The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 08, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
Snentd at the Puatofflce at Toe Italic. Orvgon
aa wcond-cUu matter.
fit montSa
Three montha W
AJTfrtlMii nln muouable, and made known
M application.
Addreaa all rommmiic-atlona to"THE I'KKON
ICLK," The ballca. Oivkuu.
Tke Daily and Wrtkly Chronicle may
tv found on tale at I. V. Xicktltn'$ $lort.
TtUphone So. 1.
Friday, Sept. 7. There has been but
little change in the business situation
during the week, and prices of staple
remain steady. Supir is stronger with a
tendency towards higher prices.
The provision market is active with
quotations unvarying. Country produce
of all kinds is abundant and prices cor
respondingly low. Potatoes bring 50 to
7b cents per 100 pounds, prices being
governed by quality. There is a prom
ise of better prices, if railroad charges
will permit shipments to the East, where
the shortage is heavy.
The market is overstocked with fruit
and prices are not named. Teaches
range from 25 to 50 cents per box.
Apples and pears from 25 to 40 cents.
The melon crop is an excellent one
both as to quality and quantity, the
abundance bringing price to a very low
point. A great many melons have been
hipped, relieving the glut on the local
market, but they are at prices where
everybody can eat them.
There is no change in poultry, broilers
bring from $1.25 to $1.50 and old fowls
from $2 to $2.25 per dozen.
The meat market is at bedrock prices.
Beef $1.50 to $2 per hundred. Mutton
the same and pork 31.. cents all gross
The wheat season has hardly com
menced here. The mills are paying 32
cents per bushel for choice grade, but
the market price for the crop will not go
beyond 30 cents, while some has been
old as low as 2S. The West Coast
Trade says :
"The wheat situation is still a matter
of conjecture. Buyers are very reticent
about giving information before the
market fairly opens, and the price re
mains unchanged, with no prospect of a
raise unless something unforeseen should
arise. The war in the East does not
eeem to affect the market very materially,
yet a slight rise was noticed in the
European market a few days ago, which
very soon subsided and carried with it
tome of the strength the market had
manifested during former reverses. One
of the hopeful features, however, is the
resumption of charters, which showjs
that it matters not what those who have
a corner on the crop propose to do. a
considerable amount of Washington
wheat will find its way into the foreign
market. It is reasonably certain that a
large per cent of the crop will leave first
bands very soon after it is threshed, and
as the storage capacity is not sufficient
on the Pacific coast to hold the entire
crop tributary to it, the movement of a
portion at least to the centers of con
sumption is the only alternative. The
decline in European markets leaves the
local situation without encouragement,
and there is nothing to do but watch
and wait."
The wool teaon is about over but
prices remain unchanged, running from
7 to 9 cente, according to grade. Most
of the clip has been shipped.
Wheat 30 to 31c per bu.
Barley Prices are up to 50 to 60c
cents per 100 lbs.
Oats The oat market is light at 60
to ou cents per 100 lbs.
otter. $5; fisher, tVto Mj: silver gray ,
fox, $t0cf$2o; ml fox, $1 2A; grey fox
$2 50r$3: martin, $1($1 25; mink,
SOi-urooc; coon, 50c; coyote, ftOei.t 75c. '
Gbain Baoh 6l4 to 5l. each.
Hill Allowed.
It 40
5 50 !
5 20 '
1 25 I
4H 11
:! 0tl
5 85 !
2 20'
The following bills were allowed by
the city council at the regular meeting
Tuesday night;
IXmgla Dtifur, recorder 75 0
Jas H ltlukeney, marshal
Geo J Brown, eug tire ilept
W A Maddron, street commsr. .
I I llurget, treasurer
John lilaser, tire warden
Timet-Mountaineer, printing. .
C G Munson, sawing wood
Mavs it Crowe, mde
Dalles El Lt, Tel & V Co, lights
tire do pt
Jos T Peters & Co, wood
Win McCrum, labor
Farley & Frank, mdse
Dalles I.uwb Co. mdse
Jos T Peters it Co. nidse
Mays Jt Crowe, nuise . .
J L Thompson, lalior
J Like, labor 52 00
X Eaton, lalwr S 00
Bert Eaton, labor 7 00
E Kiggs, lalior 10 SO
I, S Richardson, labor 1 00 :
F Fieper, labor 1 80 ;
Alex S Cathcart, hauling 27 00 :
Dulles El l.t, Tel & P Co, street
lights 240 00
Dalles El Lt, Tel & P Co, othce
D W Vance, mdse
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph
Co, telephone rent
Dalles City Water Works, water
rent . . ."
