THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1894. A Vl KKi: tUMMXATION. The Breakfast or a Rounder After a Niasht Out tarj Strang. , The Somerville Journal has a story of little lawnthy. ix irr old. who, I like other children, is a lorn eeotist- f N 1 1 Am lMilau I aeartaia Uriels raajllta All .t aiiarataptalaas rt It ymtrmm m llw Tr. 'lake mx men of men. 1 mean, of ac p.-rietiee. w ho har.- JTFLP IS TTAXTED Vy the women who are ailing :;nd nfferinjr. or we:iL and cilian-ied. And, to even -lull v. I'tnan. l:c';j is fuartnt"fi by Ir. I'iene's Favorite llv,njtion. I'.ir young girls just entering woiuuHiood ; women at tbe critical "change of life ; wo men approaching cotihuenjctit ; nurs ing mothers; and every woman who is run-down " or o erwoi ked. it L a medicine that lmikls up, strength ens, and regulates, no matter what the condition of the sysjeni- It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nerv ine, and the only f'aranletl rem edy for "female compUints " and weaknesses. In Waring-down sen sations, periodica! pains, ulceration, inflammation, and every kindred ailment, if it ever fails to benefit or rut?, you have your m wtt back. ; tin- world gentle il! round s.sial t'x- been unfortunate , cuoU'.'M t st-V t' !.!!.' ttilll ineir ; :i.; .uif in aw hilt aud probably ( iivcof thciu iii tell you hat is uieaul ; by the term drunkard's breakfast." says The Ni "YrK Herald. For the t-nlig- htenm.-ut of the hiith member it mar Ik- explained that a ; "drunkard's breakfast." so called in many swell clubs ami restaurants. cou- j s;;.: of a sll mackerel. lilcd. not ; broiled; a dish of milk toast, and a pot '. of stror.;.'. hot tea. This is a repast which i supxscd to Ik- peculiarly ; adapted to ttK stomach of a man who permitted himself to be tem;el to look ; too promiscuously upon the wine the nichl lefire. My wife's absence from home wm pclied me to take mv meals nt the restaurant recently, lor my ar laXaata ajul CUIldrea. Caatarla praaaata IHrtim. owronnan Ftatua-ncv, luulialin. an.l to the, if you like " lorothy tixk the dime ninl when the roniluitor eame alomr she handed it Vim in f tia. mw. t i i l)i!irilr He pave her a 41uiek look, ami esTimat- "m-rh. Warnwa, .a revcrv. inp that she was under the (Ive-vear j Thu. th. child U render! hmlihy and it. Jmit. he rausr in ore fare, and : mlmnd. CaatorU r,tu ik handed Wk a five-cent j.iece. w hk h , Morj.hiu or ob.T nan-otK- rrojrtv. Dorothy t-n.k withoin a word. asu t MfWjr taKwW1 ktapwd chl It Strange. siie askn! after sue pot : racnumd U mm uirw iout pnjenik home, 'the eomiuctor took mv fare but he didn't charpe Aunt Alice any fare at all? M. lNt.tT. founder of the famous ,Nn nV in l"aris. died home w- ks a?-o. leavinp a larjre fortune, amassed . through the success of the leer halls. He tvqueathed orer to In- di- 'videdamonir twelve old customers of ;his tirst establishment, whose sita i tions started him m the highway t first ! proi r-ty. trmu-m-m Ln saa. M A A M.'MKaV M. 1 The Dalles Daily and Weekly For amoral rai T ha Teiminal-d your Oaauma.' aad ahail aiwar euaiiau wao at mm It ha IJUTai aUaj nruiiaofs! hemfkte rmiita.M Ifa-ia V. Auaa. M. I . ESlk fkrrat aa4 7th Aix, Urm Tors City. Thn ana of Caatoria' W an univsraa) sad ' la aaartta ro waU aaowa ahaa It inn a wnrS of uporvrorauoa to o1urw u. trm mir Utm l I tnlirnu tamiln who da anc karp Caauna Ohromcle Cuua liem. P. TV. VurS Ci!J. Taa CrarTisa CunraaT, TT Hurray Bu S. T. breakfast 1 went to one of the fine j I.ea fur la ajueaa. i hotels in the immediate tH urhf irhoid. j ;ince n. Vietairia met with an ' The restaurant was chilly, and that, j ,.l.;a,.nt at Windsor castle eleven or,, added to a sever.