The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 06, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
TBI t'Ul t
Entered l the i-awwfnre al Tbe l-altea. Orecoa.
a Srtlia-CA KU. Sia.Wl.
b rVnnoarr
t..f erao:
faw.-rt- u! Mats
K R kiti.aM
..Phillip .Wrt. haB
ianl of Kub.u lotruftmn
t. . VI Mifinau
iJ S Iith
i j. h. v-.iiiK-::
R nermann
i:: tranter
ueo. c. B:elcy
T J irir
... a VI Ki.v
tPrmnt KincauJ
, a ?
auMnnwxMtot of Public rctwi
Coroiwi . .
K !.aT
pluck-k d c n t -oxpitiox
Within a month nearly a" the states
will hold elections for congressmen,
hence the political situation just now is
decidedly interesting. The policy of the
democratic farty. ana the party itse.t
ik m frr.,T .v th
entire people, the latter by the indiv.d-
nal meiEbera of the party i2. Its
pu'.icy is on trU! by all the people, for
the effect ot its legislation has leen ex-
perier.ced by au regardless o: political :
beliei$. What the verdict of tio who
are not blinded by pirtisatiisni will be, is
easily foreseen. Less than two years ;
ago a Leu President Cieve.and toot the .
oath of office, tLe country was prosper-
ons, mills were running, agricultural j
prodact Lad a g kk! and active market, 1
labor was employed, and cipital invest-'
ed or seekitg investment, debt was '
being paid oil rpid:y, and this was ; the watch calls out the time by such ex
being done without burden seme taxa-' pressions as : '"It is eight o'clock," "It
tion. Mr Cleveland had no sooner : is half past four," etc. The same in
taken his seat in the presidential chair, ventor has perfected an alarm clock that
than a change came, but not the chance j yells out "Get up," "Wake op." and
the r-eoDle had been clamoring for. The ' keeps it CP until the drowsy victim
first a t o:'ti.e president was to call a
special session of congress to rjieal the I
purchasing clause of the Sherman art. 1
and virtually putting a stop to the ex-'
tension of the use of eilver as money.
The threatened change of the revenue
system to a free trade basis, caused
along with tiie demonitiraiion of silver ,
as a f iiture money metal, nniver- ;
sal distrust. Capital began to protect
itself, to gather up its wealth, and cease
from invretmcnts, A rcn on the banks j
bv people of moderate means followed '
and the monev of the countrv went into '
the old stockings and hid itself from J siart from Vancouver and will meet the '
public view. Agricultural products Manitoba A Northwestern on the sum-!
went down in price because the hitor-! niU of the Eocky mountains. The lat
ies no longer furnished emplovment, : ter road 3 alreadv built for one-fourth
and the laborer had not the money to
pnrchase. Hard times fell upon o, and j
while tax burdens were not increased
the revenues of the government fell off, j
ad instead of decreasing the national j
-debt, $-h.',Wa),0vA) of interest bearing :
bonds were issued. Of the final com-!
promise to describe it mildly, with the (
eugar trust it is not necessary to speak, j
Eut for all these things the policy of the ;
party is cp before the pecipie of this :
lor their judgment. On the :
other hand the partv itself is on trial
by ::e own ruember. The appoint-1
ment of Gresham, the flirting with :
Queen Lil, but above all tiie surrender 1
to the sugar trust, and the abandoning
of the principle for which honest demo- j
crats had contended so bitterly for years, :
the abandoning of the free trade plat-
form on which democracy triumphed, j
these things the honest members, the
rank and file of the iartv will be called
upon to pass their judgment on
. vn l.n . . r a tj. t..
suffered incomparably by the change .
and the country will correct it as speed- i
i!y as possible. I democracy has snffered
onto death at tlie hands of every de- i
partroent of the government except the
lower bouse of congress. The president
ehokedthe life out of it in forcing it to .
do his bidding concerning silver, and
the senate kicked its aspirations to
pieces in forcing it to yield to tiie
sugar trust. The people will down de
mocracy , and the democrats will assist
is holding the wake.
