The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 04, 1894, PART 2, Image 3

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Weekly Ghronlele.
Clubbing List.
Tb, Ciao" i .. nii:n ""
, trek, hu made arrangement to
lib''1' t,ie ,ollowin' Plication, and
KrcuUr Our
prw irti
$2.o0 11.75
3.00 2.00
. s.oo 2.;r.
VtiiluwU) ! Daily.
Tnuiorrow it collection day, the sad-
jrtt dav of all the
rhoae ttairins to chip fruit in the car
...i made op today, will find Mr.
Bnn, ho ln toarge ' tllB epri
opt. at tlie I'uiatilla honae.
i fine run of tifC Chinook is on the
. -i i.i i. i
t 0p I'" river inu miuum rni.ii iintp
Friday or Saturday . The finhermeu
ill only have ''''' to gather them in,
u the clone M'tain begins on the 10th. wople suffering from that tirej
baling were lfore the city recorder tliia
siornii'g. explaining just what made
ibfui weary, and in the end they were
ind V e' i. which they wiii work out.
TV Columbia is still twenty-five feet
.hove low water luark here. The up
per end of the lower wharf i beginning
to show , and au addition ia being built
to It to that team ran hereafter turn on
that wharf, which will be a great con
ference. tiovernor I'cnuoyer and ttute freas-
urcr Mi tw lian are It be, or were at the
Tjixkn today for the purpose of examin
ing the state portage road and urrang
iaj for having it put in running order.
The damage ia comparatively slight, and
tbe expenditure of a thousand dollar
will probably tuake it a good a new.
Mr. Willis Brown, representing the
Oregon Fruit Union, ia In the city, and
engaged in getting a carload of truit for
hipment east, which he will probably
do today. The idea of tiie anion ia to
hip directly to the dealer in the F.ast,
and no avoid commission. The result
of the experiment will I awaited with
considerable interest.
Last evening Marshal Blakeney and
Sight Watchman Oihon found a weary
citizen al timbering in a dry goods box
mar llarria' corner. In order not to
durtarb hie drania, being tender-heart-td
ople, they juat picked the box op
continta and all, and walked up to the
city jug m ith iL The sleer was quietly
rullml into r bunk, and the box brought
back and net for another one.
The O. IL A N. has notified the mana
ge of the I. I". & A. N. that no trans
fers will be made after today, aa the
road will l opeped throuiih to 1'Ortland.
The work of repaiiing the line hat been
puttied to completion in remarkably
hurt time, and the reault ia largely due
to the effort of Superintendent Borie.
Mr. I'.orie excel in auch work, grasping
all thv detail at a glance, and o man
aging Unit tho work round ui. and i
completed all at once. Mr. McSeil
made a wise detection in making Mr.
Bone auiierintesdent of the system.
TlmnMl .
Mr. MetM-han tell u thestate portage
will be put in condition to handle freight
in a lew daya, and that permanent re
pair will be made at ouce.
Thf n.oiiUr nmaaeturer trail! Came
r- g
through from I'ortland last night, mak
ing a transfer juat below Mosier. Thia
ia the CrHt train through from the went
lime about the 2Mb of May.
There wprn three arrests last night,
all the partie having been too pugnac
ious. One was discharged, one lined
and one had fail caac continued until to
morrow. The trnble all occurred in
the Kant Knd.
The Regulator will make her regular
trip Sunday leaving The Ialle nt 7
o'clock. The trip to the Caacadea at
tin time of the year ia a delightful one,
and aa it atforda un opportunity to get
awav mm Mi inHvt. Hhnma oeiatceo au-
vantaire nt.
Mr. J. A. tTowen'n commiaiion a
pontuittHter of thia city arrived thia
norniiig. He will take charge of the
fliee next Monday iiioi ning, and for a
time at leant will keep the ollice where
"tin. Mr. Chittenden will be the dep
uty, ahich j an appointment that will
pleane everybody.
We wore warned about moving down
into thia neighborhood but of couae paid
no attention to tho matter, but aince we
oat a 22.50 check thi morning and
aUo minted one of our oearent neighbor
at the lame time, it begins to look at
though our friend knew what they
were talking about.
