The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 15, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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Itun Down by an Ocean
On Sllner Taken Out ltead and Several
laJored--Aaotber right Ortr tha
tlrer-Blandfe Campaign.
Nxw Yon it, Sept. 11. The steamer
Portia, from Halifax, report that In a
dense (og yesterday die ran into and
unk the three-masted schooner Dora M.
Fauuli, our mile (rum Cuddyhuuk light.
Four of the schooners crew of five were
drowned. The steamer wai running at
full speed, I 'owing a whistle. She
truck the aa. ,ng vessel just forward of
the foremast aid cut her in two. A
boat was quickly lowered by the steamer
aad Jeremiah Murphy, of New York,
mate of the lost vessel, was picked np.
Ily a strange fatality Dr. Cooke and
seven members of the ill-starred Arctic
expedition were on board of the Portia.
This is the third serious marine disaster
in which they have had a part with)'
two months. The Portia was a lisle.
ship to the lost Miranda, on which the
Cooke party tailed for the Northern
seas, and which waa sank in the ice.
Aa Klectrle l.laeman'e Ferlla.
Hethoit, Mich., Kept. 11. On Wood'
ward avenue right In frout of the city
hull, just before noon yesterday, away
up 150 feet in the air at the top of an
electric tower, lay a man rigid and help
less, his feet tangled in the meshes of
wire, his head banging downward. He
was a trimmer and bad gone up there to
fix the lamps, when he grasped a live
wire and became unconscious. A crowd
of 5000 iersoni saw him and expected
every minute that bis feet would slip
and that he would fall. His name was
Frederick French, and thore in the air he
hung until his partner, George Wide
man, joined the crowd and saw him.
Up the slim supports of the tower went
Widuman, band over hand, to the pros
trate man, whom be grabbed and tried
to lay on the tower. But French was
like a madman. He was frothing at the
mouth and the two men away tip in the
air began a struggle which looked as if it
might end by one or both of them com
ing to the ground. French endeavored
to bite WiUeman and once nearly threw
him over, but Wideman finally got a
piece of rope over French's neck and
choked him into insensibility. Then he
put him in a basket by which Fronch
made the ascent, and lowered him to
within a few feet of the ground, where
others helped him, and French was
taken to the hospital. He was crazy
from the (hock. Tiie doctors say he will
Tha mt Loanuoh War.
San Francisco, Kept. 11. V. T. Ti
mons, a graduate of Cambridge, Eng
land, who bus been traveling for the
past eight months, arrived here from
Batavia, Java, yesterday, in company
with several friends. He says there is
a violent insurrection of natives on the
inland Lombok against the Hutch rulers.
The native Inland king has joined forces
with the natives and unitedly they are
doing all they can to throw oil the Dutch
yoke. War is in actual progress. How
many have been killed on each side is
not known, but in the lust engagement
, the Dutch forces wore repelled. In 11a
tavia there waa great excitement.
"Everybody expected," said Timons,
"that the revolution would spread, and
it was thought the war might be long
and bloody. A month ago when I was
there communication was almost en
tirely cut off. The reason for this was
that the Dutch government bad seized
all the steamers and sailing vessels and
' pressed them into service. There was a
single French steamer running, and on
this I managed to get away. The Dutch
were then collecting all their forces and
forwarding them to the island as fast aa
possible. Up to the time I left Batavia
they had sent 6,000 from that port.
The island is large and contains rich tin
mines. It also produces a very large
amount of coffee, sugar, indigo, fruit
and other crops. It is very thickly pop
ulated. Tha Won tan Caee Again.
Fhksno, Sept. 11. A beginning has
been made in the search for Woo ten's
body. Detective A. B. Lawson, who
conducted the search last spring, is here
gain from Los Angeles. He will work
in conjunction with Sheriff Scott. It is
"aid that they have clews which may
lead to the discovery of the body, but
they are keeping their plans secret for
the present. The water is now out of
nearly all the canals, and the deep ponds
which Horded such obstacles to the
search early in the reason are now nearly
dry. Woolens neighbors will soon be
gin searching them fur the bodv, which
they believe is buried in the mud some
place between Keedley and the foothills
War New. Hard to Oct.
Yokohama, Sept. 11. The mikado
and several of his ministers will go
Thursday night to Hirescbima, the em
barking place of the Japanese troops
sent to Corea. The headquarters of the
mikado will be transferred to Hiros-
chima after that date. Authentic news
of the war cannot be obtained. The
native press is subject to censorship and
reporters of foreign papers are not al
lowed to approach the seat of war. It
is also impossible to transmit private
advices in regard to the warlike opera
tions, as the telegraph lines and mail
rentes are controlled by the government.
