THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1S94. w Mi 11 AU-:1a i result will be the forving of either one c TD6 W66K1Y UllF0DlC16.'u.eothrUcionoUtof the partie an the establishing either o( two iniuiien THK I)11LK Kuteml t th nftiif Th PUt. Oregon. HiMudi;tA ma, manor. STATU DI'I'll'l.tL. aoroury of piaie Trvburer Iuvl of Public Instruct kynaun . lute Pnuter . . s !Vi.u.v.r H K kiiu'.tul ..Phillip Si-i"'imD M Irwin C M Mloumu ' .J. H Mik-He'd H. Hennauu f K Kill. U . it . Leu result ill be the forving of either ne or d i ; wings to each party or the creation of a new one. The anti-silver men like Noah's dove will find no resting place for the soles of their ivt, unless they make it Belonging to all parties they yet have none in wh'u-n they can meet. It look to us as though the silver agita tion will necessarily cause the formation of a single standard party. TllK WHEAT OVTIOOK. j enough to go into the party platforms, 1 - ami we suggest to our democratic friemU Tiie wheat situation got no Utter, i that the old tereotyied lunk about, The crop in the United State is con- i "Homo rule for Ireland-' be amended lo ideraoly below the average, due to : read "Home rule lor Mrs. Vanderbiit." man cause, the principle one of which j " " mm ia the remarkably drr and hot weather I The Walla Walla republican are jubi- rol'STT OFFICIAL. TUE STATE FAIR. The Oregoniau speaking of the mate (Yroiirr Juitgc... tlTg. Cio.-i . Treasurer . .. CODimiwioaen . T. J. Privet V M KeiHV Urn Mii'lwil tFnux of the western Mate,. Yet the lo crop ' conditions are of no benefit to price. A low yield is followed by the lowest price ever knowu in this country. The crop in Europe is hardly up to the average, yet the euoroiou increase of the Argen tine has served to make up for a!l de ' ficieucies, and still leave the world with : a surplus. This country will have j wheat to ship but as the world does not j need all that is grow n, the queetiou as to ! who is to soil is determined ty the answer of the other question, who will lant over the nomination made at !po kane, for the rraon thut the other can- delates are taken from part" of the state that do not interfere with the candi dacy of Levi Ankeny of Wai'.a Walla for the United States senate. Mr. Ankeny is no douhl a very line man, but the fact that he is also a very rub one i a:iinrhim. This country need brains in the senate, and it need more than anything ele thai the meiiiW'rs of the senate l.e drawn from the different Hew York Weekly Tribune AND eludes of men. Tln uiil!iouuirt' club A SupenuienJcut ot Public school Coroner TUE PASSISU OF 1'vLITlCS. The New York republican s:ate plat form indorses the separating of munici pal from national and state politics. fair says : 'There i really a fine exhibit at the state fair. The chief products ot the j i.v j. ' state appear there at their best. Both I r U.a:.ll i . , : i. l... ...... . nnlai niiuatu,, : 111 1 1 ! 1 ii i rtn a!irmlj 1m rr I irt.n I t'tl Hit , mo uim to buui ,tii unit, , v. .,.., , - - Products' V , , . , . . '. ... ...... i means ot getting tneir prooucis to me " "mrr rmss m nmsir-!., , m world's markets can be found, they will not projwr that the uiillionaire, who have to go out of the business of wheat ! are perhaps as 1 to .Kt.lKiO of the popula raiaing. At 30 cents a bushel there is turn, should be as 30 to 1 in the United ' , i nothiuc in it. and the prospect af lent ana most substantia! . . . , - .. . . U. buiu I sell tor iuc BUJliacri itrii.'v. vur munrii - -' v. .