THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1894 The Weekly Chronicle. cries for mercy and thrust tiei from their tight. Hut on the other hand 1 have it-en men fall as low as it is possible for okkuun I nten to fall. I have teen the wife fol- MMM I L-.l 1 ...... u. .. . 1 low Hie NUSlailu irum Entered at the n.wtoffin.- t The lall., orvKuu. i nress him to her heart. I have en the WOMAS'S KKWTS. THK MALLICS The tight in Kentucky is over and Hreckiuridge is tlownel. Owens beats him in the district by a handsome ma jority, ami lireckinridgo takes lus de. . MtMtid u;.U matter. STATE omt'IALH. O.tveTUOI Secretary of SLrtU TtvJ4uror Sunt, of Public Inttructlou Attorney General B.D.tor. 'JongreMmeu. ... lute PrtnUT 8. Pennoyer i l K kllleald ' ..Phillip Xi'iM'hau I i. M. Irtt in i i'. M ldleunui J.N. l.'lph I " )J. H. Mitchell . li. , U. KUi I Vt. u I nil. i i ..... ..i.:i.u....i.;...ti.. I .! will .:( I..ll.t .1... h.iWn,l timlin.'! 1 l il ' ...."", ...... ..... life in one constant w hirl of misery, '"PPt ;the democratic nominee. The .....i i.v o .t f hell thev I Btf1'1 I-lUr one in many resects, .-... ...unrated wean Wcue 8ie the most striking of w hich is that the i will Ihi patched up U'twn them - . ) . .. .... I. ;. uit t I ailliiw-. M l' t.r..t . The Japanese have given the Chinese Florence .Mg.iti..'e, w .... - - , . - ...v. yuu ( hatte, and come off victorious. The invalid and con.lued to her conch, still of hell? H.mdho..e,N,lt , ,,u Chinese were annihilated, and a. the ' takes an active par. in the work o. the married four daughter, to f,,,,,, rainv season ha. set in Japan will have ! world. She has rW,. 1 W men. A ma wu, has had thai ,r4i n.,.i.. ,.f -II ..f Core until next 1 a health crusade among the cottager, of , ought to find It a dead cinrh.-rJ. ti... ........ ;.. l. .inunn ! Itiu-L i n L'liiiiiinh ire where she lives for .uit.uiei, i lie iiiii nit.r. i.i ... ... - t will prevent China sending another the purHme of Instructing tl in .pies- army inloCorea lelore that time, and . ti.ui nf venlilati.ui, drainage and hke in the meanwhile ills thought a peace sanitary matter. It could go no further. I have seen the) ' -.- ...... ..u ........ of y mother follow the son and the sister the ! " h"r tr.yer. ' j i"'-er and that Coreu will he set up as h ! tuis respect tne case isuecttieciiy unique, an independent kingdom iree irom It has been truly said thousands of: China. Irving W. Ijtiniore, physical direetur , M. I'. A., !. Moines, Iowa, says can conscientiously recommend : Chamberlain's I'ain Halms to athletes, brother through paths man has never been known to follow woman. Let the t'uly ald thousands ot j China. 'gymnasts, bicyclists, foot hall player f angels in heaven be tiie jury and God I lln,ee ll,al " man U,B-V 8""IV j The itualion hascliange.l wonderlully nd the prufession in'iural for bruises I'llfXTT OII'Il'ULli. Couiltv Judxo Bheridr. Ciork TfwwureT Almighty the judge. Anon. AneMor SnnreTor Superinteudout of Public tk-hooU Coroner tiv t". Illkeley . . . T. .1. t,mer ... M Kelnv m. Mu-heil iKrauk Knn'ul V. li w ;ieii ' ing attorneys the other d.iy, he advanced s7'.ir; Eiii.i'isas. In conversation with one of our leaJ- .K- V. 8hlirp :..... l. .. ulMi,it.t, mimi ..TrorShellev 1 l"c ''"" """" . . . "it. Butts I (or the contention that a branch insane ' asylum was not a state building in the Al Sl'ICIlF.. ! meaning of the constitution. That the , , , , i words state building would properly Portland vesterday had a sensational . " .,,,,; Uirttd llir Biaic iiuuec, puuui t 3ivnit:i: lenses against morality aufl nothing , ., . . ,, ,.. ti.,,,. ,i1B .,!. u.,.l ,l,Ml. s.tim hImo for soVe will be thought of it; but a woman who j . . K .m.utei in the ',.,,. ,1 .tiffurs of the mucles. When once step, aside is condemned forevar. j Woit .n k!ep t,own the wiu, ulul W(K)lv .