The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 29, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Saturday, Sept. 29th. J
T ::
rvTa.-t rirri, : P4f'
On w '
it a..rl
Tarn :i
atf.---::. --.c r- rvtai-.l.alo. ar.ii IT itioa E
Oft aft . a U.
Ati-i- a. r n. '.l-.l.i-at'.'L. . 1.' " T ; 2." I KUoN
JCi.. 1 07; -li
-.,y a .r. '.'. Xi '.. " ' 't"Y.
7V,'T ;,Kf Y,.. J.
tw rniiMrr r Htood rnnMim amm
Ik Mm lackera.
It woc'.J surprise yon to know." re
cently rt marked an i;i'r cf of
par iarre pii. k.::.r h uso. 30, the New
York cn. "tow frequent ea-s of
blood poisoner are amoty: our em
ployes, and the i-a in ni.l rf tier
im-tinoes would aou lt less, surprise von
more . A sc-rt..-h on the hand from a
bone of a calf s head or a pi s f jot
often cia":ics a man for a Wrtk. and.
trarrcly en onh. in almost every case
that ha c-aie cnder my nouoe the
aerate h Las been so slhrht as to I ai
med itx-rveptli'ic.
-The trt tr titration the man Lai cf
his inniry U a swellixr cf the forsarm.
accomr-aziic-i by a smarting pcis. Roth and pm jrenerally extend to
the ah -ul.ier cnder a hich a !cm?
sometime f.rniN Even after the pre
enoe of the scratch ha leen in this
manner demonstrated it is often im
pessible to detect it. It is usually
canei. in the ca-e of the calf" head.
ly the sharp edre on the bone of the
neck, dtie to the earelessne-ss cf tae
botcher who sever the head from the
can-ass. If he da? th work well and
his cleaver ha seared the Joint per
fectly, all i well, f .it there is no sharp
ed to etiti bat if he has missed the
Joint Vy even a Lair breadth, which
happens in ive cae oct of ten. there
U an e-iij-e on the bone that will prob
ably w -irk mischir?
""f cour. of these cases has
ever reiil".ed seriosaly. as prorcpt
measures are always taken, and a we
always :-sit that a man so irttred im
mediately e-.cscit a physician. TVs
raie we never vary, for we feel bound
to rttaitt a tj on the pay r U while
scfT- rir t tr m sa .h s.n accident, even
th iturh he f r w rk. and
the cnkillf-J treatment of an ap the
cary. r.- whi.h many f them wonli
like to r.;y. or the even les sat
isfactory method of home snr-rery.
would only prt.iocir the term of idle-
Dowkh at CkiM.
It is dangerous to pratlfy ccriosity
r to vi .late precedent at the Chinese
imperii! court. The empress dowager
is a rreat stickier for eticnette. saya
the New York un Eecectiy she re
qcired the services of Ir. U Tech atp .
ric president of the Imperial ac
ademy of physicians, at J'eicmz. for
one of the memljers of her suite at Eho
l"ark palace. The learned doct.T had
never Ven inside these fmotis palace
procnis. and his curiosary was nred to
are the many curious ob'eet of which
he had heard wonderful tales. Sj he
brit-ei a palae eennch to show him
nroend the pr-.icnds.
Vhile the two were leisurely walk
ing about and enjoyiiijr themseives the
empress spied them. She at one dis
patched servants to punish their
effrontery. The eunuch was seized,
thrown on his face and accomm-jdated
wtth nfty bicw-s Tr;ih the liUie on
the caivs of hi fat ler"- The d-x-tor
was u-Kked tiree months' pay and re
ceived a sevre reprimand, while his
as&istast was ordered iiever to Tenture
af ain into the emprese" presence.
The affair created a sensation be
eas of the hirh position cf the phy
sician and of the hnmiliatir ptjudv
ment deslt nt m him.
"YrI bor-ii, Di-a.-'. letefjtb e ( 4
thii'f ." faid a joipf w .niiD :n (-. 5
ter-pir f l-Lin.i a jocr? r,
bioe. tttiu eL -yite a -li'.a. ie
ewm i at a drcj store
"Too're a pe-fect z." Theycrr n.
an in b-ne ten an atoc:red ij'-e
toar : r:.e emter. ad t:.e p;atr a
cover 1 nitn coj f ji n ar,d bln?:,e.
Oa !" :rexc'.iiaj-i.'-i j,ar -ua '
I to-rfJir.t yon e- a rir.d of uiii.e."
