The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 12, 1894, PART 1, Image 1

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    Ml W
oust wmm Ctaitxdt
The Sensational Suicide of a
Four Mallore Killed by a Mteaiuer'a
Hullar Itiiraltn;--r4teanir Hui
poaed tu H I. nut.
Nkw Ydkk, Sept. 7. A well-dressed
uiitn who, from pit porn found in liiH
pocket, i believed tu l Dr. II. T.
('reason, of No. llt t l. South Seventeenth
street, Philadelphia, committed suicide
in Fortieth street, ncur Ilryant Park
railing, "ifc'l't- 1 1 ict supposed tliut
lie had Just 'eached the city from ltul
nuir, N. J. I nigmentury letters found
upon lii" pi r"M toll incoherently of
iiniu crime of which he has been Be
en ted, mid of which he declared ho was
innocent. Tliu mini halted neur the
railing, dropped a small valise lie cur
ried Hiid Hhot lilniHiilf in the motitli will)
n 44-raliber revolver. Hit placed the
muzzle in Ids month, and the bullet
pUSSed OUt Ht tilt! IlllCk Of IliM Ill-Mill, kill
ing li i in instantly.
.Many .lupaneae Wounded.
Ijinihin, Sept. 7. The Shanghai cor
reHpondt'iit of the Central news says tluit
Olori, the Japanese minister to Corea,
has taken extreme measures to move the
king of Corea to grant a comprehensive
railway concession in favur of Jupaiiese
contractors, lit is trying also to obtain
exclusive milling rights for the Japanese.
IVspite Japanese denials that there has
beou a general engagement, many
woiinileil ur arriving at Seoul. It 1b
impossible to learn from the Japanese
ttmrcea whether they were injured in
skirmishes or in a pitched battle. The
Coreans attacked BO Japanese foragers
recently and captured 30, hantling thum
over tu the Chinese. The troop" now
coming from Japan are landed at Che
mulpo. Twelve mountain guns B,K'
mortars have lieen taken ashore at that
port. The Chinese fleet was at Wei-llai-Wel
September 4tb, and the Japan
ese wan olf the southern coast of Corea.
Captain von Ilunneken Iihh been ap
pointed to inspect the CliiucHe coast
Auutlinru 1'acilllr Tralnwraok.
Tkiiaciiaiu, Cal., Sept. 7. A colliHion
took place on the Southern Pacific ruil
roatl about flfteeu inilei) north of thin
place thin morning between nnrth-liound
passenger train No. 20 and south-bound
freight No. "'.. Particulars cannot be
olilaint'd further than that fifteen curs
were badly smashed up. No puBseiigors
were injured beyond a shaking up.
Kireinan lleli, of the freight train, was
hurt slightly. The accident is said to
have been due to the failure of the pas
senger train to wait for No. 23 as or
Hh!tmant of flour tu China.
Sam Fkancihco, Sept. ".There in a
greut rush of work at the Pacific Mail
dock at present, principally due to large
shipments of flour to China. The river
teamem Alary Garrett and T. C. Walker
were at tlio dock yesterday unloading
large cargoes of flour. The Bolgio will
take out a very heavy cargo. Stevedores
will work day and night unloading ami
loading the Ilulgic, which w ill tail Satur
day. Aceldanta In a Kof.
Nkw Vohk, Sept. 7. A dense fog this
morning caused numerous accidents in
this vicinity. An engine at the JerBey
Central dashed into a disabled passen
ger train, and the passengers were
shaken up. The baggage master was
seriously injured. A schooner crashed
Into the S la ton island ferry-boat in the
Lay, but was only slightly damaged.
The Brooklyn ferry-boats I'ierpont mid
Whitehall collided at tiie pier.
Tarty of Indiana llurnetl.
Pokkuama, Minn., Sept. 7. The
bodies of twenty-three Chippewa Indi
ans lie upon the baketl sands between
Lore and Ops lead, a small settlement on
the eastern shore of Mllle Lacs. The
news was brought by courier. The In
dians left the reservation two months
ago, and built a hunting lodge on the
'ork of Shadridge creek, Chetf Wau
cota, "big chief" of the party, perished
with his followers.
