The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 06, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Ghronicle. i
Tk Odd Bwlm Saeihoda of Soother
fhivk r.itrht at Ewell'a More. Kw n on
OFFICIAL TAVER l'F AshO CWSTY. the VirjriiiM imuM uear the North fanv
. ; ;n liar, is t.vully umum in the duck'
liMtd it u hnuSit la 111. OrcfoB i inj; H'axc as. the special uiirht in the
Mnntf-clw mt. week ht-u the Morvke. per i- ut home
t, the duck hunter f the r. ;.'i.n.
Kwc'.l nuv The New York un. tmys
duck- of the hr.ulerv jvtyii.iT for the
j-au'r in p '.- from hi M.-re. and hip
l:i:f hi piirx l.u s t. au up-roast Hf
siivnip station, w hence they r'.nd their
nav t the market.- of lU.timire.
l'hi.adchihia anil New York. As Kwell
wait-N'himl his counter with u lantern,
the duckcrv. rude-looking fellow of
the Whiviiiler type. lrop in one by ,
one and Mt around m the fU'm. ilweil
har.p-s the jrum- in a cold room at the ,
rear of the store and credit. eaeh
ducker with the upreed value of his '
ducks. As eaeh transaction is rnadc the i
ttueker recalls soniethimr that he needs
from the merchant s stock, and when
he has received The article the price is
del'ited ajumst his credit. The ducker ,
then relapses to the nearest tarrvl or
box and waits until some other needed
article sh;.'.l ivciir to his mind. He
then makes the new demand upon the
merchant, has a new liehit p':acei
ai.nir.--t his credit, am! a? in sinks hack
int. the pl.suu. After full';.- two hours
of this sort of thimr. tlio- who wish
the Italancv of their ere, lit pa: '. in cash
receive their dues, and every I. V.v cau
tiously re;xii-s to a h iliow tree hard by.
w here moouslruers fr ii. -vt-r the North
Carolina line are v..,:ii: wr.h a fiery
article of untaxed !: r. and the heart
of the ducker is nu.ic find.
St B?v K.:i-TK'S KATES.
T tin. rot rariD. m itift
Ogr e- '
fell niol.t": ;'
Tarwe ni"i ta 3'
Advert:!!. c rate reaaeuaMe. and made tm'tli
a p:ier..ti.
Addrvs a".! r.n:triiuicti.u tc"Tl!K t'UKOV
ICL..' l.,. vrt'n.
7V and tt'ttk'v ('iT-hii-iV way
hr found oh $nU at J. (.'. -W-W-.' tot.
TfUphcnit So. 1.
Kllla A !!
The fowoa inp bi'.'.t were avowed ly
the citv council at the regular meeting
Tueiay night :
IVuy'as Ihifur, recorder $ ?" 00
Jas U F.akeney. n.arsha'i 75 IV
lieo J Brown, ece fee dept 7" rt
W H Btnts. :reet eoiumsr C2 'h
I I Bctet. treasurer 2iMV
John B.aser. tire warden 10 00
Tinier-Mountaineer, printinj 6 50
J Like, labor 4 00
Mavc i Crowe. nide . I t's!
I!le F.1 l.t. Tel A P Co. light?
tire dept ... H 40
YV ni McCruna, labor 3 57
Bert Eaton, labor 4 00
rlle Lamb Co. mde . . C7 Cv
tr Telephone Co, rent "phone . " CO
Dalles El Lt. Tel A V Co. street
lights 240 00
'i'A sn
-muM I
3 I - I
with Moch
J K Page, labor 4 iv
F M King, labot 4 00 '
J F Staniels. labor 0 00
Blakeiey A Hocgbton. md-e 1 tV
Jas H Biakenev, hanling ! do
P Bennett, labor 6 4"
J YVettie. haaling 2 40
K B Hood. jr.. hauling 50
Maier A Benton, mdw .... !0
H Laflin. labor 2 50'
Snipes & KiDersly, mdse 73
C Ienton. wood 45 00
Maier & Benton, mdse 2 05
K B Hood, jr, Lanling engine . " 00
John Phares, sawing wood . . 7 50
John B.aser, mdse 1 00
Jas Biakenev, hauling . 3 50
Fain A Mrev, painting 15 00
A G Lone, fire bell 37 50
Fain & r-wey. painting 4 50
Maier A Bonton. one stove 10 00
1'ies Water Worfs, water rent
for st 32 00 '
T T Nichols, ground rent 1 00
Palles El Lt Te! A P Co office
lights. Sept . 5 40
Fain A !wey, painting jail . . 22 25
F W L Skibbe, boarding Coxer
officer ' :; oo
Maier A Benton, labor 1 00
R B Hood. jr. hauling . 75
Chas F Laner, bread ...... 4s
K B Hood. sr. one safe 27 00
t-ntpes A Kinersiy. medicine .. 5t'i
C F f-tephens. mdee. mdse 3 75
Dalies Lumbering Co. wood . . 1 50
E V Oiibons. nigh: watchman . . 60 (V
F G Connelly, night watchman. 60 00
The council adjourned subject to the
call of the mavor.
