The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 03, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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A sedentary accufatum
plenty of sitting down and not
much exercise, ought to have
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
to go with it. They abso
lutely and permanently cure
Constipation. One tiny, sugar
coated Pellet is a corrective, a
regulator, a gentle laxative.
They're the smallest, the easi
est to take, and the most
natural remedy no reaction
afterward. Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Indigestion,
Bilious Attacks, and all stom
ach and bowel derangements
are prevented, relieved and
A great many medicines "relieve
Catarrh in the" Head. That means
that its driven from the head into
the throat and lung. But, by it
mild, soothir-c, cleausine and healing
properties. Dr. $agv' Catarrh Rem
edy pc -feclrr and permanently euro.
Jen ins Well, elr, I rive it to that
straight, I can tell yon. tie is
twice a big as I am, too, bat I told him
exactly what I thought of his rascal!?
conduct right to tit face, and I called
him all the names in the dictionary and
a lot of others as well. Studds And
didn't he try to hit yon? Jenkins No
air, he didn't. And when he tried to
answer back I just hung cp the tele
phone receiver and walked away. Tid
There is no medicine so often
in every borne and so admirably adapted
to the purposes for which it is intended,
as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Hardly a
week passes bat some member of the
family has need of it. A toothache or
headache may be cared by it. A toach
of rheomstisn. or neuralgia quieted.
The severe pain of a barn or scald
promptly relieved and the sore healed in
much less time than when medicine has
to be sent for. A sprain may be
promptly treated before infiamation set
in, which insures a rare in a boat
one- '
third of the time otherwise required.
Cuts and braises should receive im
mediate treatment before the parts be
come swollen, which can only be don
when Pain Balm is kept at hand. A
ore throat may be cared before it be
comes serioas. A troublesome com may
be removed by applying it twice a day
for a week or two. A lame back msy be
cured and several days of valuable time
saved or a pain in the side or chest re
lieved without paying a doctor bill. Pro
cure a 30 cent bottle at once and yon
will never regret it. For sale by Blakeley
A Houghton Druggists.
"We are going to have Mabel very
highly educated," said a clever matron
recently. "I don't want to be highly
educated,' came in the unexpected
voice of Mabel, a little tot of 5 years,
from another room. I want to be just
like you," Tid Bita.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was sopposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
local disease, and prescribed local rem
edies, and by eoustantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure in the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops i
to a teaepoonfal. It acta directly on tbe
bloodland mucous sorfaces of the svstem.
TW i.n.Jl J..n. I
ease it fails to cure. Send for eirralan
, . . . ., i
and teaumoma.s. Addrese.
J. J. CHEXEY A Co., Toledo. O
""Sold by Drufyists, 75c
Fair maiden ' lrom towof How sav
agely that cow looks at mel Farmer
Hayseed It's your red parasol, mom.
Fair maiden Dear me! I knew it was
a little bit oat of fashion, bat I didn't
appose a country cow would notice it.
Tid Bits.
cfcsaw's inn awl...
The beet aa!ve ia the worid for euta,
brnieea, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
ores, and all skin eruptions, and posv
tiveiv cures piles, or no Mf reauired.
It is guaranteed to pre perfect aausiao-
tion. or money refonoeo. Price 25 cents t
per box. For aaae Dy 8 a; pes A Kin. i
Ail city warrants registered
January 1, 1892, are now due and pay
abteat say office. Interest ceases after
this date. L I. Bcaerr, City Treac
Dated Dalles Citv, Ang. 1. IS4.
la rain
sacks for ea,e at the Wasco
Vm a aal.aljrF. WkaW '
The Newfoundland doff takes hi
name trvxm the ikland here he sup-;
! ptoeJ to have oripinated. Many, how
! ver. believe that the Noraiinen. who
! disci vrrvd America in the year !. in- ;
: troduoed thus d.y in Newfoundland.
lie i by m.tue ciaAaitied anions the
' wolf-dof. while other, on account of
hi. lur-e pendulous cur. ay that he ,
i should not K-lonjr to this family, but ,
1 that he and the t- Hernarda should (
- occupy a place by theniselve.
, The" Newfoundland, says Harper's
i Young1 People, since his introduction
in EnirUind. has improved in appear
ance, and is now larpvr and heavier. .
