THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1894. The Weekly Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPKR OF WASCO COUNTY. Sl BslRlPTlON RATES. T aUlL. rOTAO MUrlD. IN ADVANCE. Ooeyear " 59 tii( BHMlOa Throe niotiths 50 AdTertiittiK ratea reaaouablv, and niadc known oaapplieatiou. Addree all eommuniration t"THK CRRON- ICUC," Th. ballot, Onxiiu. THE MARKETS. Fuiow, Aug. 31. Business (or the week has improved perceptibly, with a disposition of buyers to enlarge their orders, l'rioei of merchandise have not changed materially in any one line, un lets it be in sugar. Since the passage of the tariff bill, which went uito effect on its passage, the sugar market has be come stronger, with a decided tendancy to advance quotations. The provision market is active on ateady quotations. Country produce is in abundance, and the market is weak in the face of large reserves. Potatoes are sold at 50 cents to 73 cents per 100 pounds, the range of prices being gov erned oy sire anu quality, i In fruit the market is quite over stocked, and large shipments to other points are a daily occurrence. Teaches are quoted at 35 to 45 cents per box. Apples, pears and plums are in fair re quest at a range of prices, varying from 25 to 40 cents per box. Poultry is freely offered, and broilers bring $1.25 cents per dozen, old fowls hoinT minted at 12 to 12.25 Der dozen. ! The meat market is down to free trade basis, and live stock are quoted in this market as follows: Beef steers, 1.50 to $2 gross weight ; mutton sheop, iyi to 2 cents per pound gross ; pork 3' cents on foot. There is nothing doing in the wheat market either in Portlaad or this city. The mills are paving 31 cents per bushel for good milling wheat, and the ware- houses hen buying pay 30 cents per j the supposed lunatic who proposes to bushel. Eastern, as weli as European ( kill Monsignore Sttolli, the papal apple advices to present date continue to re- i gate, was arraignedin the Harlem police port dull and weak markets. In Eug-1 court today, t-tolz appears to be suffer land reports indicate a larger yield per I iug from alcoholic mania. A policeman sere than last year The London Times and Mark 1-ane Ex press eetimateGreat Britain's crop among the beet ever made, and yet predicts Eofland and America's product will be lees than that of 1893, but admits that Argentine with her surplus of 60,000,000 bushels together with that of most of Southern Enrope will close up the de ficiency. America's consumption of wheat for all purposes is about 370,000, 000. showing a probable quantity for ex port over and above that carried over i from the last year's harvest, of about 230,000,000. A writer says that if the producer could hold his wheat until Jane 1st, 1S95, which is not advisable to attempt, the markets would douMe in their quotations. The wool market is nearly knocked oat as about all the wool in storage has been sold. Since last report a light flurry in wool was experienced, which -was of a short duration, and at the close a lu'l in tramactions showed a falling off and and a settling back into the scale of inactivity and depression. The tariff bill which became a law by the inaction of tti president even at the last moment completely paralyzed the wool business and the that sold early were the gainers. Whbat 30 to 31c per bu. Barley Prices are op to 50 to 60c cents per 100 lbs. Oats The oat market is light at 60 to 80 cents per 100 lbs. JJiLLHTCrrs Flocb Diamond brand at $2 50 per bbl. per ton and $2 75 per bbl. retail. Hay Timothy hay ranges in price from $10 to $12 per ton, according to quality and condition. Wheat hay is in full stock on a limited demand at $7 60 to $8 50 per ton. Potatoes 60 to 75 cents per 100 lbs. Bcttkr Fresh roll butter at 35 to 50 cents per roll. Eos Good fresh eggs sell at 13Jj to 14 c. Poultry Good fowls are quoted at $1.25 to 2.25 per dozen, turkeys 8 cents per lb. Bn.Hr a Mctton Beef cattle are in less demand at $1.50 per 100 weight gross to $2.00 for extra good. Mutton is now quoted at 13j to 2 cents per lb. gross. Pork offerings are light and pri-es are nominal gross weight at o.'