The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 11, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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V r. fr Trrn'
trnnu the Tr. lu.rdor.
Ps-v:" lhr'iiu-li 1 ! isl trwt rr
eentlv ith a :-! i. i. siv a Nt ' York
IlrnU wr.u-r. 1 .-!.;ii"-l :!'
eta!.U-!.iu--it . I a firm an.':
ivpaekvrx" ,.f i:r;. av: IW-fore t Indian-
r- a hum!:.--! .;r m-irv V.'.t!.
hale of iraitts. l-'ai lii." "il iiiiirUln,.'
hut alt. win? that ;!i-y were .!.: :ti-.:
for a Una in 1Va. .lo'-ns inii:ief in a
t.iw n n'-r :! i -...-.m l:iir.
vu kn-' " i.-;.ed n.y c-itupau-itiu.
"w by ih.-i- are put op in
l"lou rvii.xiii'j iu the uc"j
contitiu-.': "Th.-y an- to W r.UiiiTf ;
au-ros-. the Vifiii.:i l.nx-. TV
arv purohuxri in ti.;r rrisMii.'. pu-a.-ajre
ami tU uvir-U lit rv. The vnnteu (
bvx-.'a urv t''tl ami the fix! ,
Mihiecte.1 tt liytlnku'.ir rtvse.ure am:
haW. lUi.-h hale e..ta:s aN.nt thirty j
piece, or half the number of an ordin
ary lrv psKi' tu.-. i
-The are then !.hippeJ to 1
Texas, ami al! mart removed. When j
all i arraor-l iiijrht the Kttie ,
hale are !utht arr.s thf harks of j
males, twn hah to t a.-ii arin.a'.. anil j
with an armed --..rt the train pne
aeetlx inn the !nlrr to twm iii
trihntiusr point in Mt-io-.. v. here the
(rooii;- art- im.1.1 to Mexican traders at a
pood profit. I
Suiiu.-!inc in thi nur.urr i-. tjuitf j
extensively rarried on heruvt'ii lhi-
eonntry and Mexieo. tin I'riv-d tates ;
frettiujr in rt turn f.-r it dry iroif. ',
which ait- tht- nn-t easily handled.
cheap Mexican eoffee and t-irars. i j
course tht-re i a Mis-ucion That the il- I
licit traffic is known to the custom
officers of inuu countries. aud tnniTcd
at, bat that v ouh! Iw a bar.i matter to .
-1 hat IrfT-Mi- I
'He talks the janron" i a rt-mark
often mailt- hy a tit-pairiiii iiitcrjireter
when he attempts to translate tiie ian
imajre of an eat sKic itne-N. says the
I'hiIaU-.iii.ia 1t-vs. ' 1 he jari'ou i a !
reciirni.cti term for a tiiau-ct so -.m-mon
that it i tiitinpT;iht-vl hy tin
definite article from ail the other
snmeriiu. iariri'ns know n in the eitv.
It Ls pokeu hy iichn-ns from lVlaiifi I
and Knssia- It consists mair.iy of an :
imperfect (iennan, with oecasioral j
Hebrew or Toiish wortis. Those who t
hare s-tudit t! it. hi-.tory say that thf-- !
who speak it are tlec ntiej from Ik
brews who f r!uer!r liretl in (.iermany. :
and spoke the lierman tonme.
When they misrrau-tl to l'o'.ant1. they
preserxetl amim? themselves, as far as ;
possible, the 'lenuan ianLtiire. It lie- 1
eame soiuew liat eorrtiptetl. hnt in The '
main wai the iank'uaL'e sivk. n hy !
thus who orUrina.'.'y left rertnauy.
The language of .ermany it.-if l- I
came chanietl in time, and now tuere :
z coEskit rable-ii.fferenee 1-etween the
words spoken hy the 1'oiisli tleseenti
antK of the ;ercnan Helirew and those
spoken l y educated tJrrmans.
The difference is said to he slii'ht
when a few corruptions ot tin- ttriirinai i
tonpue are known. Educated Her-i
mans, howerer. cannot understand at',
first the peculiar roJUh-Hehrew styie
it is now very common tn lnai-.i pan.. ;
ot tne fc-rrai east siue. an-i w.opKe.-p. ,
ens there have to learn, not only ier
BU. but aLso ""the jari'oc" of the im
jnigrants from I'olanti and Kussia.
