The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 18, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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used h;s knife.
A Frichl fal Km I ! I r-r in
i u- Kft 'Ki
ln Woriwr V.u :'oi,u' "lYrxiiai
UT.lliftKii" tu f..i.nt.- i K -.tririan
narrate u a.l . .'a ;! ,;h
aijrht I.KVf ntrneii mt tr:-.-U-u!!-. . H.
wns laving a i .il'l.' tUvi 'iu- i.i'it" w....
in hUl.-'-n.'ui mi;--!- --ir.j: ..! i-,vt
rf tin- rW. w hi ll Muiii li' te htaru ;i
Unul li'H!X;i:c v;rh'Ul usul VMl.nt
mr.r.iii t.' mi .5 fr.t.
Tho iihir : ! th-vhi'v lu-uil. introi
with thi' itiunu. m-.iliii;.'. iiji.1.
fallen As the lnO,' mi l.
ra well hcU'e.! ilii jra-. m;iiy "f tie
people then- enisM ' him in the
water, ami im a'isw. r - his !!,;,- iru-s
f.r lu-lj they threw liir.i hf-U !ts,
which were kept everywhere i"i Uwnl.
The was st.-iiihsi un t tu
pat nut. n nu n ttis;in; tr i i t r.n-tsiMnf.u-tal-l.v
hiusr time in tin- liarknrss.
At last they returned with of '
Tin Kiai: ha.i kept himself fl.ut v
swiuimii-.i:. iul hail hiekv eii'iiiii
not t. e s,i,I l'v ar.v if the iiu-uh-imus
sii;iyk v. hu h i:i-trt theiu
m lv-s in the !. ti.-i J.rv sai t t.
bare a siKt ia! r h-!i for v. Lit," pt-.l, .
while thrv rarely ineilo-1 Mack. Me
u trenililin.; a inleiilh when hrn."nt
tu Ixsiis.'.. ami ha J Uis knife still 11
in hi hand.
tn hemp tUcstilUHl l.i Mm
ritkikv he suitl thut he hati )i,e ur
remiideJ lv sharks. hut hrjiii!y ht
hwn able t crn his ki.itV and U
ff ml himself until the tats arrived.
"We were alt at his vivi.!
description of his advent urv. si Von
Sit'iiH'ns. ""when the 'smtsuuin st ieil
into the rinf an.l amionmsd to the
captain that smile of his Hit ta-lt ..
hieh lial lt-n thrown to the mif' r
tanate man. had heen rvtverei'.. ami
that several of them showed eurioi-s
sjjrns of haviiur lievii pierced v. i'ha
The wild hhivers jrave place to poiKl
natnred laughter, in his frip-ht the
mail had taken the white belts for
sharks' bellies.
A. MellifliMia Tuuicnf sj ill pota by I pr
wmnto of Ton VlllHm Pvnpl.
We (rlad to notice as an event of
litrarr importance, says the New
Yirk "-un. the revenl organization iu
l'rvideiiee. K. 1.. of a leltk- .n.-iety.
the ol'x-t of which is to revive inwrest
in the ntcllitluonsand intliU'Utial tonirnc
of Ireland.
No other laiiuairc. having itself no
great tnasU'rjii"e of literjtur-. has
hal tnieh effect on modem litcra'ure ;
thcfeltio. To it we owe many of the,
fairy tales of onr chiMbo.!; s me of
Shakespeare's play., worn f t!.e irici
dents deta:lel in the Arthariau no-uis.
eren fcomc of th': in the I'ivine
edy. are tiranu fronitVlrie xitiTx-es. It .
was said of Wasliinirton: ' Nature uiaiie ;
him childles. tliat he mii'tit tie th
father of hu oiuntry:" it luurht s.1
most in- said of the Celtic laiiiruait-: i
'"Nature 1 ft it chihiless that it niiirut
he the mother of other literatures."
