The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 15, 1894, PART 1, Image 2

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The Weekly Chronicle.!
THK l41lt.
Clubbing List.
Tii CuhMi-iE, which g.ves Ihe uews
twice a week. b made arrangement to
club with the (blowing publications, and
offer. t.d paper one year for Ii more
than the price of one:
Reuiar Our
k t"
lt.r.0 $1.73
".( 2.(X
5.M - J
n ir aW I. J lnH
twih ai li i wei .
l:fi m damihtai liriLat
" t maddie by the newspapers, but that
;O0 .VI. U S UK THE FARMERS.9 nii:d compared to that
jot those a ho have to do the harping.
Testerdav's Telegram avt.
The O. K. & N. wiU tomorrow an -
nonnce a reuoction in the rate on
on wheat fron the interior to Tort land,
to offet,as far a possible. tLe low pri.t
for wheat to the farmer. In thi con-
nection. the O. & will also ml nee
iu operating expense by the catting of
wage of snop employe. eiUier the
new schedule of wage nor the minced
rate on wheat have yet been definitely
derided on, but tlie matter is now cnder
consideration, and both will oe made
public tomorrow. The O. H. & X. shop
men cnder the present schedule, hen 1 was a month apc, and there does not
on full time, are paid about 40 per cent j seem to be any hope cf an end cnti! the
more than tlie au.e class of employes in ; the session shall end. The lireach t-e-the
Missouri rirer territory. The cut 1 tween the senate and the hou- widens
does not coMesiplate a reduction equal dai!y, and lie opinion U gaining ground
to this difference, but il! average about ' that there will be no tariif luli passed
12! per cent, ti.ouch in some instances
it will erceed that aiuoni.t.
"This w ill leave tne wages of the em
ployes from to HO per cent Llgher
than those paid for Eiu.l.a woik in the
Missouri river territory. As the shop
emr.lovs have not beet, working on toll
time for ever.l months, and often on
less than bait time tor weeks together,
with ti e cut, when given steady em-
ployment, they will be enabled to earn
more money tnan U-ey cave ueretotore
done, on accocnt of the longer liours and
more davs' work.
"It i neeessarr to make these reduc-
tioDt in the operating expenses iu order
to justify a redaction in the rate for
hauling wheat from the interior. The
shopmen gain in longer hours more than
they lose in the redmd ft beduie. and
thi latter loss is the gain, first of the
farmers in lower grain rates, and later
of all with whom the farmers do busi
ness, and of tae whole country by farther
relieving the strtngencx in nionev
matter. It
ii! be the pIicv of the O. !
R. &. N., cnder its present management.
to work to the greatest poswible extent i
in tlM. it-i rA fr tv..t '
0n theSitLnhL,Tur.n?o '
T wSl Wa?r.nd ILntie. 1
the W..a YVa..a and I alouse countries
m Washington, through which its Une
nwss. must denend the rolnme of husi- i
nea over tl.e C. H.t .V. and the conse-
onenl amount or its revenne. The '
wheat rates will be cut to the lowest
m,:. .v..
aline exnenses nf the rnwd. and to make
i, a . ..
expenses redoced to a minimum.
"The exact point where the expense!
will be reduced cannot now be made ;
public, and, in fact, have not yet been
defjnitelr decided on. I Kit titer will be
carefoIlTgooe over, and wherever a little '
nrnnine can be done without workine a
hardship on anr one one, the knife will
be applied, and fancy salaries on the O.
system will toon be a thing of
the past, rseless expenditures natur
ally creep into theoperation af any great
railroad system, and an occasional turn
ing over of tlie order of things with a
riew to economy is alwayg required, and ;
eepecial'y is this the case at this time, ;
when the redaction in expense is to I .
offset by decreased earning on account j
of reduced rate of the staple product
of the state, whkh must be moved frcm
tbe interior to the tea board.
"Tte roiling stock of the U. t. i . j affects only about one-.xth of tbejcloctu; and long before trickery, ditre-j P1 for halter. Probably went tow -win
good condition, and there will Uj amount consumed, the Uriff on the ; , principle and pledge and fur - Tyfb Eidge. Will give 5 reward
pienty of car to move tlie crops, w hich : other five-si iths going into the treasury. , p,rty feaitr, were considered the ! for khi return to me at my ranch, or a
will be brought in a fast as delivered to j In thi connection it may be added that i pr;m'arv qualification for partv leader- S liberal reward for any information lead
the railroad ctonpany, in eoi.tradistinc-; cane yields S.&fO.OCO ton and beet '. ,hip in'thi Ute. and esnecialiV in this "g to his recorerv.
tion of the policie puiraed in tome pre-1
ku years, when there ba been a j
widely-believed rumor of combine be- ,
tween tbe rwiiroada and tlx. e levator
- ,
companies w keep xoe price w wneai io j
Oregon and Washington producer down j
w uw iowesi posaioie point, ry ie re- .
iiuau u iue rauroaoa io move u out oi
the country, and the inability of farmer been brought, or rather arrewt hare ,
to realize on it at borne. been made, of the managers of the mill i
TV. C X A. a . t . .,.-.
