1 i r THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1894. - w v w Straw Hats. Your choire of ur ntirv sttK'k of MVnV straw hat? at 50 Cents. Fancy Wove Cheviots. New (uxmIs. IViraU Patterns. Stylish. 16 2-3 Cents. r Kid Gloves. We desire to close a lot of Black and Col ored Kid Gloves, and have marked them 45 Cents. We Do Not Want to carry over from one season to the other any unneces sary stock. We licve it to Ik' pood store-keeping to close out goods even at less than cost. Have you taken ad vantage of the bar gains offered in our Semi-Annual GlearanceSale All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MATS. Silks. Silks. The lines we offered at 25 cts. are about sold, ve have made up another handsome assort ment, the regular values be ing from 65 cts. to $1.00, that we offer at the uniform price of 50 Cents. Clothing. Our regular prices were very low, our goods were desirable and we did a large business. We are selling what we now have at 20 Per Cent. Discount. Why Go to Africa ? t. eek wealth in gold mines among savages and the un healthy climate of the Tiiics. Here at home is a mine of irreat richness, the returns sure and cer tain. Had you not I ictter invest in this r,old-Mim our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale All ioods Marked in I'lain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. Men's Shoes. Not the latest liint k1 t.ie hocs, we con fess; hut are just as :om1 for service and wear, nevertheless , and far moro com tortahle. "Were $1 and $"; now $2.50. Madras Curtains. Have your rooms look homo-lilce and cheerful. S't these handsome t'urtains in our show window ,' at 85 Cents. Swivel Silks. Tin choicest of the New Fahries made for this summer's use; now 47 1-2 Cents. Sou Idle Idjrl. Lai iiiriit we were sitting on the porch by the siJeof the Umatilla houie. our number S shoe resting on the rail ing, n inch or two higher than our bead, ami enjoying with all our poetic uui mitt inuui.ui. v 1 ii"' wuu ''-' txx'T 9 another: "'By what chemical reaction i "Yonr army has worked and has made is bee' and cabbage so lost from useful- j great progress. It is ready. If hy some, ness as to be changed into a Salvation : at present apparently impossible event, Army sermon?" We don't know. 1 it should find itself in the field against . the German army, nobody could foretell The heat yesterday was sinipiy oflen- ; the result of the battles. That is why I sive, for it staok its noe into everv- regard as a fool or a criminal any one who seeks to push the two people into SHERIFF'S SALE. buine, and that, too, on col lection day. It was more than offensive, it was insulting. I: reminded ns, as we penned the n?w venerable personal that war. ain, as the one swept into the winding canyon of the other ; while over them the western sky, flecked with patches of roee-jlored clonds. gave g'.owintr con trast to the sombre coloring of the ragged hills. Whether It wm the little .lui nf ,l.'i. ,fit nr Inn,, t h . . T . . . . , " 1,nS over. tnat tms WM onr t)U8-v ear' ! force the Taeonia fight meant defeat CmmU.a cool -as me .oucn 01 lh we couldn't spare the time to hie ,DV Washington city. The Jight in mmxM r- .ourselves, even on toot, to me macy stranger pew in me uanes to. ie:v trtmt .lrMDla jt hpokBnt Well Kixd- Wasiiim.tox. Jnlv SI. Spokane won everybody and h.s folks bad skipped