The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 25, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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Would I (All Dropped Into II
i'onie to a Htop?
M. J.." roMiliiijj at Uichmoml,
A nafaalilaa; 'atav.
I'ittkiii An. "Harry A. liiml
... , ... . ,
ner, tlie defaulting cai-iiior ot the Second j
nattoual bank ol Aitoona. i rn rout u.r ; M(fc M,m,s Uw fl,nm illfr peculiar query
China or Japau, and he ha the sum of ' t tho alitor of the St. Iaium licniiblic.
9100,000 in bank note of larpe and small : and asks for an unsvver to it:
Jenouiinulions. So spoke Samuel 15. i -If it wen- ikmIiIc to drill a hole of
Griffith, a assistant district attorney, ! f.t r more in diameter entirely
.... . ,i ,.ti. ! tliroujrh the earth and then to start a
when asked today reeling the truth , iphinfr one hundred pound or
of the rumor that t.arduer been in I, u JMiug lroUjh tne Kiruo at
this city Tuesday, "Gardner in ; what p,,in, Wl)uui Jt stvr
Portland a few dav said Mr. Answer: Weight, n the sense that
Griffith, and he has likely left the
coantry by this time. A week ago last
Monthly Oardner learned that Bank Ex
aminer Miller was froinj to iuvestitrate
hit accounts. Gardner at once began
preparations for tight, and left that
afternoon, taking everv dollar of the
tiauk' nionev he could carry."
A IHtetardly !.
Oakland, Cal., Ang. 23. An attempt
was made early this morning to burn
down the Atchison hotel at Berkeley
and destroy the occupants. One of the
lodsera was aroused about 4 o'clock by a
mell of smoke. Kushing out he found
the whole hall entrance in flames. The
flames were soon extinguished. In the
meantime, fire was discovered on the
porches at the side and in front of the
hotel, and this was also put out. Vnder
the front steps was found a can of coal
oil. The same fluid had been poo red on
tbe porches and in the upper and lower
balls and then set on fire. There is no
doe to the perpetrators of the crime.
LmhS From a Lofty
Kn-itMOND, Va., Aug. 23. Colonel J.
H Winstead, president of the Tedmout
mmi People's Savings bank of Greenes
koro, X. C, this morning removed his
noes and jumped from one of the towers
of the citr ball here, a distance of 170
feet. He was terribly mangled, bis left
leg being caught in a projection and torn
-from the socket. No cause is known.
Speaker Crisp, who spent tome time
with the president tobay in discussion of
the tariff situation, told the members he
thought the session would last until
Mhaare Hava Htoppad Work.
KaxaoNviLLK, O., Aug. 21 . The min
ora and American Railway Union gave
President Waite until midnight to decide
whether he would meet the old commit
tee of railroad men or not. He did not
respond, and trains are stopped on the
Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo
railroad, except "passenger trains. The
miners refuse to work until trouble is
The HtlvMlarfia Itafaffeea.
Washington, Ang. 23. The navy de
partment has telegraphed Captain
Howison, commander of the Mare Island
navy yard, to have the United 8tate
marshals assist him in serving warrants
on Ezeti.,tnd the other Salvadorean
refugee, on the United States steam
ship Bennington.
Hon Wunn Qnlt Work.
Hancock, N. H., Aug. Four hundred
weavers in the China mills did not go to
work today because of a reduction in
wage equal to the cat in Fall River
mills. Notices of a reduction have been
posted in Webster and Penbroke mills
A Bteaaaar )aak.
Eat Portauk, Ont., Aog. 23. The
teamer Monarch struck a rock and
went to the lottom August 19th, at
long Saulte, Rainy river. Fifty excur
sionists escaped by a rope. Tbe steamer
waejtbe largest on the lakes.
"V. J. M." refers to it, i the measure
of attraction of pnivitation; or, in
other words, it is the mea-sure of force
with which a body is attracted by the
earth. This attractive force decreases
both ways from the surface of the
earth, both outward into space or
downward toward the globe's supposed
niolteu center. In partial explanation
of this assertion I will say that any
f-iveu size bulk of iron, or any other
mineral or material whatever, will
weifrh less on the top of a high moun
tain than it will nt sea level. In order
to le exact in this matter I will say
that a mass of one thousand pounds
weight will lose exactly two pounds
between tidewater und the top of a
mountain four miles hiph. This, it is
plain to be Keen, is liecause the force
of the earth's attraction is much less
on fie mountain top than it is at the
sea level.
