The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 11, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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III f .
1 i
$ Hone and Senate Feelic.
Each Otter.
Tic ibelcri U Kagiog io St. Peter.
lure Hut tbe Death Rate Is
Comparatucly Low.
A ( i.rM Tariff.
aiiis(.tov, Aug. T. Chairman Hoi
aian tailed the home caucus to order at
i .ia 1 l. :
j (CIoClC IOOBT, ll!f iiirm urr unug
drew-nt. Bynutn offerej a reflation re
ritinr tbe (art of the disagreement on
th tariff bill and declaring, the confer.
oulJ niect in a spirit of liberality and
br mutual concession agree upon a
sjeasure that will meet with the ap
proval of ho1 bodies. The resolution
Inrtlier provide for an adjournment
until t o'clock Friday next, and if no
agreement ii meanwhile reached, the
deniocrulic senator be invited to meet
list day in joint caucus. Bynuin .aid
above all things an agreement was nec-
. . . . . I i .
rnarv. J I. was uot irrjuuiceu tor w
against the senate bill, and would five
tif 5piort to any the conferee. mig Y
apreo upon, but he spoke for the peopl. .
J Ins state, who demanded the bill be
meedilv passed. His tone wat mild
and conciliatory. Speaker Crisp en
tered w bile he wa. .peaking. 'hair
Baa Wilson replied to Eynnm. He
aid one of the conferee.' greatest
tronb'e. wa. just each movement, a.
tliJ fiir a caucus by which tbe house
conferee were subjected to fire in
tbe rear. He deprecated the adoption
of the Bynum resolution.
Livingston of Georgia offered a ub
ttitute expressing confidence in tbe
,oce conferee., and leaving ail action
to tr.rir judgment.
Kara for Mar Majaety'a Co.
tow el, Aug. ". In the rae lor her
aajeety' cop, to the royal yacht d,ud
ron regatta today, for all yacht, belong
ing to the squadron, over the old iuen'.
course revised the Prince of Wale.'
colter Britannia, Emperor William',
rutter Meteor, formerly the Thi.tle,
Admiral Moutagne's 40-rater cutter the
Cwriua, I-ord Dunraven C2-;ater cutter
L'F.speranra, W. 11. Cookon' 40-rater
Castanet and the il-ratet Mohawk,
itaried at 10 a. ra. The P.rittania crossed
the line before the gun wat fired and
aai therefore disqualified. The Cxar
in. led, followed by the Meteor. The
Meteor finished first, but the Crarina
won on the time allowance.
Tha Hanea ( fU.
W tsntMi ton, Aug. 7. Tbe house
democratic tariff cancu at 3 o'clock to
day and the interview of Senator Voor
hees pronouncing in favor of the house
poaitiou on free iron ana coal are me
absorbing topics among the member, of
the bonne. Those who projected the
caucus assert tbey have not intended to
discredit tbe conferees. The anti-cao-cos
men deneuuee the causu. however,
as a flank movement toward a surrender
to the senate. From the general tenac
ity of the caucus, as well a the anti
caucus men it seemed evident at noon
there would be no revolution instruct
ing the house cuuferee to recede or
otherwise discrediting their con rue.
r linn ta Aarea.
Wamhnotos, Aug. 7. Gorman, in an
interview, says the house conferee, on
tariff have just forty-eight Lour, longer
to agree. If an agreement is not reached
then he say. the senate will break off
farther negotiations and put sugar on
the free list. He declare, a bounty on
sugar, which the Louisiana senators
want, will not tie continued for this year,
father than do this, sugar will be
placed on the free list, and this, he add
will be a loss of ).(XK),000 annually.
He declares the president and senate
conferee want sugar taxed.
lilar Olaa Japanaaa
HAxoiiAi, Aug. ".A dispatch says
the captain of the Chung Kiang, which
arrived today, made the following state
ment with regard to the seising of Jap
anese by Chinese sol diers. While tbe
hip was at Tunku the Chinese proposed
euiug the Japanese passengers. They
bound the Japanese and flung them
over on the wharf. Ii Hang Chang,
when informed of thia outrage on the
British flag, commanded that the Jap
anese be returned at once to the vessel
nd that tho soldier w ho made the raid
1 punished severely.