1 ft Ha Lif M Mtr Pra .
rir SOO.IKtf Trmra 4fff. j
In the ntoms t IVof. H. I). Otpe. t
Phiiaiei ph i&. t h prr in f trt u na t
rtKrcrh u frain a!n:i"sim. sty the
Loais Uiuhli may t:it- -rvatxir
which all natunt-i-tT an? unanimous iv.
tif lilt- bNffi-aniiaaa3 -ttir. TW an
imal i iit a:rr-. nelttM-r is it rutirr
favra ini 1I tn ponwrnec,
but to pi-r.l -i5rist, who ciir -
on'j fr thr ffnahUfd ixnes. th ?spt-ri-nen
L prfvt- It it not lanrer than
a rear!iu" calf, aud n-t tar!v tall.
and iri f-iniKl in tlw- WinU river conn-
xrr in Tinning. itti- v.op CaiDHi ix
Thenacoduik ifriiuamiH n twn it wat ,
nrsi ascoTrrv. (rit-.ti? it a iu piij- Tb Nun. i;rr.unr.
km that it ma akin to a Fpeeim.-n Th' old -.f .V 'twreafur
whK-h wa fotuid w-wral yrars at", in ,,iannl -tH d r. i, a:ta.,t tb- di
Franc tthe palrttT-:um,. ami which j r-t .pposit. ..f tt..- ..J,..x hale.
rare Curirr and th.- other tatnrali-t Th- pW tUmu.-M f.wtfa.. ivprolatte
so much troul-ie to cia-ify.
AI xnt- ,
time of the discnTerr of the French
apimeo th .-jtratt.f Lun.w dn-idrti I n.h u a.wtlr ud.:.t Nifiii.-im
that it waa the an-,tor of -hrsl i the nainariaa vto.i.riht.- pnrra-critU-r.-
hot thr ttuwl riv.r f . ; torv. A de-r!hf,.m of Nastr'.Dd
whK-h is rasi!y distiiiraowi an l--injr j it ,pppeer in the lr.a Fia'' (writ
atrpe of the aame. m belM-ved u. I t,. ; iu i!,, ibirt-nth .vn
mnch morr iDwnt ct s vnriuKity ; turn is s f,m: - ii. thf-re
wa found in r-rks M.,n?us to the is , T,st ..;r..flli v?PU,.,ur. n;,h
eocene penl cud the time when it ; a.m that fa-e t!,e Mirth. Thin btriJ
rraied on the western prairie uaaWs, j jn f.mned ,,tirv!v f tt.- teekn and
placed a far lek a fire hundtvd f pp.-. 'wattlwl toc-f-t'...-r
tfaouhand rears. Kverr bone U perfect i;ke wicker w,.rk. llct the head of
and in piace. and the upeeimen could j the erpent themm-lre are turned
not be purchased for ten thousand dol- j toward the inside of the ha!!, and they
j continually vointf forth 8iiofTenom.
A 1'roCtai.i Unu.
must be a capital i
Tnnia must be . capital place for
thohe who lire and tiu-ireon the erednl-
a lady there recently announced that ! T v , .k! " . , f
ahe had .dream, whkh he coniderl i blMeD hj rrvat drarw N.rihogg.
a a Iiirine rerelation. that whoererl Th Wafer fce ilia, tn jf.
drank the water of her cirtern would The particular of an extraordinary
not be liable to take the cholera, and j ca of trance, w hich wan mistaken for
ahe offered to furnih the water at a death, are pubiil.ed bj the Irih Time.
penny a drink. The people thronged ' Last week a younjr man. aired twenty
to taste the water, and in two oayn I two. named Garrigan, lirin at Ualii
more than twenty thousand peron j nacree. near Oid-atIe. wan beliered to
had paid their pennies and imagined j hare died. lie had been ailing for
that they had obtained immunity from j aome time, and all the appearance ..f
the dread diheaae. j death were i.hown. o that no doubt of
j hi decease m entertained. The usual
. r- , T' ""JJ"" " Mm- wake preparatorT burial wa bepun.
An Entrlixh paper tetln a rood torr nd a number of neighbor, had arrived
of clerical presence of mind. A curate at the houe tonhare the nipht watehe
who had enured the puipit pn-led hufld.-nly hi,m. of animation were ob-
wim uut .il vue taie uer. t i.arien jirau-,
ley"a nnt recent homilie. waa ftr a I
7 , rri" 7lw 7 man had l..n in a trance
Ker. CharW l'.radley h.mtif in a pew arid wa. ..n the war to recovering hi '
beneatnhim. Imriiately. howerer. ', mt.w. Tl.e-..Urr. n' eereated a creat I
he recorered euoujrh w lf-p.erteM,i.,n to enatiou. Munv of tho-- p-ewct fl- d '
W able to ay: -1 be lieautiful -ruion ! 5-. the houv and w-mld not return. !
