THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1894. ' I Mm Ba ttAat. I 1 f -d HE FOOLED bj thw dealer who Vnnf-s out tome-; thin else, that y-ays Lira better, and ! cays that it is 'just as stkvL Dr. Piierce" Golden Medical Discovery m ffuarantefil If it don't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Jo other medicine of its kind is so certain an 1 elective that it can be aold so. Is any other likely V bo " ins: ns ood 4 ? As a blovxi-cloaaser, flesh-builder, aad strength - rtstorvr, nothing ran qra&l the " Di-OTcrr. It's not like the aarsanariilaa or orxJinarr prine medicines.'' At all te-1 . ; "JU " I1-""". i ngorates, and builds CP th whole i . . . aystem. tor every blood-tanst and iiordcr, from a cocnton blotch or : ernptior., to the -a-orst gcroiula, it j M a jerfect, permanent, guaranteed remedv. Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in the Head. A RECEPTIVE MIND. TW K uadci fui Meaaory of a 'tr4 Freark Ant bar. TheopbUe Iputit-r. the Krvnch author, was trif"ed with an estraortii aary memory. Whatever he had heard or seen remained engraved npn hia mirMi. ; tn the day on which the two fcrvt I olumes of LIuirys -Tx-Fende ties Si- . eeies" wer publisheti. the anthor " dined in lac tier" tvtr.riary at the 1 nirase f another friend. There were severs! litemrv ;n- a pre--nt. II ull;-.--.": more r r"i" !" to the tr;-e -f r-i-mantic:.s. admirers of "i -tor H'JC". mod omr.tu.i- u: tiiuiit-sr a feat of pnnd thinrs in hi tit-w work. In the course f t:.-.- talk aatier re ntarkeii: "l-t us jrove we Tmnce- I will ri-cie "L.-s Lioii?." t, you. , And in a t-ivtr voice, hi- eye- (.-azinsr Kteadfast'y as thocrti he were re-tiirs from afar a U.x.'k viaiMe to himx-f i adono. he rpcited ta- w noie piece, not repeatimr liim-elf OQue. never hesitat- fcaWe. Tet he had read it that morninf for the first time Many times b frkniLi. docbtfui upon some point of history. "anc-naSTe r. I treotrraphy. anatomy or art. referred the matter t.- torn, and n m-tved im mediate satisfactkm. Thev used to say then: -W'e have oniy to turn over the leaves of Theo." A fMM-iery nt ttec;MBC Uetr Wrikera. several nminent I"3risiacs were re etly ;est-rvl f'T bcsrir.y letter wriu-r-. s. ue of whom had tiie andae ity to tiirvutcn repri"a.U by dym.m!te if thev not ree:ive protctt aims. This coiiiuct hus led to the tra-9 of j men. who Ijrmed a t' of ' rxmo5eiitaa letter scribes. They usu- ! aily iilei in a tavern in th- Hue tie La j E.;u t:.-. where tiler had a reritabie j tXciuLi.fe and mart of cjneocted ev:y- I tair-yncTy epL-ties. forevd certihir-tes of nntiurt -im jaissports and list- of the persons who were to be appr-jached or written to for pecuniary help. The tavern in- arToniied by the police, aad it is believed that every meml l this lrternatiotial Mendicants' asjsocla tton has been et ptireL Knsnians pre donisaU d. Ar.-trians aad 'n-rmam' comir.c next H a t-irariacs. trreeks. and one alief-ed Turk, who in the po'.k-e re ports ha a Teutorik- name, brirriii? op the rear. aa tfee Warla'a raw lor Pifteoa trail w. pon receipt ot your aouress ana n:-1 teen cents in poetare stamps, will mail Too orenaid oar aocvenir nortfalio 1 of the world's Colombian exposition, lb regalar price is E.'ty centf, bnt as we want you to have one. we make the price nominal. Yon will nnd it a work o art and a thing to be prized. It con tains fall