The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 03, 1894, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Ester! : js.iH.- at Tm Orec.-n.
a -oal . a. - c: w r
T(ti 01 rititi..
a-serei- a- s:i
iapi o: f-jf.n '.astmcn.m
btnaum .
K k Km -..J
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t M i-l.maa
.J N l...h
h V;n-n;'.
iiatr Pr.n?
tt'iMi orririAi..
T J 'w.t
"m vie
F?wi. . kiiKia.4
aapwwr r H :a
tatotriracfe tVS
cotuuct H. biiiu
Every person with an income of M.0(O
per year and every business; corporation
v.. t. ):. inmm n thotr:rT
bill. As showing what is considered a
person's income let us qno:e soite items
from the law :
Interests upon notes, bonus and other
securities ; t-rof.ts rea'irevl within a year
from saies of real estate purchased with
in a year trv-m saies of real e-tate p ttr
ctase'J within to years previ.uf. in
terest received or ai-orued cpo:: a..' cites,
bonis, ruortia'es or other f jri of in
dehteocess. pai or not. if
good and col.ectah'.e. less the interest
paid by s.'.ch Tron carir.; '.his year :
ail ii.:eres: oc l.'iiis. E:':es or cjupocs ;
retlj'ts itvui l:ce stock, sfar, cotton,
wool, hotter, cheese, pork, oef, mut
ton, or other meats : hay. grain or other
productions o: produce of the estate of
such rrsc-s, ie the amount expended
in the production of such stock or pro
dace; a'.i other gains, profits or income
dsried from any source whatever, ex
cept that derived is salary from the
f nited -late.
The f oliowicg deductions are allowed :
1. Necessary expense to carry on
Alt interest paid daring tiie year.
S. All taxes paid during the year.
i. All iase actually eustained not
compensated by insurance or otherwise.
5. I"ebts ascertained to be worthless.
Another provision is that :
In computing the income of ary per
son, corporation or association, there
hall not be included the amount re-
ceived from any corporation, company
or association if the tax of two per cent
bas leen pid wpon ia net prof;: of
auch organization as re-;nired by law.
The last clause given above would in-
-elude all employes or corporations, al- '
though not intended to do to. Every
orporation will be obliged to make a
ewom statement, in which it will be
forced to state i
1. Its gross prcnts.
Its expenses, exclusive of interest,
annuities and dividends.
9. The net irocts without allowing
for interest, annuities or dividends.
4. Amounts paid for intsrest, annui
ties and dividends.
5. Every person who receive a sal
av in excess of H.OOO. and the amount.
The Oregoniaa yesieriUy Las an arti
cie concerning the management of state,
county and city affair that is directly to
the point and filed with good Lard horse
sense. We regret that lack of space pre-
Tent our re-nrintine it. but we console
ocrselve bv clipping the concluding '
paracraph i
"Sever before Las an Cregon legisla- concerning polygamy. Tiie president i rit f anctity. A between corpora- bly enlir.ed in the Japanete army. Yon
tnre Lad such summon to duty a reel F'Tee M reason for Li action that the . tions and their employes, the rule is know they're death on China. Phila
cpon tbe one that will convene in Jano- church authorities have instructed their , '1 t the same as tie'. ween indi- delpLia Beccrd.
