THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1894- ' i A THE WILIKEST SPOT im your whole system, ?rliapa, in the liver. If tliat doesn't do its work of purifying the blood, more trouble come 'from it tluui you can (member. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Duv overy acts upon this weak spot as Bothing else can. It rouses it np to healthy, natural action. By thoroughly purifying the blood, it reaches, builds np, and invigorates every part of the system. For all diseases that depend on the liver or the blood Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness ; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lang-scrofula) in its earlier stages; and the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases, the " Discovery " is the only remedy so unfailing and effective that it can be guar antied. If it doesn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. On these terms, it's an insult to your intelligence to have something else offered as " just as good." Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy by ita mild, soothing, cleansing and heal ing properties perfectly and perma nently cures Catarrh is the Head. Willie Why do you call papa the ap ple of your eye ! Because be is so seedy ? Mamma Oh, no; because be always iallt ot the pound when he is good and mellow. The Eeeleyite. There is no medicine so often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to the purposes for which it is intended, as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a week passes bat some member of tbe family has need of it. A toothache or headache may be cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. Tbe severe pain of a burn or scald promptly relieved and the sore beaied in much less time than when medicine has to be sent for. A sprain may be promptly treated before inflamation sets in, which insures a cure in about one third of the time otherwise required. Cuts and bruises should receive im mediate treatment before the parts be come swollen, which can only be done when Pain Balm is kept at hand. A ore throat may be enred before it be comes serious. A troublesome corn msy be removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two. A lame back may be cured and several days of valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest re lieved without paying a doctor bill. Pro cure a 30 cent bottle at once and you will never regret it- For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Rowley Good Gawd, Cholly ! You've rolled np your trow seres over a foot and a half. Cholly (after a mental throe; Beg pawdon, deah chap, I've rolled 'em np over two feet. Haw ! haw ! Thanks. I'll take a small battle. The Fool. Let it run down, and your cough may end in something serious. It's pretty sure to, if your blood is poor. That ie just the time and condition that invites Consumption. The seeds are soa-n and it has fastened its hold upon yon, before you know that it is near. It won't do to trifle and delay, when the remedy is at hand. Every disorder that can be reached through the blood yield to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For Severe Coughs, Bron chial, Throat and Lung Diseases, Asth ma, Scrofula in every form, and even the Scrofulous affection of the lungs that's called Consumption, in all its earlier stages, it is a positive and complete cure. It is the onfy blood-cleanser, strength restorer, and flesh-builder so effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. Perfection is attained in Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It cures tbe worst esses. Only 50 cents ; by druggists. Rounds What's tbe proper thing to take after a dinner with one's best girl? Zounds Well, if she has an appetite anything like mine, you'll take yourself to your nearest "Uncle." Tbe Enter tainer. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until tbe last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a (rent many years doctors pronounced it local disease, and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dissass and therefore nquirea constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure in tbe market. It is .taken internally in doses from 10 drops to m teaepoonful. It acts directly on the bloodnd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars nd testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. 