The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 18, 1894, PART 2, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle,
Cnwrvd at the ahrtirr at Ttaa lallr. Orrcxu. I
a MTOIul-l'Ulaa lutu. umiwr
W .sm.r
Bavretary of slate
Trm i urvr
iuoL of Public liuiruruoa
Senators . .
stair Printer
fe IVmioyer .
II iv kuu-aid .
..Phillip Mi-la'tlaO
V ldieman
- ! j' H 'ai'itfiwll
H Hermann
(W K Kim
w m leri
cii sstv rruii..
Coanr Judjr
Biwrxd.. . .
A WWI' or
t.eo. C. Biatele?
1. 1. rn
A N keleav
Wm. Muheil
iFrauk knvmul
K. s.
H Uatrnelll
Superintendent i( Public ochuoia
. E. t . sharp
. w . il. Butt's
Mavemeyer purchased the right to rob
the American people of the leaders of
the democratic party, and the poods are
now being delivered. As far as congress
is concerned they are already delivered,
and the only thing needed to consum
mate the deal is the signature of the
president, or his silence.
It is pawing strange that a great po
litical party should ruin itself in order
to keep faith with dishonesty. The
leaders of the party were, it seems,
bound by two pledges, which were dia
metrically oppofed to each other. One
was the pledge to the jieople to reform
the tariff and to enlarge the free list, to
make the tariff rvsicni one based on the
principle of raising revenue, instead of
granting proteuion. mis was an lion-
est pledgf, and one the party would j one newspaper man to another's pala
hare been justified in redeeming The I tial office : we have heard it applied to
other was a pledge made to the sugar
trust, teat for assistance in getting into
power the consumers of sugar should be
turned over to it. to I plundered at
ill. Koth of these pledgee could not be
kept, far the keeping of one necessarily
preclnded the keeping of the other.
But why should the honest and proper
pledge made to the people be violated,
and the illegal and dishonest promises
made to the sugar trust lie kept? If j
either was to be broken, surely the '
promise that was made to theieople
snouia nave been sate. The proper
snonui ijave been tultilled m-
stead of the improper one.
The measure of Grover Cleveland is
to be taken within the next ten days.
He is going to 1 either a very great
man, or a very small one. If he vetoes
the Gorman bill, be will be the former,
justifying the claims of his friends that
he is morally great. If he signs it, he
writes himself a coward, as well as a
fool ; while if be permits it to become
a law without his signature, he shows
himself a poltroon and s trifler. The
dispatches say be will take the latter
coarse, and let the bit! become law
without hi signature. He has said the
senate bill could not be passed without
party perfidy and dishonor. Will he
become a party to it by refusing to do
his plain duty a duty he owes to the
count-y, as well as to his party? The
next ten days will decide hia stature.
He will either be Cleveland the great,
or Grover the little.
hi: ''j.rr milf it.
There can'je no doubt as to the action
of President Cleveland concerning the
tariff bill. He will allow it to become a
law. Ha will do this, not because the
country wants it, but because the necea
siiis of the party demand it. tioruian
had the democracy in a hole, and he
smoked it oat in good shape. The elec
tions are coming on, and the lower house
was anxious to adjourn and get home to
look after the political fences. Pat this
was not Gorman's strong card. He fore
saw the end of the financial stringency
and the beginning of the era of better
time. The factories Lave been idie until
fttocka of all kinds have been used up.
No matter w bat tariff laws were passed,
the factories bad to start to supply the
demand. Should Cleveland veto the
senate bill, or bad the bouse refused to
pass it, the McKinley bill would Lave
remained in force. Of course the in
crease of business would then have been
credited to the operation of that bill.
Aa it is, the democrats will claim the in
crease of businea ant better times as
the result of the passage of the senate
For this reason the president , hands , :'. Cleveland is placed in a
relied. Gorman saw Li. opportanit Ty,nf T , ' -nfloence, persua
and took dn,.f s. 11 i; '1 ,,on nd PP1 f congressmen and
his ahilitv to catch the rabhit - Lr I
be got ready, and has no doubt enjoyed
the situation immensely. He ha killed
himself with the democracy, but he will
go down into history a the only man
who ever bent President Cleveland to
hia will and compelled him to do those
things that he did not want to do.
No doubt the president is raging way
down in bis inwards, but he has to
5 1
mne anu 100a pleasant, and stand up ; a wonderfully good bid for a revolution. I management have fallen into the com
to the rack, even though there is no,H nrobahlv tnr.k hri ,r r.,., .. : mon error thai iwil.rj
f..,l,l ,1 i. i:i. c- t
Gorman has won, ,
and Gorman is done.
on: state militia.