Tuat.irfi Hjv yuur. m .uitu in biae r--p.w-i
a. i-iy : "-Of cucr. I knew y n .
did ir-j-ji the t voa sp-jk !" E.toc
PMramr wor ml fkUia Wrtma
St iimfm la His la
Na'.en. when aKut to enter ca
his adr, rturous care r, Cvimm;tted to
b; lio.-i.'. l'c--h. a box of
MV 0"CUi.t:c; ps:t-rs written from
Li vin r-.h to h: twenty-fourth year
After the rr-.. s death th- papers
fell into various hands. In WT Lrd
Asht .rv.sni bought them f.r the n--l..tar.l
price of forty thousand do!
iirs. Ttuy uow Ki.irr to the ival
l ibrary of Florence, and w ill sion ap
pear :n l-i-k form under the auspice
.f Mr I'resierick Miwin. The story
was wr.tu-n at Auxoune. its authr. a
l.eutenact of cavalry. then in
the pirrion cf that place, and tine
l'D year of are-
As a youth Napoleon Tocaparte
adortsl ilixfland. the prime author of
his future downfall, and detested
France. hot kiiI and supreme ruler
he was yet to be. Thcr prt;udu-es
came out prominently in the story,
which i of the bloou-aud-thuoder sirt.
and hich. written by a hand less fa
mous, would be d:mi-sed as the very
crude pr.duet:on of a youth w':use im
agination reveled in scenes of camafe
and horr-or.
A prim old icil":an warrior, who has
fied from civiliiatkm and with his
daughter inhabits a steep, bcrren rock
in the Mediterranean knvwn as the
lland of V.anoiia. tells the story, lie
had led a revolt araint the hated
French lasting eiht years. At its
close f r.-ty of his one hundred soldiers
had been eleante-i. hi parent-, wife
and seven s-rns cruelly murdered Ivfore
his eyes, and his daughter carried i ff
as pris.mer. In dymir his father had
made him swear eternal hatred and
venircinc arainst the French.
Ue was not allowed to remain unmo
lested on his rovky island, " lie day
seven Turks landed there with three
prisoners, one of whom they killed.
iTieci the two other, who were set
at liberty, proved to le the lonp 1-ott
dacr-hter. The third, a Frenchman, the
old man drove fr m him. him
hide in a cave from the iijTht of day and
show his presence under penal: v of
death- For protection the daughter
donned male attire.
Frenchmen kert hindmir at the is
land, and were pretty sure to be mur
dered by the father ar.d his daughter.
.te time, when two French vessel
were wreeked off the r;k and the
crew swam ashore, this lovely pair
killed them all At another when
a French ship was near f ca iericr.
tue . min. moved by tue lamentat-ie
cries of tae poor wretches, spared their
lives to Lis lasting rerret Here he
parenthetically r-marks that he is a
nan. and that '-f ire one jrrws hard
and bad enurh to ie a kirir or mlnL-ter
he must have stifled all the- feedHjrs
tn&t i -e i 'i. to human nature."
X-.ex- Fr.-nch m n?ters proved un
crateful and put on the air of mas
ters. When they returned to tneir ship
our hero, who tad previously piur.d
his stiletto into the hearts of two . f
them, arm in it himself with a brace of
stilettos and f rnr pistols. l.iarded t ae
shir and slew everv living .oul on
VKrd- Then the father and daughter
took pjsee-ssin of the ship's furniture
and treasure and draped the b.iie
of the vk-tim? to their home altar, where
tne fumes of their bumitii: flesh rase in
'-a novel incense which seemed to please
the Ieity.-
And tb ifrlru Tboacbt It Wm a IJtUe
T 00 stroec for Him.
tThen Mr. M .tti-sr. the Enrlish
traveler, was in Africa, he trave to a
native an old sinrle-barre '.vX jTin. and
the fe.l 'W was l.eli.-hte-d. rir, lroi icE
A Little Daughter
Of a C urch of tis.-uJ ciiaistt r
cured of a distreasms raah. I J
Ayer'i arsapATil'.o. Mr. IlivHiUO the well krowa Iri:?j'.it. 2CT
M.Uill Mor.rrva T. says:
I Lave i,ld Ayer's Fam.lT Medicine
for year, and have fcrart" oo;hiii but
a.d e! tiirm. IlcwplBitJ
Wonderful Cures
perJercied 1 y Ajer" Sarsijvardla. cne
ic j-j-tienlar l-m; liiat ol a l:t:U
dau.-l.'.er ' a Chi. r-. h ef Ecjlind sims
ut. Ti.e il.i.d i I-terallv covered
frviu bejj to foot v.h a red and ex-it-
d.u; v troui-U rak. from wfcaca
al.e Lad .fvred f.-r to cr three years,
in sp.'.e cf ll.e ls: uied Cil treatmett lirr Uther was in great
distress tiw.; the rase, and, at my
recomiijendation, at lost bea to ad
a..u.trr Ayer's Srp r.l.a. two N -t'.c
of hn a eJeoted a complete care,
mu.b to her relief and htr f;htr
drl.;'..t I am ure. ere he ber td4y,
ht- ot'.J trstify :b the strongest term
as I.' the nierits of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
PreTTc t; It 3 C.ito k Co, l& ILua.