ary. Our w hole official eyetem bas be- , peopie to ooey the law and to cease the viaua.s ana their employe. This is a
come honeycombed with practice ' practice of polygamy, and tbe president, ! plain common sense rule, and one that
which to use no harsher term, are bur- believing that the practice La been prove satisfactory to all except per
deneome to the taxpayer and destructive abandoned, pardons ail who Lave vio- j corporation. The ruling of
to the elate. Office are sought for iated the iaw. 1 Judge Jenkine, if carried to il legitimate
their emolument and "worked for ail t , conclusions, would mean the enslaving
there is in them." Extravagance ' Tb ecretary of war Las ordered a 0f labor, for il man went to work for
loosen e and recklessnee of expendi-1 bord of nPneer to meet at Portland . company and could not quit when Le
tore Lave prevailed in leKielaiire Lali aboot tht m,dd,e 01 tb moult t0 change wanted to or withont the con-ent of the
and department ofEcej. It ehould be :
tbe business of thi legUlature to reform 1
the abuses and tnt the tate oton a :
career of honesty and economy each as
honored iu earlv rears. The voice of
the people La called it into life for that j
end, and their eye are cpon it." '
" ;
T!r)P. A NTi iLnrn.t,.1
Lav. iW taxes reduced from M 0 to '
taTe it taxes reoucec irom to
14 WjO r--r mil I'i rVmliilnf
H.vjo per nine, l.s c.a.m lor a reduc-,
tion is based cpon the deterioration in
value creed by inability to earn in-
tereet on the amount invested. The '
fart if no doubt true, but what is true ,
os tne ra. roaa n a so true ot every other
industry. ne O. E. A '. is certainly
getting rich just as fan a the wheat
grower or t-ie r.'xxman. i. .1, asses-
met of one i reduced to ts-twlJ that of
tbeoterbe. TLn woe id p-ve gra'ify-
ing to everybody were it tot i the fart
that jot o touch money must be raiJ,
and if al. assessment were redo,d, tbe
rate of
would Lav Vj be in-
TLe on'v
coeetion to ye oo-
airfMMl in :tv. -
. a . t
trWrTvl .tott-
property in lot eooaty, too Lt
If it m, it .hoold U redo ed ; i! it m va.
H iboaid be left w it ia. or raised cntii ,
it bear nor nor le thaa it
proper hare of taxation. That M'JO .
per uiiie is not an exorbitant asaeaaujeut.
self evident fact, and epei-ia..y i
thi true when is is taken into cons.wcr-
ation that the rolling stock i assewteJ.
at only T") per mile. In computing
the amount of iuterest must t
earned the value of the road U put at
several time -'.(V0 per miie, and it
should pay a: lea-: on thirty per cent of
its value.
The entire prwt of the state has bad
unletting to say concerning the book
trust: each presuming that what the
other said was true. Nw we do
not know anything concerning this
alleged octopus, and would like ou;e
information. Who and a hat it the
American Nvk trust. What do they
information. Who and what is the
American Kvk trust. What do they
propose to do. and how do tkey intend
to do it . We be.ieve in Having a g-ooa
selec-Jcn of b.Kki. and then st.cking to
them, and if we have not tLat kind
now, ;n the came of common sens why
haven't we If the hooks se.ected l y eription is so true that wecan hardly be
the last batch of school tuperictend- rvt . wras mistaken in this resteer.
ents are no good, what guaranty have
we that another batch selected by the
rresett r.r-ericsenaeBTS wou.a oe any
better. lut in tae meanwni.e wno
knows anything about the alleged
'"book trust""
ecator Mitchel., in an interview con
cerning the probabie candidates tor
president, after going over the tield
pretty thoronghiy, gives a his oplr.iiC
vj to the most avai.abie man on the re-
!cblican side the name of Senator Cam
eron of Pennsylvania. He says that
events may transpire between now and
the time of making the nominations that
may make some other candidate more
available, but at the present time
v.ameroa wou.a ieaa a-, others. "c
conies our tnahi.ity to nnoerrtand by
what pr-oces? of reasoning tie senator
reaches this conclusion, as candidates
as strong or stronger can he found in
every state. er.ator Allison of Iowa is
a stronger and far abler man than Cam
eron. Besides he comes from the West.
"""" j
Tiie members of the Oregon Tress .
Association from Western Oregon will
pass ttrocgn tonight on their way to
Pendleton to attend the annual meeting f
of the association, which will be called '
to order at that place tomorr-jw. They '
are a jolly lot and we regret with an '
upper case E, our inability to go with
them, for we know we will miss lots of ,
fun. and the very best time that can be
crowded into forty
eight hours. When
Pendleton and tbe Tres meet, the giow-
ing hour and Cying feet will Lave euch
a chase a would gladden the eye of a '
blind man to see. Pendleton knows
bow to entertain, and the Oregon new- '
paper men, God bless 'em, leave their
diffidence with the devil when they go
away from Lome.
Tae latest news from Caina is decid
edly interesting. The CLfbeee troops at
Wijo are said to have mutinied. The
army is lacking in two things, one is
patriotism and the other ammunition.
At "Yijn the trop mutinied and threw
away their arms, because they Lad no
ammunition. Peking is said to be in a
state of panic, the mention of the Japan
ese being fuffi' ient to make the whole
city tremble. The Jap on the contrary
are full cf fight and enthusiasm, and
that they will march on Peking is a cer
tain fact. China is already whipped,
her armiee are demoralized and her
people in a state of terror.
