4 THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1834. JR cYrrr a .ocxxi deal cf ground lr. IVrce' Gv!dcn MoJk-aI eoverv. And when you boar that it cares so niar.y diseases, perhaps you think - it's too pxJ to I true." But it's only reasonable. As ft blood cleanser, flesh - builder, and tren:;th-ivsir.r, nothing like the Disooverv " is kuown to medical oience. The diseases that it cures come from a torpid liver, or from impure blooU. tor overruling 01 this nature, i; is the only ffuaran- Ued remedy. Ia Drgpepisia, Kil- iousnes ; all Cronchiai, Throat and . Lan" affections; crerv form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or T.itv.cT-..r.if;il.i i in ir rr srapv , . . n ci.; l-i i alio. 111 ilir 4llo. . n . ' t v : ... .'Mil win Sca'.n DiseaM?s if i: ever fails to ; benefit moner or cure, back. voa have vour The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak ers offer $500 reward for an incurable case. 'Well, Pawkins.how's politics? Goinj run far office this fall?" 'Jope. to This is a bad tine." "That's so. There are a lot of investigating committees aroend. A statesman can't make rnnch more than his salary these days." Harper's Bazar. Ikeafaaaa ( an nut b Clrcd By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is on'.y one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Trainees is caused by an inflamed ren dition of the mncons lining of tiie Eustachian Tube. When this tube pe: inflamed you have a rumbling sound or j imiwriVrt hwirintr and when it iaont'rv'.v 1 cloeed Peafneea is the result, and cniess 1 the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, bearing will be destroyed forever : nine cass ont of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bat an in flamed condition of the mucoas surfaces. We will give One Hundred Doliart f r any ease of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHEXEV A Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 7-jc. Uncie George Are joa learning much at school? Little Xephiew Yee,indeei, I'm learning to sit still, an' not taik. an' not make any noise, an' git op an' sit down, an' march an iota of thing. Etreet A Smith's Good N'eas. A first TLcaaer. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapid: y in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter natives containing nothing which per mits its rise as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the beet and pnrest medicine fur all ailments of stomach, liver or kidnevs. It awll cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive ; materia from the system. atisfactioD guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price onlv 50c. 1 per bottle, fro'd by Snipe it Kinersly. I .v . 71 . . . , , , . I ' De trouble wif de ladders ob success 1 1 j j t- , t-, I in use now-er-days. sa.d Tncl Eben. j d,t tLeT '' s'-rong enough in de finta. When yoh gits pooty clos ter de top bey's li'ble ter break an' drap ver."' ' Washington Star. ! ! Whiie in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kahler, a prominent shoe merchant of ' lee Moiiiee, iowa, had quite a ieriou-1 time of it. He took eucn a eevere cold that he could hardly talk or navigate, bat the prompt ne of ChaaiberiaicV Cngh Remedy cared him to quickly tbt other at tne hotel who Lad lad cold followed hi example and half a doxeo prune ordered it from the ner eet dmjr etore. Tbey were profuse in their thank to Mr. Kabler for telling them bow to cure a bad cold to qnickl. For laie byBlakeley 4 Houghton Vrof fiat. Customer The penknife you cold me ia o aoft that tbe blade ia dull before I get through iharpeoine a pencil, fctreet vender Yah. Iat ia to ven yon cornea to aharpen de point againut your thumb too on't cot younelfe. New York Week'v. Bmcklvm'a The best aaive in the world for cut, broiaem, aorea, nicer, aa!t rheum, fever ore, trtter, chapped hand, chilblain, eorn. and all kio eruption, and poei tiviy cure piiee, or oo pay reqmrwl It i c-uarantel to rive perfect atifac txti. or mom-y reinnded. Price 25 wnt per Un. For tale try r-nipea A. Kin- amntavr Call. All county warrant rrjriatred prior tn January 1. lsl, will I paid on pre rntation at my off.ee. Intercut ceaae after K-pt. 10th. W. Micrbu, C'Kintv T'aJU'T. HAD A POWER OF ETERNITY. BUkm Was la Lmmi Lawrn Bat mumm a lnc amd lima. "Speaking of the term 'power of attorney.