The I'eudleton Tribune falls on the j
militia heavily in ita issue of the 15th,
aavinc anions: other thinn that ". an I
imitation of aoidiera they are all right ;
aa fighters ignominious failure." It
further says in suUtance that the mill
tia is composed of the "macrjlated
youth of the city," and that the militia j
will have to be composed of country
bv before it will amount to anything. :
We hearti! indorse all our contempo- j
rarv says about the country hoys, hut
we cannot believe that it meant all the
ill-natured things said a'ut the city ,
hoys. We have a pretty fair aiiiiaint
ance among the iui!:tia, and weary of
i the opiiiion that when the state of
l re-
' "on Dti'9 tne services of her miiitia she
i wul riud it readr. She ill lind hat
; . , . .
our eontcuiporarv c.!s the ruaciilated
j youth of the cities reudy to pen form
men's service like uien. It ia true most
of them are young, hut they can't help
that and will in time outgrow it, yet
we msert that the state of Oregon has
right now aa fine a body of militia as
anv itate in the union. Nut dress sol-
dier either, but men who iu time of I
need will be found iu the front ready to '
' dare, to do and to die at their country's
wnuii i..v s it
Sir. John B. liorham. whose commu
nication concerning religion and the
sinks of iniquity appearB in this issue,
rather arraigns the churches for not
being more aggressive. While it is no
doubt true that the Salvation Armv
methods reach elements that are not
reached by the churches, it is equally
true that "all Christians cannot be ex -
pected to follow those methods. When
thev do the loss will lie ereater than the
i gaiu.
In regard to what the eentie-
man calls 'sinks of iniquity," opinions
varr also We do not know exact1 v
- i
what the geutleman means by "sinks of
j ini.juity," that term being applied vari -
ously. We have beard it applied ty
. the Oregon legislature, and it is quite a
catchy phiase in election times, each
party insisting that the other is a "sink
of iniuuity." We do not pretend to lie
pomeu on tne suo.ieci matter, it he hail
spoken of the "gilded palaces of sin."
we would have at on.-e understood that
he meant the saloons. Let Mr. Gor-i
i,., ..ih.i.,,..., ,.u v,;
7' r . .
plaint more definite.
New wheat is said to be worth from '
t ,
nts per bushel in
I Portland, but there have not been ahip
i ments enough to establish a price. At
forty cents the price here would be
about thirty-three cents. From the
worlds reported crop, it is more likely
the price will 1 under that figure than
over it. The outlook for the wheat
grower is indeed gloomy, for at present
prices there is nothing in raising it. If
the prevailing low prices, however, will
stimulate the stock business, it will not
be entirely bad.
With w heat at its present rates every
Jarmer should put it into bopa. There
is a radical difference between thirty
cent wheat and fifteen-cent bacon. Our
farmers spend their money for sacks,
threshing and hauling until tha wheat
does not yield them net over fifteen
cents. By feeding the grain the whole
crop can ! driven to market without
expense, and besides bringing better re
turns to the farmer, will give emplov
ment to packers in this country, instead
of those in Omaha.
We stated a few days ago that the ill
advised attack on Mrs. Potter and Mr.
Beilew by Bev. Wallace of Portland, did
not amount to anything except as an
advertisement of the parties. At Walla
Walla Monday evening Mrs. Potter and
Mr. Del lew presented the "Ironmaster,"
one of the play condmned by Lev.
Wallace. The Statesman in mentioning
the play, say .
"The opera house last evening pre
sented a brilliant array of wealth, beauty
and fashion, gathered from every select
quarter of the city to do homage to the
talented stars of the occasion."
It then follow with a description of
those occupying the boxes, the names of
theater parties, etc. The nnusual at
tendance wa the direct result of Lev.
Wallace's attack, for everybody desired
to see if the plays were really as naughty
as represented. The Statesman speaks ;
in the highest terms of the play, but 110
doubt most of the audience were disap
pointed in not being shocked.
ento"- personal friends of the presi
dent, are being brought to bear on him.
On one side is duty; on the other the
I clamorous demands of Lis tnonal
friends, and perhaps the majority of bis
party. If he resist these importunities
he will prove himself indeed a man of
dogged determination.