(. ...... ... coiiet ia;.,,.n.n,,;.;.,n m-ithili world, and and while it ia perfectly nroper that the is larire enough for an index of the un-! , .... ... . , ... .. :.. .., n i" . i . I equaled resources of Oregon. ' of the mines, the mills, the orchards and : ', the fields are amply reprtwnted. There , ' is nothing trifling in the collection, nothing merely bisarre; everything is the most exce. taking the very sensible ground that for of its kind. The arrangement tnrough citT eoTernment politics are not needed, out is such as to make a strong display. and that a non-partisan ticket is better The gold fiom Southern Oregon would calculated to furnish the citv with good be a wonder to Eastern people; the tex- officers. This is no doubt true. bringing more are decidedly discourag- a few days ago, and that is that lion. jng. It IS Simply a questlou Ol w no can Jo:in it. ueogiirg.iu oi t aucouvrr i inr put the grain iu the European market ' best and" most available man fur the , the more cheaply. As far as the Pacific ; place, and he ha? more geography in his i ; A..nnftk.r..1 ft. l,m nn,..h favor than VMn Mr 4nLiiv Me iH If poi. ; tile exhibit in woolens, is rery extensive j ' , M.elIliMn.lT tbe ,, (or tlie 1)Ul.,.. ItiCS were lett out ot the question, anil : nu Tcry uue; mt nwt auu puuurv THE MARKETS. Ekipav, Sept. 1. There is no change in the general market since Inst week. Eigs are quoted at la cents and chick en Irom 1.,0 to IJ..1U iier dozen, ac- the nght was conceded by all parties to .hows are all that could be, an Uver10ol ,or lew th. half the I their member, to vote regard of , the general spread of cereais. fruits and w(? mn9t ffom pontics in city elections, better ctty gov-! flower, .s tncomparabie. The state a?ri- p d Si)n FrBncisoo the mments would 1 the result. There ; eu tnrJ college presents a varied ex-, ine g , rU.h itw M , ' 1 i . ... : : . 1 . I. . I . , nf lid ti.(.l ..... u hAlh in . . r ' . . I i i t ., through which railroads can lie built such societies a lammanv at 4ONLY- $1.75. their power. The individual i , y , ... . ... . a minimum price, labor is cheap and all cordine to ;7h voters I ties, notably Jackson and lamhul, liave ; ' io s.ze. could and would then meet on the com- i large special displays mon ground of a common interest. Po- nee of the people is not w hat it oucht litical prejudices would te laid aside, - to be. Two reasons may be assigned for ; and tne property owners and tax payers ; this : First, the decline of the social in would be aMe io liave something to say ; stinct of the former time, or per- j concerning the city government. ; haps its change of direction ; and second As i: is. the citizen is bound by party j the general depression of the times and . ties am! party fealty, and the ward ; the scarsitv of money. Nevertheless it striker being able to count practically ; i a gratifying fact that the exhibit, both ' the amount of honest votes a candidate in its quality and presentation, is far ; or party is to receive, is enabled by com- i better than any exhibit we used to have j binations to control the party and fill ' in the old days of a different social Iile. ; the offices, though iu a minority. We ! " beiieve the time will come when not j The Jape are elated over their wonder only city elections, but state elections ful success, and already the cry of on to will be disconnected from national poli-! Peking is being raised. It would not be tics. Each state has local interests ' sdrprising should they undertake the that are in no way connected with na- i conquest of China, vast as the under tional affairs, and outside of the legisla- ; taking saerus. The JajjS are thoroughly tures which elect the United States j drilled, armed with modern implements senators, state and national politics are , of war, trained in modern military war entirely dissimilar. ! fare, and are thoroughly imbued with 1, ... .. bill? CICUICUIB lUlliUllir 1J I'll. iii k,iii !ut the attend-! , T, growers in a position to uiuiersea us, and still make handsome profits. Ar gentine will have iu the neighborhood 1 of 10O,0OO,lO0 bushels to export next spring, her crop ripening in January, ' and she is uow'shippinga crop of 77,000,-1 000 bushels. From all oi which it w ill be seen that the wheat outlook is de- cided.'y bttji. ted at LOVE OF. SEI.FISirXI.SS. The