THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. 111 c ll.tM.EM OltKOON Clubbing List. Tliti ('iiiiusii I which Riven tli nitwit tuicc ft week, Iiiim untile rrutiK'mciit to (.luliwitli tlit) (iillowinu iulilli'ittiuiii), anil olftrstwo imperii oiio year for littln more limn t)i prli of l"" 1 lloicnliir Our price price ik.,,,,1, V 1. TuUi- T2.'M 1.7& in. Ml) rffiu .'J.00 2.00 itf, ml fr"liu' 2M 2.2 l.o:tl. HUKVITirH. hiiliinlnv I 'it 1 1 y . Alter iiiih'Ii tribulutlon, the O. K. A S. Iim ronclinletl lo rulmliri the atution nt t i rttn t m . Tlio incline will nlito bo put in. Xhti lieguliitur Iiuh been liHtetl over to port by tlio nite of hps, nml is buying llu' iliuiisi r'f to her bull iriunoiitly to- pairctl. ' Wo liiul tin- pleasure of meetiiiK I'rof. Strattun HiIh morning. He will he ready to amume bit ilntien in the public schools Monday. imrini; the ulieiice Irom the city of Chief KiiK'neer lilimcr at Oregon City, Mr. (ieo. Miniver bun bttcn appointed ti twf ebiel engineer. Ho will ulrio l teinl to Mr. Wiiser'N wagon shop. There will he uu election for lieut. culouel of the Third regiment this even ing nt regimental heml.nartern. In pector ltuttorliuld la expected to be present to Miiperinttnid the election. The slicrifT toiluy lold the property of M. V. Hurrinon in Hood Hiver, lore ilumirn of mortgage, Hon. K. I.. (smith being the buyer. The property cost not let than 10,0lHi. but wbhboM for t,32.". The storm hint night wan more severe rant of ua than hern. At lligg". thirteen telegraph Miet were blow n down, and I lie bourda were torn from a line of the old linllilingi nml reattereil promiscu ously. The Keguliitor arri veil up this morn ing alioiit I) o'clock. She. will make her regular tripe beginning Monday, and linn been receiving freight tixlay. Hhe brought up all the freight from the Caa rade Locks. The government rHirt on potatoea iur August na the loweat condition ever known for tbia month. The drouth th rouy lit the '' w"" the cause. If there ia not tome rain on the 1'acitlc cot soon there will tie anothor decline to note in the September report on tbia aiiiu crop. Northweat 1'acific Farmer. The public rcboola will be opened Holiday notwithstanding the fact that it ia a legal holiday. An the day will be ijient in arranging claaava and other pre liminary work achool will probably let out early in tbo afternoon. Aa the piipila have had ten or twelve weeka vacation they ran hardly find fault at "ginning work Monday. The collectors are busy toduy remind ing the good citizen that it ia time to ripiaro up and take a new start. Collec tions are good, in fact The Dalles ia and always has been one of the beat towna in the state in tbia resiiect. Times may be good or bad, but somehow The Dulles citien always baa money to pay hia bills the first of the month. May this condi tion exist forever. According to l'olk'a directory, recently completed in Portland, that city is rap idly approaching the 100,000 mark. Mr. I 'oik eatimatea the city's population at "1,05'. It has been supposed that Port land would not show any gain, and in 'act a alight decreaao would not have 'fen a great surprise. The gain ia therefore decidedly gratilying lo all. Labor day will be thoroughly enjoyed by many of our people. It will give the hoys who have been at their work all "limner, and who could not go to tbo eashle or mountains, one d.y of the tiininer to fish, limit, and have a day's outing. There can be whole lota of en joyment crowded into a vacation, ea pecially If It extends only over one day. St. Mary's Academy bogins its fall term Monday. The sisters have had the bulllding put In splendid shape sinco the high water. The lower story has been painted and tinted, the panol- '"iK grained, nnd other Improvements 'de. Besides they have engaged the celebrated fresco artist, M. Moretti, to ornament the chapel, and be is expected wine time next week. We have made arrangements with the an Francisco Kxaminer to furnish it in wmiection with Tun Ciihonici.k. llav lnK a clubbing rate with the Oregon inn ! N. Y. Trl'mne for our republican I'HlroiiB, we have made this arrangement '"r the accommodation of the democratic "'embers of Tim Chiionki.b family. Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and Skmi-Wkkkly Ciiuonici.k will lie fur "'bed for one year for $2.25, cush in ad vance. Tliejold fire eiitfine was takon In th kpot this morning to be loaded on the tr9- It is handsomely ornamented) ' will make an attractive part of the Parade. Tlie Dg cougar mounted on JP of the machine looks as natural as ! irom this ofllce, when the boys topped at Nielaen'a corner for mo ment, we noticed that the end of its tall in line with the edge of the win dow, while its head reached the edge of the door, a distant e of about eighteen feet. We do nut believe, however, the animal waa that long. TuwUy'n Dull)-. tiruin aaeka for sale Bt the Wasco warehouse. tf Mr. P. i:. Iarrelly, a native of Ireland, waa inudo an American citizen by the county court today. Mr. Illandiord, the weather agent this morning, predicted fair weather for to duy, and rain tomorrow. The city recorder tells us his patrons have all nuit him, lie not huviiig a cus tomer since Saturday morning. The probate court ia in aesaion, and la grinding out its' griat at double rate because it did not work yesterday. The Uegulutor made hertripyeaterday ua usual, but owing to the cool weather the excursion ratea failed to draw a large crowd. The firemen's tournament at Oregon City ends tonight with a ball, and m jut of the boya will be home tomorrow night at the latest. The semi-annual business meeting of the Christian Endeavor society of the Christian church will be held Tuesday evening, Sept. 4th, at 8 o'clock, in the veatry of the church. All membera of this society ore requested to be present. Tbo city council did not meet Satur day night, there being but the mayor and one councilman present. Tonight ia the regular meeting night but it ia uite probable that nothing will he done except to meet and adjourn until Sat urduy. The line oilicers of the Third regiment met nt the armory here Saturday even ing and elected Captain J. M. Pattcraon lieutenant colonel of that regiment. They mny have selected a good lieut. col. but they have certainly lost a fine quartermaster. . The change in the tompcruture is a decided one. Last week it was hot enough te blister the legs on an iron pot, and today a little fire is conducive to comfort. If the cold spell continues for a few days the seaside will be deserted, and our little city will ngain welcome its own. At the business meeting of the Vet eran Volunteer Fire Department of Oregon J. TV. O'Connell of Oregon City was elected president; W. II. liutts, The Dalles, vice-president ; Xat Young of Vancouver, second vice-president ; C. J. Curtis, Astoria, secretary; II. J. Maier, The Dalles, treaaurer. An K-year-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Osborne fell from hia horse Sunday evening at his home, thirteen miles from this city on the Canyon City road, breaking his left forearm. He was brought to town by his parents yester day noon, and Dr. I.ogan attended to the case. About seventy-five tickets were sold Sunday morning tinder the sieeial rate to the firemen's tournament, and some filty of the firemen made the trip. The train wua five hours lute, not getting away until about 1) o'clock. Among the boys were some gray-headed youngsters, who whooped up the old machine thirty or more years ago. They seemed to 1 the jolliest and happiest of the crowd. The engine was sent down on the freight train Saturday. The news comes over the telephone this afternoon that Myron Hampton waa killed by James ISurnhard at Con don this morning. According to the report Hampton had turned state's evi dence against Uaruhard, who