THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. n oa lur ciasse oi veuniuia. aoni over i years ut . graudee" having an income of fl'.tHH.1 J pesetas i'$:,0O : captain, genera!, ad-, iuirai!, etc. ; ahou. 100 senators nomiua- OfVU lAL I Al'tK OK ASt'O I VI STY 3& BnM at tn hw 1" 1 omr.m ted 1-v the i ro n, not to exceed ISO. a tT'-HHl matter hen ino'.uded with the tirst i-:as, and ISO senator e'.eeted by the states, the church, universities and learned b.Kiie ot the nation (or a term of five yaars. F.u.peror and empresses, kine ami queens write to each other as brother and sister ; reigning grand duke also en joy tnif privilege), hen addressing king. .. ....A r.:iTii KArt-. rRrll. I ADYaN.V.. J at bail, rv- Onv yvar A Jv.t.vii: r..t'. rvuonab'.1 AMrv-.j. ' :-.r.-.ur'.!U':Kl: t. Il'l-K. 1 tie lul.-!. .rv.ti 'Hi: CKKOS TV !.' MVfi. t i'....., .c miy ,i(U aovereigns not possessing royal hon ors are designated as couiins. - 2 m f ...... i. v.VV LAND AT THZ NOTH POLE. A cat is enabled to send out or to re- tract her ciaws. because the bone to r.TfcWum of it in h ictrr wnicn t,e c;aw i, attached has a rotary movement on the bone above, and a powerful lament draws the former ; Chininevs smoke lecause the carbon There is no rva-Tai'le doubt that a. ;. r.... .n mtnii ,V,h- vi.-i- th.- north pole, i down and exhibits the claw. an k-e-e-.wered laui of eoiisiiicruble ex- ter of the iovbenr. oleU at various of the coa! disintegrated and drawn off points wi.i.ia the Aivtio ocean: lor by the heat instead of being consumed there are d:fferent ciase of kvl-erps, the tire. A furuac properly tended as there art- different kinds of coal. KO;j not a)oke, as a'.l the fuel would The difference Wtween the flivberg. or consumed. palaeoervstio ievbenr. and the ordinary ieebertr of the north Atlantic, says a The ears of most detenseiess animals acientitie exchange, is as preat and as like the rabbit are turned backwards, easily d.stiniruishable as is the differ- because these creatures are in constant ence between a block of bituminous . .ppinsion of pursuit ; hunting ani-', coal and one of anthracite. The floe- , mais have their ears turned forward. berp is distinguished by its tabular , form, great uniformity of height, rec- Gieen wood hisses and splutters when t.iuriAar sha ix- nearly Hat surface, per- : bumins because of the large amount penit.cuiar cliffs, and especially from ' c water contained in its fibers, which is its lamiu..ted structure. Whenever a ' cnang(Hi jnt0 steam by the heat, and paiae,wr,..c er? re" - hcrsta off t.nv Pointers in makine its es- icn : - cape. i Highness is an old title that was first used by the later Roman emperors, then north, before its face has suffered mucl from the nieltinj action of the sun. a close observer notes that it presents alonsr its front a series of faint blue Alltt-S. f(ra.CU v, '"""I'"" i (.ioliAnd than .ktt T'inM ft T-b't- opaque w hite. These lines show a - a Rtratifi.-a'ion due 'to yearly aoeu- , Thence Us use spread to Germany. It mutations of snow upon a nearly level , is now applied to princes who are vas .urfaee. which are transformed prad- ; jjiig of an empire. uallv into ice. and each line ajso rv'pre- ' s.