The aprina at Collin landing will be
ready for bumneM in about week. 4.1
pretK nt the Columbia cover them. Mr,
T. I'. Cram, who Una been there for two
' three week, came up laat night, and
ill retnrn tomorrow. He i much Im
proved in health, and report the colony
of camper there, well and happy.
No aooner did Weather OUerver I'ogue
I" off for a few day' holiday, and 8. M.
landlord get in charge, than the
weather got away from him and aui h a
hot apell aa would fit in in the middle
tate fell on u. The reeult i that
collection day for the once ia hotter for
thoae doing the collecting than it tmuaMy
ia lor thoae doing the paying.
And fctill the wool conn in. More
than 200 aack have been received thi
week, but aince it ha become poaaible
to get treight over the portage tho ahip
ueuta are exceeding the receipt. There
ia an ocean of it around the warchonaea
but it will all toon get a move on. Itnv
er are numerona, and the price puid
are, we iN-llcve, the higheat of any in
The O. K. A N. ha put the price of
hauling freight over the AVaidiington
Krtugo up to ;ger ton. It has done
thia limply liecaiiM) it could, and to
cinch the P. I'. A A. N". The latter
company took down i lot of wool venter
day, but rather than pay the price
which ia of couree a prohibitory one,
the freight waa hauled over the portage
in wagona.
Collection have been uniiaually good
today, indicating that money i getting
eaaier and much more plentiful. For
that matter The Dalle is today the best
ituated financially of any city in the
aUte. Our fi,000,000 pound of ool,
which has gone into our warehouse,
has brought money here, and though
the price has lecn low, the enormous
amount haa resulted in whole Iota of big
The regular aubacription price of the
Wikklv Cutosici.E is 1.50 and the
regular price of the Wkekly (Ihcoman
iafl.riO. Any one subacribing for Tin
Ciiuoniclc and paying for one year in
advance can get both Tux Ciikomci.k
and the Wttki V Oim.nvus for $2.00.
All old auhacriliers paying their ub
acription a year in advance will be en
titled to the HUie offer.
The rejiort comes today tliut an at
tempt wus made laat night to dig up
the bone of General Jackson. What
auyone could want with the bones ot
the old hero is a question, unless, in
dued, it was some sore-hearted demo
crat who wanted to exhibit them to the
party's representatives ia Washington, i
If the old chieftain were alive hia pres
ence might do aonie good, but it would
take more than his honored bones
to stir democracy even to a feeling of
Individually we don't care how much
affection the handaome young ladies of
this charming little city ahow for one
another, but we draw the line at tbeir
kiasing each other while we are aronnd.
1-ant night party of these who bad
been off camping, met a lot of the little
dreams in dimity that hadn't, and when
with little gurgles of joy their arms went
around each other, Vnd lip met lip with
a lound like the exhaust of a bath tab,
we leaned over the taffrail and wiahed
we were a glr!.
This, from the I'endleton Tribune,
sounds like the Vet with the wool on :
"What's the matter with I'end'eton?
A faro bank was bursted by gamblers
last evening, and there is talk of locat
ing a distillery in this city. If those
two items don't speak volumes for lively
times, then the business thermometer
la out of plumb. There was so much
excitement around the fro game a r
son could scarcely get within 10 feet of
the table. The 'rubber-ueckers' got the
full worth of their money."
Frtdny loily.
lloat wanted, for ten days. Inquire
at this oftice.
Yesterday would have been a splen
did day to take a bnggy ride intide of
the street sprinkler.
The weft-bound paasenger came in
this morning shortly after 7 o'clock but
with rather a small number of passen
There was a slight sprinkle of rain
about daylight this morning, not enough
to dampen tbe ground but just enough
to make pretty little freckles in the dust.
It was sinfully hot yesterday ; so sul
try and close that even the dogs left the
streets and crowded into some secluded
spot, where they could pass the day
without their pauts.
Yesterday afternoon the city marshal
gathered in three individuals suffering
apparently from sunstroke as they were
lying in the alley and utterly uncon
scious. They all recovered after a night
in the jug.
We are told the thermometer at
G rants yesterday registered 100 in the
shade, and men woikli.g on the aectiou
tell us that in the sand cuts about Celilo
it was like an oven aud they had to
quit work there.