The Fnglish house ot lords has rejected j
j the "evicted tenants" bill, and has made
. . " . "
back on the lower bouse, from the high '
i toned snubbing the American house of
lords gave its plebeian contemporary,
Congreseman Wilson of Washington
when the vota waa about to be taken on
the motion to recede from the disagree
ment with the senate desired to know
nd therefore asked Speaker Crisp, "if
this would not be g-iod time to read
the president's letter again?"
Tin: time at iia.m
leteeo tin and the :Ul. an earth
. ijuake i to raie the dickens out thin
! way according to Professor Fa!l. Call
: fornia is to t left an inland. Ml. Hood
' will pnll itself into the ground, leaving
only a lake. . tidal wave will fp
over the coa.t, M-ariug the Columbia o
that it water w ill run up hill. Astoria
and Waila Waiia will change plart-a, tuken to the Htae, and (nun lirevkin
; and the Oregoniau w ill get acquainted ridge" silence, it is probable be lia !
I with Fastern Oregon. There were taken to the wood, or took a tumble to
cloud on the moon last night and the i htuiseli. lie wa extremely pictu'e-une
i towu dog howled. There are whole and i sadly missed from the telegraphic
, lot of things going to hapjien. so if you ' column of the big dailies.
are not already a sutiecnoer to uii
! paper, you want to get there at once, us j
we will nrint the new, if necessarv. in
I advance.
The mysterious disappearance of a
man named t.lovstein, who lived near
Spokane, is attracting wide-spread at-
tention. pnneinallv lecatie it i he-
lieved that he has been murdered,
and that by members of the Kreeman's
lrotective Silver Federation. He had'
bis name proposed as a member of that
organization, but alter taking the oath
i na DeinC 10,11 lner? "s -T" llme Ior
' t'UI withdraw, be took advantage of
j U "nd refused to go further. He was
an rde"' republican and denounced the
I Mediation, soon afterwards he was
1 cmllexl to his door atiout miduight and
, went outside. Since that time he has
1 no been seen, but his bloody hat was
l0UUl1 tmnureit yams trom Hie nouse.
I 18 supposed lie wa muruerea aim tne
I body hauled away and thrown in the
i riT
1 of onr exchanges have gone duft
over railroad building. According to
their ideas, the I'nion Pari lie is guing to
purchase the Oregon Pacific and build
through from the Short Line to connect
with it. There is one fact that seems to
j overlooked and that is that the I
j Pacific is finauciallv dead. It is in the
bands of a receiver, is indebted to the ;
poTernment some IM.Ot'O.tMW. and could :
, not rsiae m0IieT enough to buv a peanut
1Und. res the conntrr through
, , ...
j w uicn me road wouia pass is mucti ol it
unproductive, or devoted to stock rais -
, ing and would lurni.ih but little trathc
for a railroad. The O. K. & '. is now
able to handle all the through business
of all the roads, and hae plenty of time
. left, to handle aa much more.
The Wellman Arctic
arrived sntslv in Xowav,
expedition has
This is a bad
precedent to establish and will probably
... , ' .
uiscourage arctic exploring parties.
Wellman should have waited for a relief
party to be sent out for him. What's
the use of going way up into the cold
storage department of the country and
freezing for a whole winter, if the fact is
not to be advertised and relief parties
,, , f
sent out? If explerers are going to
break the business up like Wellman tne
country might ai well get dow n to bust-!
nees, and send the relief parties out first,
so as to be ready to rescue the other
Secretary Gresham is a diplomatic
error. It matters not what subject
comes op for the state department to
act upon. Dut ttiat the renowned secre- i
tary geta off wrong foot foremost. A
man without political convictions, a
milk and water statesman, posing a a
representative of the pure in politic, he
has shown his entire unfitness to deal
with practical questions. He is a mug
wump in business affairs, as well as
politics. When he drops out of a job at
the end of this administration, be will
at the same time drop out of sight for
ever. Let lis hope that his like may
not be again seen in a public position.
The president yesterday went to Gray
Gables to get acquainted with bis family,
rid of the malaria, oat of Washington,
and away from the presence of the po
litical Jim Corbett, Gorman. It is said
the president reclined on couch while
on the trip and submitted to a massage
treatment until be arrived at Philadel
phia. I'r. O'Beilley, the president's
Italian physician, expressed the opin
ion that a few days by the seaside would I
hrare lorn nn mnii as V. tariff Kill 1.-- I
either to be limed or let alone, the
president will probably need to have his
nerves strengthened.