-j cents dressed. staple gbockhies. Cokkep. Coeta Kica, is quoted at 24c per lb., by the sack. Kalvadore, 23ic. Arbuckles, 25c. Hi'oar Golden C. in bbls or sack , 5 75; Extra C, 16 00; lry granulated 6 60. I). G., in 30 lb boxes, $2 75. Ex "i 25. GC $2 00. -Japan rice, 6j7c; Island, -Mr. 45c; K II lad by Vl ladlaaa. Sin Dikio,C1., Aug. 30. Details of another ambuscade by Yaqui Indians of Mexican troops have been received. July IS, 45 men of the Fourteenth bat tallion left a place called The Wares tor Cruse de Piedra, and from there started on the 30th for Pvio Yaqui, near the out post of am Uuasiuiat. They were ambushed in a thickly-wooded part of the road by a party of about 100 Indians, who had divided themselves on each side of the road. At the first fire, de livered at pistol range, nine federals dropped. Captain tiotnei in command rallied his men on the defensive, a little outside the ambush, when the Indians attacked the troops furiously, but were repulsed more than once. The fight lasted more than an hour and a half, the federals lemaining in possession of the field. While some of the men were fighting, the remainder got away with the baggage, animals, and ammniiion of the troops they could manage to carry off. Twelve were killed, six wounded and the wife of a iergeant killed, a little child of eight and a boy ot nine wounded slightly. Four Indians were killed and 27 sliuhtly wounded and taken prisoners. Captain tioruez will be court-martialed at Torres. The Pullman nveatle;atluii. CiiiCAtio.Aug. 30. Contrary toexpec tation, rebuttal testimony was heard to day by the strike commission. S. C. Wade, an employe of the legal depart ment if the Kock Island roal, said much of the blockading of the railroad track was the work of inexperienced I railroad men. W. K. Mooney, a North ern Pacific switchman at Blue Island, said Debs and Howard had not advised the men to strike. They told the men to use their own judgment. He was discharged for alleged activity in the strike. Witness told of the fight at Blue Island June :0th, when 400 mar shals stood by and saw their chief, Logan, beaten by the crowd. Wanted to Kill uatoiii. New York. Aug. .'.0. Edward Stolz, arrested him on Kingsbridge road last light where he was shouting "Kill him, kill him," and making lunges at imaginary objects. He said he formerly kept a saloon at Meadville, Pa. He sold out, God having called him to kill Satolli. A club of ten had been organized to kill all priests, and he had been se lected to strike the first blow. He was sent to Bellevue hospital, where he will undergo an examination as to his sanity. liulldina; Mexican Uallroada., Mexico, Aug. 25. Presi dent C. P. Huntington, of the Mexican International railway, has ordered the line to be immediately extended from this place to Sierra Majedo mining camp. Nearly all the grade was completed two years ago, but the work was suspended owing to financial depression. A branch is also being built from lieata to Monte rey. J. W. Robertson, general manager of the Monterey & Mexican Gulf road, is in New York arranging for an exten sion from Travino to Tierra Majedo, and thence to the port of Ma.atlan, on the Pacific coast. Ha IHfrara With Carlisle. Washington, Aug. 30. Secretary Carlisle received this morning a 1200 word telegram from Collector Kussell, of cRicago, in which be takes issue with the secretary of the treasury as to charging the rates of the act of 1890 on goods imported prior to August 23th, forwarded nnder immediate transporta tion to be entered for consumption under the new tariff. Secretary Car lisle