The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 10, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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sPf iff
Kiilainl n I'siiiil Wants
Sonic of tin'
sad the Tan. ftrr Japan hip. hint
Will t:ndeaor to I'arcel Out
the I'lunder.
lcliaiMl W ant. a Hand la the ll.nral.
MAveiin'Tfcu,, Oct. ft. The
(iu:inlin, in its issue today, says the
uiinis'eriul council of yesterday wan
iuiuiiiiiihJ f.r the purpose of authoriz
ing show of fore on the part of
land to ci Japan in case of the
eiILle i'l 4 ' make the settle
ment i.( the i . .-uhle lietween Japan and
Ctunn mi into national one, an I not
merely a Japanese affair. In tliii ntstid
England in hacked u by Russia, Ger
many anJ France. Japan, that paper
mvk, in her present mood, will pay no
heed to ttie representations of tlie pow
em unless backed up by tangible evi
dence of an intention to force them.
The lilole and Gazette also nay t
(iurdiuii's article gives the real reas .
for the meeting of the council.
The I'onera An Interested.
I.ovnos, Oct. 5. St. James's Gazette
says interests of Kng'and, France and
Russia are clonely involved In the possi
Ij'if breaking up ot the Chinese empire,
and it in lielieved Russia ling signified
tie cannot any longer regard the prog
ress of events in the far Kant with in
ilitlcrence. The Manchcs'er Guardian
is informed Russia and Great Britain
have definitely decided the settlement of
the war timet he international and not a
Japanese affair. Germany and France
are said to have acquiesced to this deci
sion, while the policy of the United
Su'4 is still regarded as uncertain.
Russia, according to the Guardian, has
already warned Japan that the future of
Cores concerns the Kuhh'ihu government.
Chinese Mate foreigner.
San Fkancimo, Oct. ft. Rev. W.
I!. White and Kev. R. O. Hayden, who
come from the iiteriur of China, arrived
on the ( :artir. They say that the Chi
nese in the localities where they were
barely know there is war, take no
interest in it and have no patriotic lean
inic. "It is true the eiuieror is in dan
ger, as reported hy tlie dispatches
since we left." said Ilayden, "and if he
should tall tliere would he no hope of
saving tlie missionaries, or any other
F.uropeau or American people. The
prejudice against foreigners would break
out and sweep the country. There
would lie no escape except for those
eop'.e w ho Could take asylum aboard
foreign gunboats. Lven the people at
the open ports would not le safe."
Japan.). fairulilus the Coast.
Sii am.iiai, Oct. 5. The Chinese mer
chants are canceling freight contracts to
Che-Foo and Tien-Tsin, ow ing to a re
port the Japanese intended to blockade
these ports. Several Japanese warships
are patrolling the coast near Wei-IIai-Wei,
a Chinese port on Shang-Tung
promontory. They approach the coast
at night and steam away ut duybreak.
It is said the object is to prevent Chin
ese warships leaving Wel-Hai-Wei, or
Tort Arthur, on tlie opposite side of the
Yellow sea. It is stated the Japanese
do uot intend to interfere with the ex
port of coal to China.
Wanted to Hhake Hands.
Ntw Yukk, Oct. 5. A dispatch from
London says: "As the Duke and Duch
ess of York wero driving at Leeds this
afternoon to Yorkshire college, to attend
the opening ceremonies, a man attempt
ed to fores bis way to the carriage. A
lancer struck the man repeatedly, and
he was arrested. The prisoner was an
imbecile, and it is believed that his
action was prompted solely by a desire
to shake hands with the duke and
ftasperled of Marder.
Dtoit, Oct. 5. William D. Troui
bley g locked Dp at police headquarters
on suspicion of being connected with the
murder of Charles B. Chauvin, his uncle.
Trombley is the missing heir to the
Chauvin estate, for whom the police
have been searching New York, and
who sold his interest in the estate to
John II, Beits. Trombley and Seitt
came to iH-troit from New York last
May Cause a t.rueral Kow.