(r,, lhe Iiurtlf ,.ole swollen savages. Now thearmv is ordeicd Kant, it will effect a cure in one half the time As a great Irish orator put it, " irtue, like an umbrella, once lot is gone for ever." This is preeminently true. The man is forgiven, the woman damned for all eternity. The worst of it is that however much the men mij'ht be dis posed to lift her up and reclaim her, the women are her judges and executioners. Woman has the correction of this evil in her own hands, and when she treats Tunics. 1 I.. ;n ,KA L-itltnc- nf 7. ; , . T , , . , i court ro.Mii for the supreme court, resi The woman in the was the daugh- de" of .th "n0r 1 fP-V'ded by the , p.rtie8 ,0 an offense as .he does . state and that class ot Duuuings. ami i ,!., ,i, nru uiH lit- 1AM nf it principal owner of the" Forehand Arms Co. of Worveater, Mass. Mrs. Calvin , , , . . lit building for protecting the engiue on Portland anout a Year ago, it is said for;., 6 . . , ... . .... . ; ,t ; v.r,.. c i-r- . -""inot bea state building in the meaning first sight, which resulted in a promise to marrv as e.xjn as the marital ties by that the term state building would not i necessarily mean every building in the 1 state. For instance a rouudhouse or to keep down the savagrs of the K.aat. Hy a recent order the main body of troop, will lie located at New York, Chicago and other large cities. The In dian has passed away hut the anarchist till, his place to overflowing. Col. Thomas ti. 1-awlerof Kockford, Illinois, was elected commander in chief of the li. A. K. at the meeting in Pitts burg Thursday by a very close vote, beating his opponent, Col. Walker, by onlv eleven votes out of the total of tt!). Breckinridge's defeat was due to the women of Kentuckv, and what thev have accomplished there at the polls, j The new commander is an Knglishinan when thev could not rote, thev can also bv birth, and was born in ISM. She ' the Port"l5 roaJ at tl,e Cascades would j aLr0mpliah at the social bar, where they which Mrs. Calvin was bound could le severed. The lady tired of her bargain, it seems, but found it difficult to shake the infatuated vouth to whom she was engaged. Sunday Stengele deliberately followed When women take the stand they I t.overnor fennoyer and Mate ireas- of the constitution. As a matter of fact I have in Kentuckv there will le fewer r"" Metschan have been at Oregon regaruiess 01 ine legal aspects ot me case j ijreckiurldges, and surely it is high tune j -y severui uajs supemiie.iu.i.K lue (,im(1 (i)lr (mml Mu there should w a nranch asylum some j hat they refuse longer to submit to the I construction ot a dsn ladder over tne place in Eastern Oregon, where a change j oiie-sitieii judgment of society that dis-1 h"s at that place. Only $1,000 of the j of climate and abundant sunsliine can i tinguishes lxtween the offenses against 'be given the patients, especially those the mora coli on ac0Ouiit of sex. The I wnt from the damp and foggy coast i women 0 Kentuckv have made n move counties. However the matter has been j in ttie ri.,llt diction .and thev sho ild - ... ...! o.,.l o,,K,.,;,l,l ,! l,a rllal.u, . . her and accosting her as she alighted " " ,7, , 7"""' j cultivate tneiiami. from a street car, was repulsed and told , . bv his victim that .he did not want to usually required. For sale by Hlakelev A Houghton Priii-gifts. Oliver Wendell Holmes lias not hesi tated to express his pride in tho fact that the year of his birth gave to the world four of its great men Tennyson, lhirwin and Gladstone in England, and Abraham I.iuculn in this country. And when his own name was added to the list the doctor modestly added: "Oh, I sneaked in, as it were." A. M. Hailer, a well-known citien of Eugene, Or., says his w ife has lor year, been troubled with chronic diarrhna and ushiI many remedies with little