waa one of the parties charged with the Koslyn bank robbery. ISarnhard went to the sheriff house where Hamp ton was stopping and called him out. Aa soon as he appeared Itarnhard com menced firing, one shot passing through Hampton's bead, another through hia body and the third alio atriking him. He waa killed instantly. Hops on 13-Mllr. We were shown eome hopa today grown on Mr. Max Vogt's place on 13 Mile, that were first-class. The vinea were planted in May, and only a few of them were poled. The othera have made a denae mat over the ground, and expert hop meu say that had they been cared for they would have produced 1200 pounds to the acre, which for the first year is equal to Yakima's best showing. Mr. Vogt has about thirty acres of land similar to that planted, and will probably plant allot it with bops next year. The present hold con tains about five acres. A Flna IksIii. Yeaterday evening the first rain of the season fell. Commencing about t) o'clock it rained steadily until about li o'clock this morning. The dust was thoroughly laid, the etreeU being quite sloppy this morning and water standing in pools in tbo low places. According to the government gunge tbo full for the shower was .B:l of an inch. The best result of the ruin was the clearing away the smoke, leaving the air as pure and cleor as it is in eorly summer. Kflhool Mntlrn. First and aecond grade pupils residing in the eastern part of the district will bo accommodated at the Academy Park school until the East Hill Primary school is in position and ready for occu pany. John Gavi.n, Principal. t'liiircrniog Fruit Hlilpmaul. Ashland has just shipped a carload of peuches to Chicugo, and expects to got enough for them to leave a handsome ! profit for the grower. The experience I of our fruit growers in shipping to the Eastern markets bus not been tucli aa to , cause any inordinate h-?ire on their; part to repeat the experiment. I.asti year and this shipments were iimite, ' which failed to pay the freight and com missions. It may be that the manage ment hud something to do with it. We are told by those Who shipped tbia year that tbo company doing the shipping promised the growers that unless a full carload was procured the shipment would not be made. Instead of this, a half carload only waa shipped the freight amounting to or at the rate of about K0 a car. There is no frnit that can stand that freight and leave any thing for the grower. It looks as though there had been bad faith on the part of the company which is now sending duns to the fruit growers for commissions. Last year fruit shipped from here by the Karl Fruit Co. left nothing for the growers, yet some of that same fruit has bought by" Dalles people in Chicago, they paying twenty cents a pound for it. As it sold wholesale for an average of about two cents a pound and the retailer made 1KV0 per cent, profit, it looks like the fruit grower was pretty thoroughly plundered. With proper management there ought to be money in shipping fruit East, but the growers will have to get together and ship it themselves. Tb Hoar Htays. Floyd Hurman's bear did not go to Oregon City, The boys had made ar rangements to take him, but on the way np town he was backward about coming forward, and the man leading him lost bis patience and gave him a few yanks that upset him. This game was kept up for a few minutes when nn extra hard yank took the collar off over bruin's bead, and he from the sudden releasing of the tension on his neck turned three or four back headsprings. As soon aa be regained hia feet be atrnck out up Second street with most of the boys and all the dogs in the town after him, and and finally treed by crawling under Mays and Crowe's hardware store, where deaf to entreaties and unmindful of pro fanity be remained as though lie bad holed op for the winter. After an hour or two's ineffectual attempts to move him a man, a German, undertook