The Celtic lati'uajre is not a dead !
lanfrna tre. One-sixth of the ipu!ation ;
of the limerald i.sle (in round numirrs. ;
eipht hundred thousand persons! und3r-'
stand Erse; histy thousand yH-rxms I
there know no other lanjruapv than it:;
tme-third of the territory of Ireland is I
still Celtic so far a the ability to un- j
derstand the lanfrnaxre is coneernel. j
and upward of two million in this conn- I
try and Canada are familiar with the!
tong'ue. The path of the new society
and of it predecessors is uphill, but the j
ascent has an end. A century cro the '
Welsh lantruupv was really in worse j
case than the Erse is now. but by the
exertions of scholars and the local
elcrtry of Walt s it was rescued, or.d to
day is vigorous both in Wales and j
America. That similar success may I
await the Celtic societies of this coun
try in their jwtriotic laKjrs we sincere- I
Irh.iv- .
f'taarcctl WHb Brllwry
DtTsoiT, Mich., Aug. 16. Myur Fin- i
pw indulged in bia second boodle ten-1
aation lart nigbt. He went to the room
of the board of education whiie tbat board i
wa in Beesion.and tlx policemen followed j
him. Breaking into the proceedings, he I
asked tbat all of the 16 member who had j
been jrnslty of receiving or Kj'icitin?
bribes resign at once. No one said a ;
word. Then the mayor called on Miio II. !
Davis, JnUu Licbtenberg, W. C. Lipp- j
hard! and Thomas Wai.b by name, and
acked each to resign. They refused, and i
tbe mayor prod need warrants for their
arrest. The six policemen took tbe four j
achool inspectors to the police station, j
and locked them up for the ciebt. Tbe j
warrant charge tbe prisoners with re- j
eeivicz and soliciting bribes, and each is
specifically charged with baring taking j
$3b from the Manitowoc Seating Com- i
pany, of Manitowoc, Wis. L.H. Ache-!
eon, general sgect of the company, if I
charged with having given them the
money for tbeir votes on a contract An-j
gust Oth.
VuhM College.
President A. C. Jones, of Vashon Col
lege, will be at the parior of the Colom
bia Hotel on Saturday afternoon, tbe
18th inst., and will be pleased to meet
parties who are expecting to patronize
that institution the coming year.
This is a non-sectarian Christian
school for both sexes, beautifully lo
cated, away from city and temptation.
Six regular graduating courses. Ex
penses for the year of ten months, $155.
Yon would do well to see President
Jones, or write him at Benton, Wash.,
tat catalogue.
At! rwn r hrij notified not In bir n
kn ISattna HaraL ltd l jnn oid. about
thnr praaiM. m hi rcrrins arc doom! at
uxl'-lm JAMES HI KfT
PiotiLrtviue Coromoay of Install-
inr an Oriental Kttlor. j
Inlrroilus i.-.erll ku t I he t'a- '
llaroBFuienl ! . W.t.rj t
h.olhapur An r l j
IW- KeuteuitM'fSt.
All KoHuipur had iwt on holniav
dresi. to jrrMin- this m-.-asi.ui. Two
hundred in .luiittii s,il.iicrs had Im"c:i
s.-ul fr:u il-u.bay. and while tents a pretty sicht in a::ii heri" the j
K:n.-lisli j. ue .".s were ealertained. 1 or I
three nights t'uc stree ts were illuiui- ;
naied. Hauliers vverv living. H'.i.uuieru
ble tajKTs tinkksl from the Ke.rlish
ri."sideiicy. the town hall, and the jialace.
nt linin-r the buiwiinirs in lirht ut'iiinst
the sky. lv niflit and day. the
."hica Tribune, the streets were
r. 'WiIihI with people who had come
mites and mi ies from the out)yin(r dis
tricts to witness the festivities.
Within the palii -e our western eyes
were erected by a scene uniiUe ill its
oriental splendor, lmaciue the interior
of a spacious buildiufr newly deco!t:ttl
in white, and jrol.l mirrors at eitiitr
end. titiwers adminc; walls and niches:
ov rlNikinr the main or lh.rV.ur
hail, a lofty (rallery where the four
ladies of our party with those of the
Enjrlish missionary ss"icties and li'y
Harris had excellent x'ats. lUdow
were seated over two hundred n..tive
chiefs in their richest regalia: mls-sof
finest U xturc in white or s-arh t. v"'
terinjr with p'in turlians in purple,
white, scarlet. jri"evii or piuk. pr."s.-ntcd
a brilliant array of color.