Mi I a baa Taken lly Surprise.
London, Sept. 7. A Shanghai dispatch
ys it is stated a strong force of Japan
ese troops have occupied an island In
Society bay. The Chinese were taken
completely by surprise and tillered no
opposition. It is believed the intention
f the Japanese is to hold it for the
basis of operations fur an attack upon
I'ort Arthiii and other Chinese ports.
Arthur I.angell Hhot.
IIi.amatii Falls, Or., Sept. S. Arthur
Langell, a wealthy pioneer CHttle man
and rancher, well known in Southern
Oregon and brother of Nut Langell, ex-internal
revenue collector for the southern
district, was shot and probably mortally
wounded last night near bis big ranch in
Lungull valley, this enmity. The deed
was committed by Frank Swingle, a
neighboring cattle raiser. Particulars
are hard to obtain, but a courier, who
arrived here this morning, states that
Swingle had driven a band of cattle on a
piece of land he had rented, but which
bad been fenced by I.angell. While en
gaged in tending the cuttle, I.angell rode
tlown on Swingle, yelling, "I will kill
you," and brandished a hatchet. Swin
gle warned him to stop, and as Luitgell
puid no heed, Swingle shot him. The
latter then gave himself up. The only
witness was Swingle's 7-year-old son.
Kxcitement runs bii'h here, for Langell
was a prominent and respected citizen.
Twu Unit Mail Klllml Katih Other.
licitNH, Or., Sept. 8. Last Thursday
night, In Scott Bailey's saloon, Fit Glaze
and Dud Howard shot and instantly
killed each other. Their trouble grew
out of a dispute' over a horserace on the
Burns track. Doth men bad made
records of their kind. Glaze bad killed
his man at I'rinevilie where be formerly
lived, anil Howard bis while temporally
absent. Also it is said, be served in the
Oregon penitentiary. Jake Parker,
jockey for Glaze, is under arrest as an
accomplice. A coroner's inquest was
held. Justice of the peace W. C. Bryd
acted as coroner, and V. L. Mursden,M.
I)., made an autopsy of the body of
Howard in the presence of the jury.
Tiie town is quiet. No further troble is
anticipated, and the race programme is
being carried out,
ftal vailorxaua Making Threata.
Wahainoton, Sept. 8. Failing to get
the United States to accede to their de
mands for the extradition of Benning
ton's refugees, some friends of the Sal
vadorean government have begun to
threaten to take the life of Lieutenant
F. W. Coflin. of the United States navy,
an officer of the Bennington, on account
of the friendliness be has shown to the
refugees. The navy department has
just received from Commander Thomas,
of the Bennington, a report inclosing a
letter containing threata which Lieuten
ant Coflin received. Keur Admiral
numsay refused to give a correspondent
the report for publication, saying it had
como to the department only for its in
formation. Waa Not the I'holara.
Washington, Sept. 8. Passed Assist
ant Surgeon Gmldings baB returned from
Cumberland, Md., and reports to the
surgeon-general that a bacteriological
examination made by him of the body
of the cholera suspect, Walker, bIiows
the man did not tiie of cholera, lie
died from eating improperly cooked
Ammunition Hhlppad.
Nkw Havkn, Sept. 7. The Winchester
Kciieuting Arms Company of this city
has just completed and shipped to the
Chinese government 1,000,001) rounds of
ammunition. It was sent by rail to the
Pari lie coast.
Four nf the Craw Klllnti.
Port Lormic, Mauritius, Sept. 7 The
British steamer Tannandie, trading be
tween Mauritus and Bombay, has put
buck here with her boiler burst. Four
of the crew were killed.
l.a Orleiie.
During the prevalence of the gripie
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who deluded upon lr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped ail of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la erippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and bus cured
cases of asthma and bay fever of long
standing. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottlos at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store.