to crawl under the building and bring him out. The building is close to the ground so that by the time the bear was reached the man was full length on the ground and wriggling along like a snake. He ! was dead game too, and proceeded de liberately to tackle the bear, giving him the benefit of first bite and blood. It was dark nnder the building so that their ears alone could tell those outside what w as going on. Directly there was a series of growls and mingled with some exceedingly high German and sounds of heavy breathing and deadly strife. In ten minutes the man came out feet fore most having the bear by the neck, and also having considerably the worst of the encounter. The man's hands were very badly scratched, and about the first thing he did alter he got a rope around the bear's neck and surrendered him to his owner was to hold up his hands to 'Look I the grinning crowd and exciaim what he do for me.''. The Ulna;. The Jung cherry, one ot Oregona beauties, and one of the moat valuable acquisitions to the fruits of the I'nited Slates draws comment and praise from all who sue it, even in California where they are loath to acknowledge any fruit superior to their own, the Petaluma Courier says, "J. W. Cassidy, the or chardist, showed us a Siiperb specimen of cherry the -largest in existence, here tofore not on the market. It originated at Milwaukee, Oregon. Seth Liewelling waa the originator, and the agricultural department at Washington spoke of it in its reports, and Mr. Cassidy sent on for sampler, of which he received a ten pound box. The cherries are superb a rich black with excellent flavor; in fact, Mr. Cassidy thinks they cannot be sur passed. They measure over an inch in diameter, and the quality is superb. They are called the Bing cherry, and Mr. Cassidy intends to put in n lot of grafts. Pacific Northwest. A Lively Trip. A party, consisting of Professors Lloyd nnd Powell of Forest Grove, Wheeiock Marsh, editor of the Forest Grove Times, and Mr. Lameon, clerk of the I'. H. court nt Portland, returned last week from a camping trip in the country west of Mt. Adams. The trip was one of more than usual interest, the incidents of which will not soon be for gotten by those who made it. They went first to Trout lake, and then by the way of the western slope of Mt. Adams to Iwis river, distance of sixty miles. The first morning after they reached Lewis river the horses got loose and took the back track, and although they had but ten or fifteen minutes start, the party concluded they would have break fust before going after them. After breakfast they decided that the horses had so much of a start that they couldn't catch them short of Trout lake, so they piled their blankets ana provisions up and, taking only enough to last them into the settlement, struck out on foot. They mado the trip in to Trout lake, ar riving footsore and ragged. Hon. E. E. Smith took the weary wanderers in and gave one of them a knit of his clothe to bide in. After u day's rest, the horses not be ing found, they hired a man named Wagorililatx to haul them to 'he White Salmon landing. On the wav down a big brown lieur crossed the road, and Eamson, in trying to get his ride from the bottom of the wagon, discharged it. The bullet went through Professor Howell's legging, burning the flesh, on through the d and board, and into the hip of the off horse, crippling him badly. 