The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 29, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle. ;
Entered at lbs tAs Ths IWirv OK;ua.
a ssruudi-uua aiaj. matter.
t ut rrici&L.
. . . S. JMnnosw
H E kiiu-sid
..Philkp Mst'bsn
u. M lr!U
J. S lvip
jj. u niktMi:
, I. t..i.
Scrslar, o. 3 Is is
Sum ul Poa. intrau.i
t-tiiTT orricAt-.
v'i Hi if Jai
Treasurer . .
COHlllUaU Otter
OSO. C. BialeleT
. T. J- Pner
... A U km'
m Jlionsi.
iFraiU Kiucmid
tWHnr r U Waasnsli
Surmur - E. F soar
Super-.:ibfnJnt ol PnbUc M-aooia Trv fb.sT
tVmuwr . . H. kulu
Politic hare become o pre-eniinent.y
the province and occupation of the
American people that it natural'? comes .
to the front at all time and on ail occa-j
ions. The smoke of lattie has scarcely
blown away, and the reasons why this
party won, or that party lost, satisfac-'
torily explained, U-fjre the business of
selecting other candidates and arrang-!
ing new Usne is begun. Already the
field U being Ijoked over ior r.residen-
tial tiiiiwr, and the name of Cleveland
it whisiiered about as a fosilie third
termer. Tais is the veriest nonsense.
Cleveland ha x-cupied the white house
for about six years, will continue to do
to for two years more, and then he will
retire from public life. He has made an
indiSerenlly good president, though he
bas made sou.e mistakes; notably the
attempt to re-instate the Hawaiian
queen, and as a political measure at
least the convening of congres to re
peal the purchasing clause of the Sner-
man art, when tne surer question naa
not been in issue in the campaign which 1
terminated in his ejection. The trouble !
with him is that be has not traveled,
The countrr west of Washington, as far '
as hit personal knowledge goes, may be
the great American desert. New Y'ork
is to him the center of the universe,
with Boston and Chicago situated just
witnin the circumference. New Y'ork
City is his Mecca and Wall street the
shrine of Lis deity.
The next president thon'.d be a west
tern niin : one who has had energy
enough to get out of the state in which romance, me memoers oi tac .mu.i
be was born and get a personal know!- ; nmah county legislative delegation
: . i .i - i 'have nromised the rr.avor and council
wugv n u.r uiaganuue anu ictuuicts.
j : :
VI Ulf CUUL . . . . KQd OUC WHO 13 OUl, UU ,
never has been, the attornev for one or ' "tended so that more bonds can be
more great corporations; a man of.'ld- Tllii " " right as far as it goes,
the people, and of the whole people in- ; 001 lf oor Portland friends will spend
stead of some particular class. Cleve-; tiltir judiciously and collect
land is not such a man, neither is, or Ul" bonestly and impartially, no more
was, his predecessor. The next presi-1 f"nd3 wi:I needed. The Telegram
lent snould come from not further east 1 last ciSht R5!1 tte situation exactly.
than Illinois, and preferably from west
of the Mississippi, thouch this latter
can hardly be hoped for. Wherever the
candidate of the democracy ma? come
from, however, it will not be Mr. Cleve
land. The next president will be a republi
can, and irom present indications the
nominee wiil be either Tom Eeed or
Wm. MiKiniey, and though geography
is tgiiinst Heed, he wiil be elected if
nominated. The West is tired of New
York, and does not a: present desire
any more of Indiana. However, there
is yet abundant time to grow and har
vest an average crop of piesidential pos
sibilities before the next national con
vention, and it may be the frosts will
catch those who sprouted too early.
TK. (n!Im, irr.m nl V.r.l '.
fn-u w. w.