Attack of Katlvea Kepul.ed.
Zanzibar, Sept. 11. Mr. Beasley and
Rev. Mr. Firminger, who reached
Darned, Saraani, German, East Africa,
in a dhow from Kilwasland, off that
coast, September Htb, have arrived here
and report that the governor's house at
Kilwa was attacked by 2,000 natives
armed with flintlock rifles, on Septem
ber 7th. The fight lusted two hours.
One Soudanese soldier was killed, and
one German wounded. When Messrs.
Ueusley and Firminger left the inland, a
renewal of the attack was expected.
A Ieolaloa by Carllele.
Washington, Sept. 11. Secretary
Carlisle in a letter addressed to Senator
Cutlery of Louisiana, officially decided
that under the new tariff luw it will be
unlawful to appoint inspectors, weigh
ers and teeters of bounty sugars under
the McKinley act, and further, that
congress having made no appropriation
for the employment of such officials, the
laws of the United Slates prohibit the
employment of such persons to serve
without pay.
tieneral Booth Cuming to America.
London, Sept. 11. Detachments of
the Salvation Army from all parts of
London assembled at Euston railroad
station today to bid farewell to General
Booth, who started fur America. The
general will reach New York about Octo
ber 20, and proceed to the principal
Northern and Western cities of tha
United States until reaching Sau Fran
cisco and finishing bis tour at Seattle,
Wash., December 28.
ftpokane County 1'rlmarlea.
Spokane, Sept. 12. At the republican
primaries in this cjunty today a heavy
vote was polled and everything passed
off harmoniously. Thedelegutes elected
are ununimously for S. C. Hyde lor con
gress. The senatorial question only fig
ured incidentally, the contests being al
most wholly of county offices; but the
friends of John L. Wilson claim that
a legislative delegation will be elected
favorable to bis aspirations.
Wrecked by an Exploalon.
Andebhon, Ind., Sept. 12. At Alex
andria about 5 a. m. a natural gas ex
plosion wrecked the express and tele
graph building. Samuel I. Meyer, wife
and one child, and sister-in-law, who
live upstairs, were buried in the ruins.
All will recover except Meyer. The
Free Calloway bank and the Alexandria
hardware buildings were also wrecked.
Property loss, 122,000.
Last of tha Blythe
San Fkancihco, Sept. 12. Mrs. Alice
Edith Blythe's appeal from the decision
of Judge Coffey in favor of Florence
Blythe was argued before the supreme
court yesterday and submitted. This Is
the lust appeal of the various Blythe
heirs which the supreme court has to
pass on, the others having been disposed
of some time since.
Kealeyltea la Convention.
Colorado Si-kinus, Col., Sept. 12.
About 800 delegates were present at the
national convention of the Keeley
League today. The executive com
mittee reported in favor of disbanding
the state leagues. Harrishurg was se
lected as the place for holding the next
convention. President Andrew J. Smith
was re-elected.
A Protaat to Nlearagaa.
Colon, Sept. 11. The republic of Co
lombia has presented Nicaragua with a
second protest, claiming sovereignty oyer
the Mosquito reservation under old
Spanish titles. It is reported President
Nunes will go to Bogota to calm the ris
ing troubles there.
Cannt of Tartu' Fnnaral.
London. Sept. 11. The remains of the
Count of Paris will be taken to Wey-
bridge tomorrow. Cardinal anghan
will conduct the funeral services. The
Duke of York and Duko of Oporto will
be present at the funeral.
A Ileal Estate Shark Who
Has Robbed Thousands.
Tha La.t Appeal la tha Itlytha Ca.a
Mow llefore tha Supreme Court
of California.
Toa Many Heal. Killed.
San Fkancihco, Sept. 12. J. Stanley
Brown, special United States treasury
agent for the seal islands, has arrived
from Pribyloff islands after an absence
of several months. He was accompanied
by several other agents. He says the
seals were in good condition this year,
and the weather was not unusually un
pleasant. The continued taking of seals
in the open sea is tending steadily to re
duce the seals. Unless a stop is put to
this seal-killing at sea, the number of
seals that annually visit the islands will
be greatly reduced. "The contractors
killed this year," said Brown, "about
1(3,000 of the 20,000 that the government
permits to be taken from the rookeries,
Besides these, sealers who were taking
seals in the open sea killed 30,000.