will give the matter his considera tion todny, and will probably render a decision this evening. Btaaniahlp I.lna t Africa. Philadelphia, Aug. 29. The first direct steamship line between America and the west coast of Africa has been chartered in the state of New Jersey. It will be Known as the African 8 team - ship Company. About half of its stock is subscribed, and the boats will ply monthly between this city and Liberia, beginning about October 1st. The com pany, which will receive a subsiby from the Liberian government of $10,000 a year, intends to carry the United States mall. Tha Dutch Lou. Amstkrwam, Aug. 29, The Dutch loss in the engagement near Mataram, cap ital of the island of Lambok, It now ap pears, included only nine officers instead of 30, as announced in the dispatches to the Nieuwe Corant of Rotterdam. The officers who lost their lives included General Van Ham. The Dumber of privates and noncommissioned officers killed or -missing is estimated at 175 'o 200. Praparlag to Attack Kaaaala. iro, Aug. 27. It is reported here eMahditts are concentrating their to attack Kasaala and wrest it te Italians who recently occupied provinces of Eastern Sou dan, at and Dongola, have been stripped ist troops. The Mahdist rancisa Omdarman. rts of this country dogs ars used around little milk carts. In con with this beverage there is little in working the growler. Phil- Times. WW, A Racking Cough s Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. 1'. I). Hall, 217 ticiiessee St., I-ockpoi't, N. Y., say : "Over thirty year ago, I rememlnr hearing my father iletmbe the wonder ftil curative rftVrt of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lliirinj a recent attack of I .a irippe, xvliii h i ii:ih''I Hie form of it raturrli, soreness of tlie lungs, accom panied by mi nu-TAvatiii rough, I ued various remedies nnd prescription. While some of thee mi'ilii ines partially alleviated the eotiliin.' din in:.' the , none of tueanv relief from that spasmodic :i 1 1 ' 11 f (lie litns n hii ti would seio me tl,e moment I attempted to lietlou ii at iiluiit. .fier ten or twelve such nights. I v. as Nearly in Despair, and hadahont iV i.led losit up all night in my CiV-i.v -lini!, :unt proeure what sWp I rould in that w.iy. It then oc curred to me that I had a hot lie of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took u spoonful of iliix preparation in a little water, and w.u able to lie down w ithout cpujliiii'.'. In .1 few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke greatly refreshed U tter. I took a i toral every ni;:t e r u.div -: !;., tVei-N ( Kl V c ! I J i; ;;. i:i the nioniiuu id l elinir lmieh "'H.'ol of the IVe : n eel., ih.-n r.:d n.'e. and in tv.o ured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Pr...-iit Jin Iv .! ., J .1 ....::, Prorr.': : . .r: . '.. to cute Comparison Odlotia to tha Ilouae. WAsntNCTON, Aug. 28. Tha house, having refused to provide for printing the tariff comparisons, tiie senate today ordered printed another 2500 copies. The senate ordered a like-number printed yesterday; there will be 5000 printed in all. The tiluclielda Frlaonara. Ma.vaui'a, Aug. 28. Prisoners from liluefielda arrived here today. Among them are IUitish Consular Agent Hatch and two Americans. They were released on parole. The foreigners will be tried in the civil court, the natives by court martial. A Blow to tha Hack land. Washington, Aug. 28. Commis sioner Miller, of the revenue bereau, has decided that playing cards used as advertisements are not exempt from duty under the new law. What I'anaad tha Hard Tinaa. Kmm the Conductor and Driver. Judge Hubbard, of Iowa, says it is the existence of private corporations. George Gould says it is the hostility to corporation.. The farmers says it is the low price in wheat. The silver man says it is the action of Wall street. The