The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 22, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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It's mthrr too much for you
the ordinary, bulky pill. Too big
o take, and too much disturbance,
lor your poor system. The smallest.
j"i..t . t.-iLi and lest. are Dr,
ricrcc's Pleasant Pellets. They
l.v out all the disturbance, but ,
yet do vou ruore good. Their help
fagtj, '
Constipation, Inaicetion, liihous
Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches,
and all deransiomeuta of the liver,
rtoniach, and bowels are prevented,
relieved, and permanently cured.
They're ffuaratUetJ to give gatisfao- ;
Uoo, or vour money is reiurneu.
1 COLD IX THE 11E1D n 18 quickly
cured by Dr. Sages
Catarrh Remedy. So
is Catarrhal Headache,
and every trouble that
is caused by Catarrh.
So is Catarrh itself.
The proprietors offer
500 in cash for any
case which tlioy cannot cure. Sold
by all druggists.
From mm
mcnt.-. M. I':
r V. iter.
and experi
1.1:. "ih;.t urops
:: v.u:.r or v. i t
: i: I ; . ;!: c.:;.. r
l.t lr.
tit xv::tir !..'.V.:
houies r.-. i
lt-eomii:t- 1ft I
pas ! ii:'f si.-g;,tm-iy el. -etriiied
from tin- loot of the f.,11, und liirht ini
puritlo iu the water uituinish tlie i f
fiH't ci Ufiiit mbly. The ewnticl cuii
di;iiil; i if i leetritkti m ire the con
cu;i .iiUs :.m"i;- the ilr.ips tln i!:-Ke:-.
tail tin- w ". r k. no i' ct In
iiirr !ie t tlie water's fall thnmr'h the
air ami i . :i f.i r-ier. by ii. A j"t nf
r.T.ter fu!!i.:.L' muvii from t:u ii, -elated
tank t . nf. insulated pu:! I.- tritied
tin It-tter p -itive'y. while !: atja
tivv? t ie-.'iriJU u'.ion .if vht Mirr-undinjr
air trrew t ven:l humm-d Tnlts."
Kenneth Cazemore Lad the good for
trme to receive a small bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhu a
Remedy when three member of his
lamily were lick with dysentery. This
one email bottle cured them nil and be
had some left which he gave to deo. W.
Baker, a prominent merchant of the
place, (.ewiston. N. C, and it cured
him of the same compiaint
When '
tronbled with dysentery, diarrho-a, colic
or cholera morbus, give this remedy a
trial and you will be more than pleased
with the resnll. The praise that natur
ally follows its introduction and use has
made it very popular. 20 and 60 cent
bottles for sale by Elakely &. Hontfi.ton.
Fob the first time in the history of
..Knsn uuiversity Doat race a mar-
man Sir Charles Kois, rowed
id :
one or the crews this year. He
married two year afo.
lafne Cannot h Cnntti
local applications, as they cannot
ch the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedie.
Deafne is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube get
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely
closed Iteafnees is the result, and nnles
- the inflammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine caei out of ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing bat an in
flamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any eae of Deafnea (caused by catanh1
that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. .
atitSold by D-tiggista, 7V
11.151 V says that the HomaiiK learned
the ax' of yeast from the Greeks dur-1
inif the war with Persius. king of j
A cat belonging to Airs. Mary Brown- ;
well, of Wilmington. DcL, baa a habit
of ringing the lx.ll whenever it want
to be let out of the cellar.
My boy wi taken with a dieeae re
sembling bioody flax. The first thing I
thought of was Cbaniler!ain'e Colic,
Cholera and Iiarrho-a Ilemedy. Two
. doses of it settled the matter and cured
him sound and well. I heartily recom
mend this remedy to all persons suffer
ing from a like complaint. I will an
swer any inquiries regarding it when
stamp is inclosed. I refer to any county
official as to my reliability. Wm. Loach,
J. P., Primrov, Campbell Co.. Tenn.
For sale by lliately 4 Houghton drug
allew m Taisaran.
The county board of equalization will
aieet in the asseesors office on Monday, ,'
Kept. 24th, and continue in session one
week, for the purpose of equalising the ;
aaaseesment ol VS'asco connty for 1SL
All tax payers who have not been inter
vwreg vj me mmrtwor win please can at ; s
j .... .. . 1 " -
theofEce oo Tbomd.y., Fridaya or K.U j
ardarf, as all property must be assessed. I
Joel Eootrrz,
Countv Aessor.
a lb trrMla.
Wamuscton. Aug. SO.-Harn
' ported the mended sugar bill
mi the
coal and iron ore ami barlHsl
nlre- bills
in tlie senate today.