page views of the rrea: boiid inrs, wi:b descriptions of same, and i executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after yon ret it, we will refund tbe stamps and let yon keep the book. Addreae H. E. Eccelsx & Co.. Chicago, 111. TBi Wat truttiny record for twenty milec ia Efty-aeven minute and twenty-five aeevnda The bet twenty-mile record for a bieycie m- frrty-ix mi a u tea and seven seconds. Graphic. My boy wss taken with a disease re- ibling bloody flax. Tbe firat thing I tboogbt of was Cbam'uerlain's Colic, ' central stocks. isom- acieutific ob Cbolera and Jjiarrboja Remedr. Two ! -rvers have affinned that there is an doses of it settled the matter and cured him sound and well. I heartily reeotn anend this remedy to all perosw suffer ing from a like complaint. I will an swer any ia-juioes regarding it when tamp is Inclosed. I refer to any county official as to try reliability. Wm. Roach, 3. P., Primroy, Campbell Co., Tenn. For sale by Etakit!y i Houghton drug gist. Tut soap kitchen of France annual ly av"sisrt 1.7T.0r pa-nuni Tbe soup kitchen of Vienna feed every year 2i.0CrO person. Tnr. first aim housi-s in England were erected in London in 1"!. rtolanwa trf tiv iwadLv iroc ... iu- v.u.r-. - ! , . nut in a d. r-.'t i on la a t. .-hra-.! - irr- , . L . . .i m!i f .a in which arv'f..- i- taiucd frvna i.w of the m.-t uuk-s in Kmriand. the l.voi. ..-. it I'i3sx''.. The tunic, i-iy the ! -. t . al tar. was or-.irir.allY worked f.-r - ; ;t r ' kli'no. and would have Ivtsilu but fvir the ilix.-ov-.-rv that tlu vi .fed v :-te thrown out a wirthles. w hen c was souj-ht pr.'ved rk-h in ..p;vr . Al- thoi-.irh coper k- still rai-ed. it i in small ouanuties. and the tuiuc ha.- la-en resolved into an arsenic work,. The arsenk-al pynte consist of twenty-live to thirtv per cunt, of iron. t t Ive auJ uoe-haif t fourteen p-r eent. of trx-n-u. and the ret of earth.T matter. After beimr crushed this is srt-J K i pir'. of from thirteen to s;xti-n er i of aire. It U then waxheJ and "jicel" ! r s-.fled and pas-xsl on to the fcrvt ca!- ; j einer. here it is burned with low cla.- J : eoul, and jtk3 uit-s ' arsenic wot" i- i mixed w ilh moke nt from the el as to l a pray color. j The trvoic and oot. depited in j i eo:rbir.tkn in the chimney or con- : ' denser, are scraped oct and token to ! the second calciner for punhi-atuin. i The cak-incrs nsit of reTolvinjr iron ; ort ic thromrh which a tre tif acthra-; j r:? cm I i carried on rotating inn rsirua-es kept red not. a tar reic j fct is subjected to the influence thi .i;,( .i , . , . . , . ... drGM-u. i nis tierati4fcn has to in care- u,:v waU-hed. and if the workmen j1(lr4, tnt. Brenur badly they have to pav fir it. Three men in four w eek u! ruake one CunUrvU tons ol arxt-mo. The chimneT in which the atx-nic i condensed is a miie U'KZ It is carried to an incline up a hill, with irvn '. oors in the aide. A. the. hot blast ass- cpwa Is it deposits a crtt-t of arsenic t.t-e-; 1- ttr in brii-L-wnrtr iiM 1i tadepthif ftsiin two to three inches, and minute da-t of crytaL- -'.! to the I tJoor. The fai tr has then t :ki !tsV I an cpriirht chimney one hen '.r d ant! I twenty-tve f-v t b.4.-h. but jn-t K -fo ! li.unr so it ha t traverse a shower f : ; water, which cat.-hr what remains of i the arsenic, nothing but sulphurous ' : acid lieinjr tiiovrei to escape. 