The Chineee in this
country have
rreat fainb in their countrymen at '
home. They refuse to believe the re- j , Qn) ,
ports about the Japanese victories, and ,, ... ..
say that the Chined are readv to do and I 71 , T' , r i
die for their country and t'h.t Japan ! tatkf th,e P'J
. . .. , . , accomplish the same result? There is
will I whipped off the face of the. -, , . ., - ... ... ,
.,. ,. . , aaid to be nothing of them but legs,
earth abeo China get ready to do i hristles and tusks
the whipping. Their faith is sub- f " '
lime bat their opinions are not worth' ficott Swet'and, recentlv receiver of
much. Japan has China whipped now, the C. S. land office at Vancouver, has
nd if she gets a move on will keep her ; been elected chairman of the Washing-
whipped. Mis-governe.1, and three , ton republican suite centra! committee,
centuries behind the times China rely- and has established head inarters at ;
ing cponher vast population, has yet Tacoma. Mr. Swetland is not credited .
been naabe to realize that numbers do where best knomn, aith being shrewd
not mean strength. Her unarmed ) politician, but lie has an easy job before
hordes can offer no successful resistance : him in making a winning cainoairn 1
to iue Gic:punea troop 01 Japan, arm- in Washington this year. The republi-1
ed with the most modern implements of can machine runs now without any at
war. Japan will do with China just tention, being self acting and self
what herown desires and the restrict- regulating,
ions iuipoed by other European powers . """"",
will permit. I The citizens of 1'endieton, among
ee""""" " . meant of entertaining the Press Aaanrla-
IoTt.gat,on by the Chicago Trade , tion. wCI .how the individual members It ,. ,utd in the dispatches todav
Lulletin with regard to the feeding of thereof through tbe wool scouring esub- , that renator Hill will decline the nom-;
wheat o live .lock, confirms report, hshment. IJ the .ugge-tion ia not too , ination Ux governor of 5ew Yor. Tl.e'
from other rcee that there i. a err Ute it might be in order to ron the senator ia being interviewed concerning
tjener n of the cereal for th., pur- j .bole mob through tbe nitttbine., ffJf the report, replied that he had nothing
poeet- From.l the .Uttes from e j tbey are all. "all wool." albeit in tbe 'whatever to say. The situation i. a
ork and Pennsylvania westward to j greaae. (or even i:, WItb ... ;
Colorado, and from .ereral Southern!
states, replies have been received to the j
inquiries of tbe Trade bulletin, some of ,
which mt that theconsoniption of wheat
for animal food .ill .mount to from 5 to
' 3) per cent, and a I anticipate the B
of a. much .. C0 per cent ia displace- ' ,nUl M,UM' uJ llnf'
n,ent of other grains. If these The fight lor .upremat-y ir.ll he n.J
have rot been exaggerated the effect north tMh.t line, and the meat .tates
mutt ultim.telv I felt in a measure of," aest of the Mississippi have a
relief to the abnormal price depression 1 chance to their power felt I nier.
in the -heat market. The re.atively unforeseen changf should occur,
greater value of wheat when fed to .tort , " :i T'in '
it indicated bv the report of a Western preeident wa. not cho,en by con-
K -v ULr trt t K t.ri.if.t nf the com-
. . . t
aw.o-nm i n TVHtn i oi His ri
, . , .i..
perunent in a heat feeamf in tne last
. . . . in eiht of
'e,r wek h b11 8;n in weight of
hiv r,inivalent to 92 rent Per Uuslie!
lor uci unu .
.. fVl. pk;mm ,.rkt aher the!
pavment of freight and other expense
of .hipment from the Urm.
andow, the strong man, has met his
match in the littie Miss Somebody who
has defied the strongest of men to lift,
her from the floor. Sandow has lifted .
5 3 pounds, but he failed to lift this
iitt;e Georgia woman
hoonlT weighs
.., j. .u u .
gSrailjed LU ntmoet. Wherein her
U)f Bhe d,s not pretend to know.
bu, hen glie doesn't want to be lifted
a;t crea:ion cln- budge her. It may be ,
gjmp!y a case of phenomenal femiuine ;
(ottwiett il'.ustrating the old saying;
concerning woman, that "when she will
gjlf depend ont, and when sue
won, won't and that's the end
M. Slvan, a French watchmaker, has
succeeded in arranging a phonograph in
a watch so that c pen pressing a button '
crawls out of bed and stands it on its ,
head. It would be for all the world like ;
a lot of men under similar circumstances
to press the buttons on half a doxen
watches at once and hear them get into
a dispute about tne correct time, calling
eaca other liars to their faces, as it were.