Cleveland Abbe, for a quarter of a cen-1 king, as she is gathering an immense What business is it of the general pub
tury a professor in the weather bureau, ' arjiy for ac attacc on Moukdec. With ! lie whether Mr. Marphey or Mr. Wilson
will no doubt be found of value, or at j this stronghold in their possession, one- ' get this money or divide it between
least give germs of thought U the j half the job of capturing the Chinese . them ?
reader. The ideas advanced by Prof. ' epitol will be completed. China is 1 "A congressman's salary is but f',000
Abs were brocght from him in ra- utterly disorganized and is unable to ' a year. Why should a man seek an
spone to a letter concerning the rain-
makers who hare been operating in the '
central Mississippi vaiiev this season :
"Miner should not be wasted on the
rainmakers, but spent on wells, ditches,
reservoirs, irrigation, windmills, and in ;
other nseful ways. An artificial pond
and a grove of trees encircling it to ,
break the wind wouid save more water
than the rainmakers can ever hope to
bring down.
"The effect of a dry season is to per
fect seed that will prosper in a similar
dry season, and vice versa. The seed
Ukt d from a dry field ought to succeed
next year if planted ia a dry field ; but.
of course, still better if planted in a
moist field. Ask your crop reporters
what their experience is in this respect, i
Tbe seed Uaen from the South and
planted in the North elves a iate vari- i
ety, bic vice versa, me trvi cameo
from moist to dry climates does poorly
ursT. Ml rm..,7 . rar eiy ,
Z ,u,1 " sa" c'mmw-
Tbus the grams of Europe a.c
adapting themselves to tbe climate of
our most arid regions, just as tley Lave
done ia sua them Kassia.
"Each farmer does aomet-iing to pre-!
went tbe ill effects of a long drouth by
saving for next year's seed that which i
ripened first in tbe dry est part of Lis ,
wbb. ii.w is a tesaoa mat l tare
learned from my study of climates and j
crops. Tbe variability of tbe climate is ,
harder on crops than its intrinsic sever-
itself to the climate, but. of course, is
aiwavs a rea,r behind."
Senator John H. M.tcbeil oi Oregon,
in a recent interview in which be gave
fully hit ideas on silver, in part said :
"I am one of very many w ho believe
tkit government alone can maintain hi
nietalistn. Hut. waiving thit ior the
present, supposing it is conceded, for the
t.ike of argument, it cannot, 1 am still
firmly of the opinion that the best way
of forcing an early international agree
ment, and as I believe, the only way, is
i for thit government to lead out are
! sively in favor of free coinage. There is
; bat one way, in my judgment, to com-
, pe. x-ogiaou . irer . .u...s
laia it pt s. rising ai ucr onuuirn-.
1 TM.f-Fti an.1 mnr rtf tl.e Com- '
- I XT ' . I :d i V. a : ' i-u v nsini? '
! uirur vi s.u;.auu in ...... .......
' countries. Ey the rehabilitation of sil
ver in this country, we secure that trade.
Ruber than peruianent'y lose thit
trade, which has brought money into t coners ior many years, ;
land and Western Europe would give
these sliver using countrict the tame
. ... ,
chand:se that we rT them for it, and
in this way, possibly, international bi
metalism may I brought about : but,
in my judgment, just as long as this
country boycotts tilver and reiuses to
recognize it a a money metal and treat
it as a eoramjilitv, to long will the
consummation of an international ninn-
etary agreement be deferred."
Portland has been driven into adopt
ing a license system by two causes, one
being the extravagance of the citr dads,
who spent more money than they Lad.
and the other is the general dodging of
taxes by the property owners. It is not
ottr pie, and we are not interested in the
settlement of the matter ; but it is a
notorious fact
tit on:y in rort.ana. out
a.l over tne country, that property
owners in cities, that it those who are
weaitbv, do not pay taxes in t
proportion as poorer people.
If thev
did Portland would be ia funds now.
The democratic plan of levying a tax on
incomes of the rich, is :ef: in the shade
by the Portland plan which levies a tax
on the incomes oi the poor. One would
think the Portland city g-jvercment
democratic but it isn't.
Sufficient pressure has been brought
to bear on Mayor Frank of Portland
; that he has consented to veto the license
i .. .... ..
that thev wi" hsve the Portland rharter
1 eelung more bends and paying more m-
teres: is only a matter of temporary re
lief. Anthing is better than that, even
the license tax.
joun i v i.son mea.uer oi congress
from Washington is a versatile chap. ',
According to latest reporte Wilson de-
. i .i . r- . j .
sires to be the next I nited tates teca-
tor from his state. The platform is for
tree silver at 16 to 1, but Wilson en-
dorses it hesrti'y. Two years ago. Mr.