Although it was quite sultry thi
morning the hot wave has probably
swept by. Clouds have come up from
the west, and the breer.e has also shifted
around, and what there is of it is coming
from that direction.
The steamer Columbia plying ou the
upper Columbia river between Kevel
stoke. B. C. and North port Wash.,
caught lire at 1:30 Wednesday night
and was entirely nestroyed. bhe was a
fine boat costing about $76,000.
From present indications the county
in,W,u.dni will be reduced iu rouud
,....t.r il.1.000 this year. Thednlin
onent tax list is quite large, and If this
. . 1 1 1 1.
a collected closely the reuueuon win vm
fully op to the amount named. The
county judge and commissioner deierve
commendation for their good wora.
Yesterday live men who had been
working for the O. il. A X. were dis
charged at Arlington, and undertook to
come to I ho Pnllea to get their lime
check cashed. They mailH i
rait and -
atarted down the river, but mi (lie way
one of them fell off ami w:i drow ned.
The state (mrtagn road ix beiug put hi
condition for handling freight, uud al
though a portion of the lower incline i
gone the transfer will lie made over it
tomorrow. The (. K. A X. did not act
handsomely towards the D. 1. A A. X.
Co. concerning the use of tho Washing
ton ortage, out the inconvenience the
latter were put to did not lat long.
A man named T. S. Moore was killed
near Hood Kiver yesterday afternoon
about 2:30 o'clock. He waa working on
the pile driver und was under a bridge
putting on some brace, when the "nig
ger head" fell from the pile driver,
striking him on the head and crushing
hi skull. iKH-eHtfd lived in the Mt.
Hood settlement at the head of Hood
river valley. He leaves a wife and two
The county clerk's office for the month
of July shows receipts from civil bugi
nem of $164.40. This amount was col
lected and turned over to the treasurer,
and will go a long ways towards paying
the salaries of the office. There is no
doubt but that the new law will save
the county, in the clerk's and sheriff's
offices, in the neigh borhood of $."000 a
Judge lilukeiey has made arrange
ments for having a cement floor laid in
the vault where the records are kept
and also in the jail corridor. He has
also lieen considering the advisabilitv of
having the jail ceiling covered with a
net work of steel rods. As there 19
nothing but the planter and tin root be
tween the prisoners and liberty. This
is almost a necessity.
S rolt ShlprarnlM.
Mr. Willis Brown will have a carload
ot fruit ready for shipment F.ast, to
morrow night. The lot is made up by
seven or eight of our fruit-growers, who
put in from 100 to 200 boxes. Mr. A.
H. Jewett of White Salmon will also
furnish 100 or more boxes. Tbe experi
ment will be closely watched, and its
success or failure should not be meas
ured by tbe price but by the cost of
transportation and getting them into the
Land of the retail dealer, and also by
the relative price obtained ; that is to
ay, if the cost of sale is at a minimum,
and the price obtained is tbe best in the
market, then no matter whether there
is a cent in the busines or not, it is a
success as an experiment; but such a
success a to demonstrate that we can
not ship fruit East, only under
peculiarly good market. Otherwise if
tbe best prices tbe market affords are
not obtained, then the Oregon Fruit
Union and its plans must be set down as
Tl Meeting- Ut NIkM.
The meeting last night to take steps
toward sending a hose team to Oregon
City was attended by some of the best
and most energetic citizens of the town.
Promptly at 8;30 the doors were opened
to the spacious and well lighted council
chambers, but the large and good-na
tured crowd were enjoying the cool even
ing air and discussing the proposition,
so that lor a lew moments no loouan
disturbed the stair, or foot sank ankle
deep iu the Persian rugs that cover the
otherwise ragged floor. At 9 o'clock the
crowd still showed no desire of getting
up stairs, and Mr. Locbbead proposed
an adjournment line Deo, which was
unanimously carried. Those present
beside Mr. Lochhead were Mr. Harry
Clough, Mr. Brown, Mr. Mcluerny, an
other gentleman and the reporter. It
wus a fine crowd, what there was of it .
About Thru Tlufl.
