The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 04, 1894, PART 2, Image 1

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Tbe House and Senate Each Claiming
a Victory.
ups ami Chinese Picparini; fur a
Simple-I'lMtliind Has a I)is
nsiroiiH Fire.
Ilia oudltlon r Hi 'Inria Itill.
WAHiiiNiiTos, Aug. 1. Active negoti.
ationa urn proceeding loth in the turiir
conference and in influential quarters
ootide to bring about h complete agree
ment on Hi" turiir hill, nd the prodic
tiun iff made that the end in near at
hand. It is denied w ith emphasis on
the house side thnt the Semite sugar
schedule i' 'id the senate rate on iron
will prevai , nd the house lie corn pen
sated hy a re. irocity clause on coal. It
is stilted the m.'sr schedule w ill not be
that tixed hy the senate, nor the free
ungtir '( the house bill, hut a middle
(round. Friends of the administration
my there is n good prospect that the
president's insistence on free raw mate
rial will receive substantial recognition
and deny as impossible all reort that
any agreement ,,us nee., win um u,
rcptiiiB the senate rate on coal and ir.
The democratic conferees were together
again two hours today, and at the cloe j
of the meeting the houw member ex- I
t L i 1 : . . I
pressed the cuun confidence of a speedy
settlement that they had after the meet
ing yesterday. The senate conferees
can lie induced to say but very little.
One said there are more indications of
reaching an understanding than there
hitherto has Ihhiii.
linker City atlnuul flunk l.ed.
lUkKK City, Aug. 1. The door of the
tinker City National bank failed to open
this morning. Cashier Illake states that
!he sn.teuslon was brought about by
the Chase National bank of New York
applying funds on dexit to the amount
due on a loan w ithout notice, and an un
expected run of depositors who were
alarmed over the failure of the Arling
ton hank, J. K. Friek being president of
both institutions. The amount ow iug
depositors is about f"5,000, with bills re
ceivable and securities reaching flOO.thtO.
It is I'oufideutiy expected that business
will lie resumed within thirty days.
Japan Apologia, to Kngland.
Tnaio, August 1. The Japanese gov
ernment has instructed its minister in
London to aMilogize to Great I'.rituin for
firing upon aud sinking the transport
Kow Khnog while she was flying the
ttritish flag. The commander of the i
Japanese cruiser did not know the Kow
Hhung was a l'.ritisb vessel until after
the tikht. Captain Galsworthy, of the
Kow Muing, and many other persons on
the transport were rescued by tbe boats
of the Japaue warship.
Kit It 1. Itend Kow.
Di.g Moims, la., Aug. 1. la his
address as chairman of the democratic
state convention today ex-Governor
Boies said if the democracy would live,
it muHt fulfill all its promises on which
virtorv was won. lluies discussed tbe
laUir troubles at length, declaring the
strike, as often uonducted, it revolution,
anarchy and the incipient stage of civil
war. "Sympathetic strikes," he said,
"must gi or the unions will lie des
Oth.r 'oil Knrw It Long Ago.
Ciih-aoo, Aug. 1. "! will never again
be connected with another strike or or
ganization," said resident Debs, of the
American Railway Union today. "The
present strike has developed the fact
that the sentiment of the people of this
country- is against strikes and the gov
eminent stands ready to put down such
movements at tbe point of the bayonet.
I shall hereafter advise all workingmen
to seek redress by the ballot."
tltiun v Trn.ta I noon.titntionnl.
Washington, July 30. Hutchinson of
Texas has introduced a resolution for an
amend men t to the constitution to give
congress jurisdiction over trusts. The
amendment projKised is at follows:
"Trusts and monopolies dealing in
"gricultural products or other articles of
Prime necessity shall not exist in the
I'nitod States, and congress thai) have
Power to etiion; this article by appro
priate legislation."