I'akib, Oct. 5. I-e Gaiiloi asks if
British intervention in the Corenn
troubh's might not constitute repeti
tion of the famous coup of 1878, w hich
enabled Admiral Iord John liny to
take possession of the island of Cyprus.
rigaro referring to the same subject,
remarks the RritUli once landed in
China mould not I able to resist the
ihslre to exercise pressure upon the
Japanese t'j prevent them deriving all
the advantage of victory. Troubles may
then commence and the peace of Kit rope
lie threatened, for Russia, France, and
even America will certainly intervene.
A Man C anal Strike.
Caiuo, Oct. 5. The Egyptian (ia
zette says it is rumored the Sue Canal
Company has applied to the French
government for the protection of its
property in F.gypt, where trouble has
arisen on account of strikes. The com
mander of the French cruiser F.romle, at
I'ort s-aid, is said to have prepared to
disembark marines and bluejacketB to
protect the property.
A lleoelllon la China.
Tikx-Tsin, Oct. 5. Reports have
reached here that a rebellion has broken
out in the provinces of Magnolia.
Troops from Peking have been sent to
quell this uprising. Serious troubles
are said to have arisen w ithin the palace
at Peking. The residents of the Tien
Tsin are taking every precaution possi
ble against the anticipated attack by
Th l'lut Wa. IHKov.rra.
I'akih, Oct. 5. The Journal says
that a plot was discovered early in Sep
tember to assassinate the sultan of Tur
key, but the affair was kept quiet. Two
Turks embarked on the steamer Djem
niab, at Salonica, having in their pos
session cartridges and materials fer mak
ing bombs. The men were arrested,
confessed, and were handed over to.the
A Female Anarchist Arreted.
Chicago, Oct. ft. The police arrested
a woman today at the union depot with
a bundle of anarchist literature and sev
eral circulars signed Lizzie Loftus, queen
of the anarchists, ordering the destruc
tion ot Chicago on or about October ti.
The woman was plainly dressed arid of
middle ae. She refused to give an ac
count of herself, and was locked up.
Killed Hi. W ife and Himself.
Indianapolis, Oct. ft. George Neorr,
a saloon keejier, fatally shot his wife
last night and blew out his own brains.
Neorr married a widow a year ago.
She protested against the contaminating
influence of the saloon on her three
children, and murder resulted from the
quarrel. The children witnessed the
A Klaie in ahTlllr.
Nasiivii.i k, Oct. 5. The Young Men's
Christian Association building was
burned today. The Banner building,
adjoining, w as damaged by water. The
Associated l'ress room in the Young
Men'i Christian Association building
was destroyed. Ixiss, Y. M. C. A
'O.OIKI; insurauce, H'ft.CKK).
American Hark It a rued.
Ntw Yokk, Oft. 5. The steamer Ori
noco, from Bermuda, reached this port
today, having on board Captain Forbes,
Mate Joseph Cotiuor and nine seamen
from the American bark Albemarle,
burned at sea September 1. Tlie crew
took to boats and were pu ked up on the
l'.'th by the British bark Kosehill, and
landed at Bermuda.
Kuilieitlor Meld to Answer.
Kan FitAM-im o, Oct. 5. Albert Perrin,
the jewelry drummer w ho was charged
with felony and embezzlement in ab
sconding with 10,000 worth of jewelry,
over 10 years ago, has been held to
answer before the superior court in
10,000 bonds. 1'erriu was arrested in
New York.
Tha Wlbraltar Will Uo.
London, Oct. 5. The Bduiiralty
have countermanded the order issued to
the cruiser St. George, now at Forts
mouth, to proceed to China, and have se
lected in her place the cruiser Gibraltar,
of the same station.
Koisur of tha Caar's leath.
Amstekpam, Oct. 5. A report reach
ed tiie Bourse today from Paris that
the czar was dead. As a result there
was a fall in prices of Russian securities.
Lonihin, Oct. 6. Officials of the
Russian embassy discredit the report
the czar has suffered a relapse.