Ilynwtu nt Ktrln(er Coster.
Wammmutks, Aug. 7. Dyntim ud
Springer conferred at noon aud drafted
a resolution to erve an a basi. of caucus
etion. It doe. not direct the houne
conferee, to recele from their poiition,
hut urg-s tlial they rem h a sjieedy
aaret-nient. Provision is aino made, if
this agreement is not effected by Friday
next, tliiit there l another caucus.
After congrutnlaion among the friend,
of the house conferees, it was decided to
introduce a uMitute resolution, but to
vote down the Pynum-Sprinirer reno-lution.
W a mi i s, ton, Aug. 8. In the senate:
today house bill to reimburse K. II. Xe-
lecLer, late treasurer of the Tnited !
States, for lltXX) paid by him to
make good a shortage when hi
office was turned over to his .uccesaor,
wa. passed. Among the hills introduced '
wa one by Allen of Nebraska to pre-1
vent professional lobbying, which was
referred to tbe committee on labor.
The house bill appropriating $-"0,000
for the construction of a revenue cutter
for San Francisco harbor was ased. , J art (a It Irk..
Washington, Aug. 7. Steps were I
bouse today for the investigation of the
charge, against Judge A. J. Hicks, made
by the Central Ibor I'nion of Cleve
land It a.. . 1 ll .t ......
...... I w" I
ard .imjieachment should he taken nn '
til more was known of the matter, and '
the case wa. referred to a.ubcommittee,
of w hich I'ailey is chairman. P.ailey
will introduce a resolution
the judicary coinnnttee to investifHte j
the caoe.
A W .rtai.M Ha.baad'. i rluir.
1'iiil viiElmiia, A up. 8. William N. '
Kvans of Frankfoni, a suburb, shot and '
killed Jx)tiis Hecht at the latter's home
today. He then shot his wife, I
Evans, through the neck, fatally wound
ing her, and afterwarJs killed himself
with the same revolver. Evans was a ;
shiftless fellow, and his w ife left him j
and went to live with the family of her
ancle, Louis Hecht. She was preparing
breakfast today when her hatband I
forced his way into the houe and began
Ibao.r. la tha
Cohkmiaolx, Ang. 7. King Christian
ha. accepted the resignation of Premier
Jacob Froennum Scaveniu Estrup, w ho
retire, on account of old age, and has
appointed Baron l.'eedtx Thott minister
of foreign affair.. Premier Luttichan
becmie. minister of finance. Genera!
Thompson succeeds General J. J. Bahn
sen a minister of war, and LarJenffeth
take, the place of Ahgoos as minister of
public work, and inatrnction.
Tka Hrltaaala Uatjackajad.
IxMKN, Aug. 7. The prospects of a
race between tbe Vigilant and Britannia
tomorrow are doubtful. Both will prob
ably have to nnnergo repairs when
docked. The Vigilant is now about
Hampton wa.ling to be docked. There
is some chagrin at the manner in which
the Yankee ont jockeyed the Britannia
Karor Mar B Frra.
Wakiuncton, Aug. 7. Conservative
democratic senator guardedly admit
there is no foundation for the report
that a movement may be made soon to
pot .ugai on the free list. One said to
day it wa. liable to come in tbe chape
of a motion to discharge the tariff con
ferees, and have the senate recede from
the amendment on sugar.
Ta la la Tea bay.
Lyons, Aug. 7. Caesario Santo Jer-
onimo, the assassin of President Carnot,
has persisted in hi refusal to appeal to
the court of cassation and paper, were
sent to Pari, today for the signature of
President Casimir-Perier, fixing the ex
ecution 10 day hence.
Elrtt T.uaaU Kill.
Lonuon, Aug. 7. Member of Parlia
ment Bussell, of Tyrone, urge, that the
evicted tenant, bill be amended so a to
make the reinstatement of evicted ten
ant voluntary. This, be think, will
appease tbe bouse of lords, and the bill
be passed.
