THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1894. The Weekly Gbroniele. Clubbing List. Tlie Ciikumi i t, whii-li g.vea the news u-i.-u m Mt la made ui-runm. uieu'.a to , . , ..... oner two pa)?r one year ior uuir nmir than the price of one : l.-vn!.ir our ItratKlt 1M V 1. li.Mir firaiuW ui frttl; rMii famuli uV, CavyaliUi liruitr 2.WH..3j 3-0" ! S.W 2J5 1 MIKAKU.E l'ICTI A Uh.'wI evlitor on the Cregoinau ye- teniay tried his "prentice hand on a bit of s write-np for Frank t'.. Carpenter, the noted correspondent, who is just from Asia.aud who will write a series of letters during the Japan-China war for a syndicate of American !iewspaers, of which the Uregonian is one. The article alluded to is mentioned, and the appended quotations put iu type, sim- ply to show that the said writer is the least adiw.tiverous pnrvevor of news on the cna-t In annlvin? a ha'f column of cold saliva to the well-uolished repii- t.tN.n nr Mr i'.,umr i, ns 1 1. fnl . lowing wonderful language: " series of wonderful experiences." "The won derful gun factories of China." "Heat tended a wonderful China laiiiuet." "It is only his wondertul letters.'" ""He has some wonderful thine to tell." 'He can nse this wonderful material.'' "The emltodiment of his wonderful re - searches." But really the most won - derfu! thing mentioned is that Mr. Car - penter traveled in places that were so steep that he had to be carried up by men. which is a pretty steep story. We would advise our big contempor - arv to buv its reiiortorial force a di.-tion- nrr enntuininff ti.hiff nf viinnnn. nH nine bushels of adjectives, that he write no longer so fearfully and wonderfnliv. rut posr i:xi'i:t:ss We have just finished reading an article in the Sunday Oregonian, entitled "The I'ony Express," and written by John Flenry Martin. Outside of some dates, we donbt if there is a true state - nient in it. The roads along the Carson river never existed except below where the Nevada state prison stands, and there the Carson river rnus through a country where the sage brush grows down to the water's edge, and the country is as level as the flats about Umatilla. There never was a pony ex press rider killed by the Piutes. In fart that tribe never killed anyone ex cept at the famous battle of Pyramid lake, aud then nobody was hurt only those who out ran themselves getting away. It may be possible that someone has been staffing Mr. Martin, but if not, it is a eietir case that John Henry is try ing to staff the balance of ns. We lived at Carson at the time the nonv express was started, and "Pony Bob" and other j wild west aide shows were not there. We wish to say, however, that the Ore- gonian is not responsible for the story i that honor being reserved for McClure's ' magazine. A PRACTICAL IICMAXITAMAS. Miss Adaima Lncinda Brown, the ac complished graduate of a Buffalo, N". Y., seminary, wbo was married to a Pitt river Indian in Modoc county, where she is teaching an Indian school, was formerly a teacher at Yainax agency, in Klamath county. She is a humanita rian, and zealously labors for the up lifting of the Indian, Negro and other neglected and somewhat despised races. Yet the nobility of the lady's ideas re ceives the studied contempt of the pre of the coast. There may be such a thing as the lady being right and the opinion of the paper rotten. Ashland Kecord. It ia quite certain that Miss Adalina Lncinda Brown might Lave been done more brown than ehe Las been. She might, for instance, Lave married a white man with no higher ideas than those of the gentleman who penned the article above quoted. An educated woman who marries an Indian for the purpose of uplifting" him is only lowering herself to his level. Falb's earthquake and tidal wave have not shown tip yet. We have opened communication with Mr. Lord, wbo is at the seaside, to send ns word aa soon as it arrived there, and will thns have the first news, because the Lord only knows w hen or how it is going to come. Jnst bow that tidal wave is going to get here is a