbering No. 1 huft, Buffington disobeyed orders by lighting a nuked lump in the air course, for the purpose of testing the uir. Ihe spark set fire to the timbers, dry ns pow der, und the current currried the flames up and down the shaft like lightning. Butlingtou returaed to the bottom shult to exchange his gum boots for shoes. This delay cost him his life. Superiu tendent Williams, Mine inspector r.remner, Inside Foreman Ilehr and Kennedy formed relief parties and rescued 110 imprisoned workmen by way of the coal run workings. Workmen cannot get near the fire on account of the smoke and gas, und the flumes can not be fought with any success. Liirumiill. lu the Mud. Oakland, Cal. O a. ". At i o'clock the hroud-guuiie locui from East Oakland ran into uu open switch and off a blind track into the mud flats about 1 ,000 yards west of the station this morning. There wus a heavy fog ut the time und the en gineer hud the piston valves open blow ing steam, so he did not notice anything wiong until he hit the bumper ut the end of the switch. The engineer and firemen jumped just us the smoker telescoH!(I Into the engine. Owing to the softness of the ground the engine sunk, thus stopping the train before it wus derailed. No one was hurt, but everyone was given a bad scare. Traffic was only delayed until n new engine could I brought up from the West Oak hind round house. A similar accident ocou-red at the same place about 10 or 12 years ago, when it took a week to re cover the engine. A Kunawajr Hailroad Train. Ahiikvii.i.k, N. C, Oct. 0. A aoutli lwund freight on the Asheville A Spar tunburg road ran away down a heavy grude on buluda mountain this morning, uu engine and 14 cars piling up in a deep cut. Kngineer Beoriuan and a truin hund have not been found. Fireman York was buried under the wreckage, and it is thought is dead. Conductor Will ration had hi leg and hip badly crushed. Kirk ad by a Horn. Sam Johc, Oct. 9. Benjamin Hamil ton, a 12 yeaJ old boy, was fatally in jured lust night, being kicked in the head by a horse. The boy was stealing a ride on an electric car and the conductor or dered him off, and in mailing his escape, the boy jumped in front of horse and had his skull so injured that an ounce of brain matter had to be removed. Four Huppoaad to ba lrowoed. Syi.ney, N. E. V, Oct. 9. The steam er Ixjiidon, from Adelade for Freemantle, went ou Pollock reef, off the wett Aus tralian coust, October 0. Of the 104 pas sengers all but four made their way on bonis and rafts to South Fast island. Thirty-six members of the crew were saved. The four missing passengers are supposed to have been drowned. Killed by Uynamlla. f J Hon wood, Mich., Oct. 9. John Ka zellu, a miner, last night put a half box f dynamite in a stove to thaw it out. His family consisting of eight iersons, were seuted around the stove, w hen sud denly there was a terrific explosion. Five of thosu present were instantly killed and three others are injured. JI.E THK ATLANTIC. Murh laitiaf !mi Along Iba Mtorr at Nrar Jri.ey. Ni:w Yoiik, Oct. 10. A Horiu which broke shortly after midnight has done great damage on sea and land. The trails of the New Jersey Southern rail way between Seabright and Highland lieuch, N. J., are covered with sand washed up on them by the waves. The fishing smack Louise, driven anhore at Highland I leach, is a total loss. The crew was tuken off by the lifesavingcrew. A stcuiiiship apparently in distress was sighted about daylight at anchor some distance oil' Img Branch, hut the sea wus running so high no etlort was made to establish communication between the steamship und shore. The steamship dews not seem to lie in immediate dan ger. In Seabright and vicinity buildings were nnroofod. At Long Inland City a big iron tank belonging to the Kat-t Kivcr tias Company wus blown down to within five feet of the foundation. The tank was 200 feet high and 185 w ide. Wires were all blown down, and small boats aiong the shore from long Island City to Bowers' Beach were broken and thrown uK)n the lieuch. The trolley w ires of the Brooklyn railroad ut North Beach were broken, and the cars urc not now being run. The ferryboat II art ell of the Sixty second-street ferry was dis abled on entering the slip at Long Island. A new engine-house ut the corner of Steiuway and Flushing avenues was blown dowu. Ad unusually high tide washed the east end of Suteu Inland doing considerable damage to small yachts. In Jersey City three horses were killed by coming in contact with live wires. Many shade trees were uprooted. The only steamers thut readied quarantine this morning were the Manitoba from Kio Janerio; Teu tonic from Berlin. The vessels due to day are the Alesia from Naples; Havel from Bremen; Kron Prinz Frederich Willhelm from Naples; Mobile from London; Scandiu from Hamburg ; State of Nebraska from Glasgow ; and Wille Had from Bremen. Several ste.ameis from Southern and West Indian jioints due today are no doubt