Sam Fhancihi.'o, July 30. The steam
"liip (iaelic, from Hong Kong and Yoko
hama, brought only 27 cabin passengers
nl five w hites, fourteen Japanese and
n Chinese in the steerage. Thit
s the first time In the history of the
tenmship service between here and
Hong Kong that so few Chinese have
Pome to Sun Francisco. The explana
tion giV(.n bv t he oflicers of the Gaelic is
that all the ahlc-lkxlicd Chinese were
detained, iMTixliiij; the outcome of the
negations that were then going on be
tween China and Japan when the
steamer wan in Chinese water.
Will Try the Law. J
Four Waynk, Aug. 1. Today some of
the discharged striker on tbe Pennsyl
vania and Nic kel I'late roadi declared
they would file affidavit againsf all men
employed on these roads who work
Sunday. The striker say they have
the names of the men who will probably
work next Sunday, and they will be ar
restod Mouday tor Sonday desecration.
Ilissnidtho threat will lie positively
carried out. Fort Wayne is very puri
tanical on Sunday, under the new muni
cipal administration.
Another Crank.
Washington, Aug. . Thomas Cado
gan, carrying a lot of stonecutters tools
over his shoulder, appeared at the
ihite house today and excitedly told
the watchman: 'I want to see the
president." "What for," queried the
poli (renin ii. "They want to put me un
der the ground. See? And I want to
tell the president utiout it, and you must
not stopjme," replied the man nervon!y.
Hr wits curried to the station.
Hralng the IH.palclif..
W ahiiimitov, Aug. 1. A cablegram
announcing the ur rival of the United
Stutesship Monocucy at Nagasaki. Japan,
TO.eivi,, l(jd,v j ; tUe ny
offirfM, npwM t,lBl l'BH t0 t,,e ov.
milI1nt from rrpresenUt.iVtW in
(.,lina Jal,un M(, the ,urmiM. tbat
,,; , (iiBI11....iie)l bein olwtrneted
pnrfiosely now amounts to conviction.
A I'ortland I'.ln.n.
1'oiiTi ami, Ang. I. A fire today
almost totally destroyed the bide and
wool depots of Herman Melr.ger, and
Iiissinger t Comiiuny, situated at Front
and Salmon streets. The total Joss will
be about ItiUNi. Ilismngcr & Co.'s loss
is about' fli'i.OOO; insurance f 15 ,000.
McUger"s loss is 15,000; insurance
Knuan u th SI ItMiionnrlr..
llAi.TiM'jbr, Ang 1. Rlshop Alptieus
W. Wilson, of the Southern Methodist
church, w ho spent many years in mis
sion work in China and Japan, says
there is much reason to fear for the
safety of tbe missionaries stationed in
China and Corca.
k.qunl. n HwlnraMoa of Wnr.
Tokio, Aug. 1. The Japanese govern
ment has informed the representatives
of the foreign pow ers here tbat a state of
war exists lietween Japan and China.
This is regarded as equivalent to a de
claration of war.
Itlnw Out What Khn Hnal.
1'iakku Citv, Aug. 1. Fanuie Torrey,
courtesan, sent a bullet crashing
through her brain last night, expiring
in a few minnies. Insane jealou.y over
her husband. K. 1". Torrey, an assayer,
was the cause.
rtuteher. Join thn Mtrlk.
Omaha, Aug. 1. Kight hundred men
employed in the packing houses at South
Omaha have joined the butcher's strike
today. All the houses are a dec ted and
only few cattle and hogs have been
lln Know. It Oftlclnlljr.
LoMtoit, Aug. 1. Tbe Japanese min
ister at 2 o'clock thit afternoon in
formed Earl Kimberly, secretary of
state for foreign affairs, that a state of war
exists lietween Japan and China.
Hatter Go We.t and tint It.
"Massilon, O.. Aug. 1. Coxey has
appealed to congress to issue foOOO worth
of rations to the commonwealers at
Washington until food from tbe West,
detained by the strike, can reach them.
Arranging for thn Fanarnl In Iowa.