Husband (meekly) This is the fourth
time this week we have had tinned beef
and cabbage, Maria, and I'm just a lit
tle tired of it. His wife I'm sure,
Thomas, you're very unreasonable.
You know I've had to correct the proof
sheets of my new book "One Hundred
Daily Dinners." Tib-Bits.
Irving W. Lslmore, physical director
of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says
he can conscientiously recommend
Chamberlain's Pain Balms to athletes,
gymnasts, bicyclists, foot ball players
anil the profession in;generul for bruises,
sprains and dislocHi Ions; also for sore
ness and stiffness of the muscles. When
applied before Hie parts become swollen
it will elb ct a cure in one half the time
usually reunir. d. For Sale by Blakeley &
Houghton I'muiti-i.
Admiral Ting Deprived of
His Command.
The Count f Tarla, the Head of the
Ilnyal House of Franee, Died
Saturday Mornlna;.
I'olltlra In Loulalana.
Nxw York, Sept. 8. A Washington
special to the Sun says : The bolt of
sugar planters and others interested in
sugar is likely to caise many political
complications and revolutions in Louis
iana, and no one can foretell the future.
Each day it becomes more and more
evident that tbe break is an irremedia
ble one and that the bolters have carried
with them nearly all the sugar interests
of tbe state. Here and there a promi
nent planter announces bis intention to
stick by the national democracy. State
Senator Dudley Avery stopped the re
volt in Iberia parish, and State Senator
Shaeffer, of Terre Bonne, declares that
be will remain a democratic represents
tive. Dymond of Plaquemines refuses
to go over to tbe republican camp, but
will remain a protection democrat.
Congressman Andrew Price, it is said by
bis friends, will remain with tbe demo
crats and will probably be the democratic
candidate iu tbe third district against
tbe candidate of new republicans. He
is the strongest man they can put up
With these exceptions nearly all tbe
prominent planters and other sugar men
have gone over, apparently forever, to
tbe republicans. They control probably
60,000 votes which have usually been
given to the democratic ticket, and if
they can get these votes counted they
will carry three congressional districts
and render the state very close, if not
republican, on the presidential contest.
Great interest is ielt in tbe attitude of
Governor Foster. . Both be and Senator
Caffery come from 6t. Mary, tbe largest
sugar parish in Louisiana, which Beems
to have gone heartily into this new re
publican movement. It Is well under
stood that, although some of tbe bolters
contributed largely to the election of
Governor Foster, he will take a strong
position against the movement. It is
urged by the stalwarts that he ought to
remove from office all his appointees who
have become republicans this week, as
it is impossible, they say, to bea national
republican and state democrat at tbe
same time. Tbe bolters expect to lie re
moved, but say that in Ascension parish,
for instance, which usually gives 4000
democratic majority, it will be impossi
ble for the governor to find enough men
of standing clinging to the national
democratic party to fill the offices. The
leading paper here opposes tbe new
movement and has denounced it as tbe
greatest political folly ever committed.
What caused the bolt was the passage of
tbe free sugar bill in the house, and the
refusal to pay tbe due and earned
bounty. Tbe old-time republicans are
a great deal staggered at their sudden
accession of strength. The leaders ap
pear to welcome it, but it is difficult to
say just how the party organization will
be retained.
Admiral Ting Degraded for Cowardice
and Incapacity.
SiiANtiiiAi, Sept. 8. It is reported
that Admiral Ting, commander of the
Pei Yang squadron, has been degraded
for cowardice and incapacity, and that
ho has been deprived of the peacock
feather and ordered to leave the fleet
and take a shore command. The native
papers say that Li Hung Chang is work
ing to procure the mediation of England
and Kussia in the war with Japan. The
emperor and the dowager empress are,
it is said, furious at the suggestion, and
refuse to listen to it. The country
around Peking is flooded with orders,
given by thegovernment, not to attempt
to lower the waters on the Plane. This
is in order to prevent a Japanese ad
vance. Advices from New Chwang,
China, say that September 1st the
British steamer Fetung, which was
taking on the cargo for Japan, was or
dered to stop the work of loading by the
authorities. September 2nd twelve
Japanese women and the Japanese
counsel went on the vessel In distress.
