THE DALLES WEEKLY . CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1694. The Weekly Chronicle. THK lltLLO (IK1UUS Enu'wl at in iti-hf at Ttw nll. Oreg.a. a atvMinl-v tuaii matter. s ivnn.T o if; T . ."A"c2 a.'re:a-i ol Mat Treasurer lupt Ptibiu- '.aatniouoa AiU'rurTtwBfniL Btbaton . . ..Pb.iliv MM.x nau . i V l.r.emaii J. N !..:. )J. H WitenW! ill Hermann i l: K..; W II LwU iuttr I'rinter rervrt orncxAk. CrturT Judcw t.tfr'... ... CoiuriunMCien . . txo B alu'ler . . T. - i'nver ...A M kt v. m. Mictu! Fran kmeanl i Biower A . ... F. H Waaelieli 8-jrt.-ror . . . E. F . snarr, Satwrintemleut at Public ecauoa Ttvt .H. Butta ..- OVR FAIR. tu :..k ' ,.t il.. r.jt. . . . . era Oregon Agricultural Association be- r i r . t. o.v. .i ,. g-.ns Tuesday. October 9th, and ho.ds five day. While heretofore the fairs have not been all that was desired, yet the management did all that could be espected of it, and the fault, if fault tiiee was. wa that of the people. Tiie patronage has never been as g xl as it should have bren. but in spite of all ob stacles, those in char of it have mau lully stood by it. though it has ivs: v'::e:n many gxxl dollars to do so. There is this year, as usual. $1,500 to be distributed anions: the farmers, stock- men and fruit growers in the shape of premiums, atid this ought to stimulate competition. Could our fruitmen real- its the immense good that will ac- crue to taeni Irorn a Erst-ciass ext.i.'u., they would make it. reardleis of pre- niinrcs. The litter are indeed but a trirle compared to the benefits of the ad- vertislne the exhibit gives us. Wasco county is the best fruit county in the state by long odds, and the display of her fruits, so that this fact may fcome known to the ou.aUe woriU tnrougn tr.e medium of the eves instead of the ears is what carries conviction. A year ago Hoed Kiver had an apple exhibit, that is it was a general fruit ex hibit, but the apple overshadowed everything else to such an extect that it might aeli be called by that came. The exhibit was started with the inten tion ot geuiDg some choice fruit to- ' p: mer so ma; se.ecuons coum oe maue make tbe run on the platform as it was a visionarv sort of a fellow, gave to send to the world's fair and also to gtoo1 on the eveT question, asserting "feet" liberaiiy'to his friends and in a ibe Portland exposition. It was not ex- vehemently that no party could win ; short time "went broke." The last peeted that a regular exhibit would be ; whose platform was not 'radical in iu : time we saw Comstock he was lving at made, bu; the people took hold of it and expressions on the subject, and the con-! what is known as the McMarlin' ranch, brought their products in, not for pre- rention evidently agreed with them, for ; in the lower end of Cnrson vallev, cav miums, but to assist m advertising the that plank was changed. Those who ' ing fallen (rom a corral fence and 'broken i country's resources. The exhibit grew djubt tLe ee!inc o the jple on the ; his teg. A short time afterwards he until it surpassed the wildest expecta- : gav,ject will have their double removed went to Montana, in com dm t with Mc-; tions of the most sanguine. The Ore- when the returns fr jua the November ' Marlin, and died there. gon 1 rtss Association was mvitea to come up and inspect it, which they did, j and with them came the special com-. misioner from Australia, who had been 1 sent to this country fur the purpose of ; selecting fruit trees for that country, The display was a surprise, and the Ans- of it being against any change. It is a t.-alian expert, who had visited ail the matter that will cause trouble and an civilized countries of the world in the ' coyance until the state takes charge of cucrse of his professional duties, pro- ', it, atid then it may possibly cause more nounced it superior to anything he had , trouble. There is an immense profit in ever seen, and ty far a better display school books, and if any one system can than was made a: Chicago, with the whole United States tn ;p.