Cures others, will cure you
"Cotton is King.
Bleached Cottons. Unbleached Cottons.
Fruit of the Loon
TJtica C
Pepperell R
Dwlght Archor
Indian Head
Wide Sheetings.
Bleached Pepperell. 8-4 16icc Bleached Pequot, 8-4
Lonsdale Cambric 10c
Lovtt Pricf evi-r nainti cii Ioni.-tic.
H.i true it i, c v dear,
ho had teen m a deep rev
erie, quite in the r.kerarian vein,
""that trie fr1 at ich men do i c-fter.
inse-red with their b.-n
fnarped Mrs. E
of it they 6 -c"t tr.irk aorth k-e; inp."
F--?t?u Home J..arna'.
funl.n M Hi mini tTit- or S;ff
brr J"a.. : lit fcsor t 1 jr. 4
kid daf . or. lire- rv:T-i kr!tiwii t H
-m-t iA J.ihn Mini... 0--i ::ud - r t:
ui tr.E. or ti ij.i:ir.ta i.ivtfT fi urn
fr. in U ftr ' oicr". of rnr t.
llibac A urn n t- tit tjcni t.idT I rL ia
fcji-i, !i ! uV -rvsa. r tt:t tw
H'tir . i- fci mi4 r-i: uw.t
Four tvt Mr:i-io Tt:nj tw ir. 1 -w-Phir
Tlt- t. N"-tt f K.tnre n ;. ;.. Kt
ttc M-nd.n. fxKA.i i)C
lai-r.t an 2 n pr.ftratnw tjwrvt' U?t i:t.iJC
Al ( Ms1 l to tft in oi- x-rnir: mi.d
id to br ct j-rt bo c)cr.rTL;iMii t t
. oc-V
lUrd fmrpVen. ber
OaardiAO cif ?b pr-wo mmi vm o? nry
Tiuiiw-T, an TfS an mftrrn permm.
GciT.icr.t, 5j.V. cr PiL'ts Military RoaJ Lands,
Ha:t--on I hear your i ftu iy
icf under a tutor preparatory toerter t(
co'.ece. H.-w is he gvttiTig oc? Catter
! T--a:, o.i man. In the !at tt.ree
m-.-r.-.T: he La ;.ticrejed three
ar-.iund the ehet. Jadfe.
Mi !. hnmor;t ever make a it
: t-.eir cwn ex:ne? Hl3;ori: Tiie
few th csand a-e at their can ex--r
. A iter that tiiey pet pai-J for then,
r v- cr. Tvjth.
S.Thomas A. Hudson,
S3 Washington St. THE DALLES. OR.
I? Tim want tr.f "nr.:m rftrrr.:rc
rii'.tT ' tr . u .4 b vw-ii'l t-..?
K l. ar--. t -r ti-.e Fmit-ti rreci Laatf
.n;jr. ;- rn .! n ,rl:if. iff I n
urt'"! Ar-ien':u-fc Iaii. tn j;t qujiutj
xV '. - 0 . ainl arcl a I u: Jf -1 Ueri 14U4
ttts ians to &.tij )7K'ii tim liT 1L
Jle ! . rr t f-f m. r rf l,ta to Taoare ft ym-
Tlos U. Ts I T adltltA la ta4 off it
r-T m !. and tn be Ut :x. r-
flniT fat t4 u ci r liclv JB Birvtt va-a,
lnra t.e4iracmT is tea trua k. K.
Administrators Sale.