killing of Mrs. Calvin by Stengele and his subsequent suicide has caused some strange comments by the press. One of our neighbors says that "they who call Stengele a fool have evidently never themselves felt the tender passion.' The tender passion is indeed a queer name for that feeling which causes a man to murder the person whom he claims to love. There is no tender pas- 1. utter is plenum;, and is qu from 4 to oU cents per roll. The potato market is tiiichansrcd, ranging from M to fi.'i cents er liH) lbs. Fruit of all kinds is plentiful, ami prices nominal. Wheat is coming in abundantly, but the market i tending towardx lower ; prices, some being sold as low ) "7 c!h. I per bushel. The w heat conditions as ! reported by the department of agricul- I ! ture are generally good, the falling off in total yield being caused by the un- precedented iieat in some sectiona. At ! ! present the outlook for wheat is dis- ( i couraging, and any change in price will ' ! be for the worse. j The woo! market is sornew hat stronger, j ! Many American buyers are seeking the i English markets, but it is thought that ; our wools being now in cometition i with the world, have reached their low- ' THE CALIFORNIA WINEHOUSE. - - AM. KIM OF- California Wines at Low Prices. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. Call on or address CHAS. BECHT' The Dalles, Or. The time will come when the ability the war spirit. On the other hand, the ; .inn ..lnt it nn in. .Vwnnt ir nn ! e8t P01"1' Hl,d ""J" change wi.I I for the of the man to till the nffitu w'A tUt t Phinca .ra ,'-,1.1 r,! Intra f. , K ,.,ua . . i . . . i . i .? i better. "... ( -. . , . v. ... . . . . ,uu (m- j luuig ruuui a excepi inoruiusie sviuau- first consideration, and his politics will ; ent government, are a thousand years ; nes gone to seed. The man who loves cut no figure. This will happen at least i behind the times in theik- military equip- ! truly is above selfishness Loves denies as far as county officers are concerned, ' went, and a large jortion of the people and it is already becoming the rule in ; are ripe for revolt, and willing to tempo the smaller cities. New Y'ork City will i rarily at least accept any change of gov have an honest government when this eminent in preference to that they now rule is adopted, and it will not have it ', have. before. j """"" "" j The Ohio democracy have declared HO ir THEY GOT HERE. themselves in their platform in favor of Professor Wiggins has a theory that ! electing the United States senators by a man firs: came t the earth from Mars j direct vote of the people. This is one on the tail of a comet. We don't pre- sensible thing the democrats have done, tend to hoist our bumble judgment on ; DtJt this was caused by the desire to the same pole with the learned pro- censure Senator Brief, who was sittins less or. We won't dispute his assertion , on the platform not that of the party with regard to man, hut he can't comet daring the discussion. Congressman that way about the wuman. She niav Tom Johnson said that he did not he have come by the comet route, but if j lieve Brice bought Lis way into the sen he did we will vraer a week's wages Bte' an Ir- Clarke said the United against a hundred doliars that she 1 States senate was a millionaire's club. ' occupied a front seat along with the driver, and that she came without her Mars consent. The first lady in the lar,d must have presented a startling and i handsome appearance with hernntanned itself. It places tiie happiness, the Wheat 30 to 31c per hn. ! Babliy Prices are np to ' cents per 100 lbe. 50 struck us most forcibly was the great ! variety, and each one growing as though the soil and climate were especially j adapted to thut particular one. The to 60c ; judge contemplates making large addi- I i i ... , . 