The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 19, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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. . I 111 1 i i
the great, griping, old-fashioned
pill. 'Not only when
you take it, but unpleasant,
from first to last, and it only
iocs a little temporary good.
The things to take its place
are Dr. Pierce's Fleasant Pel
lets. One of these at a dose
will regulate the whole s-ystem
perfectly. They're tiny, sugar
coated granules, scarcely
larger than mustard seeds.
They act in Nature's own
way. No reaction afterward.
Their help lasts and they do
permanent good. Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious At
tacks, Sick or Bilious Head
aches, and all derangements
of the liver, stomach, and
bowels are prevented, re
lieved, and cured.
They're the cheapest, for
they're guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money is re
turned. Nothing can be " just
as good."
Higgles What! are you actually in
tbe agonies of love again this late in the
season ? Pifglee Yes. "The last
throes of Summer," as the poet says,
dear boy. Town Topics.
Daisy Poean't Jack swear he will re
form if yon marry him? Delia Yes,
that's just the trouble. I'm afraid he'll
not be the least bit fascinating. Town
Deafneae Cannot ba Cured
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed Deafness is the result, and nnless
the inflammation can be taken out and
this to be restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucoos surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh
that cannot be cured y Hall's Catarrh
Cure. fend for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O
hold by D-nggists, ok.
Artist I sold four pictures yesterday.
Friend What are you going to do with
the money? I think I'll buy a frame
for another picture I'm working on."
The Dauber.
A Million friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
ICing's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
nsed this Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will convince you that it lyis
wonderful curative " powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes A Kinersly's
drag store. Large bottles 50c and $1.
"Was his first novel a success?" ''I
imagine not. He has just written a
second, entitled 'Hard Times.' " The
While in - Chicago, Mr. Charles L.
stabler, a prominent shoe merchant of
Des Moines, Iowa, had quite a serious
time of it. lie took such a severe cold
that he could hardly talk or navigate,
but the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Keinedy cured him so quickly
that others at the hotel who had bad
colds followed his example and half a !
doien persons ordered it from the near- j
est drug store. They were profuse in )
their thanks to Mr. Kabler for telling!
them how to cure a bad cold so quickly, i
For sale byElakeley k Houghton Drug- j
gists. j
Fanny I'm to marry the handsomest !
young man in town. Julia Ob, are I
jou? So am I. The Impartial One.
"Fred kiaed my hand." "Wasn't!
yoor face clean?" The Snarler.
Haeklaa'a Anaaa elve.
The best salve in the world for cute,
brnisea, sores, n leers, salt rheum, level
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cores piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfac
ton . or money refunded. Price tb een u
per box. Tor sals Dy Snipes A- Kin-
Aaother Call.
All county warrants registered prior
to January 1, mi, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after Sept. 10th. Wm. Michsi.l,
County Treasurer.
Th CimoMci.E prints the news.
What la Oooaltlerawl I'roper and Improper
la IMtterent I'ouutrtea.
In Holland lady is expoon-d to re
tiro precipitately if hhr ahoul.t cuter a
Mori- or restaurant whorv liter. ; t.' coii-prv,raU-d.
she wuit until t!i. y liuve
transacted their imMi'.o ami i.ei;:rlcd.
I.udii-x seldom rise iu puiti t. receive
a ma It- viitor. and they rarely t.wiu
puny him to the door, For a Situniurd
' to pivc a huh even his wife his arm
while out walking- is looked ujhhi us a
violation of propriety.
.No Turk will ever enter a bitting
room with dirty shoes. The upier
classes wear tifht-tittinjr sh.ies with
goloshes over them. The latter, whieh
reeeive all the dirt and dust, are left
outside the door. The Turk never
washes iu dirty water. Water is
: poured over his hands, so that when
i polluted it ruus uwoy.
In Syria the people never take off
I their hats or turbans when entering
the house or visiting a friend, but they
i always leave their shes ut the door.
There are no mats or scrupers outside,
and the floors inside are eovered with
expensive rugs, kept very elean in
MorJem house and used to kneel upon
while proving.