- cold in my head, ; twelve vears ajfo, when one of her ! mus to my a bul.f fare. An ''r ! This difficulty ha l.tvlv increased iuiel to a sever.- cold in my neau, ; tWt.iVt. v,.ars ajfo, when .me of her m, . t iust have riven a watery uiux-urauce j knet wis injured, ahe has found it verv 4'L . I ) - A I . I lnA my eyes and a n.rvous tremor to - troui;;,..nK. s,ut.t;ru,. painfull I I U li Pill 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 III IP iv hand as 1 took a seat and picked up j j.ijj,,., to ascend or d- -nd a stairvse. I I UU 1 1 1 iL U I U I U 1 UlIIU Dr. ."age Retnedy prtnn5 to curt your Catarrh p?rntau(ii:lt. sI'mmI at hand to receive mv order. I ran over the list of meats a seeoud time. pausinL-. mentally, midway 'twii a steak and a chop. The waiter., n. tini." tr.y indecision, but utterly nil- J taking the spirit behind it all. stepped to my side and with perfect politeness I said: Kef I may be rm:t. 1 reeoin- i men ze salt mackerel, w is re mtsv-lk ; toast and ze ti-a ver' nice. It r ie ; Whux coon hunting. John Eider, of breakfast pomiiair wis r-ntlemen after j Irutchtown. h.t an eye in a very i excitement of xr r.--ht.-peculiar way. He was jroimTup a tree. ' The fellow had actually reeoromend- , ia tean-h of a coon, when an owl flew i ed a tirunkard s breakfast f.r my con- j down and tore ont his eyeball with it, dition. although a a matter of fact 1 clar ' i hadn't taken a drink in a year and a j half! Tie Danes, PGrtM anil A&teria; Navigation Co. Kennet a ilazeniore LaJ the pooii fur tnne to rei-eive s small bott'.e of Clian. herlaiu'e Colic, Chaiera, and Iiarrh i-a Eemedy ahec three niemlr- of his laniily were sick a ith Jyarntery. This ODt'irs" liottie cure ! them and be had some left mhich he gave to tieo. V. Baker, a prominent merciiant of the place, Leaiston. N. C, and it cured him of the lame complaint. When troubled aith dysentery, diarrho-a. iitiic or cholera morbus, pive iLie remetiy a trial and Ton will 1 more than pb--d witn the rwnit. The praise il.jt natur ally follows itc introdnctkin and ne has , niacy of onr patrons "order f r break- made it very popular. -- and cent bottle for sale by Clskeiv a Honsriiton. drngginta. r Nest mornicfr I went into another restaurant near by nt exactly a first class j-'.aee. but an cxtraoniinarily P'm1 set:;ix:ii-classone u h.Te the busi ness is em-rmou.-s. the ck:nr exeel iect and the servi-e ireiieraiiv satis fa' t ry. Vveyes were biiKusiiot and watery st. 11. the result of a neuraiic attack. TiM waiter, a decorous, hand some ifrmiin-Amorirau. haniled me the bi'l of fare. "yel me suspiciously, bu: not rudely. f r an i:is.nt and then renmrketl in an undertow": "How world a nice siilt mackerel, luiiled. a plate of milk toast and a pot of tea suit vou tins moriim? That is w hat much that an elevator has just ben plac-d in the private apartments d Windsor iast!e for her majesty a iw. and another is to le fitted up atS Ixirne. The ;ueen ha a p-vater cum ler of steis to ascend at tslir-;e than at any other of the palaces, as her own apartments are it the pavilion near the t p of the house, lilevators are also lcinir f r lluckinrhaui ial acc and