" mrrr?
And now there is talk of still another l
transcontinental railroad in the face oi !
the fact that none of those already
built are paying dividends, or interest ,
on the bonds. The new scheme, is to 1
be known as the British Pacific, w
of the distance from Du'.uth.
It ia said '
the road will run through a very rich
prairie country, but what objs'ct there
is in building it at the present time at
least is Lard to determine.
- .
I: the Arctic explorers dj not set a
move on, and the railroad companies
keep up their aggressiveness the latter
will haves railroad to the north pole
and cse it for a ag 6taff for thtir grand
central depo. before the farmer discover
it. The latest railroad scheme is crowd-
ing cp towards the Arctic circle, and
with the coming of better tiaies, the
road up the coast to Eehring sea wili
certainly be commenced. This would
maxe but a 300 m:ie break ia railroad
connection between London and New
York, and would only lack 3500 miles of
encircling the glolie.
They had an election in Connecticut
the other day it teing for the selection ,
nf ! hool clerks, but in its natnre rpn- .
era'.. The result was what might reason-
biy be expected, an overwhelming re-
publican vote. If it can be taken as an ;
indication of the political sentiment, :
" reason why it thoold not
1. Connecticut will be a bitter pill for '
the democracy in November. It iookt ,
now as tnougn not a tnC state, nortn -
of the Mason and Ilixon s nne wouid re-
main in the democratic camp.
: A writer in the Prairie Farmer advo- ,
cates the raising of a leaner breed of ;
hogs, and to accomplish this suggwts '
! the crowing of breeds by procuring lm- !
i proved Yorkshire and Tamworth males, i
These he savs produce more limb aDd
. ' . nt. . , . ..
The election m Georgia re,u t. vaact y
u democratic
W l".'" by decreased marine.
' mat result am oe aupiicatm in nm
, f'8
Tni.mhle nonUiiHt PUfYVM in (toil.. of 111
! aeetern ftatee, the chani-e lor a repnWi-
; ..... .
fn majority over all whne pkkI. i by
r r r
In order to make it
i certain New
York mut be carried.
i -., i ,, , . . .
' line uus m rnuauiT ..e
, ... - i L 1
1 eomlng election, it must 1 i
! th N Yors "!!r
reniem lerru
and usually
democratic. With 1S3 vote from the
ontti and 55 from New York but forty
more would be required by the populist
and democra;t to make the vo:e a tie.
Kansas, Nebraska, the Iakota. Mon
tana, Idaho, Nevada and California, of
. if . . . 1 : 1. . l . i't:
"1' iniav mrc.M. -....e a-
inois ana connetrticut may one or me
. other- bu P- Ttiere " no rarty ha a
: :k ever for the next president, e'.ec-
; tlon-
ouio Moxr.r.
i The democrats of Ohio have adopted
or rather have issued a manifesto which
starts out with a falsehood. It says
the last campaign "was foujht upon
two principal issues, a reformation of
; the tariff, and the adjustment of the
money question by the restoration o'
i silver to its rightful power and func
j tions as one of the money metals niuier
: the constitution." The truth is the sil
ver question was not maJe an issue in
, the last campaign. Tfie democra.'y
were afraid to raise that question in a
. national election, knowing that did they
do so. New York was lost to them. The
1 question was forced by President
Cleveland at the expense of the tariff.
: bill which be jeopardized and practically
kiiied bv putting it off and attacking
silve'. It follows the false assertion;
however with one that is perfectly true it
lis that: "The demand for money is in
cessant," and it might have added be
coming more and more clamorous under
democatic rule. The manifesto ia a re-.
hash of obsolete greenback theories cal-
eulated to catch the popular vote. That '
history will repeat itself concerning
those ideas is well assured.
"Governor Pennover in a letter de- ,
clining an invitation to fill a week.s en-
gagement in Montana says. "If the'
present ruinous depression in business
and values, resulting directlv from the
demonitization of silver, and not from
any tariff taxation, or change in such
taxation, will notpersnade the jieopie of
Montana to vote against both of the old 1
political parties, dominated by Wall .
street and equally responsible for such
demonitization, then no persuasion of
mine would be availing, 'neither wili
they be persuaded though one nse from
tiie dead.' "
And for the last reason ocr g rod gov-,
ernor refuses to be resurrected. Such
; perspicacity from a corpse is starring.