I m about to preach U by IUrr. C harles All w-re ,i.ep!.v mori and the c-er.e !
liraulley. who Ira p.a4 to ae m po-V for ,,ae time wa one of infer,- e..
health asm-i?
tr- a-rcb:ed here." :
Magician Kellar's Very Unplts
act Adventure in India.
ftklr. Hut liaont Vrtl Hew II W
lau- AI Bjr Ktlr thf 1 otlow Cot
Uoar- Klll.uc I he Itrptlla.
" I hail Iwn in ln.ha a tumlter (
times and had visite l all tae princij-a.
cities." savs Macician Keilar, h -
in lsss I fomiti myself in the prcf
c'.tv i .' Lucuaow. 1 had been in ts.
city lone- elioujrli to have acouircd If ..
ennui of the people and was fall's.:
easily into their listless, luxun ..-
a vs. hen one nioruiiifT this a.iv
turc 1-efcli on.- and caused cic to all a'
once ' a'.! that sense of seren.- an i
-x ace:u! ouiet tliat I had l-efore p -sessrtl.
Jn India in tin- summer sca.s. r.
it is t hot l sieep upon mattresse o:
utnler much U-d ciotiuiiff lr my woa
in the neat little buturaiow where I
was stopp;njj 1 iia a naniitoo cou-i:
' without a mattress, and my only co
) eril. was a linen sheet. 1 had resttsi
therv- in eouifort for many nurhts. an i
was just alsut to arise .ine tuoniin;
I w hen a Hindoo fakir t nUrtii the divir
' lie was a tail. lank. s.dcnU-viNa;rt-d in
1 dividual, and nalaamt-d profoundlr as
j he entered. 1 sat up on the eile of
i my cot to cet a (.- 1 1,-ok at him ant!
' asktsl what he wanted, lie l.xiked at
! mean iT-stau: and then slowly dr -n
I from I. is hrs-ei h cloth a smal.' reed pi:e
I "' Heap hi;.' snake i:i sai.ili's In-d." he ;n tin- sameeiiim. uurunnsi!
i " -Snakes in my Is-t.!" 1 yelled, as I
) Istunded to tne fi.r with visions of
writhing, hissinir ctd.ras in n:y mind.
Snake: Where"
" Ia s-ihih's ht-d heap snake." the
n4Tue r-piie.'. as he slow !y releaMtl a
i small earthenware st or jr from his
j irinile. Tht n he ptae-t! the reed pipt
j to his lips ad jnt".-iei extract ,
from it the ut-st ia:nfd music 1 ever i
j listened to. St-rpenti. -rehire would
j have Wen welcome if that music could ;
have been lcnisheni. 1 tiioucht. hut as
j I watched th- cd tuy sentiments '
; underwent, a rapid chance.
I 'Iu the mid ile of the conch, under- ,
! neath the sheet. I saw sotm-thingr mov-
1H5T- J he sheet '-ea:i-t k-vated in a j
conical form and there w a a l:Ls.sinir
and spittiriir ujuleri-eatii it that made I
my hiw! re.:: c-oiii. Tii, r, thereemerire.i
from the c.iire .f the eoveriajf tht
sliniv. horriid'-h ad .f a Kintistt-r cobra
tliat wasn't an inch lc-s ti.aa eijjht .
tV-ft hmr. and ,lott Jv s;jii from tin- l-u
and coiled Iiiniat If rou the 11 .sir. !
s?'Hl I,Ml:;u at him e i:h my c-.'e-.
hn!iri:ir with terror
"The doK-fui. setlm-iivc piainiivi ,
strain of the pipe eor.tinued an S the
head of the monster slowly arose tost
level with tile cot. His lustd lw ;r!n t I
swell antl he showed cverT si-n )f in-
j tense anper. The weird music jrrcw i
! faster and faster aud the oseiliatiiii'
j motin of the s,.r)H-iit's head kept time
I to it. The little pipe shrieked ami the '
, fakir was perspirinir from every pore.