.rv.. ........ a . ,air,T ,
aoy lucb cheme, and w::b this road
out. no other ran go in. so that it win be
a scramble between the railroads a to
which ehall get tbe shipments from com
petitive territory.
"Tbe benefit to be derived from thi
redaction is wheat rates cannot be eeti-
. mated at this time, bat that it influence
meet be felt in every line of tmsioewi is
certain. The railroads will derive
benefit, partly compensating tor the re
d action, by the (Liptnent of more goods
into tbe interior, than would be the case
if tbe profit of producer were enlirelr '
-1 iA .. . :, . '
, ui., u ,a,u, .u mxnu
more eapioyment to tbe men whose j
wage wU be redmed by the new -hed- j
nle. There win be lew, il aBy. tnfTerer
from the cotrrte oerided on, and ttiere
will be many j
aaBBaaaBB. I
Tne aalmoti can sow seek tiie head
water cf tbe Columbia endiaturbed,
ovided the fish proteelor Mr. M eOuire
! ra keen tlie fithrraitn't nniun. nvh i
the way is cuu i.osed almost entirely
foreigner, iron, rr.uning their net.
i l' ........ - - I u I I r. . .. t .. , i ulii. t ii
- f vi ?'ijit i . -" . . ,. . .
I take Hi ide cf the Astoria tUhcrttiaa,
t ,
j in dfir-aung tue i-alrh;nc ol ca.oioa
by lor the reason tfiat tiiey can
t ranght too rapii'y ami lo, r!i? in
that y. Ii the iJca i to make the
ca:cli a ex-n:re a po$;lie e aouid
. t U o;, , cf t
. .. . tii, ,
. . .
I .
1 77; .i.v; THisa ovi'i: auaix.
j jLe puMi.- is aatary no doubt w ith
' the continuous harping on the tariJ
And yet it is the most important matter
1 before the people. The whole country
! U intereated, not o mnci in the fubject
a it termination Hence it pn&he?
iteli to the front as the one subject to
i whicli all others c;.re piai-e.
i We have been toid for more than two
j month A ote will be reached tomor-
j ro, or tnat An agrrenieni naa oeen
reached." or some other promise that
j the end wa at nana Has been made.
' Yet there is no end. it is interminable
' as the distinguished senators speei-hea.
i The situation is t'ue unit today as it
I at thissessuin. :n the meantime bnsi-
' ness languishes.
The situation is similar to
tween the railroads ar. i the
tiiil be
trlkers. The house stands f.rm, and sayg ii has
; nothing to arbitrate, an 1 tbe senate has
i struck. The hou?e refus to let the
senate manage :U business, the raisina
oi revence?, ana i.ormac. ww. :s it,r
Debs of the senate, has boycotted it. and
j paralyzed bcainess. There is one di:Ter-
: ence. However, ana is iiiai tne
j conntrr will be the gaint r if the strike
'wins: but in the rx.eacw l.ile lalior :
nnen ployed.
TITFY I"J.VT t'.kf f..
, We ""', fjr the ?a,t t ro
nKnt1' liu,t th1 hoc d Mte oolJ
not agree on the tar n l u.. Of course
this is onlv ocr ooinion. for we are no
more capable of guessing what a demo
crat will do than he is himw'.f. There
i just one glimmer o' reason that per-
1 j . j. .
Tmur5 loe "emocrai.c conpres-uian, ana
.um. vui . . u . iicii 1. ... ... ui:
. - t- . . x .11
.vU.:.w. """
go before the people in better shape
without a Uriff bill than with that of :
Ied t from a demo-
V"wt -ui.-
uon' " Qieagree. nc. tne senaie re-
j cedes from its position.
The ileniocralic leaders a;wav man-
'"" do ".e wroc? thing at the right
time, and t.orman. Brice and others.
examplifiei th
idea. It is trbaps
i better for the countrv that thev slMjcld !
take that stand, hut it i death to the
We are still
of tj on.nioo that uo
l tar;? biU will become in at this ses-
s!on cf ingress, for after the senate and
boose ar through tte president will ex-
,mil,e mto th moaDt of -perfidy and
dishonor" iu it. Mr. Cleveland is not i
friend of either of those character.