.Therefore, if a ball be started on the
journey outlined in the query sent in
by our Richmond friend, its weipht
would decrease to a certain extent with
every yurd of its tiitfht (or fall), until,
finally, upon reaching1 the eenter of the
earth, it would have uo appreciable
weicht, the attraction at that point
acting equally in every directum. This
bcinp true, it is plain that the phe
nomenon of what we know as "weijrht"
would be entirely wanting1, and the
ball would be held in suspension as
though immovably transfixed by num
erous magnetic or invisible points.
I Qpec,H, Saturday, Aug. 25th.
Striker MaMas; la Qlaecaw.
Ulascow, Aug. 23. In connection
with the coal strike, serious rioting has
occurred, and several pits have been
wrecked by disorderly mobs. Donnld
on, leader of the strikers, and five
others have, been arretted.
Hop BiriMl la Bavaria.
Washington, Ang. 22. United
States Consul Btein, at Bamberg, state?
that if no nnforseen condition arise the
bop harvest in Bavaria will prove eqna!
to the yield of the must favorable hop
Hhlpplns Carpet to Karope.
Wabhimotok, Aug 23 From report
received at the elate department, it ap
pear the United Htales is shipping to
England carpets to the value of nearh
$500,000 annually.
The New Kir..ra Striae.
Naw Bedfokd, Mass., Aug. 23. Mayor
Brownell has invited the stale board of
arbitration to be present at the confer
ence of the strikers and manufacturers
How-T lorea tirarw.
The small evergreen tree from which 1
doves are taken wan originally a na
tive of the Spice islands, but it is now
cultivated in warm climates in all
parte of the world. The clove of com
merce is the unopened flower of the
tree. They are quite small, but prow
in larpe cluster among the branches.
After gathering, the buds are smoked
by a wood tiro and dried in the sun.
Both the taste and smell of the cloves
depend on the quantity of oil they con
tain. Sometimes tbe oil is separated
from the cloves before they are sold,
and the odor and taste are in conse
quence much weakened. If you le
aire to know something of the form of
the bud in the natural state soak a few
cloves for a short tjnic in hot water.
The petal of the flower will soften
and readily unroll.
Illll end trie laeeaae Tel.
Washington, Aug. 23. Senator Hi!!
expects to lie an attorney in the first
ease brought to test the constitutionality
of the income tax.
I'euallv the Only Thin That Will Make a
Man have Money.
This is a true story, and one that
will apply to many other young men
besides this particular one. It ia a
great pity that this is true, sajrs the
llttsburph Commerical Gazette, but so
it is.
A prosperous business man who em
ploys quite a number of cltrks said re
cently tbut he had been led to the con
clusion that the young man who saved
and invested his earnings is an ex
ception to the rule. lie was surprised
to find this to be true. The facts cunie
out when he began reducing his work
ing force as business felt off. The
first to be dropped were those who had
no family depending upon them. Then
it was that they would confess they
hadn't saved a du'.'-r, and had no
means whatever upon which to live.
This same man also observed that
the married men nearly all had saved
something, notwithstanding their
salaries were no larger, and in some
cases les, than those drawn bv single
By quizzing these young lachelors
he found that riotous living was the
principal cause of their poverty.
Some of them gambled on the quiet,
and others just naturally let it go
right and left as long as there was any
to go.
From this he concluded that mar
riage is a very good thing for a young
man, provided he marries a sensible,
practical sort of a woman. Hereafter
he propose to give married men the
preference because, in so doing, he will
lie tie Iping those who are willing to
help themselves.
ilrs. J. II. IIoi:s Yin:n, lMl'iii iiic
Ave., SanU Cruz, Cal., writes:
" Wlie3 a girl at school, in Reading.
Ohio, I had a severe attack ot bruin
fever. On my recovery, I found myself
perfectly buld, and, for a long time, I
(oared I shouid lie permanently so.
Friend urged me to use Ayer's Hair
Vigor, aud, on doing so, my hair
Began to Grow,
mid I now have as line a head of bair as
one could wish for, being changed, how
ever, from blonde to d irk brown."
" After a fit of sickness, my hair came
out in rombliills. I used two bottles of
Ayer's Hair Vigor
anil now my hair U over a yard long
and very full and heavy. I have recom
mended this preparation to other with
like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr,
H'W llesina St., Il.trristiiirg, Pa.
" I have u-ed Ayer's Hair Vigor for
several years and always obtained satis
factory result. I know It is the best
preparation for the hair that is made."
C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
rnnml t Dr. J (.'. .t vrr& Co., Loo, Uaee.