A covered wagon passed through tow n
this morning, bearing a eerie of legend
about hard times, "$1.25 a bushel for
wheat," and several other signs in w hich
tbe owner of the outfit registered his
opinion of politics and conditions. Out
of curiosity we examined the outfit, find
ing that the wagon contained some bed
ding, two rocking chair and a few other
bouse comforts, and we reached the con
clusion that a man w ho could leave the
harvest fields, to go berry picking and
take bis parlor lurniture along, would
find hard times it wiieat was worth $ a
busnel and wool $1 a pound. The times
are bard, but they are here, and w ill not
he bettered cither by repining or hunt
ing a job in a rocking chair.
Fire at Whlta Salmon.
Mr. J. K. Warner of White Salmon
met with a serious loss Monday evening
by fire, his barn, with forty tons of bay,
two horses, harness and a wagon and
two calves being bnrned. Besides this
there was quite a quantity of freight be
longing to people In Camas Prairie
stored in the barn, and this wus also
destroyed. We have not been abU to
learn the cause of the fire. The total
loss, exclusive of the freight mentioned,
il about $2,000, on which there is some
Card of Tbaaka.
We desire to sincerely thank all the
kind friends who offered their help and
sympathy in our late deep bereavement.
Mas. R. C. Bbvnc ado Chii.okev.
A Moath 1 Hall Hual.
A sail boat waa noticed at one of Sa
lem wharfs today that at once attract-
"'e 'ttentiun of the reporter. The
"stranger is a craft with o-toot beam
and 20-foot keel, neatly fitted out, with
all the neeesititiea for camping attached.
Our inquiring led ns to learn that the
matter of the ship were Kdward O.
I'atterson and a Mr. Fisher of The Dalle.
Patterson is the son of J. M. Patterson,
cashier of the First Xational bank of
The Palles, anj a gnndson of G. Q.
(iray of this, city. These young men
left The Dalle two weeks ago last Mon
day and they expect to be gone on the
trip a month. They have sailed all the
way, excepting from the mouth of the
Yamhill they took a steamboat for
Salem, as the wind died out on them.
Xext Friday they will leave Salem for
Astoria and then return to their home.
Their mode of rusticating is an odd one,
but interesting. The scenery along the
Columbia river is grand, beyond de
scription, and they are loud in their
praise of the grandeur of the riven of
Oregon. Salem Independent.
Mont Ha Sold.
Several beautiful upright pianos, dif
ferent grades. I now offer for sale all
my new and second-hand pianos at a
great sacrifice, regardless of cost.
Twenty-five dollars cash at time of pur
chase and on installments of $10 per
month. For cash five percent discount.
All pianos are marked in plain figures,
and as I have but a few of them, they
will sell fast ai the price offered. There
fore, if you want one ot these fine in
struments do not delay, but call early
Monday morning, August fth, at I. C
Xickelsen's music and book store,
Second street. This sale, commencing
on that date, is instituted for the pur
pose of making room for new style and
to raise money to purchase fall and win
ter goods. The sale, therefore, will con
tinue till all arc sold.
t'entervlll Baracd.
A fire broke out in Harvey'i black
smith shop at Centerville, Wash., about
3:30 thia morning and burned all that
portion of the tow a south of the road
before it quit. Among the buildings
burned were the two hotels, a warehouse
belonging to Croflon Bros, and about a
dozen residences, fourteen or fifteen
buildings in all. The fire occurring in
the nigbt, the inhabitants bad no
knowledge of it until it had gotten such
a start that nothing could be done. Tbe
residents got out, many of them with
nothing but their night clothes, and
buildings and contents were a total loss.
There is no doubt some insurance but
neither that nor the value of property
deetroved can be learned today.
A Little Hugcy.
The Salem Statesman is one of the
brightest of our exchanges and the copy
we received this morning was certainly
the liveliest, for it contained a small,
but energetic bedbug, with his diminu
tive hide filled with rich red blood,
which be or sh" had imbibed either in
Salem or or. tho way op. We are able
to know tbis because ou this side of the
range everybody is blue blooded. After
examining the Lng sufficiently to estab
lish the fact that it was a tenderfoot, we
jabbed it in the small of the back with
our mighty shears, spreading its gory
form over the paper and giving color to
the statement that "a horse kicked J.