for ; jn jtg figul for a public build the mountains or tae seaside, or onie- I'.t vtriii nf mi t'Twuttoii nnl nifr ii :W 1 ! nuvti out f 4 Irnut min of tin Mm nt rr 'n lor W rf.iniiy, upon tiwrvt n! jmlir i mtrnt niml;, rt'nrtr1!! nutl trul'rvej by aiii muM ; j 011 Hi- ;!M U:ty ni Mmy. hi fitvitr tf the j i-i.tintifT. in Hir.t wn n?m K Rtstncn ww I I pmintitt mihI irtf W iinU anJ Knnfy HhII a.rv iluieuilnitih, itiitl to m tlirtflti mid Ue j ltTtl, rtinniHinttii m to U-vy- uium and nil ttHr UnUit m:ntioiirl and d.-Tibi iu Mid writ, iind ht?tH'tf tr d'-riti. 1 did on the I-'lh duv 01 Jim l'M. duly Uvy upstit. nud wilt !) nt j 1 public u'tion t trie hisotttt tudder for cnii 111 hmid 4itt 1 he JKtft dHV m July. 14. t "J octork ! In thr HftriiMii o( Mid dv nt thf irunt dir of TIP YOU W-rV2STT (riKt riuucni. Sa.'c, or Dalles Military A'oaJ Lands, Thomas A. Hudson, Kuwwjt t TboTTihup" Ai HuiUm, 83 Washington St., THE DALLES. OR. ii vdii want ir.foTnntlon ronrmtnf (ovfm merit landt. or thk iw r:liitltit thTfto, you run foi:ult linn in- uf I'lmnrv ii- rib notdf rw in!:y of thii buNtn. mid ttnn pmi'tid bnion fort circle-; or wbetberuie i max gow ' that we couldn't epae the moner either, old DauBntier had been with ns and iide that it thawed oar thews and jiving 09 otue very interefiting remin- , ,jnnw.f anti mehed the laat clean collar ewenwt or whether our feet being jotjr Cbina washmjm bng ventnred to oniewhat abive ns as we hve stated, jtru9t us with. we do not know ; nut raajen:y ana ; without an instants warning a thought ; Aug. i . vr?gunian Ul liU i tn rtMintv nxi Houm- in Intli.-.. if, in W nmv I not on:V filte purt'hase Uionev, but rountv. wri. Ml f the lnnd mid irmi f tn- l uiwu MmU- Ind i.tfDf lor mvct U-ii jmTm Dere wnee ti.e mercury wasn t eiop- uwt or hr lm ildmr. An attmnt tniui....i.,.i He in Arnt Lot U, 4. mid mutiitvt junrtr ix of iiortiiwtt Mimrt'-f ' , j of nMtiiiu i?c r.,, 1. iirn ; hi one ill mlh. rauin lifU'en () ewt, M ixmLuinitiE I.,!," arrea uf Und. iluntetl, ' lylnir mid btinr in lnco rnnt, (ipf"ii, ti'tht!T itfa tliv U'mtmviitN, henlttmeniM nml t l)Vurt'nnntet thureunUi ltmjrjiiff or in nnv i wiennf ruininff.ornuniuch thrvtif nn xtnaii bi- , aufttoivnt ItrM'iaiy the bu in of lu with ntr- ; ent thereon at th- rnte of i per rent, slncr the :i1xt of Mav. lt. mid At attomevn ivr and iJL'.i' etwtM f n mil Mtitt limn't iwr 14 itl f h ihmI uiil I writ mid aeeniutc r.it of Mi?. I If yu wmut tm Harrow Money, Long; or Mfeort tliu Ivtolat Ihiltel itv.itrevon.JuiieJ'). A I iM. T. A UAKIi. rlff of W'ro enuty, irecou. 1 ;uii: progress over the river and also snjnmted to us ' rnntinnes. It is most!? harlior hill confined to Kastern projeets. Tliere is a prohabilitv that the bill will go over until tin- nett ...ca ion. AcrmMnt Beactil by Ravr aid Harbar Conferrc. therefore, lieing found, made a note of. . In years (one by John C. Fremont passed through this country, and in passing, had for a guide an Indian, ia digenous to this country just like the aalmon. and like them also, bearing the aauie o! ChincMik ; to which, perhaps to distinguish him from Judje Deady's aalmon, some un poetic whit" brother had prefixed the name of I'.illy. Bill" Chinook was the combination, lmg after Fremont had discovered the bum- j ble-bee on the summit of the Tioeky Visn;cToi, Aug. 1 office, Corcoran building. v Polph had a