The next
month will how great things in the
Chinese empire.
President Cleveland
Las issued a
proc'iamalion granting amnesty to ail '
Mormon who Lave violated the law
J " ' 'wnB''
" " . . ol
io.eou. im
fr" P " "."""iia i k see me ,
unjer lue Penent
p'ni' en P tiie locke when
o completed, at any time they can g-t
op to them.
' '.' -s . ' - '
V o 5 T " "7 '
liCK man. One learned doctor savs Le
i. i. l.j- ,
ha Bright d.sease in an advanced nage,
BJ another itn Le ha ceuraathema,
- ooed with anemia, in a,M:;,.n t
kidney disease. Thev agree in one
thing, and that i that at the best the .
, en on'T Uxt a Jew a,, tv,.
be can console Limself with the
t;on tija. it doe- not matter which one is '
right. !
! ?
Ti Kond. Xmm. U rrticair, of .
which are jut becoming known, did a
great amount of damage to orchard, aod
orange grove, bot fortonately no live
were lost. Tbe prediction of tLi torm ,
and '
- - - -a .- -f-c
warning riven tnoa
V. !! min.; ;.. t. . i
Onr editori.: pHe wa ligbtlr mixed
frday. Howler tb. Jitter . S
there, and Ton can arranr it o mt
I that while the Mckinley bounty ha
Recently we came aero a To'ume b,n abolished, there i still an ad
wriiteu by F.os CvX. entitled "Adven- valorem duty on rrtned sugar ruS-cicat
teres on the CjlnmUa River including : (0 make its manufacture from lvt
Tbe Narrative of a Kesidem of ix t.rjfitable to Uth the producer and the
Years on the Western Side of the Rocky
Mountain. Among Various Tribe of
Ind.ans Hitherto Unknown."' The
work w written by Mr. R ws C.-x and by J. .i J. Harper of New
York iu :-C Mr. C was one of those
srho came to Astoria on the seeoii.1 ship
sent out bv Mr. As:;r, the Beaver. Lich
arrived at the mouth of the Co'.Jiu'o.a
May 5;h, :S!C. Mr. Cox mde the
in-nr til thA fil:ftn. n ! Cnr
d .lene country the same year, and
joritj tie six year of Li stay in the
country made eight similar trips. His
description of tbe Columbia is remarka-
' b:? c,,,.., i.h pebbly one notabie ex-
ception. and that is -oncemicg
rapijj Bt the Cascade. Indeed his des-
anj Trl ve jj0 n3t remem'tier of I-ewis A
C.arke or any other of those who have
written of the Co. cmbia making mention
0f ,t He says:
-The upper par: of this ci.aia o: rapids
is a jerpndicular fal! of nearly sixteen
feet; after which it continues down
' nearly one uninterrupted rapid Kr three
miles and a half. The r.ver here is com
pressed ly the bold shore on each side
to two hundred yards or les in bread;:..
The channel is crowded with lare r.ks
over which the water with in
credible velocity ani with a dreatttil
noise. Above tne portage the river
widens to ab-oat naif a mile, and is
studded for some distance with several
jj- jj par:iil '
oo ied island. We
encamiJ ah-out 1
ve u...e- ir.iiu tne
portage, on a pretty ..tie creek on the
north side."'
What strike us as peculiar in his des
cription is the statement that "the
upper part of this chain ol rapids is a
perpendicular fall of nearly sixteen
feet." Ttere is no sach fall there now.
nor Las there been within the memory
of the oldest inhabitant. If it ever was
there, either tie rimrock that caused it
Las worn away, or the channel llow
Las become filiej wi;h bowlder. That
the change La? been made is possible,
though so marked an alteration does
not seem probable. The islands Le
speaks of as dotting the river above the
portage are some of them gone, and the
others going. Tbe one where Lewis
camped is now but a dot of rock and
ind, with a few willows growing on it.
certainly not large enough to sttgyest a
camping spot. The question is. was
there a perpendicular fail as described?
The pretty Utile creek Le speaks of i. no
doubt, Ilock creek, and the site of Mr.
Cox's camp is probably, aio the eite of
, tne p resent town of Stevenson,
countv seat of Skamania countv.