mystery. It can't come over the bar without a pilot, for that is contrary to the act of the legislature ; it can't be towed up the river, for that would be undignified; it can't he tent by express, for that would break it, and if it came by freight it wouldn't stop here anyhow for the O. K. & X. would take it to Arlington at the tame price. In consequence of these things we ven ture the prediction that Falb is off hit base. The Pendleton Eaet Oregonian be lieve that the repeal of all lawa for the collection of debts wonld do more to re lieve the workers and producers than any other one thing proposed or to be proposed, and that paper further cays : "It would .imply prevent the manipu lative, speclaiive and parasitical claasea from getting on the backs and bodies of f the Uiw, to gradually exhaust their imoim-M ami tlimtroy meir n 'would drive rapita! into industry in-j 1 ........ I .f inl.i LimU Mil. I HliirtPMI. to i give euinlovuiont to labor au.t em - onr - i Ul toVUtr,.,i,r. It would tartly ,.revnt the water'...,: of tto.-k. ami di- ontiuue ttio prin t!. of l,oMinuthVl . " ' worker aiul prodtnvra to exact from iht'tn dividends on these in Muted and corrupt sal lies. IVi.t is at the noimiu encourage and periHtuate it are laws! 1 - -. v. . . . . ..I ,1... .... I.. ! kiitim me uei .mervMs u. toe .roii. our contemporary the Fveniuj Tele- gran, print, a pretty little description of ho. veral IkvS ro,le from Sho.hone to Portland. We do not like to crilicue. i but how can- we believe the .tory when litaav, that on the i:;th of June thev : took tlie I nion l acme train at 1 ort.uuu land started east. A. a matter of fuel 1 there was no Union Pacific train on that ! date, and ver little Union Pacific rail - j road in this vicinity. The boys proba - bly came np on the I). V. & A. N. Co.". boats, but a the Portland dailies are ! forbidden to mention that Hue, the Tele- j gram is excusable, as it would have been unable to get the boys ont of town any 'other way, and so thev wonld have j mised all the tun. ( We acknowledire the reit'ipt of cuui - I ill imeti rv tlctpt tii thu Oremn state fair, to be held at Salem next niouth At the same time we received copy for whnnt t."i srnrth of frw nntieea. We Lave no nse for either. Salem is more kinds of swine at once than any other town in the stute. Eastern Oregon has uot for gotten her action concerning the branch 1 insane asylum, and will see to it that , Salem and Salem's sideshows are let 1 surely alone. The state iui.- is nothing ! but a horse racing arrangement at the ! best, and dented poor horse racing at i that. There is one thing Eastern Oregon j would do for Saiem cheerfully, and that is to assist in making some other place the mniti.1 nf the state We have stated two or three times in i these columns that we will not print I : is good, had or indifferent, if it is seut to this shop it goes into the waste basket. We don't 'like to make this refusal, be cause we don't like to hurt anyone's feelings, bnt we are forced to refuse the ; passable rhyme, in xirder to stand off j those who write without reason, rhyme j or canst. We respectiully refer all I writers of th class to the old Latin ! proverb. "It mnrtuu nil a mi innm." T"? ! . I Mr., rranklin Eane editor of the j Tacoma News, delivered an address at , tlm T" ;i .("i ill a tail-AnHnr (uir mK!i-H Wait . Dowerv enough to satisfy a vonng ladies j , lu 1 ortina le,e8'ui ,ve lUe lo", class in bounv, but in the' midst of it 1 low,nS concermng the pretlictions of U ig au 0,n secret here that Secret he made a strange slip. He said "Like J "rthquakes and tidal waves, a subject ries Gresham and Carlisle Lave advised Hercules we have touched the earth and ! that iU9t DOW isof 'Jerable interest: Mr. Cleveland to sign the tariff bill and eained new strensrth." Mr. Lane was i "Irof"' Kndolph ialb, the German let congress adjourn, leaving the domo- mistaken in his man. Herenles ,M I on the earth most of the time. The I . (itH.rffp I 8 ,ed strength : we ! gentleman he alluded to Francis Train. He gaine tt K.'T, nn tii. fyr.iiinil m n f 1 re told he once lit" in Tacoma ... 