-i from ' That exhibit did more to advertise Hood ' Eiver than $20,000 would have done in ' the shape of paid matter. People wrote ' about it who saw it: thev told their ' fiaanlai f.f 1 f t V.a X notfnlian ni tuttra tiani filled with it, and todav Hood Kiver ia I known where The Dalies and Wasco ; conntv have never been heard of. What ' was the cause? A little well-directed, : though unexpected, energy and a pull j n ;n v. t v,a I time. i v. .-.n Ar. tr,o i.An w . 1 t- cm.. . . ' win. e can lit. me pavilion irom enn to end and top to bottom with a fruit : displav that cannot be duplicated in the i United ?Utes. Hood Eiver will con-' tribute her share to the exhibit, be- i cause she realizes the benefits to be de-' rived. The orchards of this section 1 cannot be excelled, and the grape ex-' Libit can be made to equal any that 1 California ever produced. Tbe opportunity should nut be neg- lectea. It is true that the attendance may not be as large as it should be this ' fall, but make the exhibit, show those ' who do come something that will open their eyes concerning our fruit, and rest into tiie me-.hods by which the books aesured that every year will see a larger are selected for the state, and then pub and more enthu3iastic eatheriiig. Let ' lish it. the world know you have something ' that is worth while coming to s-, and it will cijmeto see it. Get cd some ' enthusia-iu about our resources and von will enthuse others, fchow w hat your labor has accomplished, do your duty as ' good citizens of grand old Wasco and yon will have a fruit exhibit that w ill be the talk of the country and the best, the Wn8 largtrst and the cheapest advertisement trrju-'-e the couDty ever had. It doesn't matter who get the premiums. The advertise ment enhances tiie value of your prod ucts. I: brings buyers of both fruit and tbe Und that produces it here. It settles and populates the country, decreases taxes, and will in the near future make oar foothills in the spring, fragrant with blossoms and in the autumn odorous of fruit ; -- - ;rea.iy near.yjrt-ct: or at least, as By- au .iwnjmuu. crirreeponuent 01 me.ronaaia, "As mi.d a mannend man as vregonianwDO 1 gns Limnell "fia-ern yewieruay, asaeu u paper lor sjre u. defend the "Salem hog," and very naturally signs himsei: one of them. We fear brother Pittock failed to note 1 the (act that while the article aioreaaid turtl in to defend the actions of Salem concerning the branch asylum, it winds op as aa advertisement o( e-a.eru acre tract. Since reading the article in quest on. we are convinced, However, 'i""7"""1 ...... that we inadvertently did aiem an in- justice. The correspondent eonvinced us thM we were mistaken, and we there- tore desire to Sav tlltt Slt?ttl IS not QHU me louc was aurrw rwa u.ih-v.-. .wine at once than ar.v P'0pected by Corns lock. w ho more kinds of other town on the coast." There now will that satisfy yon? If not we -ill go further and admit that the breed is . larger, THE LEAPISG wrESTlOX. The silver question is being forced to the front, and some other questions are at the same ume being farced to the . rear. One of the latter is that o( presi-, : dent Cleveland seeking a r-nomination. ti . . : - . . 