In Newfoundland and Labrador these
dops are ued as beasts of burden. ;
drawing considerable loads of wood
and provisions on sledge. Their feet '
are partially webbed, and therefore
they are most ezceUect water dopa. ',
The scent is not strong, and as the dog
is slow and clumsy, he is not valuable '.
to the hunter, except as a retriever:
when speed is not required. '
In the Uland of Newfoundland this '
dog is almost totally black, but the;
Enj? lish varieties are usually black and ;
white. As a watch-dop the Newfound- ;
land is only second to the mastiff, lie
is amiable to children and small dops. !
Kept in confinement he often frets cross
and ill-tempered, and flies at those for J
whom he has previously shown the
greatest regard.
Where a dog cannot be allowed to
run, and must be chained up, the New- (
foundland should not be kept. This
dog is a great life-saver, and by in
stinct will jump into the water to save '
ven an enemy from drowning'.
." .
Ciwun That Is rsaMaa as
I have always despised bats, said a ;
Cleveland man recently, and it always
sends a shudder over me whenever one ,
of the hideous creatures approaches '
me. The bats of this country, how
ever, are not to be dreaded in compar
ison to those of the vampire species'
which abound in India. Just imagine
a big mouse with a horn on his head
like a rhinneerous, furnish him with a ,
pair of demon-like winps. and you have :
a very pood picture of this latter kind.
The natives dread the vampire bat on
account of his blood-sucking propensi-'
ty. In the sultry nifhts he fans the '
heated sleeper with his wingn while
his needle-like teeth are being in-;
serted into the veins of his victim. i
quencbintr his thirst for blond with (
such gentleness that it is only by some
fortunate chance that he is discovered
before the mischief is done. It is a
well-authenticated fact that if an indi
vidual is once bled by a vampire he is
invariably chosen, in preference to all
other equally erp-ed for a subseuent
attack, and even if he were to move
ten or twenty miles away, no im
munity is pained thereby, as the bat is
sure to follow him and keep cp his
blood-thirsty attack until his victim
succumbs or the animal is discover, ti
ana fc-.ieti. tarue ana norses. Ir. th
beinp more exposed, srr more frequent
ly chuien as the "subjects of attack by
these loathsome creatures. .
iMe iiMin mum A boat
Trrm Koott.
The banana p wonderful sus
taining properties, and yet years apo.
in the warm countries whnv it r
ihe. the banana w&s thoutrht of w
lifht'j that it n-as allowed to wate if
not eaten by the cattle.
The plant it?if was rained &imp!yas
a khade f'tr eofTre trres. between row
of which it was planted.
Somebody once t 'id me. sar a writer
in the Gentlewoman, that the Span
iards UMrd to regard the banana as a
furbidden fruit, because they detected
in its heart the transverse section of
the cross.
I remember, too. how one of my earlr
(rovernesses used to delipht me by
hhowinj? me the crow, and the apotle
in the center of the pakm flower: and
canons na.itti mcriis lo be !unu '
at the back of the net-it of ttu- baHdo-k
indentations himilar to those that
mifht be caused by the finper and
thumb, the suppucitiun beins; that the
haddock wa ie of the fishes picked
out of the net on the occasion of the
miraculous draft of fishes.
t fur
People Wlw Wm Klaaplr
They are tellinir a story of a Dutch-! "
man who nrer:Vrl t:iirh..!f .t tV
istar's o2ice rw.-.-n'.!v to obtain a license '
for his approaching ma rriuire. and who. !
on being1 asked the name of the bride. '
wa eomnelled to ennfu tha it Y., '
Id him. and he had to re-
turn home lor the necesnary informa-
. . . ' !
. , .
sence of mmd. but there are others on '
record that are even Utter. There!
. irriLl rW BUITT UI D-
have been cases where persons have: vwi .6.0 mme t K. X. fhoti r. t. 'un
even for(Tottn their own names. i ' .ntaorimt to uae irninoiiT at
Leinr. tbe historian.
. 1
was subject
to the mort wonderful fiU of abstrac
tion. One niput. returning home late, I
he ranr the front door bell, and when '
a servant called out from an upper win-j
dow that the professor waa not at'
name, ne said: "All riht, IH come
arain and walked .
There waa an Polish elersyman. !
iiev. ueortre Harvest, rbovuranml
to a daughter of the bUiurm of i
but on the cay of hu wedding went '
fUhin?. and fitful of the appointed
hour did ttiA appear at the euptiala.
" "T broke off the match.
aJ.a Bate k. ladla.
j A rainmaker ia India has an appar
j atas eonsiirtinr of a rocket capable of
prior to ) ruung- to tbe beifrbt of a mile, contain
ing- a reservoir of ether: in its descent '
it open, a parachute, whkh cause, ft
v, mm. i,m . 1 t, 1 :.
thrown out in Cue .pray. and it ab-
h-"" wai u satia to lower tne
temperatcre about it sufficiently toj
eonden tl vapor and produce a lim-
ited shower.