l.almora!. which w ;H le ready f ir us- i?i th sprj:;r. There one in l;;ickirt(.'iia:?i JMilaev for s,,i:n' vears. which was made for tne duke of Alba cv. aithouf b after his death it was re moved. A a Old sod(. hn .Jirt, In ai:-ier.t tlm. s;nr hetri. n: U. ,mr h-' ll :d f.uriand. ir lei:i rliine. s nf ',ea. mv be., -m h,i" 'AM 'tTJ und!4 mD" Through rtaily Trips (Sunday ex-! s.uit nira. c-v .. bo' cepted) between The lalies and Tort-j Hut the giants d dn t have thine their I 1uJ- famer Kepnlavor leaves The ! own war when Ja. k-tbe-uiant-Killer ! lhe ' n.. connecting at the Cas- : arrived on the scene. You ' d Loca f-teamer Dalies City , themo-v. l;eeolie:t. t-w. that everv ajre : Meaaier Dalies City ieaves I'ortland : ha i-s t ant-kiiier. W e have onr eianlr 1 amnio n. oocs; n t a. m., connecv l.rpu.aior lor i lie i THROUGH 7HK C'Hl.ONK'LK was staMUhHi for the ex jiress urMise of faithfully rt'prcfontinp The I)alles and the surroumlinj: country, and tin atifyinp t-fftft of its mission i" r verywhfiv apparent. It now loads all other puhlications in WWn, Sher man, (ulliam, a lar,:e jart of Cnxik. .Morrow and trant counties, a well as Klickitat and other re gion? north of Tht' Palles, hence it is the U?t medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The 1ary Chhoxkt.e is puMished every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $G.OO jer annum. The Wf.kki.y I'iiiiomi i.k on Fridays of each week at $l..r0 per annum. For advertising rates, suhscrijitioiis. ek., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Iallo, Orogon. iFreigai anHPasseimerLiiie; me with Dalles. Steamer KAMtMlIK KtTta. ftr thev have l-en ut late tw-tter tuan cocktails. I assure hospitals annually of raising- an fast ! Much you. There wa no impertinence in the : mar.'s roiee or manner. He didn't dreniu of beimr intrusive. He merely i thought he was domir me a friend'y ierviee in sturjrestinir a rejrular brac injr "druukanl's breakfast " The same sup-irestion w ill le offered : in many trst-iass n-staurant.s to nuv : mau ft hiw uppw-aranee ,r luanner m ' any way excites the suspicion that he ' drank l-o much tiie nich". I" ! ire. The hint i.- always offered jioiit ly and juiet!y. ai.! only after the waiter has i convinced himself that his purjxe ia making the su.'?estion will not le oilv .' understood. And thus, in Mime myst.-rious way. ' it has com, to h- 1-iiered amoiiir res ' tanratit v.u:V-rs that for a man w ho ; has had a iouir drinking t"ut the cor rect breakfast should consist of salt , mackerel, milk toast and tea' It is au extraordinary combination. Mirelv. course of lectures on the English poets. , Bnd w hy it is peculiarly atiapted to at the Newberry library, Chicago I the condition of a man recovering - ' from a spree i as aiyst.-rious as the "I know an Old soidier who had ' ideutity of the jrcnius who Erst pro- One way. . . . Eound trip. EsiLJsH charity elieve 14o.imi sick. Tnr annual expense orphan in K ranee is .. My boy was taken with a dieae re sembling bloody flox. The first thine 1 thought of was CbamberiaiuV Colic, Cholera and lHarrbo-a Eemedy. Two doses of it settled the matter and cored him sound and veil. I heartily recom mend this remedy to all persons ru tier ing from a like complaint. I will an swer any tD-jciries regarding it hen stamp is inclosed. I refer to any county official as to my reliability. Wm. Eoach, J. P.. Priniroy. Campbell Co.. Tenn. For