Union Plaid Cheviots
5 cts
Thcso Shirtings aro not us pod us ilm Amnskongs, but you never
knight unythiiip; like them for anywhere near the price that these
roods are oil'ered nt.
6 1-2 cts
50 cts
Parisian Novelties
See our Center window.
Men's Cotton Shirts
Your Choice, worth ('(), .", 7.V Comer Window.
Ladies Jackets
The remainder of our Spring Stock at a Uniform Trice.
Muslin Underwear, ...Just one-half the market price
Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs 5 cts
Ladies' Chemisettes 10 cts
Ladies' Lisle Vests 15 cts and 25 cts
Regular Values, 20c, 25c, 3(k. and .'"c, 40c, 50e.
In times like these when a Dollar must do double duty, values such as w are ottering can
, not tail to be attractive to tho prudent and economical house-keeper.
li fr.xpuMKl the lrlner.
The crown prince of Denmark visited
a female seminary in Copenhagen the
other day to hear the girls recite. One
little girl near him became confused
aud forgot her lesson, whereuoon he
took her on his lap, ami she thence
forth answered every question correct
ly. Subsequently, when praised for
her knowledge, she replied: "Why, the
crown prince whispered all the answers
to me."
Administrator's Sale.
Pursuant to th command of a writ of eeu
Uon imii1 out of thr cimult Court of the Hiale
of Orvffoo for Wsmiw OMimy in a mitt tbervtn
pernios wherein L. L. Met artney la pi In ltd
and Jobn Adam and V. E. Haigbt ani defend
ants, dated Aujruat 2d. 1JPJ4, eiwiuandlnK me to
ell all Ibe riant, title and intareat of aaid de
fendant and eacb of them In and to the amitb
east quarter of eecUon nine, townablptwo aoutb,
of fourteen eaat, W. M., Co aalufy the mm
of syjl.70 and Intereat thereon from June 26th,
ISX4, at the rate of ten per cent per annum and
the lurthe- mm of tw.oo attorney a fees ai d tbe
u in of eoata and disburMoienu, due to
mhI plaln'lft from aaid defendant John Adams,
and to apply the aarplut If any In payment of
the turn of HlJA"iam1 Intereat thereon at the
rate of ten pureent. per annum from aaid June
Mth. 1M. aud tto.O attorney a fee, due I om tbe
defendant Johtt Adama to the defi daut C. K.
llaleht, 1 will, on Satiinlay the nth day of Kept
emrjer, 1M. at the honr of 2 o'clock in the alter
noon, at the eourthouae door In lllea Cllr,
Orevon, aell all of aaid above described real
property at public aale to the hlRhnt bidder for
raah In hand. T. J. HKIVtK.
aug 6U BherlfT of Vt aaco County, Or.
Tbe Walla and the Hoof Mad Oat of
White Coral Kock.
Any man whochooses. says an article
on Ilertnuda in the Iteview of Reviews,
may scrape the thin coating of earth
off from his prosx-d building site and
proceed to lay up the wallt of his
habitation with the blocks sawed out
in tbe process of exeuvating his cellar.
Thus when the cellar is dug the house
may be ready for rooting, and if
enough rooting material has not al
ready been accumulated in the course
of the excavation, it can easily lie had
ty digging the cellar a trifle deeper,
for the roofs in licrmudaarc invariably
made out of thin slabs of this same
white coral rock. It has the advan
tage of Ix-iiijr so soft that one mny cut it
Willi an ordinary Iiand.saw ten hours a
day for si.i months or a year without
refiling the saw. It may Is? sawed into
slals two or three inches thick nnd
eighteen inches or two feet souare
without particular danger of break inr;
thc slalis. It liKks somewhat like a
very soft, chalky variety of marble.
Though so workable when first
quarried it burdens upon cxposu -e.
Moisture permeates it easily, however.
and it is desirable that a building
should be covered with a thin coatinrr
of 1'ortland cement or a mixture of
common plaster with cement. This
coating is then treated with a heavy
whitewash mode of lime burned from
the same ever-ready -coral rock. The
roofs and chimneys, as well as the
walls, are kept constantly whitewashed
and are absolutely as white aa the
driven snow.
Notice of Administrator's Final Account
Notice u herehy oven that 1. W. Condon, ail
nilnlatiator of theealatenf
ban filed hifl haul aerounr of the admlula
tratirmof aaid eotate with theclerk of theConnty
Court of lb' state of nnwofi. Ut W atnt ounty,
ami that aaid Court ' aj npiilnted lit o'clock a. m.