Klanrld. Captarad.
Wamhixutos, Aug. 7. Dr. Gusuian,
minister from Nicaragua, Las received a
telegram from Managua, officially an
nouncing that Bluefietds, on the Mos
quito coast, ha been Uken by the JS'ic
aragnan army.
halara la Ka.ala.
Waksaw, Aug. 7. During the fort
night ending August 4th there were
nearly .'(000 case, of cholera and over 300
death in St. Petersburg, and In Warsaw
in the same period 394 case and 213
lb. Parta Alrgra All
Loisoo. Aug. 7. The German steamer
Porto Alcgre, supposed io have been
sunk last night by the steamer Lismore
Castle off the French coast, passed the
head last evening in an apparently safe
condition. .....
Mltrholl (unilo. ta Aairrli-a.
1asvoh, A;ig. H. Charles Mitchell,
the pugilist, has announced his inten
tion of returning to the I'niUd Mates in
TUB Senate S3:c33i t'j
rjjjlj :
i he sh;ak sexatoks smile
WordcD and Knox at the End of Their
Trijl -Cbildrcn Starvint; in San
1 bank cashiers, who are on the stand this
llaa Acreeit at l.a.t. .
J afternoon as experts, passing upon the
W asiiinctox, Ang. S.-Scnators June i rian,i writing of tho telegram claimed to
and Vest, of the tariff conference, and hlve de!patched by defendant.
Gorman and Smith on behalt of the con- The eviJ,.nce oflered today was of little
ervative senators, it is understood, de- ilnri0rt4lnce, being by a Southern Pacific
rided today the time had arrived when ! ernpove, n.l relating to well known
the conference should end either by in,.ijenU of the strike. Counsel for the
agreement or disagreement. .lone, jefense rreated orr.e excitement bv de
after the morning conference, said the j claring tue thftt ti,e railroad de
senate conferees might ask to be dis-1 tertire had been admitted to the jail
charged, but he did not think such a dQr;nS the night and had attempted to
request would be made todav. The re-! drftw. statements from defendant Wor
pubhean steering committee this morn-j den anJ 1Utch by teinng thern that
ing discuss..d the proposition to make othpr .tatem,.nU implicating them had
sugar free. The opinion was exprefsed bef,n maJe- ja,tice Fisher finally or
that by putting sn?ar on the free list ! dere,i that no one .hould be admitted to
the votes of the IxmUiana fixators I t),e jai to see the prisoners,
would Ik- lost to the hill, hut Senator
.i . . nt .
i truer uiiiriii voie lor II. 1 ue propOSi- .
tioil to out stiuar on the free Hrft ill re. :
ceive the fiipport f nearly the entire
republican side. At 1 Q. lock the demo
cratic conferees adjourned nntil '2:'M.
When the tariff conferees adjourned
for recess the air was full of rumors,
among them being statements that an
agreement would 1 e reached at the
afternoon session. A leading conserva
tive senator said the houne must' take
the responsibility of risking another
vot upon ti e bill in the senate. There
seem a determination on the nart of !
ine senaie in iirc a i mmb ma i
or the other during the dav, but the is- ma J'terday for New York carrying
sue may be further delayed.' I two commissioners appointed by Chief
Senator Jane, said at 2:25 he thought!0,1" a.nJ i0? ! T?
the Uriff conferees would lie able to re- pl'PWnt,r, to England. The latter .
port an agreement tomorrow. Chair-1 mi8S10n '"reported to be to ask for a
man Wilaon and Ileprentative Mont-i1", P"- C arence wa
gomery joined Speaker Crisp in his pri-1 ohUsed 10 -bDjon the blufrs becanse
vat office. A report was soon rlcn. j h" ""'"on'tin wa. exhaogted.
lated and generally credited that an ' ,B ,h" Hu,w-
agreement would i reached today. Wabuixgtos, Aug. S. In the house to
t'hairman Wilson was in a holul j day Bailey, from the committee on ju
mood. diciary, a a matter of privilege, pro-
Bepresentative Mraus of New York, j gented a resolution providing for an in
closely associated with Mr. Wilson, gave I vestigation by that committee of the
hi opinion there would be a complete
agreement by Saturday at the latest.