relief until she tried Ch.imlierlain' Colic, Cholera and .liarrhn a Hemedy, which (iive it a trial and you will le surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 'V and "0 cent 3 ;: - I down in the verv near future. VKIMSOy CLOfKi:. )e bothered by him. Whereupon he drew Ids pi3tol and shot her through the body and then the head. Stopping odIt long enough to assure himself that his victim was dead, he placed the muz zle of the pistol against his head and blew the vacuum out of it. His frieuds say he was insane, but this is trash. The act was that of a selfish, self-willed fool, who because for sooth he could not possess the toy he wanted, dest.oyed it and himself. The woman had her share of blame be cause she had no business being on with the new love before she was off with the old. Had fctengele confined his eflorts to putting an end to his own life, it might be attributed to insanity but the killing of the woman lie pro fessed to love was a cowardly crime com mitted for the same reason a burglar kills the man he is robbing, the desire to possess that which does not belong to him, thiough force. The woman dead is not to be pitied, if living her life had been tied to that of her murderer. Such love as his is fitted for the Stygian dark- Bill Nye certainly had a hand in writ ing up the murder and suicide at Port land yesterday, for whose but bis versa tile brain would have thought of insert ing such a paragraph as this into such an article? "She was dressed in a black brocaded silk of the very latest fashion, menting with and a dainty straw hat. Although j "The great nitrogen gatherer, It will modest and unassuming the dress indi- j improve worn out and poor soils more cated her a woman of good not ition and ! rapidly and permanently than any other The Prairie farmer in a recent num ber gives the following description of the new variety of clover, which is known as the "crimson." It might prove a valuable variety for our dry hills, and is certainly worth experi- refinenient.' Now when yon have ab sorbed that peruse the further disserta tion of the tbanatopsical writer: "Her father supplied her with sufficient means to satisfy every whim, and although she had an extensive wardrobe of the latest style garments, they were all of subdued and modest shades." If that wouldn't jar the pop corn off a Chiristmas tree, plant in existence therefore the cheap est and best fertilizer; also the cheapest food for all kinds of stock. Stock like it. They will leave their grain feed for it. Its use solves a great problem in economical farming. It will grow on poor, light soils where other grasses fail. It does not interfere with, but is an ad dition to other farm crop.. It grows 110,000 appropriated were used. t j lHttiett for B1il bv Hlakelev A Houghton ttiey are ootn continent tne iauier win lie a success. Fur an 1 .1 Muril.r. Wichita, Kan. Sept. 1". Sheriff Woodcock and Deputy Bill arrived here today from California, having in charge Jim Talbert, alms Jim Sherman, wlrb led the cowboys in an attack on Caldwell, Kan., in years ago, when a number of citizens were killed, among whom was Mayor Meagher. Talbert will be tried for this murder. I 1 Druggists. j A certain Mr. Hubert i'aull has ! written Lord Hoseliery that ho can w rite ; poetry "with such rare facility" that he j can undertake to give royal marriagcB I and christenings precedence over his "country orders," and yet attend I punctually to the same. He wants to be poet laureate. Hy . Ila-Keepr. Francisco, Sept IT. Frank Mar tin, a teamster 2f) years old, was fatally shot by J. V. Elias, a dive proprietor last night shortly after midnight. Mar tin had a row wfth one of the women in the place and was ejected, .He subse quently returned with a number of friends, and had an altercation with I alias, who thereupon shot him. His as sailant was arrested. SAILED THE SEAS 38 YEAR One of His Experience!:. For thlrtv-elclit year. dipt. I.nud tnl'.o the Mit. imwt of t hut time an mau-rol n wl. and iiHin n'tlrlntf from the w.t.