The famous strike order of Judge Jen
kins made at Chicago last summer has
been considered beiorethe I'nited States
court of appeals, and Las been modified.
Jenkins, it wiU be remembered, decided
tnat a strike was necessarily i..ega..
Judge Harlan, of the supreme court,
Land.ed Jenkins' ruling very rougnly.
He held there was such a thing as a
legal striae and that the employes Lad a
t right to (-.sit work individually or in a
kitxfy regardless of the inconvenience it
might cause the employers. That part
of Jenkins ruling that they Lad no right
; o conspire to do damage or to em harass
was sustained. So it seems after all
that Judge Jenkins was not able to give
to corporation rights supierior to those
of the citizen, or to surround it with an
wtLpscy he woo. d be Tirtualiy a i.ave.
An1 8m;p. " otura. coroUary, if the ;
men cou.d not quit when they desired
tt.e company cou.d not discharge them
until they were ready to go. Judge
Jenkins" intel.ert wa evidently on a
gtrike when be rendered that decision.
"J?-- T! ?
BE LT fil'i AH IS Vl'STBY.
r "v , i .
I ntn site are chosen for the two beet
c v v
sogar retnene, which an enterprising
companv intends U ee'.ablish in this
r.ate. the now I;., ...
nactured in Germany, will not be
si - lpped. At least that it the statement
riven out for rmblkmtioo bv a woniinen'
tuember of the company in Port.and.
'"e will erect two'faories one in
Eastern Oregon and one in the Willam-
ette valley," Le eaii, "out their exact
lotion L rot ret decided. No-
merou. offers of land Lave been received
by os. and tney are onder consideration,
When we Lave made oor selection, the
rr., bin.rT i .v . .
Tidd it j, ready for thi ptneot. I can
fiQM it ia mnriririhiriinMir
------ -r
not tate witn any degree of certainty
,f. that tbe time i..ot far
d.stactwhen we will be ready to make
contracu for beet " '
It wal tn.n.on of the eentemaa
i . , ... ' : , '
serioue'y inieriere with the beet rsgar
industry ia tin ttale. He ev.t.laiueU'
rerlner. Practical experiment m differ
ent part of this state have demonstrated
the fact that an average protit cf HO per
car cu ' made by leet ra iilHn
much n.ore than can l-e .ler.ved trom
any liranch of agricu'ture. True
it is that beet-raising demands more at
tention than any other crop, hut the er-
centage of saccharine matter in the Iwt
awards the grower according to his in-
r ... f .. ' : 1am
the factorie will put a graded price on
the raw product.
0 trouble is anticipated in finding a
home market for all the sugar that the
,0 f.( lor,M Ui f ab.e to torn out.
Pn.fes'or G. W. Shaw, of tbe agricul-
turai col'ege at Corvallis. who has made
exhaustive inquiry into the beet sugar
quest inn. found that Portland a. one con
sumes and distributes abont "."V,i
poends of sugar per annum. That is
more than a doien ieet scalar factories
could manufacture in a single season.
By locating its Willamette valley fac
tory within a short distance of Portland,
the new company hopes to be able to
undersell the an Francisco rehners iu
that city.
Tiie J-inslaw l.a'.i hery was ccjpleted
this summer, and everytair.g prepared
fr the hatching of sa'moc. The-e wa
OLly one reason why the Lati-Jn-ry was
nt a success, and that Wits that there
were no chinooks. It sw:ii tiie g vern
nient ctiicers in charge of the work re
fuse to Latch any but x.ks. turning
a deaf ear and a cold thouider to the
silversides which are now running. Mr.
McGuire, the state fish and game pro
tector, through whose efforts the hatch
ery was established, savs there are
plenty of chinooks, but that the trsher
men caught them all lietore they got np
a far as the hatchery. Others, however,
claim that the institution is too near
tide water, and that consequently no
eggs can be procured. Whaterer may
1 the trouble, those in charge are pre
pared to ieave, and during the win
ter the place will be deserted.
If we were in charge of that
business we would set the officials on
one hatching of r.lrerside egg anyway,
if they never Latched one. Vncle Sam's
employes insist on drawing their salar
ies, and they would be doing as little
harm while incubating a batching of 1
silverside egg as anywhere. Most of
them are good setters anyhow, and the
maternal instinct ought to be cultivated 1
and encouraged.