-M .ndny, September 3tf. 1SW, belnv thehrat dav
of the reel i ar Heplember term of "aid Court for
the year IWX. at the ('.unlv Court House In
Dall-. City, orcou, aa the time and pla e for
t"e hearing of objertion to aucb final arenunt
and the arti lenient ttiereof.
Thia notice t puhlihd bv order of aaid
Jouuty Court made aud eute el Jmy ?7th. lwl
J. W. i ONIMiN,
Notice ia hereby riven that bv an order of the
County Court of the -tale. ol Orewon her-tofnre
made, 'the undersigned bar been duly amtiit.
ed, aud are now tuequallhtv ami ac-Unir ailmlu
lalratora of the eautte of Henry A.' I'ralt, dv-
Ail pereoua bavins elaima acninat theabnve
named deeea-ed are herehy notld-d to preaent
their cUima. with the proper voucher, to ua at
thenitleeol Lealle Itutler, In Maaonlc buildl s.
Isillea City, Oregon, or J. K. Armoui, iloud
Kiver, dr., within alx montha from Che date of
thla notice and all ennn tuieblad to aaid -tate
are bercbv ictjulrvd to aettlu auch ludebt
eUnew forthwith.
Hated at lialleaCltv, Or., at Hood Kiver, tbia
loth day ot Auguat, 1S1-
J. r. AKM-iHH,
Adminlatratora of the eaute of Henry A. Pratt,
deceaeed. It II at
Administrator's Sale.
Notice ia herehy given that In piiraiiauce of an
order of the Coti ty Court of the ntate of Oregon
for Waaroeouuty, duly made and enu-rrd on the
10th day of July, Isui, In the matter of lite estate
of Samuel Patterson, deeaaed, directing the iin
deraigned ti aell at public sale all ofthereal
rmperty belonging to theeatale of aatri deeeaawl,
will, on the itli day of Auguat, Istfl, at the
hour of two o'clock P. M. off tald day, tipim the
lands bereinalter deaerlbed, aell at publir aale
to the hlgheal bidder for eaah In hand, all
of the real properly belonging to the extate of
aaid Hamuli Patteraoo. deceased, to-wlt: The
aoutbvreat quarter of eertlon twelve, townahlp
Ave aoutb, range twelvv aat. In Waaroeouuty,
iivgon. J. II. Pi HANKS.
JurJi Admlui-trator.
Government, State, or Dalles Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson to Thnmhnry A Hudson,
83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR.
If you want information ennrrning (lovem
merit land, or thi lawa nilatlng thereto, you oau
conault him free of charge, lie haa niade a apav
elalty ot thla bualneaa, and baa practierd before
tliu I nlted Hub a Land UBIm for over Ion years.
He ia Agent for the Kaaleru Oregon land
Company, and ran aell you Oraiing, or Uii
Improved Agricultural Landa In any quantity
deairrd, aud will aeud a Pamphlet daaarlhlnc
thean lauda to anyone applyuig to him lor It.
Notice of Final Settlement.
U. B. Laud Ornci, The Dellea, Or.,
Aug 1. inn. t
Notire la hereby given that the following
named aettler baa filed notice of hia Intention to
make final proof In aupport of hi oUIrn, and
that aaid proof will be made before the hegmter
and Keceiver at Tbe Wllea, Oregrm, on Ijcto
ber lUth. 1MM, VI:
flonaer White,
H K No 274, for the n'i ne'. tw, aw'i
r'. arc 2, tp -A, a r l e. w oi.
He names the following wltneaaea to prove hla
contisaoiia reaidence upon aud cultivation of
aid Und, viz:
A Cilery. N O. Weber. W T. McClure, A.
MrClure, all of Wap'iillia, or
Notice la hereby given that by an order of the
County Court of the Htatoof orearon forVtaaco
roil my. made an i ent red thia 1:1th day of June,
i-H, in we aiauer oi ine ea ate ol VMiiiam II.
WlMn, driieaeol, Mo day, July 16, IMM, at the
hour of Hi o'clock A. M., waa Hied a the time
and the Comity Court itoom of aaid county aa
the place for the hvirl''g of the final account of
the executor of the laat will aid tealament of
aaid Oeceaaed: all peeooa bavlng an objectlona
to Bold final amiiint and to Ibe aettleioent of
aid eatate are directed to appear at aaid time
and place, then and there to ahow eanae. If any
there be, why aaid linal account abouid not be
approved aud aaid eaute attled.