Liniment "
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints.
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy-.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment cooqucrs
Makes Haa or Beast weft
In the Oirruit Court of Ui of Omr m (or
U nee County. I
x! Bairbtitrf. 1 i
Plsinuff. i
w I
C. T. F.n nd f
Man Fh. !
DeitncUnta- i
To c. f. Foco and Mute F'h. tbe sborfMMBMd
- deienduiu
1c lh oamf of the HlMle at Orrgnp Ton and
earA at tuq r brtf iriurwl o atatr and ,
ar ittr enfdfHain; fi&il ajnuni y.m In rb? (
aiv v enuiktl suit wttiun icn intra tbe Hatr
t the mr i tni srammona Dm yw, if
mrrti vtSnin MaavorocntT. rtatr ot 'rTvcm : or (
n -ri within any oUmt cnuntT of tDt rttale
tiH-n vitnin twenty dMT trrnn th dasr ot
tte iwTTKc of tn. rammom upon tdq: and ii j
to ftssiJHr m crvvd by pabitewUiiO UMrrvrf . yrn
ar iTvuimJ totPimr and answfraaJd Complaint j
hi r b!srT M'ttaday. toe )-th day ni Nor- j
en.bcr. . I bat bxinf the tmt dar nf tbe jv-xt
nriir term 01 wra i irru.t ioort. Ioikwior tbe
exTumittra 4 the umt pKCTib-d in the trir
hvnrt- f t- made (or tbe nubiieaUoo "f mid ton
irtM and ii ym. or eiiher of yi. fau. o t mv
tmr and anw-r Mid eompiaiut. jutlrneni will
be tnin aninM ym fr wart UrrrA. and tbe
ptajntiff wni mpxtiy to the Court ljf the rUe
l7yed Uw in bi aatd bill of eompisuot. vwit
tr a derive oroVnor a UrrUmui of that eer
Um dwd of mormire. madtr. executed and de- I
liverfd f plaintiff by deiendsinu. beannf date ,
tuetf?in drwnwl. to-wit L-t :. h. t" F. G.
11. I aw! J. in bsajra aeTeriTT-eiKbt in Fort bwitea
Mi.ita.rr KewnaJHm addition to Imlsva Cite.
vavc. rvvantT. TeTr.. be md in tne manner '
pnvridetf hy iw ax.d tbe raeti-eof tnw urt. ?
Till tr ial frrrrrt lrta miswmIi sneitu rn.m aurh I
atis ine bntsfT hafa and tvf--f th mm .f '
-M 4i. and ir.tTent therern at Ue rate of ten
per e?!it- per annum tine the l.Ub dr of Aur j
tt Imh; a nil tfts ftirirbssr sum tii .a- tfi vw
onjiuie ntbrrne ! in mul uit. tm?'brr with
tiieet and dibarrmeuu made and expended
in Uii uiU ieiudiuir M.Ue(Uiit and rmtinf
eft ana expenAett f tMie: tnat n vm wwb d
erw. t-frekure and . all of txe rtjtnt. Ute inL rrirt hi at nil arh 44 ViM nd m!1 sf
tfe xiirbt. tit and interm of all imd emr per- j
m nriTaoi r-ummc or t.ciim Uu,xxt or ;
ondr Ttm, or eiiner of too. in or V wd knitc i
d-rtf-d premiw. or to an part Urrwrf, N-
I and l-rrver barTed inm all eijuitr uf i
rroeinDUofi: thjtt iituntiff b. i to. U
wg (r
aiii to purrtu. m,a pmiir t b option tox :
,r" mamer Vaml he lb. Imm-rli.t-
e trat I
ment mtmiTtat too for mnr itt,Mtd tjtrr tuml i
rn.T mitia mtter mr-b Mae. .no lor mwb otner
uii lunner reaef m ni.y lo bc Cnurt a jual
The mitkc of thw lummmi y matW ujn toc
lex. tvrwymvrt of ffnermi etreauitHm. Hib-
j aza wci; at I t.iir. w.roirmntT.
r o. tir onrr irt tr Hmor.b? w . L R?Mltiw.