sale by Biakely & Houfhton drug gift. Mis U.vKKiKT MoskoE. who wrote the "-World's Fair Ode." is delivering a in tiie lorm of l l sort of dread dea"S, j lpiKMM'd to tie inrurabie. Our Jack is ; in the form of Dr. Tierce, a ho has proven ; the exn'c-e'ion incurable dieaes" to ( e a iailaey. Cn yon imacme more i-otent weapons to aoifl a woman in ', kioiug the viant-disease. than Ir. ) ; l'lette s Favorite Prescription It's the ' onlyc'iaranteed remedy forall fanetional I u" tirhance. tiinfai disorders, and ' ehroiiir weaknesses of womannood. Inj Vin,e rompiaints of every kind, if it i" er isii to ttfneti! nr eur mil i ; v.-ur money Wk. It's simply a "tie, i Oitt delay at Cascades Hon of the companv vou prefer the I ,:ai.t or Jack? I . . f 2 00 i . 3.001 Wlieo llif Train stojis at THE DALLES, get tST on the South Side HEW COhUMBlA HOTEL. Freight Rates Greatly Feted. ! All freight except car lots will be brought through, with- nnd 1 i.n stud tMi.iar lloui d- tin itrnT-ii"; Itumn. l iurntan tin- lia-Mi Ars-tilUi.-ij.:ii.!ti .if tut niy. at Ut low r&tt 't $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Heals. 25 Ccrpts. ,imr all staC' I.Imm laaalnf Tk. iHalU fur all BMlal la tutora HniM and aaatrw W uhurtaa. Shipments for Portland received at , ... a ,rl... j Vm5 r nieht" J r-hipnisnt- for ; i way landings must be delivered before : M nt:i), kut. A cyclone has , b p. m. Live stock shipmenu solicted. ! sept over tne provinces o: Madrid and i lail on or add la Ihla Mtil. TiieTf Kriiut ant I'mor; s. T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr. Ciu:a ! Eeal. Over 100 persons are re ported killed or injured." B ; iK-tweei. the tot. of the hili bv the' brew ery and the Cu'uiiihia Packing Co.'s ' E-DALLES sh ij a "mail atcbe; cuntaiuing a pair' of M-ectaciee. ii:a.i an.oni. I oi nner 1 and mall article. Finder will confer fi.jr by leaving it at lh Columbia! I act wig to s. (t 1 oar Maaey. Ail county warrants reiered prior to Angtist 1. Is.lO, w ill lie paid on pre- W. C. ALLAWAY. akawaral Aaat. : LAUGHLIN. i OREGON VAUSE, siMs-emir t.i pU Kn-ft a u DEALER IX J. F. FOBD, iTastfist j Ui lirt Mmuas. Iowa, writes under Sat at 1 Mares S3, WM chronic diarrho a ot long standing to : p-sed it. enta'.ion at my oi after J u'v lith. have been permanently cured by taking ; A popular physician who was spoken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j to W!th reference to this fad said. ! Karrhota Eemedv,"' savs Edward Shum- I I'V ' Y?"? wlu1 drunkard ., , ... i breatifast is. but wbv anv man suffer- . pik, a prominent dmggist of Mmnea- . iBp from r-iie- in drmk ! polls, Minn. "I have sold the remedy i Bhonia vat hUcb a meal is more than I I in this city for seven years and consider ) can tell. Salt mackerel is harsh, acrid, I it superior to any other medicine now , hot and imtatinjr to an already eon-' on the market for bowel complaint.'' i Pasted stomaeh. I can think of no; 36 and 50 cent bottle of this remedv j "rticieof food roon-likely to increase , for sale br Blakeiv dt Houghton drug'-1 the d'suve dn-irders due to drink gigt. ' ' , than salt mackerel." j i Another tihvsician of lonir nraetiee ; A ... L. 1 1 1 1 a. cusiom. muicu uaa uceu i observation said: ' practiced for centnrie. stiu prevail in j to know how and with Holborn. England. The time of nifht , wnon, tne drunkard s bnakfasf !