1 Via nlraailv m-r tan a rm i.Lnt Oats The mt market is hchf at M 1 ... " ' pleasure, the well-being of the object j to 80 cents per 100 lbs. i e ttro now ,n,,re than cver O'nvmced first and foremost above all things. If I Mii-LsTi rrs ' ",at the v"e.v ' te Columbia are Stengele had killed himself only it might ' FLorn Diamond brand at 1 r.O t lccially adapted to fruit culture, and it be considered the result of despair at un-1 bbl. per ton and - 75 per bbl. retail, requited affections, but even then, w hen ' Hat Timothy hay ranges in price properlv analviei it is but a matter of ! fro,n i0 to. 1- ..P'r ton' according to quauiy anu ct'uuiiiun. ueui nay PIONEER HERD The Chinese way of dealing with a general who loses a battle is unique. Li Hung Chang, who in happier days was tbe moet gaudily dressed person on the is in full stock on a limited demand at 7 50 to I oO per ton. Potatoes 50 to 7" cents jer 100 II: P.rTTER Fresh roll butter at ."' to 50 cents per roll. Eons Good fresh eir-ts sell at IU'.. to 14 c. Poi ltky Good fowls are quoted ut l.l'. tot-.-o per dozen, tnrkeys cents per lb. Iltr.r M t'TTON Beef cattle are in less demand at $1.50 r lt)(i weight ctosh to $2.00 for extra irood. in expert ou the subject ! Mutton is now quoted at 1 to :'. cints : iftur Hi trwrm l',rlr titTu.inn. n.. K..1.I is an eviilnnee nf n. r" '" , ,i...UK. ..m excessive seifisuuess. Tbe man who kills himself because he cannot possess some particular woman, exhibits on a larger scale the same temper n spoiled child does who bellows himself hoarse and dances tiie devil's tattoo with his indignant heels because he is denied something which he should not have. After all. however, tiie woman who is killed by a man for love, is far better off than tne one who marries that same man because he loves her. We do nat pretend to be but if murder why then is only a question of time when this! great country will not only be the gran- j ary of the United states, but will snp- ! ply the millions with the finest flavored, j bet appearing and most delicious of j fruit". Arlington Kecord. 1 I'nrur loltis;. if1 on syvnuE. Thirty-five head for JV.M, sired by Center Free Trade, mm of the Great Free Trade hog of Ohio, suld for the highest priced hog ever sold in the I'nited Kates, agisted by mm Tecumseh Chip Jr 21l!i, sold for fK). Owing lo tiie hard times, I will sell for tbe next thre months, hit pigs for box and revisions. i Atwt Ttri,.a nr.. our statute books need j wei8ht at 3'a cents dressed. gross COSCERSISU 1EP,T. dog skin gloves, plumed hat and balloon j tace of the ea"h, is deprived of one or ; ieevee, as she rested her hich-heeled more of decorations every time the hoes against thedasnboard and streaked ! Chinese arms meet a reverse. The last i Tnere if) ,ng.derable truth in the fol it through the upper ether. Our private i tbin8 of the kind was to deprive him of lowing from the Ea8, Oregonian, and opinion is that while man came from ilarg, the ladies, God bless them, are lineal descendants of a daughter of the Aurora Borealis, the condensation of all the lights and tints and delicate beauties, lor they remain and abide with her even nto this day. his peacock feathers. If the Jape keep . yet tbere are two to the aeat; other Shanghai rooster scalded and half ..jbt is a canker that rusts the soul D,cked' ; of industry. It is the channel through which the slave pays tribute to tbe master. It is toil in which Shylocks grow, on which knaves feed and fools staple groceries.. Corns Costa P.ica, is quoted at H4c per lb., by the sack. alvadore, i!3'.,c. Arbucklee, 25c. HrcAi Golden C. in bbls or sack , $o 75; Extra C, lo 00; Iry granulated ii 50. l. G., in 30 lb boxes, 2 75. Ex C, 12 25. GC 2 00. Kice Japan rice, 6,1(?7c; Island, rice, 7 eta. THE kt'IEIT OF 1776. Ileferring to the effort made by the American Protective Tariff League to encourage the purchase of American goods, tbe Wheeling, W. Va.t Intelli-! well Markley, for instance. fencer, September 1st, said : "The pledge is in harmony with the i Governor Pennoyer has been invited to California to stump the state. Tbe good . governor can do it if any one can. He stamped Oregon, also the democratic party, and still has them up tbe stump. The governor is a stumper from the new clearings and that is bis beat hold. As a log roller, however, he isn't in it withr- multiply. Countries and persons run in debt in proportion to their ignorance, stupidity or recklessness. 