In Persia among the aristoerney a
; visitor sends notice an hour or two In-
fore calling, and give a day's notiee if i
the visit is one of preat importance.
He is met lv servants. It-fore he reaches j
the house, and other eousiderutiousare
showu him, according to relative rank.
The left and not the ripht is consid
ered the position of honor.
In Sweden, if you address the poor
est person on the street, you must lift
your hat. The same courtesy is insist
ed upon if you pass a lady on the stair
way. To enter a readinp room or a
bank with one's hut on is reparded us
One of the Woudera of Nature in the
Human Body.
Why do joints work so easily and
never pive us uuy puin-.' In a fresh
joint its appearance in life can !
readily studied. In the ball am.sia.ket
joint, says the London Hospital, the
round end of the lone, as well as the
cup. are covered or lined with a smooth
substance called "cartilape," or "pris
tie" kept moist and smooth with
synovia. Curtilape contains no nerves,
and has no feelinp: if it had. we
should have pain when we moved.
The bones are kept in place
at the joints by very stronp
bands or lipaments. in hinpe joints a
number of these bunds are fastened
above and below, but in bull and socket
joints they also surround the joint,
forminp a cap. in which the joint
moves freely. In disease this smooth
cartilape pets worn away, and tiie ends
of bone rub topether like those of a
skeleton; the puin is preat. because
the bones have nerves, thoupli the car
tilape has none. A lxme without car
tilape is iike a decayed tooth with an
exposed nerve. In a healthy tooth the
nerve is well covered, and pives no
pain, and in a healthy lone the nerves
are there, but they are only felt when
the cartilape is worn away.
The Ouod That Kemaina.
How many are there who are valu
ing themselves ly what they have, and
not by what they are". What they may
have he talent, or money, or position:
it matters not what, hut it is not their
very selves. True worth cannot le
separated from a man's real self.
Money, position, even intellect, may
po: hut the sterlinp. i. e.. the moral,
worth will remain. A sultan of Mo
rocco is said to have discovered that
one of his viziers was liecominp too
powerful. He therefore summoned
him to tea. and complimented him on
his preat wealth. The vizier lieeominp
vain, boasted of the number of his
houses, wives and slaves, and the
sultan rebuked him sayinp that he
was too rich. To show the man exact
ly what he was worth, his majesty had
him taken by the soldiers to the slave
market, where he was pnt vp for sale
and received only one bid of eipht
pence. All his property was also taken
from him. The price which we put
upon ourselves and our fellow men put
upon us are two very different thinps.
Heath hjr F.lectrirtt T.
The Digest pives an account of some
experiments on the effect of alternat
inp electric currents on animal orpan
isms. described in a paper read before
a recent medical conpre-s at Lome. It
aly, and which corroborate the views
of D'Asonval. referred to recently. The
enrrent nsed was an alternatinp one.
and it was found that unimuls sub
jected to from fifteen hundred to two
thousand volt were not easily killed,
and that death resulted mostly from
asphyxia caused by the sudden stop
page of respiration. Frequently breath
ing started apain spontaneously, and
the animal recovered completely. In
no case was there any physiolopicul
chanpe noted, though in a few there
were mechanical lesions, in themselves
cause for death. This further confirm
ation of D'Arsonval's formula. "A man
shocked by electricity should be treat
ed as if drowned." renders it still more
important that the electrician should
make himself acquainted with the prop
er means of resuscitation from the ef
fects of electric shock.
A Momentooa Proceeding.
In Mr. Montague's "Tales of a .
Nomad" he says that in the old days
the Itoer seldom used his pen. but '
when he did there was a regular com
motion in the house. "Hush, lie quiet '
all of you. Drive out the ducks and :
the peese. and the pigs and the fowls. ;
Father is going to write his name." :
And then the tld gentleman, with el- j
bows squared on the table, would
seize the pen with a flourish, and put
ting on a determined look, as if he
were going to tackle an adversary,
would bend down his head until it ;
nearly touched his left arm, write his
name with many a splutter, and then. ,
throwing flown the pen and pushing ,
the chair, would look round with an
air of miripled pride und resignation 1
and say: "I have done it."