-nts the limit of the Bccumu'.ation ; Good remedies for persons poisoned of a sinp-.e year. In a similar manner : with rhus ivy are to bathe the parts af are formed the placiers of the Alps and : fected in a decoction of hemlock boughs tireeniand. but these latter ice-sheets or ef 0A leaves, or with a teaepoonfnl of re torn, distorted and reformed a thou- SQ;phj,t(f of iron in , (uia;i ccp of boiling 1 nand times in their descent down rapid wajer slopes and throuph conninp vaUeys of . " greater or less width. Floebrps. then. ; If yon have sick or nervous headache. : are parts of preat ice sheets which. , take Ayer's Cathartic rilis. They will ' formed from successive snowfalls over cleanse the stomach, restore healthv i a land area of no preat eievation and action to the dipest;Te organg, remove very pentle pradients. now downward ; , . . , , . J ... . , ,. .. ,. . effete matter the presence of which de- from its hiphest level in tne direction r of least resistance. The slope bein P9 t&e nerves and brain, and thus ; pentle. the ice moves praduully sea- give speedy relief. ward, with its structure unchanped ;.; 1. .... i . ..1 . i.l - .1 is.i . v.i .ul i.iii passes slowly into the ocean, whence Mrs. J. II. HonsxYPtn. K2 raciilc Ave, SaiiU Cruz, Cul., writes: When a pir! at school, in Beading. Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever. On mv recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time. I feared I should lie permanently o. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have an fine a head of hair ns cue could wish for. hem; changed, how ever, from blonde to darli brown." ' After a fit of sicknesA, my hair oa.a oat in comMulls. I used two l t l.s tf Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard lung and very full aiid heavy. I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr. 14j0 Regina St.. Harrislmrg, l'a. " I ued Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years und always obtained satis factory r.-iults. I know it is the best prer.triiii.m for the hair that is nnuie." 4 T. Arnctt, Mammoth Spring. Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Fine Just Line Clothing Arrived. t i ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS, i St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES. OR. EE-0PE53 EEFTIMSIS 3d, 1894. BAKl:Sl AND I'AY SCMfK.L FOR iIRIjj. .-Ijtu-w per term of left weeks. jMftyaute lu dVAiice: I ml TuiU.m ' MOD needle hurts. becaue the nerves are so Kntmnee Fee rytie but nurc eventually its buoyancy causes it to ' thicklv matted jut under the skin that ! in;mmemi iianr. Tviw-wrninR. Telerriy, rise and disrupt in a vast mass from the not even the hnest point can be intro- rce'"" K ww ,d v.l sheet. duced without wound-ng one or more. Gnanlian's Sale of Real Estate. mmMrjin of the tmrvnn atul etatf nf Sucv b;i.i'Y. an ajr-! iii miirni pnMn, bv virtiif of IF YOU WVlSTT Goz'crnment, State, cr Dalles Military Road Lands, r..iiteT. Nil ajri iu miirni perii, virtue el m a n oriier el me i .Mintv l ..urt nf the slu- i.f r I . - , I I . - . , lire.ii lor Ww . .miitv. in probte. m.l ami I I I f I T A "- .. I ' I III W )T emend on ti. ift iiy s,-,.u-inIi.t. a. K. - A X V a. A J. V v5 X X. X. U X-ZOVlX, 14. ml tne retfuitir hfpl.'niber l.rm of ..ul ! - u. . t. . . ... i ' Court fur th yrmr l'M, will mt haiimUv, u twr Jih, at tht hfur of h'o m ut wvt dv, mi the premiM-n fcnwu th II ni tvm oi Jhn MHiitrT. dt.r.'etl. ttutel oi. ttiv oulh bank of fie olnmbt hiver t M 1 Kiver, in V aw . ounty. r!U ' 'frfrn. ftt ml Public Auction to the nirnnt hitMrr ttrr niih tn hand, the fnllowinc dt-w rileil rvl proferty b- hroeMir to Thumlmry tk Hudnon. 