; His eyes were bulirfnjr from his head
antl lis was kee:ne ihuhh time
to his Shriller and more neiit-
t-atincr ctcw the notes, until of a sud
! den thev lM-eame aain pi&imivc nti
tht. .-ri. a kw,.r. tnt.
ne4 t an,i harmonious- Tli
ie motions
of tli' m(utr'h hial wre hiowtr ami
nUuvit. antl thi n th fulrir'n hand stole '
jiiitLlv t his A K-.Viinl IcajHl
out. tlirr was a flash, a jrKi.t of Ktel.
ami thf om" liao nlhnl upin the (
I tiMr. whih- th" 4liMum)tnd IkmIv !
tlirahed itM-if ami!t th apartmiit
I stacvrwl to th hr. u!nost ovr- I
t come hy DTToi:s strain. rn.I t!ie orxlcal ;
f iras orer. The muttere! hurki-.heesh 4
of the fakir -a. triiiToii-y respindeu j
) to. yon may Jw sup-, ant he left my
j uiiTtiov. lea vine fti)y the severed ;
. hed and body f the eohra a remind- '
1 er-'f the M-ene throul w hii h J had
J pa-d.
' How was it dtme? I don't know. I
never knew whether that seoundrel
1 brycd;t the Mtake in v. ith Kim or not.
j hut w hile he uuk p!a;. iiil" I saw him
j erowdinp another 1 -ohn. a hi as the
f f.rst, int that little . arth ttt w hich !
he carried at hi- irinU-."
wm. of t!n north i. 1
BUll is itDbt-! fr touartl !i. tfiTlA
j in w tii. h nm.t lr thronchoat
""V" ." "Z
of Na st rood is similar to thU. hut adds
MTTed in the
apparently l;fele UtmIt
five minute
eit - iivei.L
Two . mnl'rfi.1 1 M(rr;ntuB4 f-fcaBlM--
.' the iu..t wontierftl sta'.ac
, ';,-, the worl-t are located ;
v -r.-.ory i f I :a!i -one live
:. ' To uervi'.ican.'i t a.-other
. west t,f st. .ctr;.v. 1
mari.alile oi: ttvour.t of its ,
1. :n .-ortiiiii? to the t. Louis;
. the dicifylnir t.t'.c of "ear-
I v.
t ru" l.a-; f.-ver In n iH-.-towetl upor i
e:i!n r of the f.o. They!y ct me j
within the category of the wornltrfu!
bts-euse of the immense cusutvr of J
, na!at".:!t'i of various Kiie and cwli
r.i.ich depend from their r-Kfs. The I
' tirt, t!ie one near TiH-;uerviile, Is
; know i' us --La Virtr.u." aud the otucr by j
i .iu ::l:;.c t f the "Iliat.k Warrior." The
Virgin wes t'.isi-overed a few years afo
j hy the contractor of an irrijratiair com
' Ja:iy, w ho was enpnee;! in t'.rivir.j a
tr.i.nel throng-h a mountain called lakj
j Virpin l--ni h for the purpose tf tap- !
p the river Ix-yond. When the i
L:;Lt was tirst let int tht wonder- I
( fui ui:t'..-rjrrottud chamber the cfTect is
sai'. t have lwn startJinc-, the roof.
antl tUsir flitterin? with cubes ant! !
; points t-f crj-stl alum and the nxif j
i -tu'i.ied with millions of rain-c-dored
" sia.acuics.
1 he L.iack Warrior cave is a counter
part of the Virgin and was diseoverec
' hy ruluers ul a ixiirt v here their tuc
I ne was three hundred and sixty-fivt
feet beneath the surface.
Ax international exhibition of book
: and pa per industries is to be opened in
I l"aris in July next. It will comprise
, the various branches of the manufao
j turc of hooks antl paper, as well as the
j machinery., implements and material
1 used in " printing' and illustrating
! tXKjki.
i'in;i;:t t -nrt J th !-tt-i trvir n ir W af
i ounty. ic ;n:n iwiulinc u iwMn t. L.
TDjlh'y ia.l:, end H V. Hum-tiv.. .hia M.
Harr.n, irrs VV. i!::iu, Jithn K t.-triritii,
t. . I-ar'i;. d' tu:nv- i:nK'r Df niur of
L. . La?-r a t.. .iihn .. M'lU-r. Kmanu- 1
irrs u:il'r tu T.rrn ni:uf m Ji:n i. Mi. an A
( .. J.'i:n XlTirrihs , Adam 'raiit. J. l. '.rmi: and
J T. Ftm1. paxruior itnr tmaiutr t.nlT
r.nii nar'f o: Murray, -rant 4 t'n.. rrvi!i.
wniruri. fTitT vuiwpt. a mrtKffU'n . M.