Prof. Iewar is attracting worid-wide
, attention by Lis remarkable series of
successful experiments, in the Iloyal
, Institution laboratory, where he has
liquefied oxveen. solidified nitrown anil
redo(u ,ir , rolen ,t , temfT.
.... , . . .
a-.ure 01 oao Degrees raLr. Deiow zero.
For Tears frozen carbonic acid was the
limit in extraordinarily low temperature.
bnt Vro jmilT bejtlD, wherc m5 of
hi. predtiewort des in tb.t journt,T
mrd "the absolute xero" that has to
lovg Wn looked f!irward to b tbe M.
,,lorer. in tbig department of science.
Hydrogen i still successfully repellent j
.11 . .- . .. . I
; to all efforts at the so. id! fi cation of that
. lightest of ail gases. A generation tgo ;
FarmdJr """need the theory tliat hydro- j
gen WM e'- U has many charac-;
teu' that accord with that theory.;
Tne otLer u,eor th,t :1 n,et;
fin1!y nl'e nt" hydrogen, and
yurogen is iiieone
does not meet with any present favor
with wlentist
J "ff
In P' Pendleton Trilmne of '
yesterday which devote, most of its 1
. ... . ,-. ,.
space to the visiting editors, we realize
.n i . c .- 1 . ;
luh? hal a fine time our more fortun- !
l brethren and "iistern" have had. j
We 'Jve l'je consolation, however, of
knowir'K that we do not have to go home
,t,d 10 work ?" The trip to Mil-1
"" tf' wption t that place was
one of tUt ""gl'tful portions of the
meeting, and from our contemporary's.
descriI'tio" ' tiie feed given the hungry
qni:l dr'Ter, lt evident that Milton
,0'k understand the genus, newaf?r
man and realizes that the royal riia-d to
the intelligence is through the stomach.
Some of those editor won't require
another solid meal before Thanksgiving,
which is perhaps fortunate for them, for
they might not get it.
j iel M1! ii Nea Voik.e" k''? :
j bojie to combat the rei.-". lle ;
nn:p one and the adniinitrati.n, "
, ceiul!y. Neither caii be li.'i 10
I plara'.e the r!.ief.-t ( in;rti' iier
Cieveland, imr t.. draw any alrenirth
Tmi the adniiiiistratU'n demoiTata in
New York. If Hi!: runs he 1 de
feated, and ii l.e .l.t-'iiies u a t!! injure
bim i':i:ii-u!:y. It lo..k ! thooh !
there bad i-n .me kind of a wheiiie
put up t. put Hi.! in ikwition,
and it lie can pull himer'.! out 'f i aitli
credit, or even without piifve injurv ,
he ai.I develop ele:ueuta .:cinar.
!ill that be h not vet ma ie visi!'-.
j Tlie democratic umj-irity 111 t.eo-sia1
' has lieen reduced fr; 111 To.mK' to '.V.W. '
j Some of our exchanges see in llii
of aeakenmgin the deima-racy oi the .
Souili. They forget that Hoke Mnith is
from lieorg.a and that the fulling ulT in
the vote waa cansi not by difii-Mon, '
but by Hoke supplying V).OtXI Georgians
aithotlir. If the prei(!ei t d ies not
check him. Georgia ail! either be (top- ,
u.isl or depopulated bva'iotiier election. ;
Chief of Police Minto aiwunied bis
offii-e in Portland this" morning W.:ie
Mr. M.nto may make an excellent otlicer
IVrt'and may we.! congratulate herself
if lie equal in abi.ity his predecessor
Mr. Haut.
W it at .'10 to S'.c per lm.
FB:.rY Prices are np to ?0 to 1K
cents per HM ils.
Cuts The oat iiiiirket is hght at W
to t0 cents rt 1 i!s.
Floik Diamond brand ut fJ oi' per
bbl. per Uiu and - T." Jx r bbl. eta:..
Hay Timothy hay ranges in price
from $10 to $12 per ton. according to
quality and condition. Wlieat buy is
in full stock on a limited demand ut
$7 .h) to .V.I er ton.
Potatoes ." to "" cei.t per 100 lb.