(! is hourly shouted by the watchman. I nitted. It is a ridiculous idea -None somewhat in thi style: Pat on but a normal stomach in healthv con o'clock, and a cold, wet morning." dition can dift a salt mx kerel with- i out discomfort, or at least unpleasant reminders of its pn-senee. It is a fish that I am very fond of. but if I eat oj it even after drinking moderately i; cause an attack if iudjrehtion. Mv :.ce. interest ceases Wil. MlCliELL. t'iuntv Treasurer. NOTICE FOE PCBLICATIUN. V. xb irn . 'IT.. ' E. Mau. Msg. Co., Inifur, Orwgon. i (i'nilemen : On arriving home last week, I lound , all well and anxiously awaiting. Out ! little girl, eight and one -half years old, who had wasted away to 3s pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well i fleshed up. 8. B. Cough Curs has done ; its work well. lioth of the children late it- l onr r. B. Cough Cor has cured i i: It would ,M,ia N-iti i her-fT rim that tri fnliowinir ( n.' ini. in ii.tiri .! ik naiir.. and ' and kept away all hoarseness from me. I m.-. -io i.,c :.i l njie u-t.nre tw p-r.-T o give it to everr one, with greetings IaV?7r,'.7,r: lt?d "ff" " : 'or alt. Wishing you prosperity. Airi. i..k. t Yours. Ma. A Mas. J. F. Foao. v.. 4.U i. lis- N' m;:,. n.i I'Tn '-i tolosl traah andcbaartal.aod raadj -K . m'ii r , s . s-e las. kilt! lor tbe snrtrii a work, elaapat voar sutoia an Us ii iiam in ifi.iitwiiir lln- ;e hi. -ti!mei resldtjev i;ikiD ttljd rultivatltia wf iil. via - 1 .! k. 1. i r tit-. s i,. Iidinii r,i: Bold under s aorture atuaraatec w unilf' T J lrt -er. nl 1 fi j PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. I And the Most Complete and latest Patterns and Iesigns in WALL PAPER, jft WALL PAPER i m i .... . . . ... ,rl',iVJLvia7,B.?1!? , A, KK "ASGEK. None but the best brands Jl' ,MAl,:Vl 1'AI-NTS used in all our work, and none hot tbe most ski.led workmen employed. Agents lor Masurv Liquid Faints. .No -hem-ice! combination or soap i. ixture. A first-class artil le in all colors. All order, promptly attended to. Store and Paint Shoo corner Tkird and Washington Eu.. Ths Lallei, 0rest ; tb Haadscac aad Liver ;are. fj taking two m tbn d'cs aacb week. "TJicre is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fix leads on to fortune." Sweklaw's arraea aalva. The best salve in the worid for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money retunoei. Price 25 cents per boa. For saie by fcnipes fc Kin- Teaches only theorj of it Mippuscd popularity as a breakfast dish for one who ha., taken a drop ton much is this: Italti nesa eaciti-j. thirst for great quantities ox cola water, wrucn is. in my opinion. of real benefit to a sUiruaeh fevered with aicoboiic irritation. Jt enables i J.r f H' j K--w-t COPYRIGHTS. Vr I air emu per kotti br all droaslta t . S. acncari. fnmdant. J. M rTraos, caablav. j First National Bank. THE DALLES. - - . OREGON C0PYR1G r i onTtw a raTrsTf rnmr aowr and an amwa wmmi wra to -i i s k , ii. woo nair aao Ti wri Tir V TO TTBf'r 'earvi OH to ta atnt rariKir twitrwiual. IHiaiknaiillt. I anawrinow fateala and sow to Ob tain to-'wl sent lr. A ton - iM mtrntm 1 teal ana atawmat rx oatt f ra. j-auKiu taaea tnroaaa SHuaa a Ot rata,, a anai iits-in tar sni-ailar Aarreaa. ana "I don't suppose anyone him to drink water eoniouslr until the i "." iwrruir. itm km sai-r. k lie,'.