At the end of the hull, upon a dais,
stood the elerant earvwl sifa of rich
: pold brm-ade which ionstiTulil the
; ira li. or throne. Hcuiml it were stauil
injr. like statue, four chief servants of
the kir.i.'. in their louir red (Towns s-
; eurvtl at the waist by elaborate firdles,
cuch holding his jrilt wau l snr-
' mounted w'tii feathers. At cither side
of ihe were two ancient retaim rs
of the household heariujr heavy maces
of pold.
As the hour of the installation au-proio-hes
th crowds ouside lining tile
riadway Uinnc more exciteil. till
. hiiwlly a shunt from ilic isiplc
aiio.inces the arrival of t:ie royal
cjunvire. si.rvHntN sp:ead a briiriit
.riius.n cloth for a carpet from the
st ;s to the hull. ami. tirecttied by the
x-ii:ical ari nts. ihe future kint'
ei.tvri'd. lel by the hand of Lord
Hurris. e-ovcrnor of the l':iiiiay presi-den-y.
The dress of an English
courtier, iiicludins' white silk stock
ilia's, silver bnekles and white km-c-brecches.
with the ?.iid-eiu'iiroidcred
coat, had all the charm of novelty to
one fresh from d'-moerutic America. I
thii.k it will amuse you to note that
his hu.rhuesf wore jrooi.1 Emrlish leather
l sits. His role was of scarlet cloth
tsirderel with (.'old braid: he wore a
ponderous, many-foldeil turban of ihe
same color, nearly square in shape.
This heavy headdress was ornamented
with pold work and at one corner with
a brooch of niaiumoth pearls; it wys
M'CureO hv a conl jwssinjr under uis
left ear. If course. yn know, no
Ilindu removes his turlwn iniloors.
Alsiut his neck were a dozen rows of
costly pearls, lower came tnrce of
diamonds, while rvachine-to his waist
was a rope of perns. I'nuer his arm he
carried a dhotar or scarf of cloth-of-irold.
The dhotar of common cloth or
muslin is used by all classes worn about
the neck or shoulders.
The ceremony consisted of a speech
in Enp-lish by the rovernnr. the trans
lation in Maratiii by the state secre
tary; a response in rmid English by the
Maharaja, an address by the Inwan
reUnquishinjr the administration of
jrovernment. and then Lord Harris lud
hLs highness to the lonp -vacant padi.
and. seating him thcrtr. pronounced
Shahn (Lhatrapeti .Maharaja of the
state of Kolhapur. while the air of
"t;iil .Save the yawn" pealed from the
hand, a salute of nineteen pins was
fired, and a glad cry went op from ten
thousand throats. ,
Following the installation came pre
sentation of rift, a richly bejewelled
sword with Itatmascus blade, costinp
three thousand rupees, rare fa brics on
pxild trays. Then garlands of flowers
were thrown alsiut the neck of the
rajah, one placed on each arm. and a
Isxjuet of tuU-roaes in his hands, t iar
lands ar 1 drop of attar of rose were
lavisiel on all preseut. iucludinir our
pentiemen missumuries. and with the
pivinp of pansupari. a native decmv
tion of lietelnut. the assemblage broke
We ladies were pleased to be inrited
into the apartments of the ranis, or
queens, where, in a reception-rooin of
the palace, fitted up with the luxury
of a Kifth avenue mansion, we saw.