- " said a well-known lawyer the other day to a New York Eveniujr , Sun uuin. "reminds me of a little inei- j dent that occurred to Judp-e and myself last spring up in Suihvan coun- j ty. We were out for a week" trouting j and determined to poach on the pre- serve of a tishiuir club which had Re- j cured coutrvl of the river for a ditanee j of several miles and where puMic fish- i inp was strictly forbidden. We knew that part of the creek was guarded by I an old Irishman in the employ of the 1 club. v ho patrolled the banks, aeeom- ; panied by a fenx-ious-lt)kiujr bull dog ! and a gnn idenutied with the revolu- ; tionary period, but we decided to take t chances rather than re'.urn with empty ! creels. So on the following morning, j just at the peep of day. we sneaked up i the creek, through the woods, and ; struck in at a point just out of sight of j the clubhouse. We had a riorums time until about nine o'clock and had . eU our ereels to the crowding point wnen suddenly oid Mike, with ui dog- I ud pun. appcarvJ on the opposite i bank. 'Hey. ye divilsl Come out o' thot: he shouted. ( pretended not to hear, meanwhile edging- over toward tne opposite nana. ' "Av vez don't come out Oi'll sic-me dir on yez!" roared Mike. This time I looked np. but pretended not to under stand. ''Yesr I shouted back, 'it's a fine I 'A foine day is it?" bellowed the j j irate Celt: "Shure ye'll think it's a j j dommed bad day if yez don't come over j : here out o' thot" And Mike be pan to j finyer the antique musket ominously. 1 i I Wtran to think it was time to tempor ize. ! Iiv what authority do von order us i out of this streamT I asked as severely ' 1 as I could. j " "lie what autoority is it"' screamed ' Mike, 'be what autority? Shure an' I j I'd have yez know thot I've full power i j av eternity over the creek, an' av yez j I don't come out Til blow the top o' yer j j heads off!' : j "This was too much. We diilu't mind j j the dop or the pun. but a "full jower of j eternity' was something- we di-ic't want j 1 to contend with, so we yielded and left I I the stream." j WHY HE QUIT GAMBLING. A Tlnrtniaa W ho Ta lifauiMd of Hlnr- alf lur Winning. 1 That a man should look after money , lost in gambling with penitent eyes ' and vow never arain to I- tempted to like 6inful f. uishness seems not so stranre. liut Ut-n. Maury, in his oliections of a Virginian." tells llec- ; how 1 he was led to a nimiiar decision by an opposite experience. The occurrence took place while he was an instructor j at West l'olnt. j We had a very jovial and humorous j set of vounir officers at the academv for I ! several years after the Mexican war. ! j and great kindnes.of feeling prevailed, j I We plaved whist, dime point, faro and brag at the same moaerale rate, it was noted that at faro we almost invaria bly broke the bank. Crne winter I was laid np for many j weeks by an injury to my leg. received while riding, and my room, during all ! that time, was the gatlierinjr place 1 after dinner. The card table was I drawn up to my bed. and I played mv hand until tired and sleepy. ' One nirht we were playing br&g, and j as I became drowsy, little Frank Clarke said he would piay my hand for me 1 whiie I slept. When I awoke, the next ' morning. I found under icy pillow the greatest amount I had ever won at cards. t I r-flectd that it was a demoralizing amusement: that avarice, the basest of human passions, was its movie? im pulse: that often, at the card tabie. I observed some show of feelintr that 1 left an unpleasant remembrance against a comrade, and that none of us could ' afford to win or lose even a few dollars; ao I ceased all play for money, and have been glad of it ever since. DO FISH FEEL PAIN? AaaJotr Pokau to th coo-iaaiaB That Hooking- In ot riranant. ! ..... , , 1 There is little douut. remarks tne j PaU )Iali ,,attc. that the toik Umt nh tiling little pain when they are ! hooked and kil.ed. or h.;ked and" lost. ' is chiefly cant. All analory pint to tne conclusion that it must be extreme- ly unpleasant f ir a fish, however coid- bloooed a creature he be. to be caupht OD nxk anl ilrapjred out of his ! j element, .a; lae same lime It seems to ( be an