- K K.. . ' u :. i i r"""'t.iwiilii batlaia . . w.v ' - - -i-i ' u w , numiKU u, ii"nwrii tuu io i - i . auc luf whale?" Boy lat the loot of the claaai j alcohol in his tissues becunes so di- "No. sir, but I've felt one." Brook-, luted that it i the more easily elimi lyn Life. ' nated from his system. As for itaali- aa saw WtrM'i Fau far r Ifto a tu Cpon reeeipt of your address and Ci ieeaeents in postage stamps, ws a in mail you prepaid our sou Tenn portfolio of tbe world's Columbian exposition, the reguiar price is fifty cents, but as we want you to hare one, we make tlie price nominal. Ton will find it a work sr art and a thing to be prized. It eon tains full page views of tbe great build ings, with descriptions of same, and is executed In highest styte of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we wi'J refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address H. E. BtTKI KR at C.. Chicago, 111. mentary value in such tiwu. I can't : see that it has. any. The milk toast ; would be all rif-ht. but salt mackerel and tea what an insult and crime it i is to force them upon a stomach al- ready amartimr and burning under the ' abuses of alcohoi NevertlMur-fc the "drunkard's break- faf i an institution and a fixture. ; If you don't Wiieve it just go into an ' Bp-town revtau rant aorne morriing when : you oo not f-e.l on particularly god terms with yourseif and a!,ow tbe waiter to infer from your manner tnat yon were somn t;al Pff the roast the niirht lkt. If tnat waiter is up to hate fciei rstimats yu as one of kind ly sp.rit. he will tiiM-rr-etly surgest a breakfast consist. njr of salt mackerel, milk toa- t and tea lr. aleaatMJT ilia ratn Hrrwt riTOiiauoa ui an arMania mm m taa a-ir S J a ar. hni c,iea aaart ffa. Kaudiuf bntnav wnnt-in t.aiaraar. Imarta raia. 'Z arm. Ra-T aaaira armtaiaa hua tiiol aaia, in aoaura. and aantnrrara of aa-a kom.a. aioi im. cnaMifwr Wi,a w arv taw aw aid awuu. Alan MLk a Co, Jaaw Hi o awl Huuauwat. A Genera! Banking Business transacted I e posits received, subject to tight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly ; remitted on day of collection. I Kigbt and Teiegrantiie Exchange sold on New York, kan Francisco and Port ! land. C The poet unquestionably had reference to the -llll Si IP- n n runic & un Ll RltCTOKS I. P. Trioarsos. Jso. 8. fscasaci. bo. M. Williams, jbo. A. Lisas. H. M. BsaLL. mm BANKERS. UM; ikAsAT4Gr.caALeaifriii" BOHixess J(7eauuand7retaMflraot!Bd.ardil t'au J ' eew a-,Baa corxiuom wr ssootas-rc rets. 0a Orvict f Oaaoa'T O. S. "IT 0ierS I mm cbq atxat , ieai as araa 1 iin f uaa lawar eaeaxnefrom H ma .on. - bead waooei. oiaain ar tvaato wtk oearrip. s 'tKa. Hi advrac. li lalniaCM or a-it. low o! f caarre. Oar ia ant on nil mutk m scratvi. J J S Saa,t.rr. "how KiOtnim Palefn. ' witf at aaaM in th L". k. and iuraaja wawia J Letters of Cradit issued available in ths Eatern I-tales. 1 -;gt t Fxcbanirs and Teietrraphic ' Tra-isferssoi'lon New Y ork, Chicago, St. I lynii. Kan Francisco, Portland Irresym, ! aaa at nsiMtaf S a a ' "" ano lariuni points in in- . UAidiaUVV(bUU: if nand asMnnon. J ch. e.i, owt. w. ....- o e. i ! oections made at all poinU on far. ...,..,.,,,..., n.t ti-h.e terms. ID U at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELEACH BRICK, . - USIO.V 8T. Blakeley & Houghton, DRUGGISTS, 175 Second Street, - The Dalles. Oretzon A full line of all the Standard Patent Medicine?, Drugf, Chemicals, Ktc. ARTISTS MATERIALS.-.'. Conntrv and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. its iht sir 10 tl nr dec 5TC si: (SI ah. IU