. . . T" " hundreti- of men doinr it t wiav. btit
cava of tnem is lo'Kit;r forward t" ot
Losdo5, Ch-t. 4. Officials of tbe Cbi- ' tainicr a new v.h with al:n.t the
Bs legation here deny the story print- eacernev- .-f a convict w li
ed in the Frankford Zeitcng that the his sentence has nearly expired. "
A ralllnc That 1 t rauehl
"If young men who have the cowboy
fever had any uu-a of the apprentice
ship they arc lik-iy to si-rve Kfore
becoruinc ftill-flciicci cowiiys. most of
them would 1 eurc.l w i-.h-mt the ex
pense of a trip a thouar! miles west."
says Ellas Miier. of iluici.insoc. Kan.,
to the M. Louis ' !. i'i-IK mocrat re
cently. " It is nearly twei.ty years
since 1 had the fever an.l went out to
he cured. My first w t"k was watehim?
the line Ktween Uyniiinr and Ia
kota. Line or fence ujstvhiuif is an as
sijmmcut frc.,'.ier.tiv I'ivt 3 t a new
comer. a:c: ti.e dtie c tasist in riding
up an.: : t:ie an.: preventmir
e. r r-:
I I-
The Best Medicine.
J. O. YYiux, Contractor and
Dnilder. Sulphur Springs, Texas,
thus six aks of Ayer'a Pill:
Ayor's Tills are the best medicine I
ever tried ; and, in nir judgment, no
tn tter general remedy 0011 M be devised.
I have used them Id my family and
recommended them to my friends and
employe for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many rases
of the following complaint have been
comnlelely and
Permanently Cured
by the use of Ayer's Till alone: Third
uay rhilU, dumb a;u, biliou lerer,
tick headache, rheumatism, Mux, dys
pepsia, constipation, and hard eolds. I
know that a moderate use of Ayer's
Pill, continnetl f.r a few day or week,
a the nature of the complaint required,
would be found an absolute cur fur the
disorders I bavr named above."
I have beeu st ihng medicine for
eiht vear. and I can safely ay that
Ayer Pi'.l pvt K-tter satisfaction
than any ether Pill I ever sold." J. J. I
Perry. Spotlsyh ania C. II., Y"a.
Ft i)rti tv I. J C. Atct & Cii., Lowell, KJ& I
Every Dose Effective
"Jaan says she propose to demolish
China." said Mr. B'vkins. "She ought
to have our servant girl," replied his i
wife wearilv. Atlantic Constitution. I
Love at First Sight
Nt-'t r tMTius more peiminJy than in tlu iiu-tinp tf the fem
inine fair with our handsome Press uhx1s for Fall.
Of course t In se hainlsome lmjKrtftl Novelties in 1 ress l'at
tern Lengths are t ailed ly all kiruN of extravagant names that fem
inine enthusiasm can devise, and we must confe3s that we think
they are handsome. ur line at fiO cents is large and complete, and
when purchasing particular attention was paid t have our goods at
his price, attractive, of good value and in great variety.
Gnarfiian 's Sale of Real E-tatu,
;u s;ra over it. se veral
e l-st tic ir Ravin in this
: ! came very near d line so
A.i the srlo-y and adventure
fin i.Ks i uisert. and the
- t rr. :. 1 c u'..i cover my
i: liout two days, and did
- but r.:lc up and d wn the
..r-.s f r tiie stray cattle.