All the hoiiBes of tbe women had been
destroyed and they had been robbed
and maltreated by the Chinese soldiers.
The women had been rescued and hid
den by Europeans until they could be
sent aboard the vessel. They were
taken to the vessel two at time in dis
guise. The steamer was soon surround
ed by boats full of Chinese, seeking to
capture the refugees. Two soldiers act
ually boarded the vessel, but were
quickly ejected. No further attempt to
board her was made. On the afternoon
of tbe 2nd a military official came to tbe
steamer and advised thut she leave port
the same night, otherwise the authori
ties might be unable to prevent tronble.
Word has not been received of the ar
rival of tbe steamer at Kobe, Japan.
Mr. O'Connor, the British minister, has
returned to Peking.
Count of Tarla Dead.
London, Sept. 8. The Compte de
Paris died at 9 o'clock this morning at
the Stowc house. During the night tbe
count several times appeared to have
paused away, so feeble was his pulse.
Dr. Pecomier had the most extreme
difficulty frequently in feeling the light
beats of the heart, and the weakness of
the distinguished sufferer daring the
last hours of Kiokness was so great he
was unable to Epeak, although he suc
ceeded in making it appear that he de
Bired to utter a few more words of fare
vell to those around. The family and
old servants were all in attendance, and
to each one the bead of the royal house
of France feebly said a few additional
kind words of farewell, after which the
family knelt at the bedside and offered
np hearfelt prayers for the dying. He
rarely, however referred to his approach
ing death, always trying to soothe the
sorrow of those around him. Now and
then a deep sigh would escape from the
sufferer, and hff vrould matter a phrase,
oft repeated during the past, week, "Ceat
bien long," equivalent to saying he was
very weary of waiting for death.
Le Gaulois says a council of ministers
will be held to discuss the Question of
permitting the interment of tbe Count
of Paris at Dreux, should tbe family re
quest it.
A Dlaaatroua Fire.
Mabsilon, O., Sept. 10. Twenty
acres in tbe heart of Dalton, Or., were
devastated by fire between 2 o'clock and
daylight this morning. Over 50 houses
were destroyed, and the loss is beyond
computation ; insurance almost nothing.
Assistance was sent by special trains
from MasBillon, Orville and Canton.
The village water supply was soon ex
hausted and wells and cisterns emptied.
Early in tbe morning rain began to fall
and tbe flames died out. Tbe fire is
supposed to be incendiary.
The fire originated in a stable where
tramps were making their quarters.
The loss is estimated at $200,000. The
streets are filled with homeless women
and children.
To Mucceed Caslmlr-Perler.
Pabib' Sept. 10. The election of the
member of the chamber of deputies to
represent Nogent-Sur-Seine in succession
to M. Cassimir-Perier, recently elected
president, took place yesterday. The
result was M. Edmund Robert, moderate
republican, 40bo ; M. Bachimont, radical,
3361; M.Paul, socialist, 1183. As M.
Bacbimout did not obtain a majority
over his two opponents, a second ballot
is neceesaryj
An Old Man Drowned.
Santa, Cklu, Cal., Sept. 10. An old
man named Samuel Beutley, a resident
of this place, while fishing on the bank,
was washed off the rocks near View de
Liew, this morning and drowned. A
companion jumped Ln after him. He
neary lost his life, and was with diffi
culty rescue
The Fope aa a Mediator.
London, Sept. 10. A special dispatch
from Koine says the pope is said to have
expressed a wish to arrange the troubles
betweeu China and Japan, but was pre
vented by F'rauce, who feared the inter
vention of the church would undo the
work F'rauce was carrying on in the
A Waterapout In Oklahoma.