Purely vegetable Ir. Pierce' Pleas
ant TeHets. They're a compound of re
fined and concentrated botanical ex
tracts. The tiny, sugar-coated pellets
the smallest and the easiest to taks
absolutely and permanency cure Con
stipation, Indigestion. Sick and Bilious
Headache, Itininess, Bilious Attacks,
and all derangements of tb liver, stom
ach and boweis.
They cure pfmaneut'y, because they
act ni'urfsujt. They don't shock and
weaken the system, like the huge, o,d
fashioned pills. And they're more effec
tive. One littie piellet for a corrective or
laxative three for a cathartic.
Ttiey're the cYert pills yon can buy,
tor they're gua'anlrtd to give satisfac
tion, or your money is returned.
You pay only for the y tod you get.
Mrs.JHiram I wonder what
has b
I can t
come of all the servant girls
get one any where. Mr. Hiram Proba-
It i aaid some Chinese and many
African use the ear a a pocket to carry
coin and other email article. If any
attempt were made to rob them they
: would Lear of it. Picayune.
w try Tli la.
It will cost yon nothing and will sure-
ly do yon food, if yon have a cough,
cold, or any trouble with throat, cheat
mng. ir. Jving ew Oisr-overy for
consumpnon, cougn and colds i guar-,
nteeo to give renet, or money wtii be
P"d tt- tunerer trom la
kTTI ,
foond it just the thing and nnder it
one had a peedy and thorough recov-
ear. Iry a sample bottle at our ex -
pen, and learn for vocmelf jurt bow !
'A thin' il Tri! t
r; ..-. a T
n;p ft Kmemy drug rtore Lartre
Ki jc and tl.
Servant Miss Penstock told me to-
yon be bad gone out hoppmg, snr. ff
by-Qaeer she should say that. !
" t-1 B"e aiQ BWI En0w lt 1 WM RlDf
to ca.I. Servant She said she feared it,
eur. New Y'ork Herald.
Tommy-Paw, what make them Lave
the wealLer office a.av up on the top
of a Ligh building' Mr. Tiaar-That
i. to that it will be too mo. h exertion
for a fat man to climb the and ki'i
the weather man.In.n.'i. j
... ,
i wou.a rainer iron mat medicine
n..n ac dictjr I know iA " k..r. vi
Mo., in .peeking of Chamber . Colic
Cholera and Marrhoea kemeHr rJ
V i. ,, k Kmf T- Tj ,
" ' LJ dro'
T.r ,iaM aa lk t Tkka,
From 1100 to 12.000 to loan. Apply to
Oao. W. Kowiaap, j
113 Third fct. Tbe Ial,e, Or.
ri''ll J II. ' Ffl.'
r lt
: in
i u
A t'
- t .m 1 1. Irv! il
I "i !t-, rnn-Nt Iti llk.-r.rt'i: i.' M
v t.t-n 1 hl u.i- - - 1
! r n' k m.-iiiitts: 1 I .hi i"t
I I v, miiI 11. v 1111,:. llail N M - w
. ... . i r t-iul iiim.r nj' r r a.
I i . I i.,,.i-n oih- U.Ui.- ft Nit- Vi
i ,,r, :'u --i;::u tmtl t.l k" liv iuu.
.- l:,u-h U-'ti-r lli&t 1 ll'U I! V 11
11. i ; t r. -ori.Tni'liil i-'Ii o' ! ut
T: ill.
v li.-r-'-mM I'lil'ui k III
r M i,- N.- K-rl uf diworprt f un
:n'tot .;, in tx'itrl liini. tiia t t
i:!-ui:fc-:-t- m: & (i.ii!r f '.urmitw nr i.t
he l'r .wur M wulkU . lk Urt. lull
! '
r"'-spf ,.f (iri.-e 1 l-r Nitlir fci IwftU
It In'ins Next Tu s.l;n ami
Hold Fiu Ir;iv.
Ad wak Tsar lrl la Tln I nt
Taamlf fiklbltlna.
The Mxth Annual Meeting of the -ond
Eastern Oregon Iitrict Agru-u't-ural
.Vx-iety will I held at Tbe I'ai e,
commencing Tuesday, October !, 1 'J,
and continuing five days.