How the aoverelirn at Wurtembert Car
ried Out lit l.lttle Joke,
It seems thut the exur. who has de
termined on retaiiiinp his incopuito iu
traveling throuph Lurope. absolutely
declined to take up his quarters at the
royal palace at Stuttpart, but insisted
on pomp to un inn. Ilavinp learned of
t tit-., prior to his arrival, suys the New
York Home Journal, the Vurteiulcrg
sovereign caused all the hotel and inn
keepers to remove their sipus. Over
the principal doorway of his puluce he
had u hupe sipn hunp out statinp that
within there was cheer for lutui und
U-ast ut cheap prices, and thut the
name of the hotel wus the Konipslmu.
tn theszar'sciirri.ipe und retinue en
terinp the city the postilions, previous
ly instructed by the Wurtemhurp olli
cials. drove stniipht to the palace, und
there, standinp ut the main entrain,
was the sovereipu. fat. burly un.l
j;viul. arrayed in the traditional c
tume of a bonifacc. with a whit -
uiul cap. etc.. while the various prin
cesses, princes, nobles and dipnit.iries
of his court were costumed us waiters
and witres.scs. ostlers und other serv
ants. I'eter the tireat. preutly amused
by this witty ami kindly manner of
humoring his wishes, entered thorouph
ly into the spirit of the joke, which
was kept up until the following day,
when he .proceeded on his journey.
Xoticinp that the postilion mounted on
the wheeler of his traveling curriape
was a mun of sinpulurly unkempt ai
pearance. his clothes rapped und cov
ered with mud. he made u remark to
one of his uttendunts that there was at
least no mistake us to the social condi
tion of that man. und that there could
be no danger of his hcinp a nobleman
in dispuise. And yet. when at the end
of the first stape. the postilion came to
the currir:ire door to receive his gratuity
and raised the cap from his head, the
czar to his astonishment reeopni.ed
in him the heir to the Wurtemtierp
throne, who had assumed this dispuise
for the purpose of speeding his father's
imperial guest.
She eaerlHred Her Life to have Her Help
less Young Ones.
Durinpanexplorinp expedition in the
Arctic regions several years apo. said an
officer of the navy recently, some of the
men in our purty used to s)iend consid
erable time in huntinp the polar licnrs.
I joined a party of hunters one day. but
the pathetic sight I witnessed deterred
me from ever seeking that kind of sport
apain. We were in an oen lMat. mid
had not pone far In-fore we sighted a
big War with two cubs lying on the ice
not far distant. When we drew near
enough the sailors threw them preat
lumps of sea horse flesh, and these the
old lcar divided between her cul)s. re
serving only a small portion for herself.
Then, when all three were happily
feediup. the sailors fired, killinp the
cubs almost instantly, and severely
woundinp the dam. It would have
drawn tears of pity from any hut the
most unfeeling to have marked the af
fectionate concern expressed by the
poor iM-ust in the lust moments of her
expir.n? young. Though she was
dreadfully wounded, she tore another
lump of the sea horse flesh in pieces
and laid it lefore them. When she
found they would not eut she luid her
paws first on one and then the other
and tried to raise them up. all the while
moaninp piteously. Kindinp ut last
that they were lifeless, she raised her
head toward the boat and uttered a
prowl of despair, which the men re
turned with another volley of bullets.
Then she fell Wtween her cubs and
oi.-l lirkinir their wounds.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sfcres,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
tor Line"
Tie Balles, Fortlati and Aitoria
Navigation Co.
Freigni anti Passenger Line
.Through Daily Trips i Sundays ex- i
cepted) bet ween 'The Dulles and Port
land. Steamer Kegulutor leaves The j
: Dulles at 7 a.m.. connecting at the Cas-
cade Locks with steamer Dalles City. !
i Steamer Dalies City leaves Portland !
vYaiuhill St. dock) at 6 a. ni., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
i Dalles. !
One way
Round trip. .
2 .00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
i All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with-
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
un time day or night. Shipments lor
way landings' must I delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments so! a-ted.
Call on or address,
Oenaral Mauager.