A tariff on cgar is i.n accord with !
democratic theories being a tariff for '
revenue, and not for protection. This i
country uses l.OO.iX ton of
. i
of which we produce a iittie more than
300,000 tont. ?.IhjO of which are grown j
in Louisiana. It will be seen Irom thi
I that the tariff in its protective feature ;
3,0.0iO. Gertnany if the greatest
ugar producer with 1..--J0.000 tons, foi- i
lowed by CuU with X),000, Austria
with (.fri(l. l:ni;i wih i.VO laa'i
. ---
r ranre wim
And now Tendleton is having a .piab-
Lie over it scouring mills. f-uit ha
wr maintaining a nuisance. It seem
j that water from the mill is run into a
tail race that runs throcgh a portion or
i the town, and that by reason of the use
! of tbe water for scouring purposes, that '
I of tbe race is contaminated and rendered
j nnfit for use. Besides it is said to smell
It m said that r.usii iage intend to
leave rD,r?,CX to charitable institu-
tion when be die. It i quite natural
Inr . fc'lna ( 1,1. 1 .
- -- - "u
becanse be can t take il with Liro.
However, if the intent i to f.naOly oe-
Tot money to cUrity, it would seem ;
tuml it were better to commence w bile ,
the donor wa alive. Thete is afte. all, ,
l V, .'.. -. 1 . . I . . I. . . . . - 1
, Kloa puun-;
i Tillianonsir. If a scouring mil! wa r.r mv nr.ininn .. i. ... .m w " mie isa.nion,
located here, tlie Columbia conld tL. i t..'r,f. l .i.. a. . j : w"b- " number of pure bred reg-
care of the water and t ,n. tr ti .f..:1,4a'tJeT,fy bun of T1 axret ithaniov. " i '""" Pl'Uction. Ad.
Uiropy IM luii on to wealth ul,tbt pr.dent ba. any .and or if hi.
deaUi, and then lease, ., to fleshies, ( backbone lik. that of Crhvp and w ilson
brurk and ood,ews mortar. i im made out of gr. j
r i ..or jit.
, Yeelcrdav ihe no longer terriiiet! de-
. I . I . .. I . I
mm iri . o me iiuuv inn id caucus muu
dA ;.l,J to .urrendrr to the aenoie. In
' -
aXept the ena:e JiU. IVeiore the vote
... uken, lr., antlior o( the
u-aJo the ttateoient that ti had
Mrra ,u( .ruied tbat the cgar trust had
so rn a hold on t)e aenate, an1 au
cvnaiu that tlie honse would he lorvrd
Ok ai-it-It Il.e built hill tr.l it had
- ( - t c-. ... iiur i v'lii . t r i . t
parvha!dufarot!iev!aeoili; 0.- the H,t w.nHt nie in OitoVi. Wr
AM. That if the rvnate bill pa-w. the jml from the tetinu.nv a.l.lrnd iu
tanrf iu:iHHl b; it wouid give ihe tlie trial of the uit lie'.wwn l.rr-!i and
r.gar tmst a clear prot of HO,WHi.Oi0. , Kjerkinridje that ) 1m of tlie
Ye: in the lace of this both. Vi-jsm and qnaliticalions that go to make a ?!!
Crifp, the eneaker of the hooM. atlvioed ful niodern rtrw. very largely le
nrrender. Adriwsl giving the ngar rrloil. The American tple '.'A do
trust $40,(XMW of the people money CU to let Miaa ToDard and M:m l'o!
at the dictation of tiorman. Timewa Jarn' theatrical remain in that oblivion
when an American congreutaii would thai nw enveloitt them.
hlvf ruttr.i j ilt Mt liore If would
nave jnbmitteil to tyranny : mltenthe
j dg was jioti of it prerogati.e and
wou!d have resisted to the Jeath the at-
tempt of the eenate to originate a bill
; for nii.icj revenue. That time teems
j t;) passed. The senate first sub-
mitted to Gorman, and now the honae
j eQbmittiiie to the M-na:e dm the ime
, thing.
j niocgrei mixture ot free traoe
.j Liph, and distinctivclv protectire
Ur;ff jjeag 0( tte bill as it now exists
is neither the creation ! the house
nor senate. It is the handiwork of
Gorman. It is one man's bill, and that
man sn admitted mouthpiece and repre
sentative of the sugar trn!t. f"o when
the matter is traced lck to firt cause,
the bill is U-at of Hav-meyer and the
sngsr trust
Goraian has whipped li.e senate in.
and i.e has stvurge d the i.oiine into ?-n!-missiot:.