1 1 .. ; . ., ,. " , stances, that is provided it ever existed. -n- i. vi- i .i. . We have never believed the presiaent would geek a third term, but there are those, whose opinions are entitled to consideration, who think that is the height of his ambition. If to, his hopes must nave receiveu a narj Diow as state after s:ate adopted a tree silver p'- ' form. There is but one state west of the Mississippi in which the platforms of tue democratic, repub.ican and parties are not built around a free silver center. That state is Oregon, and it is safe to sav that had our election been in November instead of June, we would not have been the exception. As it is, our representatives in congress ire at lea3t evenly divided, Mitchell ia the senate and Ellis in tbe house being with jrom $3 to $y an oencs. Comstock was the silver men. and Hermann will prob- running a little store near the mines, ably also vote that way. and being aiout to go to Piaeervu.e to The struggle in l?" is gjicg to k purchase supplies, took some of the made on the silver issue, and it will be f black substance we have referred to with tue South and West against the East, i him and had it assayed. It proved to It is going to caue a re-arrangement ofbe su'.phurets w silver. Comstock re- parties, because both republicans and ! turned and with others located the democrats are divided on this subject. J tor a time at least ui shut off fur-; ther tariff tinkering, and if it accom-: plishes nothing else, it will have aeconi- j plished much. The people west of the j Mississippi want tree gi.rer. and they ! want it a: once. At the republican convention j htid recently m S-DOkane the congressional nominees. Doolittie and Hvde. refused to ' t - elections are heard. Trrrrrrr MORE SCHOOL LOOKh. The school book question is causing considerable argument just now, mjst mana - e to capture those who select the : ... ... ... bOfica It l ffHMl thinf 1 1 ifir.fca a ' though the school superintendents ought , to be abie to select a series of text bo-ks that would not need to be discard- 1 ed every two or three vears. Of makinir mrr VmriL-a f rtrst za aiTp' v nn iri mil . this applies with extra force to school ' books. Our school superintendent from this Taet lot ouirht to be able to ' select good lot, so that no change would be required for years. We do not I tn inMim t..,t fee! positive that if there was not tnonev in it for anmanr tv, mi iv. .mnM ! i i. j .... ... u"' " cmiij bo oueu, u bl an. : The great trouble with all branches of , the government from the inspectors of ; armor plate to the inspectors of school j books, is that there must be a rake-off for everybody, and those who fill the contracts for the government always ai- j low, as part of the cost and expenses of ' o doing, a certain amount of grease -needed to make the machines rnn 1 smoothly. If our present system of , school books is not eatislactory, that 'act ought to have been discovered be-, fore it was adopted. It would be inter-: esting reading to have an examination - i 1 OTUaua saving a regmar parrot aDJ "J "n,e over the attempt made . - U'e COQni;iI to ie money by a '-vatem of licenses. The scheme would ; WOrk " r'Kllt' but every businew man j tUiUkl tie 18 W-tmg tiie worst of it, and that the other fellow onijht to do tne That seerns to be tne great nth I'jcal as well as national taxation, it is bard to sou tne man that has the blli to pay. The fame of Napoleon has suddenly ' been renewed. Magazines, newspaper ! and periodical are all filled with him. ' and it is really astonishing to learn how nice, mild and clever he reallv was. It teems that all previous act)unU of the great soldier were false, and that he was ; ever scuttled a ship or cut threat , miitl ult true bree-Lng of a gentleman." : SOT FOll THAT WAY. r-atunlav's Orepanian contain an ar ticle entitle! "romances of the mines" that is trne lo came. Concerning the Ji,vvery of the Couitick the article MT: The iaimius Coiimtock was discovered pv a ciiauce as simple as mat w i.icji - tn tin. km nf tin atnn hel . P 77. ' "'I ' dental exp'uion of bis haversack. Ac- cv.rding to the .tory told the prviind on a laii.i ryt m..ti) lin hi mind tiM it dlJ no, amount to much, and so ' abandoned it. f-norl'.y aiter this an old character naaied Kinney was hunting in lte neiet.Dorhooa ana snot a (leer, ine ; wounded animal struggled otT and while ' acrambied up the side of a hill dislodged some iooe stones, disclosing signs 'of the preseni-e of gold. Finney ttien washed a little of the earth in a pan, and was astonished at the reeuit. (or tT small quantity of eai .iam. (ill I arimn nf mid rtn testeu WheB FinneT and two of his friends I werv ;,ter working the mine along came I . . k. ... i .1 . I . 