ami the Marathi-spcakinp ladies talked
with four fenerations of queens, from
the irreat-jrrandmnthcr. not apparently
over eiphty years, down to the pretty,
fair mother of the tiny laby princess of
two m mtUs in the arms of its Lrijrli.-h
nurse. All these womeii had seen
nothinjr of the festivities save Is-hiu.l
purdiihs. which veiled their beauty an 1
hid their rare jewels from the mascu
line fraze. IScfore we left the wife of
themaharaja herstdf sprinkled upon
n precious odor from a dainty crol.1
vessel. Hhe is proliably sixtc-n years
old. and was married three years a'i.
this fact showinp a tendency apainst
infant rwrriapes in India, at b-a t
amonjr the higher clas. ,
The kinp is a irol-loikin(r. wellwle
veloped rc-n. with not vi ry drk l.iu.
above UM-4'.ium heiirht and . II.t. fond
of ri line and rifie practice lie if said
to be amiable and well-!ispoM-d toward
the pe- ple.
"Only the Scars
S.ivs 111 m:Y
llrpsox, of the Jaines
Smith Wtsilcu
Ma-laniTy Co.,
1 ' t'lpbitl,
I'd., who forti
fies as full ws:
" Anion; tho
many testimoni
als w hich I sea
in regard to cer-
am mfUicines
perf ormiog
cures, drains. nc
the blood, etc.,
none impress ma
more than my
Awn rAr.
J-J z.
s-""l ao. at the ace
jm swellings corns
LCI on my legs,
Lfl which bruke and
11 became ra-
sUi sore.
Our family phy
sician could do
me no good, and it was feared that the
bones would be affected. At last, my
good old
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer'a SarsapaTuIa. I took three
bottles, the sores healed, and I have not
been troubled since. Only the acara
remain, and the memory of the
past, to remind me of the s:ood
.yer's Sarsaaritl ba done me,
I now sr:;h two hundred and twenty
munds. and am iu the best of health.
I have lecn on the road for the past
tn-fl-r years, have noticed Ayer Sar
saparilia advertised in all parts of the
t'aited States, and always take pleas
ure in telling w hat good it did fur me."
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Prt pared by Ir. J . C. Ayer k Co, IawvU, Ma
Cures others, will cure you
I J T I rf 1
& I
i j 1 1 1
V v
Saturday, Aug. 18th. $
Ladies' French Kid Shoes,
Were $3.50. $4 50 and $5.00.
Ladies Dongola and Pebble Goat Shoes
Were $2.50. $3.00 and $3.50.
Ladies' and Misses Tan Shoes
Were $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
Ladies' Oxford Ties
Were $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Misses' and Children's Slippers
Baby Shoes
95 cts
95 cts
95 cts
15 cts
10 cts
1 ICs
thi-t Mel
I. I l
ii was to
-In. , e-:
i.e i;.r
i ;-:
the last tLiiuf !
trive me a kiss."'
: I should thiuk I
t iliiii.' he would I
Tut i'hiiadclphia lard of health
has n-fux'd to declare consumption to
be a coutacioii disease.
l;r virtue of an nfrution and oHkr ( h ti
sutfd mit (M lb i imm t ourtul tbe sia' ( trr
tnn forWaiwo rounty, uion tlr'v- n1 Jiuiir
meiit mtti, T?nder! ani enurtl hv furt
on lhr::i!.t tUy ti May. 1"4. in ivr ( tbe
I'lHiutiff. in a mat wh'-reiit K. C. ('mtn K & and iteunrv VY. Una and Kimlv lltt
rtre mt-BiantK. and U m tliivcu-d and d
hetd, rtimiuandinr me to levy uvwt and
U the iim1 m'nUoi)-d and drrribiu in Ht
Go:ert:ttitt;l. Sfatt, or DaUs Military Road Laiuis,
Thomas A. Hudson,
IoIIaxx .STliAi ss. the celebrated coni-
, noser of waltz mnsir is short 'v to eel.w I wrtt- ,,1 beteiriader d-"Tibt. 1 did on tor l.'th
brale his artistic jubilee in ienna. I public auetion tn tnr taichwt Imlcier tir rh in
hisdebnt in 144 at the head
miwsstaor Ui Thunifouo i lludsim.
83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR.