-r i,ut. ixilMi.'tl ly the ivcnunry of the I n It.d i TrviiMiry to HUix'ruiminl Hie m'i.I M'.Ih'iiv. in Alu-kii. which iKMitlou lietinlil tivo)r,.a:. h, rol'.t.". one .xNrnnt't. it follow.: "KurM'Vnral your. 1 had tii tnoh( tf ffMral nrvnUMiH'wt and pain In th rv i)r of m v heart. My irronleM hltlirtlm Hl.'.'pleMneM; It warn iilmwl !nip.wljl,. t ,ni Hum b.olituln tml and i.''. Hiivii.k xtt Hr. Mlh-a' n-tiindl.-. HdvvrtlMMl I lu tein n.i, Ni-rvinc. Aft.'r tuklntf a aniall qiiuniln u l.'iH'tH recolvfd ws m grtuit that I wtt".tt. lively alarmed, thliikintr the rt'innly n,. tallied npluliw whlrli would Itnnlly Im Ih,, ohm to inn; hill on lielng tmmltvd ly ill. ilr , ItiHl I hue It. uit MTf.slly hi.rnih-j. 1 t"wi ned It t.mether with the lleurt t ure. 1ii-i) I rut iisi-lentlourdy .uy that I'r Jill,-.' K,. Hlurullve Nervine and New Henri t lire il:,; more furnio than any thlnit I hue! ever lnVni 1 hud l-en trviiied hy emli I ihvi.n.,. In New York and hun I-rHii.'ix'o wlihuin IV ellt 1 owe nir inwuil iiixhI heulih in tlx Jutllelnti.:i.of th.w m.Mt valtiuhle nrn.Mli and heartily ret-onitiieiid them to all ufllina; a. I wan." 4 'apt. A. I. Innl, llunilen. Mc. ir. Mile. IteMtorHilvff Nervliiean.l Newt'ur am wild hy ul I dniuulntxoii a piiHlllveitinini ten. or Ity lr. Mil.-, fttedirul '.. I-Ilklitn Ind., on r.coliit of price, fl N.rlHittle, nr tn ImiiiI.'m fur Su. ein- prepuld. They an treu fmni all opiate, and dunutiniu. drugs. SUMMONS. In thrCtrenli t'nurt nf th. HUt nf Ornpm Un W .fte.) t'utltlty. ( arl Hiirehtnrf. ) rininllft. t. F. Kih and tlarlr rh. r.'lrnilanlii. what would? We would like to see that j and matures its crop when others are reporter throw himself on a wedding. j dormant, furnishing the very best of m' i feed and still permanently improving Andrew Carnegie is now satisfied that 1 the soil, the American laborer can live morej "Crimson clover, or more commonly cheaply than any other, and conse- j called Scarlet, Italian or tiermnn clover, quently the laborer can afford to work as ig annual of French origin, makes a Klll.d In a right. Fhksno, Cat., Sept. 17. William Lane and Fred Donahue, two vineyard labor erg had a fist light on a vineyard near Selma yesterday resulting in the death of Donahue. Donahue's neck was broken in falling. The coroner's jury exonerated Lane from blame, as the I pr.Mnlv na anvnnv T 1 1 1 Q 1a ,i.m' n 1 1 a r 1 1. f f . . ... . : .. .. I : . ' 1 i 1 t, 1 .1 nes of the lower world the tie that1 r " " ' ,n.uwiu u. ..u.u u.ruiv iu imnj iiiuict tviuouco uuuireu luuaiiui! wan mu ag . uotnrine irom me great iron Jtiutf w no binds Nemesis to the i'uries, and makes the imps of selfishness howl with delight. BRIBERY OF ' SEWHPAPKliS. accumulated his great wealth through the benefits of the protective tariff sys tem. He has enough and while he hob nobs with dukes and earls virtuously concludes that the American laborer doe not need much anyhow. When the laboring men of any country become satisfied with only food and clothes, and no longer hope to better their condition, high, has a bright crimson blossom from one and oae-half to three inches long, and when in full bloom with its luxu riant growth of green foliage and its crimson bloom, is a thing of beauty once seen never to be forgotten. It is a winter crop, must be sown in July, Au gust aud September of each year from the spring following can be cut for soil ing, by the 20th of April ; for ensilage The Catholic Sentinel eays it recently wrote to a large company in Oregon making a proposition as to advertising, and got this reply : "ll'lialai'a, u- u .1 . i a nunu! I r ilnna )i e the editor and published as an