Dks Moimks, Aug. 1. The democratic
state convention assembled today, about
400 delegates being present. Kx-Oov-ernor
l'.oiej was chosen permanent
Thn Whnat Market.
Pokti.ami, August 1. Wheat un
changed. San FranciBeo new, seller,
94. Chicago Cash, .5-,,4(-f,s'. Sept
ember, .03?4(rJ..
Tn Ntart nt fnllmnn.
Chicago, Aug. 1. Vice-President
Wicket, of the Pullman Go., announced
today that the works will be started to
morrow. I'omuadour Jim Onta Ifomn.
Nkw Yokk, Aug. 1. The Hon. James
J. Corbett, America't chief slugger,
reached here today jn the Majestic.
smtawr S)nln Oom to thn Bottom.
Portland, August 1. The steamer
Salem when near Koss Island today
sprung a leak and sank to the bottom.
The damage will be small.
tinlng to Worknt Fnllrunn.
CitiCAoo, Aug. 3. The force in the
Pullman shops was increased todny.
At noon n.')2 men were nt work.
President Carnot'i Mnnierer is Placed
on Trial
The Senate Committee Get Out tbe Old
Whitf wakb Brush And do tbe
I k t all. Tighten Around thn Train
Wrack sr..
Woodland, Cal., Aug. 2. The testi
mony this morning was the strongest
the prosecution has put in during the
past four days of the trial. Mary Van
Duscn, at w hose house Sam Clark, the
dead engineer, boarded, testified that on
tbe morning of the wreck she asked Mr.
McNeile, an A. It. I'. boarder, if there
was any danger. "lie asked nis if I
should see Sauj again, and I said 'Yes,
in the morning.' He said : 'Whoever
goes out on that engine will never reach
Davisville. Warn him in my name not
to go.' I saw him in the morning and
pleaded with him not to go. He said:
'I uiuotgo; if I don't they will court
martial me and make me.' "
It !. low thn C'amniUtr. i. Al.o
Washim;to, Aug. ". Senator Cray,
chairman of thn sugar investigation
committee, presented a rejiort to the
senate today. The main report is signed
by all the memlrs of tbe committee.
Lodge and Davis present a supplement
ary report, and Allen presents hfs, own
views on some features of tbe ease.
Secretary Carlisle is exonerated. The
committee say the evidence does not
show that the sngar schedule was made
in consideration of contributions to the
democratic campaign fund, or disclose
any improper conduct on tbe part of
those engaged in framing the schedule.
I'nder TVhlrli Flag.
Yokohama, Aug. 1. The declaration
of war puts in a peculiar position those
English army officers who were taken
recently into the Chinese ports. The
officers in question will be liable to arrest
nnder the foreign enlistment act the
moment they come within the jurisdic
tion of British ant horijj in any treaty
port. At the same time the? will have
no valid claim upon Great Britain's
protection, if they ore caught by the
No Agrrvinnat Int.
Washington1, Ail. 2. The democratic
members of the tariff conference had
reached no agreement at recciB. The
conferees said, however, that fair prog
ress bad been made. One of the house
members said it would take two or three
days to reach an agreement as to coal
and iron ore. There teems to be some
foundation for the report that a sliding
scale will be adopted.
Thn Cktnnan Claim n Victory.
London, Aug. 2. A dispatch to tbe
Times fioui Shanghai says reports have
been received there from foreign offi
cials at Seoul that the Chinese Sunday
defeated the Japenese forces near Asan.
The Japanese forces withdrew to Seoul.
Twenty thousand Manchurian troops
have crossed the Corean frontier aud are
marching upon Seoul.
. Kn.aln Mill Not fnranlt It.
Sr. Pelkbsiiiuo, Aug. 2. It is oli
cially announced that Russia, desiring a
settlement of the war between China
and Japan, w ill act in complete accord
with Cireat Britain to secure an imme
diate solution of tbe difficulty. Failing
in this, Flussia will not allow any power
to take even a partial possession of
Only a Matter of Form.