IieiilTHn a. ctirtHrmt mhi : A r Iu.iin-Jt
an! t. A Ivftrtmt-i mtp dei-ni'lnni. on Ihr ih
day f July. ( i;t m-A at Public Auotinu l
t h.cru-: bi11r (or rnli in hand. at liie ourt
Houm d'Kir :n City. irnn. on tnf firt
in "tii" :'WTii-ia tt ;J ditv, all i th ntrlit,
aii'i mtTvt "f wh w.mi V. at incarHivt
uarH-u it i'-miani- iu and u tin inliowmr df
Tui n. nfTty and ituau m V o
t tH.i:ty. ifTTr.i. U it
Y. i? 1m.- two. thrr-, fmr. iwf::.y
tnnTT tr -ttty-ftfvrc nd teiity-icnt id
Li-it f;rti; W itiiuft Add:ti lu W Wli of
Hi !:;v.t mi lots out and two of Miri tmr
in V. kwi. Ad i;U"n t le twn of H1 K:v-r.
b.' antl Urt oie in biot-k iv'.ir in tnc
t.wii ! J--aiiu:!t. T. J I'KiVEK.
"htiff of W aaro otiiitj,
Ir:"s'.;uit the rmmiind of a wit of c.'ru
ti.-n or.t of in- in?it Court m Uw siat
ti -fnim i'vr w a-c unty in a Mi:t shwin
T-'udiiic herein I 1 Mrs artny it pi:nt:tt
h.'t.i J-on Adam and Hairbt aiv d lend-
aiii. -witd AusiMt -d. mmandinir tur- u
s-!S aii tiif risrbt. til and luterMt f aaid de-iii'ta;it-
and r.'fi ot tiwru in arid t) the aouth-en-t
, :rter of etion n:n, lownbip two outb,
ra'ix- iourtTi mnl, W. M., to valiar v the uru
of arnl mt't thwn fnrai JuneUt
at t- nt! of tti tnT ent jfr annum and
lit mr!:if uhj of f-t.i attni p and tb:
t:m ti f , i". Dist rud ditborments. due to
Mud fm.iinT from tuid d"fitiiant iotin ,'iam-.
u3id toarrVy trie uri)iu :f any in twvuvntof
tne i;ru ni I-.:... V and inter- thTsii at ln
mt.' tii ten rT out yer annum intra aid Junr
i"'?h, !(. and :ur:ev ir. in tu-
d :rHiant Jfto Adam to the d-intdaat C. K.
iUifflit. ! wiU, on Saturday the tn d-y of 11
etnbT. !. at Ibe hour of o rimrfc tn tn- aiv
i'oL. at th eurunMie d'oir 1:1 lin'U- i:v,
n--t'ts. all t uid afaovc d-4ritd rui
p"iat-:tr nx T-ntMic iale V tti luebe-t bidthT ior
ea h i.: ti;.nl. T. J. li'A tK.
auif ri'T.ffof Uft ' untv. or
Xn'itt if Aiinistrafor's Final Account
N-j !- hrr-ny ri-eTi that J. w t ondou. mi
r.innratjT of tji entateot Harnann Comm. d
ff- n& filed hi !.ul aeouot oi the adm:nt
t-tionof am id estate witc toe eb fit of the' oi.uty
( iwirt of Ue -late oi tTg-m, for W vn Cinty .
and tnit -aid otjrt ha nirpoiuted lo o a. m.
of Moiulay. Seytemt--T d- beinrt.'teijmt dav
W tii ictj ar p'ptn-iar term ( id Court for
th yr )SH. at tne ounty court lioue in
Itaiiea i'itr. Onnr.. a thr lime and pia e for
toe neanitir of o.eet.oi, to u-"b '.r.uu aTouut
aud tne tfi7m-iit Smrrfo:'.
Tfci- BotK-e ia publianed or3"T nf infd
Co"jny oi;rt aiMi tnt-:-! J:tv -rrh. i"t
J. t . CiiMKiN,
Administrator's Sale.