1 he arx-cic is list lie l pr.Hlnee s.rv , permitted i-Uof the hw'iTe in v an1 f li. or a!ut the mouth and 2.r-t uly his; aes- -st, u . r.k- Us. As s rule. h..wev,"r. this vn- v.-hen tin re i- ci.r -Icso-per lUiil (.leaklinesn. tn 1 the orkers, simply t.- icuse s thorot:hl- wrr l::v oa r-turr.:r.? tora wrk. "hrrv.iv the work i-- et csiert"l healthful. I". re V; ::t.- -) ecienia. k!ui the tump's of su' 1 ..uric uci.L is wed as tne a.-s'ilii.! C-U-t. re fi;ai to rerms if M -t r.-orkmcn r.-main at the w- rk for a sti::;bT f yeurs. without sr..r .-r:uL. )ct oc-ra-ior.:.l.;, the symptom :i ar- ai nH"ra!r. i tpji-t.c. r.uu :rortl hvauiM.-he aud itnatiia d- thcaixire-.. Whtr. t-.:s u.fce.s f place the w ork has to K- riveu u: os ; ti-.-'y. Tile cr-te-t ii.iu;'er t w i-i h t fs w.-rKrts-n ars- epyi i- m--'. wii -:. j it L- f a- anv purme to ci t r tile unrLi-ht shafi. The et-ct on tiie eves is m--t pamzu tni a Jurthereo i ri us rrii rce of ti. virulence of the ! P'-rra-.Ui'X' ata--.;hr-re lec ra.n ;uaci f f.t. Th nu n aear liuen jrriLrDK t I'.aei with Sum I. and the sulphuric acid fames co'upietely destroy the linen J in a f a moments. Uavinc" the flannel j Irtiit-t. that the men pn into the -hatt in linen and come out in wool. I Fortucatclr. it i- ml idom neees-jury to j enter the -hft. or j-reat loss of sifht i would cc-i:.-. NERVOUSNESS IN AMERICA.. Ir. Mitcbrtl sr It I- tbe kararirrhtir liaeae of the Nntma. trr. f. Weir Mit-.-heli consider it pro-red byoiid tcy dispute thiit nerv- ic3f L th chaTrteristic ma'adr of the Aay rkta nation, irrowinjr upon ' them in a frnrhrfiliy accelerate 1 ratio evi r year, aud tiirvu.t c.n them with ui-iii.-tersat no ditar.t iate uhkh the; mind shrink from c ntempiatir say ( a writer ia Mc.1cn-" Maaiiae. The i acmkr of i-ath. frTm this caa-e is al- ' readr appallinj and i rteadilv a 34 j rapidly increain?. In txime of the i busy cttster the tables of morUklity .-how thi-t Lac proportion - nerve- ; ilcathi. ha mtiltli lied uuire than twen- ' fy times in the lat f rty years, and tRt now thr' uerre-dciith- cumber . t btt tuan rme-f mrtn of H:l trie death ' r. oorrfd- hat is mot vhockin? in '. th.-ie returns, this fearful lor of life sx"-r Ciainly among- yiunjr p-ople of is tb s.'Xes. i Tnis au-ns that the Americana are fMst br minp a very short-lived per- p'e: anf tiia.t if th. y wer- thut in on tiw-msilres fie iniy a few years, with- ; out a&y inSux f vitality by icimiirra tioa. the publiratkn of the ceii.a ' vould K-nd a pensr of horrr and aiarm throurrtjf.rnt the land. VHiikt i the cause of this? Dr. Mitch- ' ell U clearly of opinion that the ti-st ! and most p'jtent cause is the climate. ' tiow or wny tne rnmate of Am ro.-a pnxiuces the eff.-t that it does has never been explained Irr. Miv-hei! ay the op-rat.on of climatic condi tions in relation to health in this coun try is utter!y mysterious: but he is Cjriite persuaded that the development tti a nervoo temperamert Ls one of the nv.-e change which are al rivinjr the Arnr-rieana f.ial.vr-al ando'her p-eul-iarities derivel fr-im nn of their a n- ' electric"" q-jaiity in the climate h-re which opr-rate powerfully on tbe nerve, but it in not clear what they mean by that, and Dr. Mitchell, w h., ha pfjbab'y given the subject m attention than acylaciy else. d'T not considr-r the evid-nc of this electric a;ency Rcfbci.-r.t Ui found a theory. Vhat is certain is that pe pie coming :.T---.y ir-na the pr.bvtaaf.ic ni.