He mad
if a dance band in the gardens at
Itarbed to a Viennese restanrant.
fur-uan! u tJf f-.uiiui.tntl rf a writ of ru
tn'Ti i u-d out o th- itvjil trurt uf th tat
oi m ir V-sfo Cihiuit in a atiit twerfin
j'-mli'ij: n frwu U. l lt urtnpy rtUintitS
ih1 Jonn Adam and K. Haunt mrr dniid
atit, 'iiiti xtisT'iM M, -!iiniiHi:nir m U
e!i nil tht Tiht, titif and ini-t of Middt
feudal its stud jati o thii3 in and to tberMutn
ft 'irio wrrtior nil', brwuship two uth,
' mud' i Hirtwn .. W . M.. to MtiiiT the im
of .'ji.7V tird inttTt tbemm fmm inn ih.
I-. t thf ml m t-n xt cnt pr annum ami
tbe lurtti ium f :.ui Bt'-w n f- d tbr
um i and d!jburv-mnt. due tu
ftmtd iirttniTt from mid dfi-ndnt John Adam,
and t Hifly tiie nurnlu if any in fnynj-nt ti
tbe uit. uf t and interl trervn at tb
nue 1 t?n t"T tI. pr ainnuin irxnu mmid Jtinv
th. and $.. atorrrv d-ie iom the
defendant John Adam to the drtei drtut . K.
ilaicht, i a til. nn turdr thf -th dy of mtt-
moer. at tbe bour oi J o riiwt m tfM aTir
hand on ihe ttt of Jnv. IM. at ? o eltwk
in the afttTTioon of aid ddy at the front dm of
the count? ( ourt Hou-w in iry. to uhn
i'OHtT. i nfiin, ail of the lauds and vn'tniM
dwribtd in nu J nt and itcreiu dmrntted a
ioilowst tow it
Lt- S, 4. and twwthct quarter (!tl of
northw?it f(Uart-r of rtnn mi ,. linrn
hip one (1) south, ranjre hfi-eo flJ1 eut. W
.VK eniita:uinK 1 am-a ot land, iluated,
!yin and iiemr to Uswro county, Or-iron.
liC.'ther a itb in teircmeutu, tirv-ditaniut and
anurt-;nan-cs tbenmnt bfiomrinir or in any
i anirtaiDina.or m ttturh ttoivif aa nba.l be
ut)iritnt to Miiy the sum of M.lowitb inUT
et thereon at the rat of ner cent ainev tbe :lt
of May, k4. and Iim' attorney fte and l--.'
rtrt in Mid nuit totr'tber with theeontaof Mud
writ and a-rumtT eiit of aaie.
im(-ial l'alkC.itT,iTearm. June?. A I) 111.
T. A. Akl,
wherift' of Wa-jrcuntT,tmfon.
jin i
Administrator's Sale.
U you want iufirrnatton roiMvntinir Govern
inent Undtt.or ih' Uwi nuattiir tiiewto. you ran
mtmult him trr of riianre. liv ha made a
ria'ry of this bit-t!nea, and haa itrartieed U'forv
the f'nitt :u tiiul ttflit-e lr Un yinra.
He U Ajfiit for the laateru (irteou lawi
t ouinany, and can elt you iiraxiiMt. or 1 n
imjtnVKl Amrultural lattd in any quantity
denired, and will ai'iid a hamnhlet dearrthmg
:be land to anyone an!yiug U him for it.
He I, Arn! Iiir tale nf k'W in Tauaraon ) AOUI
Tina in Tlir Iill Thin AiJ.litiiiu l. laid nff Id
mrn luia, and deauned to be Hi principal ml
tl'Tie. mrl iii the citr. Mil 3D mlnutr wais
I nun l ourUuHine. Iu miiuU. truai k K LNrpot.
siitu.r, itc.airf mm avrsiaat Laaata.
If nt tm Horramr Maacy. aa I.oBf; ar Short tlaw, ha eaa iaaiaMaU a.
Wrtt Flra, Lira, aad AeetalaBt la.armaoa.