Allison said the action f the cn:ite
last Saturday on Mandcrson'e amend
ments hen the vote was 21 to M. and
the amendment ou!y failed for lack, of
quorum. ehould be recorded as an in
struction to the coniiiiitti to report the
amendment favorably.
Mitchell of Oregon gave notice that if
the sugar bill was called up this aewion
he would offer an amendment re-enact-ing
the wool schedule of lS'A). The bills
placing wool, coal and iron on the free
! list were ordered placed on the calendar.
: The senate went into executive session,
i but owing to lack ofao,uortim adjourned
until Wednesday.
The senate bill to push
the United States against the estate
l.eland Stanford was passed.
a aotM- of
hwii I'llm Mailt
Fbmt on
I.iqiil.l Air.
A frozen soap bulilile broken iu two
ami liictiliir lis:e i.n iriovKcenr, iruns-
l it": shell on the mirfaee of a
el of liciiiii uir was one of the most
marvelous sights shown by IVot. I e
i war in a lecture ut the Koyal iustitute.
I London, on the etTM-ts ii intense cold.
The invest i-n of this new tield of
i science is uevelopinjr many w.mderful
bit of know leiipe. home of wtueli are
sure to lv turned to valuable practical
aetMHint In-fore loner. The pretty -eriinent
spoken of which delighted
the audience whs quite simple. The
profi ssir pourt'd a few spoonfuls of
liquid uir into a plasK essel. The in
tense cold caused by evaporation pn-
: dueed a miniature snowstorm in the nt-
i:io: phere uIhivc the tiiiuid. The oper
' ator lowered the soup bubble on the
! end of a rod into the freezing atiuos
' phere. The bublile liecame darker.
! The movements of the,-d
tlm errew slower. It contracted some
! v hat iu si.e. and a momeut later fro;;e.
A sliirht movement broke it from the
; riMi m two pieees. which ma.ted for an
1 hour, praduiilly uecumulutinp a tiny
! snowdrift with! n. precipitated from the
i freezing nir alve.
The Mnst .nrg;eoua TrfM urr. nf Aratla.
What a spieiiilid picture it hroueht ( "a frmjul mind." und by a domestic ur
lieiore your mind ! You read the glow-: ranpement she exerts a sti'lutary check
i inp descriptions of the secret treasures ' on the lilH-rality of her kimhim-. cc:i
which the peiiiiof the rinp eprend lie- sionallv he exceeds his allowance and
fore Aladdin s pane. oa perused tbi jnUulpes in.trieka on his -linker'" to
!'?vo":f. '0rv 1f -VO'"r '" .'Aral.,an i s..eure a litfle MKket nionev. f.w which
I Ntphta when a boy. and yonr imapnia- h,. (Ws nill U( d . .
tion pictured brijliantiv for von everv-! . . , . ,
thine that the words sowested. " j e,nt- , 1"t a" n"1 u "l W
That was when von were a 1kv. To- ! hat u"a '""'ht it.reportinp thts tr.-nl
day. josibiv, vou are unable to do it. ""'" that u ",,,t thr,"c dollars, and
jshall we teil you the reason why? Mot I ll"' s" as duly charred by h. r to
i probahie liecaiife your liver is sluepish. his pet-soim! evp-nses. while in fa-t bl
and as a coii;-eioence vou sulfer irom ' luid but otu-dollar and fifty cents ut a
6ick headache, dizziness, and coustipa-i
tion. lk vou want to enre all thee'
troubles permanently, make yourbvpr
active, your imagination lively, and in
peneral er.jov thinps as you did when a
bov? All vnn have to do is to use I r.
l'ierce'e l'leasant I'ellete, purely veireta-
Die, perlectly harm less, the smailet and ,
easiest to take, and they are the cheap- '
est lcane they are guaranteed to pive j
satisfaction, or your money it returned. '
What more can vou ask?
lt: 'It Uollnr KwrI.
Strayed from my wet pasture, one
iron-grey horse, branded half circle
nil left tihnuMor mid tao S's rrnssel nn
right shoulder; rather thin cinch sore
on left ribs; furetop roaehed liuck to the
place trr naiter. rronao y went tow-
siu3 i icii iiiiutr. in Kor t-' rewnrii ; :
lor Jus return to ne at tny ranch, or a
liberal reward for any information lead
ins to hi recovery.
. S. IloilKETf.
loi Prospect Kan'-h
iirt lor wny.