Sotie ta ttei-y win that be a:i mb-r of tbe
Cejnty . tmrt of Cental-of 'rrearon br tob rtv
mad-. tra twlerijEud ha- hn dniy aputiut-J-
aid are nw ta- ffuaiifi! and actinr admin
wratorv of the eiab- tti Henry A. Watt, d--ed.
Ail prrKt9 ha v inr 'inim ftnint tbabova
narned daed are hrefjy ntib-d to prwrnt
their eiaini". witb ta p'oer nwbm. i na at
fee office of Lte HutlTt m Maomr b:Iklr' r.
Im!'ia ' 'i'jr, Orir.m. J. t . rtunvt. iil
Kier. 'e-.. within ; montba from the date of
tb notie- a itd all peraona indebted to aid fw
tt- aTe hCiT r-.)Uired t a- ttie -uru n;d bt
edne forthwith.
Dail at D;W i"!tv. Or., at Hood Kiier. thi
c day of Auatst. lit.
J. r. A it MO' K.
Admin. -tratoiK of tb- etatei f!ei:n A. Vratt.
d-rwfceti. s-l rt
1 AXI) !' r.. The !
iiy ia. I"'i
erm.ijin-t hnriiir been efitewl at ihtt nft.r,.
y fnuit M1.1HW again! John rlt l't ahau.
d-iniT.r h homiMUald enir. Si,. I .... Oat
Maren .!. Hj.n Uie . ,
and SWi,. in, in. f, R ! . I,!
ao County. ore'in, with a i-w to tln ean
eeiialion of Mild entry. Ire- aaid fMrtio ar.. h-r
hy ninimoiiel 10 aexr at tin. office on the i nh
day of r-epternber. i4. at lo o eluea a m.. 10
; r.nd arid fi.rniah tetim'i y eor-e-Tnii. aatd
ii'.l auanonnii). t. E. M Hhntt. I . ( orn
miaioueT, ! a i!leriieii to taae Wdnnnit at
Aalei.ite.. 'rr.i. , e:.mner !j:h. I- at
lo 0 e.i-a a. m.
; 3. r h-n-t-.
Biacksraitti & vacn Sud
General E'.ackamithirif and WM-k d-t
promptly, and aW work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
our o
See our Center
goods Manaco in
( By virtue nf an 'xeet:tt'ii and nnkt of uN- i
sued out 01 the Cireuit Court of iie slat- i OTe
! yon for U'awi eounty. ontu a derrf-e and )ud
j nient made, rendemi and enterrd by .tid ftnirt
(on the ..1st daty oi May. I, in larnr ot the
; tiainl:ft. tn a wherein K. C. l'-inttw'fc wa
i piamtnf and deorsv W. Halt anj Kim y liail
! er dfedant. and to ne directed and d'
, IivHtvii. eommandmc me to levy iirori and aril
ail the land mentioned and d-w-nb-ad in Htid
J wr.t, and hereinafter dfwribed,, 1 did on lite Uib
day of June lt. dti!y levy upon, and will well at
tmbiir auction tU Uie h(rheit bidder for eaab 111
, hand on the 3tn day of July. 1-4. at '2 o rlor
! in the aft5rnoon of aaid day at tbe ifnt djT tit
I the 1 ounty iMirt Ilouwe id Jmli- it, m W aavo
r runty. retfou. ail of the land and prvmiM
I in fwud writ and ber.iu dttn-nbed a
to!lti tow it :
Lotf S. 4. "1. and JMutheat uuarter ( of
' tiorlawewt juart of aw turn i"x lovn
' -nip one i) wKJtb, ranee bib-en (15) emt, W.
M.. eontajuiiiff 1-.77 m-rt oi luiid. aituated.
J iyinr a;id tteinpr in VVawo eimnt, Cfnron,
I toevtber a ith tb- tmiemenu, henli lament and
arrurteuantss ibereuntit beionirinr or m any
wi" anb naiB'.Df.or ro much tbrt-i( an ball be
RifTi(ient to ka'i;y the sum i lo with intT
et thereon at the rate of i-eiiL atnee the .lirt
of May, 14 . and atbrnny fee and -.V
foKtii in Mid auit tiMretber with the eonta of aaid
wnt and arerumir roat of aale.
Dated at lalMnCuv.ireeon.Jiinc-t. A l. lv.
"heTiffof Vi(i Crtintv. orfoii
;nnJ '
Kotia of Final Settlement.