If jmm caoBut call, write, aad yaar loiter will ha pramptl jr aaaaiaraal.
Nolice i herWiy civen that In jinrauaiict- ot an
f iTi.T tl tne I mi ty tmrt i( tbe stale nt Orwuu
hit w ieountT. duty made and eniervo mi trie
nm. i tne eourthm,-- .1.,-r in b.l . ,tr i H , ,;mi ,,.mrd. aipvtlllI .
'""" f r,'"Vp dT'"T? , iitricntsl to .-!! al pnblie le all n the rl
! " There is a tide in the ajfairs cj nun wkieh, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
priawrir al public saie
eatb. iii hanil.
nuffi t. sher.
i tiie bsirhisiT hiddir
T. J. lf.l tK.
H o Vuuiitr. or
Kirfirf of Administrators Final Account. ;
Not .-' i beTty eirim thnt J U t mlon. ml
D-ii)itrtitrr of tn etHle of Ilarrii-on tonim. dt- ;
, eM-l tin hKed n;- linx! "ue-iiitit of tn- ad mini-
1 trali in of .tud etal' i:i theci-TB of tinr ovnty '
.'im of th -tat1 of trvfon. for V oiinty".
1 and tnat mid out -a Aiiontl lt oIork am.
! of Miiitdiiy.FM-temti- 3t. i't. b-'inr the br-At day ,
1 oi the ree'i ar rn'enib-T tmn .i -Mid i ourt lr
. tb y-ar 11. at tbe fount? fnnrt Ifou-c in t
( lalla t-ity. frnwrn. a the time and pirn e lor !
j tne heaiiiift oi oMfun to ii h i.nal aenKint
t and title -tt(teimt trer-r(i.
1 Thi fiotm i Tuh?iti. h' rir of -rod
. County mirt md'.r and eut- Juir -."Tth
rrorty bi.-D(rnir to tbe-taie if utid d---atd,
wiil. on tbe .titn day of AufiM. at the
houruf two octoek P. M. of tatd day, upon the
s Inndt ben-snalter drrbed. eil at puhiir -
to the hiirb---n hiddr fur eau in hand, ail
of tne rvml property beiooifiitr to the etate of
aid eanujei hutP-ron. d-ewaed. U a it Tbe
. aK:tbwet quarter of e-tit twplie, vmnnhlp
!fiifou!h. rirre tweh mt in W aaeo r-ounty,
; tmron. J. II. Kl liANKi.
t juu'l AduuulatraUir.
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
.Notice cf Final Settlement
H . i is iN.
Administrator's Sale.
Notne i he?-hy uiTen that by an ordr o( the
t irunty :ourt uf trie hiap of I'-va-on frrWaiwx
e-Hinty. niade an 1 nt red tbl l:tln day nf June,
). in the matter tf trie aale nf W iUiatn H
! UMon. rmm ti , uay. uiy j-w. at voe.
hmtr irf lo ovkmt A.M.. waa tixfd aa the time
and tr.e f on tit y ixnirt KiHtra of Mud county mm
tne piare frtr the hearrnr oi ue hnai are mi it oi
the eeeTjtor of tbe laat will and teNtafn-nt of
wild iWfuel. all pe-wma bavin an oh;e-timi
to aatd tmal arount and ti the aftttnint of
aid estate are direfted to apT-ar at aaid time
and putee. lhn and tnere tn ribnw eaue. tf any
! Noti'f n beTi.v ri-ren that hv an order of the ' there btr, wby aaid nnaJ aeeUfit abuutd not be
i Connty i onrt of' tne -ti of t twn bfT ruifore j approved aud wid "tat- artti-d
made. tie under iaied have b-Ti ouiy anfi-itiiV i junj E. e. HI' NTI'rT'N,
ed. and are pirn t.e qiisti:!, and acUnr adrniii- i txecutor.
nuratorr of tae eMat oi il-nry A. rat;, d-- i
i evri"-!