IlrrTEB Fresh roll butter at 115 to 50
cents per rvil.
EKi Good fresii eKS ;! at ll!'.. to
14 c.
Tl ' .,..1 i . ' . . ... -
$1.25 to$2.IN fer di reu, tnrkevs s cents
Ertr a MrrroN reef cattie are in !
less demand at tl.."0 tr i(Kl
weiclit grose to $".lX tor extra good
Mutton is now quoted at 1 to 2 cent
,l , . , .. . - , .
per in. gross. 1 orx onerings are llglll
and prices are nominal gross
weight at 31,. centa dreesed.
Corrcc Costa Ilica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack, halvadorv, 23.c.
Arbuckles, 25-.
SfGAB Ciolden C. in bbis or sack .
$.5 T); Extra C, f 00 ; Itv prannlated
50. I. G.. in 30 lb boxes". $2 75. F.x
C. $2 25. GC $2 00.
Kira Japan rice, lilr,c; Inland,
riia;, T cts.
Ckass ?mal!
Pink, 4...c Tr lfK 11
a :K ;
f-YKrr $2 50 to $3 00 si keg.
Sait Liverpool, SIb sk, Hoc: lrN'lb
sk.$l 00; 2001b k. $2 00. Stock salt,
$10 per ton.
JTLfHra 2 cents per pound.
hides and ri'ts.
Hides Are quoted as follows; Iry,
23.clb; green, 11...
siiEir I txTB i to .x) ea. tk-erbkms.
-c .li ior tinier una ic i-r suinnier.
Pressed, light $! lb, heavy 75c lb. liear
ekins, $.v$12 ea; lieaver. i", 50 lb;
otter, $5 ; fisher, $."ir$5 5o: silver pray
fox, $iM'a$25 ; red fox. $1 25; grey fox
2.Vi'"$;i: martin. $l(..$l 25: "mink
50c"55c; con, 50c ; coyote, 3X-if T.V..
Geaix B.igh C'4 to 0'.: each.
Ilobbins I don't see why thev aa'.er
railroad stoic. Higiiee To form a poo!,
of conrse. Truth.
lor laxaatt and Chlldrea.
Cajiwlw yrwaaot Piw ticm. and
irr, Con.,u, sour 1
fttomach, Diarrh-jw, and FersrUhneaa.
Thus the child U rendered hoaltby and ju 1
. , . , . . ,
avsep BAtBrmX. Caatorla contains no
jiorphiiM or otbor naumtic property.
-Caatorialaao well adapted to chOdraa that
I raonomarad tt aw auperior to may preampuoo
kaowa le aaa." K. V ..-naa H. !..
Ill Boota Oxford St., bruoajjo, X. T.
" Foe arrrsrsJ rears I hare wtwuiwdged your !
Casona.'aod abail a. way. oonunue to do an,
aattataeaeaabty prod scrd awfVl raauHa. ,
J.D-i. F. I aaoaa. f . I...
VBth 811 aat aad 7tn At.. Knw Tor City, j
"The oas of 'Caasoria' at ao uoiniiaal and
Ita tsMrits ao stall kormi uat tt aeasD a sore ot
uperrratin to ewoora u. are tarn in
tellirent families woo do sot keep Oaatona
arttiua sssj rst atk."
Cakum kUs-TTS. D. t.,
Kew Vara City.
Taa Casrraoa Ooarin, 77 Murray Street, If. T.
tTfUT. "PTf boneas optnmn. arms to
"II-" sV t ., Bf. ha bad tawiy "f'r aars'
""" le ssumt tuima. fanmtnMav
tmai swietly eoctflormwl. A Handbook of la.
' "i m rrawaaaiiK fatasts ana bftat la os
tis umss arm trrs. A tan a rsuurwss ot
las! and acterruae aa rem irasT
t-aiepta . taaao tonnmi, Maim ft Co rseeres
sanalDntMelatllsaM-lrsttar aMt.