Pkrry, O. T., Sept. 10. This vicinity
was visited by two waterspouts last
night. Many business houses were in
undated and in the lowlands many
homes filled with water and the inmatti
compelled to wade out. In some streets
the water was waist deep.
Drank Folaoned Water.
Piedmont, Ala., Sept. 10. Two mem
bers of the family of Ed. Downs have
died from drinkiug water out of
poisoned well, and two more are not ex
pected to recover. Andrew Finley, a
discharged servant, has been arrested,
charged with poisoning the well.
Won't Uo Hack to Saliador.
Sam Francisco, Sept. 10. General
Colocho, one of the Salvadorean refugees,
who was dismissed by Judge Morrow
last week, has left for the City of Mexico
on his way to Acapulco, where he will
reside with his family, whom he will
meet there.
Killed Meraeir With Uaa.
Nkw York, Sept. 10. Emma Anmann
the common-law wife of Billy Plimmer,
champion bantam-weight pugilist, com
mitted suicide at a Coney Island hotel
early today by inhaling gas.
Frightful Accident on an
Express Train.
Two lple Killed ly Drinking Water
From a I'olaoned Well--An Old
Couple Asphyxiated by Oaa.
Paris, Sept. 10. The disaster to the
Paris and Cologne express train at Apili,
between Noyon and Chauny, yesterday,
was more serious than at first supposed.
The first estimates placed the number
of persons killed at 10, with 20 injured.
Twelve bodies have already been taken
from the wreck. The accident was due
to the slow shunting of a freight train at
Apilli. The engineer of the express saw
the cars on the line and reversed the en
gine. The shock of the collision was
borne by three front cars. As soon as
the accident became known a priest and
others hurried to the railroad station,
and did everything to assist the dying
and injured. The report that the station
master at Apilli had committed suicide
by jumping in front of the express train
when he saw tbe collision was inevitable,
tarns out incorrect. The station master
ran along the track to signal tbe express
and the freight train, and was caught
between the two trains and killed. It
seems certain there were Americans
among the killed or injured.
Plot For a Dime Morel.
Paris, Sept. 10. The judicial authori
ties of St. Quentin are at present en
gaged in investigating a most extraordi
nary affair. In 1873 a foreigner was
found lying in the street with a ballet
wound in his head and was brought to
the hospital, where be stated that he
had been a cashier in a New York bank,
and had absconded with $60,000. Be
lieving that the Paris police were on his
track, he bad taken tbe train to Hergnier,
and finally in despair, he had attempted
to take bis own life. Next day fever set
in, and he died shortly afterward. His
clothes, which were much the worse
for wear, were destroyed, but one of the
nurses saved the upper leathers of his
boots, which were in fairly good condi
tion. For 21 years they lay in a cupboard
where they were found by a man named
Mennechet, employed in the hospital,
who asked leave to take them. It was
granted, and he carried them off, little
imagining that he had secured a valu
able prize, but such was the case. They
were lined with papers which proved to
be scrip, and Mennechet, who is a mili
tant socialist, commissioned one of his
political friends to negotiate the bonds
in Loudon. The man recently returned
witli the money, and the authorities,
having got wind ot the matter, are seek
ing to discover what has become of it.
A Bucceaaful tturglary.
Clarion, Pa., Sept. 10. F. W. Collner
& Co., general storekeepers at St. Peters
burg, this county, were robbed Saturday
of f70,000 in bonds, notes and ca?h.
Tbe theft was kept secret, in hope of
catching tbe guilty persons disposing of
some of tbe papers. Saturday night the
store was closed at 10 o'clock. Four
members of the firm, the bookkeeper
and clerk finished balancing the books,
counted the cash, and after putting the
latter into tin boxees locked the store
and went across the street. In ten min
utes they returned to the store door,
which they had locked securely. It was
standing wide open, and the tin boxes
containing bonds for friO.OOO, checks and
promissory notes for $5,000 and over in
cash were gone. A search of the
premises showed that some one had
been concealed in the store and as soon
as the force had left grabbed the boxes
and followed, unlocking the door from
the inside.