: r s-.-n--; my way. Shep
- It' ' i' the most terribly
v. nr.; a uMan can lie put to,
are few cwbovs in the west
w ho have n-t an acute recollection of
the suff- rinrs they endured w hen !
ir.p such w ork as I dcvriW. There are
Noti-- t hefvby r:enthitne und'-rsitfiml. i
minlinn t,f th ikA-on ntl mute nf Sam-v I
. " 1 , ; sUftlitev an ad auil IliTirm Tr-on. hv virtue uf I
The I'rmce or n ales is entitled to wear , an order of the i uuuty out of the suie i'f :
-Od.fferent unilorms. but he never put j,,,.. on t:..- ib nt wwicki. a. 1 . i
Goicrtirnerit, State, or DjlUcs Military Road Lands,
on nio.-e than one at a time. Thi:
ucrform habit. Tarumanv Time.
line w.
which ii
hertiir. - '.
rn.'inot u
but tai-re
at me mruU: s'iueniher tTm of aid
Court for Hie Vfar Is!. ill on salurdT. eu- 1
ber j":ti. lv4. l xh hour of looci.v'ka m o .
ftniil dv. on tli nrennaea known a tri lluro !
"That government is tiest wh ifh gov- I "ml1 "b0 suiuct. Owwil. :!ul on tne i
i i'u:ii hank ni the I oo:nbl K:er at Hma!
ern tie leat. when littie Johnrv j Koer. m am t ,n:niv. sut ot rron, t :
l - .T l ci nunc au'iioii 10 lite niarnrwi intiatrr ir f 111
r:a 1 tr,is he sans, i II have to sh
that to dad.' EoPton Transcript.
Chinese minister in London has proposed
to tbe Entish govarnnient that F.uia.
Great Eritain and France dispatch
troo; s to the treaty ports of China to
protect the interests of foreigners.
Japanese Warwhtp Blchtod.
Losdos, Oct. 4. A dispatch from
Shanghai says native vessels from Nang
Poo report five Japanese warships lying
off the Christian islands. 50 miiee from
Sang Poo. The presence of ships near
Kang Poo has caused a scare. The few
Chinese warships on the coast are oio-o-ete
and almost worthless.
Professor Virchow, who is over
years of age. did not spend his vacation
in luxurious idleness. He attended five
knows that international congresses.
I lu uumfM'ivd lint Iwn '. . Thr r ( " m cl
f fmT of rwtmti Thirty tw in I n;iir
! Thrvw " Ntirta nf luiuirv Kiftrti Kit "I
fo.l I inak1 of' tlH HiMniv'tU' Vrridttt:.. ruiiunninr i- ln 1
i lament and Tpiirttiiantwv lliert.
1 Ail ii aj1 loli b be swutd in 01 ptrri mifl
' Mid Mtie U N ufcjt l rtiutirnimt.on rk.
(utirdimn of the fwr"n and ratttt- ut Saury
laxjir? . n gnX an .unrm pt-rv.ji;.
Thomas A. Hudson,
purvaHJT to Thmhury 4 Hudson.
63 Washington St . THE DALLES. OR.
If tou want Information rinsiilnc Uovem
meet Undn. ir tro- law. r'lat:iir thereto, von ran
rolmuit torn tn ot eharire llv haa ntaor a ts-.
cla:: of thla buauirva. ntid haa l-rmi-need tieiore
ttie 1 ultel slate Land I'fTice lor oer U-li Jrurm.
Ida Jack is such a dear feliow
dat.'t know what a bi
mvseif every time he calis. Cora Yes ! umron. Teuirr wit.i tne i-tieiiiiita. iiemti
I do. lie tells me all about it.
Administrator's Sale.
Ta Frntet Forclaraera.
Beulin, Oct. 4. The Frankford Zei
tnng says the Chinese minister to Lon
don has proposed to the British govern
ment that Eussia, Great Britain and
France dispatch troops to the treaty
ports of China to protect the interests
of foreigners, and has given assurances
that China would raise no objection.
tr. s i-
r ,.f ot:r i
tin c-.i .
the . :
m o.-k :
th' '.e v
if Ti..
txiore si:
Ley oti -worol.