Chronicle Pub Co, printing ....
Maier A Benton, mdse
Mays & Crowe, unlse ...
L P OMlund, special police
M Finch, special police
Prinz & Xitschke, uidse
M T Hanceck, special police . .
T T Xicholas, feeding prisoners.
K V Gibons, uight watchman. .
F G Connelly, night watchman
sn oo V.J4
iM 00 1 1 1!
10 oo ,A
.s' k m
4 ,
5 40
2 70;
2 00
32 00 1
7 oo ;
5 50 i
1 U0!
2 50 ;
2 50 ,
4 25 i
2 50 1
40 71 !
60 oo ;
00 00'
French Troops Konteil,
Pabis, Sept. 0. A Morocco dispatch
says the troops commanded by the j
sheriff of Lamerean, while en route to;
Marakes with the object of subduing '
some rebellious tribes, were completely j
routed at Tadian. I
In tiint' to any irregularity of the
Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may
prevent serious
COIiM'qtl l' n cos.
costive lies s,
headache, nau
sea, bilious.
ami ver-indicate
celt a in func
tional ileraiiiie
nielits, the boat
fi I remedy t r
which is Ayer's Pills. Purely vege
table, sujiar-onatiMl, easy to take and
itick to assimilate, this is the ideal
V.inily miHlieiiif the most popwlar,
jafe, mid useful aperient in phar
macy. Mrs. M. A. lliiiu'KWKi.L,
Harris, Temi., says:
"Ayer's Cathartic Pills cured men! l'k
headache ami my liusliand of neuralgia. We
think there Is
No Better Medicine,
ail have Induced many to use It.
"Thirty-five years as this Sprint:, was
run ilown hy hard work anil a vieeelm u(
coMs. which made me so (eetilc that ll vtus
ait effort for me to walk. I ooinulnd the
doctors, but kept sinking lower uiilll 1 had
given up all iiok of ever lieing hotter.
llapKiiinc to he In a store, one day. where
medicines were sold, the proprietor nntl.-ed
my weak and sickly apiearanee. and. alter
a few questions as to my health, recom
mended nie to try Ayr' Tills. 1 had little
faith In these or any other medicine, hut
concluded, at lat. to take his advice and try
a box. before I had used Ihem all. 1 was
very much better, ami two boxes cured me.
am now So years old; but I leieve that
If tl had not been for Ayer's fills, I should
have been in my grave long ai;o. I bu 6
boxes every year, which make 210 loxes up
to Uiis time, and I would no more be with
out them than without bread." II. I!
Ingraham, Rockland, Me.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowtll, Mau.
Every Dose Effective
a a. a. jtfkv r. sK jK. JK.-... j. a
Saturday, Sept. 8th.
,T, .-Ti Ti lTi 4
SALE. t T t 1
Remnant Dav.
Low Prices
Perhaps you will find something of interest.
Clothing Workers Mtrika.
New Yohk, Sept. 6. The striking
clothing workers continue to wage a
fight apuni-t the sweating system. A
Amy I remember vour friend Clare
married Mr. Nicotine so as to reform
hitn. He was such an intemperate
smoker. How did she succeed? Joe
Perfectly. He gave up tobocco entirely
number uf firms settled with the strikers ; nn" looK loilrink. Arkansas traveler.
todav un terms favorable to the men.
They Are Mot Contaminated by Western
j "You heartless ifirl, how could you re
jject Mr. Illimber?" Kditb How did
! you know I had? "I met him just as he
1 trot lull-in.. I.A t.w.1.,.,1 ... :.-..!-.
ClTllilHtloO ' "-..iJ6, mm luunru BU raillHIlllJr
The superstition of the Turks is no- j '"l'Py "-Chicago Inter Ocean.
the "evil eve." Jhit. placed around r ) ' u t
the edffe of the roof, or an old shoe j I)uiley evening? Kate-
filled with frarlic and beets (blue plans w '''. he held Miss Dullie'a bead so long
balls or ring's) are a sure guard against j on his shoulder that he wore her hat
this illusion. W henever a pretty child home bv mistake. Judge.