Senator Kmith feaid he expected the
committee w ould be called together to
morrow and the bill reported. The
compromise sugar schedule announced
last week would be part of the agree
ment. It is said the tariff agreement is on I
the basil of making either coal or iron !
free, but the report a to which will be
made dutiable conflict.
fight With Mlaera.
ali.e. 111., Aug. In
resisting i
arrest Joseph Schurman, a Polish miner,
wa fatally shot this morning, and two
deputy sheriffs were wounded with
saber thrums. Deputy sheriff Thomas
Hanley, A. A. Coliey, Michael Brennan
and Thomas Brennan surrounded Schur
man' house to prevent the escatie of
Schurman, he Laving twice before got
away from the officers. He i a desper
ate character, w anted for the prominent
part he played in the riot in Union
haft six weeks ago. Entrance into the
house wa forced and the sheriffs were
confronted by the older and younger
Schurman and their wive, all armed
with cavalry saber. A determined
effort wa made by the heriffg to di
arm their opponent and it wa not un
til A. A. Colley had ten dangerously
wounded that they resorted to the use of
firearm. Three shot were fired and
young Schurman fell mortally wounded.
The miner in tbe neighborhood rushed
to the cene of the disturbance. The
militia' prompt arrival saved the live
of the deputy sheriffs, who were sur
rounded by an angry mob, many armed.
The militiamen used their bayonets to
disperse the mob. The anarchistic ele
ment are (wearing vengeance against
the deputies.
ITha tsa.1 or tha Aaraaniaat.
Chicago, Aug. 8. The Post' Wash
ington special says the tariff conferee
bave agreed. Thl announcement wa
made at 3 o'clock. Tbe agreement is in
formal, and is by the democratic mem
bers only. The republican member
have been notified to attend meeting
tomorrow. The basis of the agreement
i the lugar schedule agreed to last Fri
day, 40 cent ad valorem, with 1-5 of 1
cent differential on refined lugar. Iron
ore i free and coal 40 cent a ton, with
reciprocity clause. The agreement
will, it is said by the democratic, confer
ees, bo satisfactory to all the 4J demo
cratic senator. If so, the formal report
may be expected tomorrow, or the next
day at latest, and the president's ex
pectation, of huving an opKrtunity to
sign tho hill this week may 1 realized,
though it is doubtful, a. the change in
the senate bill offers reaoiia for debate,
and it is believed the republican, will
take advantage of it. The Cleveland
men claim they bave won. I he dor-
man people say it is a compromise.
Trial or tha Karrmant Traiu-Wreckera
at Woodlanu.
J Woi)i.Axr, Cal., Aug. S. The prose
j ouU'on in the train-wrecking cases prom
; iees to cloee this evening, after complet
ing the testimony of tbe two Woodland
Th. Trunbla at
,w luua"
8. A World special
fpnin Pnlrtn iovi fnnural l"lrrl? rina r..
lieved General Ca' at Bluefields,
and proposes, with the help of General
Boderijiuez, to attack Chief Clarence.
The Xicaraguana only hold Bluefields,
it is taid, and Chief Clarence, instead
of having evacuated the town and re
treating to Pearl City, has fortified him
self in Bluetield. The Mosqnitans are
expecting reinforcements from the in
terior. They received today arm and
ammunition that was shipped from here
last week. The steamerPara left Pan-
charges against Judge Augustus J. Rick
of Ohio. Grosvenor criticised this reso
lution as a piece of indecent baste, as no
notice was given Judge Kick. Bailey
said if Grosvenor were a friend of Judge
Hicks he would want the charges inves
tigated immediately. If there was a
i taint on Judge Ricks' iudicial ermine it
should be removed or he should be re
moved. The resolution was agreed to
without discussion. On motion of
McCann a resolution instructing the
commissioner of labor to investigate the
effect of machinery on labor, wages, etc.,
wa Wetxlto.
Left Ilia Child rea to Marre.