edito'-! tl'e.nation will go tackw.rd.. America an,l hay by the 1st to the 8th of May, rial ... if vou wouu nke jwIHiot come to that, even though Car- and for seed crop by the 2."th of May. negie auvis- n. it WI produce on ordinary soil eight ! tons of green food per acre, one and one- I ine nan rrancisco examiner savB mat i . . , . acre, and two to twelve bushels seed per acre; ploughed under as a mammal crop it is worth as a fertilizer $24 per gresaor. Hiilrnl. nf a .1 uatlis. Wii.mimiton, Cal., Sept. 17. F. J. Weldt, justice of the peace, committed suicide this morning, severing an artery. He was 3-" years old, and recently had been renominated for justice of the peace. Insanity is the supposed cause. A year ago the incumbent of this office blew his brains out. In all that goes to strengthen and build up the system weakened by disease and pain. Aver'. Sarsaparilla is the superior medicine. It neutralizes the puisou left in the system after diphtheria and scarlet fever, and restores the de bilitated patient to perfect health and vigor. Teacher Whv did you put that pin in my chair? Had Boy Boo hoo! How do yer know I put it dere? Teacher Because you were the only boy in the room who was hard at work studying when I .at on it. Judge. Old Bondy So you want to marry my daughter, eh? W lull's your salary? Pelerkins (after long thought) Well, try me for three months, aud if I'm not satisfactory you needn't pay me any thing. Town Topics. An Irishman asked a Scotchman one ilnv " Wliv n niilw.v ftmine .. J..1..1'"1" ''"d " ni..rlsate. made. eernte.l anil ile J - - .......... , nw.r,.( t0 ., Htniitl i called sue. fandy replied : to prepare and print an editorial, not to exceed 150 lines, at 5 cents per line, which is the price paid leading papers thronghoul onr state, you may prepare and submit the article for our approval before being publishing. We enclose herewith clippings from other papers, which may be of assistance to you in preparing the article:" Commenting on this the Oregonian of the 14th says: It would be interesting to learn the naruesaof the "leading papers" that fol low this practice. It then would be ap parent to every person of judgment that tbey are papers in whose columns no business could be advertised with ad vantage or profit, at any price. The Catholic Sentinel does not overstate the degradation of newspapers that "make their editorial article, marketable com modity." It .how. singular lack of sagacity on the part of a business man to suppose a newspaper that consents to sell its editorial utterances can have any standing whatever, or be of any value as an advertising medium. When editorial statements and opinions are bought and sold the public very toon learns It. Such prostitution advertises itself by its own signs, and intelligent readers cannot tie deceived. The argument of the Oregonian is all fight, but we think either the Sentinel has made a mistake or the company it alludes to is running a cold bluff. We do not beiieve there is a newspaper in the state whose editorial columns are lor sale. Did they do so, as the Orego nian well says, "Such prostitution ad vertises itself by its own signs, and in telligent readers cannot be deceived." In perusing the editorials of our ex changes for months, we have seen noth ing that bears the earmarks of a paid ad vertisement, hence we do not believe that the company the Sentinel alludes to can back its statements. Did you ever hear of a man trying to lift an unfortunate woman when she falls from the high pedestal of honor and Tirtue? I think not. When once she trips and falls from the high and hon ored position she land in hell, from which no human band will stoop to lift ber out. Husband and father, brother and son alike are deaf to her agonizing The San Francisco Examiner sayB that with the exception of Switzerland, "New