U playing upon the street the passer- j '
by will say: "Oh, what an uiflv ! Angelina (to her new betrothed) O
child!- for fear of inciting the evil ! Kdwin, there's such a g.jod-looking girl
.pu.K.iu u ueumy. ine peasant ; j(, ,ja von - IX, look ! Kdwin
classes in Turkey are. of course, the I , ,. , , . v. .
most superstitious, because thevarc-the i ' or1"d look, Now- dar-
most ignorant. They have no educa- ; Imy New ork Ledger.
tion whatever, and can neither read j v . ,. D . T. . .
nor write. Ntamboul is the onlv great I "0V-U-V l'-
city of which they know. Paris is a c,lllar sensation to be hypnotized. Clark
term signifying the whole outside I understand that you feel about the
world. An American missionary was same as you do when your wife makes
once asked: "In what part of Paris is I up her mind. Puck.
America?' Yet it can be said that I
that they are generally honest and al- Topsv Mamma, ought I to be kind to
wavs patient. Hiev earn alwuit six to .1 ,i r. . i -,
iht..nt. .i Z hecit? Mamma-Certauily, my child.
them with ekmeic end pilafT. and that i U ,,V 'lo you sfk? Topsy Because I've
is all they expect. They eat meat only 1 11 a" tlie cream, and there's none
on feast days, and then only mutton. ! f"r t-n. Tid-I'.its.
Tlie tax gatherer is their only griev- ! '
ance; they look upon him as a necessa- ""mley Alvah Avers has a great
r'limimnt t the nminwiiil of a writ of exvu
tion lul nut of the I irrult Court of thsutc
of Drvituii for Waaeo (ountv In a an It then-ln
lenitinx wherein L. L. MH'artney i plalntlft
iikI John AcUnw and (', K. Ilalirht are lo(rinl
anta, dattnl Aukiiii Al, lwtl. roinnillliiir me to
aWI all the rixht. tttlr ani InU'reat of aaiil dr.
fenitanta ami earh of thpui In anil to th uth
east quarter of arrtlon lilm'.lowiiahip two aoiith,
of ranv lourteen eat, . M., to aiitulv the "inn
of ftui.m and Intt-rrat thcrvon lnmi Jmie jiith,
IssH, at the ratuof ten per cnt wr annum and
the further mm of $'.j.uo attorney a teea and the
um of coat and dlotirKrmeiiU, due to
aid plaintlll from aaid deleudallt John Adams,
and to apply the aurnlua It any In tnient of
the sum of 1 11 ;..V and In term t thereon at the
rate of ten percent, brr aiinuni from aaltl Jim
Jiith, 1HU, and llv 'W attorneva fw. due from the
defendant John Adama to the defendant ('. K.
liaunt. I win, on hatunlav the th dav of ienl-
ember, 1V.M. at the hour of 2 o clork In the alter
noon, at the rourthoiiMe door In llallea cttv,
Oregon, aell all of aaul above deM-rlhet real
nr. .iHTtv at public aale to the hiirhcot hidiler lor
eaan in naod.
aui(l 5t.
T. J. I)KI Kit.
Sheriff of Waaco County, or.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
HuceeMHir to Thonibury it lludaon,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR.
Uriinley lies going to organize a
ociety for the reform of reformers.
Flock Diamond brand at $2 50 per
bbl. per ton and t- "3 per bbl. letail.
Hay Timothy hay ranges in price
from J0 to $12 per ton, according to
quality and condition. Wheat hay is
in fnll stock on a limited demand at
$7 60 to 8 .50 per ton.
Potatoes 50 to 7-" cent per 100 lbs.
BrrrTEH Fresh roll butter at 35 to 50
cents :r roll.
Eoos Good fresh eggs sell at 1.3'a to
I'ocltry lioou fowls are quoted at
$1.25 to $2.25 per dozen, turkeys 8 cents
per lb.
Bgar 4t Mcttos Beef cattie are in
lees demand at 1.50 per 100
weight gross to $2.00 for extra good.
Mutton is now quoted at 1 2 to 2 cents
per lb. gross. Pork offerings are light
and prices are nominal gross
weight at 3K2 cents dressed.
Coffee Costa P.ica, is quoted at 24c
per lb., by the sack, fcalvadore, 23ic.
Arbuckles, 25c.
SroAB Golden C. in bbls or tack ,
$5 73; Extra C, 00; Dry granulated
$6 60. D. G., in 30 lb boxes, $2 75. Kx
C, V 25. GC $2 00.
Rice Japan rice, 6ji7c; Island,
rice, 7 ct.
Bea Small whites, 4J(S5c;
Pink, 4ic per 100 lbs.
Syecf $2 50 to $3 00 n keg.
Salt Liverpool, 601b sk, &jc; 1001b
k, $1 00; 2001b sk, $2 00. tock salt,
$10 per ton.
SuLPHua 2 cents per pound.