83 Washington St.. THE DALLES, OR. ' If Ton want Information riiirnitfijr 4oTem- ment land, or thv lawn rulattti thrn'to. you ran ciitmult him free nf fliarjrr. lit- i:n niHlf a ne rialty of thi buineMa. nnd ban irtwtteel lieforv 1 tiie ( uiUd htaU-i Laud Oll.rv- fur tvvi ivii yeaiv. th EnrmceaicBt la Broken. Xhe word "book" co meg to us from ; London, &ept. 0. Ti.e lMttrothal of the axon ibocf" meaning beech, h Miw Muriel Wilson and IorJ KrerrTt cause the raxoue D-uaI3T wrote either; M. P., has been canceled, the cuue not . on beech boards or on bark. ' aiated. Mis- Wiison is the daughter of "Wilson of Tranbv Croft, at who hou-e the celebrated baccarat ecandal aroee, 3!tih' trtus;:it frv of ehante t wiir nipli. BAThs rK DAY FrPIUj l,.K.Vir;upoT ttrm iH-'niict to rrade. Fur turuier i-artiular wldrei. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sufferers from dyspepsia have only , themselves to blame if ther fai the wonderful enrative qualities of la die ted For Mealing. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In purifying the Sax Fkascihco, Sep-.. 20. Piers de .Wood, this medicine atrengthens every i. r . . J : i i v. : nnmn nf fi Y (u e anst tvsn tViA mnmt im jiumAutH, itjr c u; uric 1 1 ii - r - i . $220 fro in th- Puiatine Insurance Com- od stomach is soon restored to pany, as brought back from Van-onver , healthy action. this morning in charge of officer:. 1jU numbered One f I". Iwn f.V. Thr e l.V and Four(l of K-etion Thirty-two ( r.'I In lowiiAhip . Three :V ortli of l;anjre Fieven Kant nf the WiHameu- .Vtrridian. roittaintnic l -4. -in) ' afea and attnauil in M ao i ounty. htte ftf f OTetfnn. Tth?r with the tenement!, beredi , tamenta and aru?teiiaji(eji thento beitnKiiir ' All of Mtid lot to tw Mtd in one ixirrvi and , Mid saie lo be aubjert U eoimrniation by aid CmrL 1 September 1",, I'. HANH LAv.K. i Guardian nf the eron and eatale of Naiirr ! a tail ley, an airvd au niiimi pemm. Administrator's Sale. a Xardrrrr Hanxeit. country around Grenoble, the ancient i Pm-erwi, --ept. Itj -Ge-rge rhu.ous ' 'A tb park of M. CMi- was.lnM.ied t.Ur. He a conrk-ted of : n!r"Ier,er iopenor Chateau deVizille, Laxd (mcK. Thr Iw!le. H..i eept . 1M Nnf:.' . herehr riven th.t tne fo...wtn.- ti) tet uam..i ,;r t;l notir-nf hi Intention l mik.v r.nn. nn'i in upprt of htcUin. and tlmt i Mnl rr".f im- nuul belore tha rtri.l'T ahU I '"'' I Tne l'uile. urri,n. on "rt. .'i ' S.tie l b.mT irien that br an oni.T nf the !.".. n. (County (oiirtut me Male o( trrin heretofore I'atrlea K. Farrell. ' w unoeriiEnwi nave oren umy ar.Miiill. nd r v., t, th. ,.i i ; . ann are now trie. in.iuiie.1 ana atinr lmin ." . , "i- - ! MIta'.m "'.' . .. . . 1 1 ,. . . . eeveil. 1 I.' i.iLiuijir .luitwi prut m , . . MI... -,rMHllhfh , enntinil.U rwidenet. upm ai.O eiutivatiori of .,, deeei are hreov nitiricd L. prw-nl .Mid lalMl.tu . W ilium Henne lr V Hnw; , ,, j lie I. Aifnt lor tl.e KaMern frrejron land oniianr. and ran toll (.nuliic, or t b Init.mvrU Arrieuttnral land, in mv quantity d.tred. and iil Mnd a hanti.tklet d..wril.lng theM.' land, to anyone applying Ut him lor It. lie I. A rent for aalr of Iota In Thou no'! Asm rioa to The lal)m. Thin AiMitlon u laid off la aere loia, and deatined to tm the prtnetnal rvat deuee part ol the city duly mlnutea waU from Umrthouae. 10 muiDh k. It. lwpoc v Kttlr Lucmlad om Laada. . If you want la Harrow Money, an Long ar Mhort lima, na can BeeanamodaM yaa. vTrltoa rire. I.lfa. nnd Aeeldent Inaamna. ir yon cannot call, writ, and yonr letter will hm nravptly ani Dow the ii ii u tied and a'tinr ail mm- it T7. . ; I. - r . , . ? f tne e-iateoi H. ury a. j he f is a tide in the ajfairs oj men vitck, taJten at its fiooa leads on to fortune." nvA. e L liavenpnrt. Krai.k rTayior. all JA. r. M'K.KE. ftuter. tbe uiur.ler ui tii wile ar.d to vutin in that district, waa bniit bv the devi'.. I aangrit-rg, trie onject oeini: i-j wt-tire lo. ine rnetiio Indiana bae resisted ! nam-i ha r.ii notieenf hi- n.:.Titi..n t.. rarnc. 