These are far too many. At this rate
seals will be exterminated. It should
be remembered that, while the govern
ment does permit the taking of any but
immature males from the rookeries, the
mariners who go after seals in the open
sea kill males and females indiscrimin
ately. At present the killing of the seals
in the open sea cannot be under the laws
entirely prohibited. It is not poaching,
for hunters do not come npon the islands
or within a marine league of them. At
least, this is not the rule. It is very
fortunate that Assistant Secretary Ham
lin visited the sealing grounds this year.
He worked very bard to gain an exact
knowledge of the conditions. This was
just what we, who have been visiting
the islands for years, desired. One
might write and speak' incessantly, but
he could not depict all the facts as they
exist. Mr. Hamlin is a high official,
and now be thoroughly understands the
situation. His report is certain to be a
very important and interesting docu
ment." Keal Katate Swindler ( aught.
New York, Sept. 12. A man was ar
rested in this city yesterday who, it is
asserted, has made in the neighborhood
of $1,400,000 by getting nien-to invest in
remarkable land schemes. His victims
are scattered all over the country. One
was the Rev. George Stanberry, an
Episcopalian clergyman, formerly of
Lexington, Ky., from whom he secured
about 130,000. The administrators of
the clergyman's estate caused the arrest.
Algernon II. Wilson is the name of this
promoter. He made bis headquarters
in Philadelphia. The methods of his
operations were similar iu each case.
He bought Western property of little or
no value, organized companies with an
exaggerated capital stock and sold stock
to investors. He captured Wall-street
men and Long Island farmers. He
drew heavily upon the carefully boarded
savings of New Englanders. No fewer
than thirty clergymen are among his
victims. The action upon which Wil
cox was arrested was brought by Charles
N. Codding, a lawyer at 29 Broadway,
and Phileman B. Stanbery, as adminis
ters of the estate of the Kev. Mr. Stan
bery. They have been following Wilcox
since Jane. The Rev. Mr. Stanbery
was the son of Henry Stanbery, who
was the attorney-general of the United
States in President Johnson's cabinet.
When Johnson was impeached, Stan
bery resigned his office and helped to
defend Johnson. Of the many compa
nies which Wilcox organized be per
suaded the Kev. Stanberry to invest in
Poor Li Hans; Chang.
London, Sept. 12. A dispatch from
Shanghai states the power of Viceroy Li
Hung Chang has steadily decreased.
Every day's delay in providing the prom
ised victory over the Japanese adds to
the danger of his downfall. Reinforce
ments from the more remote provinces
en route to Corea are at a standstill,
terrorising the cities in which they are
halted. Almost areign of terror prevails
even in Tien-Tsin. The savage soldiery
are everywhere plundering and mal
treating the wretched populace, and
native merchants are fleeing from Tein
Tain to save their lives.
The French minister has formally pro
tested against the action of the Chinese
in boarding a French mail steamer Sat
urday. A letter from resident minister at
Seoul states a large military hospital
has been erected on the heights
and numerous sick Japanese are treated
there. Constant conflicts are taking
place between the outposts, but fen
badly wounded have been taken to Seoul
Tha Woo toa Mystery.
Fkksno, Cal., Sept. 12. Charles E
Lilley of England this morning filed two
complaints in the superior court to eet
aside the conveyance claimed by Profes
sor W. A. Sanders to have been rxecut'
ed by William Wooten, the missing
Reediey rancher, to the mythical John
Knausch and a second conveyance from
Knausch to Sanders. The considera
tion alleged to have been given was f 45,
000, but there is no proof that a cent of
money was ever paid. Lilley is acting
under a power of attorney for Thomas
Wooten of England, a brother of the
missing rancher. No traces of Wooten's
body have yet been found, though an
active search is being continued in the
canal section, which is now nearly dry.
The IKIaa Safe la Port.
Queenstown, , Sept. 12. The little
schooner Nina, Captain Frietsch, arrived
today from New York. Freitech was
the only man on board.
New Yoek, Sept. 12. The Nina sailed
from New York Saturday, August 5th
She thus makes the trip across the
Atlantic in 38 days, remarkable time for
such a craft, and only nine days behind
the time made by the yacht Valkyrie
when she returned to England from this
port. She was brought here by Captain
Freitech from Milwaukee in June. In
shipping circles considerable donbt was
expressed as to the ability of the Nina to
cross the ocean ia safety.