Lonihin, Oct. 6. Alarming reports
readied the stock exchange today about
the czar's health. They had little effect
npon the market, as tbey were denied.
Klder Berry 1 never knew our girls to
be so crazy aliout dancing as they have
been of late. Mrs. Berry How do you
account for it? Klder Berry I don't
know, unless it is because tha new min
ister hr.s been preachingsgainHt it. The
One distressing feature of the arrest of
Fit.hugli and Phipps, the Walla Walla
bankers, is that Phipps' mother and
FiUhngh's wife are each very ill, and
worse for the news of the trouble.
Kills One and ('ripples Four
or Five.
ladf sirott of Omaha I ndertake. t
s)upraa Newspaper Comment
Concerning III. Coart.
Accident at Taconia.
Tacoma, Oct. 0. George G. Chandler,
general agent of the Northern Pacific
railroad in this city, was killed in a
street car accident tonight at 11:15
o'clock. Those injured in the same ac
cident are :
James F. O'Brien, deputy county
clerk, right leg mangled ; KJ. R. Hare,
left shoulder dislocated ; M. Sidney, a
real estate agent, hurt about the face;
Mrs. M. Sidney, bruised and cut in sev
eral places; Miss Bertha Langhton, ren
dered insensible and cut about the head ;
A. W. Itham, a bookkteper, bruised.
Mrs. William II. Upton of Portland
was slightly bruised and was taken to
the Fife hotel. No other Portland jh?o
ple were injured. Mr. Chandler's face
was mangled beyond recognition. So
completely was he disfigured that for
some minutes after the wreck bis iden
tity was in doubt, and was only settled
by an examination of his watch, on
w hich his name was engraved. The car
on which the accident occurred was No.
'JO, of the Old Town line. It was re
turning from the interstate fair, and
was crowded with people. Chandler,
O'Brien, Hare and a number of others
were standing on the front platform, be
hind Motorinan W. J. Musgrove. As
the wheels struck the east crossing of
North Second street the axle of tlie
front truck broke near the right wheel.
The car left the track, plunged along at
an acute angle to the right of the track
for a rod, and then fell on its left siJe.
Mr. ('handler, who was standing on the
steps, fell underneath, and the heavy
wood and iron work of tlie car struck
him full in the face, crushing out bis
life and leaving bis head in a shapeless
O'Brien went down in the struggling
mass of humanity, and (he iron roof of
the car fastened down upon him, tear
ing the flesh and horribly n.angling the
calf of bis leg. The others were all in
jured either by falling from the plat
form or by being thrown violently
against one another and against the
breaking glass of the window s. Doctors
were summoned and every assistance
rendered the injured. Mr. Chandler's
body has been taken to the coroner's
morgue. Policemen have been stationed
about the wreck to guard it until the
coroner's inquest, w hich is to be held
Monday. It was an accident, pure and
simple, and proved a terrible ending of
the splendid celebration of the day and
evening in honor of, the visit of Port
lrnd's mayor and a thousand citizens to
the interstate fair.
Jadz. Hcott of Omaha.
Omaha, Oct. 6. Judge Cunningham
R. Scott, of the criminal branch of the
district court, and a leading American
Protective Association man today cited
E. Rosewater, editor of the Bee, to ap
pear before him Tuesdayand show cause
why he should not be adjudged in con
tempt of court, Scott has undertaken to
establish a severe press censorship with
reference to the reports of routine work
of his court. Yesterday the Bee printed
a local item referring to the manner in
w hich Judge Scott questioned applicants
for citizenship, appearing before him,
with reference to thir religious
opinions and particularly as to the rela
tive superiority of the church and state
laws. If the answers were obscure or
indicate a preference for serving the
church, certificates were refused. For
ttiis item, the editor was called to time.
Fllnc Jib's rat Mil..
Saw Fka.ncimco, Oct. 6. The tele
graphic news from Chilicothe about the
wonderful mile paced by Hying Jib did
not create any surprise, as it was known
that the erratic side heeler w as one of
the fastest team horses in the world.