There remain but oiie other
castigatory .w.-ra:ioii io complete the
bnsines. The i.rtsioeiil remaui to i
.ni. an j wt. faa. y that ev. n the
e!I.ous fcrm ol- Gorman a ill fail to bring
: jilu intJ t; c traces. Tl.e senate raised
,B in,n.orUj tau the president
4 wrote letter io Mr. MTifloti expraIDff
views on tae nestion.
was made that he was trying to dictate .
t? t! e senate and to the honw.
the tame time t:e ecpar trust bas du-
Utedto loth IxkI: throngb it henrt-!
man, ornian. President Cleveland i
not. or at least has not been given to
submitting to anybody. He has said
that the senate bill was a combination
of "irSdy and dishonor." That he
will become a party to those crime does
not seetu reasonable. Hi reputation i
i , . i . -. i . i .
i.e tas noming io gam innuer ,
from tue
democratic partr, and be has
i- . J iot i- aui a.1 laa. uiai
t ,.,...:(
" , , 7 '
'"J BL.tB- 4 , '
, Tbe b'" " f
u,e ;,nd. ;
- j
Stlf lit trt.. f ryVi4 f'tT 1
Copta.n Mo ae! Eas. a leading dem
ocrat of Whatcom county, free ui:nd
after ihis fashion :
-Mr. Charles Ie France, (cretarT
democratic state central committee !
j Itear Sir : I am in re.-eipt of your favor ; Uken chAr ii!man house. I'ort- j
requesting me to write to Henrr lrem ! Und" F,olh o( the Pntlemen are well
and others rrr opiniiti as to the time 1 kDora ,,ote: U1n. J" the
and place of holditg the next state con-i llnin ,n the lront r,ck eon
: veniion, and inviting me also to "make enCTM excellence o.f rvit. The
inch other recommendations a mav ar.- .
pest themseives to my mind as he:p!u'
to tbe cause of democracy.' etc l
It strikes me that yonr letter, so far .
as I am personallr concerned, it rather I
! an astonishing exhibiUon of rail, in view
of the fact that tbe first time I had anr i
U;K with ou about l-olitic too told me
rou knew more about the noli'ical situ- i
ation jn Whatcom countv than I did
ana the next time you bad tbe ltnpo
dence to tell me that "l was no demorrai
although I was helping to fight th 1
battle of democracv when too and
Wallace and Prurn were wearing breecb-
countv. j
"If Vou don t consider me a democrat '
wr do voo want mr ooinion Wh!
j . . ' . .. . .. 'I
uou i yuu asa some vm nom gamnier or
; some shyster judge" Tbey are the sort j
of WOTiie a hr. atwn. In hir. V.. rrt !. !
fiueoce with the party organization io !
this state and f am
orrr tn anr arith
the administration, alo.
"A far as the next convention it con-
cerned I don't care where it i held.
To accommodate the eUss of democrat
who eeetn to be running the machine
now it might be a good idea to bare it
in b !, but wherever it is I will try lo
be there, and if the privilege of free
speech n not overridden I mar then ex-
"ArtL Ea. a deroocrat.
1 he senate bill rawed the Lon 1
.... . '. . 7" " .
uijui ai o cioc, jj a vol ot JOi' to lift,
o that a!l that remain to make the bill 1
a law 1 tbe ignature or lilenee of tbe !
presKkot. Tbe bouse ha allowed th !
senate to make a revenue bill accepting '
U.e entire 6- amendment made r that !
. .. '
uooy. jt remain, to be teen whether
And now the li-Jiuw and senate are
disputing t. hioh it entitled to the
pomrwsiou of the Wilson hill. There
Uvt Ivn some short, lust acru.ioi.ioii
"r' be n,kie f"i''B " '''
ease tlie IioUm hit the N--t o( the arvu
incut, a it ha sveiou th? u u-nx-nl
and i coii.icr:io!v i'.c strongest.
IJuay and Hill iuil.t i-acli n.ile a forry
day revh. an.! then '.!. -ui ln I
gvt it.
l ... M. . ....
llrotlier hutt. of the I'onuon t.l.die,
l.a- our il.ak lor ..u.e valuable adver- .
tising.' footing au article from lhis!
t family iooinal, concerning the girl I
s kiwing one another, lie "did ns prond" i
by printing our name as being the fellow
that wanted to
right, brother, i
lie a girl. That a. I
long a we can't It- a
gir; e ul try to get a. org r l:i'e as
near one as we can.
It .l.n't m.llAr t. L.
uianv of her soldier are LiMiil in little.
With nearly 1i,iX0,i4 men cupiible of
bearing arm
. she can spare hht killed
every year, and not unss them, than
were engaged in the civil war on loth
sides. Tlie killing of twenty or thirty
mil. iun would J to her more of a bless
ing thn a calamity.
la ft V;ify'iinle biai k -and-tan dog '
is uo more. l.ast night he bss.1 from
a dog's life here to such a nature but
have provided hereafter. lie was
chained near the kiteheu door, and Iiad
a box fixed tin for a knm.i .
aooxiixeunp lor a eijnii. jumping,
" ""7. '
u um muruiiir auen win. .as loana
fiini !a wemm nml J K w n ,w,itta.l
puiuur iu urai iua rf?iic mauDcr.
j tr,in- tKanm I a
T - . 1
, ..... -
"if. 1 migDi oe a case 01 suepenoea
animation. but it wasu't
dead ; his bark was on the an
tail was told.