That new ciri aieei-e like a i'p.
mi -1 I r."Ter uc pet irfr cp in the m-rTi
i?---.Dd atr-j! k l- a tirip'it idea
L; '..ty e.eep aiti tier . -.I , s.c u h-ebT that hr an rH-r ! tb
f mrtof lit - tail- n. o?r-T. bervt ,Ji
- ; mad... tb uailrirn ciav tei. u;: im..:cv
in rf.,li-a ..n i..-rt "' . and o tae onaiiftd ar artin
. ..e ja aerff on fKW.rv. wsti.i k tae wiaie o H-tr. A t rm-.u ae
due? Ti.en I think I'.l trv n, tirk
a a t?r"i. nae:r:e r.aioit ara:rt tti iwt
ue pet m a Eiai tan if
powder. aid aVi-ut a c, carter ft a nf-pt-r
on lop i f it. ani litially a I&IL
an .i ratxmieii tiie ivh'.'ie chartre
Goien. Then Le departed. Ic tie
evcirx he retcmei. with hi fice bet
tered and fwollea alai t beyond rectr
ii.ti'm. What Lave yon ta-ec d'jinpT abiaed
the Harlisiiniac.. in aniarement.
The uitive tat dovrc on tie ground
and hai'l. virrjTr5nlly:
-A tittle after n...c I i rand the track
of the elands, and 1 iijllowd it until I
found them feetLnv. I crept up to une
of them. lie i twety yaria away.
I rented the barrel of tie pin on a
frtfine. plac-ed the tstt &iiatl try xt'jht.
directed the mnzile Witrard the eland
and p-clled the trurr-er. I d nut 'mow
fcat haprarne!. f T I 'l Mind and
deaf f ir vme time, bet Trheo I camie
to I f'jend mys:lf lyic? at the botl'-ai
of the ptillr. Tl.e pna waa ne.
my face tru a yon ii"w see it. and the
elands had fine away. xc r f a white
man. it was very iiind of y.-n t five
me a rcn. btit it is too z a s-nn for
me t.-ir. strtnir. t. jr 'iverfui. It need
the wliKium cf a wh.te man to rule it.
Take it bacau Farewell!"
a ,r. Ler. lor if the Irre p"etry arie ir.'t
. k t.ri f jt a man with m-jney." Ne
Y'-t pre.
Cii-'oinet 1 yuM warrant this tatr.-
1 i.--.i.-T Jl jd.! .Mjoil, I Iireter
say :. :i. : etoept a L?s it if a orr:
it il t:i atiat'e ir. it. I-tr-it
Tr "-r.e.
Emttaiin Ti.ere'f a Iwvelv
. Mr. Bli ? ai-..:'.on
! . wr trie i:tuu.:r.r aT- Ye : J. Iir;-rfi Laii'.
tllnial d-ra-J are InTrr.T t.
lTir.? rimiir. a-:tE tin t1"' ouljerTi. t c at
tr otti- t Lene hui-tr, m XaMtie ftui.c:-r.
Ii.ira itt. iirm. or J. T Aranmr. H-i
t.:er. r..w::i- aix it.;i Ir-in IsetUtoil
f,- trir..l- mv.4 ail t-.'tia n.3vll ic. aad r
! tatr a- art ruirl t,i aeic.e uc itiil.t
to .r.a ( , .r.:r.
. j at N.i" r:f. tr.. HjS Iar. ten
- : I tt Car ui a uru.t.
J F AKa-r a,.
at!nitraiijr ir use wlaie A Hrtiry A f"- l-
atUera L,arala batmawat Laaaa
If 7a waat ta Krrw Mnrf. a Laa ar hi-l Uaaa, a raa awi
WrltM rira. Llfa. aa4 Aeetdeat laraa.
I' eaaaot call, wrtta. a4 Irtta-ra a 111 aa araaaptly aaia.rai.
'Tture is a tidt in the ajfairs of mn uhich, taken at its f.M
leads on, to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
; - sTUs Goinnmia PaeUng 6oM
There it a fri-h:?ai ! of i'.d . ,
-pie are extravaiir.t til ii in tiieir j
youth, and cff-r f T ti e Urk . f it ic i
t:.e roiJ a;e. Atc:.ijn ij'.u'.
F ttli em.niea) rant Lipr, aui .te
v-y a; the ci.iver ,:y, a,d thir gri'l
i- n ! r- ivrei aith a tile cni.'-jrn.t at-r
Z o'clock p. in.
Pork and Beef
ClDsiDu-Ont Sale d
-m FoiiHR k Ml
tay.ate ear.y in r-ep'em
mti: he p-jing. M. Hi-. ka j
' :.z a t.ur-y. Oi' leae ruc c
Mai. iii.-:r' liasar.
MAxrrA'.TrEEE or
Z.T ;; i ! Pie Lard and Sausages.
1 .n't
-I i.Sf a vat aiDd of I,.:, e live :n 1 Popalatioa, af farta.