A sensation was created in local horse
circles a few years ago, when a team of
pacers owned by Captain Millen Griffith,
of this city, paced a half-mile over the
Bav district track in 1 :01k,. One of the
pacers was flying Jib, who Thursday es
tablisheil a new world s record lor pac
ing a mile with a running mate. Mon
roe Salisbury took flving Jib east the
following veur, and the California.!!
made tlie greatest record ever made by a
trreen pacer the first season out. He
wa railed upon to meet the star side
wheelers of America, and the great
three-cornered race between Guy Mascot
and Flying Jib will not be forgotten,
even in this year of wonderful perform
ances. Chin. llava AliMndoucd Ngan.
Shanghai, ( The Chinese war
ships stationed off the ports in the Can
ton river have been instructed to exer
cise the utmost vigilance and to over
haul any suspicious vessel that arrives in
the river. Native reports from the
Corean frontier say that the Chinese
have abandoned their position at Ngan
and retired upon Kaichan. There is a
vague rumor that the Chinese officials
contemplate totally blocking Woo Sung
bar. The Chinese government has
authorized a firm in Tien-Tsin to raise a
loan of 10,000,000. The sum of 1,000,-
000 has already feen raised privately.
Tha Mormon Conference.
Salt Lake, Utah, Oct. 6. The second
dav of the Mormon conference drew an
immense attendance. The city is
thronged w ith visitors, and both sessions
today at the tabernacle were crowded.
The speakers were Apostles Teasdale,
Grant, Thatcher, Taylor and Merritt.
The branches of the church in Mexico
and Canada were reported to be flourish
ing. The people were exhorted to
abandon the use of tea, coffee and to
bacco, aud figures were quoted as show
ing that a great part of the wheat crop
of the territory went to pay for these
The U.ors;ia lteturn..
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. C The consoli
dated vote of last Wednesday's election
Shows Atkineon's majority for governor
to be 20,000. The rest of the state ticket
received 30,000. The democrats will
have a majority of 125 in the house, and
27 in the senate. Contests have been
filed by the populists in five counties.
They complain of fraud, and the demo
cratis charge that the populists repeated
in several counties. The state legisla
ture meets October 24.
Chinese Said to be Fleeing- From
New Yokk, Oct. 6. A special cable
dispatch from Shanghai to the Herald
says the Telegrams from Moukden re
port that thousands of Chinese soldiers
are passing through that city in wild re
treat. The Japanese army is believed
to have arrived there now, aided by
10,000 armed Coreans. The empress
dowager is exercising Supreme power in
Uacked Into a Itavlne.
Santa Rosa. Cal., Oct. f. A fatal ac
cident occurred this afternoon on the
high grade between Guerncville and
Duncan's Mills, in which William Mc
Clenny, of the former place, was killed,
and Mr. Finley and his daughter Ada
badly injured. Their team became
frightened and barked off the grade,
falling 50 feet into the ravine below.
The Temporary Injunction lHn.olved.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 0. Judge R.
N. Call today refused to make perma
nent the temporary injunction granted
the straight-out democratic faction re
straining the returning board from can
vaesing and certifying the result of
Tuesday's election in this city.
Ilia Health la Poor.
Newahk, N. J., Oct. C United States
Senator McPhereon is out in a letter in
which be declines to be a candidate for
re-election to the ecnate, because of the
poor condition of his health.
Labor Klot In New Jersey.
Newark, N. J., Oct. 0. Two hundred
striking Italian laborers today attacked
50 men who had taken their places on a
sewer in construction on Clifton avenue.
Three were badly injured, and one may
not recover.
The A. tor.' Dirty Linen.
Tkknton, N. J., Oct. 6. The answer
to the Drayton divorce has not been
filed as yet. It is reported the time for
filing has been extended until Nov
ember 1st.