'lhc secretarv of the treasuri-. Mr. : 1 - ' 1 - I - , . i r"8le. Knul8 Prlnleu 1 u l"e I senate oiu to ine enstoms oiucers. From this it can easily be inferred that the secretary knows what the ultimate fate of the bill be. Cleveland has given no intimation as to w hat he intends to do with the bill, but Carlisle would cer tainly not be preparinglumt the new law in force unless he.kriJuV it was going to be the law. Beloved brethren of the newspaper j fraternity, make a point of always giving ; proper credit for the work of your scissors. Sometime it happens that an exchange might clip that same scissored article and give yon credit for it. This wonld place you in a peculiar position, for then well we have seen several cases of that kind recently. The president ia still at Buzzard's bay wrestling with his defeat and the mala ria. Gorman still Bits in Washington awaiting his return. The senate tanffj Is it the attempt of nature to throw bill will 1 the law in a few day. more, I y u m the predlclloni of t, i If", nt, (rTnBt German professor, Falb? We wot Wowed before he wi,l sign it. and then !no Lu, w,ndeH he won't. The senate is unable to do business, a i bare quorum being in the city, and of ; these enough being awav from the capital to prevent business being done.! In the house vesterday but little was ! done, the session lasting oulv fifty minutes. " j m The wnr between Japan and China so far teems to have been fought princi pally in the newspapers. At far as lying is ; concerned honors are pretty easy, though j we incline to the opinion that the Jape , excel is that as well as the other bar- barons arts of war. Congress ttill manages to keep a quo rum, bat that is about all it can do. When the tariff bill is finally settled there will be a grand scattering for home. The Pendleton Tribune it congratulat-', ing itself upon the good work it has done In exposing tbe whiskey -to-Indian busi ness. Our contemporary is premature in itt boasting, for the end it not yet. senator Dolpb hat left Washington, and will arrive in Portland in a few weekt. SO W Of OCR VILI.IOXAIRIS. It it aDuouonrd that William Waldorf Astor, who loea JSOOO a month on his j P-rioUU-.l, The Pa.l Mail Magaatne, ha. e ir'ritish ie ! " oth"- ' "r A"m'l deiiilevl that this country to live. Their home i in New York, hut their complaint i that New York never does anything to make ... . , .... , life nleacant lor these many nnllioned ; therefore they won't live in America , : th.nk they are nnkinjly tr,.tel appear. ( to 1 that Nt w ork ha. heen vainly for year, to make w...e of them pay their taxes. Thu U too had. New B honor of having our American nobility ; ................... i institute a conxunt round of i-traw henry ; nd lc creant festivals and baseball. ! P"" tbeir honor and invite them ' It ought to sit up night thinking : j of ways to amte them and pet them, j e owe to our nuh.on.,res. , e do. ,n country. I,,e onl-T j trouble is that we do not properly a(- j rrecite them. When that beggarly ; UattenWrg finally makes up his u.ind ! wbich American millionaire s daughter J he will marry, and wheu the rest of; jthem buy their deer parks and I-ointon I houses and get regularly into the sw im wilh iiritifh nobilities and peruana we wi.i tnins more oi mem aim begin to wake np to the beauty aud i brains that are loit to us forevermore. -1 I... l Ml 1. ........ :!.. .u.. i. uin o. iu. up bouic uiii-a m sure what rare spirits have vanished ! from our midst. One thing we are certain of, however, ' tl.ut llttl. f .