He ia Agent for aale nf lota In TMoanos's A aw
TtoN to The tialbw. Thla Addition la laid off u)
acre Iota, and deatined to be the principal real
d.rnre part at the eilv. Only ) mfnuie.' walk
from Courth.mae, 111 mluaU from K. It. Uepot.
Hattlera Located aa Gavaranaal I.aada.
If you want X Marrow Money, aa Long or Short tlaaa, laa aaa aeaamaaodata yea
Writs Fire), Lira, aad aaalaaat laaaraaaa. '
If yaa aaanat call, wrlta. aad your lettera will ha raaatly aaavarW.
"There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fioot
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Notice to Creditors.
Notice ia hereby given that the nnrtcaigned
naa ny ine county ourt nt the Htate ol Oregon
f.irWajM-o county. In probate. fen aonolnuvl
udtnlnlatrator off theeatale of Angunt lietlelaeu
deeeaartl. All peraona having elaima ag,iloat
aain eautie are nereoy reinrri to pre ent tliem,
with proper vouch- ra, to me at the law ollire of
Cond'in Condon, The I) ll-a. Oregon, within
alx niontha from the date of thla notice,
liated July JH, IWM.
II A.Nr) I.AUR, Adminiatrator.
Be GolLmDia Packing Co..
L'. H.
Coals of Fire.
lloffor, thff celebrated I-'rench tenor,
on one occasion was enirnped for the
sum of fifteen hundred francs to sinfr
at the house of a rich financier. Uotfcr
anir his first atmir marrnificcntly, but
no one paid him the hlifrhtcst atten
tion and the jrucsU talUed their loud
est. Presently the host thought the
time had come for another aonrr, and
sent for Kofrer. lie could not lie found,
and that evening was seen no more.
Next day a note enme from him, ac
compcinieil by the sum of two thousand
TincK. Tbe note run thus. "I hnve the
honor to return the fifteen him In il
francs which I received for sinffinff at
your party, and I beg leave to add five
hundred francs more for having so
RTeatly disturbed the conversation of
your truest."
Lami Orncg, The Dallea.Or.,)
Jmy ii, Iwic (
Complaint having been entered at thiaoftu.
hy I-ran a Mnlone agalnat John Vredt lor aban
doning hla homeauwd entrv. No. 4.'wtt, daltvl
March 2. ix.'. nin the hjj hW'.;, N v y. hwu
and aij NW'J, 8ec. In. ip. S H, R In K, 111
t aaro Cuun'v, limrm, with a view to the can
cellHtion of aaid entry, the aelrt pa'tlea an- here
by MiminiMini to apimtr at thla oltlre on the 1'Jlh
day of hepirnibrr. Iiwi. at 10 oclork a. m., io
r.pond ami fmniah teaiimo' y eoiirernlng aaid
allrgrd abandonnie t. K. M. Hhutt, I,', h. to
noa.ioner, la aiithorlied to taae teatiinony at
A telope, Oregon, on September lilli, at
loo i l.x-a a. m.
JA8. F. MtKIRft, KeglaU-r.
All pewma are hereby n tilled not to him or
keep Marion Hunt, a lad 14 yeara old. about
J'teir piemiaea, aa bla aervietta are Deeded at
B me.
sugW-lm JAMES II I' ROT.
BiacKsmitit & wagoii snop
toneral Blu ksmithing anil W'urk done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing .a Speciality
Tbirfl Street. Gpp. Lie&e'x olflS tand.
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof dR AND
Dried Beef, Etc.
French Percheron Stallion,
Weight In Koorl flo-h I.Soft pounda, and Hiiro Foal
Oettor. Wll' aell for raah or notea with
approved eceuriiy, or will trale
for taoraea or ralle.
Kerr &, Buckley,
Grass Valley, Or.
Add rasa:
Who are selling those goods out nt greatly-reduced rate.
- M
( Surceaaors to L. D. Frank, deceased.)
a. 3CI3STI3B
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing: Goods.
wnoiesale and Eetail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, WHips, Hone Blankets, Etc.
Full Assortment of Mexican Safldlcn Plain nr stainned.
SECOND BTKEET Ttlr, ni . . ,,s 0B
No. G7 Washington Stkkkt. The Dallks
Wholesale and IUl! Diral.trs and Manufacturers of
BoildiDf Material ud Dimension TintVr Doors. Wmiumi 1UI inrv llnnsi FnmiJiinin. tit
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
Boxes and Pack! no rou
B,otory Mbor TTsard sat Olc 3FH. I5all-
DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part ot the city,