Some fine specimens of well-ripened
corn have been shown the Albina Dem
ocrat. Buck man brothers have 8 acres
ot good corn. K. A. Barret has also sent
in several ears of corn. He has 4 acres
which will go about 40 bushels to the
As good a bis word : Mr Hayseed (in
city hotel: Wal, I guess you'll have to
blow out the gas, Maude. Mrs. Hayseed
Why, Josiah? "The porter made ine
promise not to do it." Life.
Possibly purchaser Now, is this mule
perfectly gentle? Uncle Mow Well
sab, I nebbah knowed him to bite any
body yit. Cincinnati Trinune.
The new chapel of the reform school
is to be dedicated Sunday. The services
will be conducted by Revs. W. Kelloway
and A. L. Hutchinson.
Stranger Are you prepared to die,
sir? Jones Is that any of your bus
iness? "It is. I'm selling cemetery
Io!s." The Smilcr.
Three Men Killed hv a Steam
Tipe Hurstinir.
Fatally Hliot Over a Card-Came Uuarrel
An Knraged Mother. Act--Traln
Itohher Captured.
Chicago, Oct. 8. William Miller aud
A. B. Sharroh were killed today, in the
Illinois steel works by the explosion of a
steam pie. The injnred are: John
Holstrom, Thomas Dorsey, Oscar Wag
ner, Joseph Todhunter and Peter Moxey.
Their recovery is doubtful, John Hol
strom died later. The room in which
the accident occurred was filled with
steam, and almost every one of the 50
men at work there were more or less
Chinese Official In Ulag-race.
London, Oct. 8. A Chinese dispatch
ays a rebellion has broken out in Jehol,
Tien-Tsin dispatches report that Sheng,
the taotai of that city is in disgrace for
charging the government over four times
much as he paid for some discarded rifles
bought in Germany. He also bought a
quantity of useless cartridges. Li Hung
Chang discovered the fraud, and in an
interview with Sheng is said to have
slapped Sheng's lace. Sheng has been
granted a leave of absence.
A Che-Foo dispatch says seven Japan
ese warships were sighted off Wei-Hai-Wei,
steaming westward.
A Tein-Tsin dispatch says the steamer
Wen Chow, just arrived, reports sight
ing a Japanese equadron 10 miles south
of Che-Foo. She was hailed and ques
tioned concerning the whereabouts of
the Chinese southern squadron.
Robbed and M ordered.
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 8. While J.
R. Burns, a wealthy farmer, was en-
route home Satnvday night from Eaeta
boga, where he had sold a large lot of
cotton, he was met in a f Greet by three
marked men. Thev demanded his
money or his life. Burns quickly drew
his pistol and fired twice at the robbers,
and then attempted to drive them off.
Tiiey seized him aud dragging him from
his buggy they tied him to a tree and
robbed him, after which each man
fired two shots at him, all of which took
effect. Burns was found half an hour
later by a man who heard his groans.
Burns lived long enough to tell the story
of the mnrder.
Hentencetl For Life.
San Fkancihco, Oct. 8. Dennis
Moore, Cornelius Gerin and .lames Don
nelly, not one of whom is over 2.'i years
of age, were sentenced to state prison
for life this morning by Judge Wallace.
fhe robbery for which the trio will
spend the rest of their days in the peni
tentiary was committed last Fourth of
July. A friend named Thomas Howard
came from Tuolumne county and treated
them to the exposition. That afternoon
when they left the grounds the three
took Howard to a secluded spot, as
saulted him, and after beating him tied
his hands and legs, stole f:!0 and left
him in a helpless condition.
slaved .Inst In Time.
Mahhii.on, Ohio, Oct. 8. A mob of
citizens of Dalton secured a man named
Herman Saturday night and placing a
rope around his neck and had all but
hanged him when the more timorous
weakened and be was given over to the
marshal, after having confessed that he
had made four attempts to burn his own
dwelling. Just one month ago tonight
half of the village was destroyed by fire,
and 40 families rendered destitute. The
repeated acts at Herman's house
directed suspicion against him, and on
Saturday night lie was caught in the act
of attempting to set his house on fire.
Nhot oer a Card-Oame.