IIinEs Are qnoted as follows: Dry,
2,'4c lb; green, l',j.
ryevil. They have no Idea of being scheme on foet. Bloomer What is it?
grounu uown under the oppressor's
iron heel. Yet they are happy because
they arc contented and have no envv.
The poorer, the more ignorant a Turk
is the better he seems to be. As he
pets monoy and power, and becomes
"contaminated'' by western civiliza
tion he deteriorates.
I t". i. Laxd Orrica, The Dnllea, Or., I
i Juiy 21, wji. i
! Complaint bavin been entered at thlsofln'o
j by Krank Malone nni nat John redt for ahan
: rloniiiir hia homestead enlrv. No. i:lc. di.l
The Spccdr Animal atrans a Railway ' M'"!h "-'i: "P"n l"e Ki, htV'4,NW; HW'4
Loeou.otiT. In a har-n.le Iwu. 1 H"1 ".V ' VV s''- "'v1!- K lK K. '
. ,. , ! ounty, Oregon, with a view to the en n
Anyone who tlilllks a mse can't j eciutioti of anid entry, the aaid partiea are here
travel at a prettv Jivelv trait is very i '.'v "'""""''l t api-ar at thioiti-e on the r.uh
.-i . ' i T. . .. . ,J,I' of eeptember. lvl. at lo o'clock a. m.. lo
mucn mistaken. a St. Paul I re.nd and imiih tttim..iiv eoneeruliiir aaid
man to the St. Louis ilol-Ih-mocrat I alanilom,i t. K. M. Hhutt, f. h. i.oin-
tlw. r.(l,..e .ln I ..t...l i '"'-"oher, l authorildl to taie teatinrnnv at
the other day. I used to be a loco- Aut. I..,-, opkoii, on m-ptember uth, li, at
tiuiic cii.u'uiet.T up in me norinern ; " v UI-
Administrator's Sale.
Notice i hereby rtrm that bv an order of the
County Court of the Mato of Orevou heretofore
made, th undenocui-d have been dulv apiMlut-
el. and are now the liiallhed nnd actinic admin-
iitratora of the etuteof lleurv A. l
All persona having- elalrnn arninat theabova-
named deceaued are hereby notlhed to preaent
their clatuiv, wltii the proia-r vouehera, to u at
theoflieeof l.elie Hutler, in Maaonic bulldinir.
aiiea i ny, umtnii, or J. Armour, ll.aal
River. Or., within alx month from the datoof
thia notice and all peraona ludebteil to aaid e
late are herebv r.iiuireil to aetlle audi ludebt.
dlneaa forlhwltii.
Kalwl at Kallea Cltv. Or., al Iliaat Hiver. thla
10th day of AuU't.
J. F. AltMOl K.
AdminlKtratora of thewtateof lltnry A. 1'ratt,
deceaaed. S I l ot
I". S. Laxd OrrtcE. The Dallea. Or.,(
Aiixuat II, Iwil. 1
Notice ia hereby lvn that the folluwinK
nameil aettler haa flll notiei-of hla intention
to maltn Dual pnif in tupportot bi.i elilm, and
that aaid ppaf will be blade before the rKl"ter
and rweiver of the I', w. ljimt ofllce at The
lallea. Or., on h?pt. 1m,, via:
Alvln K. Lake,
If. E. No. 4.",I2, for the NWi;, NK1:, e'er. 11,
AS 'i, HK'.' and K', SV!, W. 2fi, T 4 fi, K II K.
lie nainea the followinit witnevaea to prove Ilia
rontinuoua residence upon and cultivation of
aahl land, viz.:
J. It. WiKie.iek, I. D. Driver, S. (i.
Wamlc; T. J. inner, of Hie lallea.
jau. r. Mfioig-:,
Kui Hlxr.
If you want Information eonremtiiE (lovern.
ment landi.or the lnwa relatlnir thereui, yon can
conaillt him free of chanre. He haa maile a ape
eialty of thla bualneaa, and haa prartienl belore
the United tttatra Land Offlee (or over ten yeara.
He la Airent for the KaiU-ni OreK,)ii Uiui
Company, and can aell you lirailnx. tr I n
Improved Arrlcullural Lauda In anv iiiantity
dealreii, and will aeud a Pamphlet litwilhliiK
theae landa U) anyone applylux Ui him lor 11.
He la Arent for aale of lota in TlloKrot' aboi
tion to The lallea. Thla Addition la laid oft III
acre lol, and to be the principal m.
deueepartof the city. Oulv ai mlniitea' walU
from t.ourlhouae, 10 nilnutea from It. U. lwuot.