Chicauo, Aug. 2. President Debs
presided over the American Railway
Union convention which met here today
behind closed doors. There were about
250 delegates present, representing 512
unions. A canvass apparently showed
a majority in favor of declaring the
Pullman boycott off.
Work Itnauuied nt I'ulluiau.
Chicago, Aug. 2, The Pullman works
started today without any demonstra
tion. But 250 ineu reported for woik,
although the company expected 800.
About 1000 strikers gathered about the
buildings and good naturedly chaffed the
returning workmen.
Tn U.n.rnl Jack.on.
Nashviuk, Tenn., Aug. 2. Informa
tion has been received from the hermit
age that a holo 18 inches deep and 3 feet
In length was dug at the head of Andrew
Jackson's grave last night. The diggers
were frightened away before they accom
plished their object.
Tint Chronicle is preparud to do all
kinds of job printing.
A Coatly Flrn.
Chicago, Aug. 2. A revised esti
mate places the loss by Gre in the lum
ber district last night at two million
dollars largely insured. Sixty acres are
swept over. The total number of men
thrown out of work by the fire it 2,200.
So far as known four were killed and
eight injured.
It Falls aw thn Fnrmera n. I mat.
OtftBA, Ang. 2. All the packing
houses of South Omaha were forced to
close today by the strike of the cattle
and hog butchers. Over 10,000 hogs were
received but the packing house men in
structed their buyers not to buy at any
Thn Fopollata Select a Gunn.
Boikk, Ida., Aug. 2. The populist
convention today nominated James
Gunn for congress and J. W. Ballentine
for governor. The convention declared
against fusion with the democrats. The
resolutions favor woman suffrage.
A avnl Battln Expected.
Copenhagen, Ang. 2. It is officially
announced that the Chinese northern
fleet of thirteen vessels has leflChee Foo
for Corea and a battle between the
Chinese and Japanese is expected any
Thn C'blne.n Minister hna Left Jnpnn.
Y'okahoma, Aug. 2. The Chinese
minister at Tokio has demanded bit
passports. The Chinese residents of
Japan are being placed under the pro
tection of the United States legation.
Appointed Kecelver.
Pendleiox, Aug. 2. A private Wash
ington dispatch states that R. T. Cox, of
Pendleton has been appointed receiver
of the suspended First National Bank
at Arlington, Oregon.
Thn Wheat Market.
Poktland, Aug. 2. Wheat un
changed. San Francisco December,
1.03. Chicago Cash, .53. September,
K. TrnnaTnr Tonight.
PomxAKD, Aug. 2. The first through
train to leave over the O. R. A X. since
May 24th, will leave thit city tonight.
Will noon Join Prondargnet.
Lyons, August 2. C;esero Santo, the
assassin of President Carnot, was put on
trial today.
Ollroy'a Talk.
.New York, July 31. Mayor Gilroy
returned from Saratoga today and bad
thit to say about the coming election :
"Tammany is not bound to select a
man for mayor from within the ranks of
the organization this fall. We may
nominate a man who is not a member of
Tammany Lall, if it is thought to be for
the interest of the democratic party.
The light this year is but the prelimi
nary skirmish to the real battle in 1890.
If the republicans w in in this city and
state next fall, there is not the slightest
doubt but that they will carry the
country in 18. They will also elect
the next congress, and leave the presi
dent without the support of either
branch of the legislature d'iring tbe
last two years of his term. My view of
the condition it that it behooves every
democrat to make sacrifices in the in
terest of his rarty."
The mayor would not discuss what
measures are likely to be taken to bring
about harmony w ith the state democracy.
The Suit Agniuat thn southern.
Los Cal., July 31. United
States District Attorney George Denis,
when told that information was received
that Attorney-General Olney would or
der the big suit against the Southern
Pacific Company dismissed, looked as
tonished, but said very little. "I have
heard Dothing of the kind," he said,
nor have I received any intimation to
that effect. Of this I assure you."