'Hold by Dnggists, 75c. TERRIBLE Am On) Thai MrlkM Terror Is Fmi red IWnnrH of th Kink. The author of "The Naturalist in La ' Plata" give an iiuprersive tic script ion 1 ! of the terror prmleevo by the appear-. ! auoe it a ratner suieu ntiwu. n a spe i cics unknown to him. although he ha , seen it a hundred times. It i a inarch i hawk. That is to any it Keeks it prey : in marshes. ! 1 have frequently seen all the inhahi-, I tant.s of a uiarsh struck with puuic. uet- j I ing as if demented cud suddenly crown j cnrvlcss to all other thingcr. m such occasion 1 have lt.l;cd up. confident of i aevinc this particular hawk suspended j above them in the sky. j All birds that happen to le on the i wing drop into the reeds or water as if shot. Ducks away from the shore stretch out their necks horizontally and drag their bodies. uj if woundod. into closer cover. Not one bird isf.mud bold enough to rise und wheel about the marauder a usual proceeding in the case of other hawks: while at every sudden stoop of the falcon a low cry of terror rises from the birds underneath a sound expressive of an emotion so contagious that it quickly runs like a murmur all over the marsh, as if a prist of wind had swept moaning through the rushes. . As long as the falcon hangs overhead, always at a height of about forty yards, j threatening at intervals to dash down, j this murmuring sound, made up of many hundreds of individual cries, is j heard swelling and dyiug away, and ! occasionally, when he drops lower than j usual, it rises to a sharp scream of tor-! Sometimes, when I have been riding over marshy grouno, one ol mese ! hawks has placed himself directly over I my Tiead, within fifteen or twenty yards. It has perhaps acquired the habit of following horsemen in this j way. in order to strike at any birds ; driven up. j Once my hone almost trod on a : couple of snipe squatting, terrified, in the short grass. The instant they rose the hawk struck at one of them, the end of his wing smiting my cheek vio lently as he stooped. The snipe escaped by diving1 under the bridle, and im mediately dropped on the other side of me: and the hawk, rising, flew away. STORY OF A CAT. Can hid Br Much fcH-rtriclty That a Car la Set OB firr. The efficacy of a black cat as a light ning rod has been too frequently the subject of discussion and stissertion to be treated at length at the present time, the drift of which U to show the apt manner in which an illustration of this pormmr lelief can be deduced from an incident that occurred on the eveninr of the fourth of Julv to the wife of s well-known business man of I might become a statne wet. Wa.shing-tm. j On the evening in question the young I Hpoelaiea Caaaa. matron had been expending consider- j S. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was able time and attention upon a hand- j troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, some Mack cat. which she continued to , hg 8lonjcb WM disordered, his liver stroke, notwithstanding the assertion r i i j of her familv t'aat br so doing she r,,., : to n '"f -. P- charnng nerself ' wita electntlt i petite fell away, and he was terribly re Finally after dark the yourip matron j dnce1 ,n fle8n nd strength. Three hot decided that a pleasant "way of wind- i ties of Electric Bitters cured him. ing- np the evening would be to sro for i Edward Shepherd, Uarrisburg, III., a ride on the electric car to llcthtnda. Accordingly, invitirj two of her friends to aceomnwnv her. she set out for the ride in hit.-h spirits. The trio found piaees fcvether near the middle of the car. und had (rone short distance beyond the power hoube when their conversation was inter- mpted by the conductor hurriedly bending ovcr themes though tn them to leave the car with all ftpeed. j as it was on fire. Scarcely had they burst throufh the li.s.r just beneutn j the C1,en Yuen-WM born ,n W'"g the very spot over v hich the young j ton p- ln 183- D(5 gradnated from matron had been nhtinp. the electrical ; Annapolis in 1882. His brother, Aiex epparatus beneath having ignited at i ander McGrlfiin, is one of the professors that very point. ! in a Brooklvn colleee. ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. Tha QiMf t.ffert of rhotocrmphlng I pna Hone Ht!erlafia. "I have witnessed a good many amusing incidents in the course of my career." said a New York photjgrapher. the other day, "but I think the one that struck me as the most ludicrous occurred while I was in Siberia a few years atro. I had my camera wrth me. and spent considerable time in taking I) i i t nri't. i if tho nttmit. anrl Lnmnnifinit I country. I had engaged the services I "What are the relations now between fif two native servants, and one day. i 5"r wife "d yourself?" "Oh, only her having nothing better to do, I induced j mother, two uncles, a sister and a few one of them to sit for bis photopraph. ; cousins." Indianapolis Journal. The fellow had never seen a mirror in his life, and I dare say had no concep-1 Representatives of three tribes aregiv tion of the degree of uglinessexhibited f ing exhibitions of their dances, religions upon his countenance. At any rate he i ceremonies, etc., at the barbecue at manifested no delight at seeing his - .! . . . . . -""."i North l nkima, this week. picture, though his companion ap- 1 peared very much elated, and could Old Fighter Well, I see Japan has not rest until I had taken bis picture beaten China again. Old Sport (absent- k .1 H J!?tU:I"W? plSr B'indedlyv-What was tbe score.-Cin-he also seemed depressed. The ' . . , portraits appeared to have brought to ! cmn Commercial the minds of both strange revelations, t and they retired to their tent in a 1 thoughtful mood, each trying to smooth down tbe bushy locks which crowned their beads. Presently one of them came to me and borrowed a pair of acisaors. and shortly after they re turned with scarcely a vestige of hair remaining on their heads and implored me to take their pictures again. The fruit of tbe camera waa to them like the fruit of the tree of knowledge.' What Ha Want. At tbe hospital the other morning. ' says Life, one of the patients was just ' recovering from an attack of delirium ! tremens, and, as is usual in such casea. deaired to dress and go home more than anything else. It happened that one i of the young ladies connected with the ! flower mission saw him, and, approach-! ing, said: "I have some beautiful rosea here. Wouldn't you like some?" No ... , response- Again she said: "Wouldn't! To purchase five do early pullets, you like to have some of these roses?" j Brahma or Plymouth Rock, cross pre Slowlyhia head turned, and. slightly fetred. Price 12.50 per dosen. Call on opening his bleary ryes, he said, much I or address to the embarrassment of the young j En. M. Hasbimas woman: - i a a uiameu signt rather have my pants." Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running: Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquers Pain. Makes nan or Beast well Sain. 'Aren't von afraid that statue will tbe rain? "Shrink?" idea!" "I thonght it I ahrink jf u" jeH QOt j i ... , iMked ,he cheerful idiot. in ; ,al(1 noet- " nat n j didn't know, you know. 1 had a running sore on bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Cats- j waba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable, j one Electric Bitters and one box 1., Arnica Salve cured him en- I tirely. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Philo Norton McGriffin, commander of Tottie (aed hi I wonder why babies is always born in the night time. Lottie (ajed 7, a little wiser) Don't you know? 'Cos they want to make sure of finding their mothers at home. Tib-Bits. Friend Well. Doc, bow's business? Doctor Fine. Got two new cases in the next room. Friend What, smallpox? Doctor No, champagne. Truth. "On what does Bkifhns base bis suit l'r libel?" "On a caudal reference to b,m t,,e ile, iarof Jn capital case." Washington Star, When some ministers struggle with a ermo a limited-round contest is prefer able to a fight to a finish. Yonkers Ga aette. Ignorance is a grievous burden which men carry without realizing just what it is that weighs ttrm down. Dallas News. "I was in love with a girl four years." "How did that happen?" "Rhe would- n'1 mrr7 me any sooner." Tbe Bene- diet. "" T. WANTED. 2."-lm. Endertby, Or. Wife l am just dying to see the things yon bought while you were away. Husband-F.h? I didn't buy anything. "But you had only one small trunk when yon left, and you hsv come Im k with two." "Oh ! Yes. you packed my trunk for ute, you knoa. When I came to start back, 1 had to borrow another trunk to get all the stuff in.' New York Wet'klv. The Revue de Paris prints a dialogue on Love, which Nepoleon wrote in 171)1, and the manuscript of which was lately found by Frederic Maason. He main tained therein that love is injurious to the community and to individuals, and that it would be a blessing if it could he banished from the world. Rehazin, the ex-king of Dahomey, is about to embrace the K.iman Catholic faith. When M. Carnot was assassin ated, the ex-king ordered a