He was
and his
aii ri
Thosewho have used I, king's New
insroTery tnow its valne , and those who 1
. . ,
1 nave not. ur now tlie opnortunitv to
IrT il Inw f T! m. 1 1. mAv A
" , " . T .
gisi anu ge. a tnai oolite, tree, isend
name and alree to II. E. Buckler,
4 C- Chi' "d ! tel '
. .,
- - - -
as a copy of Guide to Health and Hou
hold Instructor, free. All of which is
, guaranteed to do you good and cost you
, nothing. Sold bv t-nije A Kincrs'v.
T. Mauta tbo .itBaa.
Messrs. George E. Good and E. A. j
Poetl fo"""-!y of the l'erkins. have;
"'"o " 'n tne onsines center of tbe
I J a 1 t . -
,na AiaeT- masmg it a most convenient
"T'nf V'm wr ousmess men from
" ln"r lownt- both pro-
Prieter a'eD extended aeqnaint-
ooe' mff' j!e mtmen, whose whole
tentioii 1 devoted to teeing every want
' tner PtroBi tatisfied.
Lwatt ! !lara KrwarW.
Strayed from my writ pasture, on
iron-grey horse, branded - (half circle'
00 w "boulder and two ft crowed on
ri6"t .boulder; rather thin cinch -ore
m ,e(t 'oretop roached back to the
A. K Eobkcts,
rrospect Katx-h.
wtlee la Tiarm.
. . ... . . . . i
ny Doara ol equaaution wi.l
lu" tUr OOlfe OH SlOndaV.
oepx. sin. ana continue in mamn nn. i
week, lor the purpose of dualizing the i
aa.m.-t r,t U . .. ... ..... I
. iw j-!.
4U l. i . . 1
All Ui payer who have not been inter-
viewed by the Memor will p'le call at
tbe o&ce on Tbomlaji, r.dTg or St
Drd?i, !I proiierty matt be Mwcw-eJ.
Joel KooxTr,
Coopty AieimT.
Hood River.
A!' . - - j .
"T""1 Fw
January Z, ISSZ, are now doe and mt
abi at any office. Interest cease after
thU date. L L Eracrr City Treat
Dated Dalle Citr, Aug . l. lm '
' -
TmT ''
One .own of dririne , ..a.
bar to. bugxy. one e dottbia barnee.
one rJ..W carriage Ur.. InlTo,
o4w?w. Mm. C. E. Ha.,
Auwtri Method or during
llvr Unempijyd-
.ri im ITii l'e
Pvopvl Has W rr I iiry
Ano-i.l meani-of helping the iiuem
pl ninl na d. vis...l b the koerniiM'iU
of Xi.t.'ria rlnriiir ist v.iut-r. when
tra.ii- a ami iltren morv
acute and general tlian in very man
rears na-t. It i-.t-l. a or-re.Miiiit-iit
of tlie New York Mm. iu
actually pn-M-ntaijr k'ohl mine to the
uiit-mpi'oy eal workmen. Nut only thi.
but trail pirtatiou t. the luinea
furnished, au.l a!o i.miIk to work it
and pro ixi.mi to lat un! il it lietran to I
nan out. 1 here are nea'terel thiMUjrb
the nilimr aurif.-rmi- guilie and
iream and old uitvimr that have
h--ii Ut. m far adequate ,
e.-nime ia! return are noerm"l. but
which may yet be ma.le t.i yield a liv- j
iu? t. anr who w ill un it bard for ,
iU The liT.iijr i not g md enough to -t
atlr-t g. ild M-eljer in rin! tiiue. but .
at a time like the pl w inter, w hen j
tli.iuauii-. .f uiieinplov-d men, with i
; ,i. ,,,! .Witute families
1 V.ket the tre-t of Meiinnirne, glad
u pet ev-n miti and cruiu'. Mien a
: living the ..i l .ii.-p.iiir. afford w as
a one to be fought for. The rea.ii w hv
' turn (ilj lli't M t nul to obtain thi ll-
f i .ure. heeaiix- capital
nee.led to n-aeh
tlir Aisrc;.tF to
i .. .,rL i !.. Tin. I. iu.rt n.ellt .f mille
' ud rx,w.r,, to the old miiunp repion.
to aNcerla:n where tlM-rt would In
most likehhl of the unemployed
workmen pettinp enouph gold U afford
a living. ?vni-- rrpiom. that would
liare j u lded fair return, to experi
enced miuer were un Muted for the en
deavor, of the pnm;i-nou worker,
willinp but un.kill-.t. w ho were aulr
iitmp on charity in Mrlluroe. To
To wotae of the b. Iter of these region
1 parties of unemployed were nent in
' charge of one or two experienced
miner. Hut many place, w ere found
w h.-re unskilled men might pet enoiiph
'.il , l . . ...I . . f .