Wilson voted in favor of repealing the
Sherman act. It is not very ion ago
either that Mr. Wilson applied to Presi- ;
der.t Cleveland to be appointed register
of the S pontine Lftnd ol5(."e. He then
pawed as "that sterling yonng deaio-;
crt,"etc Mr.WUsoi. u e-ture-r too
fi actuating ior the senatorship, or acy -
thing else.
wmi irom me uispatcnes luai
Jsnsn hss rUtorr'.noH tn. .n'nr. T- '
1 . . -
protect itself against the vigorous attacks
ot ner wiry foes. It wi.i be a matter of
. surprise if Peking is not captured by tne !
, Japs, provided always that the powers
of Europe do not interfere.
Tne O.
K. A X. Co. has decided to '
immediately rebuild the wheat ware-1
bouse at Albina which was burned Son-
! day
"""" """""S"1"
100 feet.
,. This action on the part of the
company wi.i oe pi news lo ootn ,
iv wi.l be rood news to both
grain growers and skippers. The r j
ub u7iveu m-j xuui oi me wirves
that wit hoot other facilities are
Pr(" .
vided at once, the shipment of
wouid be seriously impeded.
itimmons Trs. !
Aa. rri.r.M r.r. TK. !
utter swr.lie. that F,,, mn.t -r,;o M...
I OTxinnell before
r. - r . . . : '. . 1
i While Corhett is a wonder, the people
generally are coming to the conclusion
ttt Lis fighting qualities
are an
Iringemect on the long-distance tele-
hoB, Wnnrku. .
about the beet Corbeti seems capable of.
Vice-President btevenson has been
quietly getting a strong tail-bold on the
democratic nomination for president;
but if he expects to bold on he will be ,
compelled to see Sew York go republi- j
can. in is makes it a bard combination.
II Hill wins, A dial gets left, and if Hill :
loses, Adlai cannot hope to be elected '
Poor Adlai.
f-hou! d Iavid Bennett. Hilt I elected
gnernorof New York, which U by no
meant iuipowible, it it going to cause
tome queer complication. In Uie nrtt j i own, i; can i mane r.ere, aim " lT
place, it will niake him the democratic ' I-ew there it noilnabt aivut the lucce
nominee for president, deepite the tact , of the business at either plai-e. We im- j
' that a western man it desired. Vice- port vatt amotints of sugar, mhich if we i
Ireaident Stevenson has the geography 1 could manufacture it at home would
of the situation, but geography will not tare us much good money. We pay !
win at against the demonstrated ability , foreign countries more lor sugar than ;
of Kill to carry New York. Hill t posi- ; e get irom them for all the wheat we
tionontbe income tax wil. strengthen eiport. At prescr.t tierinany furnishet
him in New Y'ork, and while it would a large portion of it for the eastern :
be. at the present time at least, an ele- : states, w hiie oort comet from Haaa.i. j
! ment of weaknes in the countrr at ? " m '
' , . . i .... Madeline t'o..ard it going lo star, ana
large, it it bv no meant assured that the , ,
; teutiment will not change concerning
the income tax br lSu. At anv rate it
ouid deprive the republican part? of,
tome oi itt thunder, fr '
rith Kill as an
, opponent, the attack on democracy for
i establishing the tax would lose its sting.
for everv attack on it wouid be an in-
of Hill's statesmanship. '
; Hill it bead and shoulders above everv
poeeibie candidate for the presidency.
except Stevenson, and if he wins his
' present fight he will be fur the nomina
' ;. . . ...
i tion invincible.