receiving the full force of the gale. They are the Carbibl from Barbadoes ; El mar from New Orleans : Neuces from Galveston; and Yucatun from Havana. Off Bell Haven, near Greenw ich, Conn, the yacht Verona is ashore w ith every prospect of becoming a complete wreck. At Knglewood a falling chimney killed Miss Mary Kerr, 1 years of age. The tug Bell Williams having in tow seven barges loaded w ith coal, at Lloyd's har bor, L. I., were all driven arhore. Four HTNons known to be on the bouts 8re missing. About S a. m. an unknown schooner w as seen off White Stone, L. I., going before the w ind in the direction of New York. Her foremast was gone und most of her bow torn away. Tim Latest In Taniuiany lOTr.tlcatluli. New Youk, Oct. 10. The Lexow police investigation committee resumed work today. Among the crowd that gathered today iu the court were several police captains whose faces had not been seen there before. Warden Ledwith of the io!iee court prison told the committee about certain abuses in those institutions which he was investigating. General Forget of the French steamship line, testified that his company has paid $500 to the police for extra services. Policeman on the pier were paid $19 a week, and $500 went to other police officers. One of the company's books was produced, showing that in Nov. 1891, $"00 had been paid for "sieciul service on the pier." Mr. Goff asked if l'olicemati Dcgan had been removed from the pier because he refused to devide with the captain the money he received. Policeman Degan tentilied he was stationed on the F rench line pier for ten years and the company paid him $10 week for working overtime and on his days off. In 1HU1 Wardsman Vail told told him he must pay $10 a wek to cap tain Schmittberger. Degan refused, saying he was already paying the cap tain to a week and the latter would soon want his whole salary. He was prompt ly removed to another beat. All police men, he said, shared their extra money with the cuptains. Hanged by a Mob. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 9. Alexander Richardson, a white man, was hanged by mob in Irvine, Ky., last night. He murdered Mrs. Wyle, white, the wife of a farmer, Saturday njght lk'abrraka Bauk Cloaad. Kkabnky, Neb., Oct. 11. The direc tors of the First National bank closed its doors today and ordered the follow ing notice posted : "This bank has sus pended payment owing to the Impossi bility to moke collections or realize on Bsaels. There is no special excitement. Other banks Bre not affected. SECOND DISTKICT FAIIi. A I I I.I. AHOI NT OK THE M1W 1I rKKKRHT II I KITH. Great Karlna; During the IMITerciit Kuj. -- aplendlit Mmir and (.nod Attendance. Today's attendance ut the fair wna much IxHter than that of yesterday. The good weuther continue, and the good roads accounted for the presence of quite a number of country people. Many carriages, with their occupants, were lined along the fence of the track ; the grand stand was well filled, and al together the ight was much better than yesterday. The Hock sheds and ela'is are full of premium-takers. Some fine animals are to be seen by walking among the stock. Mr. Uobt. Kelly, our genial deputy nheriff, has some imported stal lions, w hich are noble-looking animals. Montfred and Verney, 4-year-olds, are entered in the sweepstakes for perche rous. He also has, in the class of graded draft animals, two mare?, Bluet and Dell, and one stallion named Kingaley. In the cattle exhibit are found under Mr. Kelly's name, one Devon bull, 3 years, one breeding cow, one beiier and one bull calf. Mr. Kelly's exhibit is a very fine one and calls forth much interest. Sheriff Driver keeps tip his end by a good exhibit of cattle. They comprise one thort hoin bull, 4 years old, one short horn cow, 14 years, one calf, 3 weeks, one yearling heifer, (short horn), one Devon bull, one Devon cow, one mare and colt. Truman Butts has a very nice exhibit of some DunrcK-k pigs, 5 months old, three Guinea fowls, two bronxe turkeys, three geese, and 1 half-blood Jersey cow. Owing to lack of space in today's issue a more extended notice of the stock will have to wait till tomorrow. The first race today was a 'g mile and repeat. The first heat was run by Blue Jay, Jim Crow second, Tampa 3rd, Kockland Boy 4th, time 27J. The re mainder of the races will be told in to morrow's Chkonicle. The entries for the pony race are Nailer, entered by A. Alien ; Nelly Illy, entered by ChaB. Snelling; Tommy, by J. T. Drepps; Pet, by T. Maloney, and Celilo, by A. Allen. AT THK PAVILION. The pavilion opened its doors to the public at 5 p. m. yesterday. In the evening, when the large arc lights were turned on, the building presented a brilliant appearance. Nearly all the space is taken, and more exhibits are continually arriving. The crowd was not so large as the management ex pected, but the first night is cot usually the best one, and it is confidently ex pected the tucceeding nights will