. . .
(ird wul, he to them, nuder the
rvrumwr. u.
.ul 1V me irfrrniutui w inrar oiu
.t .rcitiTt. wlnrinif t he m illtcT IDU nvl
- " ----- , .
4 :mili. Frre rmiiwrnr p were
-i-ANat to th- ttin nrr.t thr
.hrv wrre to nmmrrt.
: ntj , (jrrr noH.-.:tlr. further
i tat ion was also furnished. On arriv-
, . . , . .
; .rip at the dippinp thirty khiihng
'. were piven to each man for the pur-
1 chase of provision
ind kupplie and
i also a few :mple tool, l-xpericnced
t '
miner were on Jiand to ahow th.m
how to pet to work, and remained in
' t...i, ... .,,,1 hnmiri f .
.1 . : I ..... .1
: oi me a.stricia seieeieu imnw
I aettiements were alonp stream ' and
! P7""rm-1j V"1"1 ""'.l "",taJ,lr
f, r,.,n? fru,i .ml irr,ul.W The
I experiment proved a .mw. Aimt
j all the people thus nent out have t--n
makinc a fair I. ring.
me have had
to wnrk hard with Hi
i hae needed assistan t-
le return and
from the gov-
I'mmrnl. I.ut the pr-at majority hare
i done really well. s.nM. f ti nien
! have made an average of froiu twenty
S to thirty siiill-ng. a neck all the time
; they harr rvn at the l;gging.. n hieh
j wa sufficient to tna'nam thrlr fan.i
! lies in comfortahlr rireiimstatiers. Jew
tliere are w ho have not been able to
! make at least a livehhrd. Shim re
turned to Melbourne and other cit.-
to take up their old hue of work, but
a great many are remaining at the dip
pinpik. katistitd with their present cou
rt'itwin. and doubtless in many caae
hoping to strike a rieh patch.
The government alwi arttled about
eighteen hundred nwn. mt of theni
with families, on p.ivrmment laud,
under the provisions .f an act recenliy
jaaksed (ur the fi-matinn of village
nettle men ts and homestead ass.:
tion and communities. Thirty -tire
such settlement were plotted it and
unemployed men with their families
placed on them, with the means of
cvmmencinp to obtain a livrlih.aid
from the prrnluets of tbe toil. Tlie
plan of mokt .f these aettlements wa
that of a cooperative company, and
great care wa exerelswl to apporliou
the unemployrd among the thirty-five
settlements o tliat their indiv idual
rapabililies might hr of the best advan
tge the eotnue-u potaj. The plan
naMnnethinp similar to that of the
Hinsrh settlement of exiled Luwian
Jew in Argentina All these eomiuu
nitie are reported to Ik- d.jinp well,
and in but lew instance hav- settler
desertel them. The winter climate in
Victoria is. of coume. verv mild, aud
'" 'e "'.'ir.i numm
t I a rare
. ,n' ""P"""- to faU to
. . .
.i'i uiru. " ausoioumi lor Home
.., h..n.iri .A v.
' m uuriu' '
p.v-i vlurinjr the winter hy the .- !
partnwnt of railway and the depart
inent of nnblie works. Atotrrti..-r
th.-ujrh time were duller and distress t
rr.'ire general and acute during last
winter than in many
-VHr :
j no way o apparent on
. in mu'-ii lietter years-
pr-ession of irlle men thrnigh the
e.ty street and few di-monstrations e-f
tne unempioyerl. such a attracted uni
versal attention to Australia the pre-
viuu n niter.
1 m i nWi tlaabla.
The rmperor of Kuss.a had up to a
sbnt time af a double in the person
f a banker of the name of f arlshen In
' openharen. t rlsl.n waa inlmdneed
nne time atro to the ear. who himself
remarked the ravonli nary likeness.
Thi proved unfort nnau litr !..
i Iranker. w ho hen.-ef-irrh drte in a ear-
riare ani tour, and uu only too
pVa. heD be wa taken for the em
peror ..f ail the r.ussiav As a reanlt
arisU-n wrnv inane on the subject
and reoet.lly !,.-i in a inavdhuuae in the
firni faith that he w the eiar.
A Page Fro n Her History.
TH litifiitt'rfhl rviM-rlH if txlirr
lnii-rw-t t). 1 he lilii tux . I i pttun
1 hi U-m irMiltl 'Ui tM'n miimm.