"Will you dismiss the case if Mr.
Olney orders vou to do so"? he was
"You can easily understand that I
cannot discuss such a jwint at present,"
he replied, nnd that was all he would
say. It is a weil-known fact among
habitues of the federal building that the
United States attorney's office is con
vinced of the justness of thit big suit,
and it is considered doubtful if Olney't
commands to dismiss would be obeyed.
nuoreaarul Kaln Mnklug.
Yankton. S. 1)., July 31. Ten days
ago, rain-making experiments were be
gun in this country under the direction
of two citizens who visited a Kansas
rain-maker, obtained his chemical for
mula and received instructions in its use.
One ton of chemicals was consumed and
last night one of the heaviest rain
storms of the summer was ushered in.
It extended over an area of 20 square
miles in all directions from the experi
ment station near this city, and in locali
ties at much as two and a half inches of
water fell. The rain saves late corn and
insures a half crop of hay.
Tbe Wcatlicr Bureau Savs Tbev Will
Hart it Tonight.
Santos Trial Commenced Yesterday
anil Was Sentenced Todaj--Senat
and House Flirting.
The Tariff Muddle.
Wamii.vgton, Ang. 0. The tariff con
ference appears to have reaehe l very
nearly the oint at w hicheither an early
agreement will be reached, or a decision
to report disagreement. The senate
conferees apparently have arrived at the
conclusion that there has been already a
sufficient exchange of views upon gen
eral lines, aud the time has couio w hen
a direct issue mus.t lie raised. It is
stated that a sugar schedule has been
prepared, which the senate will accept.
The schedule, it is said, still provides a
differential duty on refined sugar, and
in other particulars maintains the pro
tective features of the senate schedule,
Representative Bland has introduced
a resolution instructing the committee
on ways and means to report a bill plac
ing all sugars on the free list, and for
raising a $100,000,000 revenue by an in
come tax. Bland says, concerning the
resolutions: "I have not consulted Mr.
Wilson nor anyone else, but have acted
on my own judgment in submitting this
resolution. My purpose is to press it if
there are any indications that tbe gen
eral tariff bill will fail."
Thn Caw at Wondlaim.
Wooiland, Cal., Aug 3. At the
opening of the train wrecking case this
morning Justice Fisher apologised for
having called prisoner Worden a vile
name during bis excitement yesterday
evening. He said he would have held
any of tbe attorneys accountable for
such language as he used. Almost the
entire morning session was consumed by
arguments, quarreling and bickering
among the attorneys, but for the inter
ference of others, attorney Cook and
Gaddis wou'd have come to blows.
Gaddis openly churched that false testi
mony had leen given for the prosecu
tion and tbat the attorneys for the
prosecution countenanced it.
Jnat Nothing at All.
Washington, Aug. 3. The only tele
gram of public interest received at the
Japanese legation today, related to the
request made by the Japanese govern
ment concerning the protection to be
afforded Japanese interests in Pekin by
the Americans in charge there. The
legation is Without official news con
cerning the reported repulse of Japanese
troops at Asan. Considerable doubt ex
ists in the minds of officials as to the
exact location of that place.
The llt.pathea are f'oiret:l.
Bmti.iv, Aug 3. A dispatch from a
German official in the service at Tien
Tsin says the German gunboat litis
witnessed the sinking of the transport
Kow Shung. The crew of thn litis res
cued 150 Chinese who were struggling
in the water. The dispatch confirms
the report tiiat the Chinese were vic
torious over the Japanese in the recent
hattlcat Asan, Corea.
Hurned In n Wreck.
ltrcviti.x, Ohio, Aug. 3 . A west
bound freight on the Pennsylvania linn
broke in two this morning, the two parts
colliding. A car of coal oil mid one of
gasoline took fire ami consumed half
the train also destroying 500 feet of track.