S. Shufer in the Freemyre bouse."
Applying ' Work.
Has F'kamisco, July 31. There are
500 vacancies to be filled in the depart
ment of the railroad service at West
Oakland, presided over by Master
Mechanic William McKenzie and Mas
ter Car Kepairer W. 15. Ludlow, and
there are ovot 200 applicants for the
positions, The applications are on file
in Superintendent Wilder' office, and
it ia expected that today the successful
applicant for work w ill be notified to
report for duty. The positions referred
to embrace the machine shops, black
smith shops, boiler t hojs, car shops and
shiDvards. There would have been
more applications, but many of the
strikers who became prominently identi
fied with the cause of the American
Railway Union have given up all hope
of getting back into the employ of tho
company, aud have not drawn up their
Kerun tv Indora Clevcland'a Ad
ministration. St. Paul, A"g. 1. Some time ago the
democrats of Minnesota issued an ad
dress standing by the president and de
nouncing the 12 United States senators
as Benedict Arnolds. Today at a meet
ing of the democratic state central com
mittee, attended by many of the men
who issued the celebrated address, a
resolution commending the president
for his stand on the tariff in his letter
to Mr. Wilson and indorsing the action
of the house on the tariff bill, wag tabled
by the overw helming vote of 20 to 3.
Some of the memU-rs of the committee
explained that they voted against the
resolution in the interest of harmony.
A resolution opposing fusion with the
populist was unanimously adopted.
To prevent the hardening of the sub
cutaneous tissueu of the scalp and the
obliteration of the hair follicles, which
cause baldness, use Hall'i Hair Re
new er.
Joles, ollips rj Qo.
arc? 0u?r tl?e porta
with a fresh stock of Groceries. In
our large stock of General Merchan
dise we have many special bargains in
BACON, (Klickitat)
390 to 394 Second Street.
Kmm our regular correspondent.
Washington, July 27, 1894.
Republicans have been astonished at
the extent of the demoralization in the
democratic ranks, as exposed by public
confessions of leading democrats during
the past week. The democratic senators
have held two caucuses, but have
reached no more definite conclusion than
to order a renewal of the conference on
the tariff bill, and as three democratic
senators Hill, Murphy and Irby re
fused to attend either of these caucuses
the outlook tor the endorsement of the
conference agreement, even supposing
that one can be reached, ia far from
bright. Should those three democratic
votes be cast against the agreement
tariff legislation at thia session would be
deader tan a last year's bird's nest. It
is not believed that any agreement can
get through the house that does not
modify the sugar schedule, not to men
tion coal and iron ore, and the Louisiana
senator have given notice that they will
vote against any agreement that makes
the sugar schedule less favorable to. the
sugar planters of their state than it was
when the bill passed the senate.
Mr. Cleveland's attempt to boss the
tariff-smashing job, has made a terrible
mess of it, and Don Dickinson, the man
who is credited with having persuaded
him into it, is getting almost as much
abuse from democratic senators as is
being given to Mr. Cleveland himself.
There are said to be a considerable
number of democrats in the house who
are in favor of accepting the senate
amendments, but if that be true they
are keeping very quiet about it. The
republicans are very well satisfied with
the situation as it stands. It is entirely
a democratic fight, and will continue to
be such until the conference reports
some sort of an agreement ; then the re
bublicam of both house and senate,
particularly the latter, may have an
opportunity to put in some licks that
may decide the fight, and tbe opportun
ity will not be lost, if it occurs.
There is more than the misnamed
"raw-materials" at stake in the fight
between the free tradedemocrats, headed
by Mr. Cleveland, and the protect-my-own-interests
democrats, headed by Sen
ator Gorman. Free "raw materials" is
the rallying cry that Mr. Cleveland has
adopted to force his nomination for the
presidency for the fourth time by the
democratic party. This fact is fully
known by Senator (iorman and tbe dem
ocratic senators who are associated with
him, and makes them all the more de
termined that Mr. Cleveland shall not
have his way. Senator Hill is also fully
cognizant of Mr. Cleveland's little game
and bis pretended support of the presi
dent is merely to keep the fight up by
stirring up the (iormanites, whom he
has had no love for since their desertion
of him at a critical period during the
Chicago convention, in order that he
may get Cleveland downed and out of
the w ay as a candidate. It is well known
that Senator Hill will not vote for the
bill, no matter whether Cleveland or
Gorman wins, as long as the income tax
ia retained therein, and neither side Is
likely to strike it out.