Who the republican candidate will be
it is at present hard to say, but it will be
neither McKiniey nor Tom Keed. Their
pace is too heavy on the fret j carter,
and they will come in bunched and in
the rear on the home stretch. Ex-Fres-Ident
Harrison is not in touch with
those of
his party who name the nomi-
nees. anU is tneretore out of the pro'o-
leni a- utterly as Cleveland. The re-
publican party realizes that in Hill it
has a foeman who must be downed, and
as a result every muscle will be strained
in the coming state campaign to down
The New York state campaign will 1
.1. i j -.. t 1 . i .
iwieu ui any icai uas ever oeen iiuigm
in the history of the eountrv.
sot j.v r.vcxr eiilm.
Under the above title a correspondent
defense of Hon. John I Wilson, con -
gressman irom Washington, who has
evidently been charged b? some popu -
list paper witn usury, we re-print toe
articie simply to show what peculiar
ideas some people have of justice, hon
esty and fair dealing. It will be seen in
one sentence that the correspondent says
that "Mr. Wilson charged never more
than 5 per cent a month." -Justice.'
who wrote the article in question, would.
: jj u-
JUQgea D.T
his expressed opinion, be a
safer man to trust with his own prop-
erty than someone else's. The article is
as follows :
"To tui Eprroa: It is bevond nn-
. . -i . , , ,,
demanding that the popuusts shomd
attack John L, Wilson because of Lis
half ownership in the monev loaning
business of Alonio M. Marr.her A Co.
f- P"y-'c 13 lIJ; ac-T rn
w ny ue snou. a noi pursue iawtni private
business? Mr. Wilson's money is his
own. He Las accumulated it while
, r : j
hoidiiig office as a puac serrant during
twelve years, since 12, when he came
to this state a poor man. If he had
wished to loan Lis money at .25 per
cent a month, there is no law to prevent
Lim doing s-o. At ail events there is,
nothing to show that Mr. Wilson Las '
loaned money on gold watches, as ' .
dace by tht pcpuliet leader, Uncle !
Heim. i
"The appointment by Mr. Wilton o'
AIoczo M. Marphey, hit partner, ae re- '
iver ot the Spokane National bank I
nas ueen cnararierizeu ae reprenenaitjie,
because Mr. n uson was supposed to 1
'share in the montLlv saiarv of $250.
.1 .t - .1 1. '
e ection to congress if he is not to Lake I
.advantage of his opportunities?
Has j
thrift become a crime
David Bennett Hill has been nomin-
,ted by the democracv of Kew York f r j
tlie governorship. It had been expect-1
ed that Mr. Whitnev would be named
for the p;iM;e and M matMrr o itri te
... ,t k- av,a
.... unt k. rrerr, ntor i! v declined.
Hill did not seek the office, nor did be
1 deeire the nomination ; but the conven-
tion being denied bv Whitnev went to
him unanimously, and would not
' cept any refusal. Hill is forced into the j
C?ht - nd il ' to 1
that be will I
His future '
"Hds on the result cf this battle, for
if he wins it he wiil be the democratic I
1 candidate
' sun rises.
president as sure as the'.
He Las dem-i:.
. .... ..... . .,
onstraiea bis aoiiitv u carry ine state,
. - . . '
i ana saou.a l aeain ao so. tne nomina-1
: lion Ujt the presidency is hia. This
is the natural logic of events.
The result wiil be a battle royal. It
wiil draw into it the entire strength of
the national parties, and In New York
will be
concentrated the force of botb
Iavid Bennett Hill has never
been downed, and if be is not whipped
n ew l or now, w
rith the eountrv in
arms against tbe Havemeyer bill and
tbe income tax, then indeed ia be in-
: vincible.
An attempt is being made at I'nion la
locate a beet sn&r factory ti.xre. We 1
have not teen auythini cone rning it i
lately, but we ho to see the ei pen- j
' ment tried. If snjar can be wade at
I; it. If the ladies of the country at large
: i i . i ... - ..i.
" j .,,
I rvlepitinl tu the hdie of privait lift?
as thoroughly as her partner the iate W.
C. I'.reckinndfe. Miss I'o'.'.ard may
have been more s.nned against than '
sinning, but however that may te, it it
no excuse for her using her malodorous i
actions as an advertisement.
The official weat.'.'er bureau did g'iod '
work recently in predicting the cyclone ,
which yestenlav swept over Florida.