1 ... L n . t u .tut nn pUmi Thev her were on .us c aim. iney were obliged eitner to ki.' him or take him iM panaer,i.ipi did the latter. There is no mvstery and no romance connected with the discoverv of the ' Comstock, and, by tiie way, Comttock Jul not discover it at all. The Com- stock was not discovered by accident, p;acer mining had been carried on on Gold Kun, a Bmall stream fi iw leg trom Mt. Pavidson to tbe Carson river, which it reached near the town of Dayton. In washine out the dirt the miners discov- ered that there was quite a tot of a heavy black substance a hich would gather in the rithes. bat thev did not know what it was. They did know that the gold was mixed with sliver and run ledge which had been uncovered, at what was afterwards known cs the Ophir mine. a miner who always went by tiie name of "Ole Virginney" was the man w ho real uncovered the ledge, and from him Virginia City took its came, Comstock's asav havicr started the ex- citement. the lednre came to be known hr I,, a .v.. r,...w.t ll Tt. v- ' a . uatuiv m-a ub vvuin iw a. iivaii. a. a - Other mines may have been discov ered according to the dime-novel style, but the Comstock wasn't. We went there in 15o!', grew up in the Bhadaw of Mt. Iavidson, and know whereof we speak PORTLASVS FIRE. Portland for years ewept over the river - front of the east side vesterdav and de- J a m:..ion uo.;ar worm 01 proj- ar- ,1;,..... I at I.Oii:- uic rK u.aLutnru .i i .jv iu lne -'ernton " 'he u. I.. A .coa. bankers on the Alhina water front. A hi8h iod was hlowiug and from the 8tart Sne Cre had everything its own WftT, la Iaa. ftian tmrn 1. V. .. .1 n.. v.ui-3 i. uu . BeI '.h three-quarter- of a mile, con'!Qniln8 u00" " wareiiouses, tiie immense elevator belongine to the Pa- cific Coast Elevator Co., and the large Te"in! Company warehouse. In ad- j dilion to the buildines. tracks, trestiei ' land freight care were destroyed. Ai larze amount of wheat in the elevator 'and mi! inth hrtnkr r, : , "a Parl 01 lfle roniana uenerat t-iec-; tr'c r''ant destroyed ? excellent management the big j 8n!P lving alongside the wharves were otten ont into the r.ream, assisted by ; tte 'ndi which was fortunately favors-' Ie t0 tneir ''t'lR moved. The steam- BhlP " 'lmette was loading wheat at tne u- ooclt' bnt escaped by cut- tiR ltW9e nd letting the wind blow her J uuv '.rm. ine ringing 01 me . Bl,iP Maxwell caught fire, but was ex-1 tingtiiahed without serious damage, i Tlje ships had hardly been anchored i wtien a barge loaded with wood broke from its moorings by the wharf and carne straight towards the Maxwell, its ' load a mass of fiame, and lodged across her bows. The Imt by pushing at ! tt.e barge worked it clear and it drifted into the bone yard and alongside the old steamer Willamette Chief, which caught Cre and was consumed. The burning barge threatening further mi:hief. The cantain of the sleafTipr Uria? ran close to it, go) to a point on line fast and towed it f-wan island, where it eouid burn without danger, It is thought that three were burned in the elevator. The ' ,. in monev is as vet difficult to determine, though it will probably reach fully a million dollars, with haif that amount of insurance. The burning of the . m ami ,...,.e i.n i... per the handling of wheat, and block- ale is more than likely to occur. : It was thought for a while that the fire would cross the river to the west side. The heat was so intens- that' those who were viewing the from 1 I the dock on the west ide were driven backs ; hot a close watch was ki-pt and bucket brigades formed, which lix.Ue.1 after the spark. At 2 o'clock this morning the water front was a mass of smouldering ruin, no longer even d.iti- ; Serous, aud the tire engines were called in. .;,, , The nagai:ni are not oiny , t. ..r.w ... tk. tne . ire C)fl Uie fcUtcrv ,.