i All pTWin havinr ei3ni KJfnt the abi-re-
naml d-eeaei ac hereb y noijn-d Pi prent
trieir cworn-. wllft the proj-W vow h-?-. Pi ui at
! t.i ofhre of l.-he It u tie-. in Marine huiidi
i 1ml; 'ity. ririn. or J r. Artuni. Hmm1 '
I hfvej. r., witliti nit lutmtti fnmi theditef I
thi-ntie and nil Ton in. lehP-d ti "id e j
; FDils Hattt
j Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
comiria PEckicg go..
tap are bTvhv t
edti" fo-lhwith
Imt! it limU- t'i"
Itlu flax .f Aii?ut. 1
jiiired t" aV;Ui' fTUt-ii indfht-
. t t. . n" II.wmI hKttf. thiff
I-LIK I-ni.KR.
J K aCM'M K,
r tn e-a.iu- Jl'n.-v a Fmit.
vll -It
NOTH'K FOR l'l l.UC TU .
omp.antt bavinc im entr-f) nt tht nITm ,
by Fran M ahme nr-un-l Jmu V put ft ahnn
duninir hia twme-fi-d iitrt. No. .;:. dail i
Marr-ii . .. upon tie V V W 1 4, V W 4 rW . ,
and twt, NW:4. t-e. M. 1 p. n, R h. in
wa-w-o 4runry. r-ii, witb a view pitfieeAa
eeliatjon of Mid entry, tr id lilt' are bre I
U lommuriei pi tt-ar at thm offie- on Uie ltth
day of bpprtnber. i-4. at M o ! a. m.. lo I
r-poTid afw lurmb Ptftimot j erieruiiif aaid
allir-d aiMnd-mme- t. R. M chutt. I . r I mi
m1ooer. t anthortaed to tae pwtimoriv at
A'-teiope. Orwort. on r--rnero tier ija, I -.4. at
Hi o elor a a. m.
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Carers of BRAND
Farlev cfi? e-xiIsl,
Ko;crnor to L. D. Frank, lanHl.)
A General Uue of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wholesale anfl Estail Dealers in Harness, Eriilles, Hups, Horse Blankets, Etc
Full Assortment of Meiicaa Saifllcrr Plain or Stamjei
maniifaciurers -
mm onn Hannn
UQlill) liilliJUUUUli,
Tf tuaal., faatttaa.
"Tb man hi fak. uiji'.h to ntand on
hiji ditrnity." ntiil thr iuar u i;.i tin- hy-
Olil'innl Ulli-lcml. "Ui'D't B ll :i .l
luiluli u h. o In-I'i'U in! a ililiet' iiiu
pBitrr.."" "N"." faii trie man w ith thu
uexr Klraw hat. "he will lo atmut aa
well a tbe f.-H.-w who attrmpt- to run
tm hiMnerit ""TTet t." mjI the man
witii the y.'.l .vr hififv "Tin ' -tami
a nu.n ran U iio h-u If i ri:i.u!nr (r
oflice i tii on ri-rn-ral priotiplea."
i BiHCKsmiiQ & Vagoii snap
i CwrBl Bla kamithin aor) Work ilonr i
promptly, and a.: anri
'aaranu-i. I
i - - - i
i Horse Shoeing a Speciality;
i Ttirt StrssL cm. Liefes1! fiS 121.1 '
Dried Beef, Etc.
FrsEci Ymkm Etalllcn,
welrht tn jok1 f!eb 1,V prinJt. and nre Foal
ietP-r. 1)' aeu ir rah mrtaw with
apprrrvnj aeenrity, or will trade
lor bor-ea or eattr.
Alre- Kerr & Buckley,
Ora Va'.ler, Or.
j No. C7 Washington Stkeet. . . The. Dalles.
I Whol-ale and Retail Deal- and Manulactarera ol
I Bonding Material ud Diaeaiioa TiaW, Doors, Wiodows, Moldifip, Bobsi Faralshiu Etc
i Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish
i Boxes and Packing Cases.
, Paotory nd lumbar TaTaarct t Old 3Pt. Z311"
! DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WCX)D Delivered to
any part of the city.