T-. po- trr
El ke : . .
th'-ir ov. .
Tio -. -ing-
a': .
into si :' -inr
i r r .
he U-
srves ur.ti
Texa ed:tors who kili'd each
otiier in a duel have now nil the leaded ;
matter the need for their next iue. ' S. . tire i herehr riven that be an order of the
A of H-rslmc Them Together tb. New lriean Picavune. i T.,T,k1J,I?1, V ''! Ur.'",b'","!''7
; 1. and aiv nw tnt ntmthd and actmr adnint-
m arnpv Land'.ir. hoe Lirtan urtir.e , iMramr i ttir wtuietd Uvury a )ratt. d-
tlw- FonnighiiT lias lUral rj, ... ,.. hmvUl9, .h-..v
IW in Ar'i;t Vrr thr KaPlrn Orrifim IIttf
Ciiir.ftaiiT, and ran U m (rrtiini, vt I n-lirprtivt-ti
Ar'it'ulturavl Land In any quantity
d.iird. and wi.l iwi.U a l'an httt dwriltti(
ttMv land to anyutic applying U liiw tor it.
Hr Ip Affrnt I' aalr nf lota lu Tuowrmi t AM
rma tolhr Ttiia Addition l .aid off i
mu rr Utt. and dvtinrS t b tb VTiitriymi nsat
rtrttrr jart nl th ci!t iHiW ' fr.fnutm fU
!nta LourtiMiuw, li Bitnatea I mm K. Si. Wpui.
Hvttlfira Located on omrnmut LMida.
If yea want to ftorrww Moaey, oa Lonf ar Kkurt time, a caa aocaatttaoata via
lVrlt flra, Life, and Atx-ldtnt Ikiarmaoa.
If fum canawt call, writ, and jomt Irttvra will l arantljr aaara.
( n : ry Are sra:i.-ra I v r r raru.
Th- growth ..f -I., :r;.i:.;. ;:..'.ustr
ry aLi,
iar;-' c:
C:- ri
-.i; I..
.-. y in- in
i i- much attention, is a grandson of Walter j n"'l d--eaerl ar herenv n niu-d u fsni
f , t their riaima. :tn llir trtaT vnurhi. t4, na at
.. 11,1 savage Landor. j tn oitiemf Iniir Hut..-r, in Maaomr bundisr.
:-hiill . 1 Is,!!.1 City, iraj.tfi. or J K Arnotiir. H.aal
o r.LDt Even a dude has his use in the wT.d. ' h'VOT-wl!n'" n"nn fr.irc t!:r dv f
. ... ,. , : tr.ia Ii4iln aTid all -rona i:..tMsl o ild .
. with rie 1 a standing example to yojt:g ; tet an- ti-rvnv wimreri to tc.'.ic mm indent
. t ,o met, of hat they should avoid.-N.,. i "'XZ ,.. II.d Itiver. ...
i.r.-i-. v I I KK
. J
''There is a tide m the affairs r nun which, taken at its fiooc
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
f ,
i oc : . , : :
- wii'.i ': a
art ei 'il
ls ca.iefl a
Not Tim to Interfere.
BarssELS, Cct. 4. The Independence small farm
Beige says : "The time has not yet
come for England to interfere in Chinese
affairs. England's differences with
France are grave, but if negotiations be
prod ent;y conducted a settlement ehouid
not be difficult."
:..,- u tract of lund contain
thorisit:. 1 ;.cf- c.ivn'n-d
'. . a:.'i .-very tpp'y
f i.- vnt t.. one of th-s,-. If
-t w aui v lur tariiy
fte has i.-:,in'-l some ii,-a of
;n- is alJ'fw.-d to rent a
for loai-:f utn! t-i 1-e w hat
fr.t- fi.rii.- r " This is a
I'r. A. Conan Ivie is coining
tie se United Stat-s shortly to deliver
:. ,ist 1,-tnres. cnd-r the inaracenierit
; Major p(Jnd.
n ! to Binks's tiie l'gges lie
it earn .Ver heard? Jii.ks Tci lie Thought- i
Jess's hoasi that lie ouce had lea- !
r. a l: Mot k.,atrators of the esuile of Herirv A I'ratt.
three . d-s.Tw-l s 11 ot
-Ins Eoifliia packing Co.