( Napo .nn. lml ; ,ir.,v;,.g that Kdur Alleu I'oe aas a halt hrottn-r of Neal Iow and never tA a ilr.i.k in his brief life. It is to U h'id that these scribblers will let up W(ore they destroy all precomtivrd ideas of the great and illustrious pec-pie 1 jjne before, have That cannery has n it materialised yet. It is now too late to do any tiling in the way of business this year, but huh will run and fruit aiil r.ien iu lsi", although many of our people do not seem to realize the fact. The cannery should be readv to begin operations as . a soon as the fish and bvrrtee get nelt sprint " I'.raiil has given nonce to this govern- ment that she will abrogate the rec.p- rocity treaty as u as the three months notice required by it expires. The treaty will be of no effect on aud after Jan. lt. la'.'o. ?pin has already tukea the suiue course, abrogating the treaty a hich gave our products free entry into Cuba. The names of the repuhlican candi dates for congress, I'olittle and Hyde, would indicate to those ho do uot know them tiiat they were mcmlmrs of the democratic party and the lust con gress. The dispatches today are tiled with accounts of murder. From Maine to Louisiana aud from Maryland to Oregon a regular epidemic of murder seems to have swept the countrv. The reputatiou of the Count of Paris never recovered from the ill-advised j alliance with the roulangist party in ! lSr9. He then took the risk of having France fall into the power of a military ' dictator for the chance of pulling some ; advantage to his party out of the strug- j gle between the republicans and the general's partisans. Whitelaw Keid is g-ing with his wife to Gibraltar and Cairo, then np the Nile to the second cataract and back, and , then on camels across the desert 10 , Mount Sinai, entering Palestine at the junction of the Jordan with the Iead j Sea, and going oat by the way of the sea . of Galilee and Ihtmascua. j The king of Italy has sent tbe insignias of the order of the crown of Italy to j Carvaiho, the director of the Opera. Comique, Taris, and nominated Jules 1 1 Ihtnte, the orchestral leader, chevalier, ' for the magnificent way in which Verdi's ''FaistafT' was given. In an interview iu an ilnglish weekly .J j;aper. lien IavitfS the niDevr. piivb: . ' . , i - , t 'r roui the manica! jo:nt ol Tiew, I must confes, that the American people re ronaiderub: v in advance of og, and be , tieruian element in the I'cited .tatet. It is eaid that I'aderewski made IJ50, t nt) white in the Tinted Slates, and that Yeaye. the celebrated violinist, ha been engaged for an American toar which will begin in October on even higher terme than thoee Taderewski received. I 1 tnl.t f : : Airmuv n aiiuaui, ,.iai.,tB irvuariiiK I to erect a monument to General ". P. 1 Kanks. E. B. Jonnson, a man of force, is 1 at the head of it, and the plan ii to name a ne-v park Banks' Park and to erect on it a memorial haft. xuiar, kus new miniBter" aear, yes, I m sure from what she said. What was ; .... " t . Ioctor Well, Tommy, you fonnd the! pellets helped yoo, didn't you? Tommy Yes siree ; I mid then to boy for 10 j cents to shoot ont of bis new pistol. Chicago Inter Ocean. Cholly is very unfortunate in the im ;.y pression tie makes, said one girl. es," replied another. "His clothes are so loud and his remarks are so