J F. FORD, Evanneiist
Of iMa Molnee, low, write under dale ol
March 23, 189H:
S. B. Mkd. Mro. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
OtntUmen :
Un arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
j fleshed np. 8. B. Cough Cure has done
1 its work well. Both of the children like
lit. Your S. B. Cough Cure has cured
I and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greeting
for all. W ishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Ma. A Mbs. J. F. Foku.
If you wiih to (eel freah and cheerful, and road)
for the Spring work, cleanac your lytem with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two m
three doaea each week.
Bold under a poaltlve guarantee.
to cents per bottle br all dnwtitt.
i. B. BCaaNCK,
J. it. rATTsason,
Caa titer.
First National Bank,
i A General Banking Business transacted
I Deposits received, subject to bight
' Draft or Check.
; Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
i Bight and Telerraphic Exchange soid mi
! New lork. ari rrancisco and Hon -
j land.
! D. P. TllOHI'HOM. JKO. f. CllltNC.
' En. M. Williams, '.iKo. A I.ikb.
H. M. Beali..
i Letter, of Credit issued available in the
Kawtern States.
I Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
i Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
j Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
' Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
! egon and Washington.
Collections made at all point on fa
i oable terms.
V. 8. LSD Office. The Ih1Im. Or.,(
Atltnt 11. Iv.M (
Notiee i. hCTotiT Blvrn that the following
Danieil ettlpr baa filtil notfe nf lua intention
t make IiiihI proof In Riipnortof hiH claim, ami
that Mid proof will be mnl before the r-?lMrT
and rerfiver of the I'. H. Isnil uflu-e at The
ballea. Or., un npt. i", IVX, viz:
Alrln K. Lake,
H. E. No. Vil2. for the XW,i. SY.'i. Her.
', HK'-i and K',. Her. -jfi, T 4 K, K 11 K.
Hp nam-, the following wltneaea to prove hid
rontlmioua rualilciire upon and cultivation of
aid land, viz. :
J. K. W.Mxlc.irk, I. D Irivr, H. (i. Ledford, of
Wamlc; T. J. Irlver,of The Imllea.
JAii. K. JfOdKK.
Lawd Office, The bailee. Or., I
hept S, M.
JSotire la hereby given that the following
named aettler ha M-d notlreof Ma intention to
make final prmf in aupport of ht claim and that
aaid proof will be made before the regiiiter and
rereiver at The i'aliea, Oregon, on Oct H,
ISM, vix:
I'atrlrk E. r.rrelly,
Hd E, No 4gJO, for th- ';, in'.., and w. a'.
er U. tp 1 n. r l.i e, W M.
He name, the foihrwing wllncaaea to prove hia
eontinnoii reaiflnre upon and eullivation of
aid land, viz: William llTile. lunar V How
land, Oeorge L Imveuport. Frank f Taylor, all
of The lwliw.
JAK r. MOORE, Keclater,
Notice to Creditors.
! Notice la hereby given that the nnderaigned
ha tiy the County f ourt of the Hlate of Oregon
MUvti eoiuity, in prob:c, ben appoint"!
' administrator of the eatate of Angnat lWIW n
t dvreaaed. All prr.ona having cialma ar.iin.t
I aaid estate are hereby required to present theni,
: with proper vouch r. to nie at the law oilier of
Condon f ondon, I lie lialla, iirgon, within
air moittha from the date of thia notice.
Ilaled Julv -A. l-'4.
1 HASH I.AOE, Admliilatrator.
The Iwk
The Dalles
Daily and Weekly
THE CHKOMCLK was established for the tx
jtress purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a large part of Cnxk, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best
medium for advertisers in the Inland Kmpire.
The Daily Chronicle is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO per
annum. The Wekkly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tito DalloB, Orogon.
33. X7 VAUSE,
HurreMor Ui Haul Kreft a Co.
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Iesigns in
PP.ACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None bnt the best brands
of J. W. MAVUKY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none bnt tus
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Bhoo corner Third and Washington Bts The Dalles, 0reo
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. R. K. Company, and office of the Wester
Union Telegraph Office are In the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
Blakeley & Houghton,
175 Second Street,
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Country and Mail Ordera ill receive prompt attention.
Ruinous Rotes.
The Dalles, Oregon