Clii-Oil Sale i i-
MM & Cntt
very practical metai'Mi f li'iiim;' with
the v, .'.. -! proi.,.-m. u:id -r.e that is
Bspec-ially adi.riw-d to this country.
Mr. T. E. Wi'.ey, 14J ChaitWs St.,
Sew York City, says that Ayer's .sarsa
parii'.a cured him of a dry and scaly hu
mor, from which he had suffered intoler
ably. He a id ." I have not not now a
Italian lmr lH I.lttlr Onlaolr the Hume
t irrlr.
The Italian ini:.ii has not y-t taken
her true w..rK:i,y pia-e in xst-;..ty. he
is general';." haicis.-tit. rarcjv iiad in
the s
1",- n-
rr .,t
all. s,.,.
ue-aiis a ver
:-r-i. though
moralist. At
blemish on my body, and my cure is h'm- s'.o- rt;i.-s; ,.i;ti:,- she x.-rts no
wholly due to Ayer's Parsapari'la." ir.tiueni ewhatev.-r. The political ni-
an is as y-t unKnown. A few lit-rary
winien exist, but among them are n.!v
froin one or two who ris- ti-m- the average.
iiearj v ai w a vs a
I-oat b tbe S)tormw.
N"w Yokk. Oct. 4. A special
Key West, Fia., says :More than 50 hu- The Italian woman i
man bodies have been washed op along
tbe reefs near here in the last two days,
moat of them being badiy decomposed.
They were buried where thev were found. !
(T'sxl neither, ev.-r. ic-n a ladw ife she
follows imruls-. ra'iier than reawm in
her ac tions, and tiiis to a greater de
cree than her sister in any other Eu
ropean country.
TK fnrmnla n a t :o- :. Irtiring the national UDrisinir she was m. nt
... . .. " 7 . "T '", honef.ll. tmt she V..,-1.1- U fit.
wen anown to ttie medical profession, T , ...
. , , never became ambitious. Mme. I.ata..i.
and nn.versally approved. The reputa-; wh)1 triM, to meddSe in .. haJ
tionof the firm guarantee excalk:nce desist (mv-ide the domeMie circle the
and uniformity in the medicine, and the Italian woman dues Cot work, except in
world's experience for nearly ha!f a cen- the lower classes,, and then she uses
tory has folly demonstrated its value. rather her physical than her intellectual
strenp-th. The business woman, like in
Vt. Elliott Cones, who has nearly 1 ran-e. is ret met with except in JV1-
compieted his new edition of "Pike's mont and Milan. The state has not
been abie to tnd woman other official
employnM-nt than that of sclcoi-Biistres.
iieorge Oould's expei.(.-s sea on
in w ith the yachts Vigilant i
and At.anta have been nearlv J
S'-'irv . h'Tbr r:vpn. that ninl-r an-l r.y ru
of ar. ivaij f t'. ' ir'iit
twin of xti- Plat- nt r-jia..ri (fT U ' -nnty.
u t. -.'.'! dr f on a d T- niHili-. -
iii-rl ktfd r-T iJttk3 in id on-t :i(t nti
day t-f Jia . in an ,T."n tieMn lia.- i
' itv i-ijui tiff and Mr L !-
fi.dii;t in tawr Aid fiiajntilr anrl ifwirKt
Miil,e)e!,,i,-.t. i -if wi!r; jiitr-nt t:ivrn
T-r Munuria. atid tfi liirt:.-f siim
i-v n.d tii- Jij-tfiT nun. n' $:.- n 1
fft. ait) u-it- iliru-l. and c rrnmandihr mt
;! t.i-fpTMTty i,t.;in!i-r r.rneni u, nt ,
)-v th fr- utt). I wiii on MonOav, t(. :u,
o-i; of S--.rmf-r. 1-. at In h'ir of .
rn i.i a;i ) , . t. w t-.XH Vk:-t f .r (
in imml. at frtihitr nttm at it.- J mnt !
d'.'f tiie -Hjt:t;. oTlrtrio1je in l'i ( i'T. i
Kmi;.i ..tjcty. trit-,ft. all tri fitct. and !