Vt i 4 thi Hum r m rnily. f
hv- v rw I itMi . ihn ilyiti'ift ..
IlllllOtI I lit 111tll'V tl ,-lJ Ui
riirwi w'sootii l ft'jr ImmK A ti.
iM iBfiiod 114V frstiMU ihui I r.Miiti nt t.ft
UhHUh. M ftt' '"id lintlM rv turn I
U rV kllil 1 III II MritHa Ittfltill urn
H-n tfvntrt'atn iirwiM. n.v miontMm to
r M.lfw N' fr 4 urv. nd mii ttiat
uirr. hlal iihh kdlictcMl with ktrmn, di
ur lis'l ruml ty rVOstnl. mwi wms.
kntn m ftirxHi:. ImIHiv wtman. I iun i
m lMtk of Hm Hfri l uru. mt& In kw thm
nn htnir feft r imih Um fct-t liw rtui4
It-, a d j1hI m.rwnMit tn ttu-rtrrulkin
,rf n.i hiini lirfi I batl Ukra UiHt 0mi
iMir Tir BMMttiM.anu utj uniw uiuj nm
t-ii Umt t tlM'V mHMl utmumt utrttt.
h-firrr itmii lkt n ttn lntii if ib
j H"i 'o?t ilw -ilmii had Mil hm down.
iiu i i mw o iH-tM-r um i um way ut
i Mi mv nkniniriditiiitn t im ltn am
tukin trti. valuai- rfiwd jr." Mn. Murium
V4 MarriMMi I'litracu, III.
1 r. Mii' Nt lirt Curv, a U U4i)rtrf nf aa
I'tiifin'til piilttlit In ltrari ri irmr. u ty
ail flrukTtTi-f n a iMaaitivr m:ut
ht the It Miif MtMiu al t . Llkbart, Intl., nm
F-tiiI irf prirtv 9i prr lntUi-, nit Ixtttira fiv
ail tHUitn
ur uiuct hHM uru
Ni.lie i bep'by r-v.-u. uiKler mui hi vif
lilv M w-ll t oicunnti ta.Mi1 .Hit at tl-l 'ireiill
I oirrt of lhrUilr.t rirMl W nt I mint) .
.n 1 1. l.nb i1t 4 Juir. l-'.i. t;fM.Q jtMicmmi
i f
Civn and rr.k-fT In ld i tmrt Hid miiw
h.1tflv.H War. li. 11. RtMJ rnm.lra tnd ihr
n-d llr in tbr t!i 0'iv ! arrh. Wm. iq b
rau h.-r.-lu JtM.h A J..hli n.aiDtitf
ktmJ o J.. Ta.uir tlrl.'Uftnt. auil lo m iti
, wti..,1(j i... i.. ierr .ml
hr mi
, . --.- -w
. . , . . ,. . , . .... ; i ti..
! Ht tb h-nir w vn ru it 1 , at tun r.irt
I ; i -m (. --'.rV
'1... rK., .r,k:, . .. .T, . ..7.7
1 tmmt 14 ih uod o l i..i.. m and 1.. ib
um . . 1: (. 1 Mr na.i . una hd aa.
: Warrh. 1-!M. in ba nna ar.iuirrl. or mi murts
' thro-.. a. niar tw onvMfl lit antirtT al4 Juilx
: instil nl ll .T'- Willi tiilrral at s rr is-til., and
1 K. 1.1 n hH, .,,, ,a . iu ...a rtl.l.NM
1 mmu. nul im n.u u.l n t'na 14 un. nt
! Jnr u a dwYiMm nt ttis t.r.wrn
, . r. 'awt-i 1. . .nil hli-h .III I. i.l .t t ,-
ilm, .nn Pamil di-.b tb awl r .uj,
: u..n bovr mmiiimnl, k wii
. it.r xiiinw.-ai imrwr 01 I if m.rxni'a.i guinr.
ittih -ihw in w n-nip 1 n.rin. ranxv nt
I1' '!"' '-
t rt l rf
2. I' ? anil in tl-rfc '.'I. tu ftir l-w't liiuff
A ltl i in n t J .! in, round . rvrn.
1. 1 bt f t:u .r- rtllfl tr Vrlwmaid
lir tt Mlirrc ttiif ! "fetTTT fOIli irl tt
it laylnt itr . A .tiat and a ,u . mi4
iH'laf BMrffs pnrlirulariv .arril-d aa Itiilowa
timrm-urific al Hiit in thr ftifth irH.n1u"
hnt ii lw- A. .t'..t a(tiiitin t lailra ity.
nw rtuin and .ft-ti t-iTtv rwirrif trnn tii
north-"I r-irin-r i ..t. -h . isiisaoti attdi
tjttti and runtimr tittr-r e-a t-rl a.rv thr ad
itrth twiU'itlari -yry a. ..) iti miUll
Iiott.lwo tttiwlr. fi(1 i-n ,.r lr.. tr-
-(" birtiT.'1wy tn- ii ii4 of (and cti
iJ Jmmrm full. Mi HKtt W lt I flM'l'.ll
r a dd h-riuir iat- the Ttti February.