1 attempt- of trader- to introduce whisky '17'' the A Krltl.h Meaner Aahora. and piavingcardl into their Diktat. Tiiev I Kr:ve m JUe ltlie... I.rri n, on .e-o . " , - ; D-r leu,. !'.!. VI.- Lonii is. ;ept. 20. Tne Iiritish steam-, Bre auoni ttie on!T tntie mat have not a i Homer w hlte er Muiii e. Cat tain Laylanri, from New tone f.jr the "firewater." Yorii i hie 'ifhef nl Lciie lllit.. in hulidir.r j ltliea ity. I imtim. or J. K. Aminui. liol i Kler. or., within m m.mth from the date-f , tfllj. notir and ail troni lnuehte.1 to Mild e. it. are lierhe reiiiureil to .:ltie such mdebt- ; edneea forthwith rl. The l.i!le. r..l j I'ated at lalie itv. Or., at H.kI Kivcr, thu Awe 'I 1"I i twth day of Aueut. her.-hv tivn that t;,e f..:i..w:i:ir I.h-LIK I.t TI.KR. The poet unquestionably had reference to the notice ion publication V. ft. I.aM ( AdminMtraUns of tbe estate ot Henry A Pratt, . d-r-H.'wil j 1 1 .it ih a-iTuuml in tie ihan.e. lhe .-w.;-,u': t t -a u. i . a tic in iii&iiiik: ui Liitr R.dt niTr hm en i.. . . . xrt -t c - - , '."tiudbi-115 reuiHri'-e upon atii cuii;v:i.r f Mobile is a four uia-ted -re- .'eanier , J weather, becao it show, that there ! '"'rt '-' of 3720 e.n net rfier. : .-a ..... ! u Ji r A JAH. r. MlKil'.K, k!;ii.ter. Th. a-e aerial current of different tempera- "Did via teii the new eirl of oor co.-; lores UiU9 Protian.y indicating atnioe- JAMKs HIT.ST. ton,, n.y dear, of dtdiwting tr.e amount Pf,er,c j Notice. of breakage from her waires at the end of i Tbe knignts of a particular order, j tbe montti?- Y. I did." "And ! each .. the O.rter. tire Bath, the Ttiin-1 irorriyudU?rye.'r. what lid she fav? "he didn t av , t!e ar.d St. Patrick, are entitled to affix i ,ntr'r P'emies. a. hw erTie are n-itl at , , " , . . . . ' home. nn uiii.g. cue urose tix, uve to tneir namee tl.e abbrenation tignify , aucM-lm plate, and the 'iop tureen, packed her ; ir.g ruembership in the order. Talie and skipped.'' Harper 'w Bazaar. v- Ti ; , . : 1 Nearly a. I women have good hair. Little Bv'i the use of so man v thouitb many are prav, and few are tiaM. queer letters in word? Look at that ' Mali's Hair Renewer restores the natu- j c" in indicted." Little pr; I guess r! ior, and thicket s the growth of the ' thoe is jusl jat in fe muthers can get ' hir. an eicn-e to send thir ci.ildrens to Woolen goods feel warm because w.xil j arbool and have a little peace. street A j is a poor conductor of heat, and the I Smith's Good w. . goods made of wool contain within their ' ..f.r ,, 7, .. i suUeUnce large quantities of air, also a Conductor, said the wearv com- . ... ,. , . poor conductor, muter, "I wian you would open this: window for me." "Oh, you do, do Hoes carry straws in their mouths on ! you?" returned the conductor. "Ixi tbe approach of bad weather, because .. , iar r;rr.iiiatoai or an armnttor wora m Too Uae me for candow?" Haroer't bereditarv instinct. Wi;d hog. al- ". - mi r- mm free ' " p llniidina kltj(aL ttifwitnlv r PACKERS OF Ctai -Oil Sale ui m- Mi & Carpets Its mllMV Pork and Beef MAM'FACTt'KEKC or Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACIJ BRICK. - - UNION ST. COPYRIGHTS. e CA I OBTJIIW A PATnTf Foe Piitjo answer and an booa-wt mnmnr.. wrtie to Ml V t .. woo bae Dad teamfif Kmr ti' Ktir ex-nfMentta.. A HanwbiMik al In. I irmatiot. tmrwrma t'ataata and tr. oo Cain loem aent tree. A lo a exeiMl gef -im I HIS anil BaCOD, fanuraciare Farlev '.Sui.vew.jrs to L. I. Frank. dea!U.) P OF ALL 1U - Han nesses! Bazar. ways make a comfortable bed when rain -I too really mean that yon like ' eomin h. j Ehnki' last bookT' "Yes ; I enjoyed it The Lighest legislative bodv in I'ortu more than any ot the others." "How : gal is the bouse of peers, with H)0 mem- Tmrnmpi eooid your "I didn t read it." Cbi- tiers appointed bv tbe king for life, and eafo Interior Ocean. 