The forecast was made two days in ad- (
vance of the storm, and those residing '
on the islands and aiotig the t were .
satisfied of the coming of a heavy tidal
wtve. Had it not been for this timely
warr.iiiff. hundred c.f liv wnulJ have
! ,va iost
The New York Times democratic
tCores Hill unmercifully. As Hill has
not aocet.ted the nomination, it is rrui
able he is waiting to see the extent of
tiie storm that action caused. From the
expression of the Tin-.-s, which repre
sents the adminittra ion wing of the
democracy, we think Kill will hesitate
alout accepting the proffervd honor.
Wheat 30 to 31c jer tm.
J? P "
50 to (VV
is light at W
' tn Hi) -ro. tr l'Si
! Flofb Hiamond brand at $2 50 per I
out. per ton and I- ,o per bbl. retail.
Hat Timothy hny ranges m price
from fiO to tl'2 per ton. according to
; quality and condition. Wheat hay is
in lun stock on a limited demand at
$7 50 to S 50 per ton.
Potatoes 50 to 75 cents per 100 lbs.
BnrtB Fresh roil butter at .15 to 50
cents per roll.
tXKJS uood fresh ecs sell at I3' to
' H C-
i Pocltbv Good fowlt are quoted at
l.lio to$-..o per dozen, turkevs 8 cents
per lb.
I T . . T . . . .
.ti.r a ju.ircus ieei cauie are in
J ieM demand at 11.50 per 100
, weieht gross to $2.00 for extra good,
1 Mutton is now quoted at I1, to 2 cents ;
: P ."- ocenngs are ngnt
and prices are nominal
weight at 3!j cents dressed.
Corrrr Coeta Kica, is quoted at
per lb., br the sack, i-alvadore. 21
Artmcklee. 2c.
froA Golden C. in bbls or sack ,
i' ' ,I-X'.r .C' f!' Pr.clated
'). I. G.. :n 30 lb Imxes, 2 .3. Fx
q j- i.,C $" 0)
hici Japan rice, b-. 'if'e ; Island,
"ce, 7 cts.
Pea.s j-mali whites, 4,4 5c;
I'lnl' " -'e f 1J0
vkfp 12 50 to 3 00 a keg.
gijHlJJ1' .oj1' f W''h
Ju per ton"' " itoc
SrLFHt h- cnt pvr iKmnd
H"p;( AJfJ rrfcft
Hii.ESv-Are quoted m followt: Drr
254c lb ; green, l1.
Sheep Peit 25 to 50 ea. Ie?rk;n.
2Te lb for winter snrl 31 w Ins mnmm-r
r"- 4 """"'J f r-i
c . oeer, SO OO ID
ea; beaver, $3 oO ib
n.w. f -, . t.L , ' " E. . 1 M ,,
fox. 10'r:5; red fox. tl 2o;
I2 50$'; martin. $U12o: mink
50c''a55c; coon, 50c; coyote, 50c r 75c.
Geain Bags 6' to f.'t each.
Adsartlawv Lttra.
Following is the list of letters remain-
10 'k postofhe at The Ifaiie nn-
caneo. ior oepi. -a, iim. rersons calling
for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
I Anderson,
I iiotkins. Ir. A W
Brown, K or W
Connors, Miss O
tdgerton, i C '2,
Foss, A
Graors, Mrs Emya
Gustafson, Aug.
f"; ",7,
r owter,' D
Iavia, Mrs Agnes
rs J .
Gilliam, Ransom
; Hapitv.O
! Hall, M
iHeopr. F
Hensoo. C K
I Jones. J K
I Lander, W J
i- .j-.f
Howiand, Mias F
Hisur r xi .
Hill. O
r ' ' '
Jen son, H K '2;
Jordan, Mrs Mary
McGowan, G (2
Kicholas, Mrs E
Stanley, H E
Waishj Chas
A. CaossEM, P. M.
i -eiun, anu.i
I Csborne. A J
fetout, Jessie
To eradicate the poisons which pro
duce lever and ague, take Ayer's Ague '
Pop T f t-nrt wM'h.xit !m1
. , . ' , ,
, ,. . . . " . ... I
me uu.j uieuitine in existence Welch 4
. , . . .. ;
may be considered an abso ute antidote
. . '
for malaria.