-f I...V..11, n.,i I - . -.' .. i v . " ....... j disconsolate. We know they w ill draw their money regularly from this coun- try. We are still good enough to pay ; rents to our millionaires and furnish the : material for their coupon cutting. Meantime if eight people do frequently Meantime if eizht neonle do freonentlv i live in one room iu the cities whence our noble millionaires derive their revenues, and if a dozen people are sometimes re-! gument does not seak well for Mr. Jiorted in one morning paper as having Carlisle's opinion of the intelligence of committed suicide tiecause they cannot j the democratic senators, as every intel pay rent and have nothing to eat be- ligent reader of the newspapers knows sides, what does this matter? What that the treasury will not for a long right bavethey to disturb the good times time to come collect any tariff on sugar, of our millionaires abroad by making ' tor the very simple reason that the such unpleasant items in the morning f sugar trust has supplied itself with all papers? And let the Americans stop at : the raw sugar it will need for months, once trying to take care of their suffer- j in order to escape the payment of the ing poor these times and go to work nnd in akt- the ronntrr nlewsant for our mil- .. . ,. ,, .n. . hnn.inu Ir, it.rn in S.n L- 111 in ' - '"' - - i;egiter. ''. "" ukpn in va'n t""? win the few wef,k!- ie gxl-ntured about it, .. i, t, ,.l.:..,;,.i.. I nd6 8 thathe "Wing no m.stake. j He 19 lote,i 1,1 the tltia;0' --nn of a m.-em. unit as ;. iuK mat um ireuici.iuiii! i of ' critical days" for ISM are divided I "uo lnree 1 'ss;s. "nu mat Angtist .sum i is the first critical dav of the first class, to he followed by September 'Jltth and plaining he doen the more republicans Octolier I'sth. He at-ks a suspension of will be elected to the next house. For jadgmetit on his prediction until these that reason republicans hoj that he dates are passed. His dates for the j will send a message to congress, second class are September Kth, ( iirtober i Hth and November ISth ; for the third senator Vest made another savage at ciass, August 16th, N'ovemlier 27th and! tack on Mr. Cleveland in a speech on December 27th. It will be observed that j Wednesday, daring w hich he let the cat i only one date has been passed, August i 16th, which belongs to the third, or least important class ; and so far as we have heard there were no unusual at- mospheric conditions, except that it was the beginning of excessively hot weather. ! I And now it is deffnitely established j that the lights Sunday evening of which ' we spoke, were genuine Northern lights, ' the Aurora Boreal is. that heretofore have been content to twinkle only in the winter time, when the nights are long and the genuine aurora is shaking iKp Hpr from 1 1 of' Kair .rintH n f i1,a orma. around in Angust with the thermometer standing at f0 in the shade is indeed a rarl1?- , . The latest son of York, the brand Taking new Ubv, has been christened, " Pa" through the world bearing tbe n111 Edward, Albert, Christian, George, Andrew, Patrick, I 'avid. That congiomeration of pre-nominal titles ought lo prove . licrobe k!;lcri ,nd WBrrant u,e owner B(,ainl). evervthing frorn toIic to tootliiplf ,,e .,l0nld w P,Ued ,.addy for Bnd , ,e.e ,,; rff,ndlnotiier. It Mionlrl He la f irry Hoaw J. B. Wilson. 071 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured bis wifewho was threatened with pnentnoni . ... . . . i after an attack of "la grippe," w hen various other remedies and several pby- ! sicians had done her no good. Eobert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims I. ; King's New Discovery Las done him more good than anyth'ng he ever nsed for long trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at Rni pes & Kin-erslv's niilON L t 1 .an 1 from mir Kcvubu- Wamiix.iton, Aug IT. l!"- The worat tfiiuuiT of Mr. l l. velaml cooM not with liiw to ott iir- a ...ore humiliating pomtion limn he dm- at tliix writing. II. Iih Meet. ilefeate.1 in tli tight witli the l.orinan I'.nee ii'iu hiiiation, which lie liii.taeif invite.!, mid he !ia now to i-Iioom- between r-ii.wi,' . vetoing or allowiup to lviine a iaw u ; 1. 