estaolisaed fact that h.ih in many cases jn for?et the wounds inflicted 1 by a hook. A pike struck hard by a many hooked minnow ha been known to come arain at the bait in a few min- , utes: and .Mr. ilai'ord. in one of his book, tells us that he once left a ' wickham in a (rraylir.g- of atjmt three pounds, which about a quarter f an hour later he hooked and killed with another fly. An autopsy having ben performed the wickham was discov ered in the stomach of the (rraylin(r. top-ether with a jrreat mas of partially dig-estl natural flies. A treacherous hook broke in the mouth of a Wye trout the other clay. Yet the fish rse strain in toout hour time, and was ' duly brought iutothe creel a beauti ful healthy pounder, with a wound in the mouth, caused by the broken hook. : it had manatred to disJ-Mipe. How BwetlM Ita-Tr.n'1 Thraoavlvam. Beetle have other defenses ti.au their cuiraftn. such a nan ous or caus tic liquid which they expel on provo cation, and an Lfttrlish scten'.int has found that certain beetles actually exude their bl'id. chaired w itb nox ious product. h far he tnds the prac tice cjnfiaed to the chrysomelidre. some of the timarcha . adamonia. the cw.-clne-lide and the m-loi(ijp. The l.i'xxl of the coccineli in- has a strong disagreea ble odor like that of the whole insect: that of the t:niarch? is cMl'iriess but Lam an aatrinsrent fUr'tr. and in the cae of the timarchie primeliodeiv i venomous. Ther'-,.-! of the meioiUae eon tain much cuctnaridia. Mexican ! Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and 5trains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mu.ttang Liniment conquers Cain, Makes ."Van or Beast well ain. MISSING LINKS. Pouct wes in Austria must under stand telegraphy. ' Patti has a rold v-ateh only three fourths of un inch in diameter. i tn ta :.!. !o pot;-.! cr-.!s arr nsed. every day in the Cnited tate&. Is I'rani-e. llelp-ium and several other European eountries all election art hi-Id -a uniiar. I I a.u:'.i ? i.:v.-rees for tne past twen ty T'-n, have ju; t lven figured up and .h-y aniicnt to ot!y 1 10. j Tsrr. wat-r that p'r over the falU at ."ia-ara s vrashini: the r-K-k away' tt the rate of five yards in four yrrs-- i T;;:-:i:r ere m"re artesian will in .';'.." a iti ar;y i.ther .;;.te in t tij county i!'.i:a.. four t. .-e.i r:. 1 j. --ven nu.:i v. li. V rt-v, the L'..-i-tri -tl K.iiaeet' there ar- rci--c !t i-lievinc tlit tho Ir.c-.loti i rain U the real cause of li-htniijg. FRUIT EUDS. Gf:r.Eff currants maue fro! nauce or pies. HiinrRRT jam ha, no superior amonj.' the i-aiK-""-T.:;: currant is a native of the north. per':.;:-., f ii. iltnd. 1 .' T hrjre the currants too ript when siakinc jelly: but they must not W jTret-n. Iv njtikiiijr raspirry j-lly. add con biiicrb'e currant juice; the Savor will not be unpaired. A (TELiJT hush will (rrow almnxt anywhere. &nrl pive pood return for even indifferent care. Rahi-beruili' are Vest w hen plucked, fresh and ripe, from the bunhea and immediately tisJ end ho ara other berriea. 'iood H us4-kr-pinf. ! i or IxUaata aad CUlidrs-n. Cator4a prtwot IMgwrtio, and ovenxnuea Pituieory, Cottstifjation, Sour ftomarh, IHrrho, and FevsrishueM. Tnn the chud ia rmdered bnalthy and it levp aatwraX Caatwia contain no Morphine or other narcotic propertv. " raatnrfe is wo wn adapb to chMm that I rmKmamd a m vejr to aat p, mj iptMJO kaunlom." H. A. loin M. l.. 1U Sooth Oxford be, broucija. X. T. " Tw mmni ymr I bsv raanmaMaCM jour -cvuiriA.- no nii ajwars ecmtracM u oo am it aam invarmMM prodoml bnmHWnaJ rwulta. Lrri r . runt M. L ESth 8tm( and 7ta Arat, Jiaw York Ci:y. "Toe mm of 'Qmatorta, ta ao uulianml asd lia aMOTta ro wail uowa thai a i ina a vork of aipwratina to mnUirmn R- t ear am tea rn leliirrat famillva wdo do aot ktmp Oaatona wauineaay raaca." Caaiioa Umrm. V. X)., Jw Tor City. Ta CawrACB Cowp&aV, TT ttafrmr Suwat, K. T. &wTOBHlBTa-wwTaHaHI WANTED. To purchase five doi-n early uriet, trahnia or Plymouth hock, cro pre ferred. Price rj.'iO rr d wen. Gallon or aldreea F.li. M. H ikklK.i. 2Vlrij. Lndep:rt.O'. mm Li HUM ; Tfee Dalles, PcrM and Atforia Navigation Co. frr THROUGH :FteilmflPas5fLH6; 1 Through Dailv Itii Sundays ex ' cepted Iet ween "The Dalies and Port-: ; land. Steamer Regulator leaves The . I Dalles at 7 a. nu, conne-tiiig at the Ca- cade Locks with Meamer Ialirs City.: ! Steamer Dalies Citv leaves Portland 1 lYamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect-1 ' ine with Steamer Kegulator for The IV.les. CASHKX-CK KATK. j One a ay - 00, j Round trip . 