1 twr"H nu Mi.-r ui, iumk 4. if I.prti at
i-rtw i'f Wiwn f-mitt liiiiMf iitirtlH-rty axU
i.rttC "aTti tMHtitdNry tmr H tlw tvtld
rxfiiv -.! t" r't-ili-i .!.,. and npl'i, tiu
t-r ftmiiiit.ti iir-f u- a i-tnnt a h-rt tb liur
tiuu-l a t,l tt:l-e-t ft. M;hw-wtffii
iMlMry ho- trf mtr -t rxit hv (hi anthem
ll't "f l'ali-l Itf ailtl ,rri liiitiMI vtt-rt. it
wait) wiiUi!-trrii ifiiiiitUr. Um i -aui Milium
tfw1 -rr j-rt-hiri ana ittiiitic) U im b tu
fr r'i.tu thrirt- in a riiml lntt. rikI alm
tiw- aid k hi th t.-tTii t-iMintiari -f rutln irt-f
to tt fithl ah' rr tur mux inUrrwe ta the aat
rni U'in1arr liter nf tw land tmind hy n.l
rlh lmi I!m irff -wtit'iTT atwtg th- taaltrm
It ik of aajd land t.ynJ rn t orta Lord tu
tfK .laf of (nriiifin.iF. t iorptmr a
trp lar.d thtrv i-ri iu wittcti ! thr -n bcW
4 mid t-aft a hi h bmm r-iti r mt -. to la:i-
t if. hrr ktn--i fiir-'-. nut lid lrii. atd br
i tie in I !; itv, r-Htit, ornttm.
tMl l I ItT, l-rt jun, Jul) 1-. .
:uLi :h T J l;vi i:
N.'IM i IwisitjIiMi ttial Ull4. and t.r virtue
an crrTillli. MM.urS imii ( Ui t'lreull i onrt
ill lis- siaia 11 I. aeo t .mnlT. oo tbr
leniar .H inly. I.. d-rrar Kirva an
mil-r-) la ji e.mrt .-a IM :th da. of Jul.
I""l. In -'te a h-n in l.. V. lu.iu.i. vaa pi.ia
IHT and I wily H Kli.ttart and HaTte Kiuehart.
Ka'le ( .ri Kinrlu.rt and fblllif. Knir
hsrt. m inie. bf tU it riiantlan ad litem. W. H
IliMMin. mm ihrlenOaut.. and to me dinrutf
aiid rte!(rwl. and enrftmaiHlni nie lo sail.?
tlie .um ol Ui. iaj, a nb li.irrml th -r.m at It.
rswirf spT.-nit traimiiBi lr.n a id 7Ui daT
rf July. i"M. ami l.-j i. li.nmt la. aBd
l l.-OMl. at ull and aee-mn e..l. trr arllluc,
In the manner ided b. law lur the sale ('
n-a! T.nrtv. ill ot the nhl. utlr aad intreian
of aaid datudanu. I'.mily h. liiihart, aavre jrl hlwtiart. arl kiiH-liarl and
I'rollili ktrwriart lo and lo i.rta ,.' -U" and
-I. ' tu lilur i.rand V lew A.dim.n Iu lialM
ilr. Ill .Miulr. Stale d Ornem. ar.rd
lltW Ihr i.ffirial piat tlMnnd aa it .ainr ar
a.-arof rw.rrd within and lur iid I mitilr nd
!.-: I im Tt.ursdai . Ai. il i.l. I-'M. at
tlie lunir A ldu rlo. am . at tn. ruart boiur
d.w la Imlrt. ( Hr, ia naid .mn'f ar.d sute.
aril at aiiblir aiirt..n to iw hicl.rl bidder lf
ali tr. nand. ail tlie rurht. luir and IntarrMat
uir sara O'lnKlaut In and In the alnva umri
i" . ,
lld pirinisi ., nitieii tlieia.4 aa
rj ti sat, alt lire ,ui. alanrj
itj". Oir, j
IT -A. !sl.
. T J. m:u It.
J..JF...I Sherllfid W ao f 'n4iiit . On-v.'i
Lndertakins Estiblishment.
fcik A A a
-1 . . c
ba i.xb is
Furniture and Carpels.
We have .'bled to our buinea
complete I'nderuking r-tablihment.
and a we are in no way connected with
the I'Ddertaker' Trnat snr nrinaa wil
I be low !y.