1.. -.....,.... ft..., ruriff , Mill. i'.i. ,. BT.K . . . . , , t oiiif wincti or -iHrncTeri.c-.i n. ter to Mr. Wilson a uinleni.'rtii. pcrtiJiotm ami ililionorahle." i' , im.limiti(1I1. ,ie , , .u BntU ,,e .j,, (ori.e . )ret. tnlje. ! But there are weightv rca.n. w hr he .":;.,iollSt lnf fintt of w,ic, j, nni- u r.m. he :i. . K-et. d to sleep verMj ut.mBj iro, the bunitifs men ; v i:h the !ious.;i:u.i.l. nnd u-ide from section, !! parties that the ' her unw el. s.inn.. u she found it hau a!lowwl t ,m.IIIt. w, Ul M!a'.vk:.rd to .lis,MW, .,f her k wiir. u . i( order t hvf , ; had ... ait -.. th. won.len.,. nrl (o do u j u. fall ivsle.,. M;,r lJ Zr in . nuH,t weighty reawn with Mr. Cleve- I ,Hui!i,r-r.-.m as wait rest., and hud her .g 'knowie(llc tllHt tll,. M.nte tirst of the p.n-1 Her jonrnul wouj refllM, to .mM B11V hill that he : wv: known wj () , i ... ... .,. m ui.i. , The iwp gun tariff bills for fiee iron, j coal, suaar and barbed wire, which the honse passed and sent to the senate, are t traue democratic mutulters ol ttie nouse to souare themselves w ith their free : trade eonstitnent. The one of , . ' ... ...... ... a - -11.. . .1. . .iiein inai coiiiu rHwiiiiv ire. inroutu ' sugar, and that one the administration ' joins the suear trust in ontiosinc- See- retarv Carlisle and the airent of tlie ! .......... ..i ;.. ..,,-.-. cuni ...IB. IIC I.1.U 1,1 HIIIU 114 i uiim.. j to prevent the passage of the free sugar j bill, the latter trying to frighten '.hose j democratic senators whose Votes are not controlled by the sugar trust, by repre- I senting that the moucy to be collected I thrnuh th taritr nn u.-nr is ahaolutelv throusrh the tariff on suimr is absolutely necessary to save the administration from another issue of bonds. This ar- ! duty. The real reason whv the admin I itrtion i. nnn.,1 n tr .im.r ia that !. i. , , . . . . ,, 1-.. r.. . 1- I. .. . . . . r, , ... nf lit wonld knock the sugar trust out of 1 the two cents a pound which it pro ; poses to add to the price of sugar "- -a craw to mate u.e tesi uiey can inui vidually of the surrender of Mr. Clew land and the house, when thev take the . , i" .tump lor he congressional campaign. But so far Mr. Cleveland has refused to accept ineir aavice, necause ne wants to "get even" with Gorman and his sup- porters by w riting a message to congress explaining his position. The more ex- out of the bag as to Lis sorcheadednest he hasn't been given any pap. He also argued that Secretary Carlisle'! letter against the passage of the popgun tariff bills proved w hat Las all along been con tended by many of the democratic sen ators, that Secretary Carlisle favored the !"",e. bS" nd not tbe 'lleo bUK There ? r,Bn,or that Mr' ?"rllle role,tl,V ,e"er Wltb0t co",Bn!tin Mr' ucvcmuu, tor tue purjnc ui making it more certain that the senate tariff bill would be allowed to become a law, with or without Mr. Cleveland's signature, and that in consequence the relations of tbe two men are strained to tucb an ex tent as to make the resignation of Sec retary Carlisle a probability. liepuhiicant consider the work of tlie session done, and so many of them have : gone home that the senate is already I arlthnnt a nnrvmin and tHr.l tn m.!n to. It it probably because of the knowl edge that nothing can be done that cer tain democratic senators have become to solicitous that some bill should be passed that will take away the profits they have deliberately voted to give tbe sugar trust. There is democratic hypocrisy on every hand. The senators are merely trying to keep up with the record made by the house democrat when they passed a tariff bill with a duty on iron, sugar, coal and barbed wire, and immediately afterwards passed separate bills patting those articles on the free list. The voters of the country will in November express their opinion of this tort of basinets. Cai. for Colic aad Oribl In my mulee and hornet, I give Bimmons Liver Ilegtilator. I have not lost ne v ' to. K' T' TATt.oa.Agt. for Grangers of Ga. for Riwt. The Union street lodging house, lor terms apply to Geo. Williams, admin istrator of the estate of John Michel bach, lm. I . ... t ...rkBrr W Mlrnai Wit tt thr ll.mar ' Truaiaou. s,.iii. ..f the .liltn iiltir 'f living up ' , , ,li-L-ui nr.- iHn-tint'-l in mi old ; M..rv rv.