Haughty lady ' who Las just purchased
a sump. Must I put it on myse!.'?;
rostouice assiauini .very PoiitelTr Not i
. . n .. . ..
neceesariiy. mi am , n wi.i prouaoiy ac-
compisb mors if yoo put it on tbe letter.
Newark Ledger. i
Servant Please, mum, Mrs. Nextdoor '
wanUyou to send her some reading mat-1
ter soluble for a sick person. Mistress f
Certainly. Give her those medirins !
, . M. ,, !
aimana s.-Nt. Wk Weekly.
Mew York Weekly Tribune
- -AlX mm or-
California Wines at Low Prices.
. Call on or address
A gliai pe of borne Hie it like an oasis
in a desert to a bachelor who does not
have to buy coal or pa? gaa bilit. Mil
waukee Journal.
In th Oin-utt ourt nl ths State o rsne for
w ssro Counlr
i fiiy.
iorr w;:c and '
ftUnd w ;tiu. i i
lteil14htJk. f I
To "rftrsf Maud Ti;fc:fi. Ibr i
mtMT DACird dHendaate '
In U Timv ot tt huif of inz m tin mwi ;
fwn ( yu are hrhr wrjuinsj lo irr :!
oTe r.Ltirl fn'! hT th frt (ia? f li' tr?u ,
nl lti nbT mti'irt f tmrt fInwjnr th ii)if
tern t ix -. puh.ii ti'n of U;i ummim.
tuml iw.f lh t:m 'r-iwri:id in lb oi" !
;:- p'f)u-ti'Ht tiiTt, .d t-rin o( urt bw-
(c:Mii:i :i it una . Vir i'tn ni - tn.Tf,
ii p..;in';f w... i. t.. ( .mrt lor tiit n-inl tnrv-.n. i.s:!
s yiAg-mrut squint thr d:iJsr.t Ut
U.s .l dv ( Smroh". )"-. SI 111 tnti .( U-B
w f.L i-snt uiu u l. . sst' i.-vssnd
siwi i. . . iWn! it.. n..t
um-rt in i.innisiid fur s of tu
. n.nrti-i 4-iki s. luii -ws. tv u
in-- in imn wr irv-i, n, SrcrA .lta..n
w4iti ihWmi itT.or-rm :-!ir iiT.
b'H n.t ai w ,t. ut lit pxath lmr f bntn
.f.nmt or h-n.Uw Ael.. :x:vrn M,
to-tii" smtueriy. i' .1 . due sU. "a s
' stfsijfhl lin. fmrsii s'.Ti thr w-t lirie (
'. lbrw.oii Lundr snd mtitT U;rw (set tbvnr
sauri. niii nt rt'ie rm.i. a:Ttsren lt. v
! tb west hn of Mid lut Itifr lUntr oortberif
but nit dus nortn. s."T.x ttir w
itH tiirc. nu bundrMI sil iir
; "s vm oi tnr.oniiis. u n
ioiiow.n d-wnued usrt Itu, sud bn ir Uie
-toibwwi rnrnrrm lw irs-l iw
Ur wit
lw,wi vmlr.sT at In mvrt n wssat mn raf t
HaSsHs;ataple and Fancy Groceries,
ond. U tbr mml 1ms of tb tnwt Srnt
stsvve dtsrrttid Ibrifr s-mllrlT sDd siotjr lbs
west Iitis nl Mid first dwrlbi Irst. b the j
ofitbwtsl cururr tbsrswf, loros snxUrrtr siotig
lbs tiltA illrt f Mid tfl dssrrltfd trs't U lu .
nortbwrst enrasr of said lot Iwir. lbs iisrs rf I
bwinuliiic Auk, Ht nuTT.tis' f'Hir in bis num- j
bT Imir in Ji(riow F.niff sdd:tion b
:t'f. stn. waira said ftt sdiiiM ahd ibuu !
ssid land first aoovs dewrrtld uo ts Sititb and
eimids r.sar ibnmcb to iar mnx-t o tl. I
wtutb Aimi 'not ott In bi(-x 1
n'tmiir tares in usid Hiri"w Htuff additin tu ,
V., ' llj : VwrucT who lbs trwrmrnu. brs- i
dtiamsnt aiM sppunansii. tbrrtmbi tKioiia J
liir t in asr sw sfii-linin. said lands and '
prmiMs ail Iriiis and tonus in a oruniT.