Mart." tai. ti,e p:.i ..:.:o, al e r . Paris has eighty tlv.and rerittred
"They're ..ut of a. r.t."r-. iJ ti e t.ary oors. aayt tne Eleveur.
foi and c.i nient ; vunj tVa-iiii-e- means that there is ne incensed
ton r-tar. to every tct ty-eic-fat itLao-
itat-.v rantir.? mat tnere are
a many enlivened i- aa there
canine prp u.a-
Fvi i-n-. y tn K i. Tf.omaa C. f'tt, '
of Tioga, hat been f roiuoted from nan- :
tata to f airone of n party. York .
Boy a ho i at tit at. I ay,
mlerer, l.c a- far ie it t Caa. tit m Creek '
Man -nriilT F":nl'.-3t. I a. n't nontt j "No, you a n't ; yoti'ra a vo'- j
erne of fryi marnera. yoa are '"
Ccrsrscf BRAND
is id Ba
Dried Beef, Etc.
"VCi Ujen." a.d ttei.. ;- at.
auarec on Cman nature oa: a i-n e.r are Lcensed ones.
Inea retornt a borrowed caiVrre;' i.ev tyit of Pari u a verv larw one aW.
Do you want a
.jrruu ana nop arm
of n ex u t. uh x. out f
Who are selling those goods out greatly-reduced rates.
Parlev cfc
Sacceaw.n to L. 10. Frank, d-eael. )
A Oeoeral Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Ftal AasTtKii cf Mecrj sLillcrr Pio cr StEJLjsi.
- " a irii. to ie CliJTe.. t - - -. ......... . . v. - ia iUtaiu .1. r i.l rei) )& aaii
quality."" Washington r-tr.
ir l-to
tne Twa.vrest licafj-fv lw mimA dacyja t 1-m -n a-. a-tii re-ea mIm
Fond parent -...ineae. how yJC don two ilo dollar ler annum. -1 iaTV; iLVf.".. ! Ty'" To" .
Juok.Cti.d' rotwtaW. F, k. and tier in tttn. aff.M a Ireir., ,?" iu' " iu : . "
I V a-.l." .
Pae, pa. I fel4
ir.W tne
twetty-tve mannfa-tur-r of d op col
lar and muzzle, f-jcr baker of d'jjr t
bread, five facVtrv-", wheredor biacuit.
aa'Ut ar.-r. .., , iaT and mnzz.e. four baker of d.i T" :r-i. M n .ai!o. u
tbeai: .(
on eaav term
Dome of ih fannj k eanariee foe Eaalrra
ti ne-tia'li!r fe.w-l w aat i
a . B . ... ai j". . . . . . .
ere tae-re any maarv.Er n.en cotiMst.njr of meat toer. are made. Uir " "- at t t"u
t " m i- can IB r al. at tmt: ant..
uaarm ana two n'p.taia. - ..- ixniai m i .
ii..irri ' . . a-, ti -.r : . i aird
. - f i I 1 1 1 a :Elt tM 4Wt)ect la ar, 's- : . -wiu
Kan a: the brach u.w temmer? Cora
Tee ; t:e-e aeee tao micttert and a jna
tt! tie l-ae Yves ttateamac
A O tr
f--r Ter & how.
A . rat ... a -a i
at Mtp2r. .Jra. a? .T.'i ICl ftltklXl EtaHlCl
workmen were -xcavatmp a ir imuji onin a!-.t t.- wa-. : J. '
a r.ST. IMf-ORTEl;
rora reaerroir.
i a;..ty
Irt. j
hsman aatnll are i" "t ' at v.rer tje-e-it.
ound meacrii' twen'T-efct. thy. :o . . ... ie v- t- ....
one and tnjry-two it.h- is crT-sm- "e am ;.
Tn t.i were fonad .. f -
No. C7 Washi.notox Stkfkt. . . The Dalles.
Wboleaale and Retail La-alert and Manufacturer of
Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fis
Boxes and Packing Cases. i
' Life.
with the aknll were aio
'it cr-z.
t. . ' .
t.Z a
j- if a.. 1
pr""r"-'"liv J iea re.icn were aent to , "
the Iarj acai-my. and a iem-d ' na- :nxi at i '.
1 rr. t
. C rkAA ! I
n Kn'l' t4 Pt:- fm i
rctory nd ZmmVer Trd t Old Ft.
AV Kerr & Buckley,
i ailev, fr.
rant, ahoi-etcrd -n ts Ini. av " ' " .. . '-' ' ' T1 -"
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
4 Go t
J t fc'
t f .rill Ca-:cL.
any part of the city.