Ughtnlua; Made the Dumb peak.
Winfikld, L. I., Sept. 10. A house be
longing to John Zelinka, of this village,
was struck by lightning during the
storm Saturday night. A bolt went
through a two-foot brick wall into the
dining room where Mr. Zelinka, a neigh
bor and Mrs. Fisher, a visitor, were dis
cussing the storm. It seemed to pass be
tween Mrs. Fisher and her 13-year-old
daughter Mary, who had been deaf and
Highest of ail in Leavening
dumb for over eight years. Sirs. Fisher
and her daughter sat motionless for
several seconds, when the little girl got
up and pointing her finger to her ear,
said, "Mamma, I beard that let us go
home." This is the first time, it is said,
that she has spoken since an attack of
scarlet fever left her deaf and speechless.
Compelled to Kill Their Horaea for
London, Sept. 10. A Shanghai dis
patch says the Chinese transport Chean
while proceeding to Formosa with 1400
troops was wrecked at Chetang. The
soldiers and crew were saved. Chinese
officials attempting to board a French
mail steamer at the wharf at Shanghai
to search for Japanese passengers, but
the captain threatened to call a French
warship, and they disiated.
Three powerful China warships have
gone to the Gulf of Pe-Chi-Li, to join the
Northern Squadron.
Another Shanghai dispatch says the
Chinese forces in the northern part of
Corea are hemmed in by Japanese and
their supplies cut ofT. The Chinese were
compelled to kill their horses for food.
The Japanese have discharged all the
foreigners employed at the dock yard, it
is said, to conceal the damage to the ships
iu the recent engagement with China.
A large force of Japanese are about to
embark at Hiroshima for the seat of war.
Took the Oaa Route.
Chicago, Sept. 10. George Rolands
and wife, old and prominent citizens of
Ravenswood, were found dead in bed to
day, having been asphyxiated. A gas
jet was found wide open.
The .Reported Maaaacre.
El Paso, Tex., Sept. 10. Nothing is
known here concerning the reported
massacre of the government surveying
party. Only one party is out, and it is
about 30 miles from Harqua Hala, Ariz.
Is that what troubles you? Then it's
easily and promptly remedied by Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
the system perfectly. Take one for a
gentle laxative or corrective; three for s
If you suffer from Constipation, In
digestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bil
lons Headaches, or any derangement of
the liver, stomach, or bowels, try these
little Pellets. They bring a permanent
cure. Instead of shocking and weaken
ing the system with violence, like the
ordinary pills, they act in a perfectly
easy and natural way. They're the-
smallest, the easiest to take and the
cheapest, for they're guaranteed to giver
satisfaction, or your money is returned.
The cleansing, antiseptic and healing
qualities of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
are unequaled.
Mistresi Did y-iu tell the lady I was
out? Ward Yes, ma'am. Mistress
Did she seem to have any doubts about
it? Ward No, ma'am. She said she
knew you wasn't. Harlem Life.
A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of
Kugene, Or., says his wife has for years
been troubled with chronic diarrhoea
and used many remedies with little relief
until she tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, which
has cured her sound and well. Give it
a trial and you will be surprised at the
prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton
Druggists. Five Dollara lUnnril.
Strayed from my west pasture, one
iron-grey horse, branded (half circle)
on left shoulder aiul two S's crossed on
right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore
on left ribs; foretop roached buck to the
place for halter. Probably went tow
ards Tygh Ridge. Will give $5 reward
for his return to me at my ranch, or a
liberal reward for any information lead
ing to his recovery.
A. 8. Roberts,
lru Prospect Ranch.
The Opposite. Jones (facetiously)
Gota wifeat last, eh? Smith (solemnly)
No, my wife got a husband at last.
Fashionable Invalid I came here for
hay fever you know. Irascible Bachelor
Well, you've got it, haven't you?
"Did Canter use his money on fast
horses?" "No, sir : it was the slow ones
that got away with it." Chicago Inter
Ocean. Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report