3.00 ! Freight Rates Greatly Reduced, j ' All freight, except car lots, be brought through, -aith- j out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at ! '. any time day or night. Shipmeute for ' sit landings' must 1 delivered before , ' h p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. . Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, Uoaorml l(tlt. B. F. LAUGH LIN, Gaaeral Maaacar. THE-DALLES. OREGON THOSE WHO WISH . Glass, Lime, Cement, PLASTER, LATH. Picture Frames, OQflCHlHERY Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Engine and Boiler, C1LL AXD SCE FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riAJ.in A .KNKk.AL hA.vktNt. BriilhEne Ltte' of t'riit ;miel available in tne haeterti ftat. iht Exctianire and Teieraphic franpfereao.rfon New York, Chicago, St. Ixm:. han Franrisco, Portland Oregon, --att.e Waeh., and variou point in Or wm and Waehinrton. Collection made at all point on fav. 'CSV" e I J F. FOBD, ETaisilsl U Im Mnmra, lows, wr.toi nnder 4M m j Karch 2t, 1: i K. B. Mt. Mro. Co., rufnr, reiriii. On arrivinir boui lu": meek, I found ail we!! and anzioueiv aaaiting. Our iirtie ifiri. eiirht and one-half year old. mho had maxted away to lis pound, if now weii. tron and vitforous, an,d wel. fieotn-d np. S. B. Coutrh Car ha done H mor well. Both of the children like it. Yonr K. B. Oiujrh Cure ha cured and kept amay all boarsenew from me. e:v it to every one, with (rreetinjf for all. Winning you proeperity, we are Your, Me. A Mb, i. f." Fobd. I.' ynu wimb to feel Irwi and elsrrful,a4 nmAj lur tli sprtn , rlcariM tour aTnteia wttfc ti Hsalai-he anil U Cut, or uaina two m Itirve diaa aarb werk. Mold ondcr a ponlU niarmawc. 46 ocou per botn. bj mil drugii NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. Laud (irmi, Th Ille. Or.. srpt s, t Notice I. herrbr riven that to loliowing. naml wrf.lrf lia riiwl flitK ( hr Intention U nie 6a! .r.r( In aupport of bin rialm and that aid proof will ir ml Ik(o tlia rui.ler and r-riT at Th hmiim. Orfim, od rt. j, 'M. rU ratrlrk E rmrrrllf. lid E. No . f th . ht l.t. ip I n. r It r. a M fir namm tnr filir,winir witri u pr,vr hit eontlniKru rwatd-nec np-iri and ruUiati'm oj aai1 Mind, viz Wi.uarn lfrt.ir, laac V Mom iKiid. '! L laetiport. r rauk r Taylor, a l of Tbr laiia. JA T rM'KRE, kralatar. Estrayed. Cam ! n-T nar Rv-n. nt-rt:t tl. f l Mv. 1.1. a tmj iwI0 hot., ri-rtwn Im i s'.d I- oifl. b'ai'O.d P on ,-f I nr.'tiini.. ! Tri. ownr ha sarrte f,T m' Snr t tma ! nrt. Nt.O pasturiuf. Ha K'Hfkf?'.S 1 "! im .V o , or ' 1 he Regulator f Lij 1.1. 1. The Oalles Daily and Weekly Chronicle. THE CHKOMCLK was established for the e x jress purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re dons north of The Dalles, hence it is the bet medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Dallos, Oregon. ID. "OT. VAU8E, tt W -DEALER IN- I PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And ttie Mint Complete and Ijiteet Pattern! and Deeini in iWALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. ! PKACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the beet braadj of J. W. MA-TRY'S PAINTS utted in ail our work, and none hot th moet skilled workmen employed. A?ent lor Maiiury Liquid i'ainU. No cliea- i icel combination or soap mixture. A brnt-ciaim article in all color. All order i promptly attended to. i Store and Faint Ebon comer Third and Wukitrtos Eu.. The Dallei, Oreoi I I j FIRST CAN BE nil CHRONICLE Reasonably New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLE?, OKKGOX. SINNOTT &. FISH, PROP'S. Ticket and Bafjcae Office of the U. P, K. 11. Cmipaiiy, and office of the W eater Union Tel-raph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS. 175 Second Street, A full line of all the Standard Patent Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. ARTISTS MATERIALS.-'' Conntrv and Mail Ordra will receite prompt attention. Paul Krvfl Co. CLHSS HAD AT Ruinous Rates. The Dalles, Oregon Medicines, n ,TNB THE OFFICE