1 50 elective members. ' ' HaSnutla XHih' Al'rTrS k Co. nearea Dri.6d. BGGf. JftC. eeia. noticeintb wlf.ntil.e Antenna a. aial I -avwa. w va., uv. Do you want a Fruit and Hop Farm? inua ara ftroukflrt wnjeiy t.-i-reUi fnindc niv ( ot o-tt to toe mvnuw. Tnn mtiit pap-r. Mroeti waeciT. iea-airtiT HHWtra.e-i. trf Ua xtm lanr)at r?rrjinatnm of an -.ntitr work m tim f ef4a. canta. lKvcfT namr? vmxMtTm Hiih tttui piarn, in eotura, azvl iKMowra&ira of tev -it pana, eTiaaXinc buiui-jr to thow um ML US Cuw Mw Vo.t. Jiil buixAtjWAt- He Wben I lucwJ in geuing on the! A freight train on tbe WaUsb rail- J rigbttideofyoal'n. going to propow. ; ryad, wbiie traveling at a high rate of one neii. n yon ao ?on u ina voorte. awed, atrnrk a hr.r rwnfit xv.a ea ,- - . .a.-. a,M. j a 1 r-a r- " ' - i bin irikii ii .-wj i ..- n. .... a I OH til lft tin a ITIinflf ImrriM Ura ak Ja.. l . : , w . . . . . J 0 - ... . o.j'av uc.biicu vriiae ana ninPlfn wiwacm cQoaucvti iar Moocaac Ftf a. : u Orrcc 0oaei-Tt U.S. Pf pr- O'etcr ana w cao aeniTc pcnt is icaa lum u K. N. STAEHR, E OVEN, ha Rirtome upleridid farmi p j.xh a..wu , rf3f&j m Mir n ilia J ette Nalliiy l.iraala ery eheap and on easy temi. , I unmc of tbe (arm h exetianire for Caatern J I Orcffon prrperty. rile f. li.t and lerma. 0"F A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. i EEPAIEHTO PEOMPTLy .nd NEATLY DOITB- ! Wholesale anil Ectai Dealers in Harness, Bridles, f kips, Hone Blankets, Etc. Full Assortment of Meiican Safldlcry Plain or Stamped. SECOND fc'TP.EET, THE DALLES. 0B Truth, . . 1 Tl.. T.ham rrtpn.l..l.-:. i i.' a remote from Uatnirtcion. .nimea vy m irienu w : Harry, ..e.r , moi. ar.w.of o tko., with drarrra. Walton propoaed to you and von ar- of mme species of bark. The leaves J"""- We M.rae. if iwntat.i or not. Ire. o J r ' J"" , , acnarre. tmr la not aua til iniex aamfrH X eepted hiaiT' "Wbv, I thoosht he was werB ,onB na narrow, ana the letters "HeioOb-.m pu. -.dt I Urisbt. Too told re von had., rente,, -re "biM;, on black ground. " I'JT'I. " bim." Life. I FOR SALE OR TRADE Koman books were often composed of i C. A. S Ti O W SL C O.J You tay she is musical yenius at number of pagea of wood strung to- o snr omct. Miot0l. e c. J far aa the piano i concerned?" " Yep : getter with cord passed through a hole V V 1 V. u h ' J-JK. A. mrTKKH Physifidii and Soron. knows w hen to quit every time." Iluf- tr' corner of eai:h block. falo Courier. ' . . ; : T , , 'jnateuiaia Riven the world rubber, Mis fceacon-I. that Mr. Jowr inter- coff' ,od W-M- eeting? Mist Lake-ide No; be sits on Chattanooga is an Indian name and the far end of the sofa and talk Life, means hawk s nest. 19- l l I l-Cl . i: rm. (EK'.ON. . i. . pr-.:.i A n.VE IMPORTED French Peirtan Stallion, Welffht in n-h p-iinfl, an1 Hnre r.iaj etter. t' tjeil tm ca.h iT n-rt with appniTefl arrn rue rr will Iraile for borwt (r catU-. Kerr & Buckley, Or ass alley, Or. I I Adilr THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. INCOHr-ORATED No. C7 Washington Street. . . The Dalles. Whole-ale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer of Boildicf Material ud Diaenaioa Timkr, Duors, Windows, Mwldiip, Bow FnrniihinfTS, Elt Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. Factory ud Lrumbor Yrcl an,t Old It. J3lli' jDRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to 1 any part of the city,