rather hard struggle, but he lias j Brown, Mr C C pulled out of the conference committee Iepel, D with all the Oregon appropriations in the river and harbor bill. Practically an aire-nient to that effect has been reached, and the agreement will prob ably be reported tomorrow. The amount for a boat railway at The Italle has been reduced to 100,0CK, but I)olph says that will be sufficient to aitjuire the right of way and begin the work. Following is the list of letters remain ing in tiie postoflice at The Dalles un called lor Friday August :;d, lrtvu. Persons calling for same will give date has ' nn which ther wer mitTr1ieHl - CmiiTKiur. .iul mn a.! vou l,nuliis. or l n lmprtTJ Air-i(Milturul Ijtudw In anv quantity il-airvd. and w:ll wid a fHntphlet diirrihtu i... land tn anyone applying Ut hitn lir It. A lit-1 Afit iiw aa'r nl lot In T ana ran Ann I Tina UiThr Imiln. Thla Addition la laid off Ml arrr lota, and tlvatmed to tw tn tirlneliJ rval dic part of thr eity. Only 'J mlnolm wain Irum tourtnoua. 10 miuutra lnmi U. U iwpot. HiiUra l.wratd mm Gavanimiut Lanila. k mum aoattanada,t yaa. Writa Tin, Llfs, aad Aecldant laaaraaoa. If yea caaant all, writ, and yoar Irttra will h proanptly tair4. Notice of Final Settlement Kati The main thing is to have it started. ' ' - T i . it i or n.'.r...... 1.... I ... moantams, corralled Cainornia, married i ,. ' r. T T . ,, , T.,. , main undisturt-ed. Washington is also' Jeesie Benton and become famous, Bidy ; , . B , . . ... , . i fortunate. Everv increase made bv tne took auto himself a wife, and in the I . " , ... ,. . . , , senate remains in the bill, as also does course of time died. i esterdav we saw . , . . ' , . . . ,. . ,. f .,, . . . the provision made for tne Lakes Union i his relieet or relic Mn. Billv Chinook ! . ' .... i.. . ,. ". T ) and Washington a aterwav. TheOrejtoni that was. Mie was standme in McId-I , ... , . , . ... . , . - . " I'..', .u itw.vyiir mirj (Celine atrav m aYnra, tnrinv unmet ininna!nBnl lac) to attach to some portion of her Cronin. Miss Imty. Mathxw a' Egan, Ian (2; Fjikin, Mr W C Eagle Woolen Mill Eglund, Mr Cal Co, Crimes, Monroe Grin.e. C M iordon. Mm Cirace linnbert, Mr Ileum Landes. Mr Wm Helmer, Mrs I Cose Hughes, M Johnson, .Ian J Martin, M Mjcrdon,Mia Male Mahon, Mr IVunis Moore, Mr Waih Moore, Wm A Moore, Mr II W Nye. M C I'atteriMin. Mr HnIi wanirer, K f-waey. Mrs Joa snvder, i W Seietzv. Mr Frank Weigie, Mr I C Weed, Mr J A Wood, Mr Geo Wood. Ad.lie C Young, W F M. T. Xoi as, P. M. Familiar ixecs tn (i a t7i' of the Ntti- tierhy civn that iv an ord I onnty t on rt of the. suit of (r-uon inr ftiwn poimty. ijiailt- an t entered lain v.iiu tlx of June. l"i. In the mtitt'T oj ttm e!tate of W HUnm II . V!l.n, deeMl. o- lay. Julv lvn. nt tnr j I hour nf lit o ei.K A. M.. fixrfl a the time , i mid the i omtty i ourt KMm ot aid iiMintr an i the iiiifT tor tii' hi-arm? of tin- ftuul afeotiiit 01 I ; e'eetitor the lMit will and tetfnm?iit nf aid nef-.m'wnj. al pi ' Ui nid httai aeeoiint and t md estate arc dir-eit t . and iiM:e. ttiii and tn re to -now rmu-. If any I there be, why aid final aeHint fh-niid not U .rnv-d and atl ut- etll-il ; C. K. BAYAKD, t l.att Special Agnt dtnrral JaiiuI Offie. Plate J. K. BAHNKTT junl DBctx-d. eft? Barnett, COLLECTION ACENCY. Ill NTINOT'lV. Ilxwulnr. NOTICE FOU Pl'WJCATIOX. NOTA11Y PUBLIC. bridal rubes, for