' t-S' n atMi that asid prniisvs or so mueb
t!.ruf aa bjt bs risrsnaanr to raiss tbs am.sint
dtis W ths p;alntiff and tli- mats frf tbls soil and
ail sum diis lur atbirns s lss. laxs ir a a
msnrs. and which mar bs In tiartsl with
out n.atcnal In.iirr u tos Mrlisa. may be do-
erssfl bi bs s.,a a-ortiiri w, law. that tha two
sssds tbsrmf bssntilird ttvm ths amount diis to
lbs plaintiff, and lor albirm-T t fra and cusm of
Vina arij.m anl a., urnns diis fi laxsa aiid
a-rrietiU. and tbat ll dslsndanU and ax h
"! torr. and .. pTwt, riaimins uud tu-m or
eith. of torm t;tiv.),i1lt,r W the romn.anira
mtit of thl artttfO.and ssry psroT) win con
TSIir l lltMS)iii;iit it t'lbswjfj.'Tilir twit41,
aiar bs irTMl and forrUa-d trl ai. ricnt, lit,s.
iriirst. sa;m. Iin arid ii if r-myii'iii in
and tr. md f:ioni1 i.r-n,i and tbat S),a
luunt:ff bars ucn o'bsr and lurtuar rvnef as
n:T bf sjii:ubi ar.d j'.t
Von ars lu-:n. n..tii,wl tnat ;r.n nrr mxu is
ssrv-l upm 1"n bs r'ii. I'slion l m Wn-af in
1m t sLta- n..siri.e. a wwsljr r,-w,p-r
bsiiiiar.d in I-s ( i-y.imt,a b ord?r f tne
H'n L. r.rsd.bsw. juVM tl.' Ttb Jadir.aj
I'lstnt 1 tl te r...n. n.adr at run
b--i in l's:i't:iT..,n ti.s j-t dnrcif i-i.trmbrr
AU'-rnr lor Piainuff.
H LsJbOrnr . Tbs falis. Or .i
Ans M. I-V4 I
s nmnr rim that u.s
""a -Wit bas r.rd notWof his Intent,.... I,
mat final pr.. m .w of his r,.;m ,nd
una. n-
Uowssr waits.
" 1 T- ,h ' ss's. . i aw'i j
( nam-. t, i .i;.,.ln. witns u. pros, his
Z"r''inr Uf"n m',n "it"au. of
w- 1 'T N "'v r Miriure. a I
ints. ail of Waplnll.a. (r.
V r kwm.
- $1.75.
BECHT The Dalles, Or.
FOR 8A.Ij.
head f.r l-i, sired by
f fr
r ee Trade L' g of i.i'. sold for $-.l,
: the tJehe-t priced h'x ever sjld in the
' r"n:.-H v...... M.,.tHl . ,n T-n!
I flip Jr .'1 Svid for K"IK.
( iw itig to the hard tiiiies. I will sell
i '"f the next three months my pigs for
, l-U eacn, or fer pair. 1.1 lux and
deliver at nearest station free.
V V , Write.
o ImniOPM done on unaar6.
1 tmrw 1 1' n I f Tiv
CJitervilie, astl.
' . . .
J 1
SriHSlA. A. Brown,
! and ex-K tle j
.oot dvi-ntd. t ,uil -ruD.t of
and Provisions.
wnich bs r.ffrrs ai Low Flaunt
to Cash Buyers.
Hiltat Cash Prices for lw zii
otter Produce.
Wasco wareUQuss Go..
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rotes Reosonble ;
"W. "W. CDO.