Four tramps stealing a ride on the oil
car were burned to death.
Will Hare tn Work or Onlt.
Omaha, Aug. 3. All the South Omaha
packing houses did little killing today,
but few new men having been obtained.
The men were notified that unless they
reported for work by noon tomorrow
they would be discharged. Violence is
feared should new men be put at work.
Kro.t In Vt iiconwin Tonight.
Ciiu'auo, Aug. 3. The weather bureau
has ordered the froct signal displayed
throughout Wisconsin tonight. l-ast
night broke the record for cool weather
in August in Chicago, and serious dam
age to the crops in the Northwest is
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
h Those who have a H
pigestion a
have little
vmnnth v J 4
for the dyspeptic . They J i
can eat everyuuno; mat
cotnes along. While r
they can eat rich food T
without fear of the n
dyspeptic's bad txperi-
ences, they neverthe- I
less greatly appreciate jj
a delicate uavor in fe
their pastry. "
when used as a short
ciiinjs, always pro-
rmeame nnest i:avor
i .1 pustry, which ir cii
ti.'dv free from the
nui-iy objections which Hi j
t ne use 01 tara always y.
produces, i est its
value by one trial.
Keiu-eull substitutes.
. ( t ni1 throe centa In atamps tn N. K. f
'1' Hirrtuiik x tx.. enicaKO, ror nana.
-;nio'iuo!ne Cook Hook, contain- i
i t.i liunilrpd rarinpH. nrptmrfrl bv mi4
i nbirM'minentautboriticaoncooktDg.
, Cottoluus u aold by ul grucura. mi
. Hade only by Lj
j - s i . Lvui&t ana i-i
Two (Thousand .Inp. Killed., Aug.' 2. An. official Tele
gram from Tien Tsin says in the battles
fought July 27 and 23 at Yaehan, the
Japanese were repulsed with the loss of
over 2,000 men. The Steamer Wochang
which arrived here, reports the Chinese
fleet at anchor at Weibaiw&ion the even
ing of July 31.
American Railway Union Conrention.
Chicago, Aug. 3. The second days'
session of the American Railway Union
convention was devoted to hearing re
ports from local organisations on the
various railroads. President Debs urged
a more complete organization.
A ('loan Call for thn Paatengera.
Holland, Mich., Aug. 3. The
Steamer City of Holland with 80 pass
engers aboard was beached here today
in a heavy gale. The boat was badlv
damaged and the passengers were res
cued with difficulty.
New Mexico aud Arizona 9iext.
Washington, Aug. 3. The senate
committee on territories hag reported
favorably on the house bill for the ad
mission of New Mexico and Arizona.
A Honthern Man for Hawaii.
Washington, Aug. 3. Ellis Mills of
Virginia was today nominated secretary
of legation and consul general for the
United States at Honolulu.
Thn l'rintlug It 111 Uung I p.
Washington, Aug. 3. The house to
day voted non-concurrence in the senate
amendments to the public printing bill
and it was sent to conference.
Oulck Itutiirns for a Murderer.
Lyons, Aug. 3. Caesaro Santo, the
murderer of President Carnot, was
found guilty and sentenced to be ex
ecuted by the guillotine.
All Thing. Fo.nlhle, in France.
Paris, Aug. 3. Dr. Cornelius Hertz,
the Paris lobbyist was sentenced today
to five years imprisonment, anil fined
3,000 francs.
The Wheat Market.
Portland, August 3. Wheat un
changed. San Francisco December,
1.01?; Chicago Cash .5238'; Sept
ember, .537a.
Mharp Medicine.
London, Au. 3. A dispatch from
Tien Tsui says that al! deserters from
the troops marching to Taku will be be
headed today.
Ayer's Ague Cure never faila to
neutralize the poisons of malaria, and
eradicate them from the system. This
preparation is purely vegetable, contains
no harmful ingredients, and, if taken
according to directions, is warranted to
cure fever and ague. Try it.