Senator Cafi'ery of Louisiana this week
did what the senate investigating com
mittee has so far failed to do proved
that the sugar trust dictated the sugar
schedule of the senate tariff bill. Mr.
Caffery said the schedule was not satis
factory to the Louisiana senators, but
that Senator Gorman compelled them to
choose between it and tree sugar a pro
vided for in the original Wilson bill.
A photograph of an order for the pur
chase of sugar stock, signed by Senator
Camden of West Virginia, I in the pos
session of the senate investigating com
mittee. Mr. Camden claims that his
signature is a forgery gotten up for
blackmailing purposes, but it seems a
little odd that a comparatively poor
man should have been selected by the
alleged blackmailers when there are so
many rich men in tbe senate. It ia
said that if the committee succeeds in
getting the corroboration testimony, it
has a reason to expect that impeach
ment proceedings against Senator Cam
dem, and at least one other democratic
senator, will almost certainly be com"
menced, if there are not some resigna
tions. Cas.
Mr. Hal French, who has been spend
ing a few weeki at tbe seaside, returned
last night.
Mr. J. A. Soesbe, after a busy day in
The Dalles, left for home, Hood Kiver,
this morning.
Mn. J. O. Mack and daughter, Mabel,
left for California this morning to re
main a month or more.
Mr. G. A. Hardy, formerly operator
for the Western Union Telegraph Co.
in this city, is op from Portland visiting;
friends. ,
Pert George and Charley Campbell,
who have been surveying at the Warm
Springs for the past two months, ar
rived here today.
Homer Angel, Perry Iiurham and
M Ksping left thia morning for Cloud
Cap Inn. They will also take in tbe
headwaters of Hood river to sample the
fish and pheasants.
Superintendent Borie was in the city
this morning.
' Professor C. L. Gilbert came up from
Hood River last night.
Mr. W. M. McCorkle, of the Tygh
Valley flouring mills, paid us a visit to
day. Sheriff Driver arrived home from
Salem last night, having placed hia in
sane man Morrall safely in the asylum.
Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Tack man and
their children and Miss Thompson will
start for Trout lake tomorrow morning;
for a few weeks' outing.
M. W. Obarr of Ashland, after a visit
of several days to relatives here, during;
which time he was the guest of Mrs. J.
Obarr, left for home this morning. .
Misses Caddie Booth, Annette and
Myrtle Michel! and Messrs. Frank Gar
re I son and Will F redden returned from
a camping trip near Hood River last
Governor Pennoyer and State Treas
urer Metschan, after examining the state
portage road at the Cascades yesteiday.
came up on the Regulator to take a look
at The Dalles.
Mrs. L. 8. Davis went to Portland
this morning.
Miss Morgan and Miss Heisler of
Sinemasho school are visiting friend and
relatives in Dufur.
Mr. Prinz and family were passengers
on the Regulator this morning bound
for Collins Landing.
M. George McCoy came up from Port
land last night on his wav to the big ir
rigation ditch near Wapinitia.
Mr. J. W. Armsworthy. of the Wasco
News, is in the city. He made ns a
pleasant visit, and when we said wheat
he smiled like Colfax and told ns hlier
man county would have 2,000,000 bush
els. Mr. Julius Baldwin, a Dalles boy, wlw
learned the art preservative in the old
Wasco Sun oftice, and who Is at present
foreman in the Walla, Walla Union
Journal office, aa well aa one of the pro
prietor! of that paper, arrived on the
west-hound train thi morning, and il
shaking hands with his many friend
here. Ha it accompanied bv Mr. Ar
thur K. French of Dayton, Wash., for
merly an employee in this office. They
will procure a small boat here and take
a camping trip down the river for a
couple of weeki.
In this city, Friday morning, August
3d, to the wife of F. J. Clarke, a ion.