When the senate bill becomes a law,
which it will within the next seven
I day, congress will adjourn. The little
bills concerning free sugar, free iron and
free coal, are only a little by-play be
tween acts to divert the attention of the
audience from the more serious matter
of the piay. It ie all congress can do
now to maintain s quorum, and the
moment the bill is settled the individual
members will hie them to their homes
to look after the convention and dis
seminate taffy.
The Tacoma af-lair has been opened.
It is a tail-ender and will prove a flat
failure notwithstanding the fact that its
' '""
nl Telegram can manage the people of
Oregon. Both of these papers have evi
dently been greaned in the interests of
the fair, but the lubricant will not make
the worn oat machine run either
smoother or faster. The Tacoma fair is
third-handed fake.
It is really refreshing after Prender
gast to observe the manner in which
Fraoce deals with its criminals. Santo
murdered Carnot, the French president,
'jmie Mth. He was tried, his appeal
, tnkcu aud settled, and yesterday he wa j
' takeu to the guillotine, and hi head he
jreft of ita worthier body wan dropped j
1 into the convenient lk'i of suwiliMt.:
lie died a coward.
What the country w
' 1. w hat has Income
. P.recLinridg'.' HVw
.111. I !lkr to know
ol mgresstiian
Mi I'olUrd ha j
Cleveland feel for Wilson ; Ywrhees
feels for Cleveland, while tioruian (eels
I for the whole "bllin," and reaches them
Cleveland has aiwav Iwu
w ith having lot of sand. In it Kwible
tmp markft
- - .
Fkidat, Aug. 17th The local market
, is quiet, and it may lie said that it is
i lifeless. The movement of merchandise
i " co"eK)naiugiy iimueu. i nir. .rc
' maintained in all line. The passage of
the tariff bill has had a tendency to
j ttimulatu the sugar market. There is,
; no change in the produce market,
The wool market has been active and
nearly all the wool received at the ware- ;
' houieft has been sold at price ranging
, irom . 10 iu cents per pouna,
ijuotations are reporte.i ai i'.. m :-4
j cents, the price ling governed on the
condition, staple and firmness.
I The wheat market is unsettled
ind ;
Iims no features that anv future calcula
tion can be relied on.
KuroH.'au and F-asteni advice indi- j
cute a firm tone and feeling, with some j
activity on call hoard". The Oriental
war, now in progress, will nut effect our
' n,arii"t,! lnl'tably.
tirain acks are qmituhle at T'v cents
' J, HXT " to lv 'cr
! LZ??tT "P '
i cents per 100 lbs.
.SI to isle
; Oat The oat market
! r mi n-m. ., us)
light at HO
I n.i.sTi rrs
Finri-rilmnim,! brand at ;ii ner
bbl. per ton and $2 "o per bbl. retail.
I Hat Timothy hay ranges in price
iwiu v
nualitv and condition. heat hav is
Btock on limited demand at
f-- w w flu w :r tun.
' ,. . , '
' Bcttbu Fresh roll butter
per roll.
j EooB-1110l fre.h rK! n at i;;ie ,0
j U c. !
' Poclty Good fowls are quoted at j
1.50 to t'2.h0 per doen, turkeys K cent 1
T j
, B"' f Ml'7ONTr!' "tt,e
better demand at $2.1)0 per 100;
weiRnt t0 t2J5 or frKn.
I Mutton is now quoted at $2.00 to $2.25
per head. Pork offerings are light j
and prices are nominal gru
weight and 334' to 41 cents dressed.
CorrKK Costa Kica, is quoted at 24c 1
per lb., by the suck. Safvadore, 23 '...c j
Arbucklee, 2jc.
Scoar Golden C. in bbl or sack ,
$.") 7."; Flxtra C, $ 00; Iry granulated
fi 50. I. G., in 30 lb boxe. $2
C, $2 '. GC $2 00.
Rice Japan rice, fi',i7c; Island,
rice, 7 cts.
Bean Small whites, 4fa'te;
Pink, 4'a'C per 100 lbs.
Stei i--$2 50 to $3 00 a keg.
Halt Liverpool, 601b k, 65c; 1001b
sk,$l 00; 2001b sk, $2 00. Stock salt,
$10 per ton.
fcrLPiifa 2 cent per pound.
Hides Are q noted as follows: Dry,
1 2.c lb: irreen. l'.
biiEEP Pelts 25 to 60 ea. Deerskins,
20c lb for winter and 30c for summer.