:ni-r-t i w.r d-f-ndrT.t m and t" tn fnlmwinr !
d-rifnj i-r.-Tty. V- ait Ah of l"t i.u;nn-rT-d -
f .';r t.:r n:ni :i Hi hiort nnnitwTd nil . mi t ri ,
'-tt A.MitiMn w 1'.:- ' ut, iii W aw. irtintv.
fiAi- t,f 'irr-.n . f-r.i:;tr Ij, th TT-.rd-J mxi ,
and i. liit t .'.'-Tirol. t'tr.rr itn ln-
iifi!liti-!iT-- an! at'Tiufvciiar''' tfi"Tin'.
cti-! tir of in an. mitrTiRin!iic. of mich j
imrf.i-a P'lH). tr-tirr witn tn- mt -nnnr
a:;'j t-i--T,- .(i rf.)f, H,,.
an ) in pittp pnr--iB 'if !. t"tn;r a mar j
r fj-w-if.seT u- ire lor tn tr"t iut-rr-it o( all lwrf
Pork and Beef
, MAxrrAcrriiKkb or
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curerscf BRAND
Who are selling those goods out a greatly-reduced rates.
Farlev cfc
Suceessxjrs to L. D. Frank, dea-eased.)
or ALL
OF antnrprc;
nnnn uhiuiuiu
a w w tva
Dried Beef, Etc.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
i WbclesalE anfl Eetail Dealers in Eaira, Erifiles, Whips. Horse EMcts, Etc
Fell Assertmect of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamuci
.njTiv. 'r-atm. I
l;Z.Z ' "' T j K;v, ,. BAKE 0Vf N' " 'eietidid farm.
Hbenffof W wt, c.miiut oiet'.n. ni P"Tlir Town In thcWUla-!-
' etv Valloy aaia err ehnp and on cairy lerma
- r.nne 01 irie larrna p, eelian EaaV-rn
.ii pnirxf. nir t-n lint and ierm.
Expi!ion," La jut returned from
eaoov trip of over 400 miiea to tr.e
orre of li.e Mi)iiprt. He reKrte
tb n.k:nr of ruaiiy importaDt and in
tenePticjr d-eeva.rie.
: n lUiVMIrJl
Pwiffle aiu. l.air that i coDtinuallr
Uliif.if oat, or tiira that are b,d. cmn
the .fal.irijr. an 1 p-t a gM growth
of ha'r hr u:iig HaliV Hair i'er.
'eori. Hknc aUut in a prat rity.
t-mjrnr.iy ii:. hare ,wn U It tne
0 f-rrnt and 1 rrle-.V arks ootajocd. mne iw I at-J
(cut tvifcrta coaouctca far Mootc fret.
'Out OWCC OaoaC U. - 4'rt r O'Cf ' !
0 ioc we ca wurt uu eo: tu teas luuc uma Utwe t
remote trom U a-wiip-.oo. 0
Jtwfi. H t arivrve. if iterj'ao or not. tree o: ' 1
rpnp SflhP np TPnnp
; A riNE iyW)l:TKU
French ftrchron Staflioa,
t CJa.'F. Oat oot ou iili pmr; n aniirrl.
n-u .-i a j..;, v v. iit-rt- tliev 'itud ht.p Jcwol um in th L. S. au lurcfacouatiMa'
in tu:.;I refr.-l.-d. A hii.emak.-r ). '- Amicm.
made a iwn
in ti.e ry ht Iit
n a card in hia window:
.. , .. ; t
rftU-f W ill f"T f fL't, rT W'U- H ft
No. 07 Washington .Street. . . The Dalles.
Wko'teiuu and R?Uil J-a'iers and Manufartorer of
BoildiD? Mjltrial ud hmnm Timbtr, Doors, Windows, Muldiip, Dub. Fornishincs, El
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxe and Packing Cases.
'rcl am t Old rt. X3all'
' and :
O r-t..O'
Kerr &c Buckley, DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered tc
fira"" Valley. Or .. ..
any part of the city,
lr'r woruan or cnuu
can Lave a f.t in Uii ist.ire:"