'Neither a lender nor a borrower be,' said Shakes peare, and Shakespeare knew what he was talking about. The hard times of today are due to debt. When debta are M. M. Estee, republican candidate for ! bein' naade ''i"6" of everything ele epirit of 177i. when the natriotir .nm.n governor of California, has secured Pro- I lncreae P""t. ibt is the gambler V5c; of the coloniea led an assault on the im- 'eeeor Lee Taircbild to stump the state D'e' " "J. the knave f( Donation of foreien wares. retnl n with him. Ambrose Bierce. in the San ! MX"' lDe nianipuiator implement, all boy them and exhorted everybody to f ncisco Examiner, gave the professor j at tUe eieDBe the honest, courage follow their example. Georro Wanhino. I tome severe sarcasm sometime azo. and oos m"n' "'D0 work, lor ll,e ,ove of il. " n ton was proud to wear a suit of home- j we doubt not that Mr. Frirchiid will re made cloth when he was inaugurated as , ceive further attention at the bands of J the modern cynic. president of the United States. "In this day American labor produce """' all that is i.ecessiary to anybody's com- j President I-evi P. Morton fort. If every American will resolve to WM nominated by the republicans for boy no foreign merchandise the sting i Pernor o( 5ew York yesterday by al will be taken out of the new tariff meaa- m09t onnimous rote on first ballot, lire and the country will have a healthy ! I)'Ptchei of the same date state that prosperity in spite of democratic inter- i ,tie Prent governor, Kosweli P. Flower, lerence whose work produces wealth and whose ! efforts are lor better conditions, better ; times, better men." Beans Small whites, Pink, 4'ac per 100 lbe. Svai r 2 50 to 3 00 a keg. Salt Liverpool, 501b sk, 65c; 1001b sk, $1 00; 2001b sk, 2 00. Stock salt, $10 per ton. SfLPHi B 2 cents per pound. hides a no rras. Hums Are quoted as follows: Dry. 2?4c lb; green, 1)4. Sheep Pelts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins, 20c lb for winter and 30c for summer. Iiressed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear skins, Sr$12 ea; beaver, $3 50 lb; otter, $5; fisher, $5rt$5 50: silver gray ox, $10w$2o; red fox, $ I 25; grey fox 2 60rr$3: martin. $lff$l 25; mink 50c55c; coon, 60c; coyote, 50cor 75c. Gbaix Baoh 64 to f.j j each. Threshing is "till pmcreing but farther than thut, nothing new nor en- ' c jiiragmg for the furiner, w hile the pruin I , is at the low price it is. j Mr. Willis Hendricks is cutting Ids : wheat for hay but w ill thresh aliout i 1900 bushel, of barley. i Mr. Polk and E. A. Grillin of . $20 ea-u or $115 per pair. Will Nansene, we understand, intend feeding "e',v nearest station free. ; their grain to stock this winter. 1 "V ",d U"'u Wrjte' .. .. , o business done on Sundays. ; Ir. Kane fnim Portland is here and! FDWAPD JUDY j anticipates locating. , ' tiiU-r'Tilie, Wash, j Hon. A. J. Dufur, sr.. has returned j from an extended visit among his old! ! time friends in Portland. Mrs. Sibbett of Hoopston, III., ia the guest of Mrs. Slusher. Mrs. Warren started Thursday for Portland to remain a few days. Mrs. Lizzie Dufur returned home Wednesday, after a six weeks' visit in the metropolis. Mr. Waldo Brigham has a new novelty j in the way of a treadiess sewing machine which h often at Low ricnra. which can be wound up to run for a cer- ' Sunday several Dailetonians made a I SPECIAL Hying trip to our berg to give we Dufur ites a few points on how to appear on a bicycle, and nobby indeed they looked in their suits. Perhaps they were not aware that we are already provided with an expert in our popular druggist C. P. Balch. gtlz. fttockholdar1 A MMtl Parm. A. A. Brown, Kvt lull aMurtment ot : ; Staple aDd Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. PRICES to Cash Buyers. Hihest Cask Prices for Ems and otter Proince. While at Tbe Dalles last week we paid a visit with Judge Bennett to his farm Meeting . Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wasco Warehouse Company will be held at the office of French A Co., The Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbiit continue to ! and orchard one and one-half miles out ! Dalles, Oregon, on Friday. September n , w thai .Inli. 4T ! 4 .1 ! . I 1 1 . . . T . . I ' 170 SECOND STREET. nirtr jjrivBie aitairs. a lew uays ago oi the city, io say that we were sur they were reported to have settled all prised at what we saw would poorly ex their difficulties, and expresed mutual ! press it. We saw some forty or fifty desire to kiss and make up, but now the thousand pounds of the finest Italian WHERE THEY ARE AT. ad intelligence is sent out that they ; prunes that our eves ever feasted on : declines to become candidate on the 1 bave had another row. It is a strong we saw nice, large, delicoua peaches , democratic ticket for the same office. comment upon the American disposi- j that would certainly 1 premium ! Senator John P. Jones, having left his The silver question it is easily seen is' p.rty and joined the silver party of to be tbe one on whioh the next national V..,i. n. i;... .i i tion to worship money, this Vanderbiit j peaches at any of the fairs east of the I 'iaarrel. Outside of their vast wealth j Ilockies. We saw grapes of different ! mej nave nuuting io un litem even into ; varieties, suitable lor the table, for wine t tlte Inane rtf mfrlir-rri v and rifKr.nt I r. f. tl.u- n I fit'f,.,rto. f0ght' Ub ,OTtx6 n centra! committee of Nevada , money their mariul, or martial rjuarrel ! ably with grars in any part of the to resign. He has not ' would never lie heard of outside of the ' world. He also has a larr n,. itself into the different state conventions, ' baa asked hi -i- u, . iwriK ngrire in re-arrang-; done ao, nor will he, until the legisla nig party Imee. There are free ill verdero- tare meets, and then-be won't. cratsand republicans, anti-til ver repub- . licant and den.ocraU. Ohio democrat The Japs and Chinese bare bad a big bare declared for silver at the ratio of 16 j naval battle off tbe mouth of the Yalu to 1 and the Washington republican eon- j river. Honor were easy, each Bide sus- """ nuw " nva at Spokane will i taming the loss of two ndonbtedly do the same thing. Thejyewels. in, at 3:30 o'clock p. m., for the I purpose of electing directors for the en suing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. J. W. Fkkm ii, Pres. Attest: Smith French, Sec. 4w The Dalles, Or., August 2!, 1MM. Wtaa tmbj wm sick. unrr br (.'twtnrta. nn ttittui ChUd, enwl for CuKirk precinctin which they lived; but be- chard loaded with the lt varieties of ! th ci,inf to Ctorta. came tney are exceedingly wealthy j this staple frnit. There are also cherry j Wban tb hd Chikinm, tb gm umq citria. meir quairets ana oicaerings are maoe trees that, the jmlge informed us, were of national importance, and no doubt j loaded this season. Besides all these, among the npper ten thonsand, where quite a large plat is in strawberries. they circulate, the quarrel is of intense : We also saw black walnuts and Ene'.ish ! Walter I P....... .,i i . D among the common ; walnuts growing side by side, yetrata- ant hav i mi....'.. foplethe subject ! almost important I bles, flower, and shrubbery. What I ing claim on Bear mountain, at Mosier! or three war j interest. Indeed Wasco VVarenouss Co., , Receives Goods on Stor age, and Forwards same to their destination. Receives Consignments For Sale on Commission. Rates Reasonble MARK (iOO&H W. W . Go. TDK DALLES, OK