- cn ' "' a c'rjr.-e f ten ; rj-.te tit b: i't '. i -.-'. er t .f r".'. !'. e!-loa. n;.l tnd irr. ..''.- in a derr-.-e that i t::'n -vj i.. r-e oh -r pirt - t'v; wi-l 1. A r.- r .'. . iv r.- ni.. d ffoct. f tae ' - o --i . ,i.i;.'e : t .at it n:;K-r the s'r-.i:: if ..;n-r ru nVt! cr fhysi-ra! lair r much niore severe tiian it in els -vi lie re TW several brautiful upright pianos, J.l- leren: grade. I now offer fur sa!e a! I nv new ana la-cond-hand pin, at a - . . , rrcat sacnEcr. regardless o( coat. k"11' -' Twenty-hve dollars i'h at time of pnr- chase aud on instalments of fid er . nionth. For caah ti v per pent diaconnt. ... ,-,,,. marked in niaia tfiorv. and a I t ar bat a few of tt.etn, they i'.i sell fast at the rice offered. There- fore, ii you nit one of these line in Itrumeuts dj ,iot deiay, bat call ear'.y i 'Monday iiKirninf. Aujnit fth. at I. t". XickeliVB.' music atJ Uok tare. Sconi tret. Thi aa.e, -ouiuietu-.i p i on that date, U intitnlrl for the pnr- . j pwe of tuatix room for new le aud to raise, money to purchase fall ani a m j ter gxls. The tale, therefore, i'.' mi j tin of till all are aoM. ! I. C. Su kLX. (KiCIBTIB. w -4-X U'lH.r. SO. IS. A. F at A M -Mwta mm: ft aiunttt at ; M aud Ui.rvl Muuoa at D.i i ft ao V aL ARCH CHAr-TF-a SO -Maaa ta Maatur Hail Uut Uunl MadlMaOaT ' aarb bU 7 V. J. ' OI'Ea-N WtXtPMK.H OPTrltoaU Kl Hand tamfSo-Sa. Meett TowJr even Baof aaea mn la Kraarruilii HaU. al 7 v m. zri-BU uiiwi. mu O. P.-Ma , I , anoaT nnut aiT.jne'ciora. lu K ir haiL eir aaeoud and Court irwto. s , ormn hrouutra ara maJcom. a ... - . . m a att t-UDrJH:P LOIX.K. NO. .. k o r I every Mn4ay ewroiia: it 1 SB e 4ehanno boiklioa. comer ul i onrt and irutw . u bKAlTjki . J I w Tirn. K. ot R. and a. C . tftvllIT Kit. 7. K. OP l Mro o f hall in BieiHKl and iuuna i tarm ol aaea astnili at ! . m. oyrv chrisTIax TE-iPtmNi t TMO wUi BMM 7 rTKia; Kienii"" .1 'elnrs at tn roaOjrur mom. A., ampeiwo T"HE I'AUFS Lols.i: Sxv I. O k t r.c I olar w siAiy oiwaujr Fn1r at s r. a.. k. of 1 Haii. J. a. " laziJia. c. 1 oak Ftai-B. See rJOtPl-l LOIE NO. . A. O C Jlsr! in Kratemrr H.L iver k'lT. an sas.t traet, rturwar eumo at - tv. . . F. sTl l'HE"--a j VTiaa. P".najK-ier. M w I A3. EsMITH rT. No. JL'. A. k. Jlet 'I aii. t JfERlCAK tAiLWAV SI .1 Meets eeti:wl aivd i-urin m-nt m K. m P. hl' 3 . H. Jul. se y. B. or i lo k tf rea every suudal . of r. iia 4 ErASG VEF-EtS Meoi every ersioa n tn (v. of p. Hali. l or u p. prv'HioN. .& irt tn IJ. K i-l P. liail tiie first and tBlTJ auii it . f Mra nuina. a T A p. a. th CHrierHr. a T. rTTER CHT"ECH Rev. P-tner BaoKa- ecaar Patr. Low Masa avary -aiular a! "a. m. Ba Kaaa as loaf a. a. Vapern! a, a. t"iaT BAPT"!"T fHrKCH Rev. O. l lit , I koa. Paator Mirnin aervicja ery sf ; lam as u a-wdemy at 11 a a raivbail! .'oi tmmeojaii::r attrr m-miri jr-rv Prarr bwwuqjj F-niav erain at nr Wni-a. C aioa asnna la tea court nouw at -'ON'ikkijATHiSAL CUCRtH Re. W. t trrrw. Paator. serrieerT-undar at l: . a. and 7 r a &anoar scouih afr stomirit stranaraeonlialty invitad. Mata Iraa. ME- trirk'H Rev. J. WluUk Paatnr wrrweaevery saodar mamtnsae 11 a K i -fanoar aenooi atI2 aocior r a Fparott . aa-a a: a a) r. u. Prarer awetin evrrr : rouri1ar eveninr at 7 o eitieA. A eriliai ntaUoB ta astaudad t7 aota paator and Mqia o Fs,.