Zealand is the most interesting spot in I the world today to the student of polit ical aud social science. It is a laboratory in which the great theories that agitate the rest of the world are put to the test of experiment. There we may see in successful operation the taxation of land values exclusive of improvements and personal property, graduated income taxes, the government ownership of tel egraphs, telephones and railroads, postal savings banks, government life insur ance, legal tender postal notes, a re formed civil service, government labor bureaus, and other advanced ideas which among us are considered the dream of the next century." Wellman and his party of Arctic ex plorers have arrived home. They dis covered that they couldn't discover the north pole, and also that the only way to get there was to come home and take a new start. It is one of the problems 1 that has successfully defied mankind, I this reaching the north pole, but the1 effort will be kept up by one blamed fool after another until finally it is ac- i complished, and then thej"blamed fool" j will lie a hero. There is nothing suc ceeds like success. I acre. Experiments at the Delaware experimental station have shown that fl invested in seed per acre added twenty-four bushels of corn, while $1 worth of nitride of soda per acre in creased the yield of corn only six bush els. It can be sown in apple, peach, pear, plum or cherry orchards, in corn, to- I niato, cabbage, beans, peas, watermelon, I canteloupes or any cultivated crop ; also with buckwheat. Has been sown in as paragus beds, in raspberry and black berry patches, to keep down weeds and to be plowed under as manure, with most excellent results. When sown in July and August it furnishes excellent pasture in November and December; can also tie pastured some in early spring, without injury to either hay or seed crop. Where red clover failed to give a good stand or blighted on wheat stubble, the stubble can be harrowed over and scarlet clover sown, which will more than make up the loss of the red clover. Governor Pennoyer gets off right foot foremost once in awhile. His latest Robert i. again lowered the world's I 'e 13 t0 ,,ave the district attorney of pacing record at Terre Haute, Ind. I Multnonmh county fill a bill of discovery The little brown king was sent to beat ! refll,,r,nK t,ie bank "ttiam to answer his own record and the world's, of 2.02',, ! C,erU'n 'ntrrK"Uves concerning money and did it handsomelv, taking a full ! deI'oelt;'1 in 11,8 remaining second from it, leaving the worla i) ""lied for, for seven years. Under the record now 2.01Ja. It is possible now j Bt,te la"'' 8,":h m"ey e"'1'eat8 to t,,e that Hobert J. may yet be the long-ex-! Blal'' ",e '"PP"""' e iwim auiuuiiiB ui .ucii iuiiijb wooiu maice quite a handsome sum. At any rate Valuable 1'apera .M Idling. Sacbamknto, Sept. 17. It is stated that Secretary of State Waite has re ported to Governor Markham the loss of several important documents in his of fice, supposed to have been stolen by parties visiting the office. The matter has naturally been kept quiet, but Waite acknowledges such a report was made. A Mnrdtnr EiM.ud. Santa Fb, N. M., Sept. 14. James Barrett, murderer, was executed by .Sheriff Kemp at Eddy this afternoon. Barnett was a railroad man man from Missouri, who, while suffering from al coholic mania, at Seven Rivers, killed John Holihan. A I'ramatura Hlaat. Hazlbtox, Pa., Sept. 17. A prema ture blast occurred at Honey brook col liery today by which John Demtaha was killed, and James Matuski, Alissco Tri mepno and Giovanio Petro were injured. The first report of the accident was much exaggerated. A Wife Marrt.r.r "hot. Lkhi Junction, Utah, Sept. 14. Enoch Davis, a wife murderer, was exe cuted here today. He was placed in a chair, blindfolded, and six soldiers shot him. He died in three minutes. Hen peck t I never spent but ten dol lars foolishly in all rny life. Friend What was that for, pray? Henpeckt The minister's fee when I was mar ried. The Sufferer. Ti c. V fngh ami .Marie Fngli, the .bnve namac drf.nil.iiin In the ll.nte nf thv HLle ill Oregon Ynu Mm encll of yen ar. heretiv rr,iitred In apie.r mat ann.r the rnmlnlnt Dlil ...limt yon In Uy ahnv. entltt.