1 The wounded horse was unharnessed and turned loose, and WagonblaU took the horse's place, and, holding up the neck-yoke, brought the party aa far as falls, three miles, where another horse was procured, nd the party reached the boat landing without further mishaps. They bod told Mr. Smith that their blankets and plunder were left in a deep canyon, where they would probably never be seen by a white man ; but three days after they left a man from High Prairie came in from the mount ains with bis pack-horses and brought the abandoned camp outfit. Mr. Smith told ua confidentially that the robins would have covered the whole xarty up soon, for they were veritable "babes in ttie woods." Among; the l ittle Templar. Saturday evening the Juvenile Tem ple, in connection with the Independent Workers Lodge, I. O. (i. T., gave a very enjoyable social at Fralernity hall. The first part of the evening was taken np in the carrying out of the following pro gram : Hons "On litlie Fielil" . . lempio Kivl UU ion, "A Sign lumrcl ' . Murth Schooling r.nritatioD GmviT j oiinR Kwitutiiui, "A Problem" Sunie .lolnm Hiiiik, "ikJ In Ixive" . Tcmjile Kti'ilntlon. 1 he I riplt' I'unlire .... r.ltie Adim iter., "I.lttle Kiftnot Whisky". ..Winnie Frazier Kec., "lion't lie .'.round"..... Ht!la Voiiiik I'lunii M..I1. tenth KhdiIhII Rw., "T'lininv h Prayer'' Kannie ('bifffmitn Sonir, "The tattle TuinH.'rnn(v Hand" . .Temple The program was weii rendered, the little folks fulfilling their parts very nicely. The temple has now thirty-five members, and meets every Saturday afternoon in iraternitv hall. The have a regular lodge of their own, the little people filling the offices and conducting the exercises, undar the charge of a superintendent. This is a department of the I. O. G. T. work that is very use ful, as the children are trained in tem perance ideas. Parents would do well to send their children Saturday after noons to be trained in this manner. The boys and girls of today will make the men and women of tomorrow. Know Am on a Ilia Older I. O. G, T. Teople. The Coffee Club (an organization com posed of Good Templars) gave a very enjoyable social on Monday evening at their hall. The literary part of the en tertainment was especially enjoyed. Miss Helm's recitation entitled "Fly ing Jim's East Leap," is to be com mended. ' Mrs. Varney's piano solo w as enjoyed. The recitation of Mrs. S. P. M. Briggs made us all laugh. Mr. Wyndhatn'a guitar eolo was a pleasure. Miss Schooling painted a fign board for the saloon keeper. Miss Cheeseirian deserves credit in ''e way s'ie de'lverel "ie citation en titled "Only Leaves. ' Eefreehnients occupied the next half i hour and all were served with lemonade . ! and cake. The closing part occupied more time than the earlier parts and "tripping the light fantastic toe" seemed to fill the evening full to overflowing with enjoy ment. Ixxk out for the Coffee Club again. You'll hear from it. COKPEE CLCB ScKlllk. Keal tt Transaction. The follow ing deeds were filed for rec ord today : M F Sloper and wife to W S Thomp son, tract in sec 35, tp 3 n, r 10 e; $1800. Davis Divers and wife to David S. Clark, bw,'4', se1. ec 21, tp 2 n, r 10 e; $160. Joseph Woodford to George A. Young ne'4, sw'4, sec 15, tp 6 s, r 15 e; $1. Ketln to Taxpayers. The county board of equalization will meet in the assessor's office on Monday, Sept. 24th, and continue in session one week, for the purpose of equalizing the assessment of Wasco county for 1304. All tax payers who have not been inter viewed by the assessor w ill pleuse call at the ofllce on Thursdays, Fridays or Sat urdays, as all property must be assessed. Joki. Koostz, County Assessor. A man regards his newspaper much as he docs his wife something to find fault with when he feefs cross, and something he never approves of. Atchison Globe. I.oM! Five l)ollr Kewaril. Strayed from my west pasture, one iron-grey horse, branded (half circle) on left shoulder and two S's crossed on right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore on left ribs ; foretop roached back to the place for halter. Probably went tow ards Tygh Eidge. Will give 5 reward for his return to me at my ranch, or a liberal reward for any information lead ing to his recovery. A. S. Rohkrts, lm Prospect P.anch. PERSONAL MENTION. Snttirilny. J. W. W allace is up from Mood Liver. Mist Ji-fie Fisher is home from Port land. Will C'ruSM-ii