she had ceased to mourn for Billy and had taken unto her. elf a handsome young fellow of her tribe, who was not bom when Billy and : her were one. very jubilant. Oregon has a $4U0,(W0 I increase, nearly double the amount in i the Lou?e bill, with the entire amount for the completion of the work at the '' mouth of th- Columbia. Ij!ph says i boats will be passing over the dalle of the Columbia in four years. Jlaj f.alld a Caclfic anl- Momtkeal. One.. Aug. 1. The out- ! It ", Ma'"u" J' ralt b ban. 1 I.AD iwci, Th Iialln.. r.,i Parties ha vine I'roiKrrtT tliev wiith to S.dl ir Trade, llmuu-a tn lJi-nL or liurinethedoir-dav season th-drain of I ' '""i''"t hayinit ln mtiw'ti ihi-n'mi' Alwtrnrt of Title furbished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. . ." ' i hy Jubann o fiachr arninxt the nMra at law of nervous ami vital energy may be w iiiwin m. Murj.in. ii,-.-i. un aiaidonins i counteracted by the nse of Aver s ! i ". ,in the v,is'I '" Vn.i n" ' V" I", ' v " v"lk" spc.altj -f tlie prowtcution of Claim and (utert arnnr!I!ii In mi.ifi ,,. l. a l.!.-.l ; : ; r I a purifying the blood, it acts a a snerbeorreciive and tonic. and enaliea the system to defy m alaria! and other climatic influence?. hi liomt-ad I nt-v. So. tvri, daltl KctoiiT V. al,11 ,l upon the S .rK1.. an'i N'h'..n. 1 T I N. Ii 10 K. In vCaaro iimity. ur.ff'n.with i a viar t.i tlie caiMllatlon of aaid entry; tn Mid purtHTi am brr?by aunimimii tt aijr at : Tne lmll. iirraim. on tlif Hth dv ol Julv. 1 l-"l. at eio A. M., to mpimd anil (nrm.'li U-.tiniony ruc.rrntur anid allvl nltndon- , ui.;nt. JOHN u. I.KWiH. ; J1IH h.lt.T. i - i sft.alfy of tlie prowtcution U-fore the Unit-p States Innd of Clnim Otfico. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATION". mr.laint b- I-sd im-r. The J in h.-!! ntrrii IShe Is a handsome woman yet, as handsome goes in that connection. That, however, was not the thought that ' break of war between Japan and China truck ns wbicn was something like has revived interest in the proposed this: Billy Chinook was Fremont s i Pacific ocean cable between Vancouver guide, Billy died and Mrs. Billy married, j and Japan. C. K. Hosmer, general Kow snppose in twenty years Mrs. Billy ! manager of telegraphs of the Canadian dies, Mrs. Billy's widower, after twenty Pacific railway said in an interview to years more, marries a young tijuaw and j day that sufficient progress had been in the course of time Mrs. Billy- second made financially in 1H9I for nnitin huslxtnd die. Then this widow carries , through this scheme, had the Japanese Vn(J fif I Jm:u',cirtc T'nnl i out this plan, marrying a young buck j government rven it the assistance that i 1'Ui'" Ul AGnillJISiniiOr S filial ACOOIIIIL who outiives her and soon for ten or was expected of them. He believes the twelve generations. What relation will j present war will extend to other nations ' .,. lvrn tt,t , this last woman be to the original Billy j in the far East, and that it will result in 1 n,n,'"""f of tn. .-.int. .,; nrriti omim. rt.- Chinook? Tha im.Mm i. iA l ' .1.- I. t-...r. u. .:.. ..I 7!rrL""" ...ini of th- a.iml,,,.. Jiafh J. '. iimiii tn F' KW . N u and mv., mi;,, b.. i. jp. D. ft i, k. In IS awo ( ourily. (reffou. with a view to thn eeontion of mid entry. Ih Mid fmrliM ar hrr.. I.y ti!iim(,iiHl to anrar at tni. orti- on in. Ivth dT of hrpt-mtrr. 1-.. at In ocl..k a m.. lo rr-rond and fnrni.h tHtini". y cuicTiiiii anid li-.l aiKind'tuin' t. K. l Muitt. I . om rni"iorir. I authorizxl to u l.