manufacturer says it is the fear of free trade. The consumer says it is the tariff. The debtor says it is the creditor. The creditor says it is the debtor. The democrats say it is the republi cans. The republicans say it is the dem ocrats. The populists say it is both. The prohibitionists say it is whisky. The preachers say it is the devil. Now, what is your idea? Itaal Katata Transactions. The following deed was filed for record today: Dalles city to Emma M. Drews, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 25, Gates ad dition to Dalles city. A confirmatory deed. Announcements do not always give the impression they are intended to convey. A well-known concert man ager appreciated this fact after he had given it out that Mr. Jones would sing by special request "Through All Etern ity." Arkansaw Traveler. Counsel (for defendant) Would It be contempt of court to say that your honor has presided over the case in a manner which is a disgrace lo the bench? Judge Certainly It would. I should commit you at once. Counsel Then I shall not say it. Tid-Iiils. Many a boy has gone off the track be cause of a misplaced switch. Galveston News. Notice. All peraonn are hereby notified not to hire or keen Marion Hunt, a lad M year old, about their pretaiaaa, aa hia tervleca are headed at homa. aogW-lai JAM EH IIL'RMT. Do you want a Fruit and Hop Farm? K. N. STAEHR, of BAKE OVKN, baa fcotaorne aplendid Parma and rood paying Town Fropetty lo th Wllla -ettc V alloy for aal very ebanp and on aaay ternia. Bona of the farma to oxchanfrn for E.nUrn Oregon propatty. Write for Hat and term. cpEc?n, bataraay, nepc ist. SALE. Mens Shoes READ! ; ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Administrator's Sale. Nottrc Ik hfrchy given that bv an onli-r ot tnr County t'4irtof the tiiitoi Orttron heivtoturv made, the umlertKiHl have bcrn duly apfwiint. ed, and an1 now tin qualtilttl nno acting julintii litra'ora of the ealatuof Henry A. 1'riitt, it.' All perHonn having clolmtt ajrninM theabnrp naml decard art herrtiy nntl'ItU t, tirxnt their cUlma, with the profier vmiehem, U tm at tliaoMceoi Lnile llutlvr. In MaMinlc bidMIng, 1'Hllea Ity, Oregon, or i. K. Arnioui. iioud Klw. or., within aix month" from tlivdntool thiauolKvaiHl all roiia inuentcil lo anld utti are hereby required to aeltie uch indcbl cdtte forthwith. i'nuil at lalle ntv. Or., at Hood liiver, thli loth ilny of AugiMt, I vil. I.KSLIK ItnTLKK, J. F. AKMOI'H, Administrator of theestaUof Henry A. Pratt, derutaud. -U-it Administrator's Sale. Node-1 Ik hcrvtry given that in pura.mmv of an onWof theOni ty Court o( UioHUtr of4rnrm for Wajcoro(iiity, duly mailt juhJ putt-nil on tttv Kith day of July, ), In the matter of the eiUlf of fUmul HatUrwn, derccuMNi, din-cUntf the tin dtrrniKncal to .'!) at public wilt all of the rvttl rroirty bflnnKint; to tlw ettnUjof mmI divMl( will, on tbe i-tti dny f Auynit, ifrM, at tlie hour of two o'clock 1. M.of ahl day, upon tlw UuOk b?rtaiitiifur dwrlbvlt Mil at public ante U tb hiKhvnt bdMrf for rath in hand, all of the real property belonffliiK to the etU ol raid ham lie 1 fiitleritou, d)jxJH?l, to-wit: The iw)uthwet quarter of necUoti twelve, township Iivenouth ranice twelve eit. In aroouiity, On-Kou. J. ii. KI'ltANKH, JuUl AdmluUtrntor. Notice of Final Settlement. Not uh in hereby Klveu that by an onJtr of the County Court of the HtaUof rYon for Waco tenuity. uijkIo an I n t--ri thH l;ttli dny of June, l. in the matter of tlx- en'aU of William H Wtlnon, dtwiuH-ai, Ioi iUy, July 10, at the hour of in o'clock A. !.