mass tor the repose of his soul. He was greatly af fected by the murder of the late pres ident, and he has been in a low state of health ever since. John L. Sullivan announces that this is his last year on the road, and that he will retire to his Massschottes farm and enjoy the comforts of a farmer's life, lis has been putting aside a little for a rainy day, and now feels he has sufficient for all his needs during the remainder of his Hie. Hop-picking is still going on in the Pnyallnp district, about 400 pickers be ing at work in the Meeker yards. Tbe capacity of the big kilns is not eqaal to the hops picked, and so the pickers hsve to be laid off part of the time. Showery weather has also been interfering with the work. Maurus Jokai, the Victor Hugo of Hungary, is reported to be in a critical condition from the inhalation of char coal fnmes, which he generated in a close room. In a Ct of melancholy be endeavored to destroy himself, but was discovered in time to save his life. there any fossils in this vcinity ? Promt- nent Citizen Y es ; for instance, there is old man Hawbuck. He prayed for two weeks for wisdom from on high to direct him how to vote, and then went and voted the populist ticket. Puck. "What do you think of my daughter's execution, professor?" asked the fond mamma, as tier fair dangnter pounded away at the piano keys. "Think, mad am?" was the reply, "Why, that I should like to be present at it." Half Holiday. "Why is it that the mother-in-law is looked don upon while the father-in law always escapes censure?' "That's easily explained ; the latter plsys poker with his son-in-law, and lets him win every time. Boston Gazette. Hubby How do you suppose the say ing, "There is nothing new under the sun," ever originated? Wide Really, I don't know, unless some woman who wore a bonnet like mine said it to her husband. Itetroil Free Press. Hon. Ralph C. Geer, who lives in the Waldo Hills, is rapidly sinking and his death is momentarily expected. Mr. Geer is one of the oldest pioneers ol Marion county, and was at one time clerk of the county. "Smithhorn is nut the man be was since his wife got her divorce." "Guess you are light. He is Smithhorn now, whereas he used to be only Mrs. Smith horn 's husband." Indianapolis Journal. Critic I suppoee we shall see you at the premiere of your new play this eve ning? Modern female author I beg your pardon, sir, but it is not a play a lady ought to see. Fliegende Blatter. Henry Drum was not nominated by the democrats for congress. The nom inees are II. B. Heuston, of Tacoma, and N T. Caton, of Sprague. Drum is chair man of the state central committee. In her latest poem Ella Wheeler Wil cox announces that she has reached the high noon of life. 1 hat cannot be true. Judging from her poetry she is still sweet sixteen. Brooklyn Eagle. "My lord," said an over-worked par si. n to bis bishop, "I have not bad a holiday for five years." "I am very sorry for your congregation," replied his lordship, with a smile. Tid-Bits. President George B. Roberts, of the Pennsylvania railroad, whose health bas been much improved by his European trip, baa resumed the duties of his posi tion in Philadelphia. Wife Tbe doctor thinks you have en largement of the heart. Husband I thought be must imagine I had some thing of tbe sort by tbe site of the bill he sent me Truth. It is one thing for a man to feel sure that be is a great poet, and quite an other thing for him to be able to per suade other people that he is. Somer ville Journal. "Tell me, mammy dear, wby does papa always scold nurse when you're there and plays hide-and-seek with her when you're not there?" New York Journal. Tbe people of Island City have served notice on the railway officials for the purpose of securing a removal of ob struction in tbe river at that point. The demand in China for peacock j feathers has grown steadily weaker. ' New Y'ork Tribune. j Will 'r Infants and CtUldraa. CaatorU peasant TMg tinw. ami orercuuiM i'latuawcy, Conrtq-atuin, Hour fttomach, PlarrlKra, and Feverishnrws. Thus tbe child at rendered bfaltliy and lu alp awtaimL Cnatorla, contains no Morphias or other narcotic property. "QMlarta Is so wvll attested to etalMraa that I lanururaaad a.ipw loaav raacrtpuua kaowa KM" II. A. S.BC-BEB. M. I., 1U Bout Oxford HI., lirouktra, K.T. " Tar waral yaari I haw foramBl your Caauna,' and .hall alwaya auuunua iloaoan, ml uTJaavarlBblJ wwlia-rd r-arAal rWU. fcnwta I . l aaoaa. M. !.. XSlh Btnat sad Tut Vurfc CUy. -Tha mm of 