Sax Fbaxcisio, Aug. 8. An extreme
case of parental neglect was unearthed
this morning. Three starving little
girls, ranging in age from 4 to 12 year,
were found at 421 Jersey street by an
officer, and taken to the Girl' Directory.
When found the children were huddled
together with a half-starved dog on a
dilapidated bed. In tbe corner of the
room were the putrid remain of a
starved cat. The windows were broken,
and the whole place was one of squalor
and desolation. The children were' o
weak from lack of food as to be scarcely
able to walk. Their father, George C.
Richardson, is a plasterer, ami make
good wages, but when on hi drunken
sprees deserts hi children for day at a
time. He ha been arrested and charged
with cruelty to children.
t hlua.a rorcaa Uafaat.d With a llaavj
I. osa.
' Yokohama, Aug. 8. Zikoan ha been
taken by the Japanese with trifling
loss. The Chinese lost 500 killed. The
enemy Med In the direction of Kahiu
Tbe Japanese are in possession of
Yashan. An imperial ordinance just
issued permit Chinese to reside in
Japan on condition they engage in
peaceful pursuits. The greatest excite
ment prevail here and at Tokio, and at
other large town, a a result of the vic
tories of the Japanese troop. Rumors,
however, are current that the Japanese
naval forces have been ieieatei in an
engagement with the Chinese warship.
Dio baora for Faaca.
Shanghai, Aug. 8. It is officially re
ported from Tien Tsin that the efforts of
Great Britain and Russia to bring about
a peaceful settlement of the dispute be
tween China and Japan have failed.
China i willing to pay indemnity, but
refuses to surrender her sovereignty over
Corea. The Chinese government has
closed the Ampinit and Takao light
houses on the island of Formosa.
foal Miners in Illinois Declare the f
Strike Off. j
Houtelle kicks Ip a Row Over
waii The Butchers' Strike in
Omaha About to Fail.
Tha Republic or Hawaii.
Wasihxgtox, Ang. 9. The republic J
of Hawaii has been formally recognized
by the United States through the secre
tary of state. The republican govern
ment in Hawaii, it will be remembered,
was set np Jaiy -tth. The following day
Willi extended recognition, no far a
wa within hi power, to the new re
public. Mr. Willis' action ha been dis
cursed, but no decision wa reached un
til yesterday, when Secretary Gresham,
under direction of the president, sent a
formal note to the minister approving
hi course. Although the text of Gresh
am' letter has not been made public, it
ia understood the president extended to
the new republic the hearty good wishes
of the United States. Representatives
of the dethroned queen started for Wash
ington as soon as the new republic was
proclaimed, and they have been here
several days endeavoring to induce the
state department to withhold recogni
tion, and to insist that Liliuokalani be
extended the assistance of the govern
ment in her efforts to regain power.
Y'eeterday's action disposes of the whole
question and closes the unfortunate dip
lomatic "incident."
Secretary Gresham visited the capitol
and informed Senator Gray, of the sen
ate foreign relations committee, and
Chairman McCreary, of the bouse com
mittee on foreign affairs, that the presi
dent had formally recognized the Ha
waiian republic. Xo official announce
ment was given out for publication, and
for this reason neither Senator Gray nor
McCreary would discus tbe subject.
Frank P. Hastings, who, in the
absence of Minister Thurston, is charge
d'affaires at the Hawaiian legation here,
has been formally recognized as the rep
resentative of the new government.
Chairman McCreary, of the bouse com
mittee on foveign affairs, says it ia not
customary to give publicity to diplomatic
correspondence until it ha reached it
destination. Consequently the letter to
President Dole will not be made public
until sufficient time has passed tor its
reception.. The fact publicity to diplo
matic correspondence has become known
may induce the president to make it
Tarltr Cunf.ire liava I'ractlrully
A freed.