- ww tlxvl m the time and the County Court Jiom of wild county a the plmcc for the hour In of the Mna acHiiit of the exuciiUir of the will and text anient of Mild deceawd: all pcuMtnn bavinff any objfcUoim lo said final account and to the cttl'iiiut of aJd estate ara directed to appear at aaid time and place, then and there to how caue. If any there be, why said final account should not be approved ajui aaid catat aettli. jnnic Ii. H. IRNTINC.TOH, Executor. Notice to Creditors. Notice In hreby ffiven that the undesigned ha-H by the County Court of the Mtate of Oregon for Wanco ctHinty, In probate, been appointed administrator of theeaUtoof August iMrUefnen dereaM-d. All peraona faavlnf clairna at:nlniit Hid entate are hereby required to prevent them, with proper vouch r. U me at the Uw ofttee of Condon A indon, The itl lei, Oregon, within ix monthfl from the date of this notice. lated July 2b, )"H. ilANri LAOK, Admiuliitrator. Tfis ColufTiDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MAXrjFACTORRKKOF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. FOR SALE OR TRADE A KINK 1M1-OKTKI) French Fercheron Stallion, Welffht In food flh I JSC ?"oiind, and Hnre tietu-r. Will aell foraanh or tuum with appmreil aaeurlly, or will trade for boraea or ratt. Adlr niBa, Kerr & Buckley, Urass Valley, Or. !$1.95! Our story is short. Wc have some Moil's Shoos, the regular retail values of which aro $4.00, ifa.00, $0.00. The Shoes are first-class, serviceable, good lasts, made by good shoemakers, such as hurt &. Tackard and others of like reputation; but they are button instead of lace or congress. Now in these close times can j'ou afford to ass these by at $UJ." and pay S.r.00 for a pair no better, just boeauso they arc not Congress. Perhaps, this will not appeal to the ultra-fashionable young man; but to others that are not sacrificing money ami com fort entirely to st'le. our statement should have some weight. PEASE & MAYS. IF YOU Wl3nTT Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands, : cam. on : Thomas fcucceMor to Thnrnbuty tv Hudson, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES, OR. If you want In formation eoncernina; Govern Hiient landK.or Klw lawa rclattiiK then to, you can couuIt him free of charve. lie ha ni ! a cittlty of thin buvlueaa, and ban praclicrd tn-foiu the I Litl HUUi IaimI i'Uitc tor over U'ii yittni. He It A rent for the Kantem Ornron IjiiuI Company, and enn im'11 vou tirailiiK, or 1'u Improved Airricultnral lnd in any itiantit dairrl, and will aend a Fainphlet duaerthlug tbeev luudu to anyone applying to him for It. Nattlara l.uatil on (Jovaruiuant Lauda. If you want lo Itorrow Money, on Long or Hhort lima, ho can aeeoniBinriat f oa. Wrltaa Flro, Llfa. and Aaeldant Inaoranao. If you cannot call, wrlto. and your letter, will ha promptly auawarad. "There is a tide in the ajairs leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the -Fiiui & Cam at CRANDALL Who are selling those goods MICIIELBACH BRICK, Parley (fiiK oeafora to I rers rnanufaciu A (.inral Line; of Horse Furnishing Goods. EEPAIEIlsrO PBOMPTLY and rTXTS: XXDOSTB- Wholesale and RctaU Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Blankets, Etc. Fnll Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stained. SECOND STRKKT THE DAIXE. thp: dalles lumbering co. INCOKCORATKD I8RO No. 07 Washinutok Stkekt. . The Dalles. Wholesale and Retail Doalon, ftu Manufactarers o! BaUiling Malerial and Dineosion Timber, Doors, Windows, Moldings, Ooust Farnishings, Hi Srecial Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and FIs" Boxes and Packing Cases. I'otorjr "ci XiaVor Trd m.t Old art. X11 DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Men's Shoes HEED! A. Hudson, He la Agent for aale of Iota In Tnomw' ADM tion to The Dalle.. Thla Addition la laid off m aerv lota, and deatmcd u bu tlie tirtncitial real denee part of tha eltv. Only au nilnnlaa' walk from Conrlhouac; 1(1 mlnulea fruin II. U. IwpoL oj men which, taken at its jiood & BURGET'S, out nt greatly-reduced rates. . . UNION ST. cfi? Franls., D. Frank, tleceaswl.) OF J.Ta1a KI2STI3S O'F' Blab WOOD Delivered to Harnesses1 any part of the city,