The board of director have enrinred
the Wingate Hail; on Second and Madi
son streets, where the exhibits of woiks
of art, farm products, fancy work . and
mechanical exhibits will lie held.
The hall will 1 ot-n frotn y a. w hi. til
12 r. . The I"alle Orchestra ha li-en
engaged, and a gran! Promenade Con
cert will tie given every evenirg lie;w--t,
tiie hours of S :'.V and 11 .30.
Trial of s,,.
will tie held at the Pair Grounds. T' -race
Till mir.n en'-e promptly at 2 . w.
ea-h day. The entries incln ie S'.m.e f
the lies trotting and running hr' in
For IHvUion E. K, O. H, I. J. K. 1..
M and N. make entries with the secre
tary at Wingu-.e Hall on or le(.,re Tues
day, i k i;,!r !:h, at 5 r. w., w hen ex
hibit niut be in pia e and entries cl ise.
Eor Incisions A, B, C and I, make en
tries with the .secretary at tne Pair
Grounds on or before TuesUy, : r
9. at II ., w;,er. st k luuM 1 in
piack and e:.!ii-s close.
This rule will be strict y enforced.
i ti e or Aim issioN :
ent.enini an;l LmtUtm u ti.e r h dar 2r
'"Li.'lrre on-! u jBr ...d , o
et'"ee U.K. Fair OnrtiiKln
natiT to tnt Pair or-.utid. d
A. f. Mac ALLieTfu, Pre.
J. O. Mack. Scy.
He Can I ee M.s Smith? Servant
who know Lim No, sir; st.e s out.
He Oat where? Out with some otner
fellow? .servant No ir ; he'soutwltb
yon. ir. That' what :.e told me, sir.
Ietroit Free Pre.
''Pinny Keiliey is gettio' to be a reg'lar
dude at school." "What doe be do?"'
"When Le spit on Li .ate Le rub it
on w id hi ,eeve tea-J of 1.1 hand.
-nicg- inter-Ocean
"Thi is very aiarming," sail the old i
man a he got Up at 4 o'clock in the ,
i morning and threw the bumming clock I
over into the next yard. fyraense Pott. .
H to dodge the income tax '
f 1 just learning
m ride tl bl.-t, . . J v u o
r w ,u cy-.e. .New lork Ke-
. n .
I Cures
the Serpent s
tf Ann onienw tr
1 bvvy riiiiui n n b
Obfbraw I
Kf ri4 U. IU I
kiii pomtn it r '
" a mp im ?
f u ant
SWIFT SWCinC CO . Aflaxa Ga
A Y AN K it'S IDra
j H II rr4 . K..a
The T!ue ..f a little Yanke pusk
I rut. rpriN. i well illustrated ia y
Kran 15 I! ThurN r a account of a . A
i..,.,v . ir.i..T,. r r
! diaii ranrottd new ly op. u, triT(i
At one of the water atuth.n thr tT,
I bad riven out. and a huu!rvl
native wrrv il at work
w th rant, -
; w ater jar t f.-tch w ater fr.. 4
i pocioui. well Sy Mr. Thurtn-r:
j -After waiting an hour or m, i.
the cam I ! anie inipatieiit at the de-
' lay and went out in the broil
ln(r sub to
j ee w Iiat iMhl be the tniubie. TW
j native cm.iiicvr wa iryintf to hadat
the lay black to bavten thair Bv.
j mentv but without effect.
n consulting w ith the engineer I
found that the wa, Maau
1 out water faster than it wan Iwirg pu,
, into the tender, and that aomettnaf
! must te done or we should tx-rer grt x,,
' our destination. There were pieotruf
men. bt they were clawdl;njr up and
down the step had.njr to the
i ea h ti'.lin? his ow n jar and orcupvitij
J aU.ut half an hour in carrying it frua
j the well to the engine.