All county warrants registered prior
u Angn 1, 1S50, will be paid on pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
after Ju;y 12'.!:. Wm. .Micnti.i.,
Countv Treasurer.
pr'Tnr miw nnd an taniMt opinion, writ to
Ml i a. 1 (I., wno nan bad imvit nf it Ttarf
vxovnmttv In Ln- ntnot nutnM. Comicanirn
Oon smell? eontvtmtu:. A tlnndhaok at in
formation eoncaminr I' Irwin and bow to no.
tain uai arm frv. A lur a fniahanw 1W BMrrhan
Kal and acMnttnc bookt writ tree.
Pausit tan tnrrmffn Mima ft Co. waalvs
iwciai nottwtn foe svirnf the Amerirnn. and
tana ara la-otwlit wioty melirlto puiiiicwitn
ont r-t to Umi nwntor. This antTMliil fjatir.
lanm wmit. doaantlr illwtraiert. nan far tha
lanreat rimuatjon of anr c.entlOc mark In to
wi!d. a: a ear. hanm cornea arm trre.
Bandina-K.lrtiuo. montnry SL-Juarar. tmrla
eopMa, '1 ocma. Kverr noinoer eomaina titan
tilul azalea. io eokjra. and pliourraixja of new
bouana. w t lb iMana. vtialilmc builovn) to abow Um '
11 -t tUwtntt airil rair ammr. Addraaa
ML'MM A LOW hW Vo :1 :bl UuuAlimty.
CaTean.andTra4e-Marinomaincd.and ill fat-i :
m trmooaconductra tur MootnaTt rtr.
' Oon Orrrcr is oaaoairt u. a. fTeirr oier
! J taa we can iccura ua:ent in Icaa ujaa 'rtari moat
j 0 leaKKe from tt iriiniriofi. 4
bend model, a
i Jtioo. We adtiae. if tienoue or not, Iree ol J
caargc. Our lee not due nil patent at aeenrcd. '
a aanmirr, "How toOtxain r-atenia," wKhJ 1
j 1 coat ol aaote in the Lr. S. ao4 lufetfa countries
eeest brec Aodrean, a
O Ttprr Oericc. MfaSMtNeTon. 0 C.
H. I.asd omcs, The h,,I. Or...
Antufl 11. iki t !
Notice la hereby riven tnat the foliowmr I
named erttler (,. filed noti-e of hi. Intention
Ui make final pr..f In .tinnm-t of In. elaim. and j
Oiataald prf will be nixie te-fore the n-tn-ter j
and m-eiTer of the C. s. land fli- at The 1
"i'1--' "
Alrln a. Lake,
It. fr. No. t;2. for the hwir. NF1;. frr. ai.d F',. H'1,' err. . T I f, K n K
i ai.d FS. t-ij her. a. T 4 c. K II V .
X'er'r.aU.ti., :
"ld '--:
Tb,ier.ol Vio-- i
Jas. K. M'KiCl.. '
Wohm'i rrrM f lunik llm lilxanw
Ten run.
"Thegreut trvuMe with thK particn-
lur age. Tviu;iiieI a voi:ntr woi.ic.i on
her twenty-vveiith tiirth.uiy. "i. t!i..t
people ore so v.n.h
.vhellicr or not one intcmi- t. ; ct m: r- I
ricil. ami opining that if . ovc !id ;
lcttr ! iiianit il. let ir titnl !i. t-ncIi'
in the prc.ricHtueiit of .1; . of ni.rvrv i
lorv, of wh im it i uurriitcil the! tir-t
hi, lfuu w,n.i,-lt Uicii he
thought he would, und then l.c couldn't." 1
trr, us Tlie Scotch palhiutly put it. a ,
pirl ut i'i.teen wonders: 'Who shall I !
take, at twenty-live who shall I (jot.
ami at thirty u ho win t;ikc me'.'"' i
"You t ii j.'et." r. marke.l hev listi ner. ,
"that wouiati's teriid if youth has ,
moved on fjood ten years. !n the .
old-fushiouevl iiovel the heroine w sis in- j
vurUill" sweet sixteeli. never by un
chance eit her more or less. This pite j
hcrtivoyears in wliieh to accomplish!
the ol'ieet of her W inir. since after the
Velv nibl aire f 'ij.'hleen all tos.sible
interest in her w as su;Hseil in ecaso.
Now you seldom find heroine of lie- '
tionwho iuti-nts you under t .reiity- i
six. and iu a'larjfe uumlM-r of ;
tuarriiapc statistics the bride is Is-; .seen '
t wetit. -tive mid thirty, und even o'd.-r. !
I How can a child of sixteen or eihtei-it
j form a".' just estimate of n man's char- !
j actor, or how it will aeeonl with her
ow it?"
j "Hut. don't you think." said the lirst i
sH'al;er. at that uudcvclnueil u'e her j
owu character can prow into eonformi- !
ty with ' his. and thai iierrajis tiicre
will In- less contlict and pri'atcr liappi- I
uesK thert-bv?