tnas ars brnwM s-idr.y ml rr toe pui ik etu,
e to tis anmor. Tax aormdMl ran
aswaw ssestr. ajrsacl.y ihsnrairo baa b Ut
n (as)
aai. oreawoia n anr scfiune run o
W" d- IJ 1 .ear. feat; r. r m
Balatirar tviituaa. aaontnlr. t- jx a Tsar. (Mssis
ry. escita. Bfary nummr eomaios 1,-ran
tilal aauaa. in soturv aul po. srrspss of orw
poaaws. sots pain. ai.aMiua bni.orn 10 show
SMeal (fcararne aoO aarurr (vartrata. fl -1 ir 1 1 1
ji.-s.- j : p,n o.olYs-s
flew York Weekly Tribune
Ttits weii-known Brewery is now
ol tS,e Caacade. Tlie latert appliance for th manufacture of good health-
... 1 I' 1 1 - 1 .J I - .v.- A - 111 V ,
lui iwvr uive urmi wuuuumi, uu un
' he markt
President Warren, of Boston nnivtr-!
r.ty, asks for $i00,0c0 with ahich to
found an "American Museum of all lie-:
lu the Clreuit Court of tli sutr ut vr ri It
w wo I ounty
Italic City,
ienry Walnut mud
Alauil U DtK!ui.
T'l '.! w;toi ;.! .Aiaul Wu;i:. tli -
li.mnl rt. l.-ii(1i.t
In trie name nf thr Matr ! 'irer-m Yov ml
u-h of Tnu are h.-n-. mimrWI apimr and
rTf eiitiiiw: i'mu. tT the- t;rm oy t icrm
f trie abttv tii.Url nir( ftti m( tin rxnrm
n,a: r :.e time vr.-ni.-i m u .,1,1-r 1 ,r
' snr ri:iio('tt-.inii inrrH. m imu ti tin 1
r.iOi.i.f I'll il:i(ln-. Hi' day ot NowmtMT,
1 . a:U if y.n. faii 1., anxrrr aani r..mi.iii.t
iih-luaui'.S wii: acn I" tin-tun lor Uiv niivf
d-n.-mi.-d th.-rn u- "
ii,.- um ..! $.' . .!!. IHU-T.-I tiirrcm fr-.m
tne -' daj of X'ov ember. I-"-, at the rai nf U n
r,w;l -perannuin . tn ' a attorney Imand
or tr- riu ami rti-t,urM'inTiu nf ran
and lirr a il-5n nf fowj.wur.' of th- mort
Kafr nam-l in ltit'Coia).tauit ami tT a aair of itie
linrlj)f.l iipfiiiw (lw-Till m IttJl'iWH. t.. w;t
KaMti!'.a at lfi- mfhMMBt -ri.-r .... n.,..,t-w
tn- n- t...- number aerei. in . ,1 ,ii.,n
lm! uol Ulie r irt. al.'T.r t!- anulh ilnr of h.-i.U'li
MP"l or ll-Milou lt,":u. a.xt M-7.-n Iwl
tmnirr oi;lnri. t.ut n-il due anutli, on a
traiitht l::o- jrao-. tli. frt (hip nf lot
threr. rnr buniirril antlricntv trtrr tmrt . luni-r ,
raJU-r;V, l,ul due .,-aj.l, mt Mnro to
Ihr weat tin ttf wnd lot tlirw ttiVnrr totrthrrlr.
lm: tiot dur itirtti. aintif tne weal hue itf aaid 1
lot thrf. one hmiiri and rirtjtr iiirer l-t, to
tnr un-ol bMnnnniK. a.l lyiu atid tetne In '
aaid bu- x and addition, aate and except ttir ;
fnlioarlnir dearrlta-d trart Win and lieiinr 111 the
Mmthtat ciroerof tn tract n.-rr draeritatrl,
tn-wil B'-cinnliir at thr norttirrrat rorTiT rt !
1 ! lour in ii.iwa lour In Hii'ow Kltifl addition
; mrnli-iiirt. u. thr rVt linr of trie tra-t tirt
! anme 4illpil ttipwt -utlir!T and alonit tlir !