Tha Phllllpa-McCoy Fend
Huntington, W. Va., Sept. 12. Re
ports reached here today of fresh trouble
in Logan county between the Phillips
McCoy factions. On Saturday evening
the parties met near Williamson, and
several shots were fired on both sides,
Three men were seriously injured. On
Sunday evening the McCoys followed
the Phillips faction to chnrch atTbacker,
and another riot took place. John Phil
lips was shot, and cannot recover, and
two of the McCoy crowd were also in
jured. No arrests have been made. It
now looks as though one side or the
other will be annihilated before the
trouble is at an end.
Chlneee War.blp. Uatnerlng.
Hcapo, Sept. 13. Reports are that
the Chinese admiralty has determined
to order to Pei Yang from the Yang-Tse
coast all warships of a certain tonnage
and armament. The dispatch adds
that a number of torpedo-boats from
the squadrons atFoo Chow, Canton and
Nanking will also be ordered to Pei
Yang. The intriguing enemies of the
viceroy, Li Hung Chang, have reported
to the throne the presence at Tien-Tein
of Chang Pei Lun, the viceroy's eon-in-
law, banished in 1884. The throne has
ordered bis return to exile.
Cyclone In Memphia.
Memphis, Sept. 12. At 11:50 a cy
clone passing from southwest to north
west struck North Memphis, near the
Louisiana & Nashville shops, and swept
away everything in its path. Trees
were uprooted, an iron bridge over
Gayoss bay taken np and carried a dis
tance of 100 yards, and a number of
houses wrecked. The full extent of the
damage is not yet known. Robert Culp,
colored, was fatally, and Wilkes Yam-
bell, white, seriously, injured. Other
casualties are reported, but the names
are not yet ascertained.
Kaudlta In Guatemala.
Oaxaca, Mexico, Sept. 13. Late ad
vices from Chiapas state the troubles on
the Guatemalan border are growing
more serious, and the indications are
favorable for bloodshed unless the two
governments reach an understanding as
to what is to be done with the brigands
and cutthroats, who make the border
country their rendezvous and pray upon
peaceable citizens. Several villages
along the border in Guatemala have
been sacked by outlaws, and mur
ders and other outrages committed.
Tha Car's I line...
London, Sept. 13. The correspondent
at Vienna of the Chronicle says : "News
received ironi St. Petersburg indicates
the Czar's illness is cerebral, complicated
with an ailment of the kidneys. Prayers
for bis recovery have been ordered twice
at court. The czar is mentally depressed.
He gets tired after the shortest period of
work. His stay in the desert, as re
ported, has been beneficial."
Egyptian Mlave-Dealera Convicted.
Cabio, Sept. 13. Ali Cheriff, presi
dent of the legislative council, and Has
an Waccifyf, a retired general of the
Egyptian army, arrested August 28
charged with purchasing slave girls,
recently brought here from Wadei, have
been convicted. Sharawl Pasha, charged
with the same offense, has absconded.
Chinese and Japanese Haw
a Rattle., r
Mohammedan, and Hindoo. Kilting;
Each Other Egyptian ' Slave-Dealer--Convlcted
Shanghai, Sept. 13. Rumors have
reached here that a battle was fought be
tween Chinese and Japanese near Kair
Cheng, Corea, about September 2.
Native newspapers of September 10th
say the fight lasted two days and was
still undecided when the news was for
warded the native press. Chinese
papers of September 12th announce
that General Yeh, Chinese commander,
reports having gained a victory over the
Japanese. It is supposed here, however,
that the Chinese have met with a re
verse at Ping Yang.
The floods in Corea still prevent the
Chinese troops from crossing the Imch
in river to attack the Japanese intrench
ments. Another report current here saj a the
Kirino division of the Chinese army has
crossed the Kulin river and is now hold
ing the city of Suhning, while awaiting
the advance of the main body before at
tacking the Japanese right flank
No reliable news, it may be added, is
obtainable here regarding the progress of
the war.
Mother and Children Starved.
Camden, N. J. Sept. 13. Mrs. Kate
Massey, htr three-year-old child and in
fant were found starving yesterdry, in
their house in Westminister avenue.