see the pavilion filled, as it should be, with interested spectators. The orchestra dispensed sweet music, and added fresh laurels to its already full crown. Lavit-h as may the praise be, too much cannot lie said appreciative of the music. The selections were of a high order and ren dered with a grace and expression that placed the orchestra bevond the limits that mark the amateur. The Dalles is fortunate, unusually so, in having in its midst such an organization that is a source of so much pleasure to all lovers of the harmonies of music. Our orches tra should be given every encourage ment, and those who pay the price of admission can lie sure of receiving fully their money's worth. The program for this evening is as follows: THE KXIIIIIITS. Among the exhibits which came in during the afternoon is a beautiful col lection of painted china ware from the hand of Miss Besse Lang. This exhibit is much admired, and justly so, and each piece shows skillful work. Mrs. Barrett receives much praise for her collection of oil paintings. They make an impression of which she may well be proud. Two were especially noticeable, one a paintingof the "Mount of the Holy Cross," the other a marine, showing a brilliant sunset at sea, with a steamer passing a rocky headland upon which the surf is dashing. Mis. C. F. Stephens has a nice ex hibit of paintings, some oil and some water colors. Two tables, neatly set and covered with jars of preserves form the exhibit of Mrs. Dr. Shackelford. They look very inviting for a feast. Mrs Happner and Miss Heppner have some pretty studies in oil on exhibition, whtch are possessed of much merit. Mrs. J. Wycke and Mrs. Byrne have an exhibition of canned fruits, jellies and preserves, their first venture in this branch of culinary art. They certainly are good beginners. Farmer Southwell has some bee-hives, which show the bees making honey. The Diamond Mills have a pyramid of flour, which shows the product of East ern Oregon and Washington hills and valleys made ready to I shipped abroad. Mr. I'.inil Schanno has a variety of ligs, which shows for what varied fruits our climate is adapted. lien Southwell has quite a numlier of l.-oxes containing dried fruit. He also shows some whopper sunflowers and different varieties of grains. W. J. Davidson, who lives on 8-Mile creek, brought in a large assortment of potatoes, big fine-looking fellows. Around a pillar he has placed speci mens of wheat, barley, oats, and other grains, which show better than words could of Wa?co's productiveness. Mr. Horn, from Thompson's Addition, shows some luscious grapes, which grew in that locality. Mr. Cooper, another of Dry Hollows successful farmers, shows some fine bunches of grapes. One corner of the pavilion is devoted to the display of II. L. Kuck. A fine array of saddlery and harness outfits make a neat exhibit. YLbTEKDAY'S backs. It took a long time to start the horses in the fim race yesterday and the crowd was getting rather impatient, but when the flag did fail and the horses went away in a bunch one of the prettiest races followed that was ever seen on any race tract. Tho entries were Powder, Jim Crow, Blue Jay, Grover and Sir Henry. In the mutuals Jim Crow was a hot favorite with Powder second choice. The race was a quarter dash. Each horse, as all passed the grand stand in warming up, seemed in the pink ot con dition. Much delay was experienced in starting. Four would generally get away all right but one would lag behind and spoil the start. Finally the word was given and away they went all in a bunch. As they rounded into the home stretch Powder was in the lead and seemed to have the race but Blue Jay took the whip and forged ahead till they came under the wire neck and neck, so close together were they and to anyone not directly in line with judge's stand neither one seemed ahead. The judges decided in favor of Blue Jay, much to the satisfaction of those who bought on the field and to the chagrin of Powder's backers. The order of winning was: Blue Jay, Powder, Jim Crow, Grover and Sir Henry, time 24?4' Beconds. The mutuals paid 6. To all lovers of a good race this performance gave great satis faction. They were all out for blood and not a shadow of doubt existed but what every horse was urged to his beet. Kight here it may be stated that a great spirit of fairness mark the entire conduct of the f:ir. Thero is no jockying nor semblance of anything crooked and any one w ho eii joys a contest of striving for mastery, whether in man or brute, will le well pleased with tho races at this season's fair. The second eve:it was the ?8' mile dash. Four horses were entered : Token, I Don't Know, Chester G. and Volta. In the mutuals I Don't Know sold as the favorite, with Token as second choice. This race was also a very pretty one and had the added merit of little de lay at the post. I Don't Know won by a length, Token second, Volta third and Chester G. at the rear; time, 1.03,34 Volta