'OaWorta' Is as etUvataalaad Its aiartta ao wall SaowB that U J-oai a unanraratlna to ndurao U. raw arW la Sltfiaillto. who do not asop Owra wlihwaaavnaca.' - Oa nirn aUarva, I). !., Mow Vurs. City. Taa Camaoa OBsmaav, TT Murray Btraat, K. T. J. a. acaases. J. 11 PTTaiMi. .aaliir. t rmaiiMut. First National Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted l)eposit received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and procetsls promptly remitted on diiv of eollei'tion. Siw'lit and Teiiigraphie Kzchange sjid io New York, f-an Francisco and port land. Ill RRCTOHS D. P. THtmpao". Jno. h iikhcs. En. M Witi.iAHs, tiKo. A l.ikss II. M. BS4LI.. J ry. PjIM Oil OC J w.j BANKERS. ! TSAS-A' I .. ! SAVKIStt MI'SINKMP Letter, of ldit isurl available in tha Kanuni Mate. Sight Kxrhanire and Telegraphic Transfer soid on Sea York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Kranciscn, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wanh., and various points in Or egon and Wasliiuwton. I Collection mad at all points on 's. ' oabl irTtm. CAW I OBTAIN A PATKITS Srotni antiwar aod an annat optnion. wnu io Ml K N V to., woo bar bad uaaf lysftr nan nmm la UK patant feauruaa. Caaaamttm tio strati r eonftnotiJ. A HuiIhi of In. furmauaa luuaimm fataaia and Sow to oa tain lbtD itm tnm. A lao a catalogas mt BMcaaw ami and aoantlSe annaa Mat trwa. Patama uaa tiimtuib Stuns ft Os. weal a anaoal BotMalntba MrtaatlAr Aaaerlraa. ma4 tarn mrm bruuebt wiimiIt aafiira IM public with. Mt euat to tua mrmxtw. Triia abtrwdid bapar, laniM waealT. atacamir lllanralrd. baa try far Uia Mvvaat circulation of anr actanltac wars lu Ums world. S3 a yaar. Banipw chixm amt Iran. haiatina Hiuun, bhuiiiiIt ft lua rw. sinais enpMM. eanta. Krary Dumsar aontaina baau tJful alaiaa. in aolura. and Motorapiia of oant bimaaa. wttb plana, aitabltua buliikn u annw ar ax iiic and avcurrniutrana, aitdrrwi . Win . K 'IH Jt.avmtt.andTnria-Marlr obtained, and all lmt- a in D-mncai conuuciru tur MnocaaTt Sees. oua Office ra Oaeoarrc U. S. eartur omer j $ and wa caa teciii c patent m lu luu taaa taoac remote from Washinrtun. bead model, diawinc or rthoto with deecriB. Jtioo- He adriae, tl patentabHi or not, Irae ol acnanre. Our lot not due till naiem raaecured. I J a PawPMLtT, "How to Obtain f aterrtt," aritb ' Jcoet ol aaaie in tbe V. S. and fcireigacouauica a tent free. Addreat. iC.A.SNOWdrCO. e ow riTtngfritf waSHiMOToa. O. C. COPYRIGHTS. V For i : ly mtrA' a awawwwawwwBwwBwwwaBwawawawaaaaaaaaKwawawaai a New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT&, FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. R. Company, and office of the Westers Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuable. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Blakeley & 175 Second Street, A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. -''-ARTISTS 2v3IA.TEiIA.ILiS. 'Countrv and Mall Orders will receive prompt attention. The Regulator Line" Th Dalles, Portlanj and Aiteria Navigation Co. THROUGH FreiQ'al ana Passenger Line Through Pally Trips (Sundays m eepted) lietween The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill St. dock) at 6 a. m., cntwu-v ina villi StMamar rkmrnlatjk. fr, Tk. Dalles. tAMSKNik.M RATka. One way Round trip. t2D0 S.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, txctpt tar lots, will be brouglit through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must I delivered befott 6 p. m. Live stock shipments solictsd. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAV, ttanoral A mm' THE-DALLES, OREGON J F. FOBD, Eramelisi Of has Mmnoa. Iowa, wniaa note dsai Marca 23, 1SH: S. B. Man. Mro. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Omtlrmrn ; On arriving home last week, 1 louoa all well and anxionsly awaiting. Oat little girl, eight and one-half years old, who hud wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. S. it. Cough Cure has dons lu work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. B. Congh Cure has curse and kept away all hoarseness from ros. So give it to every one, with greeting !i.T all. Wishing you prosperity, we art Yours, Ma. A Mas. J. F. Fokd. If yon wlan to fool traaa and etMsrml,aod isast tor tba Hprttif s work, clean, roar ayasasi wtSi Uw UsadaetM and Uvar Curs, by taking tarsal thraa doana aaeta wapt. old andar s poatuv gnaraataa. ' ' lib rest par bottla by aU draaYWta. ' DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. SI. Q-LEIsTIsr. Houghton, The Dalles, Oregor