Stockton, near Camden. A month ago
Mrs. Massey's husband died while un
dergoing an operation in a Philadelphia
hospital; two weeks later Mrs. Massey
gave birth to a child. She was left des
titute, but sue would not ask for aid,
and her neighbors did not know her con
dition until yesterday, when Overseer of
the Poor John Renner visited her house
and found her and the children ap
parently dying. Mr. Renner immedia
tely summoned Dr. O. L. Greembrecbt,
but the doctor said the women and her
children were too exhausted to recover,
but be took them in band immediately.
The infant died soon afterwards. Its
death was entirely due to lack of nour
ishment. Mrs. Massey can live but a
few days at the furthest and the other
child is very low. The mother had
starved herself and given the triflng
food she had to her older child.
Ahout Frani Joseph.
London, Sept. 13. The Standard's
Vienna correspondent telegraphs: Em
peror Francis Joseph was in Vienna
this afternoon, and drove out to Schoen-
brunn. On a corner of the Prater a
youth sprang to the step of the carriage,
holding a petition. The emperor was
startled, but be took the paper. The
youth was arrested. He said he was a
clerk, 21 years old, belonging in Lemberg.
He said he had a grievance against the
authorities. It is not believed that he
intended an attempt on the emperor's
London, Sept. 13. The Daily Chron
icle says that 21 Ruchenian Semarists
have been arrested inTarnapol, Galicia,
for having formed a treasonable conspi
racy during Einperor Franx Joseph's
visit in Lemberg.
Bank of Kngland IMvldend.
London, Sept. 13. The governors of
the Bank of England, at the half-yearly
meeting today declared a dividend of 4
per cent. The reason for the reduction
is a decrease of profits, said to be due to
the unprecedented increase in the re
serve and the low value of money.
Since February 28 one result of the Bar
ing liquidation has been a reduction of
1,075,000, making the liability 2,481,
985, and the debt due the bank 2,409,-
000. It is believed no loss will fall upon
the guarantors.
A Reconciliation Keinote.
London, Sept. 13. The Standard's
Rome correspondent telegraphs that the
language of the clerical papers is calcu
lated to render a reconciliation between
the government and the Vatican remote.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
fosv to avoid
Sodd(e JjasW?
U Problem i Solved
By the production, ol
our fcW Shorten iwy,
La vVjicf makes
jhf", crisp f health
ful, Wholesome is1iy,
can't afford to do
Crispi's recent action was to foreshadow
an alliance of all the conservative ele
ments in the government at the next
election, in which the radicals and
socialists have a good chance of succeed
ing. Rellglone War In Bombay.
Bombay, Sept. 13. Some Mohamme
dads listening to the reading of a koran
in a mosque at Hohwa City at midnight,
objected to the mnslc in a procession of
Hindoos. The latter persisted and the
Mohammedans raised the war cry. A
fight ensued lasting three hours, 40,000
people, mostly Hindoos, participating.
The mosque was sacked and an attempt
made to destroy it by fire. One man.
was killed and many injured.
A Million-Dollar Fire.
London, Sept. 13, The fire last night
near the Leath market, Bermondseye,S.
E., by which the stores of Marget, Son &
Company, John Dixon & Sons and Bou
chere & Taylor, leather dealers, were de
stroyed, was not extinguished until the
flames had consumed 250,000 worth of
A Henlal From
Pakis, Sept. 13. A Rome dispatch to
Le Temps says the Criepi organ denies
that be is making overture for a recon
ciliation between the king ami the Vati
Severe Htorma In npaln.
Madrid, Sept. 13. Southwest Medi-
teraneau towns of Spain have been
visited by severe storms. Cata and
J uvea were flooded, and many lives
lost. Several vessels in the Bav of
Gall were wrecked.
Asaln.t the Oovernment.
Behmn, Sept. 13. During Emperor
William's visit to Marienhurg, red post
ers bearing the words, "Down with the
emperor and monarchy," were found
displayed in various parts of the town.
German War Vea.el. Reviewed.
Swinehunde, Prussia, Sept. 13. The
emperor today reviewed the German
war vessels in the harbor. He was
greeted with salutes. Thousands wit
nessed the review.
In all that goes to strengthen and
build up the system weakened by disease
and pain, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
superior medicine. It neutralizes the
poison left in the system after diphtheria
and scarlet fever, and restores the de
bilitated patient to perfect health and
Bibbs (meditatively) I suppose if
they should happen some of these days
to elect a genuine farmer to the presi
dency that Bobbs That what? Bibbs
That the ship of state would then be
steered by the tiller of the soil. Buf
falo Courier.