Ireeeed, light $1 lb, heavy 75c lb. Bear
skins, $( $12 ea; beaver, $3 60 lb;
otter. $5; fisher, $5tf?$5 60: silver gray
fox, $10fc$25; red fox, $1 25; grev fox
42 60ft-$3: martin, $1($1 25; mink
60c(55c; coon, 50c; coyote, 50cr 75c.
GaAts Bag ".'.4 to 7i each.
Dafur Jlf.
The Harnea lima, atarted out with
their steam thresher on their usual tour
Monday expecting to run till snow flies.
Bev. J. W. Jenkins preached Sunday
at the U. B. church as usual.
Mr. A. 3. Brigham has returned after I
a visit of several weeks in the metrop
olis. Mis Annie F'razier will teach the fall
term at Union school. We wish her
success in her undertaking.
Mr. Geo. McManemy waa in town last
week with bis face wreathed in smiles.
Madam Gosip informed us of the late
arrival of an infant son at bis home.
Mr. J. C. Tuttle is quite 111. We earn
estly hope for his recovery.
Messrs. T. II. Johnston and family,
W. I,. Vandorpool and wife, E. C.
Warren and family and others all went
on an outing trip near Mt. Hood for
a general good time. Qi ekv.
Keal Cslals Transfer.
The following deed were filed for
record today :
Arthur Iiiabrow to Lincoln Plsbrow,
se1 of sw'i and sw' of se', tec Id, tp
1 nofr 10e; flOO.
United States to heirs of James W.
Braden, deceased, nw'4' sec 32, tp 1 n of
r 15 e; patent.
United States to William A. Obarr,
sw4, sec 32, tp I n of r 15 e; patent.
United States to the heirs of Nancy
Gagnr, deceased, ne'4', sec 32, tp 1 n of
r 16 e; patent.
Hew York Weekly Tribune
Arfvrtll l,rllr.
Follow ing is the list of letters remain
ing in the iiostotfii-e at The I "a lies un
called tor Friday August IT'.h. 1.U.
j Perwuis calling for same w ill give date
' on which they were advertised .
Itarrett, Kandell l'.arler, Mrs Lucy
! liark. t W Itenjamin, K 11
! l'.lessing. Sol Itrow n, I. 1.
ltowlsav, Wm Itourland, O M
Urn no, C H Itufford, A
liiittington, r anion t atten, .lolin -Chriseinger.
French Iavi, Mrs Lizzie
Fogartv, J W Flock, John
liillican .John
Gouler, lonii
i Troesoer. .iiaiiinia
I laen, Miaa Sadie
Hodgson, Mrs Koht Jones, Walter
Jones. Ja Ixiugbter. Hampton
jow, B C I-etia, J li
Maver, Joseoli Mclennan, Chu IS
4,-,01ma, A J O'Brien. 1! M
Keed, Melvin, F. Smith. J F.
Ward, T C Wablwr, Mrs Addie
Williams, Joe.
J. A. (."UOSHkN, P. M.
Utal Eatalt Transfers.
the nw
A. F.aston to James L. i.aston
1, I . 1. I - ,n
4, lit:, ii tuu tne ii w 4 , see. i
all in tp. 2 s, r 14 e.
The following deeds were died for
record today :
John Pratt and vile to P.
I. Meeker.
s's, se'4, sec. 1, tp. 1 n, r 12 e; $2000. ;
John Pratt and wile to II. J!. Meeker, j
so acre in sec. C, tp. 1 n, r 1.1 e ; $2000. '
Oliver W. Obarr and 1 tattle K. 0!rr !
bis wife to Julia A. barr, 1W acn- in '
sec. 2l, tp. 1 n. r 15 e: $HK).
j It is seldom we kick if our good cun
temporaries swipe an article from our
t column and (orget to credit it. In fact
I it always makes us feel proud, and be-
j sides we know bow bard it is to fill
space, sometimes. Yet once in a while a
j Wl BtUIU IUC I'IBJ IUI IlliSUt ui our J
I gleeful brain gets on it travels that we 1
: feel we ought to have i-redit for. Six
weeks ago we published the statement
that "J. S. Sbaler of the Free tueyer
horse o( Middlebury, New York, was
kicked in the knee by a horse" and all
of our exchange here fell on and
claimed it. Brother desist or take
your medicine.