-.gEU("AL IXTHERA "in met, 'j Rev. A. Horn, paator. ual lira at U.Ika. , ruoday-acaonl at I a A enrdia. mmtum N!TIC'E FOR ITKUCATION. V. a Lxxo tirrrca, Th tr..i , J y it. trr.' iaiPt bovine baen er.torred at thw office St -r Mmim. acaiiirt JQi r-ilt tir atian ti 'r.:ai h; hf.mrsu-ad ertrr. u. C!.-, tfnled n t .-. "'. nija sue E -, trl . ' CW , air) .-W-4 V .. s.-r. H: Yr- S, R Is E. ia a - -Hjnrv. orrw-ai. with a view to the eaa 1 re. of Mid etirv. trie raid pa'tiea are her tT uu;mrrd lit apissr at tun irttiee lt l!f n ' flity of werii?fnhi-r. J. at li i.euje a ra.. io ; r rrd and fumib tt rc.i yisnirernin miJ .iTTrd tnr- v E. M rnutt. I'. s. t orn- i n. -.i-riier. im anlb-fr.ard t taae lr!jmti at A t-i-Te. Or-Tror.. on septemtier lia. ml K' o i a. &. JAi. T. Jf'atRE. R-eiter. l'l - f I J.,!!rr r:n.l 1. n-r AIM C in .-KuiaUJilUr J I lliul ruUJUiiU : i b.T"t.v r-.Tm that j u . Condon. numerator of til etaie of Harnirt i irwm. oe- r luot. 6n-i are.-trn- a .awma- j i-a:i"o i nut! r itn tnrnfi n inn.iiiri't , t..u-t of tiv-iateni ro. t- ae oontr. aa lnl ,..-t vwinllll'r:.rliB. M anT. -.t-mber id. h-.i. ftesnr th r rt ar of tor reffu ar spemEi-r trrm of -d onrt lor i Ili j-r !-. t tne ' -KJUIV loot in tm; i '.t; . m-v-m. time and ptm U I tfisj a-i ro-vtii tnf Jotin:? urt mini' aua a-ct- v Jti t "7sh S j. W tifrt N. copyr:ght fwnv. aasrwaf. And aa itnommL oeinm. wm XI M4 Or. van m aarl o-wtT Htxr mnf exTwrmtiasP ra tnm wmtmt ttanni-na. Cimmmnrm' Ujsw mxwttj trmiftfmtiml. A tiei-rM. uf I. tn iiiaiKm vmmnumt ttt aa4 awsw to rt. lub Uarfli atrTtt Irwn, Amo a mimm 0k( aautaa tcsu fj as-jiswmrftc airt rat frs. Faw-rrui tmum tomva H-am 4k O. fwmm fWvnsa. on- tv thm eba-trsv if .pri- an toa are bexmua ntty avfr-m wm imoiic na o i-, utt mmnr Tn jo-ndrtf Ms, momi ftT. ttinr illawriton kwetlartM iarxvM. r rrw. &t r wnnxje war n m9 W'W L Ij i v, fersatiatffars Haisdioy iutnm, nomar tw. rrmm rjim. t cema. F.jt .rfsr aui ti iaa uzm avjaisM, ra ateurv and pwivmrmm of av MfaWha. ta nana, tuauiof wi4aniwaMi aa-4t fJ-Mwnsi tui r-rs tvmtrwrt. A40rwa ML A Ujw. IW Kim al tWMUViT. 'Jg. i 0 nc a-iaiOacorHSttctil mt Mooff fees. Out OsvKf HI 0fiwTf U Ovcr J asv. era ra avnr M mi ua sea U iMsaa laswa fsote from H jnrt-n-osA. 0 ,."rrL. Uc avi, it tMiT-m9 or tr mt CofcArr. Our lc bqc anm tmurrt m r.?nt. 0 J A iiiCT, "How loOoa,fi PTfh 0 ems. of taufe m ta L . . aUMt uca;ncuiMiuisf 0 acoc tree. Auor 0 JC.A.SMOWdrCO.: a amrr Ornce wni'iiiirwi. aHawaoBdaiaaao0oojojaBwaraaaa I ' a-r-ai. and Tia'le.4.-k obtained. aaca.l Pat-f t w lataau 1 WUUrra. C ri yraat IHeta- au.! nnoan i'iaUia.- , tomtiin, Sur P?.m h, TWrhaw, ajxl Fererthi. ' Thus th child u rvndwrrd b.;tty and ii , tieep watmrwl. Cutsria cuutaim nc M-irjjliaw or other nanxtH- jmjTtv. TaMwia ta as vII aJaMrd to rhIWtraa that ' 1 miaaml a aa auravuir lo aar frrtfuum an H. a. aatnaa. a ' . 1U Sooth Oxford Su, tinwatya. V T. rnrial yaanl km weemniaaflod ytmr I (Wu.' aad abail aiwara cvaunf l4ai, ' a ii ba tavanabi rroaewl bMrdcial riwufca. towia 1 . 