-nlimcu.' at A tioj-, iiptiii, on R.-pu-Mlrr l.tli, l-.l. at l('irt a. iu. Jn. r. M.kiUK. h.ei.nr. -rr-M GQlomBia pacKlng oil, d at lint nflirr I PACKERS OF Pork and Beef ! L manufaciurers Farlev cfc Soiwworf to L. D. Frank , deceased. ) OF ALL - K1ITIJ8 . OT HarnBsses! somenow u iinses us inat the , Japan, China or Australia, as the ex brevet widow of Billy Chinook onght to ' isting cables pass through so many for jtave pension or a pappooae, or some thing to ihow that the government was I tions are likely to arise at any moment not ongratelul. j jhe diiUn.re from Vancouver to Japan j is 3,600 miles. A cable is estimated to And then what ia this thought bust- cost les than M.OW.IXiO. mm anyway? Bob IngeroIl, who has! mm f-r TmmZm aid many foolisblT good things, tracing t , , th.h. .1.- .11 l'u:i, July 31.-Thecurrent nnmlr j, , , , , j of F.evne ds Deux Monde conUins an lfir of tl...i .M...- I (.out of tl, i.tt.' of (,n, for W an onnty ; and tnat wid ' onrt ha.. apta.intMt 10 o.'l a ru ' o X mitay.itriinnWT jrf, . brtnr thr ftnt day eign countries w here serious com plica- ' th- yar i-.t. at tn- onnty onrt iiimv in imwrn ny. nn-mn. ao tne time and pla.. for t hriur of ofiirttona to am.li luial arrount and tn Ft'imnt tmrrmf. Tiii noticp . f,tirlMnl bv ofl. ,f .aid Comity court mn l" and cnU- rd Julv .Ttl,. wi J. W. I iiSIhiN. AdininiMtrauir. A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. (Fine Lard and Sausages, eepaieiko pbomptly .nd neatly tjons- wnolcsale ani Ectail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Wbips, Horse Blankets, Etc. Full Assortment of Mexican Saddlery Plain or Stamjcfl. rKCOM) STREET T,,E DALLE,S (JB JiAMTrACTrKKKs Of Curers of BRAND uiBai, ersxlrts it to food. lie shows how food the foul of the human engine, is trans, formed into biood; how the blood acts apon and supports the brain, and how the brain evoltes tbongbt. "By what wonderful alchemy of nature," said he, "was food traasformed into the divine tragedy of Hamlet?" This is another problem too deep for us; bnt we csn answer it, Yankee like, by asking an- aecount of an interview had by Jules 8inion with the German Emperor in Berlin in WK), when Pinion was attend ing the international conference on social qiieatioos. Simon in alluding to the probability of aar ljetween France and Germany, aid tuat th" majority of the French were for tce. The em- fiero', plied : shaking wi:h impartiality, te- FOR SALE OR TRADE A FINE IwroKTKIi Freccli Fercbsron Mm, WeiCht tn ;ut, prrtjn'l. find ur' Fl tKX. yS i) (rf rrtU Tit r Ifh f A"lr Kerr & Buckley.! rras Vallev, Or. ' Dried Beef, Etc. W. H. YOUNG, ! BiacKsmitu & wagon shop i - -. i General Elacksmithinj and Work d.wie ( promptly, and all work Gnarantel. Horse Shoeing a Speciality THirt Street opD.Licse'jeldStaci!. THE DALLES LUMBERING CO. X NtORPORATED IHHO No. 07 Washington Stkeet. The Dalles Wholesale and Retail DeaU?rs and Mauuiacturers of W i a a. Uf JUlcml iod luMinirjo Tmbfr. ikmn Vir,l,a. VU ikn r:.i :r.- Ft ( .., muiuiMg.-), iiuiua ruruuuiuga, w Srecial Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and Fish Boxes and Packing Cases. DRY Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delirered to any part of the city,