soft!" Washington Etar. "How did you come to break with 1 Miss r-weet.ips ; on always said she: was as good as gold." "Yea, but I got! acquainted with girl who had tiie! gold." Boston Transcript "Papa" said Johnny, "what's a sera- phim?" "A seraphim, my son," said Mr. Knowitall, "is male seraph, the final eyhable 'him' being added tor1 indentification." Harper's Bazar. "What did you do with the check vonr father - in - law gave you for a wedding nresent?" "Had it frame.! no on.' ' would cash it." Boston Saturday Oa persons nette. Perdita Has young Dr. Pellet started in practice yei jeneiope lew. 1 here res one of his funerals now. Pearson's in practice yet? Penelope Yea. There Weekly. Cook 'criticisinc her c''1 herteU nd know :FIiegeDde E!tte''- to iJrummer I got mytfa badly tanned when I was out of town last week. Miss Pert Rusted you mean, don't you? Puck. VkrllKa uf I.U-rlrh- t'rrrn Mr M. 4'.r! vhI. lev turii.;: -.liort time airo N f rr t:ic Academic '. . fH-u-m-ra. ln- attcnti.'n t. the f.u1. iv r.iet-tru-.f . tiie phvsi,il.-;- a! i rfcctMif hilt-tcnMoa carrenta pantf ihronch liic luimuii IkhIv were very similar to t of lr. nilir. the r-ult U'injf usih .f riiruti.m. which could often e r-st.r.-.l v hUltat'le Bii'S"". uch a th.- employed in ca- cvf ln niuir He rcicrrcd mure mrticu- lurK t. un accident which nsi-ntly p'ace in I runce. v- here a current i a t. .' f.r:y-tive hundred r.dta. with a f'-ciiiieiiev ( n.'v in ri xl!. T mviiuI. pa-4'd thntuirh a muii'k body, j rende-iiiL' htm nM'lexa. Ar.iticiul re-iir:i'i'in, howeer. wax at ".enij'ted. und the inn n u!tim:.t-ly rccovereil. M. ir.val eons Aiiu-ric. n - . f el. y f :.! tru- : ! that. .lllill.ll- Ill t he eaM J of tilt IIli'l'U n-ali! at re from u-M by v. l-. i :;'ce in ii- e ..f h"V i.ttemt iMir-- rather than .torn- rve in the pav-a.- of a cci-rent which is ve t . life. in itself dot rue Krrtitui. tluitM. The following' dcNeri-tion of a IWr w-rillnir hi", iicuu i (ii 't Monta ue" ' I i.le- nf u N not t :.iit s mi lc i luted ;... -n uii! v re.-- ,-ti the ,' :.rc. In the ..Id i-vr M-i.iii'ii lis. (I i:. ; n. aiei w ni n ne in . there was n rcular eoi'i-o itioii in the hou-e. -11:: I'.e c;ui t 1.11 of you. j I' ot-.t the Hue!;-- und the j-iH-xr. and the pi.--t v old ;.-.' tilt tic fowl. 1 al In r i p his n:-.ii ." A11.J then the --: :i. v : '1 citto. s Mii::red on t.-ie t:.M . " mid s- ie the Ik 11 with a tloun -h i;i..l p-..':niir on a d. termined;. if tie were t'oin to tackle an adverser. . wouh! i :m! tiown liis head t.l! it iicurly t '.n bed his left arm, , v. rite !:i i...:;ie with many u splutter, nu t tii. r. tl.r-' ine; dow n the pn-n and , pushing" t'i'.i k the chair, would look ' round with 1111 uir of mingled pride und resignation, und hu.v. "I have done it." ) Poisoned LOOD U ourc of much urVnnff Tb py;rir stiuuia br horou(rh;y ciiwd of mli impuriiif-. auU tlic IjiikxI krpt tn htr.Uiy cotiiiuiua. to. & ti. rmuves . CHRONIC SORES . fleers, elc.. pur:tir the hload. and buuils up trie ceuoral lem A- It u wittiviLt ac eijuul Ira T Stili.of Palmar. Kaa.,sar' "W fool and 1- lo n:y ion wm a rouninir sore fur two Trara. and pnTS cian said it could nut br rured- Afirr UbKiiur nrus-n amaii bottirv of S S. e4 inirr m not a mr on my limb, and 1 have a new Irwc on lif. 1 amaevecty aeven vrarn old. and have bad w.v ar mtiewed at let irntjr years tr me use ol OyT'ailw Svwritad FWirT tjl-LCIFK. CO.;'g Sale. Sfitir if hr:hT g:vrn that. in turimn"v of rt'r nf tn Mut f tUm UU? uf rrrr'n f r W r t nmtit. . du'- mud mt vu t f 'inir, a. I j-h in i Wi miUif f ttiriAtPOf h-nr a. I ruSt. U- rewm. iiif-'mr in- un.ifMii:i.ii x f-U m? : t!:XL7Z,7 pwl i " numt- m Tr a; Sit n-it:r nf n p in uf ar ml im T. -ma f thtnl in an n.nutna fnn dale olid i.lir UtirC in ntij ar nm rit ui ani. I.;,;t itrn.Ra. J. V A I.Mot. a. lrrniw!rut.i of thr rliitf nf H-!irv A Prntt. I :djn - . '''rT',!'