-d tutt w ithin teu.l.y. (mm tile Ut nl tu Mrvii n( thl. .iiii.iimn. unnn ynu, I wrvnl within .nr.. enmity, HUtte ul Oregon : o If .erved within any other rnuuty of tht.riuti than wtthlti twenty rlav. fr.iii th d.ti- o the mtv ' re ,,f thl. tiuiniiinn. upon you; and 1 the Mm. I. Mrvrd hy puhlle.tioii thereof, ym ar. repi I rnl luanurHr and un.wer .nidi 4' on or belo re Mond.y. the r.'th day of Nov .inber. .'.t, that lielng the ligit d.v nf the nei1 regular term nf i iiruit ourt, iollowmj u etnlratlon of the tun. preartllied In 111. oplci feeretolore made (or the nuhllration of Mid un Dion.: and II )oii, or either .il yon, f.ll mi u.t penr .nd .newer itid roinplalnl. Judgment .11 be taken MKHlinit you lor want therinl. and Ui. plHiuti ti will ai,ly to the t ourt lor the r-lin prayed tor In hi niinl hill of eoinil.liit, tow It rur n iiven-v oriu,-rtuic a loreelinMire ot tii.t eer life, ni.ile. exertueu aim He tiv defendant, henrllm il.U Perhaps 1 Auginil I ith, l and tli.t the Intiiln .ml rvni ... . f.i -,, , I i-w in... in iiitiiii'ii. ii. wii ijim i , if, r, r,u It s on account of the horrible noise it n. I and .1. in hiiH'it aetemv vigut in lori li.lln makes when it tries to whistle." I ?.llut,,r' l""ervi,.,.i ,i,.ion to Imiie. t ity V a-eo eniintv. On .in. he aunt In Hie uianuri Pearson's Weekly. 1 provided hy U 'inn! the praetlee of IlilXoiirt -. : and Unit troni the prm-eeil. arlnu. fnim t.Kli j Utile lite ijiiinttn liiive mill reenter the ftlllll ill I I. AH II. mill iiieie-t there. in ill Hie rale of trl; er e.-nt. i.'r iiiinuin mi the l.ith il.y of Am 1 nit, l-'.i.l. Hint the fur. her mini of .-eim re. iimihle iiltnrnev k in ,,i, mut, tiigeliier with the mill dl-tnir-M-tiii'iil-, made and eieiilei! In thl -nut. li eliiiiiiiK uhrtiii. nt mid aeeriutiK eontK anil extieri-M- nl ntie. Hint ihiii nurli lie eree, loreelomire ami nile. nil nl the rixllt. till' mid Intereit ui ou and eaeti of you. ami nil"! tin ilcnt, tine and liilerent nf nil ami every par mill or ieruiuK elnltntiiic . or torlnllii tlinitiKli ot under ynu. or either of ynu. in or In mild ill. it deerlled pre ml "."I, or in .nv .irt lheriif. b' liireelnrtl and forever from .11 iililtv 11! redemption ; that pUlutlrl lie allowed to hnl f and In purehnfte .nut preiiiln-w nt hla upturn : thai the purehner thereof hnve the Immediate pm e.i,,,, of the mine Hint the plaint!!) hate Jiulg nient agnlnKt ynu for any ihixii balance that miiT remain after ueh iMtle, and for aueh otMt and further relief aa iniiv to the t.iiurt aoem Jiitl and vniiitnlile 'I he u-rviee nf thin .1 1 111 111 1 ii. I. ni.duiiion you hy luihliratloii thereof In Tug liALi.tta ( it son ii i.e. . newpaier uf general clmiil.liou, pub Imheil weekly at HalleM'ltv, Vt axm county. Ore gon, hy order of the,,illn . J, llradahaw. Juiiue nf the heventh Judicial lllatrlet nl tliu Mli.te of Oregon : whleli order waa duly made it ehambem In linlle ( Ity, Oreviill, on Ihe l.ito day of Hepti-mlier, Imil. If H. KIIHiKI.I.. eplW it Attorney for I'laintllT. NOTICE FOK I I'll i , I CAT I ( X . " I'. H. I.anii Orrirg.The Dnllea. or.,) July J4, li. i t.nmplalnl having been enternl at ihlauttlcc hy Frank Mlllune ..allml .lohn V elt for ali.II- donlng hi. hnruHMteMd entry, No. -IMai, dated Mareli is. tmn. np,m the K1.,, hW , N HWf, .ml iHW1 NVVi4, H,.. in, Vp. n , K l K, In WaM-n ( uimty, Oregon, with a view U. Iheean of anld entry, the anld imrttui an' here by timiniiued In npienr nt thl. nttliv on the I'Jth dny of -,.t..