) -My first step wa to promise theta.
i through 'he conductor, three rapren
backstH-esh il they would aubinit to
t:iv onicrsi and then, ranging them ia
hne. 1 n hud a octinuous stream of
I jar pa.ini: rapi.Uv from hand to hand
' t twe-u the well and the eujrine. A
! Mam as they caught t he idea they .
i trrsil in'" it with a will
! "Kaiim? a tmrrr. wild sonp. or
' chorus, they jrraually fcTelirat,
; their motion, and no hne t f burkeU at
! an American tire ever tirculatrd faMer
than i'.kI th sc artlu n wat-r-jar m
soutlurn lii-lia."
sow Carina tx-ta A boat aa4 Ola
1 For at least two r Dcrun n in th
past, and 1 r as many probably in the
future. 1' Iphia must ewrntiaily
, I-ri-ran.led as two instinct and M-pa-rate
I'liviis Politically there is hot
one. but from all other fctan.ipnmu
the two towns of which 1 f-pvak might
a well !- grouped atut the north and
south poles, write Charles It. Iavu ia
: Harper a Magazine. And yet the gulf
w hiwb separate these two place is but
a fairly wide throughfare Market
i street it ia called
(n one hide lie the new town of
1 Philadelphia, with ita wide avenue.
mafniSt-ent home penerona and mod
ern in it every outline. m the other
. quite pn axt-fully rest the old of
: Phi.adeiphia, with narrow trret, old
brick bouse, and KhmuiVd in the con
servatism whu h gave the city it indi-
' viduahty two hundred year ago. The
new town has the money and prorre-
- sion of a n'Jem western city, with
the boom still on. Ita men are ambi
tious, and spend their money alike s
j trolley and cable and new club
' house. But old Philadelphia d-t not
, fancy rapid transit- It prefer walk-
' in,, or an oii asiotial ride on the horse
car If it has thrown aside t lie had
U llv coat and 'he wide-lrimmel hat
of its (J-ttker anci-storv it cannot alt
, pether free it-w lf from the blood which
ran through the plrnilid men whooncc
wore these fjuamt clothe.
It Mar ii of ajrrrire Owwera ef Tala-
able Jewel.
ne(.f the bij.- sb-utha ia the c.ty Lai)
lern si n by a cittwn who Lad bst a
diamond hcarfpio. av the Chicago
"Where did you keep it when you
wi re not wearing it?" he asked of the
"t'&der the lapel of my waistcat.
.iw-avs pinned it there w hen I didn't
wear it iu my scarf."
"Hvr-r Lave your waistcoat acoured
at the cleaner and dyer'aT"
"Ye, once a year " Thn be named
the pla-e. Tbe aleutb went to the
place and found the missing spark.
This in itoeif is of no conejoeuce. Hut
what tbe fcleuth added may save mm
worry. "In a city like thi," he aid.
"where so many are accustomed to
sending wearing apparel ti the scourer
and dyer valuable are likely to lie left
in a pK ket. I have traced a cnmlier
of auch article to those place. I do
not sar that all valuable that (ro in
that direr tion are recovered, but 1 ug
peot to peifle w ho leave their apparei
at the acourer'a to examine the pn. ket
trst. It may wave whole lot of
BallrU f arrW-d tar f ear.
Two extraordinary cane of bullet
wounds liecimin active after a lapse
of twenty-four year are reported y a
-erman imniical paper. ne i that of
a watchmaker named Kleeinan. living
at Lueldorf , w ho wa wounded in the
Franco-Oerman war. ThrH year agi
he bad a bullet tiuceessfullT extrac ted
from his rit'ht ab'ulder. aod a abort
time ago, after a month illne.
aecond bullet i extracted from bi
left hide. The econd case i that of a
atationmaster w ho a few day ago w a
"jwrated upon at lnn and Lad a
French bulle t, which pierced hi right
bhoulder in the war, cut from hi rint
Health? Bertla.
According to the ;iasjrow Evening
New it appear that t lie latest statis
tic isaued by the 'icrman Imperial
health di-partment pave Ilerlin the
honor of being1 the healthiest city in
the world. 1 he di-ath-rate is (riven a
onljr ir,.j j.r Tbe nnhealthiest
city ia Alexandria, which. Respite it
ooTaryintr fine weather, it 'jf f'm
taina and iu v. ft M-a breeze. La a
death-rate of no lea than 52 per lX'J
SUrrta Fnrwa of Her Owa wra.
The ttfiat remarkable trial on record
wa that of Mary Hamilton. an English
woman, w ho w a brought inUi court on
'tolier T, She waa one of the
greatet fraud of the day, having oc"
ceeded in deludinr her own in
DKist extraordinary manner, it being
clearly proven at the trial that be had
at different time and place married
Hart 1-m than fourteen other women of
various age.