V.tieei.LeM7K,rentht l.v . rd.-r the
t tmnty c irt oi ti.e nute.f ur-r.,ti u
munty. made an i ent -n-ti to( l.nli amy of Jane,
H. in the u.Htlrr i.( Uie ex'ate of WillunnH
Whom, ilnil. Mo Uy. Julr 16. 1!M, at the
hour of 10 oclur A. M..wm til u the time
and the t ouptTioiirt Kiwim at ald eoiintv a
trie plw-e Uir the hearinr. of the ItnaJ eeiMiiit of
Uw.limilw ol tho laoit will and Ununnent of '
hhJ rtee.Tui ; i p-ana. havinr any oheenona I
to mm rual areount ana to liie at-ttiiTnertt of
Mid mtate are direeled to anpear at aaid time
and ptaee, then aud there to abnwr eaue, if any
toere be. why aaid tlnal aeeouut abouid hot be
aptmiven and aaid ewUite letti'-l
jttilK. B. H' -VTIN'.TON.
TT.s Goiurr;ljia Packing Co..
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curerscf BRAND
; Dried Beef, Etc.
A rrSK typOKTElf
Frencli Perciensa Stallion,
"-Ve.ifht in f vA fi'.h pmnji. und linr" FimJ
'tfiun V 11' ! Utr vh n rift"M witli
frfTOl (Mjeuritf , trr will trwh
lr lnnt of r:t-.
Kerr & Buckley,
Gra Va'.ier, Or.
iims nil
Saturday, Aug. 11th. I
Make your own selection from our
$14.00, $15.00. $16.00 Suits
Government, State, or PaUes Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson,
Mieremao? to Thornbiiry JL H hAmui.
83 Washington St.. THE DALLES. OR.
If you want information miMwiiini t,oeni
mea t landft.or the lawn rviatlnr ttiereto, yon ran
emiautt hnn trve of rharjre. lie hmm made a w
rialty of thi bnMnena. and ha ftrartieed betore
the I tj i ted ?Uitrit Land office for oter t u ym.
He i Affeiit Utt the lmnru .rran laud
i'onipany. and -aii m'J ymi tr74nc. or I tt
imToni ArrU'ultural luind In any quanCty
dir-d, and will wntd a r'Kmidilet dwntuiif
'b- Und to anyoDe atIyiuj to bira lot it
hrtUtrt trat4 OB CvTBMMIMt I.JU4.
If Ta itaot t Hurrvw Maj. l.mmg r auri tlm, a ru ac-coiM4at ;
WrltM l ln, l.ltm. mmH Asrldcat lacaraac.
It jmm canaut rail. vrtl. mmd jmnr Irttm will b rrvmpll MitiW.
Familiar Faces
l.att Special Ajrnt irr,rral Land Ofirr.
Bayard cfi? Barnett,
tye Ieal Estate, Ijoar;, lr;5urar;ee,
' Part'M PrM-rtT they wihh to
j Abstract of Title funn .bed, will find
w t. i v
! nall Iimte
i njieciahy of the
lief ore the Unitep
85 Washington St.
FnecewKjrt to U P.
A General Line ol
Horse Furnishing Goods.
! WiolcsalE an. Retail Dealer, in Harness, EmUes, ffeips, Horse EMets, Etc.
cull Assortment of Meiicas
j No. 07 Washington Street. . . Tub Dalles.
i Wholesale and Retail Dealer and Manufacturer. 0(
1 Baildiif Material ud Dinrensioa Tuaber, Doors, Wkdois, MoMkn, Bousi FurntsLifis, l
ISrjeicial Attention given tothe Manufacture of Fruit and FIs
j Boxes and Packing Cases.
, Factory aaxcl lumber TTrci aat Old M. Xall
,DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and
any part
b b
for S9.95.
Hi- U Acrnt Inr Ur nl ku tn 1 letrMU'i Mt
Tim tu 1 lit- !:.. 1 hi Atlil.tiim u Uid rg ka
ncrr loot, iiiid awtinint U im turn yfrtnrjMl Tm
dmr pari nl thr e Iv tmlji JB min ntr wait
Irrnn (mrtboujv; lu nuiiatn Imni li. k. lirpot.
in a Xcu Place.
rU or Trade, Houae. to lieut. Of
it to their advanta"e to call on ua.
prosecution of Olainia and (mtU
Stat- Isd Office.
Frank, deceased.)
Saddlery Plain sr Staipel
Slab WOOD Delivered to
of the city,