-mtj.-r, Iw.i, at hi in hn-k a. ni.. t" r. i,nd and fiirnli.h tei.liin.iny roneernlng Mid alleged abandonment. K. M. Hhutt, I . h. l oin inlf.loiier, I. authorUeil to tn.e leatlmonv at Anteloie, Oregon, on rt.-pteuil.r l-'th, lu n cloek a. in. JAii. F. MooKK, Ki-glxter. Estrayed. Cam to my nlaee, near Nnn.eiie, about th' flrit nt May, Iwil, a Uiv .addle Immr, between 1" ml li yenra old, branded r on left almnliler. Ihe owner ran have miiip I.v paving for thU "i p. inrage. Wat. IK inr.K 1 fii'.v. The inarch of hiNhiuii : ''ilello! I hci- I you are nending your waHli to the steum launilry again. Was the washerwoman's htiibaiid wearing your linen?" "No she was wearing it herself." ImlinnapoliN Journal. Clwyd, the urchdruid and bard of Wales, was Btricken with paralysis in Denbigh on August 'Jl, and at last ac counts was still unconscious. He is 04 yearwold. Archbishop Vilatte, the head of the new Polish Catholic church, is about 40 years of age.and was for a time a clergy man of the Episcopal church. Htrawber Did you feel the late finan cial depression? Singley Feel it; Why, lor a montn I wasn't able to bor row a shilling! Tit-Hits. At the butcher's. "Why did you put that large mirror near the door?" "To prevent the servant girls watching the scales. Miegende Hiaetter. It is not generally known that Vis count Wolseley lost the sight of one eye in the Crimea while leading nn attack on the Kedan. (BBshna pected two-minute horse. Japan and England have made a new 1 w,,etl'f r ",e monn' Iart?e r "mall. treaty, which however will not go into I l"e prin:'p,e " the same, ana all such effect until 18W. The existence of for- j n,oney ,houId ,e tlirne(1 over to the eign tribunals on Japanese soil is one of ; tate- Japans greatest grievances, and InlSWj Mis P.icketts-Sue is an awful tat thia will no longer 1 permitted. It Is 1 tier. Miss Gaskett O, that can't be. said that P.ussia is pleased with the new j Miss P.icketts Hut it is. I have it treaty, and that England has not gained ! straight from Blanche, and she is Sue s mything by it. dearest friend. The Listener. Husband 11 'mer what's the mat ter with this cake? Wife (angrily) Nothing at all. This cook-book says it's the most delicious cake that can be made. Puck. Daughter (weeping) Oh, papa, today I enter already on my 30th year. Fa therCalm yourself, child; it won't last long. Fliegende Platter. "Hey, Chimmey ! Dere's a show down to tie teayter dat takes de rag oflin everything." "What is It?" "Livin' pictures." Hrooklyn Eagle. The sum of $2(X),00O is represented by a pearl collar belonging to Haroness Gus tav de Kothschild. ior Infanta anil Children. CaatoHm promote.. Plgaatlon, and cvercoine Flatulency, C'uiuitiiiatiiiii, Hour Btomoch, Diarrlirea, and Fnverisliimm. Thus the child Is rendered hilthy and lis sleep naUorwJ. Caatorla contains no Morpliiiin or otlmr narcotic proiwrty. "CartorU Is im well adapted to children that Ll".""""1.,1 " suirri. to any pre:rlptlon known to m." . a. A.o!i, M.l . Ill Bouth Oxford W., bruual.n, N. Y. , X r"r ra T have rerornrnetftled your !V. n1 "'all always continue to do i, aaltuaa invariably prwj ucnl beneficial rnaulu.'1 ... , . I.nwia 1 . 1'Annaa. M. li., Lth Htrmt and 7th Are., timw Vurk City. "Theuaaof 'Catorl' li so nnlrerMl and Its merlta m well known that It mu a work of iipsreengatlon to aodora. It. rew are tho In. telligent famlllea woo do not keep Cttttoria witliiu aaay rwacb." OAaLoa Martt!. p. t) Nw York city. T Curr AOa OoarAXT, T7 Murray Strawt, K. Y. Ht-pl-J I m Nanwue I'. O., Or. h cf ohlicnmnnt 1KMIIIIUH. IP " LhH(U J'JHNZ & NITSCIIKK -IlKAIiKltH IN- Furniture and Carpets. We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and an we are in no wav connected with the Undertakers' Trust', our prices wll be low accordingly.