"h. that is a nuHlieval sort of view ;
imply inp the subjeetiou of wouieii. I
w ho had lietter le out of the world ;
since it is now out of the fashion, in ,
those days of w. imhii's suffrage meet- j
hips auionir Hie f ic' hundred uud -ti- !
t ions to the lepislat me." I
I Then the two. says the I'hiludclphiu i
I Press, drifted -into a discussion of tin
j political status of women.
I An Imprruiiimu lliitttairl Who Forgot ihr
Trtil Hp I'lHtnl on II U Wife.
j I have a friend who is comfortably
! wed off. with a reasonable umoitnt of
j pood investments und a pood salary.
! but he has a weakness for nsinp money
I freely, says a writer in the ltost.iu
lournul. He has also a irood wife with
"mark-lown" sale, and so had an euul '
amount to "blow in" without exssiiri . t
In u little time, however, the wife
called his attention to the fact that hi-
hut was liNiklng shabby and siiLtrcsti-d !
that he should get a new one. coimlii"
the remark that the hat did not seem
ti have worn well, and he must exer- J
cise more care in his iext M-lection.
Having forgotten his "little game.'
the husband replied hastily that In
thmght that the hat had done pretty ;
goKl M-rvice for a 4-heap one. "You!
can't expect anything from a dollar j
! and fifty-cent hat." I
"How's that?" says the wife, and j
i forthwith she exhibited her account !
lxsik with its charge of three dollars, i
! and the husband was forced to con f est.
his fraud and promis.- better
There is M-ace just now iu
that family, but when he brink's home
a punhuse the wife calmly but firmly
asks him t.f turn in a receipted biil j
from the salesman.
Ex-lmprrai 9 rvrirrtrlt uf liTmmnj
m Hoiinn of Triumphs nnrt iM-fntt.
If all the daug hters of (Jueeli Vic-I
toria ex-Empress Frederick was the
naughtiest when a -hill. S
" as
seu-wiiien. a peneei tomboy ana as
full of pranks hs her brother, the priuce
of Wales. w:ys a writer in the New
York Advertiser. On one occasion,
when an old sailor had carried her on
a yacht and setting her down on deck,
said: "Tin-re you are, my little lad;. ."
the little .-irl replied: "I am not a lit
tle lady: 1 u:u a jirinees;" wh-r-iiion
her mother said: "You had ts-ttiT ti ll
the kind sailor that you are not a little
lady, but that you hope to U-one some
day." As Princes. Victoria grew ur
her disposition did not ultcr. Self
willed and umbitious. after her mar
rii'.j'e with Crown Prince Frederick
she antagonized Hisuiarck and sl.- k.-l
the German court by her imh-p 'iidi-m e.
She often that she would W i-m-press
of (iermanv. if only for a day.
Her wish was gratified, and after ie r
brief rek'n of u f, w months she v.a:
shamefully and disrespectfully In-ale'l
)-y her Min. who now calls her tne in.,,i
intelligent woman in (ierinant . iim
prevs Frederick's life has U111 n singu
larly sad one. She is wonderfully
like her mother in apiieuranec. and
they nre very devoted to one another.
Hie is exceedingly shrewd and clever,
highly educated and the superior in
intellect of most German matrons.
How lie Kewmhled WelieUir.
The Kansas City Mail tells a story of
a congressman who, having submitted
himself to the manipulation of a vener
able colored barber in Washimrtnn.
f I was told: "Io you know. sah. yon re
- j mind me no much of Dun'l elmtahT'
Of course the congressman wan greatly
P'T . " , th, """I'' '"- ""d be
r""" vmiuij,-. iie wouiu nave Hiraignty
ened up promptly had he nit had his
. ,. . . , "uu
hPa" ln lwrlamtua chancery, no to
sjieak. "Indeed." he said. "Shane of
1 , , . ... '
) . ' i.i niUKifi-ri'll
ll" "gen colored man homcwnal. lie
Il not expected a oueftion in reidv.
and had nien-tv I.. il tl.o I. .1 ;..
' co,pliM.-u.ry bluff, never think-
iii.-tiiat there would K- a cull for an
fPlnat.-y M.,-rstructure. "No.aah.-
'' t!.n,.-!-, ! in reply. "Not yo' head.
(Jih Jfi, o" bu-ff."
lor lufcata and Cblblrru.
Ca.torU yrmnntw THr''"- H'
OVurcoutM flatulency, C'oiistiiwUim, Sur
Ptonuuh, Piarrhci and Foverishiu.