Phoenix, Arir.., Oct. 8. Phil Sherbert,
a plasterer, was shot this morning by
William Price. Five shots wero tired,
three entering the body. One wound
through the lung Is considered fatal.
Price had come to the city for the pur
pose of meeting Sherbert and having a
settlement with him of a card difficulty
of the evening liefore. Sherbert tried to
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
11 c
molify the enraged man, but to no effect.
Sherbert then started to run across the
street, Price following, and tiring from a
heavy pirttol. The murderer is thought
to be somewhat demented.
fear tirowlnc Worse.
BitKsi.Ai', Oct. 8. The Schlisische
Zeitung publishes a dispatch from St.
Petersburg which says a sudden change
for the worse has taken place in the
condition of the Czar aud the minister of
war has ordered prayers for the preser
vation of the life of the czar to be offered
up in all the garrison and regimental
churches. Fainting lits are reported to
have supervened and rendered an opera
tion immediately necessary. Court dig
nitaries and other high Russian officials
have hurriedly started for Livadia.
lilew Themselves tTp.
San Fkancisco, Oct. 8. Max and
Meyer Livingston, brothers, in the em
ploy of the city street department, dis
covered a gasoline generator while work
ing in the vicinity of the new city hall
this morning. They held a lighted torch
too close to the generator, and the ex
plosion which followed hurled both men
into the air and shook all the buildings
in the vicinity. Both men are in the re
ceiving hospital. Max's eyesight is
probably lost, and Meyer may lose both
of his legs.
A Tralnrobber Captured.
Phoenix, Ariz, Oct. 8. Rogers, alias
Armstrong, another of the train robbers,
was captured last night at Aztec station,
on the Southern Pacific, by Sheriff
Greenleaf, of Yuma. He was alone,
mounted, made no resistence, and had
no plunder upon him. He was taken to
Casa Grande and Florence last night.
Another of the robbers, Donovan, is still
at large.
I'eking to be Attacked.
New York, Oct. 8. A Shanghai dis
patch, via London, says United States
Minister Denby has warned American
residents that Peking city is certain to
be attacked by the Japanese, and ad
vising the women and children to be
sent to places of safety. Already many
of the wealthier natives are departing
and many others are making prepara
tions to follow.
Foreigner. Leaving- I'eklug.
London, Oct. 8. A dispatch from
Che-Foo to the Pall Mall Gazette thift
afternoon says that the British and
Russian ministers started for Peking
yesterday. The object of their visit Is
not known. All the women and children
belonging to foreigners have left Peking,
for places of safety.
A Hank Cashier Sentenced.
Si'hinukikld, Oct. 8. Judge rhillips
today sentenced A. B. Crawford, ex
cashier of the wrecked American Na
tional bank, to five years in the Missouri
penitentiary for making false entries.
Itu.slan Cruiser, for CMna.
Ckonbtadt, Oct. 8. The Russian
cruisers Djigit and Vladimir Monoinach
have been ordered to the fur east.
Mow Try This.
It will cost you nothing ami will sure
ly do you good, if you have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, chest
or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is guar
anteed to give relief, or money will lie
paid buck. Sufferers from la grippe
found it just tlie thing and under its
use had a speedy and thorough recov
eay. Try a sample bottle at our ex
lense, and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at
Snipes A Kinersly's drug store. Large
size 50c and fl.
Dr. Puleer Did you remove old Bon
der's vermiform appendix? Dr. Cutter
Yes. Dr. Pulser Ami was there any
thing in it? Dr. Cutter A cold two
fifty for i:ie. Life
The success that has attended the use
of Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
anient in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond tlie reach
of medicine, has been tritely remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled for
life with arms and legs drawn up crook
ed or distorted, their muscles withered or
contracted by disease have la'eti cured
through the use ot this remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per iMittle. For sale hy
the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Miss GiiHhah What's the greatest
thing yon ever composed? Great Com
poser My wife, after she caught me
kissing the cook by mistake. The lllun-Jerer.