The Chinese pay their doctor only so
long a h keeps them in health. They
believe in preventing rather than curing
disease. This is sound sense, and one
of the strongest recommendations ol j
! Arr'i Hartapwriil
a medicine which
not only cures disease but prevents I
IMot to Kill t'rlspl
Kohk, Aug. 15 .The police sav they '
have conclusive proof that the anarchist
arrested yesterday had been chosen to
throw a bomb at Premier Crispi, and was
only waiting an opportunity.
A person is prematurely old when
baldness occur before the forty-lifth
year. Use Hall's Henewer to keep the
scalp healthy and prevent lialdnes.
H) vlrt'ie f n riwtitl.m Ixtwl mi ,f tlx
c:innlt Court i.( thrsuiwoi mrn lirrUwo
1 nnnty. 111 suit tn-rln i-mtiiir whrn-in K L
Smll!i IB plnliililT .,,! V. Ilarrlaon. Km.hia M
rn., imiH . smlllL J.,lni K lifter man.
E. S. Ixrwn, .,in IxialhRsa iin.l. r ihr i,.n. ..I
Lm '-'"' J"hn t.. MIII.t, Kmsnu'l
MIII.T aiifl Jm II. lt, .rtnr rtpli,r bust
iiml.-r I lie ItrmnainriF .Imm O MlUnr
Vrf Ji'h" ,M,,r,h '" """t. J. 11. i.rant slid
J 1. Fowl, Mrin,rrs I..iik ,iiains nn-trr Ida
1L',V"'I"'." Ml"Thv.''ram at Co.. ,nm-Um,
wrsslruir, Trait .miiMiir, a r.,r),rti,,n . M.
Ilni'l'-non 4i :o., acwunratlon; A. H. iMmnrtt
ami r.. A. Har(mn ar- i.!frnilanbi. on th iith
rtajr ol July. ih I m. euolic Anoilon
His liiRtivat IihMt Inrraah In tl.-( mrt
llouw door In Imlln, ( ltr. i.rv.,ii, m. Ihr lir.t
lajr ol Nfniamlstr, w. at the of ? rUrU
J" tn luiKsm iH said d, all ol the rlarht,
line and mu-D'st irf wh and all ol thaUvt
naniod d-mlania in and l tin- follimlnr df
erilsM fat .n,fs-rtr lying and situate In Warn
'.o'liltT. i,r.i,, to alt:
All of lots one. two. thrw. fmir. Iwcntr Avs,
tWHnt.ii, Iwntvvrn and twsntr lirht In
Vi "IS w'iema Addltl.m 10 th town rt
I. ol I'.itm-: also Iota one and two of tilont
In wmana Addition to tli b,wn ol liwsi Kivrr
alaonlis-k two and lot ot.t Iu liiissk lour In the
li.wn of farkbniat T.J DRIVF.Ii,
)r (it Hherllt of Waco Onaiitr. iW.
- $1.T5.
ron baliB.
i Tl. ;-,-.(..- I..... I l,.r IMIU 1..
tenter Free Trade, son of the Great
Free Trade bog of Ohio, sold for $MX),
the bighet priced hog ever sold in th
I' 11 i ted State, awisted bv Hn Tecnnweh
Chip Jr 2inmi, sold for $200.
Owing to the hard time, I will sell
for the next three months, my pigs for
$20 each, or $" per pair. Will liox and
deliver at nearest station free.
Come and see them or write.
No bntne done on Sundars.
(Vnu-rville, Wah.
A. A. Brown,
kriM ft full ftMortoirii t of
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
which he "f!rr at Iaw PiPif
1 f .
to Cash Buyers.
Highest Cash Prices for Ens aol
other Proioce.
Wasco WarenonsB Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination. (
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Rates Reosonble.
"W. XT. Go.
Notice to Creditors.
N.jtl. e l h.t.'t.v Kivm Una tin- und,"ip(n',d
hw hy Die County t nurt of the Htatv ol nn
eounly. In r'lsit. Isw-n at.f"lnwl
administrator ri Ihr esUIr ol Anrtiat IxalH-'i'
a"'l All prrson. haTins rValma asinl
"Sin wrtat are h-rliy piinsi u ,rmunt tham.
with ,r...r vouilhrni. to me at th.' law ollii
t.ondon t (ndm, 1 lie liallm, itrron.witlnx
l inoutlia from the dale ul Hits utrtiue.
iall Jnir Wl i.y
HASH l.Al.K, Administrator.
FlijHician and Snrgeoii.
tf All nrotssslonal calls promntlr stteods
o. day and niahu awrU