Thus the child ia rendensl timltliy end its
slo4 aatand. Catoria isutuiu i
Moqihiiw or other narcotic prowrtv.
" CMorta k so wrll aiUptrd to ch!Mrn tht
I nmxnuiriMl tt. aa KlnM-loc IOn prr'nMXi
known b bm." 11. A. Aatnaa. M. I;.
Ill Boutli Oxturd Sc., ltruuidya, h. .
" f'nr armrml ymr I haw n-oniniCll your
Cuuira.'and hll Jw coouniie uUi
ulllUMUinurlalll nnnliKssJ Flilla.
I nwiw K. 1'Anuaa. M. D..
12Sth Hlrrmt ami Ttii A., lw York City.
"Tho im of 'OaiOori' It tto unltl and
Iu imiu h well knows that It mm a wort of
lUIMmpukia to wuitw II. trm nnU '-b-lliirout
tuiiliw woo do not kT Civauna
vliauiay rwacu."
Xi.l MTT. I. P.,
Nf Yurk City.
Taa Cuttacb Ooai-ijrT, T7 kiurray Btrw. K. Y.
me i
Dalies, FtrtlaaJ aci Aslaria
Navigation Co.
Freigni ana PsssngGr Line
i Through Iaily lrie (.Sundays ex
cepted ) Tietwecn'The I)allee and' 1'ort
land. Steamer Kepnlator leaves Tlie
Oalles at T a.m.. connecting at the Cas-
cade Locks with Steamer Oalles City.
Steamer Dulles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill at. dock) at tt a. ru., connwt-
i inp with Steamer Kepniator for The
I Dalles.
rAnatsuKK it ATI-.
One ay . .
Round trip
$2 DO
. 3.00
Freight Rales Greatly Reduced.
' All freight, except car lots,
j will be brought through, vAth
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments lor Portland received at
r any time day or night. Shipment for i
way landings must be delivered before I
5 p. m. Live stock shipments eolicted.
Call on or address.
j or I AguU
tiaraftrsit MMr.
J. F. FORD, Iraielist
Of Im Home
i. Iowa, write
March Zl. Inn
ntidT date ot
C. MfcU. MfG. Co..
lnfur, Oregon.
t . . i i . i t i
i .n .n.;,.n.i. ik..
j little pjri, eight and one-half years old,
who bad wasted away to 3s pounds, if
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. ii. 1. Cough Cure has done
its work well, lkith of the children like
it. Your 8. B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all huarsenees from me.
So give it to every one, with greeting
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Ma. tk Maa. J. F. Fobd.
If you w'.ab to fuel freah and cheerful, and read;
for toe SprtiiK a work, eleanat jour yatem wttn
the Headache and Liver ('are, by taking two Of
three daeee each week.
Hold nnder a ponltive faarautee.
90 rxtita per bottle by all dnucgiatt.
. M. ncniKf a,
First Rational Bank.
- - OREGON 1
I A General Banking Business transacted
I Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check,
j Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
i Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
I land.
D. P. Tiioarsos. Jho. . ix:naxca.
Ed. M. Williams, Oao. A. Lisas.
H. M. BtALL.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern Mates.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, rit.
Louis. 8an Francisco, Portland Oregon,
heattie Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orabie teruia. I
P nL A Mil I rV 4" A
The Oalles
Daily and Weekly
THE C1IK0MCLK was ehtahlishml for liie ex
press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles
anJ the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other puhlications in Wasco, Sher
man, (lilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the hest
medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire.
The Daily Chkomct.e is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at f G.00 per
annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of
each week at $1.50 per annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlio Dallos, Orogon.
linecrtaiir U Paul Kf"tt & Co
And the Moot Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in
PRACTICAL PAINTT-'P. and PAPEIt HAN'iKK. None bnt the best brandf
of J. W. MASUKY'H PAINTS used in r., our work, and none but the
niost skilled workmen employed. A(tent f r Maurv Liquid J'aitiU. No cheov
icel combination or soap mixture. A tim-ciaim article in all colors. All orden
promptly attended to.
Store asd Paint Shoo oorner Third and Washinpton fitt.. Tha Dallei, Ors'Pi
NPW - Imtillw- Hm ico
" " " a a a MblllM A A W J w
i Ticket and Baggage Office of the U
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
LARGEST r AND FTNV.KT urvrrr . iv . rkTvnnK
175 Second Street, - The Dalles, Oregon
A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals, Etc.
Coontry and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
l 3 (a n x
Ruinous Rates.
R. R. Coinjiany, and oflit of the Weetri
- - 4 . . . J V V