. 1 aftnirT. 8. m-n, frva; hat. i. y. h , .1 . , a HlfSC JlStlODSl DBDa I j THE DALLES, ... ORECON A 'jenera! Banking Unniness tranael Hvntiaila rwwirwl .nl.i., i.. .;..i,i i-poeila receive.!, subject to :g!it tTart or t lie k. ; Coliw:ti..iis ma-lc and pr-l. pro:..i.t.v remitt-d on dcr of (ro'lectiiin. -.,.1 t- 1.:.. t- 1 1 i-i.iii m't iririfljiun- IT.i:;iaii WliO tin 1 York. San hrancis'-o amf V-tn- iaud. uikkctoks. D. P. Tuonraox. JS. . v hum k. Ed. M. Wilmaks, iia. a ..urt COPYKIGHTS. rw I OBTAIN PaTFrtTf For a H I N tx na.r tad imiit Bf tr raan eipmmcr to Uia pamnt baaing. Ownmnn.ia, tiona ttrKllr mfHuntial. a llaadba. uf in. fiirwiatma mnmam fmiu aud tnra to no. taio Uiasi aam f rm. Alao a aalaalaag( macnao. Icai and atMtitine bwa ml It. i Hatama lain Inmwi Mima ft Co TCeaM jwsai t,n tba arr,i,ar A mertra aTaod Wwnt ilir Mi-n uia iwmic witZ rnat o tua aniiw. Tina nMrndid Mwir mm wMr. alraotif illiamM. ha. t,r Zai ii.iib mnwm, mraniiir. V: -Aia rar himU enpaa. aS.wita. Wvarr nuit ZZiZ raSa.Ua.aBMBMBwLaVtaBade i "t' " ' "de-M ara obuifMd. and ill 1 at- ! , w whokuii lor MoDln.rt rrrl. a I , J Ob Oencr t Oorrf U. . Tirr 0mcr t I 1 4 lad mm can ae- Uf baiant ia Uaa Lm. iiii. s I life 6 , aTOa "' d'awuij or pbolo.. with dnerip. j 11 riniaoi or DK. iraa of eawi.rr. "How toOb'am Hat, ' h '. . - vwinenmiiupwnaMnfaL a ?'J"1 t" 8- facououw. 2 a s . S 1 2 . I. r. even i :. . .... c.--r r.. j H. M. Bkam.. I j t """''"o'. c. c. 5 ! ' j Tbe nnmin Electrical Forces! How They Control thi Organ, of the Dody. Thff elvt"tcr tin nervr tl.l. t f . p' Ily attra. 1 1 iii i ',!,..','' i 1 1- .ii J , '. s j , y f . I v. r-i-..nM it f.i.-l. b'.l irvn u rmw nf ' hr i r.i.. l l .i. I r.uikl.n M.ii (. It ii . let. c rr aier irt of .f t . ! s- inl y . ui '.h i mi.l thr .r n ll Ui. ,iv-i".i ins. nun.' it ins- uue lotii.iit,m I'r'i.r:iT, Ni-n inn. Uir m,ri va.cii bruin uinl ln-rv . f.Kt. 1 or llin .-.:-.- i,'i- n.r u,l ami bun; o Wr C: ! -s en.'::iaU' front dtM.rlrTsi uf t)t i.eM- .-t :iu-r. Jt vunl.rf ul mrr. Ine i-lns ttis4- d:j ir.l--n u t.'siiueii Uj ty Uuuauo ui t-"-rv part uf thr luiul. K.-.i.inin.f Nerviiit. rurm IwplpvniH, nt-r.-uiisiir.Mrratiuti.Uiizln.sM, ymeria. uri ual Oel'iiuy. ht. ltm Uiktiett. titllt.lM.T. elc. it l free fruiu ti:ate cir ilatifreroii druffs. It b. xilil 011 a pixture cuarituiMi ly all Unij. fww. or sent direct t. tlir Ir. Uilw Jlnllcal 1 k. Likliart. I nil., on ws-elpl of priro, II tt buttle. ii bulUe for ti, cipreas prvuuX . . SUMMONS. ; Iu Uir Irru'.t Cimrt ul tti fUte Crs-w lur t W m-u l.uutitf nrl Biirrht..H l.aiutiff. ." C. F. cn and Marif Kh- IVlflidiwTlTtl. ) j To (V 1 Fh and Murtr F.-rh. tit Itxtre mmH dcffi.daiitf In thf tiam of tnr taU uf Ortrnn You and nu'b of uu ar brwhr ivtjmrvd to aptr and I ai-wtr Ui rmia)n; t.Uti avaiitxt ym in tli . atxv rnttthtl iwit withtn Iti rtM" f it-m tnr date of th rr w nf tlua titnniftn upnn jm, 11 atTT-fd wiihtn W utti ctMiiitv. MatP uf rfun or it wrv1 witJnn attv nttuT CKintv nf tttm HUle thtft; Wltlitn tw(iitv ! 1mm Una Uabr itf tti enrir n( itA numnmna nfm you and U i tl- mi in in ftfr-l ty iMitmeatmn ilu'rwul. fim arv nr)utril toavtwnr and an"Wrr ai(1 nnp;aint un ur bt'iur M hkIjiv, th iir f Nv ; trmhrr, fhat f-itit thr (irat dar uf tti m-xt rvirniar u-rm of aaid irruit urt. ioUnwinj thr rtpirattun uf tti (un ftrrritHni tit th nnJa i tit'rrtnforr n.aHlv- tnr tlt iHibllrallirti of tid u Bmna and it nu. nr fittitr of you. fait m b mp- iMir aitd titT anid ntmplamt. Jdemtil will i to- tAkn acninKt vou fur ait lJM'mf. aud tht i luainlil! ul appfv tt Ihr uurt lur tlic rviM j prd ffir lit hi wtid ht!l uf ritnlai nt, tv!t Kur a dt rvr ordTinic a ftrriuur of Uiat enr- tain dr-d tf niortc tirf. nn-l. riw tiUxl and d llvtrvd V via in tiff liy 1i-fidaiU. brannc dat ! Auirunt I Ul). lf and that tnr land and prenv iMam tiirrftn drifrl. t- it tnt . I. K t', tt i 11. I and J. In hl- M.v,.TtT rictil n lurt Ialli J Mi;itry twajawrt ntiuti atMmou to Ia t'-a t ttr, ; V iwit rouitty, ortnrun, bt ih d In thr nanur pnVHinl hy ( and tir rrt' uf ttiim ourt, and that fmm tUr iirot-wdi nlu from aurh ; au' the plaintiff tiavr and rr'-r ttir lum 4 .4t ii. and jni'T.t tiitTti at ttir rat id Im p-Trrnt. rr annum mnrr itn- l.ttti imr uf Atif u-l. !'