1'ouiu. . l KSkh Straat aad Tu Aa- e loc Cay. M ao aaiwaal aad aUanaaa vara of auprarayuna to a. Frar am Ua I Craa tLAB-nra. P T., bm Vjt City. Ta Camasa Coawajrr. Tt Murray Bexar. S. T. "The Regulator Line' lb DaHa Portlmd aoi A0tEri3 Narigation Co. i THROUGH P rFrsiptPEssspLliifiL lay a'wruma in I Throuen Ii.T 'Mindayt ei- i eepted : ltween The. Italic and I'ort- j land. Steamer Eeprjiator leave The Dalies at 7 a. m.. connecting at the ( a-! cade Locks with steamer Iralies City. ! steanjer Dalies City leaves Portland ! Yamhill St. dock; at 6 a. m., ronnV 1 in with Steamer Repti.ator for The lailea. PASKtaK KATBa. One way. . . . Eoond trip S 00 : 3.00; Freight Rates Greatij Retail. ; All freight, except car lets, In-ill be brevght thrcugh. with- ; nt delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at f any time day or nip ht. Shipments for way landisps man be delivered before . i p. m. Live stock shipments sohcted. ! ; L.a.: on or aaurese. W. C. ALLAWAY, F. LAUGHLIN, 6mpiI Muagtt. B THE-DALLES. OREGON J. I FORD, iTEHjiElist, Of tMa Hotoea. Iowa, writaa coder data of MarrU It. IMr S. B. Mid. Mpo. Co.. Irufor, Oreson. On arriving borne iast week, I ail well and anxiously awaiting. littie rtrl. eight and one-half years old. ! mrho bad wasted awav to 38 pounds, i now we:!, strong and vigorous, and well j fleshed op. 8. B. Cough Cure has done , jta work well. Both of the children like ! fi n r,nh v,. lt . B- f? Cnr M CUrl na kept away all boarseneas from me. ii, jr,Te it to every one, with greetings fi mil Wiahinr van nrrarritv wa ar lor ' " isaing yon prosperity , we are X ours. Ma. OT Mas. J. t . rORO. 1'rno wih to fjj fr h mmS elM.ii lul uJiaH. , for the r?prta work, elaaaa your ayalera wlta Uw Hrartache and Lmr CTuc, by taking two or ' tnrrx doaaa aaeh work. Buid nnder a poaiBve roaraatae It- cents par bottle by ail drturkiata. scan) cm. Proudest. J U Parrtaao!!, Caaoier. First Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON i , A General Banking Businees transacted ; Depoents received, subject to bight Draft or Check, i Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. firht and Telegraphic Exclianre sold on ew York, han Francisco and Port- land. DIRECTORS D. P. Tnoarsos. Jao. 8. rk-naaca. t to. J. m lu.ixan, Gao. ; H. M. Bkaix. -T-: FRENCH & C0., BANKERS. TkAaa'T AbESiaALlAKEl.liiBCsISEJW Letters of Credit issned available io tbs Eastern S la tea. f'ight and Telegraphic rranefTSSoidon New York.Cbicago, ht. lKti. fan Fraaeiaco, Port.and Orgon, tt Waan.,and various points in Or-, f n and Washington. I Oii.ections mads at ail points on far- i o'ib.e teru-S. i The Daily and weekly ironicle. THE CHRONICLE res-s purpo-ie of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other res-ions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio Dallos, Oregon. 'T'u rc is a tide in the ajfairs leads on j The poet unquestionably had reference to the lnmiifY II tit Onln nt lilP-lM M Dl P- , -Fnrnitnre & Camels at CRANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELEACI1 BRICK, FIRST PR pR CAN BE J n im Ju CHRONICLE OFFICE Reasonably New - Umatilla- House, THE DALLES, OREGON. SINNOTT &. FISH, PROP'S. ( I. Ticket n1 EPe ol l V. P. Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. LARGEST : AND : FINEST : HOTEL : IN : OREGON. iBlakelev & ' DRUGGISTS, ' 175 Second Street, A full line of all the Standard I'atpr.i Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. AIITISTS MATERIALS.-.'. Conntrv and Mail Orders will receive prouipt attention. Dalles was esublished for the ex- of men vAicA, taken at its f.w to fortune." &. BURGET'S, out at greatly-red uced rata. - - UNION ST. CLHSS HAD AT THE Ruinous Rates. B. R. Company, and office of tbe Westers Houp-hton. The Dalles, Oregon Medicine", n "TltJs