returned from the sea side laft night. MiMS Lertie i.lenn arrived home Portland yesterday. A. Kellar and wife returned from San Francisco last night. Miaa Minnie Michell returned from Ilwaco beach last night. .Miss Mattie Moore of Portland ia vis iting the Misses Glenn. C. P. Heald of Hood Liver came up on the local this afternoon. Fred C. Drewa came up from Portland last night to visit hia relatives. Mr. A. L. Thompson and family re turned vesterday from Ilwaco. Mr. J. J. Cozart, one of Grant county's leading stockmen, is in the city. Mrs. Hilton and daughter. Florence, have returned from Gearhart Park. Hon. E. L. Smith, who haa been spending the summer at his place on Trout lake, is in the city. Judge Eradshaw is visible here, ar riving from Clatsop eome time during the night. He came np on Falb's tidal wave. Mr. B. F. Smith, a prominent Port land contractor, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Creighton, the lady licing Mr. Smith's eister. TaeMiuy Captain J. W. Lewis is visiting his old friends in Grant county. Mr. M. Ttiorbnrnof Kingsley made us a pleasant call this morning. Mrs. W. A. Kirby left last night for a visit to friends in La Grande. Mrs. E. M. Wilson went to Portland yesterday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Filloon arrived home from Camas Prairie last night. Mr. John Parrot and wife returned from Ocean Grove, Ilwaco beach, last night. Mr. Ed Wingate caine in from Ante lope Sunday, and left for Oregon City yesterday. Mrs. W. WooJworlh of Portland is visiting Iriends in the city, and is the guest of Mrs. C. J. Crandall. Mr. Fred Liebe and Mr. Craig, who have been visiting ia the city the last month, returned to Portland yesterday. Mr. Henry Haven of Glenwood is in the city. Mrs. Haven, who haa been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Filloon, for some time, will return with him to their home tomorrow. DIED. At Waiuic, Saturday, ept. 1st, Frank Gordon, aged 20 years and 1 month. THE WIFE OF FORTY YEARS AGO Kuclih Married Wonu-ii Were Then the Mi-rr ( hiittt-la of Tiu-ir llualmnila. As late as forty years ajro. wiys the listun Jk'1-.ilil. a:i KiipHsb married woman was. liiiam ially speaking, the mere chattel of her husband. She had not the rhrht V eon t ml heruwn income, if she hail one. or even to enjoy Jut own eiirninjrs if she earned unyiliinir. She mi.-rht have :i worthless, drunken, brutal husband, who. after ill treating her for yean, mijrht turn up ujrain some evil morning from Norway or Nicaragua or New'ratc and break up the home she had furim-d for herself and her children during hi', absence, seize end Mjuunder what money she ha.d seruped together, sell her furni ture and then abscond ajruin for an in definite period. If hhe had riches her wealth could not le secured to her without cum brous and costly legal settlements, while a dissipnti -1 or heartless husband might wrench from her every iicniiy of 'nterest accruing from her capital. There was no cheap or expeditious law of divorce which could free her from the matrimonial tie when her life had lie come intolerable through the cruelty or infidelity of her husband. She had first to go to the ecclesiastical courts to get a divorce from bed and board, and next a private act of parliament had to be procured in-tore the conjugal shackles could In- dissolved. To get a divorce was like walking over broken Iiottles you bled at every step. The cheapest divorces cost one thousand j u nds. For Trout Lk. The great fishing resort of the North west'. Parties can procure teams or con vevance the round trip by writinz and statinat time they wish to start, number of the party, amount of baggage, etc. Address A. H. Jkwktt, lui White Salmon. Wash. Cord Wood. We again have an abundant supply of dry fir and hard wood for immediate delivery at the lowest rates, and hope to be favored with a liberal share of the trade. Jos. T. 1'jctks A