-mlv j.r.ul.'d ii. ;hi.-k l:i.'a. n.e. iu " t :i l;id t- j. iirual kept 111 the ycur l:i'.. uml i.'M ncr M-ri. lu ' in vi-ilin' the I. ioi"ii fi"l" Iv in tl )-ui- of u luily Her tri. ii l lrv Neville. lio wa invited 1. 1 iiiaUe the visit, could liol uilor.l u maid or 11 loirs.- for h. r little irl. " t lie . .11111.' woiiiihi volunteered to net in that" .ij..eitv iiu.liT the niiim- Miirion l.uiiirliiis.v l hev U.ih U l..n..'d to the same lil. iai v elnl. u hit h im hid. d Murj and K.inily ' savs the New oi k IIU. hut Us she hud never met them she considered herself siife from suspicion. Hie iirran'i-.! her pretty tresses iiinh r a course hlu. U wiu. and (jiiite truiisornicd hcrsvlf into a eoii veiitionul i imii.l. As s.m thev irri-e.I 1.1 I lie isn-i s nous.' nei irnii".. , f;r j f minll rr ,.nni. ,.. ,,. i.i i ! , .!tr,-i T. w,wm ..i e.-i A I Kr'.lerlel, UrMut i nu. M.,ry uiul llii iiiiiiher. Wits II 1 IimmI I hi'TC If 111 11,1 tll. Ill j ,-hni.'oit tti. tr t.u.t. li.-nni k- .i m ..i. i tin i .Oil ; ,; wlirU Itirl,,, ., . ! -. h-m-i -4 m.i . vu. I.I It r- V l ir'. VUI .Ul'l .U"ll . nil l in. ni.ii .IT Hint tlloll.'tl 1 III. k 1 UII.I li-l ; UK r n.t . iu- r, r,ir,. (p.,,,, i h. vrrs wen u ,Mt x,, tin' lino llnif 1 .li Ailr. ll Ti'lil!?. lu.e iNal I Ul.illi.M.1 11 .. t 1... ....... n.M.i. . itt lh ltff .if rn lusl ,.mt me. i 'I'hr im'l Ih'itiiii to ols, rve her very cl.-ly after this, and she In-camc 1 nervous t hut slfi. neurlv forgot her purl j j "'' j 'in"' I ... .1... ...... ........, .1... ..,u.t. if his room, where he h.y suink- .1 s.ti.liinr 1 tier in uiul a,:;e.l her to hrinir him a In m .k ' l.-.vnstairs. He iitu mpt.-d todest rilM- j it. hut it was a (.eriuun work mid h. ' tl ' tliouyht she cnlil not r"U.l it. "1 know." she haiil. and uii-kly went down and hrought it to him. "So you mule rstaiiil I i. rnian." he said, und she jrove un evasive reply aud left the roo.n. That evening at dinner Tcn.iv .,ii could not draw a is irk from a ! r Is .t tie nil. I after everyone hail trivd and failed he tMtitl to Mrs. Neville: "Where is your Marion? She can do it: hlie can do everythinir. from reading l.ernuiii lo waiting at table. Let her try." Marion came. and. umid u chorus of niilne-ies and explanations, she drew the cork. Another day at dinner she was sum moned to the tjl.le for sntae trivial ren I it" found out afterwards I that it was to settle a dispute aln.ut the I ' t.. h.r of her eves. Eventually her identity was revealed and the took the trick all in good part. family A TOUCH MAN TO INTERVIEW. Lord hnn-hlll'a alnablr Op.a Io m. cit Urn and Thing-.. Lord lluudolph htirvhill had just aliakeu huiuts w tih a few intmiiiuI friends when a New York '1 riluine rc- 'rU advanced ...el Ih -gged his N.rh.i. for a liniment. The Kmrlixhiimu M.ook him r()raiullv ,. tlll. ,mna. ,,ut ,. . hl. ,.,, h). was'u ,,, h,,ap.r 1Iiali would "just iike to know," he drew back, and in tones of anirer. hieh he made no attempt to conceal. Raid: "1 hay, now : really, you know , this is too much." "The newspuper men," auid the re porter, "would like to know if yon " "Just fancy." said the lord, inter- l roptinff: "I really did not rirt. yuu know, to lie called upon to tmy any thing whut I don't know any -thintr alxnit." "Would you tell ns NomeUiiuir the )Mii'ical situation in England?" continued the reenter, finishing the question. "Now, upon my honor," he answered. "I really didn't come over to talk to re porter." "Do you intend remaining long in America'.'" "By Jove. youH have to ask that of some one elue, for I don't know, I'm sure." "Mr. liladntone has Wen iuvited to come to America. Do you think he w ill come'.'" Thia Mt-nifil to interest Lord I'.ah doiph. and he said: ' Has he?" Then suddenly checking himself. Haid: "Good day." His foot waa on the step and hU hand atill held the handle of the carriage door. 