.. and tnr fur.tivr mm of tat vm niiaOx1 oiturnrr io-w tu id tmlt. bet'' wi'Ji tn nnd di-turn,fi!U iumlaitd r&iiriid j in in in nut. 1 riudti.r miltft)ent and arrrunif rMtp and ri--iiv nf Mat', thaf tiMn Kiirb dK I rrw, fi ?-in ii rr and :. all tt tiir rucht. ti.i aim iiin-ni ui ,n atiti rarn i full, ana a.t H tin- oirttt. tit and iutvt-Tt nf mil mi id rrry twr i) m iw.-fHoiin rwuiuir.if. nt t-'i-imin thnmrh uf IJniT "U, itf rlUT ni ou, in or tn mm id almve (i'writa-tl fiTf i.iMM., or trt mv irt tnrril, ti4 iurvf-inJ u;,d f TrvfT (Mrl fpm ail r(iil' "( rvd-ni)'ti ti. mat iirt:i;t.l1 t ali'-wrrj tu tnd fnr nnu if in'M'' .iti .fiMu- ht hi uptinn ttiat ttiv s--ri tj.f tiicri'f fir tfir iniTntjtliajtr (! init ni tht naiiif It tat tin' plain titt lia ir judjr nifTit arntnt m f tr anr un;4id lu.n'f t!:at u a.'ur m h n. and fur mt h ntnar ' "I,(l "irliir n-arf 1 i uutT t 'ht uurt win jtist ami v.tillMhlc I 1 ttr imtv 1- nf thl atl ni t:ii ria I. mwL' timfi yiHl ' t'T iulili'-ti-'ii Hi-tHti in The I'auk"! ui"!- I l' n.-w .jmit fil iri-lHtal rimiiatl.m. I'lllv 1 llHliwl -ii ly a! lialii. ( it . aw riiiiutT. ' rr K'Hi. I; finl-r if Ilir U I. hrwlaliaw, ' juilin- 'f tnr h.-vtitli Juilii-ial i'tH'rl'-t iH tlia ' Mau- of t in-fifi l:irh offli-r Haa Uuiv v.uiir ml ; rtiatr.!-r in Itniii-w lt , lift-pirn, nn tnr l.ila lav 4 Mi:nitier, M. II. fcll'l'1.1.1.. -V .1 .ttiirury lor 1'laiiitiB. NOTICE FOK Pi r.UCATION. V. K LaKb Orru e, Thr Imilra. "r .l Juir ji. ih ( ' rmi.amt barlut Iwn utrl at thu M y Kr., .i jn x .j, m)mu. ilonlnic lu lionimu-ail rntr. No 4.'-ci. rtil Man-n j. l.'r'. up,,p fc'. rWl4. 1A '4 '4 and .v 4. b.f. In. Ip. ft i, K I I'. In Hari ( mint?. rt-cifii. with view to thrran ciritaliim lit wild entry, thr anlfl liartlua arr brf 7 uinmc.nt.l Ui nii-r at Una ottirv nn tlir I th day ul ..,.u-nil. M. at Iu o rli- m . I rtpaind and f nriiiah Ufatim-iry rTivrnHif aaid ainitl almi.d. .ntii" t fc. M. Miult. I'. t orn-nii-utioiifT, Im auttiurixrvl bi tafta tratlunM'T at ( Ant.-ii.i-. Urr..n. n rr.t.-niti'rr l--th, at Iu o cuM-k a. m. JA. r. M'XKE. K.irltT. NOTICE I OR Pl'BUCATION. r. B. Laud Om . Thr IHillra. n..' Aurwt 11. I""- Sitirtn li.ntjy Riven that tin- (.ilina-ins named a..ttl.r hmm HImI ...rfi.. nf 1:1. littentltill ' I b niaar linal fir..f iti nuiilnirt of Ilia ruilin.and that Mid prim! be mmle before the nnt and rwiver of the f. H. Ijind oftii at Ih l'ailen. Or., 011 6. . 1, u: Alrla E. I.ikr, i II 1.. Mi ..!.. fir the K. r i- f. j W:4, rh , and I' avi t . ja. T i i. It II K He limn.- tlir f'nu.wlnit witlnwr tn provr ln ; crintiiin-iitp rvxidettce u)miii and iiltiaii'ifi of 1 aaul iaiid vi i I. Uiul' Waiiur 1 J. rk. I. I l'ler. H V,. Ledlord. "I bruer. of Tlir ialle jas. r. MMii:i:. '.eKlU.-r. . I iii'I' I'JilNZ & Nl'J SCI I Ki -PEAI.CBS IS- Furniture and Carpets. "' 1 - ... .m ... . x,,xineM com nletn l.'r.di.riltiti KAtablishment, and as we are in no way connected witn 1 f.-n-.. 1-tftft iB ,,. , , la- i 'i- v. l( a-..,. .., . .:. i r i- . i , 5TK .. .. " . ..' ... . .-.. -! M-r .1-1 -'. - . t-. 'X i'Sf i . . ' t i " - ' - i In-'- I vi,i"'- I h i-. . .- ,- -ra.V-iv i;S- I : ... . - 1 iv i ..i vt-';l . J 1 . '.,.: 1 nil I . t - !..' '',. J d from Mr. !r, . r .... ... t;'.V S J '1 i.i'.l 1 t. I 2STEW i L:ndertakifl(f Establishment i-w n in. the imdertakera Trust, our prices'" be low accordingly.