Hatllera Loeatad on (Intirnuitnt I. an da.
If you want to Morrow Money, on Long or Hhort time, ha eon aeoamiuodate yoa.
Wrltea rire, I.lfe. and Acelrient Inaoranoa.
If yon cannot call, write, and your lattera will be promptly answered.
"There is a tide in the affairs of tntn which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Onl Sale in
-FiiiM & bra
TMMia Packing Co..
part of my state, and one day I had
an opportunity to test the speed of tiiis
animal. I was running1 a lurht freight
train, and in cotninf; nronml a curve
saw a bifr moose standing directly on
the track. As soon as the animal saw
the enpjne he took to his heels riht
JAS. F. MOORE, Rctrlnter.
I'. S. Laxd OrncE, The fMllea, fr.,i
Auk -'I. i
Notice l hereby (riven that the followins aettler haa llle.1 notle); of hia intention to
mane mini prool In auprt of hia claim, and
down the oath beta-wii tl.n rail. fc ... ' !,r""' "'.." "" " KiMer
i . . ., . . : """ "reiver at ltie Lianea, Orexou, on i:to-
alMiut four miles we had a perfectly her iotu, ivji, vi:
straight track, mid as I had huard of Homer While,
the preat speed of this animal I de-: iii i", w 'if4' Mi
termined to test its ability. The (fait I uamea the followinir nitn.-e to prove hia
of the moose was a sort of trot, such I v"ll)DU'"'" residence upon and cultivation of
a. i nery. . o. vtelwrtt. Yi. Y. -McClure, A
Mct.lure, ail of Waplnltia. or.
JAS. F. MOOItE, Ke(tlter.
only as a moose can exhibit, his paces
bcinp about two rods in length. At
first it was only a little jojf, but as the
engine befran to pain speed the moose
let himself out. Faster and faster
sped the engine, but still the fright
ened moose trotted in the van, and all
the mysterious power of steam could
not prevail upon this monarch of the
forest. At last, after we hail covered
Notice to Creditors.
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Notice la hereby given that tha underpinned
haa by the County Court of the state ol Oreiron
forttaaeo county, in probate, been appointed
admint-tratorof theealatnof Anruat lieil.fae,,
deeeaaid. All r.runi. k.,in. ..!,.,.
vue jour nines, turning a curve, we 1 eaune are nereoy required lo preaent them
came, tl Don a iranrr of hnn,la ' "llh,v'"ll" mwlirn, to nie it ll laa ofliee ni
taiui .upon a f,ant, OI action hands , c.ndon & Condon. The Uallea, Onuon, within
who were fixing the track. The si(fht j i" montha from the date of thla notice.
of these men frightened the moose
from the track and he was soon loat to
lew in the forest
Ited Juiy a, )MI.
HANS LAOR, AdiainlatraUir.
When Baby waa ak-k, we gave ber CaatorU.
hro abe vaa a Chill, abe cried for Caatorla,
Wdco she became Mlaa, the clung to Caatorla,
Woes aoe bad Cbikb-m, abe gave Uiem Caetoraa.
Sheep Pelts 25 to 50 ea. Deerskins,
20c lb for winter and )c for summer, j
..r,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,, tear-; reed wheat for sa.e cliean at Waarn 1
skins, H(12 a; beaver, f) 50 lb; i Warehouse. 1
French Percheron Stallion.
Weiirht In gofid fleth prmnd, and Pure Foal
ueiier. v 1 1 1 ei i lor eaaii or notee with
approved aeenrlty. or will trade
for horaea or catte.
Add.,. Kerr & Buckley,
(ira. Vallev, Or.
II I 111! Ill ! I! II ,
Dried Beef, Etc.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of BAKE OVE.V, baa (ot aome aplendid Farm
and gol paying Town I'roperty lo the Willa n
ette Valloy for aula very cheap and on eaay term.
Home of the farm to exchange, for Eaatern
Oregon proirty. Write for Hat and term.
All tnton r berhy nUfirt not to h(r or
ii lnrhn llui
unit, M yttnrn old, hIkmiI
Parley t&s FjtclxxI
(Successors to I., I). Frank, deceased.)
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale and Eclail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips. Horse Blankets, Elc.
i wi Assarwicni 01 wcucan samucn Plain or Stamncd.
No. 07 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer, of
Building Materia! and DimensioD Timto, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Iks, Farnishinps, El
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Packing Cases.
JPeotory -c ImmUor Yard at Old 3t. Z3ll.
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city,