'I Lord UoM'bery's miniatry likely to loMt much longt-r?" a-sked the re porter. Lord Randolph saw the man on the box. who was still looking over his shoulder, and he said to him: "Now, driver, look here." Juat then Lady Bandolph Churchill approached, and they both su pped into the carriage. The rbht honorable (rcntleman. the member from South Paddinirton. said merely: "Go." ho the driver cracked his whip, and away they went. Where Monks aad Niiim Abound, The religions stutiHticn of Belgium for pejii, according to the London tiuur diuii. which were only published t.e wurds the chwe of last year, (rive the nurulier of coiiveiitial institulions and their inmates in the kindom T'M mon asterie.,. with ..'i.:i3 hiatera and mum. Theiw. have grown during the decade preceding fr.ii -..j:! HHinutttirieH, with 4.120 monks uml J.P.Ml convents, with 21,21'.' sIkI.ts. T1P itiereaM- was not so rrcat aa in the period IKTo-io. when many of the monks and nuns exiellil from Prussia s..ttled in iU'lium. In the next dermic many of thesr re turned. owiri(f to the relaxation of the church laws. But tlu-re are still ver .TO.tsiO men and women belonging to the various orders, and taking the pop illation of lW hrium in lti at, we find one monk or sinter to every son persons. 1 f .' , " l! : ) A YOUNG GIRL'S FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Smiling urinrnN m tniriifly In a BwHhHtt mlis iiiHi m. lu r d'l.ik'iu. r it Im-Miun mui ..iii.iiilul ..lliiui an I a., i. in,-; iKU iuu.'iiu-r. hlan. i.'. n-.w ra m aur, had In, ti i.-rrilily nitluU'l v.'lih rtrvniiiiiie. kiHl li I lint .lm l uiirv ini ul lii r right ana. st. w- In wwili a tuii'lUioi. .hnt wa bad in krp her Imm M'liixil and alwu.hai tier iiiibic io. mmis. In Iwl. we li and Kl Vltia damw, anil are ni.lliv. lut ! au lllnlnalil. n-iunly .( MiHild be had thai altllrlliin. w lla.1 ellililoyrd .ll)rsli'ln. In nw nss'ltrd nn Wiii lll imui Ihmu. Tim lint of lul iww apuilied Imt ' .iii'K and alllMMKu alia ha, token oiiljr Uinsj lailea uf kerviaa nhe n wi'isli. it pmiiiit. : hir oervnuiiusia and tii. Iiuuk of st. Viiiu. lioii'O am entimljr iui. tii'inl vln4 ninil.rlT, and umlin uh rnta ant ami raw. bliu lia rtss.veri'.l isanjil i, of her ami. her aia-tit to Mnemlid. and iM milieu rould imeurr lor iir dauKliUir (Us hraiui lr. Vilm N.rvlii lias lirmiHti. tier When my liMtlwr rwanuietMled tha rmt. I hod no nli h lu iwluul mtHiieiiuv, and iiij n. linen In bliu. Iiul aa a uut mailt ho w in t a IsKtlo, wo Isman Kivlim It tii Klaneha, and thj, rflwx waa alui Imuiudialo,' Silx H. n Uiill.iek. Hrik'hi.Hi. N Y. Ir. Uim' UisDiimnvo Kerrtnu la wild tT tll dnuniUwon ."v,' truataiiler. or Mnt dinq .y die IT. Mil.. Mistical Itt, Ilk hart, lint., oo rslt ot pm. tl .sir tMMtln. na Imttli hr Iu, rxpnsa .ri nl. ll i aalUvely Ireg fhaa ojoai. or UaiitfenMei dnur. SHERIFFS SALE. ntlt- it tu n hj- i;(vttt, f halt Utnlrr and k vit , tnr t w "It ttl tit ion iMtird iMtltil lhv irrtill I miri ul tut-Hint' mir"n lor W vhh ('mint?, on x he U Mb i1! J uv. 14. ujo juiliriurul ttlvco a i tit H'twlt-ml in wnnl (.'ourt ntitl rtiMs mi th .ii o( Mairru. 14. ud rural lti aiid drk tt1 thi-rv'lu tt tfv r:tt Umv ! Mrt'tt. li. in i i tutiiM v h r')ii .lia'pH A Jiihnwo plat u tiff ' ami i. 1 1 hrwit tlt(KlMn(, ami In mdi m-tvtl. and mmraaiMtMiK ' l "y ?-m ud hvII .he Utiiertv il tlH- MiUl tli4'Hiiht. O. It Tmkif. i tntirh thfr-'l inav In iiM-tiury (Vftatufv all Jmltnul n1 nnl, I flkd on tin MhiUvirf July. In ptn th f'P henMtmflfrtl"'nb"Q th- tf(t nf muU or U nUttut. U IK 'l-v..r. aiii will m Thumuy. 1 thr 13th flay mf nptmtHr, 1N. nt the htm r or Uti -l-k A, M , mt thr vur1 ' hot) d-urt lu IniHii t itv. tii aa'.d MHinti, g irr-rin, M'tl nt piittlif Kurtmn u tht-hiirtiM( hid ' dir f'f r-h lu haiitl, nil Iht r eht. titlr and lit iiwvtl if th uml it. h. 1lot, In and tt tftr atd iiri mlww, UlrU a hml ou atd dav ut ; JUF h. Ivu. itr h ntiMNi a4Uirl. nr mi muctt th-rti( uim ht- wn urr In tatialr ld JUtlx 1 rm'iit nf Ii 7 aitb tiit'-rtnt at n pr rent., and th lurthT auru ft f iw tot and dlntmrw ' uifttta. nnd tiif-i aud rxiwnmw ttt I hi writ. ! Thr loliowiitB; in a ttwanrintuin f th timtrt ntmva rfrVrwt tt, nd which will br aml at thv