Washington, Aug. 9. The tariff con
feree remained in session until a few
minutes after 12, and when they ad
journed the senate conferees proceeded
to their room, where they held a private
consultation. Early reports were to
the effect that the conferee had en
couraged new obstacle and an agree
ment wa unlikely. Later it wa re
ported an agreement had been absolutely
arrived at on the line of the under
standing reached last night that iron
ore would be made free, coal dutiable at
40 cents a ton, and the compromise
. I .1 T l...
sugar schedule wouiu stand, indica
tions point to a verification of this re
port. Republican member in confer
ence at 12:35 received an intimation a
full conference would lie held this after
noon and immediately legan consulta
tion with the leader on that sido with
a view of preparing themselve for the
final conflict which they believe to be at
Representative McMillin, one of the
house conferees, stated lie believed an
agreement was in sight. Coal and iron
ore had not yet been settled, but the
main features of the bill would lie agreed
upon so that the republican could be
called in tomorrow. During the recess
of the conferrces there were conferences
between the lending conservative
senutors. A petition w:is today circu
lated among members of tho house
uruinp the conferrec to stand by free "
sugar and the permanent income tax.
Representative Bland started the
petition, and it was numerously signed.
Tho senate conferree encountered
obstacles in the metal, woolen ami other
Highest of all in Leavenin;;
for Lard.
That's the happy and
healthy condition of thous
ands of housekeepers who
have been bright enough
to try
which is a pure, perfect and
popular substitute for lard
for all cooking puqioscs.
The success of Gotto
lene has called out worth
less imitations with similar
color and similar names.
Look out for these. "All
that glitters is not gold,"
and all that's yellow is not
There is but one valuable
new shortening, and that is
Cottolene. It is healthful,
delicate and economical as
a single trial will prove.
At leading Grocers.
Watch the name.
Bole Manufacturers,
schedules of such a character that they
did not feel justified in proceeding fur
ther without consulting the conserva
tive senators, Gorman, Brice and Smith.
The house members demanded very
liberal concessions on many articles in
tbe metal and woolen schedules, and
also earthenware and glassware.
Boutelie Kick I'p a Kow Over Hi.
Hawaiian Iteitolation.
Wahuiniiton, Aug. 9. In the house
today Boutelie, speaking to a question
of pergonal privilege, denied the publish
ed imputation that he had introduced
for political purposes the resolution re
cognizing the new Hawaiian republic.
Referring to the president's recognition
of the republic, ho began describing how
Mr. Gresham had "sneaked up to the
capitol yesterday to inform Chairman
McCreary of the administration's pur
pose," when he was called to order by
Onthwaite and warned by the speaker.
Boutelie denounced the conduct of the
administration on Hawaiian affairs as
"peanut politics." He asked the house
to repudiate the whole turbulent and
malodorous affair, and to express to the
new republic cordia' congratulations.
The speaker decided Boutello had gone
outside the question of personal privi
lege, and as he would not desist, ordered
him to take hi seat. McCreary pro
tested that Boutelie, by his "manner
and words," had charged improper
motives to the committee. Boutelie in
terjected, "I withdraw the manner;
the rentleman from Kentucky has
enough for both of us.'" McCreary
thereupon resumed hi seat.
Tho Omaha Butrhera.
Omaha, Aug. 9. Sheriff Drexel sent
100 deputies to South Omaha early this
morning. The deputies broke the
picket line of the strikers, and escorted
the workmen to the hontcn in squads.
Tho striker hooted ami jeered, but did
not offer any violence. A number of
old men returned to work uuder the
protection of the officers. All the
house begun killing in spite of the
threats of the malingers they would not
do any work until the militia wa culled
out. It is tbe general belief the strike
is now practically broken.
Committee oil f oreign AHaiia.
Washington, Aug. 9. When the
committee on foreign affair met today
Chairman McCreary announced the
p resilient had recognized the Hawaiian
republic. The republican member
maintained the Boutelie resolution wa
still in order ami it was desirable for
congress to send a greeting to the re
public. A motion to adjourn wis caf
riod. MeGreary, Hooker, Tucker, Price,
Fverett, Monroe ami Dinsmore voted
for It, and Blair, Hitt, Van Voorhis,
Draper and Geary against it. Ko more
meetings of the committee are expected
this session.
Power. -
Latest U. S. Gov't Report