Co. tlwt Your Alouey. All county warrants registered prior to August 1, 1S90, will be paid au pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after July 12th. Wm. Michii.i., County Treasurer. For Kale. A. Ii. Kyrkett, at White Salmon, Wafh., has a number of pure bred reg istered Al C. C. Jersey bulls of all ages. Pedigree) furnished on application. Ad dress or call on A. R. Bykkett, Hood JUver, Or. He Why do you thiuk they are mar riea? She I heard ber ask him for a kiss last night. Life. We could use most uf the advice we give away. Feed w heat for sale cheap at Wasco Warehouse. tf. Wanted. . Place in small family to do housework. Apply at Herrin'i gallery. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ilv virtue of nn execution Itune-l out of the fin-oft ( mrtof th tt;if r.irin 'rWu i oiuity. In m unit tln-riii iwiiilinK when-ln K. I imth 1-s I'lilnnil nnil M V. llHriixiti. Miuht M. Ham-inn. Inimi w. hmltll, John K l.u-rmli. K. K. Lhtm-ii, doing b'iMne uii'tiT .tie name of K. s. I.m.n a to., John ii. Miiu-r, Knouiu. ! , Mlllt-r hii.i Jnim H. W alt, I'nrtnerh floinv hufti- newt iimler the firm nnm-of John II. Miller , t o . John Muiihy. Alain iiiant, .1. II. tirant anil J. T. Fool, imrtiiem doing hnMmns 11 .iler tlw linn name of Mnrfihv, t.rant f o . iarrrtMn, 1 W.HMlruir, i'ratt foiiit.niiv. a eoriNiriitlou: t: SI. Ilenilr.,n A Co., a corjioratioii ; A. 8. llemiett an.l K. A. Kartmi-s are iit-fenihiiit. mi the It'illi iliiy of July, lvi, 1 win m-II at Public AiK'tion tit the hixhent hiiMer fur rath In hainl, at theOmtrt HoilM' door in Dullin t lty. linvon, on the tin day of l-t-pienibiT, 1M, at the inmr of i n olwk In the aff'rnoo:i of aaid day, nil ol the rlht, title ami Intern! of ea' h and all of the ! iianieoj dofendnntt in ami to the following de x rihe.1 n-ai pmperty lying and itnatc ill W aavo f uitnty. Oregon, to wit: All of lou one. two, three, four, twenty five-, twentv-wix, twentv-aevt-n and twenly-eigtil In nirw-lr f..t.of U d,,..nd i.ll.i... tn . I, ... IJimnI River: also lot one and two of bloek liHir ! In W inana Addition to the town of Hood Kiver: I a!o bloclt two and lot one in block four In the I town of Parkhni!.t. T. J. IiKlVKK, I jyJt -'it fchcTtrTof Vco County, Or. SHERIFF'S SALE. iMrMiant to the command of a writ of xern tinn iutHl out of the circuit Court of theHmUi of Oregon for Vaeo County in a mi it tnerHra fx'Odinjr whorein I- I.. McCartney in plaintiff and John Adam and O. K. Haijtht are defend ants, dated Aneiiftt d, 1U, ranimnndinff me U MU all the rtuht. title and iuteret of aaid de fendant nnd earn ot them In and to the aouth ear-t quarter of tteetion nine, towtmhlp two Mxitb, of range lourtcen OHt, V. M., to hatiity the mini of l.til.70 and lntiret thereon from June At h. lMt4, at the rate of ten per cent per annum ami the further hum of f.;).(0 attorney hie a d the hum of $JtV2-'t cost Hiid dirburren.ent, dua U hail J plainMit from aaid defendant John Adam, nnd to apply the surplu if ny in payment of iiue Bum 01 .'.i.i.;v ana nueTVi inereon ai me rate of ten percent, per annum from hatd June -tith, and $m.n wttornev fee, due f nm the l defendant John AdmnH to the defendaut C. K. I Haieht, I will, on Saturday the Mh day of Sept ember, ltH, at the hour of" 2 o'clock in theafter noon. at the courthouse door in balle City, I OieKiin, wli ttil of said above described real j property at public ule to the highe t bidder for . cash in hand. T. J. I Kl VKK, i aufft-.'t. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Notice of Administrator s Final Account Notice is hcrvby given that J. W. Condon, ad ministrator of the estate of Harrison hits tiled his linal account of the adminis tration of aaid estate with the clerk of the County Court of the ftate of Oreroo. for Wax'o County, and that aaid Court ha appointed 10 o'clock a. m. of Monday, September d, 1'M, beint; the first day oi the reju ar ijeptember term of antd Court for the year at the County Court lloutse in bailee City, Oreron, an the time and place for the hearing of objections to such thial account and the ttk"ment thereof. Thin notice is published bv order of said County Court made and entered July ?7th. IbtM. J. W. CONION, Administrator. NOTICE FOR ITI5LICATIOX. V. . Lisd Office, The Dalles. Or., Jinyjj. Is9. t ( omj.lahit bavin been entered at tbia office by Frank Malone against John Yredt for abn doninff hia homestead entry. No. i:t'-t, dated March 2S, 1W, upon the K' .'bW'. NW'i BV and Ki.' NW'i.'. Se. 111. Tn. H ri. R IK E. iu I Wasco County. Oresrnn, with a view to the can cellation of aaid entry, trie said iartiei are here by aurnmoned to aiiiiear at this office on the Tlth day of September. ls!M. at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony roncerning aaid allived aUindonmer t. K. M. 8hutt. I'. 8. Cotn mlNMioner. i authorixed to take teatimony at Autelojie. Oregon, on September Utb, ls'JI, at lo o clock a. id. J AS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR TUULICATION. T. S. I.ARD Oraci, The Dalle. Or., AX J4. Isj4. I Notice ia hereby piven that the following named pettier ha filed notire of bin intention to make finui proof in support of hia claim, and that aid proof will be made before the Reaiater and Receiver at The liallea, Oregon, on Octo ber loth, lvji, vir: Homer White, II E No for the n'jae'j, ne1 w!;,w!i ae' 4. mm. tp 5, k r 1'J e. w ui. He names the following witness to prove hia continuous residence Uou and cultivation of aaid land, rfz: 1. I lien-. N. O. Webcrjr. V F. McClure, A. MH lure, all of Wupinitia. or. JAX. F. V.OOKE. Register. St. Mary's Academy THE DALLES, OR. EE-OPENS 6EPTEMBEE 3d, 1894. IKIAKIitNT, AM) KAY SCHOOL FOK GIRLS. I!ates per term of len weeka, payable in advance: Hoard and Tuition k UU EntrMm-e Fee 'iiuyublc but once,. a 11 Hd a;l Hi-diiing . .1 Instrumental Music, Type-writing. Telegraphy, Krawiug and fainting' lorin extra charges. French. OeruiHU, Ijttiu, Needlework and Vocal Mmic taught free of i hurte to regular pupil. BATES KOK KAY - rT PI I. ", t, orluper term ai-conlieg to grnde. For further purtirulnri nddress. els'l'EU el PEKIOIt. CAW t OBTAIN A PATFNTt For Rmmpt Answer and n honest opinion, write to I I N Pi A ., who nave bad uerlr fifty yean' experience In th patent business. Communica tion strictly confidential. A Handbook of Id-format-too oonoerntufr Patent and bow to ob tain tbetu sent free. A Uo a catalogue ol "Wfnn ic&J and Maentiilc book sent free. Pat em taken tbrousb Muno m Co. receive ipedaJ notice tn the Orient. He American, and tbue are trout ut widely before tbe puttlic with out coat to tbe iOTentor. 1 hie splendid paper, bwued weekly, elegantly l!ltit rated, baa by far the lanrest circulation of any C4 en title work la Um world, ft.t i TMir. snmle routes sent free. Bui Id inn Edition, monthly, ; unit r.dii.oo, mommy, a year, cintnw oente. Kvery nuinter contains beau- routes, '( oente. Krery nuuitter contains m tiful nlaties. iu colors, and pbotourauhs of i bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show Ut latent detuinn aud secure cn tract. Addreas htVHX 4 COm MkW YttiUL, 301 BliUaiiWaT. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all l'at-J lent b'J3ine&a conducted for MooraaTt Fees. I ri,m nwtfw im n....i,r 11 Pit, NT OrnCC ! and w can aerur patent iu Uia uiua man tiiuac J t icmote from Washington. 3 Scad model, diawiug or photo., with descnp- i tion. He advise, if ttcmabl or not, free of Ecoarfre. Our fca not du till patent ia secured. 2 t a B.u.uirr. "HowtoObiam Pateou," wua J cost of same in tha V. S. and furaigacounuicaj sent face. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OM. rTtNT OrriCt, WAaHINQTOM. O. C. J-K. A. U1ETKICU, PI; ysieian and Surgeon, DC FUR, OREGON. M All profcaaional calls promptly altende oTuar and iiikqU an U V COPYRIGHTS. irnliiy!lllj