;u'of tn jpn:ri Jwtiei.1 Iitnet or u
i llr Hi (imp .turn ortlT mm rtun it;.W at
'pDanita?. in I;.;;. ttr, ' ttvc. on tt iih
05 il KrWrtuwei, irjt H Hr K.I'I'f.Ll
VlVt AtUrrarr lor hi.ii.Uff.
H. Li (rmit, Th fn..i
n;vlnt fa.Tiiic Uen enteral at tnta rfT
T rn M.i-m amM Jin Vwli l. uu-
.a .. ,,, M tVv-'.f",
rMl -v - ip- e. K I- E. lb onvm. with a view to ttaecn-
. -. , . . .
-'. """- t mil,, ttwr i-l ymr-um m i :iT . ,
tlT u m mot-l ir, myma mt tmm offir on u l fth '
rj..r,"':"'" i
r',i'TT. vrnciNi in ipimiwT i -.U. W,
h o eiuca a. m.
Ji. r. M'i'ir.i. Hf.tirr.
Laaa Omca. Tb (:.. Or..
hev . 14. 4 I
- , muni a. in.ii.u; n , wn uai uir HMiowjna. r
! namfl aeulav bm noilnrof aia inteitti.m 10 :
'AW (
w at Tbe lasu.. urarua, on irt t.
, . c -nxrWti K..rUt.
X , ' " ' "
K nMmm ,n fot.ivinr wtttniiw t pmn at
eorrtmooua iwHw nson mr euluvatjon o i
anl a illiwii Kerixie. lur V Htm-
i.n-1. fwa L bavensort. Fnutk f T.rlor, all
vi tut Imiim.
JA. V. WMjfLT.. axnater.
... ...
norclJMe Dv oox1 r)? W'tU,
Brahma or IT t mouth Kock. cross rira. 1
ferred. Price f2.50 per dozen. Call on j
or aaaree
Eo. M. Harbisav,
. ,0-. Or
h'The Relator Line"
Tie Dalles, PcrtM anil Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freigai ana PassEnoer Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex-!
cepted) between "The Ialles and Port- j
land. Steamer Eegulator leaves The j
Dalles at 7 a. m.. connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles Citv leaves Portland (
1 (Yamhill st. dock; at 6 a. m., connect-j
ing with Steamer Regulator for The ,
One way
; Round trip.
j Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
unll be brought through, toith
1 out delay at Cascades.
! Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
b p". m. Live stork shipments solirted.
Call on or address,
6mrl Anl aad Artlas; Mu.r.
LIME and :
Window-Glass j
and j
Picture Moulding,
;h. o-XiiEZLTnsr.;
First Rational Bank.
A General BaakiBf BoBUKftMi tranaactt
Depocit rewivl. Bnbjwt to hiffbi
r '
UTli Of CfiCCC
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection. !
1 Bisrbt and Teleeraphic Ezcliance sold on i
! New York. San Francisco and Port-
J. jBOHTwOX. Jho. P. NrflBftTE
p t., r-
tD- ai- " ILL IAMB, KjUO. A, LJK0B.
- ,.
tkaomci AbKNeaaLBayK;xarsiKE)e
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Laetern fetate.
rjiftit Exchanre and Telegraphic
Transfers soi don New York, Chicago, bt.
Louis, rian Francisco, Portland Oregon,
oemii.e n ana., anu various points In Or
efon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav-
rmble terma.
Mertafe Establishment
DCALtaa is-
Furniture and Carpels.
We bave added to oar business a
complete Undertaking Establishment,
and as we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trust, our prices wil
be low accordincly.
it. A. DtKTRICM.
FllYSicidll HDcl HUThOTl,
T All prof.aaioo.) Mlia WfpUj attenitc
uar .net umliU tpri4
The ialles
laily and Mty
THE CHRONICLE was established for tie ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other rs
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve- '
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 jer
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio Dallos, Orocon.
i HI
hortxmtnt to f.ul liltM a Co.
And the Most Complete and Latest Fattems and Deeifct in
, of J. W. MA"? CPA'S PAINTS used
mort (killed workmen employed. Agents for Mssurv Liquid Paints. Noches
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orden
promptly attended to.
Btore and Paitt Ehoo coroer Tiird and WMhiii:o Bt.. Tk Dalleii 0rii
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the V. P. E. R. Company, and ofnee of the Westeri
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safely of all Valuables.
Blakeley &
175 Second Street,
A full line
of all the Standard Patent
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mail Orders will receive
n ni G
Ruinous Rates.
It k r.FR w k. l brudi
io UI our "work, and none but tiki
The Dalles, Oregon
prompt attention.