finished second under the wire but vhs set back to third place on account of a foul. Tburaday'a Dully. The third day was more windy than the previous one but the attendance was fully as large. The stock exhibit in the southwest corner is attracting a great deal of attention, and between the races the animals are visited by large numbers of people. We bad promised to give a more extended mention today of the different stock exhibits, but the press of matter has compelled it to wait till to morrow along w ith the resume of today's races. A large attendance is looked for Friday and The Chkonicle hopes to see the grand stand full of spectators. yehtekday's hacks. The races yesterday were fully as in teresting as those of the day previous. The trotting race proved a drawing card and was witnessed by a larger crowd. The horses were of a high class and many expected the trotting record for this track to be beaten. The second heat on the mile and repeat was won by Tampa; Jim Crow second, Blue Jay third and Kockland Boy fourth; time, 37' seconds. As both Blue Jay and Tampa had won a heat, another one was necessary to decide the race. The horses were evenly matched and the race was a hot one from start to finish. Tampa won ; time, 3834. The pony race excited much interest especially among the youngsters on the ground. There were threo entries Pet, Tommy and Ce llo. The horse carrying the lightest weight won after a close rai-e. Pet first, Celilo second and Tommy third. The mile trot, best three in five, was the event of the day and held the crowd till nearly dark. Montana, Humrock and Carle Carne were the entries and they are all speeders w ith fast records. Carle Carne was the favorite in tho mutuals and took the lead and held it to the fioibh, although hard pressed ut lifferent times by both Hamrock and Montana. Montana is a fast horse, probably the fastest of the three, but not having on the proper harness broke badly and lost the race. Carle Carne won three heats, Hamrock second and Montana third ; time 2.40, 2.:).S'.j, 2.30. AT TIIE PAVILION. The attendance was good ut the pa vilion last evening, and much praise was heard on all sides for the beauty of the exhibit. Much space that was va cant has been filled, and the whole dis play can now be called complete. We are sorry more of our merchants have not taken room and made displays. Only three or four of.our stores are rep resented, and there should be a much greater number. This annual fair has become a great thing in the life of The Dalles, and could be made of much more vital interest and profit if our people generally would take a heartie interest. The ladies of The Dalles come in for a word of praise for the liberal manner in which they have risen to the occasion. The art exhibit, including fancy work, embroideries and needle work, is the finest ever eeen in The Dalles, and we know of no town that can do equally as well. Some of the work would hold its own anywhere, and under any competi tion. The farmers have not sent in their contributions as we would have liked to have seen them do. Mr. Schanno, who is an authority on such matters, says the fruit and vegetable exhibit should be much larger. Our citizens are glad to look at the different products from the farms, and the farm- erg can be sure their efforts will receive a hearty appreciation. The music last evening was up to the high standard we have come to expect of it. Each piece was heartily received, amid many expressions of praise. The program did not contain quite as many popular melodies as the one of the pre vious evening, but they were all ren dered in spleudid style. Following is this evening's program : NEW EXHIBITS. Among the new exhibits wo noticed was a pan of ripe strawberries from the garden of J. H. Stadleman. They looked as rosy and luscious as though it were springtime. Mrs. John Filloon shows some beauti ful oil painting, which attract much at tention. One in particular, entiled "Hurd Times," is a picture of much ex pression and feeling, and is readily classed as one of the very best in the hall. Mrs. G. C. B'akeley bus some, very pretty specimens of embroidery work and painting on silk. A piece of embroidery by Lena Nyhus, a 14-yeur-old girl, shows much skill for one so young. Miss Alice Hall, iu charge of the Kin dergarten, has an exceedingly choice ex hibit of Houiton point lace work. Some plain hand sewing by Mrs. T. S. Lang is very interesting, as it shows something different from the luce work, which seems to predominate. There is a tobacco exhibit by B'.