weal line 01 no nml lli-. -nrt tra.- to tlir '
uthaieat eorner tl-rif . tnfi'- alr')r aimta
, 7? l.'.iL'V: '
"" h'u '" "Wit.. u. U.; '
I I-.t hlcfj said l.rt adtoma and abut
aaid land finrt auore rt-'.twl on i, .,tt. ...h I
ueninninjt Aiat 101 numlr lotit tn blia-k 1111m
ejl-nl clear tlimiKii v ( iT ti'.rwt on tlie
aoutli Aiao frartioiiai lot nuii.l-r mn- hi bli
1 number three in aaid HifeliHr . KlnfT atlditlon u
. lalin Cily: hwelnet mnu tbe iriiemrnw. berr
1 dilamenu and annurtenawa theminto la-loii
1 In- or in any wiar ervtfrtaimnit. aaid land and
, all lyin and larinr in un county,
im-emi: aufl that aaid premium or au much
tlietwf a mav br inr.i.wry to raiar the amount
due u tlir plaintiff and Ui enata at tbla auit and
ali aum due lif atlornt Uix-a n,, .
mrnta. and whKri may be au.d In parrnla riin.
out maurruu Injury to tne partiea. may be d
rewl" ttiTenf ut aitpliMl utm lur amouul due u
the plaintiff, and lor attorn.-y . frr and rnai of
' tla action and all im due for taxes and
a-aeaameiiU. and the d-lendanta and cav h
i of tlim and a., pr-w.n. rialnniif under thrm or
eithrr of tnem .iilrte.iueutiy to the enni tneni-e
ment of thiaaottoB and e.Ty (mm rhiar nm
lyalie I. ulWUiflit Of ilUUrnt y rvoorOxl.
may be tainrd ajl fortrloanl of all r.nt. tltl.-.
inn-rest, eiaiin. hen and .tiity nf rrrt'-mptinii In
and to aaid mone,.-,! prrnuara and that th
p.altmfT tiari- uou o!l-r and further r-ilef a
... an - a'T-T-nnr p. law : mat Uie pro-
inn, m- 10 uion- aim jij ax
'''' nntii.-d that no. .timmon. i.
Tv-d uw.n ym br nuhlii-atmn I. ... .. i '
i,.ini,r, in i.a uy.itr.-ron. i. ..( ti.e ;
Ion W. I. .,dr- ol ihr'lth i..M.-..i
w. ludirr o;
of ttr-rt
I lel! f-t .rf tnr Mate of ir.,n .. ......
i-t 01 i'b.i; 11 11
on thr jir. diy o' tpu-nn
w ir wiiw.n
Atbirnry for I'lallitlir.
f. f. I.b Orrrz, The Italle r..i '
S.,ll,-r . htfhy rlrrn that the followlns
natr,l -itir ha. filed riotltr of t,i ini.-ntion b. '
niaar fmai pr...f in aU.a-t .rf hi . uiim. and !
thai .aid pr ,,f sill ia: ta-f.-re thr ktriUe '
and ker..;vr at The Itsiles. ftreavin, on tru- I
her lotn. -h. vii I
Horner White, j
" ' N" -"'. I' Ihe n'j se",, wi 1
l.S.irl;im. j
nani.-a trie foll.nrlne ttwar to prnrr hi I
e-mtinu .ua rvaidenrs unttn and suiUiaUon of
n.l. mini, Tlf
' li,;r 'nr. w r. Mcf lure, a.
Met. lure, ail of HaptniUa, Or.
I A F M'KKC, Keauiter.
- $1.75.
turning out the beat Beer and Porta
7 mjv um-cw. mi tn:ir wui m p Kmn
, "
llil I I'll niII'T 1
till I A II I 11 I V
, I I III 11
' 1 U i 1 A
ron haijE.
TliMlr.f'i l.iml t,,r l4 ainwl l.e
. . . r 1 . . . .
tenter re" Trade, sou of the Great
f ree Trade hog of Ohio, sold for $'ot),
, the highest priced hog ever sold in the
1 n:tel States. asststed by son Tecumseh
Chip Jr "1 S1, told for 2!I0.
; Owinr ti. the hard time. I will sell
for the next thr months, my pigs for
$20 each, or $35 ;ier pair. Will box and
deliver at nearest station free.
Come and see them or write.
No business done on Kundavi.
Ceuterville, Wash.
A. A. Brown,
Keep. fuU aaaorUDaut ol
r , t 1 n
Staple and fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which be efler. at Low Ururee
SUrl. 11 It
aJ C. 11 f Li
to Cash Buyers.
Hinhest M Prices for Emi
other Finance.
Wasco Warenouse Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor-
ace. and Forwards same to
fcv' " " vu
tneir aestinatioii.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rotes Reasonble
W. W. Oo.