jtlmfiitid filar and uimiii thr terms and mtidi ( th'U) rUvr nHmtttititxi. u w it I. Thr Mintti half nf thr intr' hant fiiiartrT, J th' nurtliwri tjuart? i tlir uitrtutiant nunrirr I and tur itrrtin i unrtvT of Un iinrthwtart qu. J j ur H rrtmu ? in titiihiv I north, raityr W ; ra-t. M aiaun-tti' !th1ju. In rouiit? tr U'ii ' l-t" ? and . in hhw-L vl. Mi Hwlnw Hiuft ! Addition tn lmlhw itv, UMn rtniut. fTvw 1 hat frrlmn iU- allrd thr MriMiimid ; pliK'T. thr name! tlu( Hit fimfM-rtv nonvrvrd n !u 1 1 avloT lv V. A MrlMinatd and wltf. and i hrlMf HHirr t-artitutarl v tlorrilrtl aa Inllnw I t om nn!!!! ufc itt a fMiiut In th? ntrth hnnniUrv : lntr i if Nf)t- v tihiit h athlllton to I'aii- ( lt, our rhain ard l(irru hnka ra-tiTlv Imm thr j linrthwftat mrtirr nf -nld Nrrr A Jtlon attdl linn and rutin lntr thtitt- ra'lv-rlr nIdhc thr , north lxuudnrv tim of Vi-n ititi adli i ti'Hi.two huiMlnd and in ftvt.ninr-nr !, hi t wU-ti lMunlry llnr of a h4 nf land onovryrrt ' hr Jainr f-utton ntol w:fr tn I'rntlla h!mhi ; lv a dtri ln'triiiK daU tiv JTih dv d r'rhruary. 1 lv'. n-vTd'd o Mitrt- -Ml. liook ot i:rrml n ; I) n( Wai i-niut . Ui'o- northerly and ainna: Mild wrMfrrn Umiiilttry linr nt 11m nld lot niiitioN to 1'riM'iita W hTid. aud jiTtwlut tiou or coiitinimthtii tirrt-(f to a vilnt a h'M thr uia n rtituin-d wiMiid lntm-t thr (MruLhwv"ttni , IxmniUr lint of tri--t Intd nut tT I1k- authort tlra of ImtUn 'lty and cnlrd rulton air-rt. If natd 'itithwwt'Tu )MinndHr llnr of Mid Hilton ' rtrrrt wr prif4hi(-vd aim ttnttntir! U mirh lu j trr'lttti tlu'iit-r Ira a rtiriit lint to nnd wiotit j tlif Mud Miiithaotttoru iHiiimiurT if rulton ntrtt't i tl thr iNilnt Wht'tr thr Mm lliU'rrrta thr mt ; rrn tMMiiidarr linr uf thr Innd nwnrd lf ;! ' wrth lord thmrv touihrrt' aloua: thr nwtrrii ; Illicit Mild land ownrd lr Hutwnrth Ird X' 1 thr ,iwr of b-iuu!tiir, xnf.tlinr tlwrrfnTm a tn)- of land thirty Iwi ui w idth till thr rat nidr nf wild trat. whi-h b Inn rnvrvr4l In 1 Hi 11 a ; ' ity (or rtrir1 tmrj-t"-. Mild land lyltiR and b' i In In lalln ( U. UftM-oiimhtv. (imtuii. ! iial.ia City, trf-Mt. July W. Ju, I jul-l ..l T. J Muvr.u, I rhrnrt f W ar Cntinty. lirafm. ! SHERIFF'S SALE. Sntlr la bT.-hT kIvpii thai lUKlm and by irtn of in ,ixuiinn. ImiimI mil o( liir t.'trruU ( onrt l lb ft tale id irirli ! V aarxi louiiU, ira Uw 211 day m Jul), IHH, itaoii a dnrn (iireii and rendrrrd in aaid mnrt tm Iho 7th d of July 1 Iwt, In nana whmn Y. bltri waa )ilala tin and Kmllr H Kln.'hart and Harr I'.inrhart. ' harui Kln'bart. ( art Klimhart and I'hiHip Kiw I hart, miniira, by thrir (nanlutii ad liumi. . II I HiHauin, w-r dri. mlaiiu. and lo ni dirwKd : and dcllrrrval. and fomniNiMllnir mr li aatlal I tlicauin ol l.'t.mi, with mair-t tlicr.n at tar rl of apprrait tar annum fnno aald 7th day ! id July. Il. anil I.mi.ou attoruay few v Miian oi au.t ami afrmiuir nan, ny arutuK' In Ihn narnifi proviib'd bv law for tU aale j rial pmnrrtT. all of tha rlaht. tltlr and InUfiart of aaid ilel.-nUiil, r.nilly H. Klnnhart. nayn-Kln.-h.rt. aai.M Klmdiart. I art Kin-liart ainf Phillip Klnrhart In and Ui b.ta "l," II ' ami "I." lu I. rami V law Addition lo Hall" f'ltr. lu ao ( utility, tutr i.i (irrcnu. anwrd Ilia to thr oflirial plat thormf aa II. aame ap paraof nrord within and fur aald ouutr anil mw. I will on Thuradav, Aiifnat !BI, lH. th hour id 10 o r a. m , at tha onurt h.Hiar tn Imllw (Ht. in an id louuty and aril at public aunrioo to thr hnttioat bnUbrr Inr oaah In hand, all thr riht. tub. and lnunvtof tav Mid d.'fmdanta in and Ui Ibr abnvr iiainid nd d"arrlbrd pn-mwa or an much Ibettaif may I Drrrwnry I i aatialy thr aum alai" liatuod. I.ailva City. Ortumi, July JM. 1!. T J. l.ltlVt.K. Jlyjl, ."it. MIktIIT of W aw u Coilllt . I inKmi A. iTE'W LTndertatiD2 Establisliiiicut 1 11 n.M-a i;. ; t- i- PUINZ & NITSCJIKK -TtKAI.KMK IN Furniture and Carpets. W Lava atliled to onr buHioent a comi.let Und-rtakinf JiaUbliahnient. and as we are in no way connected with tbe Undertaker' Trait, our price be low arcordintflv.