-n Southwell, which shows how well the "weed" would grow in this climate. Mr. Southwell is one of the most effi cient aides in the success of the fair. Marshal Hill, Itobt. Cooper and Dave Creighton have each exhibits of water melons, muskmelons and vegetables. Frank Kramer haa some FVyptian rye, which is plump and undoubtedly a fine variety. An exhibit of hops by Max Vogt proves how well they would grow in this vicinity. They were grown on Mr. Vogt's farm, some fifteen miles from town. Mrs. J. C. Woixl has a fine array ol canned fruits, joiliea and vegetables. Mrs. Snipes, Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Niel sen, Miss Southwell, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Wycke and Mrs. P. Morgan have all samples of bread. Some have also cukes entered, which look tempting enough. 1'riduy i Dully. J. P. Mclnerny's fine horse Rockland Boy had its leg broken yesterday in the second heat of the . mile and repeat, An accident like this always causes a shudder ot sympathy from the wit nesses, and there was genuine sorrow in the crowd when the noble horse pain Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE fully 1Iiiimm1 across, his foot dangling loosely from a broken joint. The damage was done on the turn into the home stretch, but just how it occurred Is a mystery. Some think the horse's hoof struck a small stone und turned, but an examination of the track found no stones that would cause such an occurence. The jockey's explanation was that the foot was twisted by being placed too much at an angle in turning. Rockland Boy was far in the lead as the horso swung into the last stretch and everyone thought it was his race. As it was the animal shoved fine grit in running a quarter of a mile in such a damaged condition. As soon as possible ho was taken to tho stable and nn examination made by Dr. Long, the owner of Mon tana and a veterinary surgeon of merit, pronounced the break to be between the ankle and the hoof and believed that it could be set. With the help of some of tho attendants he quickly brought the horse into position and placed the leg in bandages. The horse never flinched during the operation and this morning seems free from pain. Rockland Boy was owned by J. P. Mclnerny, of this city, and was a great favorite on the cir cuit, especially at The Dalles. He wag nine years old and had won many races. If he hadn't been hurt yesterday he would probably have added one more to the number, but he will never again pass nnder the wire in a contest. In the same heat, Chester G belonging lo S. E. Ferris, also received a strain inthe front foot, which will put him in the horse hospital for some time. His injury is not believed to be very serious and Mr. Ferris thinks he will recover and be in good condition. Siretta won the 1st heat, Chester G 2nd, Rockland Boy 3rd ; Little Joe 4th, time 52 seconds. In the second heat Siretta agaiu was the winner; Little Joe 2nd; Chester G 3rd; Rockland Boy 4th. Time, 52 seconds. Puree $175.00. The saddle race was for horses owned in this county and limited to "amateurs" only. The purse was $50 and the entries were T. J. Driver's horee Morgan; Red Weasel, owned by J. P. Boen of Wapinitia and Nola G, belonging to S. E. Ferris of The Dalles. The horses went off on a good start and swung into the homestretch nearly even. Then Morgan went ahead and seemed to have the race, when sud denly Nola G forged ahead, Morgan second and Red Weasel third ; time, 55.. The grounds this morning presented an animated appearance. 0-neis of stock wore currying and brushing their animals preparatory to tho decision of tho judges. The trainers were out walk ing their race horses up and down for exercise. Some of the horses were being sped on the track by the jockeys and everything looked as though the biggest day of the fair was to follow. The stalls are nil full ami the stock exhibit is the largest in the fair's history. Among the exhibits whi.ih caught the reporter's eye were gome line looking .Merino sheep, exhibited by A. II. Thompson, Esq. Ho has in the pens 20 Merino yeailiugs ami five grade Merinos, whicii muke an interesting exhibit which will well re pay a visit. He has also a Jersey cow entered. Hon. Roiit. Mays has entered a 3-year-oid Short Horn bull, called Gold Dollar, gentle as a kitten, and altogether a splendid animal. He also has a 2-year-old heifer and calf on exhibition. County Siflveyor Sharp has a largo list of Galloway cattle and one of An gus stock. He says these cattle have been allowed to run wild and no partic ular attention has been paid them, but they have tho appearance of good ntock. P. T. Sharp enters two cattle, one of Angus and the other of Galloway breed. W. A. Sharp enters one cow and calf, Short Horn grade. W. J. Davidson has a mare and colt, besides some pigs, on exhibition. J. B. Morton has a good looking pony in one of the stalls. The stock of Koht. Kelly has already been mentioned. His imported stallions cannot lie beaten for good looks, and at tract many visitors. Mr. U. Guthrie of Sherman county shows a large bull, whose closer ac quaintance we were unable to form. TIiob. tilavey of Diifnr exhibits a fine htrgrt Clydesdale stullion and live mares and colts. Geo. Snipes lias for exhibition some 2 year old black mules w bich, for mules, lire good animals. t outliou'd In Fourth pngc. Edmn